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Psicologia e Ciência
Palestra realizada pelo psicólogo norte-americano B.F Skinner na ABA. https://psicologomarcos.webnod...
Video Transcript:
Oh sponte goes des a real OG o Geer encontró movimento do tempo como si lo Perez NT s Ponte Rose puskás and arremato region i essentia para comprar and ellos en assess our own instrumentals deco defeat us paleo DNT do a spell o movimento see tauranac imprensa v SN seducer mono is a Tyrell acid a decoy scheming sen stroke important mental phenomena luga advice value where Nikki knows comprende as less fundamentally important to man you you see ya Bob Rizzo Tony Mysterio Oz analyst SD comportamiento Brazil eres un document REO historic who is insid oh
goody a base there goes to the neurons in Aventa American Psychological Association presto need AC domination on those mice imminent sick call goes to secular pasado in also ferrous zero oportunidad adobe reader a skinner mass eminent is the sua marty i present us on the Skinner a commodity in various aspects servicing Kelly aristocracy you deeper fundamental balada myself Alice arena concedes ax clara 20 ln on presses Oh Riko era notices paris entities ax is instead a producer intellectual de toda mi vida impose minutos elinoz transmit EO u co legato my country boys on Komodo drastic
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co a killing key a simile to do yo my ordained felicidad it water [Music] on August 10th 1990 in Boston Massachusetts BF Skinner received the American Psychological associations special Presidential Citation for lifetime contributions to psychology on this occasion he delivered the keynote address for the 98th annual convention of the APA this association has always been very good to me I went to my first meeting in 1932 most of you were not yet born I suppose my paper was on schedules of reinforcement believe it or not and it was at the very end of the program
and almost everyone had gone home but one person who stayed was Richard M Eliot who four years later gave me my first job at the University of Minnesota though the association provided space for a conference on the experimental analysis of behavior that told my friends and I've organized and that became of course division 25 somewhere along the line I also received your distinguished scientific contribution award and now this but really the greatest honor in my life I am extremely grateful it has been suggested that I might make a few remarks in return I psychologist following
the philosophers looked inside themselves for explanations of their behavior they have felt their feelings and observed states of mind and mental processes through introspection and especially never been a very satisfactory process philosophers have acknowledged his defects but argued that nevertheless it is the only way to self-knowledge the psychologists tried to improve it the world conditioner particularly invented brass instruments as William James called them to present stimuli the effects of which were to be introspective and they trained observers they trained observer for example could see read without seeing it as a red object that was a
stimulus error lasting of course attract introspection in his manifesto of 1913 and I suppose you could say it was successful because any rate so I colleges have stopped introspecting almost entirely target a positive psychologist probably see the representations of reality they talk about in fact they say that's all you possibly can say but I don't think they claim to see themselves processing them storing them in memory retrieving them and so on instead they have resorted to theories theories about what is going on in the head or the mom but inferiors have to be confirmed and
the question is how can you be sure a Theory's right until you can see what is this thing you're worrying about well as you know most of them have turned for that to brain science the mind is what the brain does and the brain can be inspected whether the next introspected like any other organ but does the brain really initiate behavior as the mind or self was said to do the brain is part of an organism and what he does there is simply part of what the organism does it is part of what is to
be explained another explanation I think can only be found by looking outside the organism the individual rather than within and it is found in three kinds of variation and selection the first it is was natural selection which explains why we have a body in the brain at all but the wizard difficulty will death it prepares a species only for a future that resembles a selecting past that part was corrected by a further evolutionary step the evolution of operant conditioning which enabled the environment of the individual to select behavior with contingencies that were not stable enough
to work through natural selection however one can learn very little in in a solitary world by operant conditioning but unless too in the social environment which is a rich set of contingencies of reinforcement and responsible for the elaborate repertoires we all acquire cultures also evolved and that is the third type of variation and selection now this these three external kinds of circumstances explain what the body does then what is this mind or self supposed to be doing does it exist there seems to be no room for it in a scientific account you can say it
is explained by contingencies of selection and in turn explains the havior but that isn't present there you can skip the thing entirely let's start again and we'll start a long way off everyone talks about behavior and did so long before there were philosophers or scientists of any kind we all speak it in vernacular because it's a proper word the court and vernacular is not a pejorative it means as the root meant for the Romans the language of the household of daily life the walls because it is a language in which newspapers magazines and books are
published it's a language of radio television when they are talking about the individual it is a language used by psychologists sociologists and anthropologists political scientists and economists all the behavioral sciences is the language used by professionals when they deal with their clients for the very simple reason it is the only language the clients understands now the very curious thing about that language the vernacular refers very richly to feelings and states of mind so that there was some reason to suspect that we are back with what psychologists have been looking for however if you examine the
terms in the vernacular you will find that each one has a double meaning I say I'm hungry and I think I'll get something to eat now what am I saying am i mentioning a feeling hunger and am i talking about some cognitive process called thinking or am i conveying to someone something about my personal history to say I am hungry is to say among other things I haven't eaten for some time to say I'm hungry among other things he says if she'll give me some food I'll probably eat it they determines in the vernacular which
seem to refer to feelings and states of mind are really talking about contingencies of reinforcements about the world and about its effect on people so years ago I published a paper in the American psychologist I've had much too much I've had to greater share that turn dilemma I'm afraid but it was called the origins of cognitive thought you know I considered perhaps 80 70 or 80 words into which referred on the one hand the true a mental process of some common but on the other to a purely physical kind of thing either to the kind
of situation in which a person finds himself or herself or the contingencies which are operating to select behavior appropriate to that situation the there are my own experience of 1500 words that have that double meaning now what has happens I think is that psychology has split in two ways one part going in the direction of finding out the essence of the feeling the essence of cognitive process and the other going in the direction of references to contingencies a reinforcement the psychologist who is a professional who with a practitioner uses the vernacular of his or her
clients to find out more about what has happened to them and what they are probably going to do the psychologist who claims to be a scientist investigating searching for an inner originating who rules or originated in Ishi ating self is quite different and it's doing quite different things what has happened I think you said psychology has advanced as a practice as a profession far more rapidly than as a science it began as a science and as it began as an effort to discover what was going on inside the mind or the self but as the
membership of this organization shows it was the people who were interested in that particular topic soon became a minority they are normally replaced by the professionals but by a psychologist who didn't care too much about what was going on and said but were innocent in behavior not necessarily as behaviors and teaching psychology clinical psychology developmental psychology and so on and more became important sciences quite apart from an effort to isolate an originating mind or self the whole notion of selection by consequences seems extremely difficult to understand we've seen what has happened in evolution it is
still true the biology cannot be properly taught in America because those who call themselves creationists or creation scientists opposes some kind of threat if I say that psychologists in searching for this in yourself among the waste of their time you may feel that I am being arrogant if I said that the philosopher is who over the centuries have tried to discover themselves in that sense that I am being arrogant but I will call your attention to the fact that equally or even more brilliant men and women over a much longer period of time have been
trying to establish the existence of and the nature of a different creator this case spelled with a capital C oh that is a very great problem and we know how difficult it has been for natural selection to be accepted imagine how difficult it is going to be for the individual selection by consequences of operant behavior over the other and evolution of cultures and the other kinds of selection which take over the role of a creative self or mind so far as I'm concerned cognitive science is the creationism of psychology it is an effort to it
is an offer to reinstate that inner initiating originating creative self or mind which in a scientific analysis simply does not exist I think this association has been through a recent trial just because of this difference it has as you know suffered a kind of C session by cognitive psychologists who are unhappy but when I associate with so many practitioners and I would regarded not in the success as a secession but as an improvement I think I think I think it is time for psychology as a profession and as a science in such fields as psychotherapy
education know of mental psychology and all the rest it is trying to realize that the science which it will be most helpful there is not cognitive science searching for the in your mind or self but selection by consequences represented by behavior analysis looking back looking back on my life 62 psychologist I would say the world tried to do what I've been doing is to make that point through to show how selection by consequences in the individual can be demonstrated in the laboratory with animals and with human subjects and the shoulders the implications of that for
the world at large in not only the professional psychology but in consideration of what is going to happen to the world unless in very vital changes are made and the evidence are I've been successful and here's what I should like to be remembered by once again thank you for this award and for your attention on August 18 1998 days after delivering the keynote address at APA is 90th annual convention first Frederick Skinner died at Mount Auburn Hospital in Cambridge Massachusetts [Music] [Applause] you you
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