Cliffe Knechtle’s Craziest Debate (Angry Student)

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Dive into a captivating debate featuring Cliffe Knechtle as he engages in a compelling discussion wi...
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so she can do whatever she wants actually I'm not allowed to say my worldview because these are sexist who don't like to let women speak welcome to Cliff's craziest debate this clip is from give me an answer so go check them out let's dive straight into it you can speak anytime you want to Gods right but I don't believe in the Bible why is woman valuable why is woman valuable I don't really know according to you well if you accuse both of us of being sexist I'm sure you have some type of view of why
woman is valuable now tell us why is woman valuable if we're too sexist guys you yeah myself as a human on this Earth yes I'm a citizen of the world and my purpose is to do good you're spreading hate and saying that your chosen people who believe in your Bible are correct not what I've said all the correct yes you're trying to be an Absol I said flat out to this man I said if I say I believe in Jesus and hate him what am I hypocrite and you are a hypocrite that's why you're up
very very well that if anybody says I believe in Jesus and I hate women or I hate people they're a hypocrite CU Christ commands his different than you they're wrong and that's what you're saying and it's just annoying I'm so sick of seeing this bull on campus can't you go film your little project somewhere else like I am so tired of just having to walk around on my campus and get preach that about the Bible like go somewhere else go away I don't want to go away I want this to go away cuz guess what
I believe I believe that I am God I am God I am my own what does that mean you're God it means that I create my own reality and I manifest what I want to see in this world go create your own reality somewhere else think we're trying to have a discussion yeah I am creating my own reality right here I'm saying your discussion is stupid and it shouldn't go on it's pointless we disagree with each other so we're respecting and disagreeing look there's a difference between what you're doing and what we're doing what you're
doing is is you're you're disrespecting both of us just talking over us you literally said you're God and what we're trying to do is have an intelligent discussion we disagree fundamentally you're having an intellig discussion by misquoting people and spreading misinformation it's annoying and I'm making a mockery of you because that's what it deserves to be I'm sorry we annoying you but there is a real virtue in being intellectually honest and trying to air your opinions out and learn the weaknesses of your views and the strengths of other views that's why I even if I
disagree with this man I respect him I'm glad he comes here I don't want him coming in here anymore I want him to leave all right I'm convinced that you have value because you're not paon scum evolved to a higher order you're a human being a precious human being created in the image of God and God loves you so much I don't believe I'm created in the image of your God and the image of a metrial Lal God why don't you talk about the pagan religions that existed before the Bible ever why is history confined
to you to a really small period of time what P God do you believe in all of them which one all of them I believe in the African Gods I believe in the Celtic gods I believe in the Buddhist gods and the Hindu gods okay so you believe that every God exists yes all right so you have no problem with Jesus right no I don't have any problem with Jes out here talking about Jesus with you and your Jesus is why can't you just take it somewhere else it's not well I've been invited here by
students okay apparently you're invited by some students but man other students you're just annoying other open-minded students like this gentleman who was just here dialoguing with me understand that a liberal arts education is based on a free exchange of ideas Mark Twain then why why are you misrepresenting misrepresented Mar Mark Twain is an atheist why are you misre I never said he was a Christian I simply said Mark Twain once said it's not the parts of Bible I don't understand that disturb me it's parts of Bible I do TW for your thing by misquoting CU
I agree with that part of Mark Twain's thinking why the B all about God let someone else speak I don't really want to all right I'm talking with you you're talk with me okay now what do you think about Jesus Christ I think he's a story like any other story good story bad Story I mean I guess it's a pretty good story has made its way into lots of literature and there's lots of dark magic stuff you can read about resurrecting yourself so I mean I think he was a partitioner of black magic yes is
is there anybody that else other than Jesus that you know of that's risen from the dead I know the Nazis were experimenting with it and they did a lot of black magic experimentation the Nazis yeah but they didn't really R raise anybody from the dead did they I mean there's lots of stories about people raising from the dead it's a very common story um throughout all of the Greek mythology and the sun god in particular is very common like if you know the story of Apollo uh I mean it's just a motif that rats itself
over and over again the story of the Son of God Rising I mean the resurrection is all part of it and I mean I'm sure you know about Constantine too right like the Byzantine Empire and how Constantine merged Pagan values together with the Christian holidays to create Harmony so that Christianity actually has a lot of elements of older Pagan religions involved in it that were messed together as a political movement and not part of anything necessarily religious and that there's a lot of aspects of Christianity that are political and not necessarily religious and a lot
of people use religion to justify political goals suppress people we agree we absolutely agree now let me ask you something are you a follower of Christ yes yes yes ma'am could you come here a second now why would this woman be a follower of Jesus Christ in light of the fact that a 100 years ago in this state in this country white Christians oppressed her great grandmother and great-grandfather see I would argue that this woman has a real open mind this woman is not going to give a white Christian racist the power to turn her
off to the true Jesus Christ who did not have a racist bone in his body instead in his best known Parable the parable of the Good Samaritan found in Luke 10 Jesus makes a direct frontal attack on racism so you see this woman has not given people who've abused Christ Twisted Christ the power to turn her off to the true Jesus who didn't have a racist bone in his body who attacked racism and communicated the all people have equal value cuz we're all created in the image of God and I would argue that she's had
her culture stolen by white men like you who have suppressed her mother Homeland religion and her African Roots by telling her the ethos Centric view of Christianity she must accept to fit into your Society good now listen to her speak you when I have spoken now ma'am have you accepted Jesus Christ into your life because white people have forced you or brainwashed your mom and dad no it's clear you can look at the Bible and you see fact he obviously doesn't agree with slavery good and that slavery was taken out of context and twisted what
the Bible said to fit something that was economically profitable at that time does she Shan brainwash to you do you know your ancestors do you know your great grandmother your grandmother before that do you know where they came from and where did they come from what's their history Africa being brought here as slaves and do you what do you know anything about their oral Trad misss do you know what they believed in Africa do you know what tribe they belong to or has your history been stolen from you just cuz I don't I'm I mean
I'm not there now that's not to say I would still be there even if people had you know even if the slave trade hadn't existed that's not to say that I would have stayed in Africa anyway I could have ended up in Europe or here just leave but do you not want to know about your ancestors and their time when they were in Africa do do you not think it's worthy do you not think their culture is worth something or prefer the culture that has been given to you by the white people I don't think
makes me a follower of christans I don't want to know my history and ancestry maybe you haven't sought out that information I can tell you everything about my ancestors okay that's not a case for against Christ anymore if I I could do the research and tell you history about my ancestors as well that's still not going to change the TR of Christ that's a very good point did you get it ah yeah I me I think I got it good think about it that woman spoke truth I come from Switzerland my dad was an immigrant
from Switzerland it doesn't change Jesus Christ just because you come from Africa or the Middle East or Europe or South America or Asia doesn't change the truth about Jesus Christ I mean I think I make my point pretty clear I mean she has her her story robbed from her by people like you who try to prevent present their Narrative of history that is incorrect oh I've heard that point made by you yes but I've also heard her State very clearly that she has no problem studying her history and she can study her history anytime she
wants to and delve into it as deeply as she wants to and I hope that you will respect her freedom to study exactly what she wants to study when she wants to study it and I hope that you would not be so manipulative as to denigrate her by saying if you haven't studied something then you're sad your your thinking is is rather denigrating of this woman and I I don't agree with you I have far more respect for her than you do obviously I mean obviously since you're saying it I mean that's your claim no
you're you're accusing her of being brainwashed and Hoodwinked by white people and white oppressors she's a free autonomous individual who thinks what she wants to and we both agree that the white folks who in the Name of Christ enslaved her grandparents or great-grandparents were totally contradicting Jesus Christ and it was tragic and evil and by the way it wasn't relatively evil cuz I'm an enlightened liberal white guy it's wrong because all human beings are created in the image of God with an innate value and the enslavement of African-Americans in the United States was absolutely evil
not subjectively evil because I happen to have a degree from an American University who gives a rip it's not evil to not give rights to homosexuals I mean I as a follower of Christ respect the right of a homosexual as a human being you called their sexiality matter no I did not and that is a you are so intellectually dishonest that's scary I did not compar them to having sex I did not compare that at all you made the I am insist I did not and you're being intellectually it's h what I said was if
there is no God and if morality is relative then what is the basis for saying that me having sex with my golden retriever is wrong it's exactly what I was driving at and if you didn't get the point you're not listening because it's not wrong thank you it's not wrong if there is no God and if morality is relative there's nothing wrong with me having sex with my golden retriever and I don't care how many reasons you want to give me or you want to give me that it's wrong that's your subjective opinion and you
better have the intellectual consistency to realize that if there is no God and morality is relative then if I want to have sex with my golden retriever for you to tell me that's wrong bug off you're an arrogant twit if Everything's Relative let's just Live and Let Live and if you want to have sex with anything that vibrates nothing wrong with that and if I want to have sex with a golden retriever something wrong with that now I'm obviously convinced that sex is Not an Accident I'm convinced that sex is a gift from God and
because it's a gift from God there's a purpose for our sexuality and that's outlined in Genesis 2:24 where we read for this reason a man shall leave his father and mother be United to his wife and the two shall become one flesh how do you how do you explain like Greco Roman society how do you explain a society that existed as long as ours where people practiced pretty much polygamous sexuality the wife was to marry and produce children and they had sex with Virgin brides and then a man was also free to have a mistress
or sex with other men if they wanted to sounds like America today sounds like America today to yeah and it sounds like Roman society Julius Caesar was every woman's man and every man's man so Julius Caesar was obviously bisexual sounds like Canaanite Society the Canaanites were very clear so sex with a man with a woman with an animal no problem sex with where you want the Bible pardon that black people wear the mark cane that's in the Bible no it is not show me where in the Bible it says that black people wear The Mark
of Cain show me lots of racist stuff racist really give me one example dude there's tons of it and then how also do you explain Mormons I mean what what about Mormons yeah you got out of the kitchen cuz it was getting hot I don't blame you you got to that get your real fast I [Laughter] mean I mean if we want to go into it the Bible that's what we're trying to do go into it where does the bible say that African-Americans are the children of Cain where does the bible say that the Bible
talks about the mark of pain and you can interpret the Bible any way you can and until recently lots of racist biblical you can't interpret the Bible any way you can and be intellectually honest yes you can yeah well you can do anything you want use the Bible right justify yeah but you don't have to have a PhD in the Bible to understand that those slave owners who use the Bible to justify slavery were perverting The Living Daylights out of it I think you're perverting it by saying that homosexuality is no I'm not saying that
I'm saying the scriptures communicate homosexuality is wrong that's all all we're saying huals why can't you say you like no you can read it for yourself read Romans chapter 1 1 Corinthians chapter 6 1 Timothy chap 1 and it's very clear homosexuals are youing that the practice of homosexual sex is communicated in the Bible as being wrong you condemning homosexual no I don't condemn anybody it's not my job to condemn anybody why can't you say homosexuals are great equal beings and we love them as much as everyone else oh I can promise you homosexuals are
equal to all of us in value and I love homosexuals and I invite homosexuals to come to the church where I'm a pastor I have homosexual friends who I treasure so I don't know where you're getting off with this whole idea that if you follow Christ you have to hate homosexuals that's totally belonging if you follow Christ you have to love homosexuals do you support their lifestyle then I mean you need to be an advate I've got a lot of friends who fornicate on a weekly basis and I tell them fornication is wrong I've got
a lot of friends who are adulterers and I tell them adulter is wrong why cuz according to Christ sex outside of marriage be it fornication or adulter are twisting that beautiful gift of sex that God gave us so be you an adulterer be you a practicing homosexual be you a guy who's into pornography I'm going to continue to communicate Jesus loves you you have equal value as all we all do because we're created in the image of God please begin to ask yourself what's the purpose of my sex is it to go through orgasm 2.2
times a week or is there something more than that child together and raise a family why are you against homosexuals raising a family together and living exactly the same lives as other Christian heterosexual counterparts I never said I'm against homosexual couples having a child okay never once did I say that what about their marriage what about their Union why can't they be married under the eyes of your church if they are in love and that's the one person they want to commit themselves for the rest of their life what is wrong with that what's wrong
with it is it's violating the purpose for which God gave them their sexuality and that is why I'm not going to perform their wedding but if they want to be joined by another person who wants to perform that wedding so be it I respect their right to do that but I myself am not going to perform the wedding of an adulterer I'm not going to perform the wedding of a person who's uh promoting and practicing homosexual sex because I'm convinced that that's not the purpose for which God created marriage you do realize there's a huge
problem with overpopulation I mean these homosexual couples could adopt children that otherwise would not have homes they'd be out on the streets starving they could give them an amazing life and you you're not for that you're not for that because the idea of sex is to make more people it's not the idea of sex to make more people well that's what you just said no I did I thought sex is an act of love to show another person but according to you it's to make more people never once did I say that you're totally misquoting
me you don't listen Well ma'am never once did I say the purpose of sex is to have babies never once then what's the purpose of sex thank you for asking that good question I appreciate it so I can get it directly from you you bet I thank you okay the first reason for sex is that a male and a female make a lifelong commitment to each other so that companionship replaces loneliness the second reason is that they might enjoy sex and the physical pleasure of sex as a gift from God third reason is so that
they might bring children into the world but you said that was not mean you I mean you can't really put that out there as a point because you said the purpose of marriage marriage wasn't to produce children I mean you just said that so you're putting you're backtracking on your point you're adding a point only reason these guy these guys listen well hear what they're saying I never said that God gave us marriage for just sex what I'm saying is the first reason is companionship the second reason is pleasure and enjoyment of each other the
third reason ISX and having children companionship and as long as they're committed to each other what is your issue with it the issue is simply that the purpose for which God created our sexuality was for a man and a woman to enjoy sex within that context my heterosexual sex drive does not motivate me to have sex with just one woman it's scientifically proven that my heterosexual sex drive motivates me to have sex with as many good-looking women as I possibly can now as a thinking human being I have to ask the question but what is
the purpose for which God gave me my sexuality it's a question of purpose so would you support if they got a sex change operation and then entered the Union I don't think that anybody has to have a sex change operation well I mean they do to be with the person they love according to you I mean once again you're putting words in my mouth that I never said you have a tremendous ability to misquote me so I would ask you to listen more carefully and stop misquoting me I try to listen to you and not
misquote you if you could return the favor I'd appreciate it so the question for my homosexual friend and for me is what is the purpose for which God created our sexuality and According To Jesus Christ the purpose is for a male and a female to make a lifelong commitment he quoted Genesis 2:24 now the good news is that God loves you and he sent his only son Christ to bleed and die on a cross to forgive you and to forgive me for our sin so why not put our faith in Christ don't you think that'd
be a wise decision no I think that you should put your faith in yourself always hey the reason I think that's an unwise decision is because the evidence is that although at times I do good at other times I do evil at times I love the rational but at times I dabble in the irrational I think you're your own path to Salvation I mean I believe in elements of Buddhism which I know you don't support or think is possibly correct I support sidarthur gatama Buddha he was a tremendously fine thinker who struggled with a problem
of suffering obviously Jesus struggled with the problem of suffering and provided the ultimate solution for suffering eternal life and heaven will there be no more suffering No More Death what about embracing Christ's solution to the very real problem of suffering I don't think that Christ in my opinion gave the best solution I think the Bible is used by the patriarchy to suppress women and other marginalized groups we agree the Bible has been used to oppress women we agree the Bible has been used to oppress African-Americans we agree the Bible has been used to justify the
Salem Witch Trials the Crusades and the Inquisition we agree on all of that but Jesus Christ is different Jesus Christ never oppressed women he didn't call for the oppression of African-Americans he didn't call for the Crusades or the Inquisition so let's reject Christianity and put our faith in Jesus Christ as this woman as who is different from this Christian history I agree with you don't trust Christianity it's horribly perverted Jesus Christ he's reliable in a way that Christianity is not think that Buddhism is reliable in a way Christianity is not and I believe the path
through salvation I mean the Sevenfold path is the path within yourself and once you put yourself past material goods and looking into the material world the suffering ends that like within yourself so I mean I think you can find paths to Enlightenment in a lot of different ways and I don't think you should pratie out here people and saying that Jesus Christ is the ultimate answer cuz clearly I mean we have hundreds and hundreds of cultures in this world obviously there isn't one answer to the question of Salvation or suffering that's where we're just going
to have to totally break because you're in duality of right and wrong which is not the philosophy that I believe in I believe in Oneness where we're all the same okay but let's be real honest you've just made a truth clay and it's a very exclusive truth clay so please don't picture me as the only one out here making truth claims you're making a truth claim also you have have every right to do that I respect your right to do that but let's not act like you're not making a truth claim let's not act like
you're not making a point let's not act like I'm the only person out here making a point you're making a point also you're making a truth play that's why I haven't gotten down here cuz I'm just sick of always hearing your points tired of seeing it on my campus all right but you still haven't answered the question that I asked you earlier which is why is woman valuable why are you valuable why I don't identify with myself as a woman I am a trans sex person I identify with myself as androgynous I'm not a woman
I'm interex okay why are you as an intersexed woman or I'm sorry inter interex being why are you as an intersexed being valuable for my ability to create and to change the world to make it a better place that was a fascinating debate Cliff articulated some compelling points and showed remarkable patience with the student despite accusations he handled them with Grace Cliff planted seeds of faith in that young mind making this debate a valuable learning experience it demonstrates the importance of maintaining composure even in heated discussions Cliff's insights on historical interpretations of scripture respect for
all and moral relativism are particularly noteworthy if you enjoyed this video please give it a thumbs up share your thoughts on the debate in the comments below and don't forget to subscribe for more more content all credit to Cliff and give me an answer for the clips used be sure to check out their Channel
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