if you clicked on this video out of curiosity because it's relevant to your life I want to offer you hope and encouragement today what you need to remember is that God does not operate within your limiting beliefs and does not conform to what Society deems as normal for certain ages and stages of life God is outside of time and is above all of this but these are concepts of man that we impart on ourselves that may or may not be true for the most part are not true so you might think well in order to
buy a house I need to get a mortgage for 30 years and I'm too old to be accepted so I can't get a house or to have value in society I need a certain degree or I should have a spouse and children by 30 these are all ideas that Society has given to you and you just keep hold of them it's worth knowing that JK Rowling was when she was 31 she was a single mother who had been rejected by loads of Publishers she went on to be one of the bestselling authors Colonel Sanders the
founder of KFC found success at 62 your Life Path is outside of the time limits that Society puts on you so you might be worrying that I lost 10 years to addiction or I've lost all of this time to a relationship that didn't work out how am I going to get that time back but you need to remember it's not wasted time it was always part of the plan so I'll give you an example you need to catch a bus at 9:00 you turn up at the bus stop some things happen so you're slightly late
and you miss the bus that's wasted time you've now got to wait an hour for the next bus and you could sit there scrolling on your phone trying to kill time you're angry you're annoyed that you missed the bus when in reality you were meant to miss the bus because you prayed last night you said Lord I'm lonely I I would like a spouse please bring somebody into my life and they're coming to catch the next bus so they walk up at 9:25 to catch the next bus and there they are you were meant to
miss the bus it's not wasted time at all but the problem is the word sin means to miss the point and you can miss the point anger is a sin so if you're sat there angry you're scrolling on your phone and this beautiful person comes up your future spouse and says oh hey do you know what the time is I left my phone at home or whatever and you just angrily look at them and say yeah it's quter 9 and go back to scrolling on your phone you've missed a point you're angry that you missed
the bus but you were meant to miss the bus to meet this person you asked for it you know this isn't manifestation but things have lined up and this is the same for everything in your life so we tend to Value these things the house the kids the mortgage and obviously you want to build a a fruitful life but what matters is your soul what is the state of your soul in and the beauty is it's right now your soul is eternal it's outside of time and outside of the constraints of your limit limiting beliefs
so you miss the bus two different people can deal with that differently you could sit there angrily and miss all of these beautiful blessings that are coming to you the next person who maybe has Faith goes I wonder why I miss the bus you know not everything in your life will be like this but sometimes you're meant to miss the bus so to give you an example you might look at your friends and say oh they're getting married and I don't even have a partner yet I'm so far behind but then you wait a few
years and it doesn't work out and they get divorced and then you think oh well I'm ahead or on time so these are just stories you're telling yourself you don't know what God's plan is you can't predict the future and you only know in high and sight how certain things played out so be careful to compare yourself to other people's timelines so remember God can speed you up and slow you down in all of the areas that matter to you belief health wealth relationships and there's a reason for it you don't know what's going on
behind the scenes say you want a spouse you yearn for a partner well that person might not be ready for you and you might have to be stoed and slowed down for a year for your paths to line up to get two people to meet that are meant to meet because everybody's got their own dreams and desires that's quite a hard thing to do so you don't know why you can't make sense of it until it happens and you think oh I had to have that car crash so that I took that time off work
so that I had to go to hospital to get Physio and then I met that beautiful person now do you are you grateful for the car crash so God can slow you down and might have done this is why you clicked on this video because you've lost time in your life but just remember that you can be accelerated massively as well and I've experienced this I've had times where I feel like I'm 10 years behind everybody else and then all of a sudden the ball starts rolling and you think well hang on a minute I'm
gaining momentum here and that can happen for you but you can't miss the point you have to see the value so you got to ask what is the value of this thing and it's to enhance your soul it's about growth development and the Bible verse comes to mind what does it profit a man if he gains the world but loses his soul God doesn't want some soulless person with everything so there's value in this time and have faith because you will be accelerated and you will be well you're right on time already if you've just
lost 10 years to addiction that addiction is trying to teach you something that's bolstering and enhancing your soul so learn the lesson and the way you do that is by being present accept the present moment exactly as it is and go right I have faith that this is part of the plan and from my experience I found God when everything was crumbling down I found God when it was all falling apart so this is actually quite easy for me because I thought even though everything's sort of going to hell in a hand basket if you
want to put it that way I've got faith that you look at nature I quite like nature the tree grows tall and then sometimes it sort of gets a disease and then Falls over but that that tree rotten in the ground feeds the next tree so I thought even if my life happens to be the tree that gets you know fallen down and and provides food for the next trees then I'm happy with that you know if my life is a catastrophic failure I still believe that that is part of God's plan so it's easy
for me to have faith if you find God when it's all crumbling down and I found when I implemented that mindset everything started getting better and I mean it can't get worse so that was bound to happen but this reminds me of the job story and from what I understand job had everything and the devil he had the wife the children the land and riches and the devil said well job's only got faith because he's got all these things and God said okay we'll we'll test that out so he took all these things away I
think his children died he lost all his wealth and he started getting illnesses and job maintained Faith because he knows that God can can take time away from you essentially and accelerate you and give it back so he still had faith and seeing this God restored back to him everything he had so he had more land more uh had a partner had children and his children were the most beautiful people in the land and the California wild uh the California fires kind of I see I don't watch the news very much but I saw little
clips of people that had lost their houses in the California fires and it struck me that everybody is at different stages of their job story so there was one family and you can also see how people deal with it so one family the house had completely burnt down but there was just a statue of Mary left in the middle of the footprint of the house and they're all stood around praying and singing to this statue and you think well God has just burnt your house down it took you 30 years to pay for that on
a mortgage and God has taken 30 years away from you you are now homeless but because they have faith and they know this they're stood around praying we weren't in the house when it burnt down and if God has taken that time away he can restore it at an accelerated rate that's just how it works it's outside of your limiting beliefs oh well it took me 30 years to get the house it's going to take me another 30 maybe not you don't know how God works and you know this is true because one person can
spend 30 years paying a mortgage to buy a house and then somebody else can buy a Lamborghini in 6 months because they're dancing on Tik Tok God works in mysterious ways and everybody is at different stages of their job story some have the riches some it's been taken away but what matters is your soul your soul is timeless your soul does not depend on these external things so don't judge the Tik Tock dancer don't judge the person with the 30-year mortgage and don't judge yourself for not being where society says you should be at your
age work on your soul and accept that you are exactly where you need to be don't miss the point don't be so stuck that you're focused on what you should have by now that you can't accept what you do have I hope that helps speak to you soon