Top 10 Scientific Conspiracy Theories That Turned Out to Be True

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When it comes to this topic, expect the unexpected. For this list, we’ll be looking at modern conspi...
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it was the most secret program ever conducted by the CIA in the United States welcome to watch Mojo and today we're counting down our picks for the top 10 scientific conspiracy theories that turned out to be true and he looked me in the eye and he said we're the military we can do what we want for this list we'll be looking at modern conspiracy theories with a scientific twist that wound up being true though they may not be what you think did the Illuminati keep a conspiracy theory off this list let us know in the comments below number 10. weather control programs the history of the U. S government's attempts to control the weather began after the Civil War in the late 1800s an American engineer collected dozens of stories of rain following large battles to recreate the effect a general set off nine thousand dollars worth of explosives in Texas the results were inconclusive where people believe that all the natural disasters that have been occurring recently are linked to a secret climate controlling weapon used by the US Army the better part of a century later the Pentagon Incorporated weather control into their strategy for the Vietnam War operations sober Popeye lasted for five years using planes the military tried to seed rain clouds over Vietnam the silver iodide particles mimic ice crystals and provide the scaffolding of sorts for ice to form that ice then grows very efficiently by consuming the super cool liquid drops usually after about 20 minutes they grow large enough and fall out of the cloud as precipitation if they could extend them monsoon season it could provide a strategic Advantage a series of news stories revealed the program six years later in 1978 weather-based environmental Warfare was banned around the world so maybe the lesson learned here is we shouldn't meddle with forces that we don't really understand because we may not like the result number nine Canada tried to create actual gaydar in the mid 20th century gay men and women had to keep their orientation secret or risk losing their social standing jobs or even their lives I mean there's a whole bunch of possible ways in which someone could have a character weakness right or some sort of addiction but the one that the Canadian State focuses on is homosexuality it was the key Focus not just a focus in an attempt to ferret out gay men in the military or other government institutions from the 1950s on the Canadian government hired Professor Frank Robert wake invented what they would ultimately call the fruit machine just as the attempt by the government to determine and find the technology or a set of tests that would scientifically and objectively be able to determine who was gay or lesbian and today we'd call it gaydar forget it he's gay what how can you tell I just know these things I've got what they call gaydar wake would strap men into a chair force them to look at pornography and measure their physical reactions the Royal Canadian Mounted of police investigated thousands of government employees as a result the fact of policy was that if you were homosexual you were out it was just it that's what it came down to you were out there was no discretion and the mounties got really carried away with this many men lost their jobs due to the dubious test results until it was discontinued number eight the U.
S government poisoned alcohol during prohibition ratified in 1919 the 18th Amendment to the U. S Constitution prohibited alcohol what do you think about it answer the question it's not just a showpiece and I'll tell you exactly how I feel about Prohibition it is the law of the land the period of prohibition would last until 1933 ending with the ratification of the 21st amendment despite the law illegal smuggling manufacturing and distribution of drinking alcohol was rampant to satisfy a thirsty Nation gangsters like Al Capone operate illicit distilleries in smuggling liquor from other countries in an attempt to curtail drinking the U. S government tried something radical even before 1920 they'd mandated that extra contaminants be added to Industrial alcohol to prevent its consumption what the government then looked at was can we do something to this alcohol that makes it much riskier to drink and use that essentially as a chemical enforcement of Prohibition in 1926 they added new regulations requiring the inclusion of more toxic poisons manufacturers added Benzene Mercury and methanol unsurprisingly this stopped neither the Bootleggers nor the drink workers an estimated 10 000 people died and many others were blinded number seven big tobacco hid evidence linking smoking to cancer today the connection between smoking cigarettes and lung cancer is well known these ads are hitting television networks and major newspapers across the country there is no safe cigarette all directly addressing the negative impacts of smoking all cigarettes cause cancer lung disease heart attacks and premature death packs of cigarettes sold in the United States must now have Surgeon General warning labels it wasn't always that way big tobacco spent years fighting the government on this decision claiming innocence and a lack of evidence as it turns out that was a decades-old lie he's been testing the link between nicotine and lung cancer for 30 years and hasn't found any conclusive results the man's a genius he could disprove Gravity the cigarette companies had internal studies dating back to the 1950s on the effects of smoking cigarette smoke contains harmful substances like tar cyanide lead and arsenic however big tobacco knew in 1959 that it also contained a radioactive isotope polonium-210 cigarette companies could have removed it but doing so would have made absorbing nicotine harder and affected their profits consumers cough up for higher prices because they crave the drug in tobacco nicotine and without nicotine addiction they would simply be no tobacco industry and the industry knows this number six the U.
S government investigates UFOs the truth is out there for years conspiracy theories about aliens have filled newsletters and online forums are we alone in the universe impossible when you consider the Wonders that exist all around us Voodoo Priests of Haiti the Tibetan numerologists of Appalachia the Unsolved Mysteries of Unsolved Mysteries the truth is out there aliens exist and the government is secretly studying them as it turns out that's half true the U. S government admitted in 2017 that from 2007 to 2012 there was a 22 million dollar investigation the advanced Aerospace threaten identification program collected data on UFOs the dod not offering much more info saying the aerial phenomena observed in the videos remains characterized as unidentified also in 2017 several remarkable videos were leaked from U. S Navy sightings of UFOs which were eventually confirmed by the Pentagon as authentic in 2020 a successor program was formed the unidentified aerial phenomena task force replaced in 2022 with the all-domain anomaly resolution office what they're calling unexplained aerial phenomena it's rotated two videos showing objects spotted by Navy fighter pilots during training flights in 2015.
number five the U. S government experimented on black men for four decades the CDC and the United States Public Health Service conducted the Tuskegee study enlisting 600 impoverished black men in Alabama in 1932. free huh you say free yeah Doctrine is fine and free as any you can get anywhere the men mostly sharecroppers were deceived about its real purpose to study syphilis two-thirds of the men had latent syphilis but rather than informing them or treating them with Penicillin researchers monitored them and gave them fake treatments for quote-unquote bad blood that is bad blood that's what we're checking to see if y'all got so we can get rid of it over 100 died of syphilis related medical problems 40 of their wives contracted the disease and 19 children were born with it a whistleblower revealed the true nature of the study which was shut down in 1972.
President Clinton offered an apology from the U. S government in 1997. on behalf of the American people what the United States government did was shameful and I am sorry number four the United States human radiation experiments at the dawn of the nuclear age in the 1940s governments were desperate for data in the U.
S the atomic energy commission or aec turns to human experimentation commissioning dozens of studies well the Department of Defense was very interested in the effects of total body irradiation because if there's a nuclear war and people get irradiated are they going to be able to function in one an MIT Professor fed radioactive materials to mentally disabled boys researchers at Vanderbilt University gave pregnant women radioactive pills U. S soldiers were exposed to radiation parents at hospitals were injected with plutonium and prisoners had their testicles irradiated leading to birth defects many of the prisoners that I interviewed were still in prison they had all kinds of of medical problems and Cancers and health issues in operation Sunshine the aec and U. S Air Force enlisted agents to steal tissue samples and body parts from 1500 cadavers many of them children whose remains were pillaged without the consent of parents in 1994 President Bill Clinton oversaw the release of classified records and made a formal apology on behalf of the government the United States of America offers a sincere apology to those of our citizens who were subjected to these experiments to their families and to their communities number three Bayer spread HIV many conspiracies tend to focus on government cabals oftentimes though some of the worst Secrets come from the private sector they wanted to keep it secret they didn't want to publicize something which would be damaging for the company German pharmaceutical company Bayer has been selling aspirin since 1899.
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