How to Get Discovered on YouTube With Zero Subscribers

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12 tips for getting discovered on YouTube. ⭐️ Get our YouTube Course w/ Niche Finder here ➡️ http:/...
Video Transcript:
so how does the YouTube algorithm actually work and what are the best ways to get views and get discovered right now especially if you just starting if you don't have very many subscribers or maybe you feel stuck or plateaued and you're looking for some fresh insights for some of the changes that have been happening on YouTube in this video we're going to be talking about the four factors of search and discovery on YouTube basically how the YouTube algorithm works and then going into 12 tactical tips for get getting views getting discovered and uh we've been
getting some good feedback about these kind of like deeper Dive Master Class Type YouTube videos so I think this one um won't disappoint so let's get into it you got to just press record what's up Sean canel here with think media bringing you the best tips and tools for building your influence with online video a question came in recently from North Carolina living and they asked how do I make my YouTube channel more discoverable they're doing videos about gardening landscaping and plants in general and they want to get found they're also working on thumbnails working
on descriptions so what else is there well let's first talk about how the algorithm works right now we'll talk about the four factors and then in part two of this video we'll go into 12 tactical tips and so buckle up so the YouTube search and Discovery system is pretty complex but here's kind of the overarching goal the YouTube algorithm's goal is to match viewers with videos they are likely to enjoy so I think it's important to note that although YouTube cares about you as a Creator what they're obsessed with is viewer satisfaction they want to
find videos that can satisfy viewers so here are the four key factors that influence search and Discovery number one is viewer behavior and this includes four things watch history search history likes dislikes comments and device and location let's break these down the first is watch History what videos have you watched in the past I'm sure you've noticed that as soon as you search for something or you really start to consume a particular type of content you start getting recommended other similar content I was recently looking for some workout headphones that don't fall out when running
so I like the ear hook ones and I started to search for those and then I started getting YouTube shorts and long forms about other workout headphones and running headphones understanding this can help you strategically create content but I don't really want to get ahead to the tip number two is search history what have you searched for on YouTube of course there's the viewer Behavior what have you actually watched consumed you've clicked on videos that were suggested to you but what you've actually typed in YouTube is of course going to be influencing what kind of
videos they show you in the future now what you've clicked like on what you've clicked disliked on dislike will down prioritize perhaps that topic if not just that one video or that one Creator but if you click like and you comment on videos then your interactions with the content is going to continue to suggest you further content and number four here just on number one viewer behavior um device and location so where are you and how are you watching so the way the YouTube algorithm works if you're on a smart TV is different than if
you're on a smartphone and even different than perhaps a tablet or a desktop like if the experience is different and what's going to be recommended to you is different and by the way if you're using the same login on all of those devices even YouTube knows that the what you watch on a smart TV might be different than when you sit down at your computer so you're getting different recommendations depending on the device but what's the second big area the second key factor for influencing search and Discovery is video content this includes title description tags
video length and format thumbnail and then the audio and visual quality let's break them down so how well does your title description in tags match search queries some people try to say tags don't matter which is mainly true they don't carry a lot of influence descriptions a lot less title is incredibly important I mean at the end of the day if I'm looking for the JBL Peak 3es which is what I ended up with after my research I'll I'll put an affiliate Link in the description this is not about these but they're pretty fire the
fact fact of actually putting endurance Peak 3 JBL in the title no matter how good the content is is going to make that a lot more findable than if you didn't reinforce product name or that exact health issue or that exact food or that exact trending topic and so title description and tags absolutely matter for discoverability next is going to be video length and format is it long form or is it short form that could influence the intent of the person or what videos are being served up and then also thumbnail how engaging and relevant
is the thumbnail we'll get to these a little bit later on tips for this and then audio and visual quality how well produced is the video um you don't need great gear or great camera to succeed on YouTube but in some cases audio and visual quality absolutely can help with search and Discovery the content itself and if YouTube is going to suggest it the third factor is video performance so now you've posted the video how well is it doing here's different areas click through rate watch time retention rate likes dislikes and comments shares and ineds
and so clickthrough rate how often do people click on your video thumbnail back to making great thumbnails and having great topics that people actually want to click on watch time how long do people watch your video retention rate how many people watch your video to completion or as close to completion as possible likes dislikes and comments what is the viewer engagement in your video I know there's some overlap in these but these all stack to influence what influences videos ranking what influences videos getting suggested by the YouTube algorithm and shares and embeds how widely is
your video shared and so are people clicking that share button that's bringing new traffic if someone shares it with someone they know that is going to love it and then that person watches the entire thing and then the people who are like that person YouTube starts going okay let's show it to even more people and more people and that's how social media content spreads and then finally number four is channel Authority this includes subscriber count upload consistency and viewer loyalty so what do these mean so how many subscribers do you have obviously that builds Authority
and better if they're similar subscribers as opposed to just confused different subscribers who all like different things that's going to mess with the YouTube algorithm that's going to mess with your channel but if you've gathered a bunch of homeschool moms that want to learn how to homeschool their kids well and all of your subscribers are like a certain demographic it even kind of makes it easier for YouTube to suggest your content and not only that there's more momentum when you upload a video because all your subscribers like want the main theme of your channel if
you've got all these themes and all these topics and all this different stuff that you're covering on your YouTube channel sure you got a lot of subscribers perhaps from all these different places but it can confuse the algorithm upload consistency how often do you upload new videos I've heard a quote thrown around that YouTube is a momentum based platform I don't know if I fully agree with it but we'll talk a little bit later about how upload consistency is just a big deal in general like I mean in life in general if you want momentum
in your health be consistent if you want momentum in your relationships go on date nights be consistent if you want momentum on YouTube be consistent I mean you got to keep uploading videos but we can get a little more tactical in a second and then view viewer loyalty this is kind of a big one how often do viewers return to your channel you know YouTube analytics shows us this talks about new and returning viewers and so key factors in Search and Discovery includes viewer loyalty and there's something powerful about building a core audience not just
viewers that stop by for one video but people that repeatedly come back especially the momentum of your subscribers clicking on your latest upload consuming it loving it you that that is why some creators just consistently put out these big videos because there's also that core audience that might have notifications on and they really is your content no Miss do they want to are you uploading videos that a large percentage of your audience would all want to watch and so there's the that momentum growing and you have some actual Loy loyalty of viewers that return to
your channel as opposed to just a oneoff view of a particular video but in part two we're going to be talking now about 12 tactical tips so let's dive in so this entire video was inspired by a question right about how do I make my YouTube channel more discoverable well here is 12 ideas for you based on the search Factor so we're going to kind of tie together the understanding of how the YouTube algorithm Works in part one with the tactics that we as creators can do now in part two of this video and uh
here they are number one is nail your Niche or Niche how do you say it is it Niche or Niche let me know we learned that some of the key factors that influence search and Discovery is viewer behavior and watch History so North Carolina living that asked this question mentioned that their content is gardening landscaping and plants and nature in general which I would say is great because the point here in nail your Niche is that if you're planted in a proven Niche that there's verified interest in and that people are already consuming content around
gardening huge on YouTube Landscaping absolutely plants absolutely and so the good thing is that if you then nail your Niche you really dial in and I know like some people say you don't have to have a niche here's some modern language for you channel topic or Channel theme what is the theme of your channel you know even if you're a personal brand there are themes maybe it's one two or three things but they all tie together like what are your three things like if I think about the rock I think about like bodybuilding and and
entertainment certainly as an actor and now a little bit entrepreneur teramana tequila some of the other things he's doing but there's like themes around him so if you narrow down your themes so whether you want to call it a channel topic a channel theme a channel Niche you want to get suggested with other content and you don't want to confuse the YouTube algorithm so nailing your Niche is a big idea we actually have an entire course on this it's actually a bonus right now for our YouTube membership program if you want to check that out
you can go to think or I'll link to that in the description down below but I did a whole dedicated course just on nailing your Niche or Niche it's called Niche Finder and so anyways that may or may not be right for you but I'll link to that in the description if you want to check it out and so number one of 12 tips is nail your Niche number two is create search based content so remember we learned that the algorithm looks at your search history and what has a viewer searched on YouTube before
and so when you start to understand search-based content your goal goal is to create some videos maybe not all of your videos but you want to get discovered and nobody knows you maybe you're at zero how do I get my first few viewers get in front of the topics that people are searching for let's take it back to our endurance Peak 3 headphones like I started to search for some workout headphones that and I've bought something by the way and I clicked an affiliate link because I was looking around YouTube for something I was searching
for and by the way discovered creators I'd never seen before I didn't know them but I was searching for something I know some people might say search-based content only applies to education channels or certain types of con uh channels fine but I really think it should be a part of your tool belt and I would argue it's pretty underrated so anyways create search-based content number three create engaging content and then remind people to engage so what do I mean by engaging well if engagement includes yes watching your videos it also includes taking action like engaging
with it like doing something and so remember the algorithm Works according to likes dislikes comments and interactions with your content so there's kind of two sides to this coin one is make great content I mean I know that's generic but it's like make content that people are thankful for so they hit the like button so they leave a comment so they say thank you so they're like finally it's not just the same old regurgitated stuff but like you're really you know it gets someone I usually don't comment on videos but like I'm commenting on this
one so the amount of effort the amount of quality you put into the video the content itself is actually like worth engaging with but if you also remind people to engage with the content then those signals are just all bunch of algorithmic signals that lead to getting discovered getting suggested ranking and so include when appropriate calls to action or chill calls to action now I know this could be overrated you don't need to frontload the video with subscribe to the channel and hit like and do all the things and do all the stuff sometimes at
the end of the video like even the last few things I like to say during the end card as I might say like click or tap the screen to watch this video my name is Sean canel you're a guide to building a profitable YouTube Channel smash like if you got value and I'll see you in the next one um hit like for the YouTube algorithm sub subcribe if you're not subscribed a lot of times I'll put at the end of the video after you've given value you also can add those little popups like it you
just might be talking and adding value and in the upper corner of the video it just is like you know a little sound effect a little subtle any little thing like that bottom line is these engagement signals can be helpful so be thoughtful when you're crafting your content tip number four is Master best practices for different content formats so we learned that search and Discovery also works by device location and where and how people are watching so that could be TV smartphone tablet and so you mastering different content formats could be mastering long form mastering
shorts and the different best practices for each format shorts is a different game than long form videos but when you also go to YouTube for a channel that has uploaded every type of content format it's getting pretty wild if you look at what you can see on the uh YouTube channel page meaning you kind of have like their homepage you could click on just videos you could click on shorts and then there's all their shorts if they upload podcasts and class classify content as such there's a podcast tabs if you've ever gone live before there's
a live tab you can then see their Community Tab and uh there's a lot of different formats that are happening there on YouTube and so in regards to search and Discovery I think what number one don't get distracted with if you're brand new to YouTube trying to master all of the formats at once but if you start a video podcast really go deep in mastering video podcasts if you're going to be more of leaning in on shorts really study shorts and if it's going to be a long form game in general just your typical YouTube
videos um really be thinking about that and be just aware of what is it you're trying to achieve is your your content more lean in and engage you know perhaps time code chapters education is it more Lean Back someone's on their couch their you know on their Smart TV just watching your content they turn it on while they're cooking dinner on their TV and their living room I do that a lot you know I listen to these video podcast conversations or whatever it is so anyways just your awareness of how YouTube Works can help influence
your next video in a positive way that it could be recommended more and and help you get discovered number five is dial in your video SEO now SEO stands for search engine optimization which would typically be applied to a website or a Blog and so video SEO means we're applying these best practices to our video content here on YouTube and we learned about search and discovery on YouTube that title description and tags can influence your video being discovered simply because you are putting the appropriate metadata around your video and so go deep on that study
that we go to deep in our course and our membership program if you want to learn more about that I also have a class and it's one of our Specialties here at think media think is where you can watch a one-hour ond demand class because mastering video video SEO not in the sense that just because you like write a great title that's why your video will perform it won't there's a lot of other things to do but writing a bad title or not really really understanding how to position your content or do proper research
or even understand and discover golden opportunities as it pertains to even what video you should make next it's an kind of underrated topic these days in the YouTube world and so dial in your video SEO number six write better titles now this is a topic that we've covered pretty deep here on think media but it's a skill that I continue to work on and use different tools to always be innovating and improving our titles across multiple different channels but here's kind of two big Ideas I want to be keeping in mind number five which is
dial in your SEO I want to be thinking does this video have the the key terms like the things that people are searching for that's kind of the first part but the second part is in today's YouTube world you want to be writing for humans if there's curiosity if there's an open loop um and there's different strategies there's kind of a search-based strategy and then there's also kind of a suggested strategy I think the most lethal content creators YouTube creators really know how to tap into both and so they are not getting stagnant or lazy
when it comes to titles and number seven is uh similar make better thumbnails and as you know this has turned into an entire industry meaning there are professional thumbnail artists that some of the bigger YouTubers will hire and pay $300 to $500 a thumbnail now the cool thing is AI canva Dolly uh AI tools mid Journey um you know there's a lot of things that can make just anybody that's starting that has limited resources make better thumbnails like you can make better thumbnails like you need to make better thumbnails like seriously um because it's a
big deal and it's it's something to continue to innovate on and learn the best practices of and remember the algorithm is in influence search and Discovery is influenced by how engaging akaa also your click-through rate and how relevant your video is to the intent that a viewer is looking for whether they're literally typing in search or whether they're just looking around what are we doing with our eyes we are scanning thumbnails first and then we're reading the titles so again a topic for another time but uh make better thumbnails number eight is improve your video
and your audio quality and the reason Reon why this matters is I think one audio and video quality can help with retention one of the most important ones is actually audio I don't know about you but if your audio is echoey in a room it kind of hurts your ears you're listening on headphones you're like I want this information but man this audio is terrible improving your audio can improve retention improving your video in terms of how interesting it is or just even lighting like lighting will help your any camera look better even your smartphone
um how visual ually pleasing the video is um can be helpful and there are other factors although minimal but there are badges YouTube gives like a 4K badge if you upload 4K content and what I'm not telling you is that if you upload in 4k now you're going to be ranked and suggested and go viral but what I am telling you is that if we're stacking all these little details you know one of the mindsets to consider is if everything was created equal which it really never is but like if everything was created equal between
you and another Creator and like you both had great thumbnails you both had great titles and and almost every you know the content was really good but one was one video was 4K and the other wasn't YouTube wanting to satisfy viewers and give them the most options because you can select the resolution like just just because it is 4K doesn't mean the viewer watches in 4k but if somebody can have the best experience possible what is the algorithm solving for satisfaction and so I don't know about you I like crispy videos and listen not all
of our content is that you know I go live a lot it's not as crispy as this this is crispy like we're we're crushing on this right here we got a little a7c 2 G Master this is some video quality but let me encourage you it's not necessary at the start because even if you just hit a couple of these things this is kind of an exhaustive master class in a way you know we're hitting a lot of aspects of best practice YouTube is a skill you want to get 1% better with every upload and
so you want to start with what you have my friend Roberto Blake say this you you should match your audio and video quality to the expected quality to the standard of your Niche if it's an educational video where you're sort of training through information and in your Niche some of the best other videos go research your topic what videos rank what can you learn from the other videos what's the expected quality of them so Roberto Blake has a great point in saying that one of the reasons why you might be staying stuck is because the
level in certain niches is maybe pretty high as far as audio and video so put in the work hustle you know work on the side earn a little extra a little coin and then check out you know some of our best camera for YouTube videos this year um and and level up your gear because if that's the standard of the niche then that is going to be a lid that's hard to breakr but let me encourage you there are a lot of topics on YouTube where you can go look and find and see wow there's
videos getting hundreds of thousands of views millions of views and the camera it's like smartphone only and and the audio is decent but it's not amazing and so I think that's something to consider under this tip number nine is improve your CTR that stands for your clickthrough rate so we could really go deep when it comes to improving your click-through rate but there's really three big factors in my mind and and a fourth important and that is this like the three big things on whether or not someone's going to click on your video is going
to be topic title and thumbnail all paired together do they even desire this topic are people looking for this topic you know the best title and thumbnail in the world on a topic people don't care about then they won't click on it they don't want to click through and so those are the three big factors but if we take a little side quest here you know what's interesting is YouTube just released the thumbnail split test tool and the way that tool works it's been out for a while but lots of creat have it now you
can upload three different thumbnails and YouTube will run one for a while and then change it to one of the other ones and change it to one of the other ones to see which one is performing best what's fascinating is it shows you another factor in terms of like quality of clickthrough rate and it's the fact that YouTube tells us the winning thumbnail performed best not just on how high was the click-through rate which simply means if you have a 4% click-through rate it means that out of every 100 people that the video is shown
to out of every 100 Impressions four people actually clicked what YouTube is doing when it selects a winner is it's saying which thumbnail led to the highest watch time so click the rate and watch time are very interconnected because just because you can get someone to click if a certain title topic and thumbnail gets someone to click but they bail in 10 seconds or they only watch a minute versus the way you title it the way you thumbnail it leads to two minutes of watch time then on a netet YouTube perhaps is going to go
with that thumbnail that has a lower click-through rate but that has a higher watch time I think the easiest way to understand what's happening there is that if you have like a very clickbaity title and thumbnail but the video doesn't back it up well then people aren't going to stick around whereas if things are in alignment like if you set accurate expectations and people go this is what the title is promised this is what the thumbnail seems to be promising and then the video Del delivers on that then YouTube's going to go with the one
that keeps people watching for as long as possible so to improve your click-through rate which is one of the search and Discovery factors be thinking about in a way you're like this kind of everything well yes it's all very interconnected you know what topics of videos am I making improve my titles improve my thumbnails and then improve my content itself which is tip number 10 improve your watch time and your retention rate now how do you do that a topic for another time here's a couple ideas that I wrote down the pacing of your videos
the editing of your videos your communication skills storytelling humor don't be boring trim the fluff get to the point infotainment so not just information that's maybe dry and Bland but can there be a little bit more to it can there be some hum or some refresh or some personality that you include all of these different distinctions you want to play to your strength this isn't about trying to become somebody else but it's thinking about what are the different ways that I can improve watch time and retention and you know this's actually one of the core
things that we help people with here at think media is mastering everything we've been talking about but also really developing the skill of the perfect video recipe but figuring out your strengths and figuring out what you're best at and then playing toward WS that and so um you know you might not know that we have uh think media certified coaches and there's people that we help in a group basis and on a one-on-one basis now that's not for everybody but I know some people might want some additional help Beyond a membership or something like that
if you're interested at all you can check out think mediaco and there's like an application where you could see if you qualify if you would say yes I'm serious about this YouTube thing or I've hit a plateau I want to improve my game uh we cover it all in coaching but crafting these types of skills communication skills pacing infotainment how do you make better videos perfect video recipe all that stuff um I'm definitely giving you some tips here but if you're interested in that we'll link to that down below or you can just go
to think mediaco now another thing under improve watchtime and retention could be how you organize and structure your content and then as a result doing time codes in chapters like on this video you're able to navigate through the tips part one part two there's structure to it and time codes and chapters are utilized now there's actually an ongoing debate about do time codes and chapters hurt retention because people can skip around and and they don't have to just watch the flip side is they might just skip away they might just bounce unless they hover
over your video and see oh coming up is this part or that part or there's a three hour why are these people doing three-hour podcasts these days like what what are these 4H hour podcasts well sometimes I might see somebody I want to learn from or somebody that I want to listen to I don't got four hours so time codes and chapters get my watch time because I'm not going to watch the video if I just have to like weed through all four hours but if I can scan the time codes and chapters and I'm
like I want to watch that part boom eight minutes of watch time for me o that part looks interesting boom 10 minutes of watch time for me so just a thought this is obviously always an ongoing game of mastering YouTube best practices and what's happening but bottom line is improve your watch time and retention rate and YouTube will recommend you it'll rank you it'll spank you no but bottom line get 1% better with every upload as it pertains to increasing watch time and retention rate and give yourself Grace because these are complex skills to build
and we all don't give compare your beginning to somebody else's middle is one of my favorite quotes from John Acuff like when you're just starting um you're like this is so much different things to learn that's why it's just like make your next video your best video and keep skill building keep improving your skills as you go and you're going to be stunned by how much progress you can make when you do that intentionally number 11 is follow the Cs QC formula now this stands for consistent strategic quality content so we learned that part of
search and Discovery is uploading consistently and so my goal is to upload consistent but also not just a lot of videos because sometimes volume is overrated like the volume of uploads like if you just keep uploading terrible videos that doesn't mean you're going to build momentum but if you're uploading consistently and what's the magic number I mean if you can do once a week do once a week if you can do once a month do once a month if you can do three a week do three a week I mean like the bottom line is
that there's just forward momentum like if you upload one video and take 10 years off you're like why is my channel not growing well I have a sneaky suspicion that it's your the fact you're not uploading videos to YouTube one of the secrets to success on YouTube is uploading videos to YouTube so consistency now the second one though I think is important is strategic I think by even this video you might be seeing that oh wow there's another level of strategy that could go into my video in fact I'm curious like what has been maybe
one of your biggest takeaways or do you like these deeper Dives like this let me know in the comments could you be more strategic so you're uploading consistently you're being more strategic whether that's SEO research intentionality with how you're structuring your videos quality am I improving the quality the content value how am I delivering it how is it structured the production value can I up the quality over time 1% better I'm going to invest in a lens I'm going to invest in some lighting I'm going to invest in a microphone 1% better and then content
that is of course what we're doing it's actually uploading videos now also the reason though that I think this leads to search and Discovery is number one just more at bats like if you upload two videos a year then you've got two chances to get discovered and build some momentum if you upload 50 videos a year you take two weeks off for a vacation but you really commit to like one video a week for 50 weeks and if give yourself Grace if you get sick you know like take a off but like generally you're you're
just consistently moving forward this is like a law of success in general like like success takes consistently it's not what we do occasionally it's what we do repeatedly that produces success and so more at bats more hooks in the ocean especially with search-based content I'll never forget I went on this like date day with my mom and we were going we're in Muckle Teo in the Pacific Northwest and we were going to catch catch a fairy and we went down and we were really early and so we grabbed a coffee and we were walking along
the docks and we saw a guy he was actually just chilling he's sitting there and he had like 10 fishing poles it was probably like four but he and they were all lined up on the dock and he's just chilling and I was like H it's kind of a smart move I don't know if the game warden's okay with it but like he's got these the fishing poles and and why because if he only had one hook in the ocean he might that bait that hook that video the analogy might actually you know catch that
one fish but because he's got the four hooks in the ocean he could multiply his potential to catch more fish if you're trying to get discovered if you're trying to get views if you're trying to reach more people every upload is a potential opportunity to get discovered and if you have two fishing poles out there maybe those ones didn't work but if you got to 3 four five six maybe it's number six that pops off so just the mentality of the math of YouTube if it's strategic and it is quality and you're progressively improving your
quality and not being cruel to yourself at the start because we all suck at the start my friend Ben aaditi said the formula for success is suck suck suckcess you know and so that's the B bats like video one wasn't good video two even worse video three really bad video for a little bit better and then that one started to get recommended and because you you committed to the process and so more hooks in the ocean and then finally though is the flywheel effect and this could be applied in business and other things it's like
the flywheel effect of go around the circle of plan a video you know shoot the video upload the video do all the stuff title thumbnail put it out there maybe a share on social media if you didn't see the video where we talked about how to like promote your videos in different places like Facebook groups and Reddit I'll uh link to that in the description but like do that stuff and then do it again and it's like you keep going around the flywheel why because it builds momentum so it's like I I learn about what
the parts of the process are this is why so we have this program called video ranking Academy it's like our main YouTube membership program and it's an actual Circle it's like a fly whe and so it's seven steps and when we uh go through these seven step you just keep doing it over and over again and the flywheel effect of consistency really matters and I mean even look at big any channel you know you look at these big channels they uploaded 100 200 300 uploads now I really believe that if you watch videos like this
and you are intentional about your skill building and your education you may not need to upload 200 videos before you really break out but often times you're going to need some at bats you're going to need some practice and one of the things I recommend is to use your season in obscurity to prepare you for popularity so when you're early on in your YouTube Journey your first few uploads in my opinion are much more about your personal growth and personal development than they even are about getting a lot of views you're practicing in public you're
working out your you're learning your voice you're you're learning how to use your camera you're like trying to get the settings right there's just a lot of different things you're practicing and you're going around the fly wheel you know we always say uh from the atomic habits one of my favorite quotes you don't rise to the level of your goals you fall to the level of your systems and so this is a system this circle is a system I just keep going around the circle and the first one time around it not great the first
28 times maybe not great but over time I just keep going so anyways the flywheel effect so keep following it keep working it stay consistent stay strategic you can get discovered okay so I actually have a bonus tip in just a second but let's hit tip number 12 and that is don't just Chase views build an audience and a community we talked about the search and Discovery system working by Channel Authority and things like subscriber count and upload consistency but also viewer loyalty there's something powerful about not just having to chase every view but by
building a personal brand where people start to trust you or they start to get to know you in some cases right the reason you click on a certain video might not even be because they did the best practices of everything but because you see their face you see that individual and you maybe even see that Channel or that logo and it means something to you of course you don't have this at the start but it's just something to be thinking about like these are 12 different tips that you could be working on over time and
so a few thoughts here one is really thinking about the personal brand that you're building and not underestimating the power of personality and even storytelling in your content because I know that sometimes people just want the pragmatic just give me the information and they're going to come get the information and leave well you probably never would have got them anyways they're they're using YouTube like a utility however really probably the only way to truly build a personal brand and connection is by adding more than just the raw information especially in like a world of AI
we need more humans than we ever have before like we need real people with the the their personality coming through and so something to think about that personal branding and weaving in personality is going to be helpful story being another one of those now another thing to do is reply to comments just the fact that you care that you demonstrate that as your channel grows maybe you can't get to all of them but you know even this video I don't know if you remember is in a reply to North Carolina living and I appreciate them
putting in the question our goal is to like legitimately help you not just North Carolina living but you watching this video when on YouTube you actually learn something hopefully you get an experience I don't take it for granted that somebody would watch this video hit the like button um and so I have to I feel like every day I have to get up and earn um your view you know your trust and um Babe Ruth said yesterday's home runs won't win today's games and so there's something about continuing to put the effort in replying to
the comments to say thank you to show your appreciation to answer a comment with a video by the way there's that short feature where you actually can turn a comment into a YouTube short reply that's a community building thing but answering a comment with a video like this like it could be that a comment inspires a video but sometimes what I reply with and someone's like hey this is my challenge on YouTube and I know that we've got a video in the library that could answer that so taking the time to like slow down and
get to as many comments as possible and you know Legacy over currency like not just chasing views or chasing money or just chasing viral but thinking about human connection and you know on the journey you'll be misunderstood some people will come some people will go not everyone's going to like you you need thick skin but a soft Heart on YouTube I really believe to succeed but in the process of getting discovered in the process of building momentum because all of these tips stack don't cut out your story or your personality because that's the only difference
maker when information is pretty ubiquitous of course the quality of in information the quality with which you present it you know the different aspects and all of the other things but it's your story it's that connection point it's those resonation point and the cool thing is is there's opportunity for all of us cuz not everyone's going to like you certainly not everybody likes me and so you're not everybody's cup of tea but you're somebody's cup of tea and so it's going to be those little things that people resonate with whether that's your background your personality
like maybe you're like me you grew up in a small town I grew up on six acres horses dogs cats everyone at Arlington High School was wearing car heart before it was cool like you haven't shoveled horse manure or cut grass a day in your life the audacity that you have to be wearing car green ground liting kit this Farm Life bro is where I grew up I don't know if the editor is going to cut this out but thank you Nate for whatever you decide to do the bottom line is I think the point
is build actual connection and community and in net net I mean if we just took a second in this video to to reminisce there's good information but it's going to be personality story some of those connection points that even make it you know memorable there's just some stuff to relate about so I think you get the big IDE idea uh but let's hit tip number 13 bonus tip number 13 is use the culture surfing strategy to get discovered and get noticed especially if you're just starting and trying to get views yeah I heard one person
sum up YouTube saying YouTube is basically human psychology and Trends and if you can tap into both of those with your content you can win and that really resonated with me now we don't really have time to unpack these but I have a video you can click or tap the screen to watch it on how to tap into industry trends and how to leverage the culture surfing strategy and if you got value out of this video you can smash like my name is Sean canell you're guide to building a profitable YouTube channel and click that
video cuz I think that you'll enjoy it
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