if you haven't heard of notebook LM in 2025 you're wasting hours of your time every single day it's a free AI tool by Google that can analyze websites files and even YouTube videos for you in seconds you can then ask your questions create summaries and even audio overviews that you can listen to and interact with but it doesn't stop there Google has just dropped notebook LM Plus for business that allows you to do crazy things like creating no code AI agents and I haven't seen companies use it to its full potential just yet which is
why I'm making this video so let me show you how to use it so you can crush your competition this year so if you've never used notebook Alm before you'll first need to learn the basics so let me quickly show you how the free version works before we get into using the blast plan for your business and if you already know how to use it feel free to skip to this Tim stamp over here or just stick around for useful tips so a notebook is kind of a library for the topic you want to explore
it uses the information you upload as knowledge based so for example let's say you want to learn everything about growing on LinkedIn and you want to create a comprehensive strategy so you'd create a notebook for this topic add sources like YouTube videos from experts article links and your notebook is ready you can view your notebooks on the dashboard like this or as a list View and you can even filter them by title creation time or choose to see shared notebooks that will be available on the plus plan that we'll see later in this video If
you prefer kind of a different look you also can switch between the dark and light theme in the settings so let's say you're a business owner deciding whether you want to buy Google suet or Microsoft 365 for me the answer is obvious but maybe for some people it's not so instead of spending hours researching both platforms you would just click create a notebook you would need to upload your sources copy links from videos or articles and we'll just paste everything here it might take a few minutes but considering you won't be reading or watching anything
yourself you're still saving a ton of time if your sources don't load due to restrictions you can just copy the text and paste it manually as pasted text and for videos uh it's kind of the same thing you can just transcribe them with an extension like this and paste it transcript just don't forget to rename the sources and delete bad links to stay organized currently links have to be added manually one by one I wish there was a bulk options so fingers cross Google will add it soon so once you uploaded your knowledge base is
ready and now we can do whatever we want with it we can ask it questions for example and it will provide us detailed answers with annotations leading to specific sources this ensures is pulling real information and not just AI generated content once you open a source from annotations you'll see that it has a very neat summary from Gemini and you can even watch videos directly from the source apart from directly asking AI questions you can also create documents from pre sets like for example you can ask it to create a study guide a brief a
timeline an FAQ which is my favorite because it's uh kind of generates common questions and answers and you can learn so much from that and if you like the content generated you can save it as a source for the future while you're learning and kind of going through the notebook you can also add your own notes which is a lovely option you can also format them as you like and now the feature that blew everyone away audio overview so once all of your sources I added you can click generate and in a few minutes it
will create a human sounding podcast that is actually super interesting to listen to so in 15 20 minutes you'll learn everything from your knowledge base handsfree let's just hear a tiny piece of the podcast is generated one article suggested that Microsoft might be edging ahead in this AI race highlighting how co-pilot can practically build entire presentations just from a few prompts imagine feeding it a 50 page market research report yeah and getting back a concise bullet point summary like in seconds that's the power they're talking about Microsoft's definitely making bold claims right it does show
co-pilot's potential isn't it amazing the podcast was so good and it highlighted the most important things like the use of AI which is super important nowadays but what's even cooler is that now you can interact with this podcast so you would click interactive mode and just start listening as you normally would and and if you have a question you just need to click join and ask it and now let's see how it will answer my question is there really a big difference in pricing everybody says that Microsoft Office 365 is much cheaper but I don't
see that difference on the website that's a great question and it's easy to get confused by the pricing yeah it can be a bit tricky to compare what's fascinating is that at the entry level both Microsoft and Google start at about $6 per user per month right so at first glance they seem to be the same but here's where it gets really interesting Microsoft throws in one tbte of one drive storage with that basic plan which is a ton of storage how amazing is that answer it is so relevant and the information is just amazing
now if you want to listen to this podcast on your phone you can just go straight to notebook Alm and log in and you'll get access to it or you can download it if you have like a very old phone or something so now you know pretty much everything you need to know about notebook LM and we are ready to get into the fun stuff and buil some AI agents but let's first see what notebook LM plus plan has in store for us well firstly you can customize the answers by giving your Bot instructions how
to respond in a specific way so instead of just giving us what it thinks is right it will respond exactly the way we want you also get shared notebooks so you can collaborate with your team without re-uploading materials and links and plus we get analytics to see how the team is using this tool listen to this with a plus plan we get five times more notebooks sources and queries which is pretty much 300 sources per notebook so you can upload a ton of information and we also get increased security which basically means that our materials
will never be used to train AI models so we can upload uh important documents and confidential information if we need to there are of course a ton of things we can do with this features like transcribing meetings analyzing reports and documents the possibilities are really endless but the coolest thing about it is that we can create custom AI agents with no code for pretty much any task it would be perfect for tasks like sales onboarding marketing and even development how it says on Google's website the way we can create this agents is by adding specific
notebooks giving them a detailed knowledge base in form of Articles documents and videos that we already have and then we adjust the way they answer by giving them Specific Instructions so let's create an AI agent with notebook LM for on boarding for example and I'll show you exactly how it works but before you start playing with it you'll need to get the notebook plus plan you can do it through Google wordspace or Google Cloud if your company already uses Gemini business you might already have access just log into to notbook Alm and if you see
analytics on the top you're already on the plus plan just make sure you do it with your Google workspace account and not your personal one and if you don't have it you will need to sign up for Gemini business or Enterprise through your works space so for our example I'll actually be creating an onboarding bot that will help our new employees learn how to use our calendar software really quickly so what this bot will allow people to do is to learn really quickly ask questions anytime and troubleshoot issues without bothering the IT department every time
so step one in creating our agent is actually creating a notebook and uploading a knowledge base for this example I'll just upload a ton of Google Calendar support pages but of course as a company you would upload your own knowledge base and internal documents uploading files might take some time but remember you only need to do this once and later on if you have some new information you can always update it step two is setting our language instructions so once all of the files are uploaded we can now Define how the bot responds by clicking
on this toggle sign we can Define our conversational style as an analyst guide or by giving it custom instructions which is what I'll do here in the instructions I'll tell the B to respond as an IT specialist keep answers concise and step by step and also to provide links to relevant sources whenever it's possible I'll also select the shorter response length so the answers are pretty straight to the point and just like that a bot is created and we don't need to do anything else apart from sharing the link with our team just click the
share button at the top of your notebook and add all of the emails note that you can only share notebooks with the members of your work space organization so it won't work with random emails those have to to be your team members so let's say I have a new employee who needs to learn about this software so I'll share this bot link with her and she can now access the bot from anywhere she can generate a podcast and listen to a summary in just a few minutes and she can also ask a questions while listening
and get instant answers let's hear a quick example how can I require payment for calendar events to require payment you have to connect a stripe account to Google Calendar which you can do right in the settings then when you create your appointment schedule you set the price and customers pay when they book a time slot on your page so it's all handled by stripe and you can even add a cancellation policy to manage expectations so let's say our employee is more settled now and she works with this software every day and now she just runs
into an issue so instead of waiting around for it she can just simply ask the bot to provide a quick straightforward answer and it will give it to her on any issue and just like that instead of hiring 10 it guys you just need one to manage all of the AI agents so learn AI guys but all J asite you can really create as many of these agents as you like and add a ton of information to them to really streamline your workflow without any code for $20 a month if you'd like me to make
a specific video please make sure to leave your suggestions in the comments I'd love to know what you guys want to learn about if you've enjoyed this video please give it a like And subscribe it will really help this Channel and I'll see you in the next video [Music]