Every SAT Grammar Rule in 15 Minutes

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Rishab Jain
Learn every Digital SAT Grammar Rule if you watch this video all the way through. Get a 1600 on the ...
Video Transcript:
every sat grammar rule in around 15 minutes rule number one periods are equal to semicolons here are two independent clauses independent clause means that the sentence can kind of stand alone rishab is a great guy can stand alone he has 100,000 subscribers can stand alone to put them together we either need to use a period duh or we can use a semicolon because periods are equal to semicolons on the digital sat as you can see semicolon period next before conjunctive adverbs I have no idea what a conjunctive adverb is but all you need to know
is when you're using a word like however therefore or another word like that where it's kind of like this transition sort of word all you need to do is put a semicolon right before it or you could put a period because once again periods are are equal to semicolons so rishab is a great guy Standalone sentence however it seems like you're not subscribed Standalone sentence put them together you can either use a period in between and capitalize that h on the however or put them together and make it not capitalized next tricky sentence boundary questions
this is also relating to those periods which one's correct rishop Jane is a Harvard student who makes videos in his free time in 2024 he hit 100,000 subscribers rishop Jane is a Harvard student who makes videos in his free time in 2024 he hit 100,000 subscribers I think it's pretty clear the second one sounds correct and this is going to be a common theme throughout this video sounding these questions out in your head and developing a good voice inside of yourself for the SAT is a great way to do this and the way to do
it is to practice I'm going to give you some tips on how to practice as well but as you guys can see here this is a sentence boundary it's pretty obvious here that if we just have the in 2024 that's like not relating to this past sentence we need to split those apart so now as you guys can see here this is the correct answer let's move on to the next rule but before we do that this video is just going to be rapid fire grammar rules and some tips and advice I'd highly encourage you
not to skip around and I would highly highly appreciate if you could like and comment so this video gets like boosted in the algorithm there's a ton of random videos made by prep companies online and they're just not very good they give really generic advice I try to give high value actionable tips that you can actually use by the end of this video you will probably have a couple points extra on your sat and this is thanks to Erica melts who's the master of sat reading and writing prep I've gone through her materials and condensed
it into every grammar rule that you need to know for the SAT in this video rule number two is that colons are equal to dashes and you can use these in several ways one is before a list and I think a lot of you guys will probably know this that if you have this list often times you can use a colon before it but there's a couple different ways that you can do it and some of them are not correct as you can see here so I'd encourage you to pause the video and just quickly
try to see which one is correct or which ones are correct hint hint so as you can see here there are two that are correct either you can use a colon right here or a dash right here because colons are equal to dashes but the way the way that you can use these incorrectly is if you put a random word that is just not right rishab has interest in Colon Neuroscience by engineering education science communication the colon needs to come after kind of you finish describing you're about to describe because the list is completely you
know on its own here and and it's dependent on what you say right before so you have to describe what that's going to be rishop has interest in four areas Neuroscience by engineering education and science communication is the way to do it not saying such as colon or in Colon this is a common mistake made by a lot of students you can also use these before an explanation quoting Erica Meltzer here when a colon or Dash separates two sentences it is identical to a period or semicolon so more equivalencies here when rishab hit 100,000 subscribers
his channel was famous students across the world flocked to his advice online now arguably you could say hey let me you know put a period or a semicolon here and um yeah you can actually do that it is identical here to separate these two sentences but what you can do for explanation questions in particular where you have something and then you're expl explaining it further is to use a colon or a Dash rule number three is comma and Fanboys and just knowing this if you don't know it or already will improve your ebrw score by
10 20 30 points um so basically right here you'll often see the word but or so rishab won science fair in high school so he founded science fair. but what they're going to do to try to trip you up is not put a comma before it so whenever you use a Fanboys and the Fanboys were are for and nor but or yet so whenever you use one of these words just memorize Fanboys Fanboys Fanboys you have to have a comma right before it otherwise the sentence is incorrect and um you know as you guys can
see here there's a comma comma so these are correct sentences now once again I'm pleased asking for your support no other channel has these high quality to Theo videos and if you subscribe or leave a like or comment something it will greatly boost this video in the algorithm so thanks so much much rule number four is for commas and dependent clauses so dependent clauses are Converse to independent clauses which I told you about at the beginning of this video because dependent clauses are not really Standalone right if you just say it has buildings from many
different areas what is it right what are you referring to so it's dependent on the Clause that we have right before here which is because London is very old you know that is they're dependent on each other and in order to separate them what we can do here is is put a comma in between them so because London is a very old city it has buildings from many different area eras and as you can see I almost subconsciously paused there and that's a good indication that there's going to be a comma so whenever you're sounding
something out in your head if you're pausing you probably need some sort of like punctuation there it's a period to indicate the start of the new sentence or something like that but in this case because we have these dependent clause we have to separate them using this comma rule number five is about transition words and phrases and so there are a ton of different transition words these in addition moreover you know secondly however nevertheless and all of these different words right and you'll be asked to fill in a missing word on your test you'll just
have this underlined and say fill in this word and you could use multiple words sometimes you know you could have two words and they might be grammatically correct but they might not make sense so if you're trying to contradict something like you know rishab has 100,000 subscribers blank he is still not super well known outside right it's clear there you need a contradictor there that he has 100,000 subscribers yet or but you know he still doesn't so there you would do a however nevertheless or in contrast or something like that rule number six is about
non-essential information so if you're reading a sentence and you notice you know this type of question where it gives you these choices and there's this phrase that's repeated which is a very old city which is very old city which you can just delete from the sentence and it still makes sense like London has some extremely modern parts that is a standalone sentence but it can be you know deleted you can have this delete this which is a very old city and the sentence still makes sense but if you delete has some extremely modern parts then
the sentence doesn't make sense right so take that part that is nonessential information and make sure you surround it by either a comma comma or a dash dash now you might be wondering RAB why is this one incorrect it has a dash and a comma you can't mix and match you have to either do the dash dash or the comma comma Now SAT practice T tips before we get into the rest of the rules one is I'd highly encourage you to head to the link down below and I'll have a free pdf handout for downloading
all 16 of these rules you can print them out and you can click the link in the description to get access to that it's pretty simple you can just have it on your desk when you're practicing now speaking of practicing I have literally had hundred hundreds of thousands of students use my advice for the SAT and ACT and one of the things that I preach a ton is the morning of your test when you're going to your car ride or your test center right read these passages out loud just have some of them on on
the notes app of your phone or pull up a PDF real quick and just practice reading them out loud and enunciate stuff and practice reading them in your head this will help you a lot it'll warm up your brain before this section which is pretty pretty difficult now I'm going to talk about a company I recently partnered with called Acy they were the sponsor of the last video and this one I partnered with them because they are the best possible way to improve your score via practicing I always talk about how you should learn these
concepts by you know as I said right taking these 15 grammar rules but you need to practice them and put them into play and you know some kids will say oh I'm practicing by spending $4,000 at this education company and going in person every week um but all they're doing is you know providing this this tutoring where they're really charging you per hour so they want to take more time they're incentivized to do that to take your money a better way is to use this digital age that we live in and use this tool called
asley and I only partner with companies that I think could you know genuinely help my audience here I've been contacted by 10 plus of these SAT prep companies and I've denied all of them until I encountered asley because this is exactly what I was looking for something that uses Tech it uses Ai and it pairs it with the world's largest question bank here with unrivaled sat preparation compared to these other tools here you can practice these these questions with technology AI right I love AI do it all the time in my research and my classes
at Harvard and Acy has taken AI put it with the SAT practice questions to give you this unrivaled experience where you can actually practice get hints select difficulty so you're starting out easy getting harder and harder this allows you to do that kind of daily practice and get in the mode of things which will really really help you and also they have a diagnostic mode you can alleviate your test anxiety by doing full length test I talk about this all the time on my channel the number one thing that I recommend you to do besides
you know practicing and learning these rules is to actually sit down before your test and take a ful length exam it will give you a strong idea of the pace you need to be at the the actual test taking these little minute details where you need to drink water and pick up your pencil and all of these things they sound really trivial but I swear if you actually take full length practice tests it helps a ton and so part of my test prep schedule when I was studying for my ACT I literally just took a
ton of practice tests and AC is the perfect tool for that because they provide you with those full length tests not like section by section fulllength tests but they time you as well and mirror the actual testing environment for especially this digital sat where it's literally online right practice that actual environment with as so I'd highly encourage you to start with a free trial by heading to the link down in the description below and also using my promotional C code which will offer you a discount um and the return on investment here the ROI is
just amazing compared to spending thousands upon thousands of dollars on you know test prep courses or something like that you get everything here you get a custom AI tutor you get a study plan you get to test you know easy medium difficult types of questions you get full length diagnostic tests as well as you know basically unlimited questions there 4,000 plus so I don't imagine you going over that at all so you can practice every single day and put these rules that I'm teaching you into practice and score better so check the link in the
description or pinned comment once again and let's get into rule number seven which is about additional comma uses so commas keep coming up one other way to use it is to separate items in a list and arguably this is the most common so you've probably seen this a ton like rub ordered carrots apples and bananas but if you don't know already this is the form you would do it you have to have the comma after each word except the last word so this is applying to three or more words right so if you're just Rish
ordered carrots and apples you don't need a comma there but three or more words you do carrots comma apples comma and and then your final word you can also use them to separate adjectives whose order could be reversed adjectives are those describer words if you don't remember from you know grammar class way back right rishab is a cool comma smart individual how this would sound right rishab is a cool smart individual there is that intentional pause there where you need that you can't just say rishab is a cool smart individual that would not look correct
nor does it sound correct so I would highly you know just look at this sound it out and imagine selecting this choice on your test I think it's pretty straightforward if you sound it out and recognize that there's a pause there when you're having two or more adjectives and um yeah that's pretty much it now on to rule number eight this is really high Roi and I think if you don't know these it can improve your score very rapidly so to briefly go over these these three are very similar it's there and who um so
for its in everyday conversation we say like it's black it's white it's red right but when you do that you secretly have this apostrophe here which is actually shortening the two words it is so you're saying it is black it is white and that's where you have that apostrophe versus indicating possess it in which case you would see say like let's say you're talking about cat its fur was black and there it's possessive similar here we have there but there's an apostrophe secretly we're trying to say they are so they're short well actually you're saying
they are short the and then the second there here is possessive so that's relating to something um and this could be you know uh Bob went to school today their backpack was black right you're indicating a possessive for something and then the final there this one's really straightforward it's just there are four meas or something like that um and that one should be distinguished from the other two make sure you know these spellings um and then the final one here I have is who's and who's similarly once again this apostrophe is actually meaning who is
so you know uh take that as you will and who's is the possessive one so you can come up with your own example sentences I don't want to blabber this anymore more cuz it's very similar to these other ones I just described and then I also included these plural nouns here just to give you an example so when we're dealing with like let's say the the cell like the fundamental unit of biology right so the cell's wall was thick so there you're indicating one cell but let's say you're talking about multiple cells well that's where
you have this weird apostrophy apostrophy thing after the word so it's like cells is right instead of saying cells a apostrophe and then another s because it like ends in an S you just kind of concatenate it to the single apostrophe here and this can come in multiple different forms like dresses like you're talking about multiple dresses but something that's possessive to those dresses be dresses and then apostrophe rule number nine is about compound compound subjects but here my rule is literally just to sound it out if you say these in your head it's going
to make sense so pause the video here and just try sounding it out I think memorizing all these different grammar rules like what is a compound subject and so on will take really really long time it's way easier for for time and Sanity to just try saying it out loud see if they sound right rule number 10 is verb tenses and this is really important you probably know this from like grade school but you want to maintain tenses in a sentence so um for instance I'm going to skip ahead here just for a second um
you know let's say something was in the past well you want to maintain that you know indication for the entire sentence so published is in the past tense right so you would say published published uh let's say you're talking about running that's you know rishab is running a YouTube channel so then throughout the sentence you want to keep that consistent rishab is running dancing recording singing not rishab ran and is recording and danced and is singing right that doesn't really makes sense you just keep the tense the same throughout the sentence um and as you
can see here I have a little hack for you and that's if you're dealing with the word for or since in a sentence um there you have to use have been so um as you can see for and since it kind of indicates like the past tense and so there the proper adjustment here would be to say have been instead of are because R indicates something that is currently true when you're dealing with for and since it's kind of currently true but also in the past so you say have been um and then the final
part of this is about these one-word past form and this is to describe a past action that has occurred um so if you just have like one past action here um you would want to use one word to describe it so Rachel Carson blanked her silent or Silent Spring instead of saying has published Silent Spring because it's a past action you just say published and by the way the reason why I'm highlighting this one in particular is just because it has higher error rates and so that's why I'm including it in this video this next
one is really confusing and it's about passive voice if you've ever used a tool grammarly which is like this online software um it highlights word some sentences and will'll say hey you're using a passive voice here and while it may seem like hey I'm not like gramat Al incorrect here it just makes more sense to not be passive and you want to kind of be more assertive here in this conversation many people who seriously consider pursuing a career in politics decide against doing so because they are concerned about maintaining their privacy sounds great but if
you instead say in politics decide against doing so because concerns are had by them that just sounds kind of weird you know that something is true but you're not just stating it it's like you're skirting around it and that's an indication of passive voice so if you see a couple sentences they all seem kind of correct choose one that sounds the best and that is being more or being less passive rule number 12 is about parallel structure um basically here once again like you can kind of sound these ones out rishop Jane is running sing
and dancing no it doesn't make sense rishop Jane is running singing and dancing so keep those in throughout if it's like a verb verb verb if it's a noun noun noun same thing make sure to keep it parallel they all sound the same um and that's the best way to put it I think if I belabor this too long it's not worth you just doing practice questions in place of listening to someone Yap about you know those different grammar modifiers and things so let's move on to dangling modifiers and this one has a funny word
but basically you know if you're saying something is born in 2004 the next word um you have to make it pertain to what is being said so if you say born in 2004 computer were RB's hobby you kind of understand yeah like you're describing RBS cuz obviously computers came way before but in that case you need to have rubs directly after um what is being born in 2004 rule number 14 is about faulty comparisons we're almost here so this one is is really tricky and it comes up on the ACT even CU I know this
CU I remember learning this rule for my ACT um and basically if you're comparing two things like YouTube videos and Bob that's faulty because YouTube videos are not akin to Bob but you would in in this case you would actually be comparing the Tik toks of Bob or the videos that Bob made or videos of Bob to the YouTube videos of Bishop James you're not comparing Bob directly to videos because those are two different things it's faulty so you need to make sure that you're properly describing what of Bob to compare and so here's another
example that is slightly different and in my opinion probably easier um rishab has videos that are nearly as good as Acy um here it's very clear to spot that Acy is a platform right so how can you compare that directly to videos well we want to say the correct forms would either be to say ace Le or as good as those of asley to indicate we're talking about videos here rule number 15 quantity words um this is a super easy formula to just kind of memorize here if you're dealing with plural words make sure to
use the words number many and fewer if you're dealing with singular use amount much and less so there were fewer subscribers not less subscribers So speaking of subscribing rule number 16 is to subscribe whenever you have high quality videos and if you genuinely appreciated or enjoyed this video I would highly highly appreciate you to subscribe in return you have 5 Seconds to do that also press the thumbs up button it literally takes you know 0.1 seconds and once again it helps me so much so that I can keep making high quality videos as opposed to
like clickbaity videos that just waste your time without providing actual actionable advice that being said some actions for the end of this video one is to try the acle tool the link is in the description and pinned comment below also please get off YouTube um for prep preparation you know use actual tools like Acy or practice test because this test is very important for college admissions and for scholarships and you need to be careful here so don't just keep getting in the spiral of watching more and more YouTube videos actually put this into practice by
using a tool like Acy and finally when you're practicing print out the grammar rules PDF in the description down below completely free to download and with that I hope you enjoyed this video I hope you found it helpful and I hope you appreciated the fact that I kept it to the point and I would really appreciate a subscribe in return with that I'll see you guys next time
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