Bullied Orphan Became God After Assassinating His Parents | Anime Recap

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on the day of his middle school graduation Mariah stood at the top of the building and only Darkness clouded his mind having lived his life without any happiness he decided to passionately hug the ground he knows that I have to make a somersault into the cement but an angel caught him and he thought he was being taken to Heaven however the angel introduced herself as nasee and she's glad to have saved him from becoming a pancake Mirai struggles to believe this reality and sees his reflection floating in the window he still wants to be made
of flat pancake having already given up ever since his brother and parents died seven years ago and when his aunt and uncle took him in he would watch as his parents enjoyed actual time with their kids while he was just locked up in their trash room he became nothing but a tool for them and slept every single day in that room alone shivering he thought there was no longer any hope in his future but NASA flew him away and told him she's a special rank Angel she has the powers to give him everything in this
world whether he wants Freedom or love Mirai definitely thinks he ate some something expired or actually hit the ground and he's entered Nirvana but the angel tells him to start with freedom since he's been nothing but a slave his entire life she offers him wings to fly and be free everywhere in this world additionally if he wants love she can summon a magical Crystal arrow and whoever is hit by it will fall instantly in love with him either the wings or arrows she can give him as a last salvation but Mariah doesn't want to choose
so he commands her to give him both of them nasee tells him she will and says it was just tradition to phrase it like he can choose one Mariah has had enough of this trip and decides to go back to hugging the ground but nasee throws the magical circles to give him an armband and a necklace he doesn't need to worry though because only people who also have angels will be able to view them this is going to be his life until a new God is chosen but she tells him to just try flying already
with a single thought of flying his wings materialize from thin air and he takes off at super speed Towards the Sky he struggles to control his speed through the clouds but eventually makes it above them and sees the sunset all night he spent flying thinking it felt more amazing to fly than he ever imagined and began crying he makes it back to the city and thinks there might be some hope to live after all today was St Patrick's Day in Tokyo and he remembered giving his childhood love the four leaf clover while sitting and looking
at the sky NASA comes again and tells him he can steal anything he would ever want with his super speed and with the arrow he can make anyone fall in love with him and do anything Mirai doesn't understand how she can call herself an angel since she's preaching the actions of a devil but nasay tells him Devils don't exist if anything they're inside the hearts of evil people like his uncle and Aunt who killed people Mariah wonders what she's talking about and she reveals that his uncle and Aunt were the ones who killed his parents
this entire time he'd been bullied by them and treated like a slave Mariah's mind breaks thinking the angel must be lying to claim they killed his family but nasay tells him to use the arrow to find out for himself he flies back home and his aunt tells him to hurry up and move from the doorway already murai wants to ask her something but she tells him to shut up and hurry up he points his arm towards her and releases white liquid directly on her chest sorry I meant fires an arrow directly into her chest when
she gets up his aunt rushes towards him and is ready to develop plot with her massive cannons but Mirai pushes her off he asks her if they were the ones to end his family and she breaks down and blames it all on her husband his uncle enters the room and sees his wife crying but she reveals everything her husband is the one who rigged the car to blow just to steal his family's fortune and his memories of that day Flash in his head his parents had went to drive his brother to school and he was
going to get his project ready but when his father turned the car on it exploded they continue wrestling and his wife reveals that it was all for the insurance money the thought of them doing this for money breaks Mariah's mind and he says they should have been the ones to die instead his aunt hears this and the next thing he knew his aunt wanted to know what no Nirvana was like NASA explains that this is the power of His red arrow if someone has done something that deserves trying to meet the Buddha then they will
meet the Buddha if he commands it he collapses realizing how easily people die he's still alive after all of this and he remembers the memories his mother left him with when he showed her his family portrait his mom told him that everyone is born with the goal of finding happiness and trying to attain greater happiness so she wanted him to live a happy life at that moment it became clear to Mirai we must try to keep living to reach happiness and the angel tells him that he's right and she's here to make sure she can
help him become happy she finally introduces herself as nasee and she's going to be his personal angel a few days later Mariah sits in the hotel he's broke and couldn't afford a room so he used the arrow to get the staff to let him stay here even if he can steal everything through this power none of it would make him happy he wants to have an ordinary sense of happiness but first he needs to start making money nasee tells him to end his uncle and kids to take back all the money they made off him
however Mariah can't handle the idea of seeing all the gore like the previous time so instead he can use the other white Arrow she granted him this white Arrow instantly kills people peacefully and she tries to explain the reason behind all these abilities God has become weak after a long life of attempting to make earth a better place he appointed 13 angels to find humans who will be capable of serving as the new God and nesse was excited to finally allow Mariah to be happy they had a time limit of 999 days and they all
set off what in the Mariah Nikki is this after listening to all of this Mirai wait even his name is Mirai on the TV he sees a person being follow by an Angel and sees that he's manipulated five women to fall in love with him Mariah wonders if there's a way to protect himself from being shot and nasee goes on to explain the rules of the arrow the only way for someone to avoid an arrow is by flying faster using the wings Additionally the effects of red arrows expire after 33 days and you can only
shoot a person once finally you can at most shoot 14 arrows within 33 days which is probably what the person on TV did inside a car plot develops I mean a lot of plot develops I mean way too much plot develops they beg him for some protein shake but as he thinks this life is amazing some Mega Man suit and armor opens the car door and points a white Arrow at him instantly ending him he takes his red arrow and flies away the next day Mariah reads the news about the guy dying and the angel
brings his body back to Heaven Luda the angel carrying him is glad that this person perished while walking through the city NASA congratulates him on getting into his top high school and thinks he he must be really smart for shooting his uncle with a red arrow to confess she tries to cheer him up but realizes this guy snorts depression instead of copium so she asks him why he's not as happy as he should be he reveals that he's mostly scared about the death of the other God candidate inside the center of the city a bank
robbery is taking place but Superman's rip-off appears to save the day Metropolitan what a name he begins flying above the police shooting them all with red arrows and claims that he is here to save the day he faces off with the criminal and approaches him Vanishing right next to the person to block their gun he shoots him with the red arrow and the criminal agrees to turning himself in is comrade however attempts to end Metropolis but he ends up firing at his own friend instead the criminal fires the shotgun and metropolim and vanishes before the
bullets reach him readying a white arrow and ending the criminal NASA realizes that his angel must be a special Rank and metropolim and goes on to announce that there are 12 enemies that are aiming for him he's already defeated one so he announces on every television station that he's looking to end the other 11 where I commands nesse to disappear before metropolum and sees her he tries to blend in with the crowd and heads home later that day he asks for NASA to revoke his God candidate status even though she saved his life he doesn't
want to be killed by Metropolitan however she reveals that taking away his arrow and wings would end his life after all those wings and arrow were given to him only because he gave up on everything it was God's command to only select candidates ready to give up on life she tells him that special ranks Angels give Wings red arrows and white arrows while first ranks give both wings and arrow and second ranks only gave wings or arrows however an angel's rank can change at any point and Mariah wonders what he should do in this situation
the next day he heads off to school without nasee and she tells him to shoot saki his childhood crush with a red arrow he should try to make her fall in love with him within those 33 days but Mirai pledges he won't use the arrow to do that he goes to school and thinks that today will be his first fresh start but in the sky an angel appears the thought of it strikes fear into him but he tries to pretend like it doesn't exist however in that instant the angel realizes his presence and vanishes before
him shocking Mirai this reaction confirms that Mariah is a god candidate since he can see the Angel and the angel Reveals His God candidate is standing right behind him he sees Saki and she shoots him with her red arrow even though he's been shot by the arrow he's always been in love with saki but the Arrow's power compels him to confess she tells him her parents are at home and that he can come over so the Sim flies at Sonic's speed to her house he waits inside her room until she finally appears saki goes on
to ask him if he possesses white arrows and he confesses that he does the angel worries that he's Metropolitan but says that he isn't Rebel the angel tries to explain the reason behind shooting him with the arrow he wants him to become sacky's Wings since she doesn't have any Mariah agrees to to become her wings and they form a pact with each other by putting their hands together the simp climaxes and a bond forms around their hands he hugs her from behind and climaxes again so he takes off before she notices they fly together in
the sky and murai remembers the times they used to spend together as kids he takes her above the sky and tells her to let him know if anything's bothering her because he'll always be there for her saki tells him that it's a personal problem but she'll be fine she's glad to have talked with him however and she tears up after a while saki gets news of metropolum and going on a TV station at 6 PM the angel warns him that he might kill saki if metropolum and continues living so saki's red arrow compels him to
find him he says if it comes down to it he will sacrifice himself for saki however nasay appears and tells him not to be so rash she knows this was probably revel's plans the angel of Mischief if he was to die then his wings and arrow would transfer to saki but if metropoliman died then the arrow would have compelled him to give those wings and arrows to saki as well either way Revel would have won this horrible plan is the reason that Revel is a second rank Angel and NASA's Purity is what makes her a
special rank Angel Rebel confesses that he was just trying to set them up but agrees that he will form a truce so they can both succeed however he's still worried about Mariah's actions once the arrow wears off but NASA assures him that Mirai climaxes to saki at least once a day stop it get some help Revel is creeped out a month passes of them spending time together and they time her eye to a chair to make sure he won't do anything to saki Revel believes that these are his true feelings and Mariah isn't angry at
sackie for shooting him because he at last got to confess his feelings and realize how important it is he will not allow someone like metropolaman to ruin his happiness with her and Saki agrees because she's been wanting to be happy since she's been with him Mariah sees her blushing in climaxes and the angel asks him if he's still under the Arrow's effects poor guy can't stop climaxing the news station comes on and metropolum and asks for all the other candidates to come and reach a peaceful solution with him at the baseball stadium he will be
awaiting all the other candidates Mariah wonders how people who aren't in Japan would make it without wings but NASA tries to explain that all the god candidates are from Japan because people like to meet the Buddha in Japan Mirai tries to think of a plan of attack at the stadium the next day Mariah sees Angels hovering over the sky and one wonders just how many God candidates are going to be there saki warns him to stop staring before the Angels notice him and Mariah prepares for the moment to shoot metropolam and with a red arrow
at 3 pm metropolaman appears before everyone on the field and soon after yellow and blue Power Rangers appear possessing both red arrows and wings they fire the red arrow at metropoliman but it can't Pierce through causing them to realize this was a trap after all this is likely just a random person who was shot with his arrows and dropped here to lure out the other God candidates they try to call out for Metropolitan and think that this plan will finally turn their life around one of them remembers entrance exam results being posted and how he
was crushed for being rejected he sat alone and another man came crying for also being rejected he had failed once already but the guy in the green shirt had failed three times already before hugging the ground they decided to enjoy every last moment of their life as the last train started coming Angels appeared before both of them and granted them the arrow goes along with wings they understood the laws and the government better than anyone else so they promised each other to make it to the top and make a better life for each other they
know that a god candidate can only shoot an arrow every two seconds and that the Arrow's range is only 31.6 meters making this baseball field the best place for an attack Massey and revel didn't even know that the arrows had such a specific range and finally the screen turns on with metropoliman's face he reveals that they were correct about the metropolum and in front of them being a fake and goes on to show his red and white arrows explaining that he can fire arrows every 0.3 seconds instead of 2 seconds since he has two of
them he bids them farewell but the men restrain his fake copy a girl starts flying in the sky and begs the two others to take her with them since she's scared of metropolam she doesn't want to die after being bullied all her life and Mirai realizes that saki was likely going through something as well she allows them to shoot her with a red arrow but as she approaches Metropolis takes a red arrow and shoots her telling them that they can't hesitate like that he disappears once more and Promises to get rid of them since they
were so slow the men try to form an alliance with all the other God candidates here and promise to work with them to take metropolam and down before they knew it a pink and green Power Ranger enter the chat they shoot the green and pink Power Ranger with red arrows to form their Alliance but while they're distracted something changed about metropolam and behind them the announcer goes on to announce that the super civilization Squad of Metro 5 has assembled foreign they think that they have the numbers Advantage here but Mirai feels like something is off
the two Power Rangers ask them to reveal their arrows but they say that they don't know what those are the giant screen turns on once more and metropolim and tries to speak but announces that he's not the actual Metropolitan the real one is behind them and he prepares two arrows to shoot directly at them the blue Power Ranger is knocked out by the white arrow and the yellow one is hit directly with the red one the yellow one has now become the servant of Metropolitan and asks if he could know how this happened Metropolitan reveals
that green and pink were actually just humans who were obeying him to distract them from metropoliman's location but yellow wonders how they were able to be shot with red arrows metropolum and reveals he can control people without red arrows and explains that he can do anything with money he sees the angel trying to sneak out without handing him the wings and arrows but commands it to hand them off before leaving he has now gained a total of four arrows and two wings now for the spectacle of the show he has tied up Power Ranger yellow
with the girl and he wants to test the limits of the red arrow yellow promises that he would do anything but then metropolum and commands him to Die the yellow rejects the command so Metropolitan goes on to point a white Arrow towards him yellow begins trying to fly for his life but the restraints keep him from moving metropoliman fires the white arrow and yellow has entered Nirvana next is the girl and revel is worried that Mariah is going to try and intervene he struggles to think of what to do in this situation knowing that if
he hesitates even slightly he could end his and saki's life the angel tries to stop metropolamin from shooting the girl and she begins yelling for someone to help her metropolum and continues trying to provoke the other God candidates to react as soon as he activated the ring around his neck an angel told him not to move and he saw nasae flying in the sky while he looked up a person took a photo of them NASA told him not to act without a plan or he'd be revealing his God candidate status and lose his life in
an instant flies over Metropolitan telling him that the girl won't be luring out any more God candidates after hearing those words metropoliman realized that she'd served her purpose and fired his white Arrow towards her leaving her collapsing onto the ground everyone in the crowd was disgusted at what they just witnessed but Metropolitan was disappointed that he wasn't able to eliminate another candidate using the girl however NASA revealed that the only person she wanted to die would be him next because he's standing in the way of her partner's happiness so she promised that she'll make her
partner and him and flew into the sky telling every God candidate to head home for the day the Angels began taking away the souls of the dead and threw over the wings and arrows leaving only eight candidates remaining back at saki's home both of them sat crushed at the fact that they were powerless but Mirai swore that he needed to eliminate him however he couldn't bring himself to hate a person let alone end their life so saki told him that they should form an alliance with the other God candidates especially since they all hate him
as she let those words out a man outside her window said he's down with that idea but Mariah ran to point his red arrow at him but the man told him that he can shoot him with the red arrow right now if he didn't believe his words however NASA told him not to fire his Arrow because she could tell that the man is being honest after they brought him inside the man revealed that he doesn't have much time left because he has terminal cancer that would soon end his life on the day when he was
supposed to die an angel had appeared before his eyes but rather than taking his soul away the angel tried to give him a last shred of Hope and promised that she would give him another shot at life if he was to become the god of this world before his life was extinguished his life would be saved from this illness hearing those words the man turned towards his family's photo and realized he could finally give his children and wife the life they deserve even though he jumped at the opportunity at first he quickly realized that he
likely won't be alive within 999 days and had to do everything he could with his arrows the first thing he did was fire his red arrow on rich people to take millions of dollars for his family but he knew a thief like him didn't deserve to be a God because of that his only wish now was to make sure that metropolaman wouldn't become the god of this world because it would destroy his family's life so he shot 14 people and sent them to the stadium in order to locate any of the other God candidates and
when he saw their photos he knew that both of them were good people after hearing his story Mariah decided to help him achieve his goals but on the condition that he continues his treatment Because he believes it's selfish of him to be okay with just passing away and leaving his family in despair on the other side of the country metropolum and wondered how he could use his three new Arrows with the Red Arrows being basically useless at eliminating another candidate he wondered how he could force them to eliminate someone else instead back at saki's house
the man finally introduced himself as nanato and told them that his Angel was Barrett the angel of knowledge before he left he showed them his costume idea is for concealing their identities and flew out of their window the following morning at school metropoliman's friend came up to him calling him Canada and told him to go spy on his Crush while they watched the archery team shooting the arrows Canada asked manami what he'd wish for if he could have any wish granted but when Minami said he wanted to become extremely rich Canada told him that he
was wrong because it should be something that affects the whole world manami thought he'd wish for all ugly girls to disappear and Canada thought that was more like it so he revealed that his true wish would be the ability to bring back the dead and manami realized he was talking about his little sister when the girls disappeared Canada leaped out of the window and aimed down the 60 meter range a single Arrow may only shoot 31.6 meters away realizing that he can combine even more to reach over 100 meters in distance later that day Canada
flew with a bouquet of flowers to an old mansion where he saw his sister's crystallized body and wished her a happy birthday at the same time Morris saw a car crash on the news and a note left by a girl that said she was following metropolitan's orders the angel of Mischief tried to explain that metropolaman has around Five Arrows now from the people he murdered so he could have given some of them to a person after shooting them with a red arrow but only for the 33 days they were controlled by the arrow after hearing
those words mukato suggested eliminating the girl because right now she's flying around the world and eliminating whoever she pleases however he knows that the girl is likely just a bait for him to lure them out so they'll counter-trap him instead and end his life with a white Arrow at that point the girl can go back to being Innocent but Mirai couldn't fathom the idea of ending another person's life with a white Arrow still mucato reminded him that they needed to do this as self-defense but Mirai said he'd rather be bullied than bully someone and be
eliminated rather than eliminate someone so mukato tried putting it in a different perspective he asked him what he would do if saki was being threatened by a metropolitan because in that situation hesitation would be the same as her life ending but when he tried making up his mind seeing the Fate that lied ahead of him was unfathomable he collapsed onto the ground realizing that he couldn't kill him with a white Arrow meanwhile Canada realized that even if his plan to lure the god candidates doesn't work at least he will make minami's wish come true of
eliminating all the ugly girls in the world the following day while they were watching murder news on TV nenato told them about his intentions to annihilate metropolaman since the nutcase wouldn't stop causing chaos in the city he showed them his weapons which he was looking to end him with and gave Mariah and Saki a gun to join in the fight but they refused taking it since neither of them thought they could actually use it they saw monsurin on the news who had ended another girl and was looking to draw them out by setting herself up
as bait since metropolaman was trying to annihilate the rest of them they wondered if they had to take the risk as he could be lurking around waiting for his moment to end them nanato suggested they walk into the Trap but have Mirai shoot metropolam and with a red arrow when he came for his prize with a red arrow in him Mariah could turn him to his own busboy and Order him around to buy McDonald's thinking their plan could work out they decided to take on the challenge and dressed up in Battle Suits then Otto asked
if Mariah would end metropolim and with his white Arrow if he had a chance to do so but Mariah told him that he couldn't even squash a cockroach feasting on his food because he was so weak that his middle name was weakling realizing Mariah was hopelessly useless nanato agreed to do all the dirty work and to annihilate Missouri before she ended more people on the tower Missouri was watching an Anna climax video when Donato appeared demanding from metropoliman's whereabouts but immediately the tower exploded leaving Mirai screaming in horror as he watched the fumes afraid to
have lost his friend he saw an anato falling to the ground and flew to save him but as he did they crashed to the floor Mirai began crying however nanato woke up with a terrible cough lucky to have been saved by his suit at that moment Metropolitan appeared behind them ready to end Mirai with a white Arrow Mirai decided to become the motivational speaker he had prepared himself for and began lecturing him on the purpose of life and death and that leading by good example was the best way to rule since Metropolitan was hoping to
be Crown God however the lowlife told him that he was better off without any competitions and wanted all the lottery slots to himself because what else would you expect from a low-budget Superman as nanato was finally able to fly again he suggested attacking together since the numbers were in their favor but metropolum and swiftly summoned his Angel for moral support unwilling to take the risk of entering an isekai so Donato also summoned NASA and Barrett to watch their backs metropoluma named his Arrow at nanato taking him for the strongest man between the both of them
and hoping to cut the deficit by 70 since Mariah was a useless weakling that could easily be tossed away like trash damn in hopes of getting an advantage he show showed them his Detonator threatening to blow up the city to Smithereens so nanato decided to offer himself up unwilling to gamble with the lives of many metropolaman wanted a sacrificial lamb in exchange for sparing the city and demanded for nanato's abilities after ending him however nanato believed that this was their perfect opportunity to eliminate fake Superman so he told Mariah to shoot him with his Arrow
the instant he launched his own Arrow at him but the coward was too afraid to take Aim as metroman launched his Arrow he fired his own Arrow at it causing it to fly back to him when he threatened to blow up everyone Mariah suddenly flew at him nearly impaling him but he flew away just in time where I charged again Relentless with his attacks and screaming like a lunatic but fake Superman dodged everything he fired him as Arrow but he blocked it and as he launched it again Mirai continued dodging and blocking again the villain
charged at him and they battled relentlessly with either of them looking to destroy the other suddenly Metro man flew towards nanato and launched his Arrow at him but Mirai knocked it away as they fought yet again nanato decided to attack metropolim and from behind and as he flew at him he blasted him with Relentless shots causing a crack in his helmet foreign they decided to return and swiftly crashed into the house nanato asked if Mariah lost his mind during the fight but the depressed teenager hardly realized what he was doing he wondered why the burden
of defeating Metropolis was on him as he was too miserable to fight for anyone so nasae told him that they're fighting to save the world because if the crazy dude became God the whole world would certainly burn the following day at school saki's friends saw Mariah staring at her like a creepy stalker and was going to confront him but saki stopped her from humiliating him as she thought that he had too much to deal with already and didn't need to be made more miserable than he already was that afternoon after returning home nanato asked if
Mariah could draw a sketch of Metropolitan but the dude had already forgotten what he saw since he was always in a mode of depression so saki suggested taking a break that night while he was asleep saki invited him to her bed for a heart to heart she looked extremely sad and asked the angels to take a hot Revel wondered if they were going to begin some plot development and asked to see the process but NASA thought he was a crazy weirdo and immediately pulled him away as they laid in the bed saki told Mariah that
she was looking to feel the warmth of his white liquid on her chest yeah boy but Mariah thought that she was demanding for too much having grown up together she felt terrible for abandoning him after the loss of his parents and was hoping to make up for it with a night of great Passion before entering an isekai she confessed to him that a few years ago she had tried atoning for her sins and had ran after him to apologize for her wrongdoings but had found him jumping off a building to hug the ground wrecked by
her own guilt she had run off and tried hugging the ocean but luckily met her angel however even now she was disturbed by the guilt of it and was hoping to die in his warm arms looking to Grant her wish Mariah led her outside and with their hands bound he flew off in the night sky he decided to let her go but caught her hand allowing her to take a moment to reconsider her decision and as she began falling she swiftly caught his hand crying like a hopeless romantic and telling him that she wished to
leave and to make babies with him at those words magical ropes swirled around their hands by ending them together in a lasting Union a few minutes later they stood on a rooftop and Saki began telling him that she dreamed of staying by his side forever and having his Arrow penetrate her chest so he smiled at her happy to be loved by the love of his life and as he promised to stay with her forever he began flying away with her the next day nanato revealed that he was getting closer to discovering metropoliman's identity hoping to
join in the fight saki asked Barrett how she could get her own pair of wings so Barrett told her the four methods she could either kill a god candidate impale him with a red arrow on his deathbed be given Wings by her angel or demand for the wings of a god candidate whose Soul was being taken up to heaven with all other options seeming impossible nanato suggested she stayed closer to him in the final moments of his cancerous life however she thought that she had other hopes than waiting on a dying man and told him
that she would rather take metropolaman's Wings after all he was a sicko who never deserved to fly in the first place then Otto was surprised by her words and asked Mariah if their night of plot development released some great hormones in her body but before he could answer Revel told them that he would become a first rank Angel so he could bless her with Wings however he wasn't certain about how to increase his rank so Barrett told him to either break a Guinness record in heaven or become the smartest guy in the world a few
days later they moved into a church since their previous home was too tight to fit everyone and before long saki found Revel trying to fill up his little brain with the celestial tomes which were all the memories of Creation in hopes of increasing his rank immediately when she left him she revealed her stunning suit to Mirai and nenado but suddenly a small portal opened up before them and a red arrow flew towards saki but Mariah stood in the way ready to take it in her place however nanato took in the arrow telling them that it
belonged to him and for a moment he wondered what could have gone wrong since the arrow was only meant to return after the carrier was dead after realizing that his family may have been attacked he swiftly flew into the sky with Mirai and the angels he tried calling his wife but no one answered and as they arrived at his home they found a strange man waiting outside so he told Mirai to eliminate as he crashed inside the house he began rushing into the rooms hoping to find his family but they were nowhere in sight as
he saw his wife's damaged dress he realized that his worst fear of losing his family was about to happen outside Mariah aimed his red arrow at the strange man who was merely playing with his sword like the creepy dude from joker as Mariah wondered if he was another God candidate he decided to launch his Arrow but he flew away just in time and after a moment arrived in a park his name was Hajime and he was born as a poor and extremely ugly kid before growing up into a much uglier and disgusting boy and was
hated by everyone because of his filthy horrendous looks since he was the ugliest loser straight out of an anti-climax intro he could never talk to any girl as none of them would ever look at his nasty sickening face one evening he discovered that his sister had he sekide herself since she couldn't bear to look at his revolting face anymore however an angel appeared before his eyes introducing himself as Balta a first rank Angel and told him to become a god candidate so he can make the world as ugly as his face what did he say
but the stinky useless loser only wanted to meet girls and asked for a red arrow so they could fall in love with him on the spot the next day at school the disgusting loser shot an arrow at his school crush and soon began telling her that he wished to taste her beautiful honey and as he held her hands the horrendous loser asked for a kiss and soon began plot development however when he looked into the mirror he discovered that he was truly the ugliest human in the entire universe who didn't even deserve free putty and
immediately began freaking out when he returned home he began crying like a boy that lost his candy however a few days later he saw metropolaman on TV and decided to pick him as his own John Cena when Balta told him that metropolimon was from a wealthy home and had girls dreaming of getting in his bed Hajime decided to have plastic surgery and become a follower of his new Idol after his surgery Hajime began working out he wondered if he could meet metropolaman but Mr Idol would probably end him before he could say his name a
few days later his face was unveiled and as he walked through the street a few minutes later everyone began staring at him when he looked into the mirror he saw a sweet young girl and immediately flew in her way all his life he's dreamed of this beautiful moment where he could look at a girl and ask for her name chicken but he blew it like a making the poor girl run off for her dear life at his home the loser began crying again realizing that all his surgeries would never make him a real top gee
because he was nothing but a useless bummer however he soon saw Mariah in Metro man's battle scene on TV and thought it was unfair that his hero wasn't allowed to destroy the world so he decided to declare himself the new Justice kid when Balto told him that Metropolitan would make the worst God leader Justice kid told him to off the only thing that would make this sucker happy was to see the world burn so after a few days he tried scheduling for another plastic surgery so he could look like his hero but the doctor told
him to cool off as he was beginning to look like a walking doll after returning home Hajime discovered that Metropolitan was in high school and decided to search through every High School in the city a few days later a girl told Mr Idol during class that an addict worshiper who practically Burns candles in his name was looking to meet him however as she left Metro man shot her with a red arrow but realized that she already had a master so he killed her with a white Arrow to keep his secret safe a few minutes later
a dude walked into an empty room replacing Mr Idol and asking who Hajime was he called himself his biggest fanatic who was too afraid to appear in person but desired to serve him to determine his worth metropolaman decided to give him a test which was abducting than Otto's family now having done so he asked if he was allowed to penetrate nanato's wife with a love Arrow but Metropolitan called him the most useless ugly creep in the world you're a victim inside the church nanato received a call from Mr Idol who told him about his family's
whereabouts so they all flew out to meet him with saki all by herself she soon began to feel sad and useless determined to help her Revel returned to the room and began filling up his head with the tomes at the park nanato screamed for his family and found Hajime standing on a mirror house where his family were being kept he banged on the glass and hurried inside without any thought pajam was surprised that his plan actually worked and revealed that no one could come out of it however when he heard nanato's wife tell him that
she loved him he began losing his mind having grown up without any affection Hajime thought that love was a cooked up word and that no one could actually love someone else suddenly Mariah appeared above him aiming at him with a white Arrow but he called him a spineless chicken that could not annihilate anyone he tried launching a red arrow towards nanato's wife but Mirai fired at him as he narrowly dodged Inside the Box nanato began shooting at the the glass hoping to break it but it merely scratched the surface outside Hajime appeared before Mirai with
his Angel making him realize that he was also a god candidate but metropolaman also appeared and aimed at him at the site of Metro man Hajime began losing his and told him this was the happiest day of his wretched life but Mr Idol couldn't care less and aimed his Arrow at nanato looking to kill him in that moment however Mariah was determined to save him and began moving towards the box as he met in an auto he suggested flying around the glass so metropolam and couldn't take aim at them as it was the only way
to protect his family so he accepted to fly around outside Metro man told Hajime that they would end the both of them when they were exhausted but Hajime was wondering why Mirai went into the box and was risking his own life for nenado's family when he could have flown off and saved himself when Metro man told him that they love one another he began freaking out again Inside the Box Mirai told nanato that he has no plans for escape shaping while outside he had had very little time to come up with a plan and merely
followed the first thought he had for the rest of that evening Hajime waited outside the glass playing with his sword like the dude from Samurai Jack a few minutes later Mariah told nanato that he knew of a way to escape the Box however he was merely hoping to make Hajime curious enough to open it after a moment they exploded in a bright light pretending to have escaped the dumbass actually believed that they had vanished and suggested looking inside the box but Metro man threatened to rip his head off when it was nighttime hajime's curiosity began
to grow again since the Box had been silent all day and he thought of having a peek but Mr Idol asked him if he would like to spend Thanksgiving without his eyes by morning Hajime realized that their Angels had vanished but Metro man told him that they were merely playing along with the script in a far-off tower nasseh and Barrett hoped that Hajime would believe their trick and would free nonado and his family at the same time Hajime began looking through the glass asking if he could give them some food but metropolum and threatened to
destroy him meanwhile in the church Rebel's head was about to blow up from all his studies when he tried putting another Tome through his head it rolled out so he hurried to catch it as he picked it up he discovered saki waiting outside looking useless and depressed she told him that she felt like the world's most useless superhero and was merely a dead weight for everyone I'm here to tell you right now we don't care let me tell you all right let me tell you we don't care however she wished to offer some moral support
and suggested walking to the park but Revel told her that she would be in danger if metropolaman discovered that she was also a god candidate at that moment he began to cry feeling sad for her but his tears transformed into bubbles and as a gold light Shone around him God appeared before him telling him that his tears had created a world record in heaven and due to this he was being promoted to a first rank Angel and was named the angel of emotion a new magical Circle formed around his head but immediately he threw it
on Saki and she grew large Wings in that instant bringing her desire to life a few minutes later they appeared at the Tower and the angels applauded Revel for his promotion after Balto encouraged saki to rescue her friends from the box she decided to aim at Hajime and immediately fired him a red arrow at him causing him to love her in that instant and as she flew towards him he began climaxing meanwhile in the box nanado and Mirai were exhausted from flying all day and night and were hoping for a miracle nanato was about giving
up but he remembered that his wife had warned him never to give up on his family so he became determined again outside Hajime continued climaxing like he was in some crazy orgy when metropolaman asked him why he was acting like a creepy weirdo he told him that he had wet his pants and needed to clean himself up so he flew off however he appeared before saki asking if she would like to see him jump out of a plane without his wings or a parachute but she thought that he would look like a bag full of
Bones and told him to free her friends instead moved by her words he immediately flew off like every other simp and crashed his sword onto the glass he told Metro man that he was going to free the family and began hammering his sword on it inside Mariah and nanato continued flying around when they heard the noise outside they thought it was metropolum and trying to lure them to the glass however Revel revealed that they were trying to rescue them and informed them that saki had gotten her own way us as Hajime continued smacking the glass
metropolam and threatened to annihilate him but the simp was lost in love and would not stop he said that he finally understood why teenagers do crazy things for love and since no one ever cared enough to show him real affection he wouldn't pass up the opportunity of being with the girl of his dreams and with that he impaled the glass with a final stab immediately Metropolitan began to leave looking to stop him before Mirai and nanata were freed as he flew into the sky three numbskulls flew beside him for support and his Hajime tried breaking
the glass they crashed into the park metropolim and threatened to end saki since she was greatly outnumbered but Hajime flew before him determined to protect the love of his life meanwhile Inside the Box nanato spotted the crack in the glass and began firing at it as they broke outside immediately the sword spun into hajime's hand after the group reunited nanato decided to face off with Metro man for the final time however Metropolitan wanted a fair fight so he told him to take his family to a safe place before their Showdown moments later saki brought nanato's
wife to the church but as she was about to leave the woman wondered why they were fighting so she told her that they were trying to save the world from the greatest disaster after World War II soon saki returned to the park and was ready to leave with nanato's daughter so nanato gave her one final hug before saki flew away since metropolaman was wearing a thick protective suit he figured that he couldn't be annihilated by nanato or hajime's weapons his greatest threat was murai who had a white arrow that could end him in an instant
however Mariah wasn't certain that he could eliminate him as he never considered execution to be an option so to Aid in their decisions his friends decided to control each other and as they drew closer ready to impale one another with a red arrow nenato apologized for getting them involved in the battle and just then they planted the arrow into themselves making it impossible for Metro man to control any of them as they were set for battle metropolaman announced that he was going to step aside until all his followers were defeated immediately rookie stepped up as
the first Challenger drawing his guns and looking to blast everyone away Hajime took up the challenge and flew at him but immediately the psychopath began firing at him riddling the park with bullets and explosion as he destroyed everything in his sight however Hajime moved through all the bullets and was unscathed so the Menace launched a bazooka at him destroying the tower before him suddenly the ugly mug tried slashing him from behind but he flew away however his wings were caught by Mariah nanato who began pulling him towards the ground allowing Hajime to slash him as
he hit the ground he discovered that his arm was slashed off and that no one cared for his sorry ass so he immediately flew away Sika began to feel sick but Mariah encouraged her to get her together soon a deranged lunatic came forward she was fayuko and as she began revealing her plot she showed them her special virus which she created to destroy the world as a quick exhibition she decided to test the mice before their eyes and release the virus into its bottle when the poor thing started deteriorating the psychopath began screaming and climaxing
and threatened to unleash this evil on the world if they wouldn't offer themselves up as a lab rat since Mariah was the bigger threat metropolamin demanded that he first take the shot but Mariah could not understand why Metro man was looking to eliminate the world in the first place after all he was Desiring to rule over everything as Mirai began moving towards the Menace she commanded nanato and Hajime to throw down their weapons when he got closer saki screamed for him to return afraid of losing him but he continued walking he wondered if sacrificing himself
would make the world safer for everyone but new Metropolitan was a scumbag and would continue hurting people for his own pleasure as fayuko pierced him with a syringe he held her hand and Drew his wings so she released the virus from her jar ready to destroy the world however Mariah impaled it with his white arrow and killed the virus immediately nanato screamed at him to enter in that instant but Mariah merely stood there holding her hand nenato told him that fayuko would not repent if he let her get away but would continue threatening the world
with the virus however he could not bring himself to annihilate her so fayuko began teasing him saying that she had an entire Warehouse full of the virus and was going to destroy the whole world but Mirai dreaded the thought of ending someone suddenly nanato crashed to the ground from exhaustion his sickness was beginning to eat deep into his body and he was merely fighting to stay conscious however he decided to grab a gun determined to see metropolum and die before him and aimed it at fayuko utilizing the distraction Metro man summoned a red and white
Arrow looking to eliminate Mirai but he aimed his own Arrow at the girl hoping to use her as a shield from Metro man's arrows as metropolamin fired his Arrow fayuko Drew her wing and launched her syringes at Mariah in a fatal attack saki suddenly flew in his way looking to die in his place but the arrows rolled away from her as they were meant to kill Mariah instead with the syringes about to stick in her Hajime grabbed his sword and slashed them off but as he missed the last one he put his arm in the
way in that moment the virus went inside of him and his skin began deteriorating however fayuko was already impaled with his sword and immediately passed out Hajime told saki that he lived the most useless and filthy life that any human should ever have but in his last moments he was happy to have met her and to understand the true meaning of love as he melted off his wings dissolved to Old sacks and only a red arrow remained in his place while saki was crying two angels flew down from heaven so Balta gave saki hajime's magical
rings and returned her Arrow to her metropolam and told Mariah that he was responsible for hajime's death seeing as he failed to end fayuko when he had his chance but Mirai would not agree to this and accused him of trying to kill everyone because of his stupid Ambitions he had always hoped to see everyone leave forever and due to this would never annihilate anyone Donato coughed up blood and as he passed out Metro man fired him an arrow but Marie narrowly saved him he was going to take him to a hospital for treatment but the
man was determined to see metropolum and get annihilated and demanded to stay so Mariah allowed saki to return him to the ground nanato asked if Metro Man's last follower was willing to die for him but the boy immediately flew away having no other support metro man decided to face off with Mirai and began teasing him that he was useless and couldn't even beat a cockroach however Mariah confessed that he had no intentions of ending him but would rather stick him with a red arrow and make him his own janitor before sealing him away forever like
a mummy metropolaman said that ending him would be a Kinder thing to do but Mariah had no intentions of soiling his hands with his disgusting and perverted blood for their final battle Metropolitan suggested that they create some rules so Mariah agreed with him and told him that they could only shoot arrows at each other one at a time until one of them was impaled soon they flew to the ground ready for their Showdown metropolaman decided to flick a coin telling him that whoever won the coin toss would take the first shot but as he flicked
the coin he launched an arrow that was narrowly blocked and called it a warm-up as they walked closer Mariah fired an arrow but it got blocked leaving him in shock as he had thought that he alone could Parry the arrows metropolamin called himself the greatest man alive and that he was the best candidate for the position of God a few years ago he had a sister named Ria whom he loved dearly and gave her all the things money can buy since they had everything they ever wanted he was determined to keep her all to himself
and would not let her have any friends however on one evening she told him about a boy she met and was beginning to like but Metropolitan didn't want her to be with anyone else so he threatened to lock her up in a cell tower like Fiona afraid for herself she tried running away but he caught her and screamed at her however the girl broke from his grip and began trying to hug the ground he immediately hurried to her and as he raised her she looked fine for a moment but passed out the deranged dude realized
that she needed treatment immediately but was too psychotic to let her out of his sight and decided to watch her die the following night after her burial he visited a lab where she was being kept an ice like a fish he intended to preserve her like a trophy and hoped that she would become Iceman in a hundred years or so as he broke down in fake tears he took out a knife but an angel appeared behind him and told him that he can reawaken her by becoming God and could transform her into an angel those
words became his motivation and they inspired him to slay every God candidate that existed the same way he was looking to end Mirai as he summoned his Arrow he fired at Mariah but he blocked it in the city everyone began watching them on giant screens with Mariah and metropolum and only a few meters apart Mariah began wondering if he was considering a new plan to attack with but the dude denied it and told him that he was only interested in beating his ass fairly and becoming God it had been his obsession for a long time
even though he doubted that a god really existed and thought that the Angels were merely supernatural creatures but he had nothing to lose by giving it a shot when saki asked him why he was so horrible and cruel he accused her of trying to distract him and told her to screw herself immediately Mariah fired an arrow at him but he managed to block it again saki told him that she had no desire to become God but was merely curious to know how he would rule the world if he became one however he snorted her question
and fired at Mariah again but got blocked again he began telling them that he was born to dominate the entire world and that if he became God he would destroy everyone who earned below the average salary and would wipe out all non-taxpayers and everyone waiting on unemployment benefits he thought that brokies do not deserve bread and were better off left to starve while the rich got richer he didn't want ugly losers like Hajime in his world but only wanted wealthy men like Elon Musk and Bill Gates and as for the broke pretty girls he thought
they were better off waiting tables with a few inches apart from each other Mariah prepared to take what may be his final shot since his red arrow could not kill anyone he realized that Metro man could end him in an instant with his Arrow yet he couldn't fly away to avoid it as that would be against the rules of their engagement however as they watched one another waiting to see who would make the first attempt Mariah realized that this metropolum and may not be the real one so Metro man decided to reveal his face as
soon as Mariah saw him his confidence grew and he was convinced that he could defeat him meanwhile in the city while the people continued watching the battle on the screens a random dude began screaming in support of Metropolitan at the same time Mariah began charging towards Metro man but as he fired his Arrow Mirai blocked it and lunged at him however the arrow got stuck and would not impale allowing Mirai to realize that he had already had an arrow inside of him at that moment a new Arrow began growing in his hand but Mirai pushed
him back causing the arrow to launch away and as he drew his wings he held his hand and wrapped the Wings around him metropolum and realized that his end could be near and as he panicked he drew a blade and began stabbing Mirai with it but luckily his suit protected him and he would not release his hand Metro man told his Angel to move his magical rings to his other hand but Meza would not do so when he tried stabbing Mariah again saki held his second hand and they both restrained him to a wall desperate
to get free he slashed sacky's helmet off and began screaming like a nutcase as he drew his wings and tried flying away but in a final effort Mariah and Saki summon magical ropes that bound his hands in that instant with their Arch Enemy finally restrained nanato stepped up ready to end him and started staggering closer weak and dizzy from his illness Mariah tried talking him out of it and told him to abandon his desire to annihilate him but nenato had his mind made up and as he fell to the ground remembering his wife and daughter
he realized that ending fake Superman was the only thing that would bring peace into his soul while he was taking aim Metro man discovered that the end was coming for him and began telling them that he would repent from all his sins and would sit in jail for as long as they wanted however no amount of promises would change his fate nanato believed that ending him was his Destiny and as he remembered his family again he began firing at metropolymer as the bullets flew closer he tried flying away but was trapped and couldn't free his
hands realizing his life was about to end he began screaming saying that he didn't want to become God anymore and would offer all his wealth to charity but the bullets penetrated his suit just then a red arrow and several magical Rings flew into the sky but as Mariah tried following them he discovered that nanato had passed out Mesa began pulling metropolam in Seoul and began to wonder why all his wealth could not rewind Balta understood the irony of her question and told her that no amount of wealth could guarantee long life for a human as
they were never meant to have everything in the hospital the doctor told nanato's wife that he would never wake up again as he was in the most fatal stage of his illness as she began to cry she took out his cigarette and put it in his mouth since he would never stop smoking when he was alive however The Cigarette fell off and in that instant Barrett appeared above and pulled his soul from his body since nanato wanted saki to take his wings Barrett decided to give her his magical rings and vanished from before them immediately
mirai's Arrow dispelled which nanato had put inside of him and in that moment he knew that no Miracle would reawaken his friend that night saki suggested they return home but Mariah was feeling guilty for allowing metropolim and to be annihilated and blamed himself for not stopping it from happening when saki told him that they made the right decision he said that she was supporting him because of his arrow that was inside of her but she told him that she has always been in love with him and was willing to do anything for him he even
without his arrow in her heart after a moment Mariah decided to tell her that Metropolitan had been shot with an arrow before their fight and that after his death the arrow and magical circles flew off to whomever was controlling him meanwhile across the city metropoliman's last follower yuido thanked Balta for helping him to lure metropolam into his Annihilation he had shot him the red arrow and was happy to have all his powers at the same time Mariah began to wonder how many more enemies they needed to defeat but he feared that another powerful enemy would
soon emerge when saki brought him dinner a few minutes later she found him lying on the floor asleep and decided to cover him up so he wouldn't feel cold the next morning she invited him for breakfast and as he ate he told her that it's the best meal he's had since he lost his family meanwhile NASA and revel were having a meeting with the other angels as they wondered if any of the remaining God candidates were fitting to become God when the angel of Truth yaisley said that they were hopeless Panama who was the angel
of game promised to provide a worthy candidate before their 800 days elapsed at the church while Mariah and Saki were eating Revel hurried to them and told them about a new God candidate that was revealing himself to the people it was yuido and as he took off his mask for everyone to see he began Rising into the air when the reporter asked how he got his powers he decided to tell everyone the story since God was tired of ruling the world he had sent 13 angels to Earth so they could find him a replacement as
he revealed a drawing of his Angel he said that only the chosen candidates had the ability to see them several months ago he was a nobody in school and lived a very sad and lonely life when he tried eating too much candy an angel appeared to him and gave him the red arrow and the ability to fly so when he returned to school the following day he put arrows in his classmates and made them fall in love with him and give him their toys however one day he saw Metropolitan threatening to annihilate every God candidate
in the world and became afraid for himself so he DEC decided to shoot him an arrow and made him fight with Mariah till the death with six God candidates left he was hoping to meet the rest of them and revealed that he was hoping to see Mirai become the new God since he didn't know his real identity he wanted everyone to look for him and to reveal who he was so he can be voted in his God but Mariah and his friends thought that it was a trap to eliminate them when saki asked if Mirai
could be crowned God through the support of other God candidates Revel revealed that it was a possibility however they needed to support him without being influenced by a red arrow in the city three policemen snuck onto the rooftop and launched a net at yuido but he flew away leaving everyone staring in shock a few days later saki suggested they run away since half the world was looking for them she thought that they were better off living in some remote island and eating coconuts for breakfast and in a few years they could start having babies and
watching late night television Mirai had always imagined waking up on her beautiful cherries but thought that running away would be a cowardly thing to do so he suggested that they pretend to be normal people several weeks later they returned to school pretending not to know each other but while Mariah was returning home a strange man pulled up before him and demanded to speak with him with Mariah looking too freaked out to move the man showed him his badge but immediately Mirai drew his wings and aimed his Arrow at him however the man told him that
he came on a peacekeeping mission and was as harmless as a dove although the entire world was looking for him he considered him too valuable to be exposed suddenly he began wondering if Mariah was holding a red or white Arrow since he couldn't actually see it with Mariah still looking freaked out he told him that another agent was trying to meet saki at the same moment immediately Mariah ran towards Saki and saw her with a random lady whom she had just impaled with a red arrow the man hurried to her but since he could not
see the arrow he decided to ask for her favorite color however the lady could only remember saki's name as she was totally in love fascinated by his Discovery the man told them that the lady was his wife and that they have been married for a decade and although he's always known about the abilities of the red and white arrows it seemed like a movie as he watched it play out before his eyes he introduced himself as Hoshi and told them that they were the World's Most Wanted teenagers because of their abilities as every country in
the world was looking to make them the most powerful assassins alive at those words Mariah and Saki Drew their wings and were ready to fly away but he swore on his mother's grave that he was telling the truth moments later in his car he told them that the remaining God candidates were being hunted all across the city and needed their help in finding them as they were soon to be brainwashed into modern day Terminators at these words Mirai began panicking but swore never to get caught inside the apartment Hoshi told his wife yumiki that they
were being summoned to the headquarters but she would rather stay with the new Love of her life saki wished to avoid an awkward situation so she told her to go with him however before Lee she handed them new phones to keep their whereabouts hidden when they were gone Mariah told saki that Hoshi was acting like a weirdo and may have intentionally allowed his wife to get impaled with an arrow so he could win over their trusts but she thought he was becoming paranoid and rather believed that they genuinely cared about them when they returned that
night Mariah declared his support for them but after a moment Hoshi began asking saki to give his wife her own pair of wings since she could only have them for a few weeks he thought that it was best for her to utilize her gift and to begin seeing Angels herself after a little hesitation saki threw her a magical ring and immediately a pair of wings burst from her as she saw the angels and began rising up in the air after a moment Hoshi revealed his findings to them and told them that several people were beginning
to declare themselves as God candidates and were campaigning for the state's assembly the following night Mariah decided to appear before a man who was pretending to be another God candidate but as he began to scream Mariah realized that the dude was fake the next day as they looked for a new lead saki decided to give yumaki another magical ring so she could summon her own red arrows after a few days Mariah appeared before a boy and aimed his Arrow at him his name was Mina makawa when he began freaking out Mariah asked why he had
not flown away like every other God candidate would have so he told them that he had no wings taking him for a low ranking candidate Mariah decided to shoot him with an arrow in a nearby house a young boy was confessing to his brother that he ended their parents by firing a red arrow at them and commanded them to enter Nirvana hearing these words his brother became horrified and asked to die like their parents so the boy summoned his Arrow but as he launched it towards him it got blocked as Mariah appeared before his eyes
before long the boy's Angel Aguero appeared behind him for support after realizing that Minna mccowell was the only one without an Angel Mariah decided to ask him if his horrendous face had scared his Angel off one there was a violation personally I wouldn't but the dude never had an angel so he began confessing that he was the biggest loser in the world and could not afford an angel if they were sold for a dollar he had lied about being a god candidate because he was afraid of getting annihilated hearing these words the boy introduced himself
as shuji and told Mariah to end him since he was a depressed and lonely orphan as he summoned a red arrow he called it a wishing Arrow since he could make anyone eliminate themselves whenever they were feeling sad and miserable several months ago while in the hospital he had decided to put his grandfather out of his misery and as he impaled him with an arrow he commanded him to this Act made him realize that he could become a demigod so when his mother abandoned their family and ran off with a filthy lowlife he decided to
vote himself judge and executioner with his father unable to move on he commanded him to count all the fish in the river until he drowned and after he died he decided to end his mother too and made her beg for forgiveness like a miserable when her low-life lover showed up hoping to die by her side shuji decided to grant His Wish since he was the self-proclaimed god of death however the vain loser immediately ate his words and asked for his life to be spared shuji discovered that everyone who desired to die merely needed a helping
hand in the form of his Beautiful Death arrows and that had made him to take up the position of the deaf granting Lord of their City when Mirai told him that he could go to jail for helping someone meet the Buddha the boy looked at them in shock and promised to repent from his ways however for the final time he wished to end his brother so he aimed at him but Mariah stood in his way since life was an endless cycle of pain and misery Judy believed that everyone had the choice to leave or die
however Mariah would not agree with him as he was convinced that life was worth living for even through all the pain and suffering with shuji refusing to accept this minamakawa decided to get involved and began telling him that every human was born for a Divine Purpose and that the moment they ended themselves they would be leaving a vacuum in the world forever moved by these words shuji decided to spare his brother but vowed to end himself at any moment Revel was hoping to change his mind so he asked him to stick around until a new
God was crowned but the boy didn't give a about it Mariah told him that the entire world were looking for the god candidates and that it was only a matter of time before he was found so after a moment the boy agreed to go with them in the apartment Mariah introduced them all to each other but as shuji saw yumika's huge cannons he took off to the corner after a few hours his sadness grew again and he told everyone that he was really considering hugging the ground he saw human life as a total and feudal
waste depended only on selfish desires the same way he was born into the world without any real affection since his mother decided to abandon him like he was worth nothing he could only see the world as trash and everyone is a garbage truck however Hoshi thought that he was being too hard on himself and told him that there were good people who really care about their loved ones and hoped that he would stay alive long enough to know who will become the new God the following day Mariah and Saki appeared in the city and as
they began telling everyone that the god candidates were as harmless as a butterfly yuido appeared before them he called himself mirai's biggest fan but wondered if Mariah was a clone hoping to discover the truth he decided to fire an arrow at him but Mariah blocked it with that settled Mariah suggested speaking in private so they vanished from the city in outer space Mariah told yuido that they were looking to choose a new God and would like to keep him close to their group so the boy accepted to join them meanwhile in a far away State
House a young lady Yuri Who was the fifth God candidate was informed by the remaining Angels about the meaning to choose the next God since she was being held by secret agents she decided to escape and pretended to pass out on the floor as three security walked into the room to have a look at her she launched her arrows right into them and commanded them to help her Escape as they arrived in a new room one of the men shot at the window allowing the girl to burst outside and take off the security began running
after her but as they forced her to the ground they realized that it was one of the men who was disguised as her at the same time Yuri came across yuido Mariah and Saki in hopes of gaining her trust yuido decided to give her a magical ring allowing her to grow wings in that instant and Rise into the air while flying yuido told Yuri that no one trusted him because of his ability to eliminate everyone with a white arrow and due to this he would not be following them to the apartment as he immediately flew
away in the morning Hoshi suggested they vote for a new god with everyone looking to choose Mirai shuji decided to ask his Angel what trophy Mariah would be given if crowned as God Aguero told them that God would have the power to annihilate every one of them and would have unlimited red and white arrows to either make every day Christmas or a horror show God could kill anyone he wanted and he could turn their world to any sekai if he wished after all Earth and Humanity are fickle additionally whoever that became God would cease to
be human and due to this could not remain on Earth at these words everyone became reluctant since apparently they wished to continue enjoying the good life on Earth with everyone else unwilling to become God shuji decided to take up the position he declared that he would make the world equal and just and would offer VIP seats to everyone who hugs the ground but Mirai called it the worst idea in the whole universe and thought that it would only lead the world into chaos through the phone yuido suggested that they take a vault so both of
the girls voted for Mr sad face however just when they thought everything was done algero told them that they needed the support of the last candidate but he he was being aided by the angel of Destruction who had a reputation for igniting Wars in heaven the following day the group appeared in the city and before long the angel of Destruction Mooney began approaching them she told them that they needed to make their confessions before having a meeting with the final candidate and at that moment several helicopters flew towards them and prepared to fire at them
however the group vanished and as they appeared in another part of the city they discovered that the helicopters were retreating nor I announced that they wished to declare their intentions for Earth if they became God and just as he was done shuji decided to speak first and began saying that it was his dream to see humans pass on like leaves and would be more than happy to watch people hug the ground on their own terms the next person was Yuri who said that her own desire was to watch robots take over the Earth and to
live on a yacht for the rest of her life yuido confessed that he was looking to destroy every school in the entire world so that teenagers would never have to worry about homework anymore saki however was merely hoping to see everyone smile like the Joker when it was murai's turn he declared that he would do nothing and would rather leave the world the same way it was at the same time across the city the final man was watching them all on TV his name was yonda and he was a mad scientist as he approached the
window he summoned his Angel and vanished immediately he appeared before the group and after a moment he began telling them that they were all being tricked by the angels and that God was a fake since nothing else made sense to him he was convinced that God was another Angel who lived off of Humanity's fate and would vanish the instant everyone stopped worshiping him so in a desperate attempt to save himself he had forced his angels to trick them into believing that he would bestow upon them the power to rule Earth however Mr scientist was convinced
that it was merely another means of deceiving Earth into believing he exists and that the world didn't need him anymore since Tech was fast taking over saki confessed that she wasn't a total believer either however she thought that it was important for humans to worship what they believe in as shuji decided to support yonda the rest of the group became confused and wondered who would offer themselves up to the angels so yonda advised that they gave their abilities and returned to being regular people shuji told them that the world would be a better place if
they weren't afraid of dying and decided that they were better off not believing in anything however Mariah would not accept this so he declared that he would become God suddenly yuido vanished to a building and found a few men aiming a gun at each one of them he wondered if they were making a movie and decided to aim his Arrow at them in imitation Mariah screamed for him to return to the group but the boy would not listen in that instant a gun went off and yuido began falling from a gun wound as a bullet
was fired at the group they dispersed and Mirai began flying towards yuido but yonda flew away with him before long more bullets flew at them but they vanished and left the city at the same time yonda impaled yuido with an arrow and soon claimed all his magical rings for himself later that day yonda told the group that yuido had passed away and suggested they found a place to hide but when they were inside a cryptic house yonda impaled shuji with an arrow looking to control him and make him his new puppet in the apartment Yuri
confessed that she had lived a very lonely life and that having her abilities was the best thing that happened to her she was hoping never to lose them and asked Mariah never to take it from her if he becomes God so he agreed to it a few days later Hoshi and yumiki brought them to an abandoned station where they could hide until they were safe Mariah suggested that they tried to convince Iona to support them but Yuri thought that it would be too dangerous at that moment saki began to look sad as she realized that
they may all be annihilated the following day the arrow in yumiki vanished so Mariah decided to summon another arrow for Hoshi looking to keep the couple close to them that afternoon they watched the president on TV as he admitted that God was truly sick and that the god candidates were the only people who could save the world from an Annihilation he intended to stay out of their business and guaranteed that they would not be attacked any longer but would be granted their own space to decide who would become the next God Mr Ugly Stein was
next and he told everyone that he was looking to see an earth without God and intended to eliminate every God candidate so that his vision for Earth would play out before his eyes Mirai wondered what would happen if they were all dead so Revel told him that God would vanish forever the next day Mariah revealed to Saki and Yuri that only a few people in the world still believe that God existed he was afraid that becoming God would not convince the people to believe in him and that after a few years as God he may
also begin to vanish saki asked him if he was getting reluctant to become God but Mirai had no answer for her later that night as they sat on a rooftop looking at the beautiful night sky saki told Mariah that she loved him with all of her heart and was hoping to stay with him forever so he smiled and held her hand as they watched the sun rise together that afternoon the group appeared Stadium to meet Professor creep you out he told them that his intention was to stop any of them from becoming God including himself
since none of them was meant to remain alive he intended to eliminate every last one of them at the same time as that was the only way to keep them from becoming God having done a bit of experiment himself he realized that it was possible to impale each other's hearts at an instant Yuri wondered why hugging the ground was their better option so he told her that humans alone should be allowed to rule the Earth since humans were never meant to exist forever he thought that they were better off putting their minds into robots and
creating synthetic babies however Mariah told him that he was determined to become God and to save the few humans who matter to him hoping to convince him yonda asked to speak with Mariah alone after the others flew away yonda told him that no human could truly be happy as happiness was merely determined by the things everyone could see and that even he could never save the world from Evil if he became God Mirai thought that yonda's books were making him lose his mind and lose touch with reality so he told him that his mind would
not be changed yonda said that ending him was his only hope to become God so Mariah immediately aimed his white Arrow at him when the professor said that he could not end him Mirai fired at him but he vanished Mariah asked why Professor crazy was looking to replace Humanity with robots so yonda told him that humans were destined to vanish in a few years and that he was merely hoping to see it happen in half the time realizing that this crazy genius could not be convinced Mariah decided to end him but yonda told him that
Saki and the rest of his friends had been caught and were soon to be annihilated he wanted Mariah to reconsider his decision and to decide if he would rather save his future baby mama or still become God as the timer began counting down Mirai chose the love of his life meanwhile in the city everyone was watching the both of them on giant screens when Yona asked why Mirai was choosing his girl over becoming God Mariah told him that he loved her with all of his heart and soul however the professor was events that love was
the biggest crypto scam and was merely inspired by raging hormones but Mariah believed that he must have had a useless lonely and disgusting life determined to end him yonda threatened to eliminate saki if he wouldn't offer himself up for termination as his timer began counting down Mariah decided to accept however NASA appeared before him warning him that the professor was trying to trick him into surrendering himself but he would not listen to her as memories of Saki were in his mind at that instant yonda fired his Arrow towards him but nasae began pulling him away
and flew High to the sky telling him that his life was important to her however in that moment she paused and he started falling down a strange bubble covered her and her body began to peel as Hoshi managed to catch Mirai they both watched her inside the mysterious bubble NASA told Mariah that she was getting demoted to Second Rank and could only Power him with either wings or red arrows after a quick thought Mirai chose his red arrows and immediately his magical Rings returned to her and the strange bubble broke to Pieces yonda told Hoshi
to bring Mirai to him but Hoshi knew that he only wanted to end him since he had lost his ability to fly meanwhile saki Yuri and yumaki were tied up saki confessed that she wishes to remain alive and to have a family with Mirai the same way he was hoping to stay alive for her her dream was to do his laundry and to make him breakfast while staying up all night to develop beautiful plot with him at those words shuji became confused as he could only terminate people who were looking to pass on at the
same time NASA suggested that Mirai should run off without saki but he told her that saki was his battery and that without her he would power down she told him that she came into his life to make him happy but Mirai believed that he could never be happy without saki by his side after returning to the ground yonda launched another arrow towards Mirai but right before impaling him saki saved him before long the group gathered together and shuji explained to yonda that he could only end people who have a desire to meet their maker beyonda
thought that he was a weakling but when yonda asked him to return his white Arrow Yuri appeared behind him and launched it towards him luckily nasee rescued him from meeting his Doom she said that her Destiny was to make Mirai happy so she decided to save yonda since she knew Mariah had no true desire to end him immediately another bubble covered her up but this time her body began to heal and as a bright light exploded she returned to her special rank meanwhile in the city everyone continued watching them on the screens Yuri told yonda
that after shuji freed them she had tricked him by suggesting that she held the white Arrow so everyone would feel a lot safer Fiona began to look sad and told them that he had led himself into believing all the right things were wrong however he would never believe that God was real as he began walking away Mariah told him that he didn't have to believe in any God but could simply decide to be a good or a bad person a few months ago he thought of hugging the ground as he could only feel pain and
misery but now he was happy to be alive and was excited to see saki in his bed every morning yonda told them that his whole life had been a waste since he spent several years trying to prove that God wasn't real having wasted his whole life he thought that the right thing to do was to hug the ground shuji didn't wish to see him gone so he decided to become God and promised to tell him all the things that he wished to know saki asked the Angels if shuji could become God since he had yawned
his Arrow inside of him Aguero told her that the arrow was of no effect since shuji was offering himself up to be God however it would not be possible to speak with any human easily told them that after shuji is taken to heaven the rest of the Angels would vanish from the earth and would never be seen again shuji began walking towards them having accepted his fate as everyone agreed to make him the new God he began flying towards the sky at that moment the Angels flew towards him and lights began exploding around him as
they covered him with their wings and caused a great light that spread over the city shuji announced that he had wiped off the memories of the god candidate dates from everyone in the world however before becoming God he wondered if they wished to remember everything that has happened Yuri told him that she wanted no memories of it and would rather hold Professor creepy as her new sugar daddy Fiona said that he still didn't believe in any God but wished for his memories to remain with him Mariah also wanted his memories so saki asked to keep
her own memories too suddenly shuji began Rising higher into the heavens and entered into a superior being before Vanishing into a light Yuri began wondering where she was so Professor creep told her that they came for their honeymoon but got caught up in some weird Mariah and Saki held each other's hands and started walking home several years later saki told her friends that she would soon be married to Mariah and that they would own a flower shop together it had been their lifelong dream and they were very happy about it after a few days Mariah
visited saki's family so he may have their blessing and they were happy to have him with them they had always hoped to see them together and believed that they would be happy forever that evening in their home saki asked Mariah what would make him happy so he told her that he wants to stay by her side forever when he asked what would make her happy she said that she was looking to carry his babies hoping to hear more of his confessions she decided to ask what he loved the most about her so he told her
that he loves her smile and hoped to have her close to him forever a few days later they got married in a church surrounded by a beautiful Heavenly light meanwhile in heaven shuji was watching everyone on Earth but soon decided to watch sad people however after realizing that several humans continued to suffer and were hugging the ground he thought that Earth was better off not having a God after telling algaro to summon all the angels for a meeting he stretched his hand and in that instant all the Angels began to vanish having had a miserable
human life shuji thought that he was useless as God since he couldn't help humans on Earth as Aguero realized this she saw that God had impaled himself with a great Arrow as everything in heaven began to dispel into a vac on Earth kids began to vanish and their clothes were left lying on the spot Mariah told saki that it was the end of the world and he promised to remain with her even after they vanished like they never existed he was happy to pass on with her and held her in his arms
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