[Music] My name is Richard, I'm a backpacker documentary filmmaker and even though I'm a 34-year-old bald young man, this month I completed 7 years on the road and sometimes I wonder how I ended up here, my friends like to say that I inherited the cafubira from my mother That Anxiety is what makes us throw ourselves off a cliff without looking down simply to have the sensation of feeling alive. My wife likes to say that I'm in a hurry to live, but I confess that I don't always have arguments to explain how I end up in certain places. places in the world there is something simple that makes your eyes shine I miss it You know there are times I want to travel to learn or even try to listen to myself some I just want to escape wherever it is one of the few certainties I have learned in this traveling life is that I I need to be close to nature to try to find something that I still don't even know how to name, understand myself, Slovenia sparkled in my eyes from the first photo I saw on the internet, it seemed like the right destination for this moment in my life, even though I felt lost in life, I decided to take a chance and see if these mighty mountains or even the turquoise blue rivers Could rescue me from the poetry of being alive friends save save here directly from the mountains in the beautiful landscapes of the interior of Slovenia we are here in bovec And today we are going to start doing one of the trails that brought me to the interior of Slovenia and maybe that brought me to esov Let's be honest, it's soca Trail soca Trail is a trail that passes from the origin there of the Soca River, we go through several beautiful places in this region, here first of all I'm here in Bovec, this wonderful city surrounded by mountains and I'm going to take a bus, there's a bus that leaves here at 99:10.
I'm going to take a trip of about an hour to the beginning of the trail and then I'm going to go back all the way to the city where I'm here in bovec, but this time for the [Music] trail, you'll remember that this guy here only pays with cash, it cost 2. 90, right, until the starting point I'm going there Trail let's go now I'm excited [__] is that how I only have this bus that leaves at 9:30 we're going to do the trail under the hot sun there's no way I confess that it wasn't just nature that brought me to the interior of Slovenia I came to isolate myself to recalibrate my gaze to try Starting to write again since I lost my mother, it seems like I've unlearned how to talk about feelings, I've unlearned how to open a blank page and put anguish or even happiness out, I've unlearned how to connect with that Hitchhiker who knows how to appreciate the simple things like no one else. life I needed to move, it's at these times that my impulsiveness throws me into challenges and experiences that I don't even know if I'll be able to manage .
launching a new country, a new culture, but this time without the social anesthesia that held me back in recent months, now it's just me, my turbulent mind and a 30 km trail to follow in the interior of [Music] Slovenia, we arrived at this parking lot here, Larica larica, we're going to go through this whole part, the trail goes here, it makes some zigzags like that until we get back to PR bovec and this part of drinking water from the river at any time, that's too much quality of life in the account, I came, I didn't even need to fill my bottle, I left PR fill up here I knew I was going to be doing this walk next to the river so it's a lot of quality of life water is already delicious cold in the way to repair first stop will be at a waterfall that is in this direction here and look at this bridge, how wonderful there vitamin and hist book I think the hardest thing is to get the name of Cachoeiras linica G linar gor I think it's like that [Music] [Music] it's not that cold but I'm not going in there's not a lot of daughters ahead of me and I know I'm going find a better place PR swim in another part of here this munchies it is also a tributary so it comes out from inside the mountain like inside the Rock And then it connects with the stia and as it also has this turquoise blue color, right, everything is set this way it makes the river even more beautiful Tom motor home what's the motor home here, no kidding, just passing by, one more is the [Music] engine This here is a very simple solution that could be used to make paths like Estrada Real, the paths we have in n, when we have to go on the highway it is always extremely complicated here this trail goes a little on the road sections and they have these side paths here, you don't have to walk where there is no shoulder . Wow, this is the hand on the wheel, here you followed my pilgrimage along the royal road, you know, the diamond path and the old path, you saw so much that I walked on the highway, I must have walked more of 300 km on the highway and Many of them without a shoulder fighting with a truck man and for those who are taking a walk like this it is very sad to see a truck passes like this 200 because it seems like it only takes away the soul Vap now here the little practical problem can be solved Slovenia is a very good country small in Europe, right? I don't know what dimension the unit area is, but I'm going to put a link with some Brazilian state here so we can get an idea of the size and man, there are a lot of trails.
The entire country is demarcated by trails, so I had seen a number, I don't know if there were 6000 km of demarcated trails, I won't remember the number off the top of my head so I'll put it here just to give you an idea, the official number is a lot of trails and many of them cover the entire country and people can stay in the HS, there are several places for you, your D, so the most famous is 600 km long which is the Slovenia Mountain Trail So if you ever think about doing a long dedicated hike here in Slovenia, right because ISO then take some time walking 600 km, look for this trail then I'll do some sections of it in the next days but feel free to do it in its entirety a little later, right, like one step at a time [Music] the village is basically one two three houses and this little church in the center [Music] and this church here 1690 Think of an old church [Music] [Music] the trail is on this side here but as you walk, this little outing is like it was on the beach PR enjoying the soca river Wow, there's even sand here, wow, oh, don't wait there for everything Look [ Music] that's what Prainha, what a view, right, besides the beach, the little bit of sand, you can still see the mountain in the background, but I've just started the trail, right? There's still a lot to see, I'm going to go to several beaches like this, right, and I have to choose some because if I'm going to stay there all the time, take off my boots and take off my boots, it's going to give me a lot of blisters, right ? you're going to keep walking but my God, I really wanted to, the view is very beautiful, so you get there, the mountain in the background is still my God, what a place, what a place [Music] if you take the time to really slow down and enjoy the view, there's a lot of power with a lot of Bees and different types of bees and sometimes they move, so it's really cool to see you sometimes stop close to a flower like that, I see a lot of bees pollinating like that, even though Slovenia in general is a great producer of honey, I learned there in Liana, they have different types of honey, different types of bee honey and it's a registered trademark here, I just haven't tried the honey yet but the time will come too [Music] oh this other beach down there oh there sand too kid that's it there a little deeper Oh so beautiful [Music] [Music] [Music] espr Cain I couldn't stand it I had to give my baptism there in Rio stia now that her soul is refreshed my water is very cold it's a level for those who are old there in the Laguna 69 channel, in Peru, the one I swam in in the Andes, it's freezing, so it's more of a refreshment, staying there enjoying the view and then catching some sun, because the more running the water is, the colder it is Wow and there was that little rush of stone is for cracking the zói it was too good look renewed to continue walking because by the marker here I only walked 6 km [Music] [Applause] [Music] from this point here we see the triglav oh I think it's this mountain Here from the bottom, triglav, which is the biggest mountain in Slovenia, it's on the national flag, it's everywhere and despite it being a huge, beautiful mountain and the biggest in Slovenia, it's not that high, I think its height is 2800 and something so if you look at the height it is smaller than the Pic da Bandeira, for example in Brazil, whoever has done it has already done it there when they were doing the path of light, but it is a beautiful mountain, it is a symbol, right?
Not only is it on the flag, but eggs have the custom to be baptized there, right? There's a joke that it's only there in TR and from the moment you get to the top, now you react like it's dead, besides being a giant national park, right? We'll go there in a few days, I'll go alone, right, but you and I, family, will be able to show this peak in more detail But it's beautiful, beautiful and National pride here [Music] [Applause] [Music] k [Music] [Music ] [Applause] [Music] oh there was a wall climbed there oh the people there wall, not a stone when we take our foot off the accelerator that we start to see things for real the gate Gate in Slovenia Wow Will there be some little goats here It's pasture, we have mountains everywhere we look, there's a mountain, one more beautiful than the other, look, Centenary Engenhoca there to open the gate, a predator out of nowhere, there are some casins like this in the middle of I think it's like endir here they live in these houses create Bod crowdfunding the Gossip table the marker is already scoring here that I've covered 13 km but there are still 16 to go, not even halfway, a slight tiredness, no big deal, because despite not having that much going up, going down, it's still a trail, so there are some steps, a start like that It's wearing off little by little I got some sun too, right?
It would be better in the morning but there wouldn't be a horn, let's go to another bridge This is the biggest of all Car oh my God Look [Music] this and this other side here, here is the beach it gets violent Wow, it's much deeper here, ok [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] Jeez Water Good cold one this time now there was a wind blowing and then there was PR fic even more refreshing I would say and the water It's so cold that there were some people there who even left their beer to cool in the water to drink later sinister Sinister I couldn't bear it but I saw the swimming pool there I said wow man I'm going to have to take another break, friends, famous only if live once but I still have more than 10 km to walk today so let's continue otherwise I'll only arrive at night but look how beautiful [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] It's also good that along this path like There are several beaches, people don't gather together, you know, there won't be a concentration of people on one beach, everyone will look for their own corner like this and then, as you go, you'll see a crowd, see this little beach here and then you see in reality there are a lot of people, like a couple standing there enjoying a group of friends like that, three people, you don't see that bunch of people all in the same place and the people here are detached, you see some people are naked, nothing naked, don't you care, boy? cold water like this, topics, information, a little about this style of architecture, these houses, which is normal in the region, so there are always parts made of wood and stone, right? There is a stable that is always in this lower part and then there is a roof also adapted for snow everything right [Applause] a few days ago I was reading a book by Guilherme Cavalari, who is a writer that I really like, and he took another phrase from another book that said that those who don't feel good alone are in bad company, so I That day I was vibrating like this thinking about this thing about Solitude and loneliness, right, when is Solitude when is loneliness, I am a person who really likes to be alone and since my mother passed away I haven't had, let's say, moments where I really felt alone, right?
It's because so much happened, I spent a lot of time there in Goiânia with my sister, with my family, right, seeing some family members, keeping my sister's company, enjoying my sister, my sister's company, right, it's been a while since we spent so much time together, but since she left, I haven't had time to be alone with my thoughts and I'm someone who has a lot of difficulty organizing my thoughts. ideas or really feel something when I'm surrounded by people, right? And soon after that, I and her went to our wedding, right?
Our wedding was already scheduled, we had the ceremony in Goiânia with our friends there with our loved ones and then we did another celebration in São Paulo with more of Lana's family and our Traveler friends, right? I was always surrounded by lots of people and even after that, Lana and I went on that trip to Goiás to record the Goiás webs and it was me and She's always with me, you know, always working and I've accumulated a lot of work too, so either I was working or I was in company, I didn't have moments where I could really feel something and this trip to Slovenia I can feel that, you know, feel my ideas coming back into place, right? being very important for me to be here I chose es loven Precisely for that reason here the trails are friendly they are beautiful I don't have to stay let's say thinking about jararaca something like that it's a place where no one speaks Portuguese right so I can't read the signs properly give that idea of the new and of isolation so I feel like it's being extremely positive and I'm finally feeling things again You know, feeling the poetry of life, looking at the ants, looking at the plants, this walk today I've already started to remember some good times with my mother, remember good times with Lana, with my family, I managed to get some things out of my head that were confusing, just a 6-7 hour walk, so of course I've been walking for several days, right, so I'm already formulating wine That's it, and from that point onwards, in Slovenia, people are more closed, right?
So it's very easy to isolate yourself here even though you're around a lot of people, I know it might seem bad. Of course, it might be bad if you're a person who doesn't want to be alone, but At this moment I want to be alone so if I go to a place like Colombia like Colombia is music all the time people get closer to you all the time you make friends very quickly so you're always there distracted by other things and then you come back to stop looking inside yourself and I think the choice of Slovenia was perfect for that because here people are much more difficult to socialize with , so I can literally be surrounded by people and be alone in my thoughts, it's very difficult, someone saw randomly bringing up a subject with me, right, so it's being very positive. After a few days on the road, I can breathe a little again and listen to my head, which is very noisy, very noisy.
Do you have any idea? I'm going back to writing, which is something I was missing you so little by little we start reconnecting again with that person we want to be, right? I miss Lana But I also needed those moments, I 'm sure she's there too, right?
Why hasn't she spoken these days? that she was writing again but this is the beauty of having Solitude and not Loneliness Solitude from my point of view when you choose to be alone then it's very beautiful, right now loneliness is when you don't choose, right I feel the loneliness of my parents because example, I didn't choose to be without my father and mother at the age I am, I think that's the difference [Music] k [Music] [Music] [Music] Solitude is an opportunity for us to also define dreams, life projects Is it really that your Is your biggest dream your own or is it just an objective that can simply help you gain acceptance from other people. Being alone is easier to understand what is really important for our lives, removing the expectations that we believe other people expect from us.
Taking a few days in full solitude also helps us deal with some even more serious problems. Have you ever stopped to think about how many friends we know or even accept friendships from a romantic relationship knowing that it's not healthy just to not have the feeling of being alone if one of the great goals in life is to be happy it is important that we bring this responsibility to ourselves instead of placing it on other people and that arrives from dust deec town consists of these three houses here 4 5 6 7 I think eight [Music] beautiful houses mountain view and what a mountain Look there we go back to the trelha to access the other side of the river cry knee [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] there are the guys fishing there old man [Music] [Applause] rosito vois, we're going to have to catch the rain [Applause] oh calm down and the biggest mistake is that I spent more than half of the roof walking indoors and it started to rain only when I was doing an open section and I didn't have a raincoat on. rain I'm wearing nothing I'm just wearing the rain cover from my backpack but the backpack is already waterproof but I saw it weighing in time I was firm enough to avoid carrying too much weight Ah now let's protect a little from the [Music] rain let's count about 100 Bridges that we are going to go through today [Music] [Music] the embira now that the rocks are so wet, slippery and the trail here is supposed to be quiet it becomes dangerous, let's say after 25 km your legs start to get a little wobbly so they no longer respond like you You have to pay close attention and it's more mentally tiring [Music] also calm down, uh, rain, it's getting dark, my legs are already showing, my legs are already showing, I'm already worried.
only in the heart now the legs have already gone to the bag Wow, PR, you know, with a good pace I have already managed to walk 42 km, the most I have done in one day of my life, but I was going from ground to trail even though I don't remember of having done 30 km or 28 something like that So it's true, the good part is that I'm doing it. So that means I'm getting into the ideal physical condition to do the triglav in a few days, 28 km on the marker plus a bridge to Tell me, look at this, one of the most beautiful, look at this beach, look at this beach, my brother, my brother, that [Music] this rainy day, cloudy sky and look, the way the water is still logical, I'm walking next to this river, 28 km away, I still haven't gotten used to it with its beauty much less with these mountains still here I deserved a swim too but I no longer have the means now I'm all chipped my mission now it's time to get there at least the stone part has stopped, right now it's easier to walk those legs are tough there kid over there looks like he's fishing passing by Wow, crazy man making a tru over there on the barbecue there's no smell my God he said go eat daughter of [ __ ] well remember I said the number of motor homes look at how many there are at this campsite there just in the back there are some qu C but this one six goes up [Music] [Music] Ah come down that Pap [Music] i thought by Now Be my friend I know that Comfort was a means to An end but I'm [Music] [Music] [Music ] Do you believe that it is possible to feel alone even when surrounded by people? For many years I believed that Solitude was a defect and to this day I find myself questioning it.
Over time I fought against my desire to be alone and forced myself to doing hundreds of things that I believed I needed to do simply to avoid being labeled antisocial or afraid that people would judge that I wasn't happy around them. It took a long time for me to understand that Solitude is actually a virtue and that I don't need to feeling bad about being happy even when I'm alone, what actually made this whole process a little simpler was expressing myself, saying in all words to the people I love most in this world that right now I need to be alone, at first it was boring and It was even exhausting to deal with suspicious looks, ironic comments and even jokes, but as time went by, these same people began to see how much moments like this help me in my daily life, little by little the mask that I didn't want to sustain fell away, and little by little, I started having more space to be who I really am, I needed that. Anyone who works creatively like me, spending a period of time without being able to write or without being able to express certain feelings ends up being very heavy, let's put it that way, right, it ends up bringing certain weaknesses.
Wow, that's it. like I haven't seen it in the past For a long time, when I started to spend some time without being able to write without being able to put less out there, I started to question my own ability to do something that would make my eyes shine, not only on the travel side but also on the production side, right? One of the things The reason I like making documentaries like this is because I know that in 5 years I can rewatch this film and get in touch with everything I've experienced, everything I'm going through here in Slovenia and that's why I need to always look for this Rescue keep my mind creative so I can always see the poetry of life in this documentary I addressed a theme that is already something recurring in my life, the relationship between loneliness and Solitude, I confess that when I stop to look into the future, the uncertain future, a more Richard Old man, maybe I'm even afraid of this loneliness, right?
This is something I usually take to life's therapies, right? And when I look at the analysis of Solitude, I see that I also feel very good alone, right? I have moments of extreme happiness alone, right?
Mainly going on trails? like this, but when I know when it's time to stop or how I'm going to understand if this is going to harm me in the future or not, it's difficult to know, so this is a question that always comes up over time as I've been producing this film, I I came to the conclusion that I had a lot more to talk about or a lot more to explain to understand about loneliness so I want to leave a challenge if you liked watching this film If you liked the Thoughts I brought to you if you liked getting to know the interior from slovenia leave your like here on this documentary this helps YouTube deliver this documentary to other people and so I will continue producing content here on the channel if this video reaches the 10,000 likes mark I want to bring another video talking about Solitude this time maybe simpler, maybe I'll even bring Lana too to talk a little about her impressions on this topic and we can expand on talking more about it, a feeling that I felt guilty about for many years because I like being alone, I'm a super social person, I I have a degree in social communication , right? So talking about that time and again I was happier alone was always a taboo, so I think the more we talk about it, the more we will strengthen our individuality as a person and that's why which I think is a very interesting topic to cover if you liked this film.
I have a series of other documentaries here on the channel where you can learn about, for example, my journey along the royal road where I walked alone more than 720 km on foot along the real road, a super intense trip. In addition, I have other hiking videos, right?