if you ever want to be an advanced pickleball player then you need to understand how to use Top Spin problem is if you don't come from tennis then learning Top Spin can be hard don't worry regardless of your level by the end of this video you'll have all the tools that you need to start using Top Spin the next time you play so what is Top Spin Top Spin is the spin that you get when you roll the ball away from you so to get this on a shot you have to roll up the back
of the ball to make it rotate forward and what this does is two things so when you get Top Spin it makes the ball drop faster so that lets you hit the ball harder without sending the ball past the Baseline so that's the first benefit the second benefit of Top Spin is that when a Top Spin ball hits the ground it accelerates towards your opponent so if you see that bounce it sort of jets off and if I'm doing that in the direction of my opponent it makes it harder for them to time the ball
off of the bounce which makes it harder for them to attack so because of this we see Top Spin as our aggressive spin so a lot of the time when you're attacking and pickle ball you want to be adding a little bit of Top Spin to your shot to make it more challenging for your opponents and it also gives you the ability to hit harder without hitting the ball long so there's a lot of benefits to being able to use the spin the problem is a lot of people that don't have a tennis background find
it challenging so today I'm going to take you through the technique of how to hit Top Spin and then I'm going to show you shot by shot how it changes so if I'm hitting a Top Spin dink versus a Top Spin server or Top Spin drive from the back of the Court the technique is actually very different different so you need to make sure you understand the differences which I'll explain at the end of the video now guys I'm going to go through the five main technical elements that you need to understand in order to
get that consistent Top Spin on every single shot if you don't get these you're not going to be able to get Top Spin every single shot and it's going to be really hard to stay consistent with it before I get into that though if you've been thinking about buying any of our products right now we're running our Black Friday deals so if you want to get the best prices that you'll get all year make sure to head to our site and you can check out all of our best products they're all on sale go to
our site now if you're interested in that but now let's get into the technical elements of Top Spin so the first thing you need to understand is What's called the brush so the brush all that is is the upward motion of our paddle so to get Top Spin on the ball you need to ride up the back of the ball as you're hitting it if I'm to go straight at the ball like this I will hit the ball flat with zero spin so to get Top Spin I need to be moving my paddle forward while
I'm also brushing up so this motion is called the brush if you're not getting that you will never be able to get any Top Spin A lot of coaches to demonstrate the brush will put students on the net like this and have them scoop up the ball to show them that you need to be going up you can also do this on a wall all you need to know though is to get Top Spin your paddle needs to be going up as you're hitting the ball the next thing that you need to understand though is
that to get the brush when you're hitting a ball you need to be coming at it from below it so a lot of players when they're first starting kind of have this chopping high to low technique to get Top Spin you need to be going from low to high so when I hit this Top Spin dink here you'll see my paddle is going from below the ball and it finishes above the ball so to be able to get Top Spin consistently you need to be consistent with getting below the ball before you hit it so
if you don't have technique from tennis and you sort of taught yourself how to hit a forehand or a backand you might not be doing this so what I recommend doing is just really exaggerate getting below the when you're first trying to get Top Spin and see if you can get the brush like that you might already be doing it but if you're not you might need to force yourself to really set your paddle low before you hit the ball the next thing you need to understand is that there's two different ways to technically get
the brush the first is by lifting your arm which looks like this and the second way is by lifting your wrist so we call this the windshield wiper technique which looks like this so these are both very different techniques and usually depending on the you want to be using the lift but at the end of the video I'll explain that shot by shot sometimes you want to be using your wrist and sometimes you want to be using mainly the lift and if you don't understand when you need to make these changes you're going to have
a really hard time being consistent with Top Spin so just know there's two main techniques I'll show them in slow motion now the lift so there I'm lifting with my arm and the next one is the flick so there I'm using my wrist and I'll show them more at the end of the video when I go shot by shot the next thing that you need to understand is that it's a lot easier to get tops with a more closed grip so what is a closed grip an open grip is where my paddle is facing upwards
and a closed grip is where my paddle is facing more downward so the two main grips in pickle ball are the continental and the eastern and a lot of the shots that you hit in pickle ball you need a continental grip I have a full video on grips if you don't understand them but all you need to know is that if you're trying to get Top Spin with a continental grip depending on the shot it might be a little bit harder because the Continental grip is harder to close so right now I have a continental
grip and as you can see it's really hard for me to flatten out my paddle if I was to go down to an Eastern grip though it becomes a lot easier for me to close my face which makes it easier to ride up the back of the ball with the Continental grip I might open my face and when I do the brush it might be harder for me to not Pop the ball up so just know especially on your forehand if you're trying to get Top Spin it may be easier with an Eastern grip than
a continental grip definitely changes shot by shot but if you're having trouble getting topsin a big reason for that could be that you have too open of a grip so try out the Eastern grip on your forehand if you're having trouble with that the last part of the technique to get Top Spin that's really important is that regardless of the shot when you're trying to get Top Spin you want to be hitting the ball out in front and I think this is just because it's easier to get the brush when you're doing it in front
of your body so it's a lot easier for me to brush it like this versus hitting the ball back behind me usually when the ball is behind you you're probably going to be hitting slice you're probably not in the best position to where you want to be aggressive so if you're getting Top Spin you want to make sure you're making contact with the ball out in front and generally to the side of your body so that you can be getting that brush this isn't apply to every type of Top Spin but for the most part
you want to be getting that ball in the right contact point out in front to the side after you understand the technique of getting topsin though you need to actually go and apply it in real life and the best way to practice this is on a wind screen or a wall you can actually practice Top Spin without a partner which makes it really easy to get the hang of what you need to understand is that understanding the technique that we just went through and understanding what you need to be doing might not actually apply when
you do it in real life so to understand how to use tops in real life you need to go to the courts and start practicing it when you first start off you might you sort of just be coming at the ball Square you need to get the feel for it so the way we do that my favorite way is to go on the wind screen and try to make the ball jump up so if I can hit the wind screen with Top Spin the ball will jump up and it essentially tells me that I'm doing
a good job so simplest way to do that looks like this as you can see ball jumps up a little a little bit when I get a lot of Top Spin so it's a really good way to gauge if you're getting that spin or not if I'm hitting the ball and it's sort of just falling down that probably is a good sign that I'm not getting spin so I recommend going on a wall testing this you can also see if the ball is getting Top Spin so try to watch the ball see if it's spinning
away from you like this and that's also a good gauge if you're getting the spin after you start getting the hang of it what you can do is practice different speeds so if I'm hitting a Top Spin dink the speed that I'm hitting the ball is a lot different than if I'm hitting a Top Spin drive or a Top Spin serve so try the different speeds and what you'll notice is you actually kind of need to change the way that you're coming at the ball when you hit the ball slow versus hard so on a
dink I really exaggerate my lift to get this spin because I'm not really going forward as much with my paddle so on a drive I don't necessarily need to be quite as extreme with my low to high motion because I'm going so fast that I can come over the ball and it still generates a lot of spin like that so I'll explain this more in a little bit but just know when you're practicing the spin as you can see there it's getting a good lift off the fence when you're practicing the spin you want to
go over the different types of Top Spin because it is a little bit different shot by shot and so far we've only been demonstrated with four ends but no you can actually get Top Spin just as good on your back end too if you have a oneand back end the technique is the same you need to brush up behind the ball go from low to high you can practice it the same way on the fence and if you have a two-handed backand same exact thing applies you just need to work on getting below the ball
and finishing above it so regardless of the side for or backand this motion right here is what's going to give you that Top Spin and shot by shot you just need to figure out the right amount to be getting so a big thing in pickle ball that I see people messing up on is they're going too low to high so a lot of times I'll see someone hitting a dink and they sort of mishit it because they're going so low to high there's a balance of low to high and forward movement when you're trying to
get Top Spin the way that you figure that out is by doing drills like this practicing with your friends and getting some repetition now guys I'm going to take you shot by shot how to adjust your Technique to get the most possible spin so we're starting with the serve before we get into that though I want to address a really important thing to this all that's if your paddle has a smooth surface so if you can see here mine's a very gritty surface if your paddle has a smooth surface you're not going to be able
to get as much spin so technique still the main thing if you can do the brush you can get spin with anything you can get spin with a frying pan but to get the most possible spin you want your paddle to have a gritty surface so if you have a smooth faed paddle I'm sure you felt your paddle phase before if it's smooth you're not going to be able to get the same level of spin so for me because I have a gritty surface paddle when I use the brush technique I get the maximum possible
RPMs on the ball and that gives me more of the top spins benefits so this pad here is called The Sweet Spot Pro it's ours and why it's good is because it has the highest level of grit with the best surface material so this is t700 carbon fiber all the best paddles have this surface material and with this you get the most possible spin what's different about this paddle though is that most paddles with the surface material are $200 to $300 but right now because it's Black Friday if you use code Top Spin you can
get this for 80 bucks which is unheard of for something at this level this is a Gen 2 thermoform paddle with t700 carbon fiber has the maximum level of grit so that you get the most spin so if you want to upgrade your Spin and you need a paddle that has a gritty surface make sure to go check this out the technique of our serve and our drive when we're hitting a ball in a rally we're actually pretty much exactly the same the technique of our Top Spin is identical so what changes here that I
already mentioned is that you don't need as drastic of a low to high motion when I'm coming at my serve I probably want to be coming from about 6 in below the ball like you see here and with this I want to finish a little bit above the ball so if you watch this in slow motion you'll see it's a very subtle brush but one additional thing that you can focus on in these shots especially if you have a gritty paddle is you can actually angle your paddle forward a little bit and assuming the grit
is good the ball will catch the paddle face as you're going up a little bit and this will give you even more spin so if you slow this down you'll see that my paddle face is actually going a little bit forward especially as I brush over the ball so I sort of have a little bit of a motion like this when I'm hitting my forehand drive and my serve this is something that you have to practice a lot to get the hang of but when you become an advanced player you should be able to do
this very consistently so just know on a serve and a drive you don't want to go for such an extreme brush and you also can go over the ball a little bit like you see here the other thing you want to keep in mind is that on this stroke most of your Top Spin is coming from a lifting of your arm motion but to get that extra little kick you can also roll your wrist up a little bit too too so here you can actually use both the lift and the windshield wiper technique to get
the maximum level of Spin and guys when you watch highle players do their serve or their 4and drive you might see a lot of crazy stuff with their takeback you'll see differences in their follow through just note the only thing that matters to get Top Spin is this section of the Swing right here so even if I have a really high take back as long as I'm dropping below the ball and brushing upward I'm still going to get the same amount of spin so while the take back and the follow through are important I don't
think that they're super important to think about when we're learning Top Spin whatever you have now should be fine as long as you get the technical aspects that we just talked about the next shot that I want to cover is a Top Spin drop so if you want to be able to hit aggressive drops which are really effective you need to be able to get Top Spin on them like I am here and this is a really hard shot so this is probably the hardest shot to get the hang of on our list and what
you'll realize is that the technique of how I'm getting topsin here versus my serve and Drive is super different so the first thing to keep in mind is that most of my spin on the drop if not all of my spin is coming from lifting my arm so I really don't need to be using any wrist flick here if I don't want to so what that looks like is this so generally we teach the drop technique as a very compact forward swing of the arm with very little wrist so all you need to change if
you're hitting a Top Spin drop is you need the same motion but you also need to be going up during the motion so normal drop looks like this a Top Spin drop looks like that so I'm going up more and you really when you're hitting the ball slower and you're getting Top Spin you really need to exaggerate that lift more so on my serve I'm sort of just going like this very gradual lift on a drop I really want to finish up so that I exaggerate that brush on the back of the ball if you're
not doing this right it might feel like it's really hard to get spin specifically Top Spin on your drop so when you start off this I recommend exaggerating this you really get the feel for it and when we're thinking about Top Spin dinks the technique is actually very similar to our drop so very little wrist if not no wrist you want to be riding up the back of the ball so sometimes it can be hard to get tops SP on a dink if your opponent hits a really hard dink but all you need to do
to get it is really ride up the back of the ball so I tell my students sometimes that it's sort of like you're hitting a pingpong forehand you want to go up the back of the ball as are going forward with that dinking motion so just looks like this nothing too extreme but you really need to exaggerate your Top Spin motion the slower that you're hitting the ball so if I'm hitting the ball with a dink this is the slowest shot that I can hit so I really need to go upwards in order to spin
the ball because a lot of the spin comes from actually the force you're putting on the ball so no on a dink you need to exaggerate it you can also get Top Spin on your back end dinks and there's two ways to do this the more common way but it won't work for everyone is to use two hands so you see most Pros hitting tops and backend dinks with two hands and then when they want to h a slic dink they'll use one hand but you can also do this with one hand if you don't
like the two-handed backand it just looks like this so I just have to brush up on the back of the ball like I would on a Top Spin backhand drive very hard technique though I personally only use two-handed Top Spin dinks and most Pros do that if you can get the hang of the one hander though by all means do it but I wouldn't beat yourself up if you're having trouble with your one handed backhand tops Dink it's just a little bit of a challenging shot to get the hang of and guys this next shot
is actually one of the coolest most important ways to be able to get Top Spin and pickle ball it's called the roll volley and I'm going to teach to you right now but if you've been liking this video so far make sure to subscribe to our Channel and hit the Thumbs Up Button below this really helps us grow and it helps the sport grow so if you want to have more friends play with in the next few years make sure to like this video And subscribe to our channel so there's a few different names for
this shot some people call it the roll volley some people call it the flick if you do it off the bounce some people might call it a speed up but what you need to know is that this is the risti shot in the entire sport of pickle ball and when you're hitting this shot with Top Spin pretty much all of your spin is coming from your wrist so this is the only type of shot where you're using primarily your wrist to generate that spin and the technique of this is really simple you just need to
rotate your wrist upwards as you're hitting the ball so on a back end it's exactly the same you're rotating your wrist upwards to generate the brush so on a volley that looks like this I'm riding up the back of the ball and generating Spin A lot of the time you're aiming these shots right at your opponent's feet as they're moving forward so that it accelerates towards them so on a roll volley you're going low right at their feet and you're going for maximum spin so you really can brush upward here to mess them up as
they're coming in on this speat up the technique's really similar in this case a lot of the time your opponent's at the kitchen and maybe you're accelerating from a dinking rally and why using the wrist is important here is cuz a lot of the time you're pretending that you're going to Dink and then at the last second you flick your wrist to accelerate right at them so the spin isn't quite as important here as it is on the roll volley but the technique is pretty much exactly the same you're just maybe hitting the ball a
little bit lower so a speed up looks like this pretending I'm going to Dink and then I flick with Top Spin to keep the ball low so that I can surprise them with an attack and if you guys think I missed any Top Spin shots make sure to drop them in the comments I want to see if I forgot anything I don't think I did though but maybe I did and if you want to learn how to hit spin on your syr so specifically side spin watch this next video where I go over the screw
ball serve and the banana serve these are both really tricky spins that you can use to mess up your opponents