Demi Glace The King of All Sauces | Chef Jean-Pierre

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Chef Jean-Pierre
Hello There Friends! Today I make Demi Glace, this sauce is quite a process to make. Although it yie...
Video Transcript:
well hello there friends and today we're doing a show that a lot of you have asked it's got to be one of the most requested recipe demi-class how do we make a dummy glass but I'm going to show you exactly how to do it friends we started with a 22 quart pot full of flavors full of vegetables and bones and all kinds of goodies and we're brought it down all the way down to a full cold spot we have eliminated all the water and intensifying the flavor all in a little four quart pot I'm going
to show you exactly how to do it remember thumbs up you like the video don't forget to subscribe to the channel and don't forget to ring the bell stay tuned friends we're making Demi glass oh foreign [Applause] s well this is going to be a little long video it's very technical um uh you know I made beef stock in the channel long time ago a lot of you have not seen it uh and so uh but to make a a dummy glass is special the classical way of making a dummy glass you would have to
make an espanol sauce and then you will have to make a light brown stock put them together and cook them and that sort of classical classic demograph a lot of work great if you have a kitchen with 20 Cooks to do at home let's make a new version of it of adobe glass let's make it a much easier version and what it is it's going to be a beautiful beef stock then we're going to read reduce down into a glaze and it's really important because we're going to remove all the water you know water is
the enemy when we're removing the water what do we do we're intensifying the flavor and the texture and remember the texture is a conductor of flavor friends so I got bones and uh you can buy them I bought them online because believe it or not in in Fort Lauderdale there's only one or two butcher shop and it's like pulling teeth to get bones so you get this person I think it's called this person this uh this company is called wild Fork I think they have stores all over the country and but it depends what country
are you in you normally you can go to your Butcher and say hey I need some balls I I go to Whole Food or my butcher where I buy a beautiful steak and I said I got bones bones I got no bones and you go to Publix my grocery store I asked bone and I might as well put Stone they got bone with nothing in it there is no marrow there's nothing in it I said that's not good so that company was Fork I ordered and I got myself 12 pound of Bones what kind of
bone did I get what I got oxtail I got neck bone neck bone FD I don't have much marrow but they got a lot of meat and we need the meat also the calamination to create some beautiful Maya reaction it's going to be very important and then we got the marrow bone from the chin and uh and this is all that marrow right there it's frozen you don't see it but the bone has been cut so they were not that expensive uh I spent with all this right there I spent 45 dollars what have I
thought I seemed like a lot but I'm gonna make a lot my friends I'm gonna make myself a huge pot look at this okay this is going to be 22 quarts that I'm gonna make when you make this friends you want to make a lot because it's a lot of work you're going to see it's a lot now you don't have to make all this you can divide it in half and get yourself a smaller pot and do the same work okay but I'm gonna go over real quick all right so we got the moans
make sure you do a nice balance between the marrow bones and the and the and the bones that have the meat in it it's very important okay and then I got onion I got three big onions you see right there look how big they are you know depends where you are in the world this is organic onion then we get right here in volodo there's one thing we have good here is onion um sometimes you get you got a little onion like that depends what country you're in you got little onions we get a little
you got to use a lot of onion and then I got some tomato paste friends and what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna rub tomato paste all over this you see and I got right there about the 20 22 ounces of tomato paste and um and and it's very important and we caramelize that tomato paste my friends and um and and we're gonna put it all over and then I'm gonna put them in an oven I got an oven going at about 450 degrees and what I'm gonna do now the only vegetables that I'm gonna
roast is the onion because as we know the onion when you when you caramelize them they get sweeter the celery the carrots and the leeks then we're going to also put on there we don't need to do that so this is a 22 ounces again like I said I'm gonna write the recipe exactly the way I am but don't be measuring friends you got a little extra tomato paste so if you have less tomato paste if you have less bone it's okay it's just you know we're not sending a man on the moon I always
say Well it has to be so precise we're not baking you know we're cooking and it's okay if it's not perfect so you mix this up my friends and then I'm gonna pop them in the oven and then when it's beautiful caramelized then it's gonna take a while you know and I'm gonna put them in now and then probably in half hour from now I'm gonna open up the oven I'm gonna take them out I'm gonna mix them I'm gonna rotate them so then they have that tomato on all sides and it's nice and golden
brown so my friends I'm gonna do this and I'm gonna come back and this to me is a Tyrion pudding how do you say therapeutic how do you say it yeah yeah okay whatever all right so it's somewhat are very difficult to say in in English right anyway it's good for you to do I love it um and and and do the quantity okay fine you don't want to do a small part of this this will last you 17 years in the freezer minimum and I promise you this will last forever in the freezer and
the beauty is I'm going to show you how to make it in small dough so when you have a sauce oh we'll talk about this later I'm gonna go in the oven and put it in then I'll give you more details about what do we put for seasoning or do we season it and and why not and why all right so I'm a pepper in the oven and I'll be back when I got some beautiful caramelization okay friends well you know it took two hours takes a long time and another thing that I forgot to
to tell you but Jack a film or filled me while I was doing it I took uh I mixed the tomato paste in there with my hands all over the place before I put them in the oven so they were really well covered and while they were in the oven for two hours but two or three times I took him out mixed them again take them out mixed them again because otherwise they and you know uh otherwise they're gonna some of them are gonna burn they're not gonna be done correctly so a trick that I
want to show you that I've learned a long time ago friends is you take a a hot water you gotta be hot water especially if you have a lasagna pan and you put it in here like this but what if you don't put hot water you think could have popped but it could explode I'm telling you they do I gotta tell you a funny story I always got a funny story you put it on water and you know what you do you put the you remember you got to put water in there right yeah anyway
the whole thing and you mix them up and you know what that does that helps you clean the bottom of the pot and then you don't waste any of the goodies okay you don't want to miss any of these goodies so uh it's very important you put hot water no cold water I'll tell you the story week quick well one day I'm doing my cooking class that I'm making beautiful potato I got this beautiful lasagna pan potato and gorgeous right take it right you will not there but I'm telling you I take them out of
the oven and I put them on my counter and on the counter was cold water and I didn't know it because I didn't see it obviously I took it out I put it there and the second I put it out damn it exploded I mean I had a room full of people or glass went everywhere we were so lucky nobody got hurt but he broke down in million pieces so be careful when you take out a hot hot lasagna pen don't put it somewhere where it's cold water friends enough of the story okay I'm gonna
take all these goodies right there it smells amazing I was watching this video some guy did they said that's terrible I don't know who wanted to do the recipe like that's better this smells like amazing it's amazing the caramelization of the bones amazing so I'm gonna take all this I'm gonna put it in my big pot and then we're going to put all the vegetables and I'm going to talk about the rest of it all right so let me put all this in a bathroom it's gonna take me a few minutes I see you in
a few minutes okay friends I'm insisting again it smells amazing Jack wanted to eat the bones no we gotta we gotta he wanted to eat the marrow so now you're not eating nothing I'm gonna put him on a night so friends um oh by the way I changed the airplane I had the airplane to protect my jacket I don't like my jacket to get dirty I don't like it when you go in the kitchen and chef jacket is all dirty you know in my restaurant I have three jackets I would change it during the night
I couldn't have it just a dirty jacket it happened though you know you're cooking all front boom tomato sauce tomato sauce the number one anyway friends I got uh four big leeks in here make sure you wash them a lot of Sands in the leak okay and uh voila we're gonna put them in there you know you can use all the um the the dark green part of the day or the celery I left that here because I don't like the leaves you see a lot of people that said oh put the leaf they taste
good really it tastes good maybe they haven't tested them okay taste the leaves of the celery you tell me if they test good okay some people sometimes oh yeah put the leaves in there it tastes delicious no they don't taste delicious no this is delicious this my friend is too whole stock of celery hot stock the stock the stock right that's how you say right jack stock or celeries and then I got right here two pounder carrots I pee I I don't peel them I wash them but I don't peel them two pound of carrots
and here my friends this is the must this is the stem of the celery the parsley I don't know what to tell you this is a a it gives you a generous yeah after hours the stem of the parsley in it I don't know why I mean I know why because without it it's just not the same a Time uh uh time time is the only herbs that is Floral goes with everything think about if I were to put Rosemary in there or Sage you know a strong right Sage is Rosemary Target you know you
put those Herb in there then everything you cook with this stock is gonna test like targon or Sage or Rosemary time when is the last time you said you said oh this is this got a little time time is so floral it disappears it is a you must have it time First Time Boom put it in here and don't worry about peeling it doing anything this is guys gonna cook for 14 hours all right then you're gonna put the 29 uh uh black pepper thing I didn't call him just like a handful of paper of
thing right barely look at those bellies huh they're huge bellies you know bay leaves are good but they if you don't cook them they don't taste like nothing all right my friends I'm Gonna Fill This up with water up to here fill them up cold water I'm gonna bring it to boiler and the manatee boys I'm gonna reduce it down and I'm gonna let it go the slowest I can possibly get it for 14 to 18 hours and I mean like blue blue blue like they give you a little blue blue blue check at the
bottom and we saw often if you have a dog keep them out of the kitchen okay lock the door otherwise in the middle of the night they're gonna go oh that smells delicious in there what have we got on the stove so watch out uh if I put it in the garage or something I don't know do something but you can't let the the pets cause they smell it then and they're gonna go so little blue they're not gonna know it's hot plus they're gonna make a mess see I give you advice I'll deal with
you uh cats and dogs friends I'll be back in about 14 hours we'll see how it goes uh and um and and then I'll tell you what we're gonna do after we're gonna get rid of everything and then we're gonna reduce it reduce it reduce it reduce it and we're gonna make the demi glaze all right friends that's it for now I'll see you in a little while okay friends this is the next day all night it went on and and I want to show you first of all remember when it goes on there it
just got very very little blue blue the lowest possible setting you have on your electric or you guys stop the lowest possible setting now it's best if every few hours you check the bottom to make sure it doesn't stick but you see look this is the the burner I added on and this is where I started on see how much bigger that is the lowest possible setting the lowest thing same thing with gas and you're going to get little blue blue blue blue and every so often you have to check it now very important friends
when you get uh you're getting ready to strain it the next day after 12 14 16 18 hours how many you can do it okay um I want you to check the bottom of it and and if you feel do it with a wooden spoon or a metal spoon and shake the bottom and if you feel there is any burning bits because it could happen if you didn't mix it at all for 12 14 hours it's a good chance I don't care how low you have it you're gonna have some burn bit don't mix them
that makes the burn bits okay just remove everything leave the burnt bits at the bottom because you don't need to mix them you don't need to flavor the whole thing with your own if there's a little bit it really won't matter all right now look see we started right there friends you see right there see right there at the beginning that's where we start right the pot was filled all the way to the top and look how much we lost okay and this is only the beginning of the reduction we got to get rid of
all that water to intensify in the flavor and what I do I show you the way I do it see I go in there now and and I strain everything and in order not to get to to lose too much liquid what I do is I go like this is that good right there there Jack and I go like this in a colander you see now a lot of people say to me what do we do with the with the with the vegetables the thing now if you have the big bones I think the Bing
bone Bing bones big bones uh actually you know what I'm not gonna say they're good to give to the dog because every time I say that there's some veterinarian and say don't give cooked bone to the dogs because they explain they're not good for them so don't give it to the dog do whatever do whatever you want with it but don't give it to the dog okay look this is what I do right I strain the whole thing like that and now what's gonna happen is a lot I'm taking a lot of liquid as I'm
doing this and it's okay because you see I have the colander and I'm not wasting it and when this is completely dry then I take that liquid right there and I put it back and then of course we're going to strain it again later on but first we're going to do that all right I'm gonna get all those solids out then I'm going to put in a smaller pot and then I'll come back and then we're going to do the process of the reductions all right right now all we have is a nice stock we
need to take that stock down to a reduction into a dummy all right so I see a little while when all that is clean and I'm in a smaller pot okay friends I wanted to show you an update I want to give you an update so you see now of course you may not have as big of a path as big as a thing but you still the process is the same no look look all the bones are here see I got rid of most of the bones they're not in there so now I need
to give it a strain uh I need to strain it more so what I do is I get myself a a pot that I'm estimated it's going to be the needed and then what I do is I take it I take my my stock at this time right and I go like this and then it's going to get to a point by the way this is a double mesh strainer that means it's very thin nothing goes through and and if if it gets stuck in here like that what you do you take your ladle and
you'll rub the bottom of it you see look you rub the bottom of it and what you're doing you're opening the holes and it goes through I probably put a little too much in there don't don't put so much so it's easier to do what I'm doing right now you see friends and I'll show you I'll show you what you're getting you have to be able to scrape this don't put so much don't fill it up so much you see look all right look look look look look and this my friends you don't want this
in your stock you see right there this stuff right there if you don't want this in there okay this is what's going to make it cloudy and you don't want this this uh uh you know we want to add it there all right you put us on your compost it's fabulous for the compost all right I'm gonna continue to do this then I have this spot right there and I'm gonna bring it to boil and I'm going to start the reduction all right that's all I wanted to show you so you have it all right
I'm gonna continue doing this okay friends and the reduction continues we went from a 22 quart pot to a nine quart pot and that's only the beginning friends so we're gonna let that go we're gonna reduce spot it's like when you make a balsamic vinegar you reduce Barrel and the idea is to get away to the water water well as we know is the enemy of food as you get rid of the water you're intensifying the flavor and then when you use your demi-glass you replace the water with good stuff like wine or stock you're
replaced with other things than just water this is the condensed so we're gonna let it riddles so I will see you when I have about a half an hour remaining okay friends what I forgot to tell you a very important thing I always forget something um at some point we want to get rid of all the fats we can do it uh uh at any time really but it takes refrigerating so if you need to take a break from cooking it because you don't have time to do it all like last night I had to
take a break from cooking it because I was doing some other thing and I needed my stove so I took it out and and I put it in the fridge overnight and when you put it in the fridge overnight all of the fat rise to the top so then I won't have to do it later it's done so the the fat is going to rise to the top and all we have to do is take it out so you may get lucky to take it out at one big piece if you have enough it depends
or or you're gonna take it out just in little pieces like this okay and we're not going to waste this in fact I'm going to take a a um another another I'm going to take one of those right there and then I won't take as much of it I'm going to remove the fat now it depends the bone you're using you're gonna have more uh or less fat you know depends okay but no matter what we need to remove it we don't want it and when it's all removed then I'm going to bring it to
boil again and the reduction is going to start so however long it takes we're gonna reduce it at least by half all right so I'm going to continue getting rid of all this fat right there then we don't want and uh and I see you when I reduce it by half I'm going to change pot I'm going to go to a smaller pot and we're going to keep reducing it reducing reducing and then you see like right here this is all all goodness right there already look if you were just to use that as a
stock you know you could just drink that stuff well remember no salt no pepper because you'll use the salt the pepper the seasoning and your sauce so this is the making of it all right it's very exciting all right friends I'm gonna bring it to boiler and uh actually I'm probably gonna give it a clean pot it'll make it easier to clean otherwise if I start boiling all this is it going to cook more so I'll get just get a clean pot and start my reduction so I'll see you when I have at least half
of it gone all right so you know however long it's gonna take me to do it a little bit quick for you though well look at how much we reduced again and now we're going to go to a smaller part if you want to leave it in the same pot leave it in the same pot just make sure friends as you are reducing it every half hour you walk by and uh you do this okay you shake the bottom because it'll stick in the bottom if you're not careful and you don't want to do it
too high obviously because it'll splatter all over your stove so I got on a medium medium about medium about medium medium Yeah medium that'll be between low and high all right I'm gonna let it reduce a little bit then I'm gonna put in this spot and then we're going to continue reducing it all right so we'll see you after this is done all right friends well don't think you're gonna make a dummy glass real quick it's a two to three day process think about this friends we went from a 22 quarts to a non-course to
a six quarts all the way down to four quarts and look what we have we have this beautiful rich silky amazing dummy glass that my friends is a dummy class so at this point um there's hardly any water I mean of course there still is some water product in it but you have to be careful if you reduce it too much then you're gonna bruise it you're gonna burn it actually I mean not burn not burn not literally because you'd be careful but no matter what whenever you cook you always gotta remember you got to
be there mixing it because the solids are going to fall on the bottom and they will stick so you have to be careful so now at this point friends what we want to do is we want to be able to freeze it if we want to build the freezer the way we can use it easily I found them the easiest way to do this friends is to put it in ice cube trays find yourself some ice cube trays and have a soft bottom like this guy right there so you can just pop them as an
ice cube you can make it big or if you cook for one or two people at the time you need a small one here it is small one or if you have a lot left you can put them in a 16 ounce container or an 8 ounce container or a small size and you freeze them right put a date on it and then it depends how many people you're cooking for you'll take according to the size you need and I'll use them every so often in the channel and you see it so what we do
we are careful to do this very nicely fill it up all the way to the top and I'm going to continue to do that then I'm going to put them in a freezer and when nice and cold I will show you what they look like so we'll be back when they're out of the freezer we'll continue to do that okay well one more day passed I told you it was a long process friends so uh when they come out of the um uh ice cube tray when they call you want to take them out of
there and then and you you leave them at room temperature for an hour 45 minutes however long it takes for you to be able to pop them see to pop them out of there see they pop right up and I've had those out for like 28 minutes 30 minutes and uh and and then you you put them like this on a cookie sheet same thing with the little one see just pop them up take a look you won't be able to do that when it first come out of the freezer friends they're not going to
come out easy when they first come out of the freezer because it's too hot right and um so you put them in buggies and then when you make a sauce you take one or two you know you see you'll get used to it and your sauce is gonna be a whole different level so it's an easy way to store it and it's a convenient way for you to use it you don't have to to take out unless you do big quantity like this this is an eight ounce container so when I have a party of
six I take this and if I have a I'm cooking for more people then I take the big one so it depends how many people you're cooking for now if you don't want to freeze them for some reason you can keep them in the fridge but they're not gonna last very long and you see you got that jello consistency of a a Jello now some people add gelatin to it and make them shine and it gives them more of a body but no it's not necessary I am I'm against adding it to to uh to
a stock I think it's beautiful like that it's got enough of a consistency but this will not last in your fridge more than a week so it's up to you if you're gonna need about a wait wait but this is the easiest way to do it friends I know it was a long process it's not something you do every day but one weekend it's raining out there make some demi glaze I hope you enjoyed it remember thumbs up you like the video don't forget to subscribe to the channel and don't forget to ring the bell
thanks for watching friends [Music] now now I can freeze them like this you see I don't want to freeze them in a baggie because um and then so now I'm gonna do I forgot to tell them that but I am going to put them in the freezer so they they called and then you can put them in a baggie you want to you want to separate them you see because the fact that I left them out 20 minutes I do that so I can take him out but I I want them to not stick to
each other so that's why I'm going to freeze them again this way you see I freeze them again separate and then when they when they're harder then I can put them in a baggie and then they're not gonna stick okay because if I put them in a baggie now they're they're going to touch each other and they're going to stick you see what I mean so I should have told him that but um uh I'll make up a note in a recipe all right that's it so we did I hope they like it
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