Master in 2 Hours: Complete Beginner’s Guide for 2025

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Jono Catliff
📝 BLUEPRINTS 📚 SUMMARY In this video we walk through eve...
Video Transcript:
what is going on guys it is jonno and in today's video we are going to be walking through from literally a The Zed everything you need to know about this software and I'm not going to break this up into a multi-part series I'm literally going to go through every single freaking point that you're going to need to know to go from not knowing anything about all the way up to becoming pretty much professional just to give you some perspective on what does I want to share my SC so this is the software
that we're going to be using and if I just come over to a couple use cases this is the kind of stuff that I get to do with so one thing is is that my company we do about a million dollars plus in sales every single year and we're super sales heavy which means that we send out like 10 15 of these every single day these contracts and invoices now you can see how many different custom variables there are in here this is just like a a sample one for now but um there's about
like 150 different custom Fields here and all of these are 100% automated our sales team doesn't enter in any of this stuff essentially they get off a phone call they fill out a form on our website and then as soon as that form submitted this automatically gets generated for them and this is completely through another thing that we like to do is track in real time our analytics so I could go to any date range that I want and I can gather data on our entire team's performance our marketing performance our ad campaigns things
like cities uh sources for leads types of events we're doing all all the things to do with our sales reps and conversion rates everything is tracked in real time thanks to lastly we're able to generate blog posts using Ai and spit them out super fast and have them be super high quality with blog posts like this I do have our writers take a final look at it just before publishing it live because I believe in human intervention but these are just some of the things that you can do using so what is
well essentially it's an automation platform and it connects in tens of thousands of applications together to allow you to be able to automate all of these tasks you're currently doing by hand now if you come into Google right and you type in Academy you're going to actually land on personal Academy that lets you go through their whole training modules from a to zed and learn everything now you could do this you can spend a ton of time doing this it's probably going to take you hours and hours and hours but in this video
I'm literally going to cover pretty much every freaking step in this entire training in a video format is incredibly quickly and give you real life examples that you can apply directly to your business pretty much well today so what are these examples um we have three examples we're going to build out so I I'm going to assume that most of you guys out there if you're using you probably have a business of some variety right and in your business maybe you need to generate leads and we're going to be building out a system to
allow you to automatically um send those leads from your form wherever they're filling it out likely on your your website all the way into your CRM and also to slack and email yourself and the reason why that's actually important by the way and and this isn't my stat I didn't come up with this at this is just something you can find pretty easily online but if you call somebody within 60 seconds you can increase your conversion rate by 391 per. so an automation like this will allow you it's very simple to build out but it
allow you to increase your sales by fourfold so imagine you just not having to work for like that hard and you can close four times more sales just by calling faster so an automation like this is going to allow you to do that because as soon as a freaking lead comes in you're going to be notified you're going to be on that call immediately and you can reach out sell uh your services or the products that you have so this is the first workflow we're going to be building out today now the second workflow that
we're going to be building out is going to be giving you a summary or recap of all of the missed calls that you didn't have in that day so if leads are coming through and you or your sales team are not calling these people then we're going to send an automated report to you so that you can see um who still needs to be called and then lastly we're going to talk about how we can integrate into tens of thousands of other appli applications now what I would recommend here guys is to download These
Blueprints in the description they're going to be for free uh pause this video download them and then import them into your account you can hit these three dots here like the more section and then import These Blueprints in and the reason why I say that is because I would love it if you guys just followed through this uh this with me step by step because the best way to learn is not just to passively watch but actively engage in building these workflows together because I chose these workflows for a reason actually three reasons to
be exact reason number one is that most people watching this are probably actually going to benefit from these workflows number two is that all of the applications that I'm choosing here um they're all free with the exception of maybe one application and I'll point it out that might be paid but technically you can do it fore it's just a bit more complicated but that's a big point right I want the bar to entry for anyone to be watching this video to be zero like you don't have to pay anything you can get free trials or
just have free accounts and you can actually Gain real life value from this video and then point number three is that I wanted to build out workflows that actually cover every single freaking thing you really actually need to know not like the fluff not the BS not the stuff that doesn't matter the stuff that's flashy that isn't going to matter when you actually get into the the things that you are actually going to be using all the freaking time if that sounds like something you guys are interested in we're going to be building this
out right away just before you begin um please make sure to subscribe to this channel if you're new because I'm going to be releasing videos just like this allowing you guys to find ways to automate your business your life all that kind of stuff so if you like this video I'm sure you're going to like the other ones also make sure to uh use my affiliate link down below because I will send you an email containing my top 10 favorite blueprints that I use for my business pretty much on a daily basis I'm sure
you're going to find some value out of that and lastly guys once we go through this you can check out my channel I have so many scenarios everything that you most most of the things you're probably going to want to build are all going to be there all you have to do is find the right videos watch them there's free blueprints in every single link okay so with that being said ien talked too much let's get started right [Music] now okay so the first thing we're actually going to do here is we're just going
to go ahead and create an account in now before we do that I want to go over the pricing really quickly here just so you guys can get a good idea of what this looks like so they have a free plan has a free plan and it's free forever you get a thousand operations every single month this is going to allow you to save a bit of time right I would estimate that every like you know a lot of these automations could save you like up to two minutes per time it's hard to
put a rough estimate at that but like some will be like a second others will be like 5 minutes and I would just say the 2 minutes so this is a lot of time saved by paying absolutely no money whatsoever however I would recommend going up to the core plan which is $9 every single month um just because you're going to be able to get way more uh okay that was super distracting there thank you you're going to get way more operations here and um yeah so when you're ready you can upgrade into the
paid plan so let's go ahead and we're going to create a free account for and uh we'll go ahead and add in our information and then we will get into the actual interface so I'm just going to go ahead and register my account here and then we should be good to go and we'll copy this link address paste it back in and we're good to go we can just log in to okay awesome first thing it's going to do is it's going to ask you for a ton of different questions and I
like to absolutely give no real answers here because I don't like answering these things so we're just going to skip over that completely and now we're in the user interface now the beautiful thing about the user interface is that you absolutely need to know almost nothing in here except for one thing and that is the scenarios tab so I'm actually going to go back into my account here and show you guys what this looks like um so team you're probably never going to use this but you can add people into your accounts if you
have other team members that need to access it templates these are like boilerplate things that you can build in these are like some of recommended modules but let's like to be honest I've never used this in my entire life don't recommend using this I just build things that are applicable to your business connections are all the applications that you currently have integrated into web hooks are essentially kind of like applications right so in in in you can connect in tons of different things like Google drive or like clickup or like slack or
like Twitter or Tumblr or Pinterest right but there's also tens of thousands of applications that you can't natively integrate into because they don't have like a built an integration yet but that doesn't mean that you can't connect them into you just have to use something called a web hook and for now I'm going to leave it at that because we're actually going to be coming back and I'm going to be going into this in quite a bit of depth depth and lastly keys devices data stores data structures custom apps I would I'm not
even going to go into this I've never used pretty much any of these before and also resource help what's new notifications help and even the profile I'm also not going to get into any of that either because all of that's pretty much fluff it doesn't really matter the only real reason you're using mcom is for the scenarios tab right here lastly in the organizational tab you can add people to a team or select or add users you can modify your subscription make payments all of that kind of stuff that's pretty much it so we're going
to move into the scenarios tab now and focus on what actually matters so in the scenarios tab you can create these scenarios to automate this is kind of what a scenario would look like and this is going to be the first automated scenario that we're going to be building out right now you can have folders here so for example you could be like hey I want to create a test folder and then within the test folder you can um create a scenario in there this is just going to allow you to stay organized so
we'll go ahead and do this and you're going to be confronted by the largest purple plus sign you've ever seen in your entire freaking life right so um so there you go I mean essentially before we even build anything El I kind of just want to talk about this particular user interface here okay so the first thing is is you can name your scenarios up top here so we could do like test scenario number one and also what we could do as well is we could um run once now I think my face is actually
blocking this so I'm going to zoom in here but um we have this run once oh my gosh it's uh not working very well with me so we have this run once module right here and my face still might be blocking a bit of it but essentially this puts your account into a test mode where essentially you can see in real time the data come in so that we we can see the results right we're going to get more into this later on but this run once is just for testing and then once you're
happy with the scenario then you can set it live right and how you'd set it live is just by essentially coming out and then turning the scenario on right here okay and also coming back in here we can schedule certain things right you'll see that it doesn't allow you to schedule something when a scenario is empty so what I'm going to do here is I'm just going to throw in like a basic trigger anything it doesn't matter what you click here literally you could add in any single freaking thing but tools is probably going to
be the easiest so I'll just come in here and write tools and then you could come in and set basic trigger right um and then once we have that we can open this module up now when you're dealing with scheduling in you can assign certain intervals for automate automated scenarios to run now the most common thing is I would say 95% of the time I never touch this um probably even more maybe like 99% of the time and the reason why is because typically runs in real time so um what that means is
that data is coming from some other source into and then you're doing something with it so coming back to this original scenario we have a form that's set up in when somebody fills out that form then we want to add that information into Google Sheets we don't want to schedule it so that every 15 minutes it checks we want to make sure that as soon as that data has been sent or as soon as that form has been submitted then we send data into Google Sheets right so this is only in the off
chance that you want things to run at C certain intervals so maybe you want to send yourself a daily reminder every single day you could come in here and be like once every day or every day at this time I want to send myself a reminder okay and you can go so moving on you can save a scenario down here or you can hit shift or sorry command or contr s to save it automatically and then you have scenario settings here um this stuff I usually don't really touch and we're going to get a bit
further into this later on but this I pretty much always leave default except for this allow storing of incomplete executions and we're actually going to circle back to this CER a point in time and talk about it and then you can create notes for the specific scenario you can uh revert back to past versions and then you can also Auto align a scenario so let say that this is kind of crazy at a line here you can Auto align it and it's going to bring it back into the frame perfectly you can import an export
workflows explain workflow will explain how the workflow is working but let let's be real like you're probably never going to use that I've never used that in my life and then here's some quick things that you can add in that are common or very popular in and we're going to be going over all these and then add you can add in modules okay so that's pretty much the user interface with this add modules is the same thing as clicking this Plus plus button and you have access to um adding additional modules in now just
one last thing when you come back here you can see any past runs of the scenario here so circling back to this pre-built workflow here um you can actually see the the history right when it was edited certain runs you could see the history here um and see if it failed or succeeded or all that kind of stuff in the history Tab and then lastly we have incomplete executions where if it failed right so if this wasn't a success then you can actually see the logs of any in incomplete executions and when I mean logs
I just mean like a table like this where you see all of the different instances and this would be like one instance on November 6th at this time it failed and here's the reason why you can look into it right so that's essentially it in a nutshell so now that we've covered the user interface of let's go ahead and let's build our first scenario where we're essentially ex allowing ourselves to um have leads from a form be automatically added into a Google sheet right so we're going to have leads entered into a Google sheet
and then we're going to do some other modifications like sending ourselves an email a slack message and entering them into our CRM this is up to taste depending on what you guys want but this is what we're going to be building out so the first thing I'm going to do is I'm going to delete this module and I'm going to add a new module in here right now the thing about this is is that there is tons of different options that you can choose from if I just scroll down my hand would have like carpal
tunnel by the end of the day because like there's just so many options right but anyways um there's there's there's a lot of things you can do here you can integrate in pretty much all of your favorite applications which makes it so cool but because we're capturing leads in a form what I want to do is I want to use something called Google forms just because this is free to get started and as long as you have Google account you can go ahead and you can access this module without paying a freaking dime so in
Google forms right so we've selected a particular um we've selected a particular module which is Google forms we could have selected anything there but within Google forms there's a lot of different actions that we can take right and um usually when it comes to actions like this there's a certain amount of things that you can do so just to visualize this I'm going to make it easier and go into Google Sheets here now in Google Sheets um this is a good Rec representation of T the typical functionality that you'll have in these modules but you
can add you can update you can delete and you can search right so those are the four most common things that you'll probably want to do is add update search and delete and all of those are possible here this is actually the most popular module in all of Google Sheets and this is what we're going to be using but another really popular um another popular uh thing is watching for responses so in we're going to come back here we're going to select forms okay and in Google forms we're going to select the watch
responses here and if you read this it says triggers when a new response is received well what does trigger mean well what happens in is that there's two components to it you have triggers and you have actions there's only one trigger and then there can be as many actions as possible trigger is fancy for saying what actually starts the workflow and then actions are afterwards so the trigger is hey somebody actually submitted that form an action could be hey let's add this person into a Google sheet let's email ourselves about that person just inquired
let's send ourselves a slack message because maybe we want to double down on the notifications in case we're logged out of our Gmail or whatever and then let's also add this person to like a CRM right so that is essentially the difference you have a trigger one trigger it starts the workflow and then you can have as many actions as you want so we're going to go ahead and we're going to set up our first module here which is the Google forms watch responses now before we can um do any changes here we actually have
to to create a connection between this form module and Google forms so we can create this connection here and I'm going to title this uh Google forms connection okay and then it's going to ask you to sign in with your Google account and because I'm already signed in I will have my account appear here I just need to select the right account and then continue and it's just essentially what we're doing is we're giving permission to do things with Google forms specifically we're giving uh permission to to watch for submissions in any
of our form responses we're also going to be giving permission for to do um things in all the apps that we're going to be using because will not be able to do anything unless you give it permission to do things so in Google Sheets maybe you want to add a row or delete a row or update a row you need to give it permission to be able to do that on your behalf automatically so we're going to come in here and allow to access our applications and then it's going to return us
back into and we have officially selected or we've officially done our first integration into another application congratulations that's a big step so now we're stuck with two required Fields here which is the form ID and then we have the limit so let's go ahead and let's do this so before uh I fill this out what this is essentially asking is hey we need to know what form you actually want us to watch but the problem is is well we haven't created a form yet so we have to go ahead and do that so we
can head over to forms. and then we can simply create a form here and we're going to start from scratch now I don't use Google forms personally and a lot of you watching this probably won't use Google forms the reason I'm using Google forms is because it's free and the buried entry is nothing so anyone can use this so I'm going to go ahead and call this test form and we're just going to add some basic questions like first name and then we'll go ahead and create another question last name and then we'll
add email in here we're going to add a couple more questions because I want to get to know a bit more about any person that inquires of their business such as their budget and I'm going to have this be a drop- down option so option number one is going to be uh less than $100 option number two is going to be$ 100 to $1,000 and then option number three let's just say it's $1,000 plus dollars so these are the three options for people inquiring it's like hey tell me your budget can you spend less than
100 bucks can you spend between 100 and 1,000 or a th000 plus and the last thing that I want to do here is just have a message and we're going to ask the person please Let's Pretend We're a digital marketing agency please provide us with a link to your website so we can view it okay so these are the questions that we want to ask we'll go ahead and we'll send this by clicking this massive send button here and then we're going to get the link format and we're just going to copy this into a
new tab and we're going to fill out a response here so I'm going to type in all of my details and we'll say for the budget maybe it's like 1,000 plus and then I'm going to say here's my site uh and I'm going to submit it Okay so we've submitted the form now coming back into we should be able to access this form okay and how we access it is first of all we need the form ID so coming back into the Builder here in the URL there is this form ID here this
is the ID of the form after the d slash and before the sledit this random like 20 digigit code is going to be the unique identifier to your account and to this form in your account we can go ahead and paste that ID in here we're going to set the limit to one what this limit means is like how many results do you want to pull in at a given time because this is an instant thing I want to pull in one result at a given time we'll click okay and we can essentially click uh
all for now because remember we've already submitted this form once so there is a submission in the queue we'll click okay and we should run this and we'll get a response hopefully okay sweet so here's the output we have generated okay so first things first is that you'll know you have a response based on this like little Cloud thing at the top right corner here right at least that's how I like to think about it is like a thinking Cloud right and like an like cartoons and Anime and that kind of stuff but when you
click on this you're going to see an output here and um this is the way data is structured in this is called Json data we are going to go into this later on but for the purposes of right now there's key value pairs okay so the key would be response ID the value is the ID of that response right the key is when was this created and it would be November 6th if I re submitted this it wouldn't be 651 might be 652 or 653 or 654 so the value always changes but the key
is how we reference the information that never changes okay so essentially if we click in answers here we can see all of the answers that I just filled out here so if I go into fill first name text answers answers and then one you can see the value equals jono if I was to fill this out again and put for example you know Richard as the first name then the next time I submit this it would say value equals Richard okay and um same kind of deal with the last name if I drill down and
trust me you don't have to drill that down this much with most applications in make doov this is just something native to uh Google forms um so anyways don't don't worry about that but the next value here is my last name right and if I put in like you know Anderson here for example then the next time I submit this it would be Anderson right same with the email we have all of the values that we just submitted here which is great now what we want to do is we essentially want to dump this data
into a Google sheet now you could just link this to a Google sheet in Google forms but this is quite limiting because we actually want to um to modify the information in real time in like I could just dump it in here but I want to um modify it man at it change it on the Fly depending on certain responses so I'm not going to use this so what I'm going to do instead is I'm going to add another module here and this module will be a Google sheet and we're going to add a
row okay sweet so we have a con we the first thing we need to do is connect in our account again and we can essentially uh click on our the the first popup here because this is what we've already connected in the past and the reason why this appears is because Google forms and Google Sheets you have one centralized account for both you've given permission to Google forms but you also have to update the Scopes so that it has permission and Scopes just means like the the permission level that it has so that it
can also modify Google Sheets as well as Google forms so we'll go ahead and update the connection permissions here click continue it's going to push us over to or sorry into Google Sheets here again I'm going to sign in one more time and I'm going to connect in my account give it the modified permissions to see edit create delete all of my Google Drive files and my Google Sheets spreadsheets as well we'll click allow and return back and now we've connected in our second application here and we're going to work on this but just
before we do I have a particular Google sheet here and I'm going to rebuild this from the ground up so we'll go into sheets. oops sheets. and we're going to create a Google spreadsheet here so I'm going to click the blank spreadsheet and we'll start from the beginning and I'm going to call this testm leads okay I've pasted in the values here as the header of the information I want to collect so I want to collect first name last name email message website budget and then I want to know if somebody's been
rejected if I contacted them and and when they actually initially inquired right you can see we collected the fields for you know these but and also the budget but we didn't collect it for website rejected contacted and and initially contacted right but we're still going to fill this in using so circling back here what we need to do is first of all we need to link up this connection with the sheet so the search method you can link uh to that sheet in many different ways but what I like to do is just
select from all and it's going to ask for a spreadsheet ID which you can get once again in the URL up here so we're going to copy that URL after the d slash and before the sledit we're going to paste it in the spreadsheet ID section here and then it's going to load in um certain elements of the sheet that we just created here and it's going to say hey what's the sheet name and we're going to put sheet one here and this sheet one is your tab your your tab name I could change this
to whatever and then it would also appear um in in here and you could reference whatever name you wanted to and we have all of these rows based on the headers right so first name and last name in column B and column C is email so it's pulled in the headers and what we want to do is we want to take the information from this form response where we had jono catli with this email and all that kind of stuff and we want to automatically dump that data into make uh into Google Sheets now how
we do this is called is through something called mapping what is brilliant to is that when you are dealing with modules you have access to reference past information so when this was ran we collected the results we collected the answers of the first name last name email message budget and we can place those variables in this Google sheet so if we open this up and click into a field here we want to add in the first name here and we can find it conveniently here now you might think okay I'm just going to add
in that first name by clicking right there but that is not going to um get the value that we're looking for you can see this nice little drop- down arrow here which means that there's more information and we have to click into that then click in once again to the text answers and then answers and then the value and this is simply because these are different object types and data is nested further down and we're going to talk about this later in the series and you guys should pretty much fully understand this by then but
just for now we're going to kind of leave it at that we need to get the actual value here so we're going to paste in the value of the first name and lastly for we're going to do the same thing for all of these other um Fields as well so we'll drill down answer value of the last name email and then we'll go to text answers answers value and then we're going to circle down to budget here and we're going to enter in answers okay perfect so what this means is that when I put in
the budget here it's going to enter in not value here but it's going to enter in $1,000 plus so we're referencing it based on the key which is value uh specifically it's answers. budget. text answers. answers. Val it's just drilling down from budget to text answers to answers to value and we're referencing the key here and then we're passing in the value so we have key value pairs so similarly with the first name when we drill down the value first time it might be chono but the second form submission it could be Richard right so
this is always going to change that looks good to me and then we're just going to enter in false here to both of these and we're going and lastly we just want to enter in this uh this message here and then we're good to go so I'll click I'll drill down and answer and put in the value here and click okay save and now what we want to do is we want to submit the form again you could try running it again and maybe it'll give a response let's just take a look um because no
extra response has been submitted it is not going to work so we need to give it another response here what I'm going to do is I'm going to type in Richard Anderson Richard maybe his budgets a th000 to 100 to $1,000 and uh I'm just going to put in whatever here and we're going to come back to and then we're going going to hit this run once button down here and you can see the scenario is running and we have received the data and this time if we look into the first name it's
going to be Richard right and the data has been entered into this Google sheet module if we take a look at it we can now see all of the results that we just entered in here now the reason why I have these false values here is because in Google Sheets you can just enter in checkboxes these checkboxes have one of two values either false if it's unchecked or true if it's checked right so that's just a bit more appealing to the eye in my in in my personal opinion so I'm going to go ahead and
I'm going to keep it just like that now that's the first part of things that's awesome now the second thing is is I want to talk about now that we've actually built out this very basic scenario let's make it more complicated let's give it some life let's you know add things to it and and make it more sophisticated make it something you guys would actually want to use so how we're going to do that is we're going to right click on these three dots here and we're going to add another module you can also for
example unlink it and then these won't be connected anymore you could um essentially uh add a module add a note but we're just going to add a router here or module and then flow control here and then router and what a router does is it allows you to go down multiple paths so what happens here is it with a router it will go down all paths and it will go down the the top path to the bottom path in that order so if you have three paths it's going to start with the first path then
go to the second path and then the third path and you can see the label here first second third right we're just going to have two paths here we're going to align this down here and what I want to do is I want to essentially check to see has this person already inquired before right because if this person's already inquired before maybe I don't want a duplicate maybe I only want Richard Anderson one time in this Google sheet if he inquires again then I want to update his recordon file but I don't want to necessarily
add him right again so we only want one instance of every single person and this is super super common and this is really important for Hygiene when it comes to databases you don't want duplicates because it's going to be really difficult to deal with so this is one of the best tips and this is something I use all the freaking time in so what we're going to do here is we're going to have two scenarios one scenario where we add the row and then another scenario where we effectively update the row if this person
exists so we're going to go ahead and update this row now and we're going to once again add all these modules in so I'm going to select from all we're going to add in the spreadsheet ID up at the top here and we're going to go down the same process one more time we're going to unmap this select the sheet name and then fill out the particular information now there's a couple things here we have row number uh I'm going to put two for now because we need to find this but essentially Richard's Richard's on
row two so if we wanted to update him we would find Richard based on the row here and we're going to talk about this in a second but for now what I want to do is I want to add in all this information so once again we're going to drill down this time I'm going to search for values here and we're going to add in the values of the first name here so you can see like first name text answers answers value last name text answers answers value this is just a bit faster if we
search for values and then it's going to pull in all of these so we can easily reference it very quickly We'll add in the message down here and then we're going to add in the budget as well and we can go ahead and just choose false and false here click okay and I'm going to save this by hitting command or uh control s now circling back we don't know the row value right and for us to update the right person well we need to know their row value so how do we figure this out well
we need to search this spreadsheet to find that person and we need to find that person based on a unique identifier now the thing is is multiple people could have the name Richard multiple people could have the name Richard Anderson let's say you have a sheet of 50,000 people there's bound to be two Richard Andersons in there but not everyone's going to have the same email this is a unque identifier so we can search for somebody based on their email because there's only one email in the world like that so coming back in here what
we're going to do is we're going to add add another module in here so on these three dots we're going to right click and add a module in here and this is going to be a Google Sheets module but this time what we're going to do is we're going to search rows okay and we're going to click that okay and we're going to set this up one more time you can see it's a bit repetitive because it's going to ask us for the spreadsheet ID so we need to come back in here and grab that
spreadsheet ID one more time and the thing is is like you only have to set this up once then you never have to deal with this again so I promise it's a bit tedious to set up but once you get the ball rolling um it's just going to save you so much time so we'll come in add in the spreadsheet Find the sheet name which once again is spreadsheet one down here right and you could have multiple tabs if you wanted to and we need to search by something so by default I just leave table
contains headers right because it does contain headers here in the first row but moving forward we need to have a couple things column range I just leave this as default but you could have like column A to CZ which just means like how far in the sheet do you want it to search do you want to search from a to c do you want it to search from a to like a to zed all the way down here like how far are we talking about I just leave this as a default and then we have
a filter step in this filter step is how we find the result we're looking for and we need to find it based on the unique identifier which in this case is the email here so what we need to do is Select column C which is email and then we need to search for the email that was submitted in this form right so remember somebody submits the form they provide their email we have that email by the time it reaches the search step we're going to add that email into the value here to search for that
value if it exists we update the person if doesn't exist then we create a new contact so I'm going to search in the bar here for value and we're going to add in this email here okay so now we're searching for that this is fantastic we'll save it we can come into the update row section here and now that we know the row number here we can actually delete the two and in the sidebar here you can see row number you can also search for row number as well and this is going to tell us
the row number that we found so let's just take a step back here okay result comes in with uh a form submission right they fill out their email we're going to take that email we're going to try and find it here if that exists we want to update the person right because we already have a contact with Richard we don't want two we just want one so we're going to update it if it doesn't exists then we go ahead and we create it right and if we want to update it then what how we
go ahead and update it is by locating the person by their row number and we know that Richard is on row two because we search for the email and it it gave us in this search result the entire row here including the row number saying Hey we found Richard this is the email that you wanted us to find we found it it's in row two and then we take the information that we received in the search rows module and then we paste it in the row number and this will allow us to update it now
just one more thing here is currently right now this is going to run both instances right um and we don't want that to happen we want to only update one or the other sorry add one or update the other depending on whether that whether or not that row is M we only want to add or update but not both so we're going to go ahead and set a filter here okay now this filter is going to say to we're going to label this doesn't exist so this person does not exist yet and we're going to
have a condition so a condition needs to be met in order for this to continue we only want to add somebody into this sheet if they don't exist and we know they don't exist because this row number here does not exist so let's take a step back this row number doesn't exist so we're going to search for this person and let's say we search for test right and there's no email test then this is going to return nothing so that row number is is not going to exist now on the flip side we
can say exists up here and if that row number does exist and let's say we search for Richard well then it's going to essentially find a row number and then it's going to not add something it's just going to update something so let's go ahead and test this out and um what I'm going to do here is I'm going to submit another response here and I'm going to first of all create a contact for myself so jatli test we're going to choose a budget which is going to be like under $100 and I'm
just going to submit whatever come back in here click this run once module down at the bottom here and we're going to load these results into the does not exist path you can see it did enter this right so it did it did pass this condition because we couldn't find anything in the search step it returned nothing and because it returned nothing that row doesn't exist so we added it but we didn't update it because it didn't exist right so coming back into the spreadsheet now we have this particular uh this particular uh person added
in now let's go ahead and let's submit another form and this time we're going to update Richard right so we'll do like Richard Smith this time and we'll add in his email and then we're going to put in like $1,000 plus and we're going to add in another thing here and come back and run this one more time and because we now found Richard Smith you can see all the information here we have successfully found him and we didn't add him we updated him and in this module you can see that his name was changed
from Smith or Anderson to Smith so what is this all about well first of all you can segment paths so you can push people down different routes depending on conditional logic and then you can set up filters in to say hey only pass this step if a certain condition is met right so this is super useful because now all of a sudden you can create these Dynamic workflows that can get forever like more complicated um which will allow you to build really almost anything that you want to this is like such powerful um powerful
logic built into this that you guys just learned right so just as a recap so far we've connected in Google forms and Google Sheets we've searched for something we've learned how to search add and update and we've learned how to route down different paths and filter depending on the results so far so that's really really cool now let's talk about something else that's super powerful here that I use almost every single day and you should definitely Master this so the next thing here is if we open up one of these modules either to add or
update row section here and we go to rejected well let's say that we want to reject somebody if their budget is less than $1,000 or above so somebody comes in they fill this form and they choose a budget and it's like less than a 100 bucks or it's h100 to $1,000 um maybe this just isn't going to cut it for your business you want people that have over $1,000 right and you want to make sure that automatically we filter that out so that if somebody has less than $1,000 they're classified as rejected which will be
like this and if they don't if they have a budget over $1,000 then they're good to go and we want to call these people and reach out to them immediately this is where something called functions come in this manipulates data in real time right so in if we click on a field and we go up to the top here you have all different types of functions you have General functions here you have math functions you have text function F time functions and array functions and array functions are pretty Advanced right so just as an
example like you could have um you could have something like seal here and if you add in the number 1.2 it'll automatically bring it up to to the highest integer right so it'll bring it from 1.2 to two you could also round a number as well so 1.2 would be rounded down to 1 1.5 would be rounded up to two so those are some math functions here but one of the one of my favorites and I think one of the most practical ones here going to delete this is an if statement so we have an
if statement and this takes three separate conditions here there's three slots to add information in so you can see here if condition is met you either go down path a or you go down path B so if 1 equals 1 we're going to go down this path here but if 1 equals 2 which is not true then we have like a back value almost if you will so if the condition is true then we go down path a if the condition is false then we go down path B so in practicality what this looks like
is if I say hey if 1 equals 1 then we would go down path a we would not go down path B we would only go down path a because this condition is met if 1 equals 2 then we would not go down path a we'd go down path B Because 1 does not equal 2 so we don't go down the first path we go down the second path so all this is to say is we want to set set up a scenario where we reject people automatically so how we can do that is we
can delete this and we're going to go back into the star function here and we're going to type in value at the top here and I want to find this budget value which is right here right so we're going to add in this budget value here and I'm going to go into the general tab here this gear icon and click equals now here we need to add the value that is going to allow us to pass into option A and this is $11,000 plus right so if they fill out this budget form and they put
$1,000 in here then we're going to go down path a but if they put in options 100 or less than 100 or 100 to 1,000 then it's going to go down path B so in order for us to get this practically onto this rejected column here what I want to do is make sure that if their budget equals 1,000 plus then it set false otherwise it's set to true so in other words if their budget equals $1,000 we do not want to reject them but if their budget's like a hundred bucks here like this then
we would check off rejected we know this person is rejected and that's that so this is how functions work in where you can have conditional statements to deliver whatever that you're whatever um you can conditionally render logic right so this is really really powerful stuff so I'm going to going to click okay there and I'm also going to add this down to the rejected tab here now just before we test this out I want to add one more function here and this is in the form uh in the add arow module this Google Sheets
module up top here and we're going to go into the contact initially contacted field here and we want to add in a time that this person contacted us right or at least the first time they contacted to us and in we have another kind of semi function here I guess is if we go over to the date and time functions here we have this variable now and this variable now will give us like the exact date so it would be like November it wouldn't be formatted in this way it would be like November 6th
um 2024 719 p.m. is like I'm just looking at my time up here but this is like essentially it would be down to the millisecond I believe or the second at least when somebody inquired and that's what this Now function does the problem is is that I don't want it to be um I don't want it to be displayed like that so in order for me to best do this I want to show you an example here so I'm going to select $12,000 here I'm going to save this scenario and I'm going to put in
um Bob um um a I don't know and test to@ and we'll just add in another message here submit it and run this scenario we're going to create a contact here now you can see that this format isn't very friendly and you can see that he was also rejected too because he selected $100 to $1,000 it wasn't the ,000 plus threshold that we had in mind I don't like this format I want it to be more friendly like November for example like November 6 2024 something like that so how we can change this is
we going to come back in here and create a function again and this second function going back to the format date and time function is we have these functions down here right and uh we have this format date function and this format date function essentially allows us to change the format of a date you can see some examples here where if you put in like month month SL DayDay SL year year year year it's going to come out in that format right so let's go ahead and let's change this we have two fields that we
have to fill in the first field is the um actual date that we want to add in which is right now it's down to the millisecond or down to the second and then we want to add in the actual formatting that we want so I want three letters or three characters for the month one character for the day and four for the year what this is going to practically look like is no noov like nove 6 2024 and I'm only going to do this to the ad row because if we update them they've already acquired
before I don't want to update this field and I'm going to essentially create another contact here and I'll just call this test um I'll just add in a bunch of BS here click uh everything I can and then submit it and we'll run the scenario one more time we're going to create this new contact okay now in this new contact we have a new way of formatting that particular date so that is the power of functions in make do this is really gamechanging at least it is for me and I use this pretty much every
single day now another thing here that I want to go over and you might be wondering hey jonal like why did you ask them for the website were you just putting that in there for some random detail or is there purpose there and if you wondered that you'd be correct this is for a given reason now the reason why is because a lot of the times when you're dealing with data it's not submitt in the format that you want it to be submitted in and that really sucks right because um like let's say somebody comes
in here and they put in a bunch of gibberish and then they put in their website like this right or they whatever right this isn't going to help you out if you have to put in the exact website like maybe you need to submit the exact website pull it out and um and enter that into the CRM programmatically right and it can't have these additional things in here so how would you go about doing that well um a lot of people watching this might be like well the only way really I can think of is
by doing that by hand but we can programmatically grab this text out and this is where text parsing comes in and this is so common I I can't even begin to tell you how much I use this it's all the time it is all the time and this is something that you'll likely be using all the time and this is like a GameChanger when you start using because data just doesn't come in the way you want it and that sucks and sometimes you have to match things like a perfect example would be like you
have data coming in it's Canada but you need to match to the country code CA right so obviously you have to manipulate the data in some way so how you'd go about doing this we're going to add in another module here okay and this is going to be a text parser and in this text parser there is a lot of different things we can do do here but I want to match um elements here okay this is the simplest way we can do it and the pattern is that I want to grab an HTTP address
and um I'm just going to leave all of this by default I want the full address and we have to pass in the text now the text we're passing in is from this field here right so we're going to come in here and type in at the Top Value and then go down to to this message value down here oops and pass in the right value and we need to strip out that uh particular well that particular email or that uh particular domain right we'll click okay now you can see here that if we come
into any module here and we click on the website uh it has the match so we're going to add this in here but sometimes it doesn't give you that information like it it you don't have like the particular value you need so what we could do is we could come in here and right click on this text parser and run this module only and then it's just going to ask us for any random arbitrary thing so I'm going to type in this and then https and we'll run this we'll click okay and we can
see the value of the response here it pulled out https it deleted everything else right and because the value was correct it was match now we're going to match we're going to add the match in here to the website module we'll go ahead and update a row here and add in match as well okay sweet we'll click okay and save this and we could go ahead and run this one more time but I'm just going to add in two more modules here to show you guys um two more examples of doing this because I
think this is super important another thing here is is if this becomes more complicated and you don't have like a match element to pull out exactly what you're looking for you can come in and add re X in here and Rex is regular expressions in JavaScript I don't even know how to do this properly I just use chat gbt to do this so if you need to pull certain text off a page what you can do and it's not like a website it's like a specific word and it's always at the same time point in
time you can add a module in here and you can do text parser again and show more and then match pattern Advanced okay these are pretty much the same thing and we're just going to add in the text one more time here so we want to pull it out from let's say that particular um that particular um comment section down here right so when somebody fills out this message field we want to pull that out right but we need a pattern and this is a regular expression right um so in other words and I can
type in what is a regular expression and you guys can kind of take a look here and see but more or less uh in the most dry language it's a s it's a sequence of symbols and characters expressing a string or pattern to be searched you're just using patterns to like find certain codes so I want to have a pattern to pull out a phone number a an email I want to pull out the first name the last name I want to pull out the date I want to pull out the service that they're looking
for I want to pull out um the location I want to pull the city I want to pull out the country whatever the specific information you're looking for to pull out you can do that now we'll open up chat to be here because I don't even know these regular Expressions off the top of my head okay and we're going to come into this and we're just going to ask it to please create a Rex a JavaScript re regular Rex pattern to extract a URL and we'll click enter and it's literally just going to pull out
this whole thing here right this pattern I I don't know that this I don't care to really know this but I'm just going to copy this and then paste it in here and we can just simply click okay and this is how you'd go about the process of finding even more complicated or more advanced things that you want to pull out and we can just run this and test and see hey does this work because I don't know if it does so this is where we're going to come in and test and see okay so
input it didn't actually end up working so we'll just go ahead and try this one more time and this time I'll copy in the text here right to give it an example here here's an example of the regular uh here's an example of what the text would look like and I'm going to put a colon here paste that in I want to pull out and then I'll add in the value can you please provide me with a Rex formula in JavaScript for this giving an example is going to really help it understand what you're looking
for so we can go ahead and we can try this one more time and see if this works properly okay so I'll add this pattern right back in here again and this is just simply trial and error we never really I don't really know until I try it but let's take a look and see we'll click okay and run it and it still didn't work and lastly we're going to try one more time here and instead oh I see here I didn't pull it in the right thing we want to grab it between the two
back slashes here so it's always between back slash1 and back slash2 and this is just essentially saying it's like a global variable but we don't actually have to pull that in so you know it it it can get pretty technical here I'll just add this in one more time time run this module add it in I'll add in the the text that they put in here value click okay and here we go so we have the fallback match value and pulled that out now this is common this is something that you guys should definitely know
this is a game Cher for me I can't tell you how many times I'll get leads coming in on the topic of leads I'll have leads coming in from like third party vendors like the kn because we're in the wedding space or bark you might be using something like some other repositories like maybe Angie's List or or Thumbtack or whatever maybe they send you an email with that list and this is and and you need to pull out information from that email this is a great way to be like hey I need to grab the
first name the last name and the email and the phone number so it can enter them into a CRM in real time and call them or text them or email them or whatever right so super super powerful stuff now just one last way of doing this is the next thing is AI so I'm going to go over how you guys can use artificial intelligence in and um you don't just have to use it for pulling data out you can use it for a million things like building blogs or whatever the use case is but
we're going to go ahead and just show you how AI Works in chat gbt because this is the second most common thing that people use in chat gbt so or in so we'll type in chat BT here and there's lots of different stuff you can create a a completion here which is just essentially like typing in something like Chad gbt you can analyze image you can generate an image you can edit an image you can um you can generate audio so many things right super powerful stuff but in this case we're going to create
a completion here and we're going to have to create an account so I'm going to go ahead and I'm going to connect an account now how you guys find this is just going to platform. and in this your account if you haven't done so you're going to have to sign up for the uh essentially to get get like an API token okay so just so you guys are aware when you go to the API keys in your platform account you can just create a secret key here once you create that secret key you
can add that in and if you want the organization ID you just have to go to the general Tab and then you're good to go make sure you go down to billing as well you have to add in a minimum of $5 into chat gbt to use this this is not like the general interface here which is free to use when you're dealing with the API in you have to pay $5 to start using so coming back into our account here once we've connected it in we can select a method and we're just
going to create a chat gbt completion the model that we're going to use is going to be 40 mini uh this is just like a lightweight model it's a bit cheaper and it's not going to Well it's not it costs a lot of money you have Max token uh completion tokens now for something like this we probably only need like 200 tokens but essentially tokens is the amount of money you're spending so um I think to how it works is with tokens it's defined as a certain amount of characters that say it's like two characters
for one token just as an example and they charge you on the token so the longer the input and the output the more money you're spending also each model has different pricing with 40 mini it's cheaper than if you were to use four uh just 40 system right so we're going to save a tiny bit of money but we're talking about like fractions of a scent here now what we want to do is we want to enter in a message here and in this message we're going to have a user message user in message is
like the input that you provide chat gbt for your question like hey can you do this for me right that's what a user message does so we're going to say can you please pull out the um website from this text please we'll put a colon and then we can put down here the actual message that we received and then it's just going to pull out that that website right and we're going to add two more messages in here so we're going to add another message and the assistant message is the response that chpt gives back
you're essentially telling chat gbt hey this is what an appropriate response would look like so it would be like httpswww right and then we can add one more message in here which is a system message which is G given context to Chad to understand what it is that you actually want it to help assist you with so in this system message we're just going to say you're an intelligent bot that can find websites in blocks of text please do not include any intros or out outros just uh give a response with the website in
it right we don't want it to be like hey sure no problem here's the response then it gives us the the the website we just want the website and that's it right nothing else okay so we can click save here and we're good to go we can run this scenario after testing this form one more time and then we're going to be good to go and we'll move on to the next um the next uh scenario afterwards so we're going to come in here and say Dylan um gosh I can't think of last names this
is an appropriate one for now uh 234 budget is going to be $11,000 plus and the website's going to be like sure here's my website and then it's going to be like htps and we're going to submit this we're going to run this module and we're going to get the response here okay we'll take a look at the first one it pulls out the website and then with the advanced formula it also pulls out the website and also with chat gbt it also pulls out the website so these are three separate ways that
you can pull out information from text right this is super powerful because that person doesn't exist we went ahead and we up we updated the sheet with a new response because they had $1,000 plus we did not reject them okay so this is the first scenario we've gone through so much stuff together um but let's just recap it we've gone through the UI interface here we've gone through triggers and we've gone through actions we have gone through connecting in modules and adding uh and testing modules sending that over to Google Sheets right we've gone through
the process of going down multiple paths filtering out specific information having a twostep lookup search a twostep process to look up information and then evaluate it based on what we found and then what we essentially also did was used conditional uh or used functions in line to essentially manipulate the data to get the response that we're looking for and then pull information out using regular expressions and JavaScript and also artificial intelligence to once again manipulate the data to get exactly what we're looking for so that we can clean up the workflow last thing down here
is we're going to add just one more step here and this is just going to be um sending off this data into like an email into slack all of that kind of stuff right so let's go ahead let's add the in so first thing we're going to do here is we're going to type in email and we're going to send an email and once again we can create a connection here and just with this being said guys you do actually need to have a Google Suite email you cannot use a free email easily if you
want to figure out how to use a free email you can go ahead to this online online help form here it's going to walk you through it but to be honest with you this is a bit complicated and because it's so complicated I don't want to talk about it in this module so I'm just going to go ahead and assume that for you guys watching this out there you have a Google Business email account and you can just type this into Google and it should pull up um it should pull up as the first response
like create a Google workspace you can sign up for like a free account and try the trial out if you want to do that but essentially you need a paid uh paid email here so the email address that we're going to add in here I'm going to choose the value and it's going to be the value of the email the subject line is going to say new lead and you know what instead of sending it to them I'm going to send it to myself just so I can Notify myself that a need's com in so
I know and I can follow up this person the subject line will be new lead the content type is going to be plain text so I don't want to have to format an email with HTML I just want it to be plain text and then lastly we're going to add in some content here so we're going to say new lead and then it's going to be name email message and then budget here and we can go ahead and just simply add in all of these different parameters here like the budget here and then email ourselves
with all this information so that you know we can determine really quickly if we want to jump on a call or whatnot uh with that particular client okay sweet so we have email and then we also have the name of the person as well oops not that one okay sweet so we've gone ahead and we have um we've created this for us okay I just see there's an error here and we'll get we'll click okay and lastly I guess it wants me to connect in so I'm going to go ahead and I'm going to connect
into my accounts and I'll be back after this is done okay so I've gone ahead and connected in my account once again this is a business account right so it's not like a at it's rather like a you know right so you can sign up for this if you want using the uh Google workspace so once again workspace they'll sign you up you have to pay you can downgrade for a free trial immediately uh or cancel your account right away so this is the Google workspace that I'm talking about where you can just
create an account and then this is the email that you use to uh log in or you can alternativ just not have an email and skip this module all together so we'll click okay and then what I want to do is just lastly two other things is I want to talk about sending this over to slack as well and you could just you know for example send this to slack so we'll create a message here and lastly you could also just add this into your particular um well your particular uh CRM right so I use
go high level so I could be like create a contact in here here so we'll go ahead and create a contact and then from there we just create a connection and add that contact in how you do both of these things is essentially exactly what we've done here is just map these fields right into it so I'll go ahead and I'll create the slack module here I'm not going to do the go high level module because it's going to be exact pretty much virtually identical to the slack module here so if you understand how to
do slack you also understand how to do the Google or the go high level module and the reason we're doing the slack module is because we have to use this for the next step as well this is something that you can get a free trial on or just have a free account in general but you can use any messaging platform you want you could do Facebook Messenger um you could do WhatsApp here you could do text messaging through something called twio so if we type in twilio this is going to be a bit complicated more
complicated to set up you could send yourself you could potentially even message through whatever application you want right so in this uh tutorial we're just going to use slack and I'm going to go ahead and I'm going to create a free account here in slack and then we're going to walk through this together so what I'm going to do is I'm going to create a new workspace okay so we'll create a workspace again okay and I'm just going to give it a really beautiful name something that I took a lot of time to to think
about click next uh I'm just going to skip this step for now skip it and um once again put a name in there and I'm going to start with a free plan okay sweet so this looks good to me we have pretty much everything good to go we have our account all of that looks good right in slack we're going to go ahead and connect this in choose a connection type it's going to be a user because I want to make sure that we're actually sending a message here we'll click save it's going to ask
us for Authentication because we're already logged into slack it should just know that we're logged in here and it's just going to say hey do you allow permission here I'm going to say of course trust with my life just kidding I absolutely don't trust with my life but um I trust a lot so we'll click okay we'll connect it back in we're good to go now we can just go ahead and create that message here right so the message that I want to send is just essentially this exact message here and we're going
to send this over to there's the text channel name we're going to actually just drop drill down and get here I want to send it to this beautiful uh you know test channel here all test one two 3 that actually doesn't uh doesn't look like the right channel here change this over we'll refresh this okay sweet so we got the social tab here let's just go ahead and run this modu and we'll just make sure that it actually works we'll put in some default values here doesn't really matter what we say just as long
as we put some answers in here and we'll click okay and let's see if this actually appeared in the social message so it did not which means that I have this connected to another account okay so I actually went ahead and I connected the wrong account in here so I'm just going to open up the slack module I'm going to add it again choose a user and sometimes this will happen right you'll go back and forth you'll choose the wrong account and then you just load in another account so instead of this test one two
three I'm going to come to this drop down and click this beautiful name I'm not even going to even pretend to like I understand how to say that that's just uh not going to happen ever and we should have this connected in now and we're good to go we will send that message over so I'm just going to choose the right channel here uh select from a list and it will be a public Channel and we will do stad this okay I think I got as close as possible that's pretty much it we'll click okay
run this module I'm just going to add in one response here and click okay and let's see so circling back in this channel here we have the new message coming in I just put a default there and left everything else blank but now this this is working so this is in a nutshell the first workflow that we're going to build out and it's also the longest workflow that we're going to build out too just because the go there was a lot of information that we had to go over in order to get this far for
you to do go high level you just essentially do the same thing in slack you'd put in the first name for the first name variable last name for the last name variable and so on and so forth so we'll save changes we're going to come in and we're going to create another module here okay and this next module here is going to be uh it will have the creative name of test scenario number two and with this massive trigger here now what we're going to do is choose tools and we are going to choose a
um set variable okay so what's going on here is we want to effectively if I just zoom out at a high level we want to once a day come in we want to search for our Google spreadsheet right to see hey in this spreadsheet is there anyone that hasn't been contacted right that inquired today and it's going to pull that in and then it's going to send me a message in SL being like here's a list of everyone that we haven't contacted today right um and that's exactly what we're building out in this workflow so
in order to do this I'm going to start with a a a set variable here here and this is going to be called today now in this variable what I want to do is I want to create a structure for that date that is very similar to what we have here which is November 6th okay so how we do this is we're just going to come in and we're going to name the we're going to create the variable value as exactly what we did in the last SC scario so in the date and time function
we're going to format a date which takes two variables the first is the date which is right now and we're going to format it exactly the same as we did before and the reason we want to format it exactly the same is because we want to search for that exact date and it has to be a carbon copy it has to be exactly November 6 spelled like that so that we can find all the records that look like that right so in order to do this we're going to do mmm space d space y y
y y click okay and we'll run this scenario we'll take a look and this if we command F we can see it matches everything here but if I for example was to go like this and put a zero there well it wouldn't match everything so that's obviously a problem so we need this to be identical to how it's typically formatted The Next Step here is we're going to create a Google Sheets lookup here so we're going to search for row and we're going to set up this module and then I'm going to explain the principle
that we're learning through this so we'll select from all sheets and we'll come back in just like we've done many times before we'll grab the ID we'll paste that ID in and we'll select the sheet name and this time the filter instead of the email is we're going to filter based on the um initially contacted date and that is going to be equal to today which is the value that we just created so once again we formatted the date for today and then we're going to search for that and before I fire this off I
want to come down to the scheduling here and it says by default this runs every 15 minutes I'm going to change this to run every day and I want this to run right after my workday ends so for example maybe it ends at 9 p.m. okay and I want this to run at 9 9:00 p.m. every single day so after I'm done it's going to take all of those it's going to send me a message so when I come back in the office the next day I can see okay these are the people that haven't
been called okay and um automatically once a day 9:00 p.m. this is going to run and when we run the scenario by testing it out we can see that we have five results here right so we have bundle output one bundle output two bundle output three bundle output four bundle output five which means that if I was to set a variable here just to show you guys what this looks like and I put test and I put test and I click okay and I run this scenario again this module ran one time but this module
ran five times it ran once for every single bundle output so you might be scratching your head being like okay what does that mean this is where we talk about Json because it's really important to understand data types in so to put it as simply as possible there are certain data types in there are Text data types there's number data types there's an array data type collections Boolean date and binary data okay or data depending on how you say it so I've given um some examples here and then I'm going to walk through
what this practically looks like with just dummy data here so you can take a look so you probably know what a text is so think about the lead's name or the message it's like their name Jane Doe or a comment they left right which is this message that we had people submitting but this is a text field it's just um their name now just taking a step back here with um with j Bas on there's key value pairs like I mentioned earlier so the key is name this is how we reference the name but the
value is going to change every single time so the first time it might be Jane do the second time it might be um John Smith the third time it might be Richard Atkinson the fourth time it's going to be John O Calif whatever right it's always going to change but the key how we reference it never changes that stays the same that's how we identify the value and use that to you know essentially reference it later on in these workflows so that's what a text string is now a number you probably already know what this
is as well it's like somebody's age or the budget they provided like ,000 in our case we're not using a number because this is actually more like um a Tex string because a number would be like a th000 or two or 1.32 but this is using special characters so that means that it's a string down here so it's a pure number right so what that practically looks like is uh 50 or 5,000 this even wouldn't be a number um so it' be more like this 5,000 or it' be like 1.32 right and then we have
an array and an array is something that's probably going to be new to you an easier way to think about this is list okay it's like going to the grocery store and you have a list of things that you need to get from the store right so an array arrays are lists of items related to that lead so imagine they listed on your website you list several services that you offer and you say hey which ones are you interested in somebody selects DJ Services and photography services and video Services they can have a list of
multiple services in what that looks like is something like this and you can see in light gray it says array so interests could be I'm interested in DJ Services I'm interested in photography Services I'm interested in video services this is a text array because these are text Fields you can have an array of text Fields you can have an array of numbers you can have an array of any data type right so any of these data types pretty much you can have an array of the next thing is called Collections and this is where
most people get confused between Collections and arrays so in a in a collection this is um all the detailed bundles together about the lead it's kind of like a folder so think about when you create like a Google drive folder and you add a bunch of things in there it might have labels such as name email company it's not a list but it has M it could have multiple different data types it could have the text string here it could have a number string here it could have an array in there as well it could
have a date in there there's all these different types but essentially with a list or an array typically speaking you're going to usually have one data type in it a list of text a list of numbers a list list of objects right so just circling back here um a lead could have a collection with different labeled pieces inside like name and contact info and job title and the services they inquired for and also the employee account and all of this kind of stuff right so those are the two most complicated ones and then you have
Boolean this is like a yes or no logic it can either be yes or it can be no but instead it's true or false it's like are you interested in premium services true or false it's one of the two but it's not both at the same time there's no other potential values it's only true or false and then date obviously you know it's just the date they sub like for example it's like the date they submitted the form or the date you followed up with them for instance it would be today's date right and then
binary data this is not something that is used very often but essentially in you can get data in multiple file formats you can have images with like for example a URL where you could go visit the URL or you actually have the binary code for the image and you could you may have to manipulate it depending on what you're looking what your intended use case is I'm not going to go super far into this but you can usually have data in links or in binary data and you can swap them back and forth and
make that com this is not very common so I'm not going to go over that in this video now that's essentially the data types now why I want to bring this up is because an array is a list and if we come back to what we have built out here this is different bundles right and a bundle in this case is an object right so an object if we Circle back to what it looks like it's you know details bundled together about the lead like a folder it might have labels like name email company right
so you have for example in bundle one it's the first lead you can think about this as just leads the first bundle is lead number one which is Richard Smith the second bundle is lead number two which is John O catli the third bundle is Bob a which is you know the third lead but this is all wrapped around a list so what you don't see here is that this is a list of multiple different things and um essentially what's going on here is because you're getting one result that turns into five what's happening behind
the scenes is this l you're going through you're iterating through it one at a time and this is where data structures come into play at I do have a full course on data structures in Json in but essentially with lists you can have multiple leads and you go through them one at a time right so if I was to come in here and just showcase this so it's a bit more visual I'll put a sleep on this and we're going to wait 2 seconds so it's going to hit this module and it's going
to wait 2 seconds and then continue on so we're going to go through the first result wait 2 seconds and then we're going to go to the first result and then we're going to go to the second result and wait two seconds and then we're going to go to the third result and wait two seconds then the fourth result and then the fifth result we're going through or iterating or going one at a time through every single one of these bundles right so first we go through Richard Smith then we go through JN o cat
then we go through Bob a then we go through test and Test 2 and so on and so forth to reach the end right so this is what iteration is and iteration only happens on one uh data type which is arrays or lists so in practicality in you have something called an iterator here and you can put uh you know data through this iterator and um or sorry through this this yeah this iterator and it'll go through it one at a time but they also have certain modules like Google Sheets where you have a
search step where it returns multiple um multiple different rows at the same time because all of these rows match this condition because it was you know created at the same day it's going to return all of those and because it returns all of those it's a list of all of those results right so we're going to go through it one at a time okay so another way to do this is if you have a list already you can use the iterator to go through it so that's essentially more or less what iteration is I'm just
going to cover it with this Google Sheets module just so you guys understand how this works now with this iterator what we want to do is we want to send off a message to ourselves in slack in this channel every single time we every day that goes by with every list that every person that was not contacted so the next thing we're going to do here is an aggregator so inversely to the iterator which goes through a list one at a time an aggregator bundles it all back together again so you could go through it
one at a time and then and then take those Five results and merge it into one result again so if you recall this ran five times and then when it gets the array aggregator it's going to merge then into one again so let's build this out so in tools you can you can use the array aggregate up here but for the purpose of this we're going to use something called a text aggregator it's going to bundle all those results back together the source module is going to be the Google Sheets module which is just essentially
saying in the source module where is this list coming from right um and the list is derived from the Google Sheets because we're going to pull in a list of all of these contacts because they all match the date and then what's going to happen is it's going to reach this step and it's going to bundle them all together so let's go ahead and do that we want to make sure we send a message for only people that have not been contacted yet so before we even send a message here we're going to add a
filter step here filter not contacted and we're going to put in the conditional logic here that contacted is equal to false so if for example two people have been contacted they're not going to be showing up in this message it's only going to be these last three people that have not been contacted showing up in this message and we're going to come back into this text aggregator and pass in the text here that we want to send off as a message so I'll say for example um name email budget message and we can just simply
add these fields in by mapping them first name last name email and then we'll do budget and then we'll do message as well sweet and this is going to bundle that all together let's go ahead and run this and take a look at what this looks like here we can see three things passed here because these two were filtered out we've already contacted them before and this message now looks like this we're aggregating it together so remember how we took this list of five people or or yeah five people here and we filtered out we
went through them one by one we filtered out the two that had already been contacted which left us with these three here and then we created a message we bundled those three together and created a message with the output looking like this the first one is Bob a okay the first one is this person because we haven't contacted them and then the second person down here is the name is test test to which is also this person and then the third person is Dylan whatever that name is and that's the third person here right so
now we're bundling all those results back together otherwise if we were just to add another module here and once again this is really important to understand that these you know iterators and aggregators just so you guys understand if we create a set a variable here and we put message here instead and we click okay and we copy this message over this is just to show you guys what this looks like and we run this one more time what's going to happen is this has been created this has created three messages right one for each person
individually but the aggregator bundled them all together so we don't have have individual messages for Bob test and the second test we have one message that contains Bob and both tests together and this is important because maybe I don't want to send myself three messages and get the notifications three times right that's a simplistic version but let's say you had 700 different people that need to be contacted in one day this is just an exaggeration you probably don't want your message binging every second being like bing bing bing bing bing bing bing until like 700
times cuz you had that many people you just want one message being like hey here's the summary of the day right so I'm going to go ahead I'm going to delete this module we're going to Auto align it back together we have the three messages here we're going to go on to the next step which is a slack message right so we're going to create a message and we're going to say new uh new uncalled uh leads for the day and we'll pass in this message here we'll select the channel from a list it's going
to be a public Channel and it's going to be this uh oops I need to collect connect the right account in here again once again sometimes it is confusing select from a list public Channel and that is going to be this beautiful name here we'll click okay you'll see that there's no mastered so far and we'll run one more time actually this just needs to be saved one more time and we're going to run it and now we have received that message all bundled together right if we want these on separate lines because obviously this
doesn't look good with like message and then it ends up going straight to the next thing we can come to this text aggregator show advaned section uh settings here and the row separator will be a new row so that when we click okay save and run this one more time now that message is going to come through and this person is now on a separate line right this person is now on a separate line as well so that's essentially in a shell how Json Works how iterators work how aggregators work this is like super common
stuff this is the foundation of and this is super important to know and you can see in this kind of thing it says collection here but these are individual collections but what it doesn't say for whatever reason is this is also wrapped in an array and it'll go through each one individually one by one so that's how we can use Json iterators and aggregators the next thing that I want to talk about here is um the next thing I want to talk about here is error handling so take something like Google Sheets for example
you will encounter errors in right it's important to understand how this works so something called rate limiting in Google Sheets so if we come in here Google Sheets API has a per minute quota for requests and it resets every minut minute and this limit is 300 so in what rate limiting is is you can you can request a certain amount of resources in a given amount of time pretty much every single application has this this is almost Universal against all major applications the reason why they have this is because let's say like you're just
let's just say for example somebody wants to hack your account they chest a billion PL uh passwords at the same time it's going to overload that system and that whole server is going to crash right you also don't want somebody to be able to test a billion passwords at the same time to eventually find the right one so you rate limit them to say like hey you can only do 100 in a minute time and then once you go to 101 you're cut off and you can no longer use this uh API for a certain
amount of time and API is just like any of these it's like you can't update Google Sheets or you can't use that for a certain amount of time so you might be thinking well I'm only using it once here but if if you were to iterate through let's say you're data dumping 700 clients in from your CRM and you wanted to add them into a Google sheet just like this well you could add 700 people in like literally 10 seconds and then you'd hit a rate limit and you'd be cut off so how we go
about doing this is we want to rightclick on the module and we want to add an airor Handler and we're going to drag it down here now the air handler is different oops let me do that again the only real one you you're going to use here is break or ignore um I've never used commit resume uh commit or roll back this is if you have a custom database I'm just going to skip over it because for 99.99% of people watching this it's not applicable ignore just means hey if you come into an error just
ignore and stop stop the execution properly don't continue this this particular instance or a particular run so if somebody if you this work workflow were to trigger once a day you encounter an error it's going to sh safely shut it off nothing's going to happen if you click resume you're just going to ignore that warning and then it's going to go to the next instance and try and complete the scenario what I use in 90 like the vast majority is break what break does is it's going to wait for 15 minutes and then it's going
to try up to three times so it wait 15 minutes try once wait 15 minutes try twice wait 15 minutes and try a third time and at that point in time if it doesn't work it's going to ignore it and safely shut it off if you don't add an error Handler in here and it does end up throwing an error your host scenario is going to turn off and obviously you probably don't want your scenarios to turn off so that's essentially how airror handling Works in there's just one thing here is you'll see this
one here this d uh this needs to uh you need to enable storing of incomplete executions so you can click that red box check off allow storing of incomplete executions click okay and you also should be able to get this from the scenario settings down here what this means is that by default doesn't actually save your data so once the run is completed it deletes it but with this it allows you to save that to rerun it 15 minutes later three times right so it'll go three runs over the course of 15 minutes what
we can do as well here is we can clone this um module by right clicking and clicking clone and then dragging this into the loop here it's going to essentially uh throw this in between these two so it's going to hit the slack module first and then after it's going to go to the break what we're doing here is I just want to send a message to myself being like an error has occurred in the test scenario number two uh workflow in and then we can pass in the type and the message and we'll
just pass in the uh type here and the message so that if this were to break we can just message ourselves hey you know this is broken you should probably take a look at this okay sweet so that's that's air handling now we're kind of just wrapping up this module here just one last thing that I want to point out is that um when I handle databases and data structures and all that kind of stuff um I just use Google Sheets like I use Google Sheets to store all my information so I'll create tabs here
I'll update tabs I will search tabs I'll delete tabs anytime I'm using information across workflows and I need to grab information or store it or update or delete it or or whatever I always use Google Sheets this is my go-to it's absolutely free to use and uh yeah it's just a really easy way you have so many different things in the Google Sheets module that you can do so overall anytime I store data I use this and I'd highly recommend it as well now we're actually almost done what I want to do is I want
to talk about one final thing here which is super important and that is HTTP requests and web hook requests which is the third module here that we're going to build out now the thing is in is that like it's great because you can add in maybe 2,000 at the time of this recording they have 2000 native Integrations so coming into these are what the native Integrations are you can scroll down have Zoho CRM MailChimp um typ form cenly brevo line all these but what about the tens of thousands of applications that they don't
have right well that sucks like obviously you want to use that the thing is is you still can't use that and in in web Hooks and HTTP modules that's how you can have a two-way sync of communication back and forth between these applications so you can let so let's dive into what that looks like I'm I'm going to save this and I'm going to create my third scenario here we're going to create another scenario and this is going to be a test scenario number three right so we're going to add this massive button and it's
going to be a web hook and we're going to use something called a custom web hook now this might seem a bit scary but we'll walk through this together we can create a web hook here and you can title this whatever you want so I'm just going to do lead form here and essentially there's a couple things about this it's going to generate this URL here let's copy this URL and paste it into a new tab let me walk through how this works you have two parts to this web HCK okay this is the first
part is like the root domain you have a subdomain hook. us and this is just saying hey we're going to send it to and this unique ID is specific to your account it's specific to this particular web hook anytime you send data to this web hook okay it will appear in this workflow and you can use this data if you want to get super meta about it pretty much all of these modules is like a web hook it's just that it's a native integration so this is how you can connect all of
these different applications into without having a native integration so this is super powerful stuff so let's go ahead and give you an example so let's go and sign up for a jot form account here okay this is just another way to create a form I don't use JW form for my forms I also don't use Google forms I use like Elementor or go high level but just for the purpose of this let's go ahead and let's try this out so I'm going to create an account here with JW form and we're going to sign
in this is also free by the way to do and you don't have to pay anything at least for this test demo we're going to create um a form here so I'm going to go to my forms and we're going to create a form up top here and I'm going to give my organizational ID and here's just whatever and finish we're going to start from scratch create a classic form here okay uh really basic I just want two things we'll exit off this add elements up here we'll type in full name and we'll type in
email and that's uh essentially it we can do yeah we'll we'll just start with there it's super basic I'm not going into jaw form this tutorial is not about jaw form but in the settings tab here you can go into Integrations and in the Integrations you have something called a web hook now most form Builders are going to have this but the reality is is most applications in general have web hooks so if you can't find a native integration into you should be able to send web hooks from pretty much anything I send it
from my CRM I send it from forms I send it from multiple different applications this is like standard today in 2024 uh to have this kind of functionality so we can click web hooks here and then we add a web hook so we're going to come back into our scenario and we're going to copy this and then we're going to paste this in the web hook here and we're going to complete the integration and set this up now what I want to do is preview this form okay and I want to do a test run
so we're going to come back to click okay and we'll run this module it's now waiting for data it's listening to any resp responses that are being sent to it and because we have the web hook in this form now anytime we submit this it's going to send to it so I'm going to go ahead I'm going to enter in my name and uh I'm just going to do test here submit and coming back in here now we have received the information right within our web hook and jot form is just a bit
peculiar because um all of the data is in this raw request file here usually for like this is actually the only time I've ever seen this so this is more of an exception than anything else but usually they'll just send the data like first name equals this last name equals that but because we're dealing with Json here in this format we have to add one more step and that is using the Json module and we're using parse Json and we're going to pass in this particular string here it's just taking it from like essentially Json
in text format and then it's putting it into Jon in uh in a format that we can actually read and use in where we can click things like raw request and put it in here so we'll click okay and we're going to run once and we'll run uh we'll we'll set this up and I'm just going to refresh this page and we're going to resubmit this data so test and submit and now when this runs it's going to take this raw data here and it's going to Output it so that we now have
all this information like the first name and the last name and the email and all of this kind of stuff so once again we took this information here right this is what it originally looked like and then we changed it so instead of it being like slug equals submit blah blah blah whatever now it's like slug equals this submit right if we look at the name here it's like first name jonno last name catl down here its first name last name now we can map this into whatever we want to use it for now that's
great this is how we receive data in uh from different applications and by the way I I also probably the thing I use the most is sending data from my CRM into so this is go high level this is not a go high Lev tutorial but I could just essentially once again come in here just to give you another perspective I could add a web hook in here and I could once again add this URL I could um paste that right in here and any time somebody's entered into this workflow it sends data
to this web hook and I receive it here as well this is something I use all the time so this is going to be your best friend you're going to use it very very frequently now the next thing is is what happens if I want to send data from this and have like a two-way integration into something like our CRM right so once again depending on the software platform and it's hard to generalize here because there's just a million and one things that you could use but in this instance an HTTP module is the second
part of the of the puzzle where web hooks send data into and HTTP request send data outside of there's a lot of different applications for HTTP modules but I'm going to break these down so let's go ahead and set this up we're going to there's a lot of different things here but almost every single time I just use the make a request module in the uh make a request type of httv module and you're going to get lots of different things here URL method headers query strings body type um there's a lot of
stuff going on and this I Sav this for the last for a reason because this is the most complicated part of um right now it's not super complicated but it'll get complicated in the next example so we have to enter in this information so what's going on is we're telling the HTTP module we need to send information to a particular URL so we can grab URL like this for example an inbound web hug trigger and we'll just paste this in the URL it's going to be a post method these methods are different this is
coding jargon for telling um the HTTP module what kind of um uh what kind of request is it in coding there's usually four standard requests there's get which is hey I want to receive information I want to send you know something to a website like this and I want to pull it back maybe for example I request from my CRM the contact information so I can you know I can send an email and look for that client and then pull in like their first name their last name and all the rest of the contact information
posting is what we're doing here it's a postman you're delivering something to somebody's front door you're delivering information so I want to create a contact I'm delivering that contact information into the CRM so for example and then put is updating delete is deleting right so we're going to post and we're going to post data to this URL this is essentially adding a contact into our CRM here so this is just one simple example but we could have a body type here and that body type is form URL encoded this is just how you format the
data fields this is the easiest way instead of doing dealing with like Json or or or whatever where it's going to be complicated we just want to simplify our lives with form URL encoded so we can do like first name and we get do last name and you don't have to write it like this you could write it like last name or whatever it's just this is usually how I like to do it is just have like a variable or a key name where there's no spaces just typically encoding you're not allowed to have spaces
but that's just a practice that carried forward and then we can literally just pass in this information one more time uh to our CRM here so first name equals first name last name equals last name and email equals email and then we're pretty much good we could run this module wait for data to come in from this form and essentially just send it into our CRM right so jono catli tested we're going to submit this it's going to fire this parse that and then set it over over to our CRM back in our CRM
if we just load up the response that we just got here you can see the name first name last name email and then in something like go high level I'm going to go over this really quickly because this is not a go high level tutorial but you could essentially send a text message to the person being like hey jono it's whatever from ABC company thanks for inquiring um it would be great to chat and and this is how you can get that 60-second response time by the way so in this first scenario here that we
built up together um you could just add somebody into go high level here for example they have their own built-in module but um you can also send them straight into this workflow Builder here as well so anyways that's how you could get really fast response times so that's essentially how HTTP modules work I'm going to leave you guys today with one last HTTP module here so that you fully understand so of course with HTTP modules we can send that data into something like our CRM right but another use case for it doesn't necessarily mean like
hey the work clows down we send information to a location we could query some external resource and then gather information so similarly with web hooks where only has like 2,000 native Integrations but there's tens of thousands of applications you can connect in with web hooks also like think about the the web Hook is like the trigger right but similarly all all these same applications have their own apis or documentation that you can connect into it just so happens that they don't have a connection natively for but they still have connections we can still
access those connections we just can't do it natively through but we can do it through an hdtp module and an HTTP module the way I would think about it is that it's essentially like a one: one substitute for any of these native things instead of just having like an easy way in with a native integration for like something like Google Sheets or click up or slack or whatever um you're just building your own it's like a DIY starter kit like let's go ahead and do it ourselves now I usually don't do it this way
um it's it's pretty rare but I only do this for applications that don't have a builtin native functionality with but they still have an API documentation so what the hell does that even mean what does API documentation even mean all of that kind of stuff let's kind of dissect this together so following our example with um with you know um lead generation and like capturing leads what we could do is maybe you have a use case where you're like hey I want to verify the phone numbers I want to make sure when we get
a lead in it's not a fake number I want to only contact people that are real numbers and if they're not a real number well then we're just going to go ahead and we're going to disqualify or reject this person right so what we could do is we could use something called num I just s this actually today for this particular video but um this is something that you could easily do and this is more just like to give you an overall perspective on how this kind of works so we're going to come to
this num this is going to verify if a number exists or not so we're going to sign in and we're going to use just our our email address here and we're going to create an account okay um sorry we have to create an account and we're going to choose the free option here and once you sign up for this free option you'll be inside now I'm just going to since I've already signed up for this I'm just going to use mine you could use this API key if you wanted to because I'm never going
to use this again but essentially we need to verify numbers now we're going to have an HTTP module we're going to right click on these three dots and add a module and this is going to be an HTTP module and we're going to very similarly make a request okay and this gives us the whole building blocks to how we do this now with software right they have documentation and it's a step-by-step process on how to implement this in if you ever get stuck I just go to chat gbt and I say hey how do you
make an httv module for this here's the documentation this is and I'll literally like copy this whole page and I'll be like this is the documentation here how do I make this work and it be like you do this this this and this right but in this in that's if you get stuck but in this instance there's building blocks to http requests so the first thing is is the URL so we need to add in a URL here and it gives us the URL which is this this is an API endpoint an API stands
for application programming interface um it's like a catchall word essentially for just you know allowing you to send data and retrieve data from certain things you can send a response and you can send a request and you can get a response back so the request that I'm asking for is hey can you validate this and the response is is no that's not a valid number or yes that is a valid number so you request and then it delivers something back to you right I like to think of it like a kitchen where you know you
have essentially you know your server and that's or you have your server that like gives you the food and that person will go back to the kitchen and you know essentially cook up your order and then return it back to you so anyways we have this URL here we're going to paste in this URL function this is a get method because we're not uh sending data to it we're just adding into the your parameter additional information here so we're going to switch this back to a get it hasn't specified that as a post and I'm
just going to default it to get in this case because it doesn't say which one it is we could try both and just see what works now you have additional information here right now with this think about it as Json data you have key value pairs you have access key which is your unique authentication this authenticates you with this Pro program saying hey I am who I am I'm Jon o catli I registered with you this is my registration code this is like my password and then we can pass in the phone number that we
want to verify and then we can pass in the country code like us for United States and then the format the country code format which is like a plus one for Canada in the United States and we could do this like this is query parameters so we could do this like straight in the query parameter up here which is like you know essentially copying and pasting this in and just doing it like this like they're suggesting but one easier way to do this is actually just deleting this this and adding in the query strings here
um this is going to fill out these query strings for us so the first thing is we just got to copy access key paste it in there we can paste in this key in here we'll add another query string in here the number and uh we're going to paste in this for now and then we'll change this lastly We'll add in one more uh two more which is the country code and this could be like us for example and then the format is going to be plus one because this is a Us phone number or
let's say you're servicing clients in the United States you know it's that right so we have this number this would essentially be a dynamic field so we'd really actually want to pass in the particular phone number field uh which we didn't fill a a request on this form so you just make sure you have this on your form but I'm going to paste in this dummy phone number for now and we're just going to click okay and we're going to run this right and we can see that the data is here one thing we forgot
to do is we just want to parse the response so that instead of it being like what we saw with that web Hook from the job form where it's just text we want it to be real data that we can work with so we're going to run this one more time and we have the data down here and it's saying this is a valid phone number right here's the phone number local format international format all of that kind of stuff this is a real number now if I was to go in here and just type
in a random number like somebody just you know thre a burner number on there and we look at data it says valid number is false so now we could just essentially say hey this is essentially a false person that's contacting us and then in this form all we'd have to do is come down into this reject button and we just add another conditional statement in here so in general functions with the setting icon we can click or and add another conditional statement so what the or operator means is that either one of these has to
be true for this to be false so either um either this uh sorry not an or we're doing an and so two conditions need to be met first of all in order for them not to be rejected they have to have a budget over $1,000 plus and they also have to have a phone number in here that is valid right so we're going to say say and data valid equals true right so if either one of those are wrong or both of them are wrong they're going to be rejected immediately we can go in and
update the contact field here as well and um or the the rejected field here as well and click save and we're done right and that is how you can have HTTP requests now the reason I brought this up is just because we're not just sending data somewhere with HTTP request we're essentially requesting data we're receiving it back and then we're using that in the rest of our workflow just like any other module it's just that this doesn't have a built-in um Native integration in but we can still access it through the HTTP module and
that is essentially it that is a uh that's it hopefully you guys found incredible value with this crash course on once again you could go to the uh Academy it's going to walk through pretty much everything that we just talked about in this particular video from a to zed these are all these functions I use so often pretty much on a daily basis this is the building blocks of of course it's great to know you know how to connect in certain applications and and know you know what your favorites are but ultimately
speaking the real power in lies in your ability to manipulate the data in certain ways by using functions or text parsers or HTTP modules or web hooks so that you can really be free to create whatever it is you're looking to build at the end of the day pretty much everything can be automated you just need to think big enough and understand how to turn those dreams or visions into reality and with a course like this my whole goal is to allow you to really understand at least what you don't know so that if
you do encounter a problem you can overcome it quickly or you just don't encounter that problem in the first place now if you guys found value in this please make sure to subscribe give me a thumbs up and comment if I missed anything and also if you guys want to learn more I have an entire series on probably like 50 60 70 plus videos at this point in time going through really complicated scenario so I'm sure if you want to use you you know check those out you'll find Value in them and instead
of having to reinvent the wheel you can just watch what I've already built and go into the video watch me walk through it step by step download the blueprint and that's essentially it it's going to FastTrack you to find success way quicker with platforms like this so thanks guys so much if you made it all the way to this end point I really just really appreciate you guys spending the time with me today and uh yeah I hope to see you in the next one thanks bye-bye
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