Video Transcript:
in order to speak English fluently and confidently an individual needs to master the 5 W's method who what when where and why this simple 5ws method is the exact method used by native English speakers to speak English with confidence and fluently are you ready to learn how I'm teacher Tiffany let's Jump Right In I want you to imagine this situation you're in a group of people and the conversation topic is family and relationships and then all of a sudden someone looks at you and asks this question how can family members maintain healthy relationships with each other you can feel everyone looking at you and Beads of sweat are starting to roll down your face how are you going to answer the question that's when you remember the five W's method to think first in English you have to organize your thoughts in English before you speak English so let's look at some examples of how you can answer this question using the 5w's method let's say for example for the who you can say all family members for the what implementing a policy of no devices during meal times when at every family meal where at the family d planning table and why Banning devices during meals encourages face-to-face conversations helping family members connect on a deeper level and remain actively involved in each other's lives now this is just step one thinking in English using the 5 WS method but each of the W's has a piece of information attached to it so now how do we take this information right here here and turn it into a fluent English response here's how we do it this is the response using the five ws we just organized thinking in English the question again how can family members maintain healthy relationships with each other the response to preface the essence of quality time or quality family time often gets diluted in today's digital age where everyone's eyes are GL to screens in an Innovative move all family members have agreed upon implementing a policy of no devices during meal times effective at every family meal gathered around the family dining table the rationale behind this policy is based on more than just curtailing screen time it is about inheriting a culture of mindfulness and Presence by putting ourselves in each other's shoes we can appreciate the story emotions and experiences shared across the table Banning devices during meals is not a restriction but an invitation to engage in face-to-face conversations that help family members connect on a deeper level and remain actively involved in each other's lives cultivating a familial environment where everyone feels understood and valued now I know as you just listened to me read this for response you were probably like yeah that that sounds pretty Advanced Tiff that sounds pretty Advanced remember my goal is to help you sound like this fluent English speaker and a confident English speaker so let's break down this Advanced English response remember in step one we thought we organized our thoughts in English so let's break this one down does it really include all of the information let's start with the first part the who we see in our response all family members we see the what remember the what that we organized implementing a policy of no devices during meal times what about the when remember the when we organized at every family meal remember we're using the five W's method what about the we did we see this in our response around the family dining table and what about the why here's the why Banning devices during meals is not a restriction but an invitation to engage in face to face conversations that help family members connect on a deeper level and remain actively involved in each other's lives honestly this is a topic that I really am focused on because I've believe that cell phones are taking us away from each other so you see that each of the five W's can be found in this response now you again probably said to yourself Tiff I I I I'm happy um this looks great but um yes this is a very Advanced response but remember each of the parts that we organize remember let's go back looking again at the organization of our thoughts each part can be seen in this organization right when we looked at the response so I want us to look at something very quickly though because there were tons of terms used in this response tons of new terms so I want to first break down the first term from the response preface repeat after me preface excellent now this term just means to introduce or be begin with a preliminary statement or explanation okay I want to preface I want to start off before I get into the details I want to start with dot dot dot in English we say preface then there was another term that I want to break down this term was actually an expression put yourself in someone's shoes remember the response said by putting ourselves in each other's shoes we can appreciate the stories emotions and experiences shared across the table what does put yourself in someone's shoes actually mean it means to imagine oneself in someone else's situation or position in order to understand their feelings or perspective and what about this last one another important one inherit I said it is about inheriting a culture of mindfulness and presence what does inherit mean inherit just means to receive or be left with something especially a characteristic or quality from one's predecessors so this is a word that I want you to start using as you're speaking English inherent so we have these terms that we learned from this first response again using the 5 W's to think in English to organize our thoughts that was was just one response but now what if we have the exact same question but we want but we want I'm leaving it in but we want to give a different response here's the question again and here is US organizing our thoughts all right the question how can family members maintain healthy relationships with each other for the who this time let's say sibling groups including adults for the what organizing monthly sibling dinners or outings for the when first weekend of each month for the where rotating between each sibling's home or favorite restaurant and for the why regularly spending time together Keeps The Sibling relationship strong and provides continuous support as each person navigates adult life now remember step one is all about organizing your thoughts based on the five W's who what when where and why that's exactly what we just did for this second example we have all of the information organized for each of the W's now how do we turn this into a response here we go looking at the response using the 5w that we just organized to preface many Boomers often reminisce about how close-knit siblings used to be in previous generations without having a clue about where to start rebuilding these bonds some siblings have become like problem children in the family dynamic in an Innovative move sibling groups including adults have started organizing monthly sibling dinners or outings scheduled for the first weekend of each month rotating between each sibling's home or favorite restaurants the rationale behind this initiative stems from the understanding that adult life can create distance between siblings by putting ourselves in each other's shoes we can better understand the challenges and victories each sibling faces regular Gatherings aren't just about sharing meals they're about maintaining strong sibling relationships and providing continuous support as each person navigates adult life fostering an environment where siblings remain pillars of support for one another now again remember this is an advanced English response a response given by someone who is very confident and a fluent English speaker a response that you my friend by following this method will be able to give give very soon so let's break this down to make sure each aspect each W can be found in this response here we go the first W again is the who sibling groups including adults what about the next one we had the what well organizing monthly sibling dinners or outings next what about the win do we find each of the W's within this resp response the when the first weekend of each month what about the where do we see the wear in this response rotating between each sibling's home or favorite restaurants and finally what about the why regular Gatherings aren't just about sharing meals they're about maintaining strong sibling relationships and providing continuous support as each person navigates adult life remember I said a few moments ago this is all about organizing your thoughts first thinking in English using the five ws method and then taking that information and giving a response like a native English speaker so we just finished looking at the why but along with the why there are some terms that I want to make sure you understand the first term that I said that I knew I wanted to explain to you was Boomers so after me Boomers excellent excellent now this term Boomers just means or it's a colloquial term referring to individuals belonging to the baby boomer generation typically born between the mid1 1940s and mid 1960s again the Boomers like my parents are boomers okay so the first word again is Boomers now there were two other terms that I want to make sure you understand the next term happens to be Problem Child remember I said some siblings have become like problem children in the family Dynamic well problem child after me Problem Child excellent now this just refers to someone or something that presents persistent difficulties or challenges we say they are a problem child make sense all right and check out this final term that was within our response this one right here was actually said before problem child without having a clue about where to start rebuilding these bonds some siblings have become like problem children in the family Dynamic so after me clue excellent now this just refers to a piece of information or hint that helps solve a problem or understand a situation in English we say clue excellent job so again we're using the 5 WS method to help you finally start thinking in English and speaking English like a native English speaker now everything that I'm teaching you I actually included this in a course that I've created for English teachers this course is found at sing mile. com www. s m.
com I've taught literally hundreds and hundreds of thousands of students around the world and I've had many English teachers ask me hey can you help me can you show me how to teach so I've organized a course where I train you how to teach English like I do and also I give you enough resources for a full year to teach your own students so actually what I'm teaching you as an English learner but you might be an English teacher today comes from that course you've learned Boomers Problem Child and even clue this actually is content from the course so if you are an English teacher and you want to be a better teacher and you want to learn my methods all you have to do is go to www. sangal n m.