Alex Hormozi's $100M Cold Email Strategy

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Alex Hormozi's $100M Cold Email Strategy. Alex Hormozi's $100M leads book:
Video Transcript:
Alex horos uses cold Outreach to generate zillions of leads across his portfolio companies without lifting a finger and today I'm going to be revealing Alex hor Mo's full cold email strategy this is the exact strategy that saved his company gym launch during Co when it seemed like he was about to go bankrupt so how does Alex heroi do it I've spent the last week breaking down Alex Hero's cold email strategy so that you don't have to I boil it down to four key steps that makes his cold email strategy so effective so the first step
is to find people to cold email and you do this by building what's called a lead list if you're looking to scale your business you know you need to reach out to potential clients and the big problem I see is sending emails to random addresses and really just not taking this part seriously which is pretty much shooting in the dark as a business it's ineffective it wastes your time and it's going to continue to allow you and cause you to miss out on valuable opportunities so what we need to do first is build a high
quality lead list so let me show you how to do this super easily within instantly lead finder for the example today what I'm going to do is I'm going to pretend that we are going after plumbers so so all we need to do is we need to go to instantly if we click on the magnifying glass it'll pull up the lead finder So within lead finder there's literally over 160 million contacts of people that we could reach out to and we can filter by job titles we can filter by location keywords look like domains if
they're looking for a specific job management levels and much much more so again in this case since we're going to go after plumbers I'm just going to go ahead and load our plumber search which will be location United States keyword plumber Plumbing management level SE level this pulls a list of over 20,000 people that we can reach out to so after we have our lead list the next step in Alex Rosy's cold email strategy is to write an email personalized to each person that we're going to be contacting so when we're sending a cold email
to a stranger they have absolutely no idea who you are so in order to get leads to engage we want the message to look like it's from someone they actually know and the best way to do that is to actually know something about the person that we're contacting look the average office worker gets around 120 emails every single day and a personalization in emails literally will trigger a cycle ological response that makes the recipient more likely to engage it let me show you how you can personalize your message at scale using it instantly so after
we have our list saved what we're going to want to do is we're going to click on campaign we're going to add a new campaign and we're going to make this Plumbing campaign then we're going to go ahead and click on continue the leads tab is going to pop up click on import we're going to use lead finder it's going to load the last search that we had so what we're going to do is we're just going to add 25 to the campaign for uh swiftness and we can literally do this in two clicks and
as we add it to the campaign the leads are being verified so we don't need to verify them we don't need to do anything like that they're already automatically added and as we pop in here we can see that they're in the process of being verified this is absolutely clutch so after leads have been added what we want to do is we want to personalize it and we can do this so simple within instantly so what we want to do is we want to select the leads we want to click on the AI prompts and
then here you'll have a template Hub of a ton of different prompts that you can pull from so how we set this up is we just simply go to settings and we add in our API key key from open AI which you can find out how to do right here once that's done that's going to integrate with chat GPT making this a seamless process so what we're going to do is we're going to just select company complement we're going to do it based off of the company name we're going to go ahead and click on
generate for All Leads then what we'll see is a column pullup in our leads with a company complement which we'll be able to use so now what we need to do is we need to go to sequences we need to start to write our email so as I said before we want it to make it feel like it's a warm reach out so in the subject line we're just going to put hi first name and then we're going to copy this as the first subject and then we're going to click on the lightning bolt down
below and click on company compliment and as we preview it this will be a personalization for the actual company that we're reaching out to then as we're writing the email what we want to do for the second line is really focus on the pain point and the implication of the pain point that we're going to be calling out for example what we're going to say like mini plumbers you might be relying L on Word of Mouth and referrals or traditional advertising methods that often result in inconsistent lead flow so after we have the personalization after
we have the second line written the next step in the horos strategy is to give big fast value look strangers don't trust you so you need to give them a reason to want to work with you the way that Alex Orosi does this is by giving them free stuff give away what other people would charge for we're not trying to tickle their interest we're trying to blow their minds in under 30 seconds to grab their attention if you don't lead with enough value the reader will give the email a 2 second read close it and
move on with their day you need to stand out in a sea of competitors and to help you do this you need to have a no-brainer offer and something to give them that solidifies your offer so in the context of cold emailing a no-brainer offer serves as an irresistible incentive that makes it almost foolish for the recipient to ignore your email it's designed to lower the barrier to entry making it easier for the potential client to say yes engaging with you further this could be a guarantee or some sort of incentive for their first month
coupling this with something that solidifies your offer like a free resource with case studies will only add credibility and substance to your proposition it's not just about making an attractive offer it's about proving that you can deliver on it now what we want to do is lead with our offer so we specialize in lead generation for plumbers using our full pipe lead gen system which can guarantee you five new clients per week is it okay if I send you over a free guide on how to consistently boost your local lead flow and get consistent deals
no matter the season so essentially the framework here is our offer with the guarantee of how we can help them achieve specific result using a unique mechanism and then the value that we're looking to add to them is a free guide on how to consistently boost their their local lead flow and get consistent deals no matter the season if you're a plumber reading this this strategy works so well because you feel like you're speaking directly to them like you know that seasonality is a thing which you mention and you know that people are mostly working
in Word of Mouth and referrals or traditional advertising which will instantly boost your credibility as you're emailing people versus a general email so the last step here is to automate your Outreach so that you don't need to do it so automating your email Outreach offers a significant advantage in efficiency allowing you to send a high volume of personalized emails with minimal effort this not only frees up time for other crucial business tasks for you but also ensures consistency and will reduce the risk of human error we're going to be able to automate our follow-ups we're
going to be able to see the analytics we're going to be able to see all of the responses literally in one inbox so first thing that we want to automate is our follow-up emails like maybe you won't get a response in the first email so if we click on add a step we can wait for 3 days go to the next email and we can send a followup so hi first name were you able to get my last email I know how busy the plumbing this just a quick reminder we can help you secure five
new clients per week using our full pipe Legion would you like me to send over that free resource then we want to send another email so the next email will be another follow-up so hi first name I haven't heard back from you however I don't want you to miss out on the opport Unity to stabilize and grow your business then here's where we want to add in a case study up for a convo Austin and then I always do what's called a last chance email which is sort of like my final email to them which
could be something like this hi first name one last follow up here are you the right person to reach out to about generating leads for company name let me know if there's someone else else I should reach out to Austin send from my iPhone now that this has been written we're going to go ahead and save all of these emails cuz this is the campaign that we're going to be sending to the huge list of leads that we're able to get with the personalized line then we go ahead and click on schedule so we can
send them whenever we want we can send them Monday through Friday whatever best suits you what I would suggest is sending them when you're actually going to be at your computer and able to actually monitor them because you are going to get a lot of responses then we go and click save so in the options what we also want to do is we want to select the emails that we going to be sending them from which you can add in instantly and warm them up here then what you want to do is you want to
uncheck stop on auto reply because if somebody's like out of office or something like that we want to continue to send them our campaign emails because it's all about timing and volume and then we can change our daily limits depending on how many emails that we have each email can handle about 50 emails per day so adjust accordingly then we go ahead and just click launch which will start sending your emails immediately after we launch it we can literally within instantly see the analytics how many people we contacted how many people opened it how many
people clicked on the links replied and how many opportunities came from that specific campaign then if we go to our uni box we can literally see all of the responses within one email inbox so if we're sending 300 emails a day we're going to get a lot of responses and we're going to be sending from a lot of different emails so it's important to stay organized we can do that directly through here we can even mark them as interested meeting booked meeting complete Etc and if we go to our CRM it will automatically sync it
here so that we can keep track on our Roi on the campaign now all you have to do is go to to start implementing this cold email strategy just like Alex Hermos does just click the link in the description to go directly to instantly. and start doing this ASAP also if you want to learn the best lead generation strategy in 2023 go ahead and click this video right here
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