the seven htic principles are believed to be the fundamental laws that govern the universe and create the reality we live in the universe functions according to a set of natural laws these laws are consistent and unchanging for example when you drop an apple it falls to the ground due to gravity birds can saw through the sky because of the laws of aerodynamics similarly all living beings go through the cycle of birth and death when we take the time to learn and understand these natural laws we gain the ability to use them to our advantage for
instance by understanding the law of gravity humans have been able to invent technologies that allow us to fly such as airplanes and Rockets likewise by recognizing that our time on Earth is limited we can make more conscious choices to live Fuller more meaningful lives throughout history the quest to uncover these natural laws has been a common Pursuit among the wisest individuals philosophers scientists and spiritual leaders have all sought to understand the principles that govern the universe their aim has always been to learn from these laws and apply them to enhance their lives and the lives
of others in this video we will study and apply the seven hermetic principles that you can align yourself with the fundamental truths of the universe this knowledge will make you rethink think about everything and create a more fulfilling and controlled life you can find greater Happiness by understanding how these principles affect your thoughts actions and the world around you but first let's understand what is hermeticism it is a spiritual and philosophical tradition that traces its roots back to the ancient teachings and ideas of gnosticism unlike gnosticism more well-known Christian variations hermeticism represents a distinct lineage
with its unique perspectives and practices dating back to the 1 and 2 centuries ad the core teachings of hermeticism are preserved in a collection of writings known as the Corpus hertica these writings are a series of letters and dialogues attributed to Hermes Tris magistus a legendary figure often considered a blend of the Greek God Hermes and the Egyptian god tho in these letters Hermes trism magistus seeks to impart wisdom and Enlightenment to his disciple guiding him toward a deeper understanding of the universe and the Divine after classical times these valuable texts were lost to the
Western world but remained preserved in Byzantine libraries it wasn't until the 15th century that the Corpus hertica was rediscovered the texts were translated into Latin by Scholars at the court of Kimo deedi the grandfather of Lorenzo deichi who was a prominent patron of renowned Renaissance artists like like Leonardo da Vinci this rediscovery played a significant role in the intellectual and cultural Revival of the Italian Renaissance the influence of the Hermetic writings during the Renaissance was profound they acted as a catalyst for new ideas and Innovations in thought and culture the principles and insights found in
the Corpus hertica inspired not only Renaissance thinkers but also later movements the Freemasons for example Drew on these Timeless principles in their teachings Additionally the ideals of hermeticism surfaced in the philosophies of American revolutionaries contributing to the intellectual foundation of the emerging Nation the seven htic principles are some of the oldest and most influential systems of thinking they have the power to expand your horizons open up new possibilities and help you in your quest for a fuller happier more meaningful and potentially longer life these principles are as relevant and effective today as they have been
throughout history let's delve deeper into what these principles are and how they can be applied to your life the principle of mentalism it is the first of the seven hermetic principles and serves as the foundation for understanding the nature of reality according to this principle the all is mind the universe is mental this means means that the Universe At Its most fundamental level is a construct of the mind every phenomenon we experience whether it be life matter or energy is essentially a manifestation of an infinite and Universal living mind this concept suggests that all things
are interconnected because they all exist within the mind of the all making them subject to the same laws of creation to grasp the essence of the mental Universe one might Envision it as an infinite intelligence an intelligent field or even the essence of Consciousness itself this perspective posits that reality is a continuous interplay of thoughts where thoughts interact with one another shaping and influencing the material world the principle further elucidates that the nature of energy power and matter is subordinate to the Mind meaning that the mental plane is the foundation upon which everything else is
built by recognizing that our thoughts and actions are interactions of thought with thought we begin to comprehend the principle of mentalism this understanding is crucial as it allows us to apply the other hermetic principles to enhance our well-being and personal development for example the fourth hermetic principle the principle of polarity teaches that emotions like love and hate are essentially the same but differ in degree through the power of the mind it is possible to transform one emotion into another by employing objective thinking and making conscious choices the intensity of these emotions remains constant but their
expression can be adjusted to achieve desired outcomes this demonstrates how the mental plane can exert influence over other planes of existence in hermeticism the universe is described as consisting of various planes or Dimensions that overlay one another these planes are often depicted as layers within a concentric circle with inner layers being more foundational and influencing the outer layers hermeticism identifies three Great Planes the mental plane the physical plane and the spiritual plane within each of these planes are lesser planes that vary in degree between undifferentiated matter and spirit from an individual perspective the mental plane
manifests as thought Insight intuition and reason however ever wisdom from hermetic teaching suggests that our thoughts are not limited to the physical plane instead they have effects on energetic and spiritual levels that while less apparent are nonetheless significant understanding this interconnectedness enables us to see that our thoughts have far-reaching implications beyond the immediate Physical Realm the principle of mentalism empowers individuals to use their mental faculties to influence and utilize other natural laws laws by viewing thought as the operating system of the universe we gain the ability to interface with different layers of existence this understanding
allows us to anticipate natural and energetic laws and cause them to occur in ways that benefit us hermeticism therefore transforms the understanding of the universe into a practical science as all phenomena within the mental Universe can be reasoned with and influenced this principle is the key that unlocks the potential for Extraordinary achievements it explains how David can defeat Goliath how humans can explore the moon and how we can interact with the vast phenomena of the mental Universe by mastering the principle of mentalism we harness the power of our minds to shape and influence our reality
profoundly the principle of Correspondence it is succinctly captured by the phrases As Above So Below as below so above and as Within so without as without So within this principle asserts that there is a direct correspondence between the laws and phenomena that manifest on different planes of existence essentially the patterns and laws that govern the higher planes are reflected in the lower planes and vice versa understanding this principle allows us to deduce solutions to Problems by examining what exists on layers above and below the issue inferring the patterns and shadows that lie in between despite
our limitations in perceiving the full spectrum of existence restricted as we are to visible light and audible sound we can still observe the patterns present in our Dimension these patterns provide clues about what might exist in the higher and lower planes just as the study of geometry enables us to understand the movements of celestial bodies and map the cosmos the principle of Correspondence allows us to explore the universe's vastness by examining the interconn connectedness of All Things by observing the principle of Correspondence we can gain insight into the entire universe by exploring the higher and
lower aspects of things that surround Mysteries this exploration can lead to a deeper understanding of ourselves as we are integrally connected to the world around us the microcosm the small is reflected in the macrocosm the large and vice versa for instance in Geometry understanding the properties of a single shape can help us comprehend larger structures similarly by observing natural patterns and laws in our immediate environment we can infer the existence of similar patterns on a grander scale this principle helps bridge the gap between the known and the unknown allowing us to make educated guesses about
phenomena beyond our direct perception in Practical terms this principle can be applied to solve problems by identifying corresponding elements on different levels for example if you are facing a personal issue you might look at similar situations in the lives of others that is a level above or in nature that is a level below to find patterns and solutions this approach can reveal underlying truths and provide New Perspectives on how to address the issue the principle of Correspondence also encourages a holistic view of the Universe by recognizing the interconnectedness of all things we can appreciate that
changes in one area of Life can have Ripple effects in others this understanding Fosters a sense of unity and coherence in the cosmos highlighting that everything is part of a larger interconnected whole through the pursuit of nosis or spiritual knowledge we can use this principle to discover more about ourselves and the universe by studying the world we are a part of we can gain insights into the greater mysteries of existence the patterns we observe in our daily lives can serve as mirrors reflecting the larger truths of the universe the principle of vibration this law encapsulates
the understanding that nothing rests everything is in motion and everything vibrates this principle reveals that all matter energy and even Spirit exist at varying rates of vibration essentially everything in the universe is in constant motion and the differences between various forms of matter and energy are due to their vibrational frequencies a classic example to illustrate this principle is the way musical notes and light frequencies correspond if you take the seven octaves of music and tune them up by 44 octaves they transform into the spectrum of visible light during this process they pass through various states
such such as the buzzing pitch of insects ultrasound plasma ether hypersound and even octaves of heat although their manifestations change the underlying vibrations maintain a consistent correspondence the differences between these forms are purely in their measurements and energy levels as they move up or down the electromagnetic spectrum at the highest rates of vibration the intensity and speed are so rapid that they appear motionless much like a spinning wheel that seems stable to the naked eye conversely at the lowest levels of vibration objects move so slowly that they seem to be at rest between these extremes
lie infinite manifestations each existing at different octaves of vibration and each with its own unique phenomena understanding this principle allows one to see that even thoughts have their own vibrational frequency hermetics believe that thoughts can be controlled and tuned like musical instruments to produce VAR ious results by mastering the vibrations of your thoughts you can influence both your inner self and your external environment as your comprehension of vibration frequency Harmony and resonance grows so too will your ability to exert control over yourself and your world for example emotions such as joy and anger are not
just psychological States but also vibrational frequencies by recognizing and altering these vibrations you can change your emotional state techniques such as meditation visualization and affirmations can help you adjust your vibrational frequency to achieve a more desired state of being furthermore this principle suggests that everything in the universe from the smallest particle to the largest star is in constant motion this constant state of motion is what creates the dynamic everchanging nature of reality by aligning yourself with this truth you can better navigate the fluctuations and changes in life understanding that change is a natural part of
the universal vibration in Practical terms you can use the principle of vibration to enhance various aspects of your life for instance by raising your vibrational frequency through positive thinking healthy habits and spiritual practices you can attract higher vibrations into your life such as Better Health harmonious relationships and success in your endeavors conversely negative thoughts and behaviors lower your vibrational frequency attracting lower vibrations and less desirable outcomes the principle of polarity it is one of the seven hermetic principles and encapsulates the idea that everything is dual has poles and possesses a pair of opposites this principle
asserts that opposites are essentially the same but differ in degree it highlights the inherent duality in all things suggesting that what we perceive as opposites are merely different expressions of the same phenomenon this principle can be understood through simple examples such as hot and cold both hot and cold are manifestations of temperature the difference lies only in their degree there is no precise point where hot turns into cold rather it is a gradual transition along a Continuum similarly light and Darkness are degrees of light hard and soft are degrees of hardness big and small are
degrees of size and love and hate are degrees of emotion these pairs of opposites illustrate that the difference between them is one of degree not of kind for instance with the emotions of love and hate there is no clear boundary where love becomes hate or vice versa in between there are varying degrees such as like dislike and indifference these emotions are all part of the same spectrum and our perception of them is based on their degree the principle of polarity helps explain these paradoxes showing that extremes meet and all truths are but half truths this
principle is crucial to htics because it suggests that we have the power to change the polarity of our emotions by recognizing that opposites are the same in nature and differ only in degree we can choose to shift our emot state for example by understanding that love and hate are different degrees of the same emotion we can consciously move from hate to Love by altering our thoughts and perceptions this ability to change the degree of our emotions and thoughts is known as the art of Mental Alchemy just as we can involuntarily transition between emotions like love
and hate we can also choose to experience these transitions through the exercise of willpower this practice involves recognizing realing that the difference between these emotions is not an insurmountable barrier but rather a spectrum that we can navigate Mental Alchemy is the process of transforming and transmuting our mental states by understanding and applying the principle of polarity by doing so we can improve our lives and the lives of others for example if we find ourselves Feeling Extreme anger a high degree of emotional intensity we can conscious iously work to lower that intensity and shift toward a
more positive emotion like calmness or even love understanding the principle of polarity also helps us reconcile apparent contradictions and paradoxes in life it reminds us that what we perceive as opposing forces are in fact complimentary and interconnected this realization can lead to Greater Harmony and balance in our lives as we learn to see the unity and diversity and the sameness indifference in Practical terms this principle can be applied in various aspects of life in relationships recognizing that conflicts are often just differing degrees of the same underlying issues can help us find common ground and resolve
disagreements more effectively in personal development understanding that our weaknesses and strengths are two sides of the same coin can motivate us to embrace and improve both aspects of ourselves the principle of Rhythm this is the fifth of the seven hermetic principles and states that everything flows out and in everything has its Tides all things rise and fall the pendulum swing manifests in everything the measure of the swing to the right is the measure of the swing to the left Rhythm compensates this principle embodies the truth that everything in existence is in a state of measured
motion moving in Cycles and never truly sitting still it is the natural order of the universe that everything is in constant flux oscillating back and forth rising and falling ebbing and flowing this principle can be observed in the cycles of life and death creation and destruction and the rise and fall of civilizations it also manifests in our mental and emotional states by understanding and aligning with the principle of Rhythm you can use this knowledge to your advantage AG maintaining balance and avoiding the extremes of the pendulum swing the principle of Rhythm shows that between the
opposite poles defined by the principle of polarity there is a rhythmic movement that acts like a pendulum this pendulum swing explains why everything in life is in constant motion from one extreme to the other for example just as the tides rise and fall our emotions and mental States also EB and flow this principle governs the natural cycles and transitions that we experience when you are attuned to the principle of Rhythm you recognize that every mental and emotional state is temporary and part of a larger cycle by being aware of this you can learn to manage
your emotional responses and mental States more effectively for instance if you find yourself in a heightened emotional state such as excitement or joy you can anticipate that this state is unsustainable and that a transition will naturally Follow by preparing for this transition you can avoid a drastic emotional crash and instead move smoothly back to a neutral State similarly during times of stress or grief understanding that these states will eventually pass can help you cope better by giving yourself time to return to equilibrium before pushing yourself again you can manage your mental and emotional health more
effectively recognizing the rhythmic nature of Life allows you to plan for these Transitions and handle them with Grace this principle also teaches that what you lose will eventually return and what you currently possess will eventually be lost accepting this can help you maintain a balanced perspective and reduce anxiety about changes and losses in life by understanding the cyclical nature of the universe you can better navigate the ups and downs knowing that both good and bad times are temporary and part of a large Rhythm to illustrate imagine attending an event that holds significant emotional weight for
you by checking in with yourself and acknowledging that you are experiencing an emotional high you can prepare for the inevitable Comedown by scheduling time for rest and transition you can prevent an emotional crash and instead experience a smoother return to a balanced state in Practical terms mastering the principle of Rhythm involves creating smooth transitions between periods of intensity it and calm this can be the difference between requiring extended recovery periods and experiencing graceful transitions knowing when to retreat and when to return to activity is a key aspect of self-mastery by understanding and anticipating the pendulum
swings in your life you can manage your energy and emotions more effectively through heightened awareness of this principle you can achieve transcendental states of consciousness and rise above the pendulum swing while Rhythm will always have an effect on you with awareness and intentionality you can use it to propel yourself forward and facilitate recovery people who achieve self-mastery often do so by aligning their will with this principle acting purposefully rather than reacting to the swings of the pendulum the principle of cause and effect this is the sixth of the seven hermetic principles asserting that every cause
has its effect every effect has its cause everything happens according to law chance is but a name for law not recognized this principle embodies the truth that for every effect there is a specific cause and for every cause there is a corresponding effect nothing happens without reason or explanation and what we often refer to as chance is simply the operation of laws that we do not yet understand in alignment with the principle of Correspondence this principle explains that higher ples influence lower ples and nothing escapes the LW of cause and effect every action event and
Circumstance can be traced back to a specific cause even if it is not immediately apparent this understanding underscores the interconnectedness of all things and highlights the predictable nature of the universe the empowering aspect of this principle lies in the ability to consciously rise above the plane of thought you currently occupy allowing you to become the cause of your own effects rather than merely reacting to the situations you encounter by embracing this principle you can become a proactive force in your life taking deliberate actions to shape your experiences and outcomes for instance if you often find
yourself feeling reactive stressed and overwhelmed it may be a sign that you are out of alignment with the principle of cause and effect effect instead of passively responding to circumstances you can choose to take control by setting clear intentions and taking deliberate actions for example if your goal is to become a better writer you need to write consistently and read regularly by doing so you're actively creating the conditions for improvement rather than passively reacting to the lack of progress this principle also highlights the importance of taking responsibility for your actions and their outcomes recognizing that
you are the cause of your own effects allows you to make conscious choices that align with your goals and values instead of feeling like a victim of circumstance you can become the architect of your own destiny moreover as you strive for self-mastery you will need to acknowledge and work within the causative forces of higher Plains understanding that there are greater laws at Play can help you navigate life's complexities with greater wisdom and foresight this awareness enables you to rule over your own plane of existence making informed decisions that lead to desired outcomes for example if
you desire to improve your physical health you must understand the cause and effect relationship between your lifestyle choices and your well-being regular exercise a balanced diet and adequate rest are causes that lead to the effect of improved Health conversely neglecting these aspects will lead to negative Health outcomes by being aware of these relationships you can take proactive steps to maintain and enhance your health the principle of cause and effect also applies to personal growth and development if you want to cultivate a particular trait such as patience or resilience you need to engage in practices that
Foster these qualities this might involve mindfulness meditation reflective journaling or challenging yourself in situations that require patience and resilience by doing so you are actively creating the conditions for personal growth rather than waiting for it to happen by chance in relationships understanding the principle of cause and effect can help you navigate interactions more effectively recognizing that your actions and words have a direct impact on others allows you to communicate and behave in ways that Foster positive relationships for instance if you want to build trust with someone consistent honesty and reliability will cause the effect of
increased trust the principle of gender this is the seventh and final hermetic principle asserting that gender is in everything everything has its masculine and feminine principles gender manifests on all planes this principle embodies the truth that both the masculine and feminine exist in all things not just in physical sex but also in the creative processes on all PLS of existence in harmony with the principle of Correspondence this means that the masculine and feminine principles operate not only in the Physical Realm but also on the mental and spiritual Plains the principle of gender is fundamental to
generation creation and regeneration nothing can come into being without the interaction action of these two principles the masculine principle is characterized by penetrative assertive Progressive conquering and explorative energy it is the driving force behind progress initiative and action on the other hand the feminine principle is characterized by receptive nurturing protective and sustaining energy it maintains tradition honors what is most important and nourishes life together these principles balance each other and are essential for harmonious existence too much masculine energy without the balance of the feminine can lead to Reckless ambition and a loss of perspective on
what is truly important it can result in unchecked growth and expansion without regard for the foundational principles that initiated the progress conversely too much feminine energy without the balance of the masculine can result in a life overly grounded in the present dictated by cycles and external circumstances and lacking forward movement and growth every being contains both masculine and feminine energies within them this Duality is seen in all aspects of life from our biological sex to our moods actions attitudes and personalities for instance in sex there is a direct interplay of these energies but they also
manifest in our creative processes problem solving and personal development the most potent application of the principle of gender lies in recognizing how these energies contribute to Creation generation and regeneration on the mental and spiritual Plains not just the physical true progress and personal growth are achieved by balancing these energies within oneself in relationships and in one's environment this balance allows for a harmonious life where one can be both driven and nurturing assertive and receptive this principle teaches that true progress and creation occur when both masculine and feminine energies are in harmony for instance a balanced
approach to personal growth might involve setting clear goals and taking decisive action that is masculine while also nurturing your well-being and staying grounded in the present moment that is feminine in relationships it means being both supportive and assertive valuing both giving and receiving the principle of gender also emphasizes the importance of balance in society and the natural world just as individuals must balance these energies within themselves societies and ecosystems Thrive when there is harmony between progress and preservation Innovation and tradition each of these seven hermetic principles exists in nature and directly influences our mental emotional
and spiritual States they provide us with a map of hidden territories both within ourselves and in the external World by becoming aware of these principles and how they interact we can gain a deeper understanding of our own patterns what influences Us and how we can use these principles to guide Our Lives intentionally I hope you enjoyed watching my video if you're still with me please leave a comment on your favorite law from the video I'll give your comment a heart as always wishing you a beautiful day