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Ethan Becker
🔪 9:59 GET TO THE DRAWING! 🔪 🔪 7:04 NEVER draw from imagination! 🔪 🔪11:00 my favorite part 🔪...
Video Transcript:
don't you ever drop from imagination never drop from imagination ever all right what is style I'm gonna break it down into two simple terms that your little infant brain can understand style is mileage plus reference all right that's all it is drawing from imagination is bad and mileage is a lie all right I'm gonna do a demo I'm gonna prove to you with three simple steps that this is true all right so what we're gonna do is we're gonna pick three artists and we're going to combine each of their styles one's genre one's shape language
and one's line quality we're gonna combine all those three to create your own style and that's what I've been doing that's what every professional has done all right whether they realize it or not it could be subconscious it's happening okay in your in your little brain so this is a way we're going to laser focus and and learn a little bit faster about it you see this thing over here says mileage with the scribble thing and reference from imagination that's wrong all right I'm gonna get into that in a second all right so at the
core of all of this what is it about it's about referencing artists find the artists that you love find the things that really make you go I want to do that I'm just gonna go over the most important one of these categories first its genre so why is this one so important because you can have sonora without shapes without line and people will still go for your art let's say comic strips okay they don't have the craziest shapes comic strips don't have the craziest line they focus on the genre of comedy that's what sells so
genre is by far the most important now you want to be thinking about overall mood love action horror Anthony Jones he's a really good example of this this guy's all genre all mood look at that for the most part this guy's got a darker tone to his stuff alright he's got a mood to it another really good artist that I can think of when I come when it comes to this type of mood and darker tone is Natalie Hall I mean look at her stuff super super dark and moody another quick example is folks folks
keeps it interesting there's a different perspective there's a different culture it's just so much more interesting so whenever you can stand out this way it's somebody that you really need to pay attention to and try to understand why works okay Natalie and Anthony both kind of share a darker tone but here's the key to making this type of graph work you've got to pick one and I'm gonna just click I'm just gonna choose Anthony's Anthony is gonna fill this slot of genre all right now for the most second important category shapes the goal here is
to find the shapes the animation the artists find the shapes that you love alright the adventure time has some crazy shapes Sean O'Neill he has some amazing shapes I always look at Sean for his for his shapes really good stuff CT Chrysler also amazing shapes in this one and by far probably my most favorite is Christine she has some incredible shapes in her work if you go look at her animal designs and stuff some amazing shapes in there at first you might not be able to see it the more that you study different artists and
you kind of go in and break down the work you'll get to see all the different types of shapes that they that they have in their work all right different types of structures this is a big part and standing out with your own style for the demo I was very tempted to choose Christine but I'm gonna have to go with phobes alright so here's the thing I could have chosen folks under the genre but I'm choosing folks for shapes so like I said you have to focus on one you got to choose one artist for
each of these categories and you can mix them up later but uh let's just focus on this for now alright let's jump into line huh huh all right line and shapes they kind of come hand in hand you know because the lines kind of determine the shapes and this and that so at the end of the day you can throw this one out because I will say it right now not everybody has line quality and I'll just show you what I mean there I'm just gonna start us off with an extreme example here my oh
me she has very iconic type of line quality we're not gonna be paying attention to her shapes we're gonna be paying attention to the thick and thin of this line so this also consists of the flow enos of the lines and also how thin too thick they are all right I'm trying to teach you how to teach yourself here alright let's go to the other end of it Alex Alex is incredible the reason I like Alex's stuff is because there isn't really a line quality he's got his shapes no doubt but his line doesn't necessarily
go thick to thin or extremely wavy or extremely straight I love lines that are very clear so I actually look at Alexes stuff a lot if you guys have seen the new Netflix animation TV series that came out it's called keepo okay this was the style in keepo it had a very very specific type of line quality this show was created by red and I actually got to work on the show for a split second alright I actually did a few character designs on it and it was very particularly difficult for me it was difficult
for me because the line quality was so specific and I couldn't quite get there an example of the line quality to the extreme is Dan Holland this guy did some character designs for keepo and I just kind of wanted to point out how beautiful and simple it is but if you look at it it's got a very specific type of texture to it and it's not on accident this is in no way on accident this is a very specific style that in rad and I he sat me down and he tried to show me he
tried to show me how to build structure in this style and it was very difficult it looks very simple but it's a it's pretty darn difficult so it was done with just like a standard round brush it had this a shaky lion effect to it and every now and then sometimes the lines would extend past you know where they were meant to and again it's not an accident this was done on purpose you can see here there is structure beneath the line quality but over on top of it you have to choose what type of
line quality you want and for red that's important for me it's not so much important if you watch avatar if you watch Korra any animation in general the line quality is not the most important thing unless you take something like attack on Titan versus avatar they have two very different line quality but for the most part line quality isn't that big of a deal unless you want it to be you know alright so we have our three major artists that we've plugged into each of our categories I'm just going to do a demo kind of
show you how I'm gonna match these people together alright quickly though right over here is the color section if you're really trying to stand out in your art style with painting and that type of stuff color is gonna be a big part of it you can have different types of genres different types of shapes or whatever but the color is what is going to bring it all together but we're not gonna talk about that because that's a little bit too much alright I need to focus we're gonna focus but if we were gonna talk about
it talk about Peter Chan here I believe that's his name this guy's work is incredible already looking at this work you can tell he has a very specific type of color choice so if you're painting your characters or whatever you're just gonna add another column for a color and do the same thing that I'm doing here we're not doing that though because I got to keep it simple because you're just stupid do not think don't you alright do not study from just three artists obviously you study these guys and you move on to the next
three all right like I said before referencing things from your imagination it's bad no bad thing and mileage it's a lie mileage is a lie meaning that you can sit here with their little baby crayon all freaking day private buddies practice makes perfect doesn't exist perfect practice that's what you need to be doing all right doing little circles going around just like drawing from your imagination all day you can do that for as long as you want if you're not referencing professional artists gonna get nowhere baby so whenever I say mileage is wrong I mean
incorrect usage of mileage is wrong do not think that you're getting anywhere faster by just drawing the same old junk over and over okay and that's coupled with referencing from imagination bad bad big bad no okay whenever you're a professional and you've learned all of the structure and this and that yeah reference from imagination but when you're first starting out reference professional you don't know you don't know how to create something on a professional level you've never seen something on a professional level originality I'm gonna try to go over this fast all right and I
just want to be clear here this is to get faster faster real fast no wait this is to get better better really fast if you want to get better faster than all the other high schoolers around you you blast it with this if you want to sit there and call yourself an artiste then you know draw everything from your imagination and from your feelings whenever people say I'm completely original I draw everything from imagination I got some bad news you're not original you're not drawing from imagination all right in that case how do you make
a sentence you make a sentence with words the words the things that you are saying the ideas that you're speaking they've come from a thing called an alphabet something that somebody has already invented nothing is original how you combine these different things where original ideas come into play so let's just take a look at this pure originality from your brain close your eyes and try to imagine a life where you're not so stupid you're thinking of all these ideas these things to mesh together it's going to look like this okay it's super blurry and mesh
together you can't decide where the design is and as a student you need that clarity as a little child baby infant you need that clarity so what do we do we do deliberate originality clear reference from life I will say the only original part of you is your taste it's what you choose to combine to create this flavor so quit thinking that you're so original cuz you're not nobody's original we're all thinking the same ideas in just different ways all right you take the FBI you mix it with aliens you get men and black you
take a theme park and you mix it with the dinosaurs and then you get Jurassic Park all right nothing's original all right here's the demo this is we're gonna get you learnt get your turn I want to do something special for you for this demo okay I'll call beer Mike beard Mike beard Mike oh this is painful for this section we're gonna take it a little bit softer I'm just going to assume that you already know your structure and we're not gonna go into that what we're gonna do is make a mask oh and look
at that I've already made a mask all right at this point we're gonna make your character based on for this mask we have our genre picked out it's a bit darker a bit more scary boo and we've got our seats this is so painful all right moving forward we're gonna keep Jinora in mind we're gonna just move on to shapes okay so when it comes to shapes we're gonna be studying the exact type of shapes that this character designer is using so if we look at folks those work this is a very specific design language
in here let's go to CT Chrysler's work now this one is a much more different ER type of approach so we're doing this not this not anything else like this so we need to find a differentiation let's try to find what that is here high cheekbone elongated face comes in here comes out and we swoop back in something like that all right we're not going all the can way out here and coming back in like crazy that's not what we're doing no we're keeping it subtle pop pop pop make it pop make it drop right
there's more of a brown line let's try to find that all right I'm studying the ear here doesn't matter too much all right I do my ears like this huh does folks do it though a little bit more detail all right let's keep that one basic for now the eyes are a big part now see here in my mask the eyes are sitting here but if we look at the reference eyes are actually kind of sitting a little bit more up that's the that's a different culture that you're seeing there I don't we'll see how
the phobes does the eyebrows all right I'm not trying to make anything perfect right now I'm just trying to give you an example we're gonna extend this cheekbone up a little bit noses that's a big part a really big part of culture all right look at that nose oh my goodness look at ct's nose look at phobes nose very different especially from my nose very different here I mean it's more of a straight I'm gonna straight down I don't even mix all right and if you look at the eyes they're kind of angled downward a
little bit getting this kind of sitting high on the cheekbone at this point it's very important to look at the distance the distance between the the mouth and the chin and the mouth and the nose a little bit more out though because pay attention to the end of the nose here it's like this it's not like that it's more of a downward and that's the culture that we're seeing here all right I'm not doing it perfect here but you get the point all right I hope the sound quality for that one was okay we're moving
on boom next you might think we're moving on the line quality but we're not here we're gonna focus on shapes and genre a little bit more I'm looking at this genre and is he's got this crazy like dark triangle looking thing and I want to keep that alright but let's just kind of mix it up a little bit and let's have it go downwards he's got these things kind of hanging off the sides we can do that too we can do that with earrings we can do that with whatever's coming off of this thing that
she's wearing we're gonna leave the hair alone and then just have her wear some kind of hood we're not focusing on line quality we're not focusing on anything like that the theme of Anthony's thing right here is that it's just kind of like things are hanging down it's a very kind of creepy and ominous in that way so let's try to keep to that let's keep to that genre don't try to pull multiple things from one artist like you don't want shapes genre online all coming from the same artist you want different references from that
so let's say none of these characters have the hair that I want you would kind of scout for your own hair column what this is is more of a wait for you to teach yourself the Internet's an incredible place for where you can go and find your own references find ways that you can teach yourself and entertaining ways that you can teach yourself let's look at the eyes from our shape reference here these eyes are very very dark thick outlines as opposed to somebody like CT Chrysler not so much all right let's say at this
point you got your shapes you got your genre down good to go we're gonna lower the opacity and now at this point then you want to focus on your line quality so up here I've turned on my tapering especially for Miami's type of line quality a lot of this is dissecting why they do the things they do she varies her thin and thick it's your job to go and figure out why she made this part thick why she made this part thick why she made these parts thin again for these things I'm not just doing
this randomly I'm going back and paying attention to why the artist made the decisions that they're making I'm not thinking well I guess this goes here this I'm referencing their work and specifically trying to learn from them as if I'm sitting right behind them while they're drawing that's the whole point of this to think like a professional alright I don't have the time to go in and clean up this whole thing but you get the point feel like the video if you like the content that I'm trying to produce make sure you go down below
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