all right hey what's up everybody sorry for the delay there's always a whole bunch of stuff that i got to do before these streams a lot to prep to make sure it's as smooth as possible for you guys um so once again thanks for joining thanks for checking out my channel thanks for being here with me on a saturday we're going to learn and grow together that's the whole point of these things it doesn't matter what program you're using it doesn't matter how much knowledge you have it's it's time to just jump in all right
it's time to jump in and learn and practice our passion together so today i i've wanted to do this for a while but this tutorial is basically going to go over how to track your footage here and and we're not even going to comp anything into this footage we're just using this as camera data we're going to take this 3d track camera data and we're going to build out a 3d scene and i'm using cinema 4d you can use whatever you want we're going to build out that 3d scene and we're going to use this
3d tracking data and apply it to that scene in order to give it a bit more realism now obviously i think the faster way to do this would probably be to actually hook your your iphone up to your camera and do this in unreal engine but i'm not quite there yet so we'll you know i'll certainly have a tutorial on that later but i still have a lot more research to do before i can confidently jump into unreal and and bring you guys through that process i don't want it to waste your time here um
i certainly want to be as pointed as possible with these streams so before we jump in though um just a couple announcements for you guys the last couple weeks have been huge for my channel um thanks to you guys i really really appreciate it you've checked out my videos you've been leaving comments like crazy um so i put out my photo reel vfx full vfx workflow video and that's got 32k views that means a lot to me thank you so much there's a whole bunch of comments in there and it's an hour long video um
you know it goes through my entire workflow when i'm comping like vfx live action um sorry so many words it goes through my whole workflow basically when i'm trying to put in like realistic looking cg elements in the live action footage and then i also drop this custom hdri tutorial video and unlike the live streams these are actually you know produced videos that i took time to edit and whatnot and it's at 36k you guys are awesome thank you so much um and it's full of great comments as well great questions um yeah with the
custom hdri thing i released a hdri pack the link is in the description and um with the photo reel vfx yeah yeah i think that that's it that's all i wanted to say i just really appreciate all you guys um stopping by the channel and helping me out here it means a whole bunch so if you're not subscribed already definitely subscribe and leave a comment what do you guys want to watch what do you guys want to see um in the coming streams but i'll be doing my best as usual you know you guys are
always stopping by here you guys know how it is um i'll i'll be watching the chat here but i'll also be focusing on on the lesson so i'll do my best all right and then also yeah uh there's a weekly challenge every single week and that is set up through basically or ran through the discord server that i have the link is also in the description and we do one every single week i announce the winners at the end of this stream at the end of the lesson and i'll also announce the new weekly challenge
at the end of this lesson so definitely stick around and let's make some cool stuff let's jump in so we want to track this footage also a link in the description um download link for the footage i've been playing a lot of last of us a lot of last of us too and you know you're squeezing through some dark tight spaces and that's certainly what i want to do i have downloaded all of oh this is this is a mess here let me let me show you guys i got all these like barrels ammo crates
boxes let me get rid of the cloner and just lay out here what i got this is all from mega scans and i used bridge to bring all these assets into c4d quickly and easily there are super high res 8k textures and oh yeah another crazy bit of news guys um i got something really awesome in the works if you look very closely you'll see here i am running a quadro rtx 6000 with 24 gigs of uh video ram here that is huge that is so much more than i mean i was on a uh
you know just a couple months ago i was on a gtx 1070 and i think that had like eight gigs of ram and then i got an rtx 2080 and that still had eight gigs of ram but my goodness three times more with the quadro rtx 6000 i'm so amped um and that's actually we're going to use the power of this card in this scene we're going to have a whole bunch of these boxes and crates we're going to stack these things up high you ever seen the end of indiana jones 4 it's basically gonna
be like that but like a real tight narrow corridor that we're gonna be squeezing through um and we're gonna light it with some really cool like old vintage edison bulbs um so that's that's the plan for the stream today but we start with tracking our footage so we can do it in after effects with the after effects uh tracker let's just run it and see what it does actually real quick before we run it i know i'm gonna need i'm getting ahead of myself i don't need a jpeg sequence because we're not comping anything into
this footage so let's just in after effects i'm just going to throw a 3d camera tracker effect on here and let it run i'm not even going to mess with any of the settings here i'm just going to see what it's going to do and hopefully um this thing is blazing through it's only 1280p so or 720p sorry but how you guys doing how you guys doing in the chat here we got some fans from india awesome welcome guys welcome welcome i definitely want to visit at some point that is high on my list to
visit india um very very excited i got a couple friends out there so it'd be cool to visit them and and explore the city or the country the entire country rather yes rotobrush 2 it's awesome it's very fast and it's really cool because you can actually expand your like working area so that if you have any fast moving targets or fast moving objects the roto brush will actually be able to like catch up and it's a lot more accurate so it looks like this has tracked our scene pretty darn well and i'm just scrubbing through
looking at these points and there's a lit no it actually looks fine and here's the thing this doesn't have to be perfect as long as it's tracked for the most part like again we're not comping anything into this footage we're just taking the camera data and we're using that so i'm going to go ahead and lay a floor plane probably at this point here so i'm just going to select i'll select all these i'll right click and set ground plane and origin boom actually let me let me get just these guys set ground plane in
origin and let's go ahead and just make some some uh some solids here so i'm just gonna hold down shift and try and select four points that are kind of in a square maybe like these these points here right click and create a solid and a camera that's going to give us our solid right there and if we scrub through we can see that it's pretty much stuck to the floor let's go ahead and give ourselves a wall right here so i'm just going to select the footage select the camera tracker and we'll make a
plane right about here uh we'll make a solid there and i'm going to rotate this guy let's see let's rotate this guy up about 90 degrees so i'm holding shift to rotate it at 90 degrees and you just want to line everything up so that your lines are pointing in the right direction and this guy we can actually probably scale and scale and i basically just want to optimize our scene so i want to tell after effects like where these points are and honestly i probably don't need to build out all this geometry let me
think about this for a second i tend to get ahead of myself in these streams you know i just keep going charge full speed ahead but it's nice to stop and think for a second so all right i just want to have this when i bring this into cinema 4d i want this camera data to be as easy to work with as possible so maybe all we need to do is have our floor i'm going to go ahead and parent the camera to the floor all right and this is going to optimize our scene so
what we'll do i'm going to hit p and since it is you guys see here if i make a new solid and i hit position it's at 640 by 360. all right so i want to lock in the same position for this red solid so 640 by 360 to zero all right and since the camera is parented to this floor nothing's going to change because they're moving relative to each other but what happened was basically this is snapped to the center point so when we bring this into our 3d space it's going to be at
0 0. let's mess with the rotation as well and just zero everything out and we'll put that at 270. all right so that's just going to orient everything correctly and then as far as scale goes a scale is always adjusted in cinema 4d i have to adjust that no matter what so let's see here so i'm i'm honestly yeah i'll mess with the scale i'll just show you guys i'm gonna make a new solid and we're gonna make it 3d and you'll see it's kind of tiny down here right so all you want to do
is mess with the scale of your floor and since this solid is not parented to the floor if i hold ctrl it'll make these numbers slide at a lower or a slower rate so you just want to get this solid so that it's about the size of your composition something like that and then you can just unparent everything and every time you make a new 3d layer it's going to sit perfectly right in the middle of your scene so that's a really fast and easy way to optimize your scene in after effects and i know
that i think action movie dad put out a plug-in to do all of that in like two clicks so definitely check that out okay so all i need to do is go to file export maxon cinema4d exporter and let's do tracking folder and i'll just call that track and we should be done with after effects let me open up that file that we just exported track okay cool and if i scrub through you can see that our footage just dropped perfectly in and it looks really nice so the idea here is we want to build
out a uh like a little corridor so if i let's see here if i hop out of camera view and we take a look at our 3d track you can see certainly that's what that's what happened in real life i turned a corner um you know we did a thing and we just need to build geometry around all of this so if i spawn a cube and we do something like this right and it's going to be a long corridor because i really want to make use of this uh this new graphics card so we're
going to fill it with a bunch of stuff something like that and then holding ctrl to duplicate and r to rotate holding shift to snap so we have this little corridor that we built for ourselves and i'm going to go ahead and just make all that editable hit t and let's let's group it alt g and we'll scale it on the y and then let's just make a floor and hop back into camera and see what we got all right so in the wall we definitely need to push this back a little bit so we'll
go to top view just to see what's going on so i'll push that back a hair perfect and then um let's see what else do i want to do i want to pull up my frame rate i want to see if i'm getting a decent a decent frame right here so i'm going to hit alt v and that's going to pull up our uh our viewport options and whatnot so i'll go to hud and we want where are you frames per second and that'll pop up here so we're we're getting a great frame right here
so we know that this is a true accurate representation of you know of time and we come around this corner and we hug that corner real tight awesome so that trick basically tracking your footage and using your real camera move as a as a virtual camera in a full 3d scene that just kind of makes your 3d scenes or your 3d sequences feel a lot more real and a lot more alive because you're actually using a real camera again if you were doing this in unreal engine you would just hook up your phone or your
ipad to to the program and you would mount it to just like your actual camera shoulder mounted camera and you would walk around your scene in real time but again since i don't know unreal that well yet um i'm gonna save that tutorial for later all right how's everyone doing so far yeah the camera normalization script is the best um i hadn't installed it yet i've gotten pretty quick at just doing it i've watched this tutorial many times um oh strange07 no sound all right can you guys hear me if you guys can hear me
give me a thumbs up in the chat just want to make sure you can hear i think strange maybe you are the only one who cannot hear me but we'll find out hopefully that's the case all right so if we let's get our scale right we definitely need to get our scale right so i always spawn a figure and the figure would tell us how big our scene is so our scene is actually too large right now because that person is if i'm five nine i want that person to be as tall as me right
so what i'll do if i actually start scaling up this this null object that has our camera in it um it's gonna it's not going to work correctly it's going to snap back to its original position and it's just not going to be nice so let me hop out of the camera view and i'll show you guys how to easily fix that i'll hide the floor for a second we want to scale our scene from the center point so that everything scales proportionally but before i do that i want to just drop this into another
null object so i'm going to hold alt and select a null and this now is our camera and i'll hit l to enable our gizmo and i'm just going to zero out the gizmo so it's sitting right there in the middle so when we scale it it's scaling from the ground from zero zero right so to get this scene um to get the scene proportionally scaled what we'll do is we'll go to coordinates and we need to actually type in the numbers here we can't scale it up and down it's gonna or i'm sorry we
can't use the scale tool because it'll just snap back to its original position it's not going to work correctly and you can see there it actually something happened where it oh that's the oh never mind that's the null object okay if i use the scale tool you can see if i hit play it's going to drop underground or wait did it work does it just randomly work yeah i'm underground basically underground now so we don't want to do that we want to scale it using these settings here in the attributes so we'll do 0.5 and
then maybe a little bit so like point maybe 0.35 something like that and we'll hop in maybe it's a little big that feels right maybe 0.375 and now our scene is scaled proportionally and let's bring our geometry back in just that's a guide we're going to build it out with those boxes all right so what would be the coolest setup so like let's go back into top view and adjust this on the fly all right so i just want to get this corridor as tight as possible and we can actually adjust the camera like the
orientation is a little weird we can adjust that after the fact and i think i can get this wall a little bit closer so i want to get it as close as possible maybe like there oh that's nice and it's really good okay so what we'll do now let's actually adjust that little that little camera motion at the end we want to tilt it up so i think the best way to do that is to maybe throw it in we want to adjust the camera i wonder what the best way to do this is we
need to tilt the camera up hmm let's hide the geometry for now and figure out the best way to make some adjustments on the camera so we want it to be tilted up a bit more so i'm wondering it looks like it looks like the entire scene needs to be angled up just a little bit so if i let's see we hit l we get it about there and we do something like that i'm wondering if that'll even things out a little bit yeah that's actually not bad so all i did was just grab the
outermost null object that our camera is sitting in and i tilted it up just so that this line is as straight across the floor as possible and i think that did the trick okay so the next step here we're going to light this stuff last first we just want to drop in all of our barrels and ammo crates and whatnot right oh let's definitely save our scene yeah this is track all right i do need a mod yeah i do oh yeah and um evolver you were right it also good to see you um octane
is free for blender 100 free for blender okay let's see here let's hop out of the camera view and let's set up our scene let's set up all the barrels and the crates so i'm going to copy this camera and this null this will be our uh we'll just call this like our block out scene here i'll grab this i'll grab everything in fact copy it and we're gonna paste it into this assets project window or project file give it a second to load all right it's still loading i guess we might get a crash
but that's okay how long is this usually i go for three or four hours on the stream i try and keep everything again as consistent and precise as possible um and i want to make sure that you know i get through a complete lesson by the end i don't want to do like a part one and part two too much so there's only so much we can do we can't do crazy things we can't do big scenes unless there's a part one in part two um but for now you know yeah just like about three
four hours sometimes it goes five hours but today i'm probably gonna end around two my time all right so it looks like we're frozen so let's go ahead and reopen cinema i'm glad that i uh that i saved that project that was close all right so for those of you just coming in so what we're doing we're taking our uh we're taking some footage and we've tracked it in after effects i didn't mess with any settings i just you know threw the default after effects tracker on there made a plane on the floor and i'm
taking this tracking data and i'm using it to animate and navigate around a 3d scene we're going to build in cinema 4d so it's a way to make your your cg scenes and your sequences a bit more realistic because you're actually using real camera data and we just crashed so we're hopping back in so a quick tip for you guys if you want to improve your viewport frame rate here a couple tricks that i use first off oh man okay here we go first first what i do is i will switch my my viewport method
or my display method to just uh shading grout shading versus with lines so that's n a and n b those are your shortcuts all right so n a gets rid of the lines also there's n q and that will nq will basically uh turn off textures just in viewport and it's needing a minute to catch up because i just opened the scene but you'll see here on the left the textures are loading in and that takes up you know some some memory in the viewport and if you want to hide that it's n q and
yeah certainly i'm going to render this whole thing i want to try and get a render out and at least get something that we can see by the end of the lesson by the end of this stream so all right so i guess it's still loading in don't tell me it froze again yeah we're good these are 8k textures again i want to make use of this rtx 6000 the new quadro um so i actually have a deal with uh with p and y and nvidia and it's in the works and it's very exciting and
i think um we got some plans going we got some plans they sent me this new quadro rtx 6000 um huge huge huge thanks to nvidia and pny for working together to hook this up um and uh yeah there's some very exciting plans in the future i'm not going to give out any details yet there'll be time for that um there'll be there'll be some time for that for details but i'm going to tell you now that you guys are going to benefit from it all right it's going to be very exciting all right yeah
you guys can follow along with whatever whatever program whatever renderer anything you want okay so let's just give this a save again enqueue that's going to hide your textures and make it a lot easier and quicker in the viewport so let's go ahead and merge this with our tracking scene okay so now what we're doing is we actually can actually see what this camera looks like when it's moving through 3d space with some barrels and crates and stuff oh and we need to extend our scene we also need to make sure it's at 24 frames
per second and i just want to make sure shift 3 is your timeline i just want to make sure that we're getting all those frames yep we're good so this is the fun part this is when we build out our our scene so we can do this in a number of ways um we can instance all of these objects and kind of duplicate them one by one right which is certainly a way to do it if you want full control over over your scene another way to do it might be to hmm i'm wondering if
i'm wondering if we can set up like a dynamics situation where we just drop a bunch of stuff on top of each other um i'm wondering if that could work okay let me let me let me test this let me test this so if we um okay instead of manually placing everything which is going to take a while we might have to do that that might be the the best way to go for the most control it certainly is you know the way with most control but i think what we can do is let's make
uh let's make a cube let's actually take the original geometry we set up our test geometry and let's take a look at this one more time and make sure that this is right for us i think what i'll do is have a crossroads here in the middle that way we can get some really cool depth in our scene so by crosswords i mean i'll just open that up just a little bit so we actually get you know a pathway going off into the distance and we'll add some fog it'll be like a foggy basement or
something um so you they just look like they go on forever right these boxes are just stacked high infinitely that's the look we want to get so i'm going to scale this out i already i feel like this isn't the way to do it in terms of using dynamics to drop everything on top of each other because it's gonna fill all the entire volume of this of this cube and that's so much wasted memory so maybe what we can do is clone the boxes hmm let's try that let's try cloning the boxes inside of these
cubes maybe on the edges of the cube or something um so let's get the cubes sitting on the floor i'm going to grab all three of these or i'll grab just the entire null and i'm going to hop out of the camera so you guys can see what i'm doing here i want to get the anchor point at at the bottom of these things so i'm going to use the axis center tool with include children use all objects and i just want to execute so that's going to move the anchor point down to the very
bottom of these cubes and now i can just zero out the y and it'll be sitting right on the ground so it'll look like these are stacked infinitely long and infinitely tall and i'll make a couple more adjustments here so that it looks like let's get rid of the floor for a second so i just want to scale this out to give the impression of infinity here in fact instead of doing that i liked our angle so i'm going to actually just grab these edges here and i'll make sure only select visible elements unchecked so
i get both of those and i'll just move that out we'll move that out same for these guys we'll just move that out and then maybe there's just a small cube at the end right there so things can just end there and we can put a point light back there to draw the eye to the end which will be sweet and we'll do the same here we'll put a box right at the end holding ctrl to duplicate just like that awesome so this is our rough scene right here kind of reminds me of dark souls
a little bit awesome all right how's everyone doing yo if you guys spam the chat i might have to just kick you i might i just might have to and you wouldn't want that so animator pro you best chill out unless uh unless you want to get the boot here because no one wants to see spam in the chat that's lame y'all can do it in any program you want it'll be a good time okay so let's um let's see here let's take all of these barrels and these crates and let's throw it into a
cloner so i'm going to hold ctrl alt and drop it into this cloner oh that's a subdivision service definitely don't want to do that uh oh undo undo okay that's close cloner yes now here's the key ingredient secret sauce set your clones to uh set your clones to multi-instance and that's going to allow you to duplicate as many um iterations as as you want and it's not going to tax your system so you get to do it for free that's the way we're going to be able to achieve this here so next what we'll do
is it's it's cloning everything basically just on the floor here we want to clone it across an object and that's going to be this null we're going to clone it across the null that's all of uh of our geometry that makes up our walls and our corridor here so let's do cloner and we want to set it to object we'll drop the null into the object and iterations will be random and we want let's see let's hop out of our camera view to see what's going on and i'm going to take these cubes and we'll
hide them in the viewport so it looks like we're not getting anything i don't know why is it because it's going across the null or do i need to do this individually might have to happen individually unless i take all of this and i'm trying to just do a one blanket duplication let's go ahead and select all that and we'll connect plus delete objects so now it's just one piece of geometry and i'm gonna hide this null and let's go ahead and grab our cloner and point it to this new null that we created so
now it's duplicating across all of our geometry all these different boxes so we definitely need a lot more certainly all right so what we'll do is the count right we'll set the count to like 1 000. let's see what that looks like that is crazy and we wanted this we want this to be so dense that we're not able to see through any of these walls let's go ahead and change it from surface i think surface is what we want yeah surface is definitely what we want let's go from a thousand let's try 5000 and
let's give the cloner a random modifier so we'll make sure the random is in the effectors there we'll uncheck position let's hop into our camera wow that's intense all right let's take it from five thousand let's take it to ten thousand let's take it to thirty thousand and you can see we're actually still getting nice a good frame rate so this is like the blanketed version this is how we just want to like blast it with as uh with as little time as possible but get some kind of result i don't i feel like this
isn't gonna be the way to do this i think we're gonna have to place these things manually let's try a hundred thousand i mean we're here we can do it and my frame rate is still above 24 that's incredible but you can start to see this is kind of kind of the vibe but we're definitely inside of these crates and everything let's try 200 000 and now our frame rate is right around 24. but we're inside of these walls so hey evolver thank you for the super chat i appreciate you brother um means a lot
thanks for stopping by thanks for taking the time i know you're busy dude but i'll see you around man thank you and no san francisco prince yet um but it is definitely on the list so i will let you know for sure okay so i'm wondering yeah i feel like these need to be manually placed and here's how we're going to do it and keep cost low all right let's go ahead and uncheck the cloner let's hop out of our camera and let's set up an instance for each one of these objects so i'll bring
everything out of the cloner just like this okay and let's um basically what we're going to do is we're going to select each one we should be able to select one at a time uh reuben jack what's up bro what's going on thanks for the super chat man appreciate you thank you guys it means a lot um a lot of work goes into setting up these streams um especially since then i do them on the weekend um it's the only time i i have to do them so the super chats definitely help it makes it
like an extra level of worth you know to keeping this stuff going it helps out a lot all right so we want to set up our hallway full of these boxes and we want to do it by instancing each one of these so it doesn't destroy our system we want to keep cost low so we're going to select it and we're going to go to let's say hold down this subdivision surface button and we'll let go on instance all right and i'm just going to do that actually can i i'll do that for each one
oh man i'm getting lost here okay which one container s yep box s i think i did this other one twice other m yes this one that's m we're on s container m and these are all from mega scans ported over with bridge a fantastic tool i don't know what i'd do without them i'm going to select all of these and the instance mode i'm going to set to multi-instance all right and now every time we duplicate these instances um we're getting them for free right we're not having to spend all of our ram on
duplicating the actual geometry so i'm going to just uh put all this here into something like uh we'll just call that crates this is our crate instances so yeah you guys are asking about the tablet this thing is the best it saves my wrist a whole lot um and that's what this glove is so i can like glide across my wacom tablet easily um and yeah i mean it definitely i'm using this every day so i want to save my wrist for as long as possible if this if this wrist goes i got to start
using this wrist now and it's going to take a couple months to get used to you know so i just want to make sure i'm as staying as safe and as healthy as possible when working and i really do love it i'm very used to it now okay so we want to clone all these instances across our scene here so i'm going to build this up bit by bit here i'm wondering if i can actually pile some of these on top of each other maybe and do it in chunks because one by one i feel
like it's gonna be really really tough so maybe what we do so we take these instances and we build out like four different like why can't i see them all right so i'm going to render our scene and see what we got and let's do i got a name on my stuff all right this is a base geometry and i'm going to put everything into a geometry folder and the octane sky i'm going to put into a scene folder all right so i'm just kind of confused on this instancing here so if i want to
instance this bit this crate right here um i feel like i just need to yeah that's correct multi-instance makes it go away for some reason render instance keeps it in the scene okay so i'm going to undo and just set these to render instance and we'll hide the original crates i'll call these original crates and then now we have our crate instances that we can duplicate to our heart's extent and not have to worry about losing any any ram or anything her memory so let's maybe build out four chunks that we can duplicate on top
of each other have fun bye-bye really love you but so apparently uh my cat ate my girlfriend's yoga mat not good it was an expensive yoga mat too okay let's make four blocks of crates here all right so what we'll do is i'm just going to control drag all these out and just build it out this will probably be the most tedious part of the process and we'll just make them like maybe we'll stack them like a crisscross style like this maybe grab this guy here something like that you can see how they're all about
the same size which is good for us that way we can just start stacking things on top i'm going to duplicate this guy out here this is the longest part for sure am i don't even know what to say about that i don't know what to say all right i'm just gonna duplicate this guy back here boom and then this tiny box maybe we can we can stack onto this point and i'm just holding ctrl to copy all these things and i definitely want to give it a bit of like staggered kind of a staggered
effect that way the light will will really play nicely on all this stuff all right so we're gonna do a a second row here where this will just sit right on top something like this maybe i'll save that big guy for last awesome so we have like a number of barrels here maybe i'll grab this one bring it to the edge so this will be like our first pile and we'll make maybe two more of these and then we'll duplicate these across everything yeah that should do so i'll hide the camera select all of these
crates and we'll group those and call this uh cluster one um ayan i uh make a car animation maybe you know i'll see i kind of do what i what i just feel like doing on the day i have a very small list of things to do in the future on the streams so i could add to the list for sure if i can find a good reason to do it then i will but that's a good good uh good recommendation um assume it wow thank you thank you so much says you love my energy
to motivate and teach us new things absolutely i'm glad you guys are down to learn so that's the whole point of all this for those of you just joining to learn and grow together and grow in our passions together right and keep practicing consistently practice because if you add up all of those days where you practice if you do it every single day and you add that up to a month to a year you're going to have 365 days where you have put in practice and that's going to add up for a decade and eventually
a lifetime and you'll truly be a master of your craft um and am thank you again appreciate you sweet hi from iran that's awesome my vacation was great it was very relaxing and peaceful all right man gotta gotta silence a lot of people today a lot of nasty comments a lot of spammy comments okay so let's take all of these instances maybe in ctrl drag it up and i'll rotate it 90 degrees something like that and maybe they can switch so that this the first ones on the ground i just want to keep this as
randomized as possible something like that feels pretty good maybe we get like this big guy in here and that'll make it more of a box shape that feels right maybe a little bit more 25. so again this will just be duplicated over and over to build out our hallway of ammo crates maybe we grab one of these little barrels here and we put it put it up here or something we'll scale it down hey i really appreciate you guys i really do thanks for keeping it positive thanks for keeping it fun all right let's maybe
grab this guy this wooden box it's like legos it's like cg legos you know that's what i love so much about all this let's give it a save hopefully doesn't crash on us yeah i got that rtx 6000 um pny and nvidia we're all teaming up together they sent me one of these rtx 6000s and it is working like a dream um and we're going to be working on something very cool in the future for you guys so definitely stick around for that you do not want to miss it i promise very very very excited
there's some really good people over there guys some really solid people and we just need more people like that in the world all right so there's our first first chunk let's build out one with these big guys here so let's try and keep yeah let's maybe do a round that's like a few of these across and we just want to randomly kind of rotate these a little bit maybe we'll keep the end ones straight but the ones in the middle will randomly rotate around and move forward and back and just give it a bit of
random randomness to the whole thing something like this and then we'll duplicate the last one there something like that so we have all these crates and we can probably take this middle one and we can flip it upside down just to get randomness out of this right about there cool and then let's go ahead and stack a bunch of these guys across and we'll throw in some of these military crates too like that cool get those to sit yeah perfect just like that and we'll duplicate these on the other sides about there and we can
kind of fill in everything if i duplicate and rotate around and we'll try and pack it in tight here same on this side holding ctrl to duplicate and flip these guys around so yeah my vacation it was awesome i went to nevada and i went kayaking for the first time it was really cool it was very peaceful and very chill it was definitely like one of the chillest things i've ever done so i definitely want to go kayaking again i almost came to the point where i bought one just because it was so chill but
i think that i'll have to wait because there's not any lakes around us here in california what else did i do i went on a utv that's a atv but like the car version um so that was really cool we just like tore up through them through the mountains brought some snacks we brought some like grapes and stuff you know just chilling with some grapes it was a good time i don't think we need that middle one awesome so that's that we'll stack it one more we'll go more on top of that actually i think
that can just be its own deal that'll be its own little setup so now let's do one with like these barrels let's just stack a whole bunch of barrels and i think i can do this with a a cloner so let's grab this instance here and hold alt select the cloner and i'll just bring these in together just like that okay and then i'm gonna give it um let's go ahead and give this a random modifier or a random effector okay and i'll turn off position we'll just mess with rotation i believe yeah x rotation
i'll set that to 1080 so they're all just kind of randomly rotated around different points so that's cool we'll do that [Music] let's take these small guys i'm gonna control drag these guys out i'm gonna hold ctrl alt let's see let's bring them to center or now reset psr i'll take the ammo crate i'll lay it on its side so these are all about as tall as each other or rather i can scale this ammo crate down i'll do like 0.9 0.85 i want to get them pretty uniform um let's do center axis tool y
to zero that didn't work i'll just bring that down to the ground manually about there and now they're roughly all the same size height wise and i'll select those three control alt put them in a cloner like that and then um i want to set the cloner to random and that will randomize how these guys are laid out and then i'll do a random effector again we'll uncheck position and we'll put it on rotation randomly rotate these guys and we'll also do position i'll zero them out first and i'll just do one and one and
try and bring these a little closer together something like that and we can stack it on top of each other three times see this is why it's tough to do with the cloner is because they're not actually touching each other you'd have to go in and use dynamics to get them to fit um oh sumit you want to learn character creation man i don't know i i don't uh i don't really know too much about character creation that's not my forte but it means a lot that you want to learn it from me man i
think for me as far as character creation goes i can like pick out characters that look cool you know and then use that as a reference to make my own that's probably where i would start so to make um this worth our while so we didn't just waste time doing this let's actually get this going with some dynamics so we can use this in our scene so i'll bring out a floor i'll make the floor let's give it a simulation collider body okay so that's going to ensure that when these crates drop they're going to
stop on the floor just like in real life and then i'll right click our cloner we'll simulate with a rigid body tag make sure you save go to frame 0 and hit play and those will just fall perfectly very nice um let's see if we can't start it out a little closer to the floor so they don't bounce all crazy something like that and maybe we set the random position back to zero and they're sitting yeah they're sitting like something like that but i feel like maybe the rotation the random rotation we can amp up
a little bit more because these boxes are pretty uniform let's just try 360. that's not bad so now we have a cluster of like ammo crates and stuff but we want to take the dynamics tag off of it so let's see let's go to create instances they were at the bottom all right and we want to click our dynamics tag we'll set this as our initial state so if we go to frame 0 they're going to they're going to stay like this at frame 0. and then i think we're in the boat where we can
just maybe delete the dynamics tag nope that doesn't work um go to frame one frame four delete the dynamics tag no that doesn't work let's try baking it so i'm gonna hit ctrl d we'll go to dynamics cache will bake it all right so now that's baked um let's try it again undoing until let's see we'll go to uh control d again clear the cache go back to frame zero bake why are they starting up top like this clear the bake [Music] let's see set initial state let's bake that so weird why is it doing
that so frame one we'll start them out that way let's try if we just go negative two so weird shoot why hmm i want to remove the dynamics tag because i don't want these to be dynamic anymore i am only using the dynamics tag to get them to sit on top of each other once i do that i can get rid of the dynamics tag altogether but for some reason so for some reason it's it's not baking properly all right let's try it let's try it the set initial state i feel like should do it
set initial oh clear initial state maybe we'll go forward we'll set that hmm yeah not working just let the damage tag oh not enabled yeah enabled off yo hey good tip there really really good tip there who was that poison yeah so poinsen said to just disable disable the dynamics tag um but leave it on that's a good tip that's a really good tip all right we're almost there we're almost ready when we can just like start stacking all this stuff together so that's our little ammo crate bit there we have our oh let's take
our barrels and give it a position effector or a random position so we want to do x and y so a little bit like that and a little bit like that two and two yeah that's good sweet we'll build one more stack of crates and then we'll call it a day so let's try this again with the cloner so let's grab that guy let's try and grab all of these we'll control drag these out we will reset psr so all these guys right here we'll drop those into a cloner and we want to get them
pretty tight together see that's the issue is that these boxes are different sizes and they're just not stacked properly yeah i feel like that's not the way all right let's check back in with the chat here how's everybody doing so you guys are asking for other tutorials and other programs um i to be honest i probably won't do any blender tutorials i won't do any maya tutorials i'm going to do tutorials with what i use with the programs that i use unreal engine is the only program right now that i'm learning and trying to get
the hang of so that will be the only like new addition in terms of new tutorials i do lots of cinema 4d i should do more after effects um but yeah like i'm not going to learn a whole a whole new tutorial like blenderguru is putting out the best stuff ian hubert is putting out the best stuff for blender right so there's no need those guys are crushing the game right now all right we'll do let's just try duplicating this and we'll randomly rotate these guys let's do it by no position all rotation 1080. boom
so that's like a nice cluster of uh of barrels there and we'll do one last one so let's grab this coffin looking thing we'll grab this guy let's grab this guy this military crate let's slip this guy in here you this is the most tedious part guys building out these assets but pretty soon we're going to drop it into um not this footage but we'll drop it into the camera data we got from this footage and then we'll light it really cool i can't wait to light this i can see it in my head so
very very excited oh wicked uh thanks for hanging in there man that's intense hopefully i can get you a nice rendered frame a lit frame like maybe in an hour we're almost there we're going to start lighting all this stuff it's going to look really nice i'm just building out this last little chunk and the reason we can duplicate all of these these meshes here and these are all 8k textures is because we're doing it with a render instance if we were to do it any other way we would be destroying our system it also
helps that i got this uh this new graphics card from nvidia they hooked it up um with tmy we're teaming up we're doing some cool stuff together so definitely stick around guys you do not want to miss out on the awesomeness it's gonna be some cool stuff for you guys i know i keep saying it but i'm excited i'm super excited about it all right how do we want to build out this bit maybe we do um some more of these crates sweet perfect perfect and what i'll do is i'll make bigger blocks with these
blocks here and we'll duplicate those awesome awesome so excited this is going to look so good you and i want to break up these objects as much as possible i don't want any like duplicated kind of looks going on here and as long as these can like stack on top of each other to some level then we'll be all right ctrl shift z will undo camera moves it's a really handy tip there so right now i'm listening to my um ambient playlist on spotify on my bone phones here there's also a link or there should
be a link to that in the description if not um if not then i know it's in one of my older stream videos so maybe keep this window open and go find it and come back turn it on and vibe out with me here because it's pretty chill i'm not gonna lie it's super chill all right i think this is good so i'm gonna start grouping all this stuff together cluster 2. let's take these barrels here let's remove one of them so it'll fit in here with these guys so i'm actually gonna put i'm gonna
put them on one side like this and i'll randomly rotate them around like that perfect so this will be cluster three i think we said this was our cluster one this guy will be cluster four cluster five and i think that's it so this is what we got we made all these stacks and now what we'll want to do is stack all these on top of each other to make our corridor now i'm wondering if we can actually i'm wondering if we can use dynamics to stack them like if i broke up actually i have
an idea if i broke up cluster three into two parts so like this would be one part right that way everything would roughly be cubes like right about there so that will be its own deal cluster five or six cluster six so now we have all of these like very similar shaped bits and i bet you we can take this one and we can clone this again so we'll do four by four or two by two and we'll set it to uh render instance and we'll stop stack it one more time and we'll randomly rotate
these as well and maybe we'll also give this a simulation tag rigid body and we'll let it drop whoa it's because it's set to multi let's set it to or rendering let's just set it to normal instance there we go and let's uh set initial state go back to frame 0 and we'll turn dynamics off and this is our cluster 5. so that way it's a we can actually fit it in with the rest of this it's all the same shape so now we're at a point where we can start really having fun okay so
i wonder is it possible to [Music] do the dynamics trick with these here with these objects here but i know that dynamics can't be done with render instances hmm so maybe what we'll do is we'll just use a cloner because they're all basically the same size roughly and we can start stacking them all right let's bring back in our test geometry let me drop all these random effectors in into geometry effectors sweet and we'll put all the clusters into uh final cluster setup ah everybody doing okay thumbs up if you guys are hanging in there
and following along we're about to build out our final scene apply our camera data that we tracked already and we're gonna light it that's gonna be the best part it all comes together in the end broken absolutely man i really enjoy these live streams they're fun i learn a lot while doing them i'm glad you're getting value from it i'm glad you're enjoying uh enjoying all this from albania man that's a ways away heck yeah all right let's do our base geometry we'll bring that back and i'll zoom out let's set the base geometry what's
the easiest way to do this if we set the base geometry to x-ray maybe i'll select all the cubes hit x-ray i also feel like i feel like we can scale it down too just so we can like just get a better sense of where we're at all right so i'm wondering if we just need to set up very specifically this first area in here and then we can um we can kind of clone everything else i'm betting we can do that so let's start with specifically setting up the area that the camera is very
very close to okay so i'll take the final cluster setup and i'm just going to start duplicating it and since they're all instances it's totally fine we don't have to worry about over taxing our system or anything like that cluster three let's go ahead and reset the the anchor point i think we can just hit l and get it right there in the middle that's totally fine oh cluster three um has cluster six inside of it i think it does yeah there we go so let's bring our camera back in and see where it starts
all right right about there so we don't worry about any point behind there all right let's see what it looks like ah so excited i'm so excited to light this cool very cool christian what's up dude been a minute um man how was the well-deserved holiday it was great man i got a lot of chance to read and go kayaking and and ride my onewheel it was an awesome time i actually finished this book here which of course i got on cue boom the 5am club this book is incredible it's all about starting your day
at uh at 5 00 a.m and the first 20 minutes are spent working out really hard the next 20 minutes are spent either meditating in silence doing yoga like just a mental rest or setting up your day journaling right and then the last the last 20 minutes are spent learning so for me i'm watching unreal tutorials right now and the idea is that if you set up your day in a way that allows you to tackle the heart mind soul and body and you do that every single day for the rest of your life then
you're going to be about the most efficient maxed out version of yourself as possible so that's certainly what i'm trying to implement i don't want to let anything slip i don't want anything slide so i got a lot of work to do a lot of hard work to do so i just want to make sure that uh i'm putting in the effort that's needed to accomplish all the things i want to accomplish because i have a lot of goals um and i'm very excited so um i feel like we're missing something where did did i
delete cluster six i did i straight up deleted cluster six no good don't do that definitely don't do that so this is the last bit of tediousness we need to worry about because once we get um this intro bit done or the area that we're really going to be focusing and seeing our main elements then we can actually like work and focus on just just duplicating all these up the stack we don't have to worry about all the detailed stuff in the background we'll just let it duplicate and it'll be totally fine so duplicating cluster
one i'm going to rotate it just a little bit we'll get it right there on the corner this is getting awesome all right let's see what it looks like sweet yeah this is gonna be good this is gonna be really good i'm so amped so amped the lighting is going to be really nice all right let's take this and the crates so cluster three and four or actually wait so cluster three so holding ctrl i'm going to duplicate that oh there's actually more in there sweet okay so it was three four and six these ammo
crates i feel like aren't my favorite element so i'm gonna make sure that they start out like right in the foreground and they leave quickly so if we go into camera view we can see there's a bunch of ammo crates there and maybe that's even a bit too much so we might want to get those like maybe those will be the second layer and we'll do we'll do this stuff we'll do like cluster one will copy over here and we'll do another cluster on here again i want to make sure that you can't tell that
this is duplicated so i only always want to be mixing up the way i'm stacking all these elements and the best thing is we have four sides to each one of these so technically there's four different looks we can get from one stack and it'd be cool if they were kind of looming in teetering in from above oh yeah this is feeling good i'm very excited about this you so this is kind of inspired partly because i've been playing a lot of last of us um but it's also inspired by my vacation a little bit
because we went into this antique store and it was something else it was packed so tight with just like crap and it was dimly lit and that's certainly the way i'm gonna be lighting this very dim um and very cramped oh this is gonna be so good i'm legit excited about this and again the reason we can do all of these materials these are all 8k materials going here is because they're instanced we only have to load it once that's it awesome very very cool let's just render it and see what we got yeah we'll
definitely throw some fog in there no doubt don't worry there will be fog oh a big loading container like a shipping container that could be cool um i don't really have access to a shipping container right now um but you know that's okay that's all good and i want to keep it in this like wood theme too guys look how smoothly this is running oh my goodness this is insane this new rtx 6k is really crushing it yeah this is gonna be sweet we'll get it top lit i think i have a toplet hdr let
me find one real quick just just while we're looking at the render or testing it so this this actually i'm using my warzone pack um that i created i'm sure you guys can pick that up on gumroad it's like eight bucks and it's just a bunch of different like uh battlefield um set hdris so we got like stuff in a plane fuselage destroyed fuselage we got um a field full of barrels um you know we got a junkyard we got sewers it's a good time yeah we got a nasty old crawl space oh this could
be cool let me set it up so that we're getting lit from the front here that's awesome melanie what's up yeah the streams are back back from vacation but yeah this looks ooh this is gonna look so good i'm so excited that is wonderful oh maybe what i'll do is i'll add a flashlight as well i think that could be really really cool i'm just impressed that the frame rate like is still good um [Music] with all of the different assets we're using is really really awesome okay i might switch out these barrels for maybe
i don't know because they're like right in view this is when you're art directing your scene here what do you want the audience to see ours yo what's up dude or not ours armando i appreciate you man thank you the super chat is very very welcome uh thank you thank you you're the best thanks for the help and training i made for us i've learned a lot from you yay that's awesome dude let's keep going let's keep learning every saturday just for you guys this is awesome you guys make me happy heck yeah yeah no
we're going to get up with directional light dude do not worry we're going to top light it um with some edison bulbs i got these guys queued up uh let me show you real quick right here we're going to light it with these hanging from above so that's gonna be super chill it's gonna be all top lit and nice so don't you worry my friend it's gonna look good okay back to it back to it where are we at assets yes i'll pause the render for now and we'll keep building out our scene what's up
henry yo man glad you're enjoying the stream means a lot um yeah vacation was chill man i really appreciate everybody everybody asking yeah vacation was great very peaceful all right holding control duplicating this and remember guys we have four sides four different looks to each one of these cubes so make sure to rotate them around all right and the best part is we can move all these individual bits this is completely adjustable that is the very best part we can remove any little pieces that we want you we can fill in the gaps too later
very nice we might be close to the point where we can actually start duplicating or start cloning these cubes in these clusters i think we are i think i'll add one more stack um one more vertical stack to these last two here and then i'll do uh probably one more vertical stack i'll do one more vertical stack to everything in the foreground i need to add one here and then i need to add two more back there okay and then we can just duplicate everything out i can't wait to get a floor going too ooh
it's gonna look nice yeah and all the assets are from uh mega scans the very best this is like the greatest so nice i'm seriously like my heart is beating so fast because i am so excited to light this all right and then we'll just add two more stacks back here so i'll grab these guys and just clone them back here and maybe i'll give it a little bit of like turn to it so it kind of like disappears around the corner see what that looks like oh that is so cool yeah i just needs
to keep going oh these ammo crates got reset somehow that sucks dang what happened yeah that dynamics thing not the best i wonder if it's because i deleted the floor dang everything got reset the whole thing got reset just floating uh but i think wait are these ones good nope so you just have to make sure that like nothing looks duplicated and i've said this multiple times here but it's just very important that's what's taking the most time so what got started with with uh or what got me started with vfx great question so um
basically let me just make sure my floor is correct here so basically um my buddy bobby he came over one day and i asked them he brought his video camera right and i asked him how does a video camera work like how how does how do the movies cut from one image to another that blew my mind i didn't understand it and he showed me he rolled over here he cut and he rolled over here and he played back and he showed the cut and i was like what the heck that is awesome so what
he did or basically from there he told me hey you have a windows movie maker on your computer you can create you can edit movies if you want to make movies and i was like dude that sounds awesome um thank you for letting me know about that and my brother at the time had a like a really new digital camera it was like a small little cheap thing but it was brand new as a digital camera and it had a video mode on it so i took that and i just started filming dumb stuff like
i had a bunch of airsoft guns so i filmed little airsoft shorts and whatnot and i started adding uh like muzzle flashes to individual frames and i would save it out in macromedia fireworks they're not around anymore but that's kind of how i got started with all that and i basically i discovered video copilot and that was the point when i was like okay this is legit this is really cool that you can create all these things i want to learn more so you know i just learned a whole bunch through andrew kramer in all
of his tutorials um and a friend on youtube he sent me a copy of after effects when i couldn't get it so that was very very kind of him and i basically got addicted to learning because when i moved from california to georgia i i mean currently i'm back in la but when i i originally moved right from california from yeah from california to georgia and i didn't have any friends i didn't really know anybody so i spent most my time learning learning learning learning i learned as much as i possibly could and that is
basically how i got addicted to learning and filmmaking and visual effects so it's been a fun ride let's get let's stack these up taller these need to continue stacking so let's get like this i believe yep we can get those we'll rotate them just a little bit and we'll get those right in there and we want to stack these guys too right in front of us so we'll stack those up you these guys don't need to be perfect because they are in the background well we're almost on the lighting my favorite part it's really gonna
make this shine hey what's up sodamonte everyone say hello to sotomante he's one of um he's actually the first moderator on the discord server and he's done a really good job of building it up to what it is today so definitely give sotomante a wave a clap a high five something just let him know that you guys appreciate and support him um he's been doing cool stuff in the server making it really nice for you guys so shout outs shout outs to my man sotomontay all right guys we're at the point like there's there's this
little empty space back here let's fill it with something because everything there is no place to hide in this place here it is only boxes and crap let's raise it up there it is sweet so the rest of this i think can just be duplicated back here so here's what we'll do we'll hop out of camera view this is our scene i'm going to grab a actually we already have it it's in our geometry and it's in our base geometry let's hide the plane for a second and it's these two bits actually three bits here
as well and actually be cool if this opened up so let's move this right up to that corner this will get right up to the corner there and if this opened up a little bit so if i use the axis center tool and move it negative z plus x will leave y at zero it should go right into the corner right in there yeah and we'll do the same with this guy it's just going to be plus x minus z oh wait no i got that wrong it is plus z plus x yep and it
goes right into that corner and we can rotate it on that point and just open it up a little bit just like that and we'll take the base geometry and we'll scale it up just like that and we'll make sure that oh weird something happened what happened oh it's just not lined up so we'll want to make sure oh cause we scaled it from right now that shouldn't that should be fine there it is yeah that's going to be sweet okay yeah the basement where you've lost something and you need to find it what's the
left tag on the octane sky that is a very handy plugin called uh hdri link and that allows you to just launch hdri browser it's a grayscale gorilla plug-in and yeah it basically allows you to search through all your different hdris all the different packs this is all from grayscale gorilla except for my warzone pack here and you can do custom stuff so that that's the coolest part is you can like these are custom this is uh what is this manhattan knights these are night hdris so it allows you to easily browse everything it'd be
really cool to um i'll reach out i'll reach out to them because they actually sponsored one of the weekly challenges and they gave out their everyday materials collection as a prize for you guys um to the top five winners so maybe i'll reach out and i'll ask them hey would you guys be down to maybe uh drop another cinema 4d plugin or something it's it'll be nice though for prizes to be programmed not program specific you know what i mean but anyway just an idea so here's what we're going to do we're going to clone
all this stuff across these bits here so what is the smartest way to do this let's take our base geometry and we'll make it as high as it needs to go 0.75 is that the max yeah it looks like 0.75 all right that's the max so we don't want to make it any higher than that um and then we can also take our edges in to the point where just where we need them right because we don't want to fill this entire thing with boxes and crates we just want to fill the section we need
with boxes and crates so just a sliver maybe just that same for this one we just need a sliver and technically these edges can come down so now when we look through our camera it looks the same but we have a lot less space to fill so we just want to save that save that data now what we'll do all right let's let's go to our final cluster setup let's grab one of each one two four five three four five six here we go so i'm going to hold ctrl drag these out this is everything
we're working with right here i'm going to reset the psr on this drag them out again and we should be able so just move these out they should all be on the ground some of these are not let's just make that adjustment weird i don't know why that's not working um let me try something let me grab those five we'll reset psr again and i'll center that axis weird okay so it's still it's still not doing what we need it to do let me undo everything and we'll just try that again we want to make
sure that the axis is in the middle of all these guys i don't know why it's not working properly like it should yeah that's in the middle cool that's in the middle that's right in the middle i just want to line these up we're getting set up to clone them right and now we'll go to our front view and just make sure that they're all sitting on the ground so we'll get the anchor points all correct cool now we can zero out we can zero out all these models and they'll they should be sitting on
the floor right at what the heck why is the floor not the floor oh that's confusing anyway yeah that is weird it's probably because they're in these nulls there's like 12 knolls inside of all inside of each other there we go all right so now they're sitting on the ground and now we will clone them so these five yo martin thank you sir wow much appreciated thank you thank you martin we're almost there we're almost to uh to lighting should be fun all right why is the floor not the floor who knows okay let's take
all this let's clone it i'm holding ctrl alt and i'm gonna pop it into a cloner so instead of cloning them in a grid i'm going to clone them based off of an object the object will be one of these cubes so we'll go to um crate in no base geometry let's grab one of these cubes and that will be god dang it where to go there it is cloner cube one wonderful okay so we just want it to be cloned once along this bit so if i just make that a flat plane move it
over a little bit that's all we need okay so now when we clone this let's set the iteration the clones we'll set it to random and then we'll take the instance we'll set it to render instance or we can even do multi-instance i think and then tell it to it's only showing a certain percentage i think but i think we're good with render we're good with render instance so you see how they're all rotated like that we certainly don't want that so up vector we can set the plus y and they'll just sit normally and
we don't want it on the surface actually do we want it on the surface we want it on the volume and if we just crank the count um [Music] now there should be a way to do this uh surface we set it to like 300. or maybe what we should do i feel like this isn't working for us um maybe what we could do is clone it as a grid like we have here okay and we'll just stretch out we'll stretch it out like this in fact we want it to be a per step so
we need to type in the number that touches these as close together as possible so 100 is probably where we want to be yeah and we want to get to the point where it's the same on the on the z cool works for me and then i think we can set this to like 15 maybe 20 right so that gets that's the length of our hallway and then we will also set the height to let's start with 2 for now and work this in right so let's go ahead and get it so it's just sitting
flush that's actually pretty dang perfect it's a little off maybe 35 is a good middle ground there's definitely some space in some of these but i think that's okay i think it'll be hidden so 35 let's say like 38 36. um melanie yo thank you thank you for the super chat heck yeah you say glad to hear you had a good holiday i hope you could rest up and recharge any chance i can get feedback from you on a couple photographs i took with lessons in mind i learned on your previous streams absolutely absolutely melanie
if you want to go ahead and message me on discord do you have discord melanie if so just send me a message on discord and i'll happily critique anything you have absolutely thank you so much your your birthday super chat last two weeks i guess was absolutely incredible thank you so much i had a very nice meal with that so thank you thank you okay let's keep going so i know i want less barrels there's too many barrels so what i'll do let's turn off the cloner find which one is the barrel this one here
okay there's too many of them so that's cluster four let's let's duplicate everything that isn't cluster four so now we have a lot less barrels so it's duplicating everything twice except for the barrels right it's only duplicating the barrels once and let's see what else we can adjust on this i would love to rotate um each one of these elements but randomly i want to randomly rotate them by 90 degrees i know that you can do it with a linear cloner so maybe that's the way to go on this maybe we linearly linearly clone um
negative what is it negative x so it'll be 100 and we do it 25 times maybe just 20. all right so we have all these little assets and we want to randomly rotate them by 90 degrees so i think let's see if we go to transform see that does everything um i know there's a way shoot i'm trying to think i know there's a way to do this that's pretty cool that's pretty cool you see how this rotates everything randomly on its own i want to do that on the correct axis i just feel like
[Music] hmm because i could just bust out a a random uh a random effector yeah with the position going we can set that to like three y will be zero and that'll be three rotation we can set see this randomly rotates everything but i only want it to be in like 45 degree or 90 degree little snaps so i don't want any 45 degree nonsense i'm just looking for perfectly aligned little bits here but snapped at 90 degrees oh is that it modify clone no um that's changing the clone out give them their own pivot
point but here no here's the thing is like i see how these two are clones of each other i want this to be randomly rotated like in a different direction i'm not doing a good job of explaining myself my brain is a little dead here i want to rotate this on a north south east west kind of set up individually controlled um i think the random rotator is probably the best bet i have of doing this but you just see how they're all like randomly as like skewed i want them to be lined up as
close as possible yeah so i wanted to look like this but just randomly snapped hmm i wonder if i can do it with a step but instead of scale its rotation it's kind of like this but more so um [Music] maybe if i change out this spline so it's going in steps oh wow i got some math going here um i wish i could just draw it yeah it's not quite doing what i wanted to do i think it's okay i think we'll just have to deal with it oh snap all right let's try it
formula effector with 90 degree set to parameter formula all right man this is intense all right formula effector um formula factor with 90 degree set to parameter and this in formula did that do it yo it did it what the heck that was so fast yeah look these are both clones of each other right this one and this one but they're randomly rotated wow yeah so 180 would work 360 would work that's so good i think it's doing it is it doing it 720 or it has to be like uh yeah that's totally working that's
amazing you can see these are this is the same clone but they're rotated differently and snapped exactly to 90. whoa that was next level i go by zach zach thank you crazy dang i don't know anything about that that's that is good so that's exactly what i need um i'm wondering if i can just set this cloner back to [Music] a grid array i think that's doing it man the formula effector is certainly working so cool so let's line this up this needs to be stacked up oh because it's doing it from the center point
there um awesome dude this is awesome let's group this get our anchor point down to zero and we'll slide it over the corner let's hop into camera view real quick and we need to get this thing over right there awesome okay so now what i want to do is a little too uniform let's rotate this thing yep that's good it's a little too uniform so we'll go with the random effector on our cloner grab that guy and we want this to be like this popping in and out like that wonderful very nice yes a lot
of geometry look at that frame rate it's above 24. it's because i got that brand new rtx quadro 6000 running right now it is crushing this scene like no problem big shout out to pny and nvidia nvidia sent me out this card it's about the fifth time i said it on the stream but hey i'm very happy you guys made me very happy so thank you nvidia pny is a collaboration we're teaming up together we're gonna do some cool stuff for you guys um in the coming months so get ready no details yet but get
ready alright that's all i'm saying dude this is looking good um let's duplicate this holding ctrl moving it over and i'm just going to rotate it a little bit more very nice cool all right so we want to make sure it's on the floor we can get rid of this cube and let's go ahead and make sure let's see let's check our cloner render instances yeah we can turn off textures by hitting nq and now our frame rate's below 24 finally and i'll just drop in that last little chunk back here um to wrap it
out so let's hop out of camera jeez that is crazy absolutely crazy so we'll duplicate the null holding control and let's adjust the cloner settings so everything goes back to one actually the height will stay the same the height will stay at 30. let's get that down to two and let's get that at like six maybe and we'll just cap it off right at the end here and we'll do a cool thing like uh actually no we'll just do it with lighting we'll do it with lighting it's going to be great yo that's a good
idea luggage lost by tsa that's really funny so you can do a thing where you go to display and you set everything to what is it box yeah our frame rate's still it's at 10. but let's light this thing let's let's take a look at this little bit here and see how we can improve the lighting and last thing last thing before i do that i'm going to just rotate this camera just a bit i want to tilt it up right at this moment so maybe what i'll do is i'll go to camera i'm going
to solo it i'll hop out of it and okay yeah so it's right in the middle um let's move the anchor point so it's in line with the camera right about there and i just want to rotate this up like that so that should allow us to see a bit more oh that was close sweet all right um let's light this thing all right let's render it and see what we got actually before we do that i'm going to take the hdri and i'm just going to set it to a color i'm going to set
it to black so we're just in a black void and we'll render and hopefully we'll see nothing and then we'll start dropping in lights i don't know if we have enough time to do the edison bulbs i would love to i just i have to be somewhere at three o'clock i'm gonna be a little bit late to that already as is um but we'll see what we can do here i certainly don't want to cheat this i want this to be as good as possible okay so let's start dropping in some lights i'll just make
an octane area light and it already looks super creepy so what i'll do is i'll go to uh options and i'll uncheck camera so i can actually hop out of my camera here and let's just clean this up so i'm gonna hit enqueue to get rid of the textures n d i believe no no nc we'll have it so that there's no lighting in your viewport we'll scale this down and we want to get an ies light and that's basically a light profile um that looks like a realistic light and that's the vibe this is
what we want right here oh wow that's incredible that is super creepy i love it so you can just pop that light in a cloner and set it to linear and minus x so it'd be every i don't know every 100 100 inches maybe every 20 feet 20 feet and we'll just have it go so it'll be like uh 10 times all right so that doesn't look right why is that not right let me render it again yep totally indiana jones vibes 100 so it's thinking it's thinking very hard and for some reason oh let's
turn check camera back on for some reason we're not seeing things so i wonder if that's because all right let's troubleshoot this a little bit so it's these last three nulls render instance is it multi-instance no what about just instance is it gonna break all right so that's everything we're seeing everything at this point and we'll adjust our lights oh there it is okay i'm just trying to get him like lined up with the corridor a bit more and we can take the lights and we can hide them so they're not camera visible or maybe
what we do is we bring them up so let's just take the cloner up like 20 feet and it looks like it's being blocked so i'm going to uncheck the camera hop out and see what's going on okay they went the wrong way we'll bring them way up here man this is yeah this is uh this is a delicate process i don't want to rush this let's take the lights um maybe here's what we'll do here's we still need we need to do this right let me actually hop into a new file here a new
project file and i have my hdri set up i'll zero it out so it's just darkness okay let's find a floor concrete floor um [Music] dusty concrete floor this seems appropriate let's go ahead and download this so this is a qixel bridge it allows us to download all the mega scans assets very easily and transport them to whatever program you're working in very quickly so you guys will see here you've probably seen this a million times yeah the lights are probably not directional enough so i'm going to actually do this the right way with an
ies profile so they look legit and thanks for sticking around guys means a lot we're gonna make some cool stuff here this definitely needs uh definitely needs a careful uh careful attention to detail with the lighting here because all of our work would be for no reason all right we'll go to export settings 8k cinema 4d yeah let's uh let's export this and it's going to transfer into our scene very quickly by very quickly i mean it's going to load for a second it's just a lot it's a lot faster than manually inputting everything there
it is you cool all right so we got our floor down here looks nice so let's mess around with some lights here what we need to do is we make an octane area light we'll point it at the ground raise it up and in texture i believe we're going to load an image and they're free online you can find them everywhere online but they're called ies profiles okay and you get an idea here of what they can do so basically um these images show you what they look like so number two is a good one
right because that's a very like top down spotty kind of look and you know maybe this one number 8 can be cool so i'll load that in and it's going to if i turn the hdri back on take our plane and scale it up if you make this light small enough i believe is it small enough or big enough small enough and let's try uh cranking the settings on this so we should get some sort of profile here if i set it up against a wall let me ctrl drag this so i feel like this
isn't right hmm let me try let me try another one let me see if it's just that one oh it's because okay i need to make an ies light i need to do octane um shift c will search anything ies light in octane great and i'll choose my profile number two there we go but why is it not oh that's because god dang it uh i use the wrong one okay that's that's a cinema 4d wanting to use an octane one so let's try that again so i had to make sure i used you have
to switch over to ies right here in the main you go ies and you load it into distribution and there we go you can start to see this ies profile takes shape right might look like a flashlight or something so that's the idea that's what we want to go for um and if we have a person about that big we want to find a profile that actually looks really cool in a large scale setting like we have so there you get an idea of how this works and i believe you can change the temperature yep
definitely go for a warmer feel uh 4200 that feels about right to me so you can change that profile if you want if you want to go with something brighter or you know maybe something a little different let's try four that could be cool let's try that so i'm going to copy this light and we'll go into our scene here and let's paste it into this cloner so now it's switched out our lights let's hop back into camera render it and see what we got and i agree volumetric lighting is gonna crush um it's what
this needs certainly so while that renders i'm just going to let a friend know i'm going to be a little behind so yeah actually guys so after this i'm headed into hollywood and i'm going to join up with a good friend mark edward harris he's a professional photographer travel photographer and he put out a book called the way of the japanese bath it's absolutely incredible it blew me away i bought it right when i saw it it was so cool and i'm going to be joining him in hollywood and interviewing him over the next couple
hours and asking him questions like you know what are some awesome tips that you can give to the audience and i'll be doing that on instagram so um if you guys want to follow along on instagram i'm at underscore or i'm sorry yeah at underscore punisher underscore i'll type it in here so you guys can see so that's me on instagram um let's mess with this lighting dude i feel like fog would totally just mess this whole thing up it's gonna be ridiculous yeah i think the lighting here needs to be very specifically tailored i've
been playing a lot of last of us so i don't want to skip out on the lighting here like it's it's really going to make or break this let's hop in here and let's maybe set our lighting up for the first bit so here let's set this up and i'll probably i'll probably have to bounce after i set up the lighting for this first bit here but i'm going to keep working on this because this is really nice let's back out and we'll get a spotlight right in the center here we want to draw the
eye into the background and have the background lit in such a way oh that's really cool but i feel like we turn this down and we hold ctrl we're going to duplicate it and put it behind the camera too so it fills in that negative space and we'll do it again and this light i feel like will be the brightest so maybe we take that middle light and take it to like 200 maybe that's 300 this one here is 200 and then that last one will be 500 and let's let's drop our floor in because
it's going to really help us i just want this to feel large so one tip for setting lights is you can select the light go to camera use camera and then set active object as camera and now you are the light your viewport is the light so you just navigate around and i want to blast this with a spotlight to give a cool effect here if i back this off and turn it way up like turn it up to like two thousand ten thousand maybe that's too much maybe i should just go with like that
top light look and i definitely feel like volumetric lighting needs to happen so we'll probably add a bit of fog in here as well i'm going to drag our floor texture in and i want to just clear out any of the textures that we're not using let's see let's go materials remove unused materials oh actually before we do that i want to apply the floor material that we just transferred over and now cinema is frozen oh we're back we're back yup dust particles certainly would be very nice gross that floor looks horrible how do we
make it better um let's move this light up and take a look at our floor let's uh zoom in on here and i think we just need to adjust the projection so i'll give it a projection node and i'll pipe this into everything we'll set up the box and we'll take transform and we'll set it to like 0.2 it's really hard to see let me crank this up maybe we set it to 0.01 or 0.1 and that feels a bit better let me take this to glossy octane yeah much better so this is really dark
here there's no fill light so i certainly want to fill this out um and i think i'll do so with a soft light from behind here that just looks really cool that's awesome so i'll spawn in octane light set the temperature to 4200 hop back into camera and we'll turn it way down let's take it to zero first and let's maybe try 20. i feel like that's still a little much we'll try 10. that feels a bit better and let's do let's see let's mess with our camera a bit here so i think it'd be
nice to have some depth of field so we'll drop that down let's take an aperture of like uh 1.8 2.8 3.5 i just want to have a little bit little blurry here in the foreground that feels good but it still looks um i feel like we need to shape the light more so so what we could do is try and blast these lights a little harder so this is our fill light that actually looks pretty nice and if we remove the fill light we just set it to like two and what i like to do
when i light is turn them all off and turn them on one by one and see what we get so that's directing the eye that's leading the eye to that backspace there this light is doing nothing what is this light let's delete that okay so we have this light is our um background light this is our like mid-ground situation here and this is our fill so if we fill it just a little bit we have this mid-ground hit right here and our background i feel like that lights it a bit too much so maybe we
take our mid ground and we take it way down to like 500 or or 250 or something so our eye is drawn to the background and let's maybe turn up that background light to like three thousand and i'll just kind of rotate it around to see [Music] what it looks like now i'd love to do a little bit of bloom as well oh man that looks cool too though so our background light if instead of zeroing it out maybe we bring it to like 50. and we take our mid-ground light and really blast it that's
interesting as well so that's like our fill and then we have actually no our fill would be the light that is filling the shadows and then this is like the key light so let's mess more with our camera let's set this two and three that's gonna give us like a bokeh kind of a look and let's go and we need to check camera to see this all right that color profile really makes it difficult to see oh man that is super cool oh maybe if we have a light shining from this point here onto the
wall like here or something so we can duplicate one of these lights this key light maybe yeah come on we'll take that man this is crazy we'll copy it drag it back scoot it down get in close and rotate it so it's facing this wall and we get a nice beam of light like hitting basically hitting these stacks right here just like that that's interesting freaking 2fps yeah it's it's nuts right now let's go back to the camera and work in some post-processing so this is just going to hit the brightest points and give them
like a nice bloom so let's see if i can can't crank something up here oh that's like some exterior light like you're going outside but i feel like that's not the right vibe just red yes i'm just messing with a lot of stuff i feel like it's a good way to get a look you know is is to really go through a bunch of different iterations and find out the one that you enjoy so let's see if we can't max out this bloom there it is okay nice so it's just those highlights are hitting that
bloom right there nice and subtle keep it subtle and then certainly you know giving it some fog would make it feel real nice too man i feel like there's so much story stuff you can add to this um so i'm not i could do aces here um oh wow there's even more oh wait it looks like it's all doubled up um but i i don't i feel don't really feel the need to get into aces right now it's a very complicated setup um i'm still learning it man that yeah this is this is looking really
cool let's just take a peek around the corner and see what it looks like we'll add motion blur to this too god that light okay yeah that's intense um i think i'm just going to give this a render while i leave and see what it looks like because this could be really really sweet um i'm gonna make sure i get rid of this light because it's very blinding and very intense certainly know what we're going for so key light the second one i'll take visibility and just knock it out or maybe we set it to
like 0.1 0.01 or we just move it up a little bit yeah that's cool so yeah i think i'm going to give this a render but i'm gonna come back and keep lighting this because i definitely want this to look as good as possible um and it needs that detail precision work to get that look so i'm gonna set up motion blur real quick um let's do one over 60 centered make sure we save geography or geometry we'll give it an octane tag so it accepts the motion blur we'll throw our plane into that as
our floor let's set up the render the place where it's going to render yep 1280 by 720 certainly all frames 32-bit exrs we don't need alpha channel and i'll give it a save here um i'll be sure to post this test in the discord server for you guys so you can see what's going on i'm going to keep working on it though because it deserves the attention so we'll just call this uh test v1 with 1200 samples and we'll give it a render and see how long it takes for a frame um while that's going
i think it's time to finally announce the winners of last week's weekly challenge i was on vacation but i still got the challenge out to you guys the prompt was storm all right it was a difficult one a very very difficult one um but let's go ahead and take a look at all of the entries not all the entries just the five winners that's who we're looking at today guys and then i'm going to announce this week's weekly challenge so let's see here let's find these winners i know i got them saved somewhere boom here
we go alright so first up the first winner of this week's weekly challenge prompted with storm is blaster jacks with this awesome image i think you used blender i think you said um yeah you got your boat here you got some boxes and some nice emissive lightning uh strikes here with the with the lighthouse in the background now this rain is is this dude this rain look at these cylinders come on look at these cylinders man but uh it's not a bad technique not a bad technique at all maybe could have given them like a
a water texture at least something um i thought that was funny though nice technique this is cool i really dig this image um you know i think more work could have gone in you could have used some texture on the boat of course and take this to the max i think you would benefit from that come out with a nicer image but i really like the vibe of this so blasterjacks you are a winner of this week's weekly challenge congratulations to you brother next up we have gold with this image here absolutely incredible this is
basically uh based off of the game inside if you guys know that game it's absolutely incredible you should play it it's like four or five hours such an amazing experience and i love your take on this gold this is a really nice take on the storm prompt um you know you guys know how to get me with the fog and the silhouettes going off into the background i dig it a lot so gold congratulations i love your composition i love the lighting all good here man fantastic work next up the next winner is david katz
with this image here this is really nice man a lot of detail work went into this i can tell um your background is super cool it looks like that's almost like a painting or something back here and then you have your foreground with the rocks some steps maybe some mega scans assets in here i like your character so here's what i would do i feel like you can push and pull the highlights and shadows on this image i also feel like you can work on your color in the background it's a lot of colors going
on you have blue there's probably some purple i'm color blind there is this green here there's orange there's a lot going on a lot of colors going on this background i would simplify the colors of the background and also push the contrast so i would make this a little bit brighter and maybe spotlight your guy just a little bit more because he blends in but overall i really like this i think it's super cool it's detailed there's work you put a lot of work into this so congratulations to you uh david katz for winning this
week's weekly challenge all right next up two more guys there's two more we got night man comet nightman cometh i think that nightman cometh i think is your name um with this image here this is awesome very nice it looks like you use blender maybe i'm taking guesses um this is really fun man like you put this together i love your color composition you got the orange and the and the blue going on i think this is really good you got a nice wet ground texture going my two gripes with this image it looks like
the dude's floating and it looks like your um your trash can is floating that's it that's all i have to say um otherwise i really dig it man i like what you put into this i like the composition i love the colors so congratulations to you uh nightman cometh or nightman comment i don't know that's probably nightmare cometh congratulations your winner of this week's weekly challenge and last up the last winner of this week's weekly challenge is um what is it sharp aluminum flavor yes with this image here very fun it's a post-apocalyptic scene you
got your nice wet ground here a nice battle destroyed area in the mid ground and a really intense cyclone going on in the background with lightning strikes going into it again with the color you got the orange you got the blue i just know where the orange is coming from maybe if you put some street lights in there it would justify it um yeah super creepy lightning i i'm not digging this overlay you put on top um like some subtle film grain would be nice but i think this is a bit too much um what
else it looks like this is an eyeball here i can't really tell what this is i would i might clean that up a bit um get rid of that but i like your silhouette it's a good silhouette nice destroyed car we got two destroyed cars here um but yeah congratulations oh a sharp aluminum flavor you're a winner of this week's weekly challenge you guys did a really good job this this prompt was difficult it was very difficult i know um so i really appreciate all the hard work you guys put in and let's talk about
this week's weekly challenge because um guys like i said i'm working together with p and y and nvidia and we're gonna do something really cool together for you guys so definitely keep up keep coming to these streams there's gonna be some cool stuff coming um so this week's weekly challenge all right i am open to suggestions let's start bringing them in to the chat here and see what we got going on um because i like taking requests from you guys it makes it a little bit easier on me one less thing to do while i
prep for the stream so i'll check in we're getting 30 second frames that is not bad i'm excited i am very excited for this heck yeah um we'll let this go i'ma run off to hollywood and take some photos with my buddy mark i'll be on instagram he'll be dropping his photography tips for you guys he's working on his new series it's called naked hollywood if you look up mark edward harris check him out he's an awesome photographer he inspired me a lot so it's really cool to get the chance to go down and shoot
with him um so catch me on instagram that's underscore punisher underscore i'll be dropping some stuff on there on my stories so let's take a look let's take a look at these props cute oh cute is not bad castle holograms floral we did flowers i think we did potted plant in the past robots we've done archery it's very specific pokemon hmm pokemon is good i'm a big fan of pokemon vintage technology oh that's good dang that's good vintage technology that's a tough one yeah that does sound cool ruins vintage electronics or something abstract abstract could
be interesting i think right now it's between vintage technology and abstract oh low poly is good too okay i'm calling it we're gonna vote for abstract let's go um let's see if we can get like a a little vote going um abstract is one vintage technology is two and three is um [Music] god dang what was three abstract vintage technology and uh low poly what do you guys think no spamming this is the honor system don't spam it all right lots of twos okay two it is vintage technology that is the challenge for this week
all right so what are the rules um wow what vintage technology what would vintage technology be i guess it could be some like fallout 3 style stuff um it could be like type i guess a typewriter is counted as vintage technology it's going to be tough so what we don't wanna do is just download an asset from mega scans or from turbosquid or whatever and light it and call it a thing right you wanna actually try and build a scene from it you wanna if you can build your own build your own thing build your
own vintage technology render it make it look really nice the the quality the lighting basically everything comes into play into the final image and i decide the final renders based off of the ones that look the nicest if they have a little bit of story that goes a long way there's a lot of things that come into a render like the first thing when i'm looking through i'm looking for something that looks nice does it look nice if it looks nice i look i look deeper i look more and that sets apart um when you
get when you when you basically get past the does it look nice part i get into are you telling a story um what kind of techniques are you using um you know like how's your lighting i get into the specifics of it but it's got to look nice so make it make it look nice all right um vintage technology yeah that's the way to go heck yeah alright guys so i'm going to post that in the discord server um but i gotta run here i gotta meet up with mark and i'll see you guys next
week okay next week vintage technology get on it it's gonna be fun all right guys peace i'm gonna post this render in the discord server when i get back so definitely keep a shout out or keep a shout out i've been talking for four hours straight guys keep your eyes peeled for that so i'll see you guys next time peace