Building SEO Lead Gen Websites With Lovable.Dev (INSANE)
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Learn how to create a fully functioning **lead generation website** using **** and **Supe...
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this is groundbreaking stuff guys you can now generate lead gen websites specific to your business specific to your agency specific to your clients businesses that can generate leads for them and bring them actual traffic and revenue let's get into it in this video I'm going to create a lead gen website for our agency I want you to take what you see in this video and apply it to your own agencies your own businesses your own verticals whatever business you're in there is a way to kind of create one of these websites now specifically what I'm going to be doing is I'm going to be looking for leads for our agency okay so it's a lead gen website it's kind of like a secondary website but it's actually not going to be in this case I'm just going to do craft agency us or craft agency. us or something like that so it's going to branded around um our agency so it's not even a secondary website it's just another way to find leads now the main reason I'm doing this isn't to find leads for the agency it's actually just to show you guys my thought process here now this is experimental okay so this hasn't really been done on YouTube ever um and whether it actually work or not is kind of I'm going to show you guys live I'll keep updating you with this etc etc I might keep the uh URL private for for now but I don't know we'll see about that so let's just talk about the prompt because the prompt here is um is specific for lovable. deev just as an introduction to lovable.
deev by the way um what they have is they have an integration with superbase now superbase is a very very interesting uh database tool okay so the first thing I'm going to do actually is just go to super base. com new project here uh we'll choose the organization here and we'll call this um video um video I can think for anything and then we just give a password here and then create new project so the reason that we do that first is because we can then connect to super base very very easily from lovable but the cool thing about superbase is that it has this thing called Edge functions basically when you create kind of a webside like this normally you have a front end and a back end right and you kind of need to think of both and like how you're going to like connect them and um everything like that in this case all we actually really need is a front end and then uh data uh database right um using Edge functions so what this is actually going to do is lovable is going to create a function here and then it's going to basically use Edge functions to call that function that it creates here okay so you don't even have to worry about anything beyond just pretty much designing the front end and then making sure it kind of works and then you're pretty much done okay so it's a very very interesting system and I'm very very excited to show people this but let's just talk about the prompt here so I want you to create a website using super based Edge Edge functions the idea behind this website by the way I have no idea about costs here guys I I literally I have no idea what super base is going to charge us Etc ET so do be warned of that as well this is completely experimental I have no idea what the costs are going to be here the idea behind this website is to be a dynamically generated SEO Powerhouse that generates content I will leave this prompt in the description by the way guys that generates content at the point of someone clicking the page making sure to take all parts of SEO into account I want to generate a website to advertise my SEO agency in the US market by ranking for SEO in X major city y State and have five niches SEO agency back link agency content writing agency web design agency CMS web development agency okay uh then I'll just put in Brackets here with keywords like Shopify WordPress nextjs custom okay just as a I'm just going to add that here just because I think that's relevant here the idea is to cash everything for six months but let Google generate the content using their crawlers so this isn't it's not a new thing but it's something I've been talking about for a while on the channel it feels like dynamically generated content that you allow Google to generate itself that is then cached the results are then cached and then when a user clicks on it it instantly shows them that page for some reason anyway I'm not sure why Google seems to really prefer that structure so I'm actually going to do that where we're going to generate landing pages right with forms images and writing specifically to create landing pages for like SEO agency Los Angeles SEO Agency New York etc etc right completely experimental as I said before so make sure you think about SEO every return including schema meta titles meta descriptions sitemap generation robots. text and anything else relevant each of these pages should have dynamically generated content using chat gbt 40 Mini model open AI mot multimodal including checking images I want to get rid of that because it's just too complicated if you're really really trying to do this where all the images are perfect then You' probably want to do that but in this case I'm not going to and pix API to make unique landing pages on these topics use use broad terms like business um Etc um in order to ensure that the pages all look good also remember to think about mobile optimization and Page speed the content should be generated at the point of the page being loaded uh in Brackets by Google's crawlers and then cach cached again using super base and there needs to be a form making fill in which is a lead gen form which leads to superbase this lead needs to be on all landing pages and should make part of the landing pages and should be a separate table to the cache system you can make a template and then use separate prompts for each part of the template with a um in Brackets we have a large uh call per minute um rate limit with open AI I think it's eight 4,000 plus I probably check that but for example generate a title A meta title for this page generate a title generate a heading for the top of the page generate content for the section Etc and then fill it in with pix of a and gb4 mini please be intelligent so this is one thing that I've noticed that's really good about lovable over something like bolt is when you give it the freedom to code and to prompt in in a certain way its ability to actually be intelligent in the way that it puts prompts and information and data together one thing with bolt is that it just doesn't really do that properly it just kind of throws things up and that the final content if you're making a Content generator for example is just absolute trash whereas lovable seems very very good at following kind of or thinking about its own processes which is really really cool so I just said please be intelligent in your prompting and how you create the system so every page has a lot of useful not irrelevant and good content on the page that could rank on Google and has images a form and anything else you deem relevant the main goal is to rank on Google with dynamically generated content using metadata title and description and content on the page including optimizing titles and content for the following keywords replacing Los Angeles with each popular city and state just full transparency this is how I came up with that list I just went on keywordtool.
io completely free to see the keywords it's not free to see the volumes but you know you don't need the volumes necessarily you could also use Google ads Keyword Planner I just typed in SEO agency in Los Angeles and kind of the way this works is basically if it's in Los Angeles it will also be how people search in in you know Fort Worth or wherever in the US I'm really bad with us place names uh just so you know um so yeah and then I I just went through the list manually and just came up with a few um that I thought would be kind of applicable to every place basically and then further down um there's just documentation for everything here and then I'll just put this Above This documentation I'll show you how I came up with this list as well so this should go here answer these FAQs as part of the process uh on each page and then to get this all I did was just go to Chad GPT and then just said give me 10 questions that could be applied to anyone's search for an SEO agency in their city for example how much does an SEO agency cost in Los Angeles give me 10 of the most searched questions so that's how I came up with this FAQ list then I just gave it the quick start open AI documentation and the Pix documentation that's literally all this is okay there's no there's no nothing else going on here so prompt to make a gen website and I'll put this in the description of the video and then we'll just hit enter on lovable here so I am paying for lovable the reason I'm paying for lovable just so people know is I believe if you're not paying then you cannot do a private um project I don't really want to share my projects with people I want them to be private hence why I'm paying for lovable um and then yeah pretty much that's the entire process so what it's going to do is now it's going to run us through through the entire system okay so this is again why I really really like lovable I just love the way that it does things basically so we'll go through this and I'll show you how this works so it says here would you like me to proceed with implementing The superace Edge functions for Content generation and caching if there's blah blah blah blah blah blah okay so there is an error here so we'll say try to fix you want to be fixing errors as you go just because yeah you may as well if you want to view the project at any time you can just click the a link like this as well okay so now I'll say please continue full implementation of the project I'm probably just going to be saying that for a little bit of time to be honest with you so it would be interesting to see how it's uh how it's doing this so that's the pixel Bay integration schema nice service landing page so generate meta title generate meta description generate main content I I do I think the the implementation is fine at the moment generate schema five relevant FAQs basic passing I mean Yep this implementation looks fine so I just said Implement Edge functions and dynamic routing Dynamic routing basically means that um every page that can exist does exist kind of is how I describe that so we still don't have anything here because it's just making the index. TSX now that's why there we go okay we got something okay that's fine so for now let's just connect here so we'll connect to video video the one that I made before connect so this is the really cool thing about lovable is you don't really have to worry about the super base integration now you still will have to do a few different things here um but it a lot of the St a lot of the editing stuff it will do now so it even says look you haven't created any tables in your super based project yet so it's lit going to tell me how to um how to do this so you can now work with a fully featured backend and add powerful features to your app to make your app truly functional user accounts store and use real data add Advanced features like Edge functions etc etc so I want to I want you to add edge functions and also you've built more of a SAS than a lead gen web like I do not I need some basic Pages like a homepage um and then the other pages each uh pillar page the five um what they call miches and then um 200 of the most popular us towns should then be generated dynamically as this discuss before please refine these steps as well to make sure the content that's generated isn't trash so this is the first thing it's going to do let's start by setting up the database structure for our content management caching system we'll need to create tables for store and Generator content and location perfect so it says you'll want to add all 200 so why does it say population I don't need population why I would probably have to do here is add these myself so remove population and just do the first 20 cities okay so for now we'll just do 20 cities just cuz I can add to this later I believe and I don't want to get held up so we'll just copy here and then what you need to do is you need to go to super base and then just on the side SQL editor or is it table editor uh it's SQL editor and then just paste this command and then run it should say success no row return perfect so now we have we should have a table here uh or not yeah here so locations and cach content perfect amazing so we're making some progress okay I've done that please add um Edge functions for Content generation so now what this is going to do is it's going to actually make Edge functions so if I go here we'll see Edge functions appear here and this will also then be a really good way to track how many pages Google has attempted to create okay so the idea here is we have a system that creates content when someone clicks on it right but that someone can be a robot and if it's a Google crawler even better because it's attempting to crawl what we what we've created basically if that makes sense okay so I need my open API key here so I'm just going to add that quickly so I've just put my API key here and then I'm just going to press save continue adding um Edge functions I have added my API key so if I go to here yeah there we go generate content perfect okay nice it's actually there we go improve prompts for better content quality that's exactly what I wanted there we go this is looking a bit better now yeah look at that this is what I wanted really really good okay so let's just press try to fix here looks like it is trying to load something though let's just give this a little go this isn't how I want the website to look at all but it is trying to generate something seems okay it's trying to use the wrong chat GPT Endo okay trying to fetch again this is good though look look at the topback link agency Angeles California so it's got the idea it's just whether or not we can break through to it actually being a website instead of just being you know that let's see might be able to see what's going on here in the console logs calling generate content function with prompt so it's there we go okay beautiful there we go there's the content now it's doing the five relevant FAQs okay nice so we got something it's oh look at that is that Los Angeles hell yeah dude okay so I mean it's not it's not perfect by any means but it's getting there right it's actually insane guys just wow okay um oh wait sorry one thing I do want to check is if I refresh this now is it cached yeah it is is no it's not okay so look at that though that's crazy dude okay so let's change a few things firstly we need a homepage which should be a series of images Etc uh then we need a header for each of the five niches in the header um then we need caching to ensure the content isn't generated every time then we need marked or something to display the markdown content that is generated by the system and also ensure the form submission is working also get a few more images of business Etc and if possible put them in the um main content so also the business name is craft agency us and all of the CSS and branding and styling should use similar stuff to the attached image other than that like I mean yeah there are some things I want to change and stuff but like that's pretty cool that you can build something that quickly okay so again just a few changes that I want to make but let's just see how it implements these changes already this video is crazy because you can take what I've shown you here and extrapolate it into whatever the hell you want right um it's just kind of up to you guys how you how you do that process but already this is really really cool okay so let's start with the databas change need to support content caching so again it wants me to go to SQL editor paste this and then run success no runs no Rose return perfect uh and then I'll say continue implementation of these steps remember to include the information in the prompting we're relevant for example our agency's name Etc I'm actually I'm getting very excited by this guys very very excited so I think you could go even further with this right and just split this into like 15 or 20 different open AI prompts and build something like chunk by chunk right we're just discovering this together I I'm literally doing this for the first time live in front of you guys and I've already got to the point where you can generate something like this right which is almost there this is I would say it was about 50% of the way there already and I don't even know how long we've been filming but only 30 minutes of filming with no edits basically in there so yeah I mean it's crazy really it's crazy what you can do with I now now I hope this unlocks things for more people because I'm just kind of spitballing here with ideas I'm can you just text these things to me I would have checked and I would have you don't have I'm making a video of St you can't just don't just ring me and ask for a little panon it just text me and I'll come bring you [Music] one I'll burn it C can I Pon please [Music] okay so we can see here now I don't know if this domain's available I guess I'll have to check so let's just go to versel real quick and I'm kind of doing things on the Fly here yeah we're on verel again uh craft agency us. com okay it's available and it's cheap perfect good okay that's fine so I mean it it's picked that for me but it's really really cool doing this cuz I'm just oh look at that it's better already oh my God it's pretty much there Jesus Christ like I've only been doing this for oh wait no no no wait wait wait wait wait pricing is not a good idea to put here uh quotes is not a good idea because they're made up um Conta form if I click this does this look at that did you see that that's so cool right this is freaking incredible damn dude I mean I mean so if I refresh this now does it has it cached it holy Jesus this is so interesting I don't like these FAQs um let's refine the FAQs a bit and also um so and probably what I okay just so everyone knows I'm probably not going to do this in this video okay but what you should do is you should get a list of all your pricing a list of all your offer offerings a list of just everything that you've got all of your information all of your you know your brand voice everything right attach them here and then do this process okay and create yourselves one of these lead gen websit now I'm just looking at making content doing experiments things like that so obviously I'm trying to get this out as soon as possible okay um because I don't want to sit here for 4 hours working on this but just say you guys know like if you do all of that and you and you make one of these lead gen websites and then you try and rank across the internet using this I think this is a very very powerful method for lead gen right um now I'm probably going to just work a little bit more on this but um it's it's still quite far from where we would want it to be um but basically we've got all of the base elements that we needed right so now I I I don't even know what the homepage is is is there a homepage okay it's still this so you'd want to create a homepage as well again just use Ai and then you'd want to do a header at the top you'd want to change the branding change the colors Etc make sure everything works so I probably just try and submit this for example okay look at that success okay wow so let's just refresh this and see if we've got you know some kind of okay so it says success but doesn't look like there's actually any success here because uh yeah I don't think that's how that works but this is very very cool this very very interesting you can do so much here did I press try to fix already I'll just I'm just going to keep pressing try to fix for now until there are no more errors because um and then I'm going to say let's refine the fqs a bit and also change The Branding to The Branding that I sent to you before I mean with the images it's really really hard to get the images in this content uh so I'll just say uh if possible don't mention pricing Etc don't mention phone number um and improve the leaden form a bit by having different options uh also I need a header with all of the location all of the uh niches in it plus when I click the Niche it should be an index page of all of the um locations uh and also I need a home page so it's kind of one thing I don't like is that it's a little bit um it's not as kind of broad as bolts like one one thing that Bolt's really good at is implementing all of these changes at the same time now one bad thing about that is that it doesn't do a very good job so I guess to be honest with you this is potentially the better way to do it okay so I mean it's telling me to do this so I'm just going to I'm just going to do I'm just going to follow what it's telling me to do okay so I did say success there good okay lead form with more options perfect let's create a service index page perfect let's update the app.