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Cosmic Harmony
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You Were Meant to find this video at this exact moment yes you Chosen One the universe is guiding you right now and this message holds something vital for you in today's video we're diving deep into something that has likely been brewing around you there's someone out there who is driving themselves crazy trying to attack you but here's the thing you are not just anyone you are a spiritually protected Earth Angel and their attempts to harm you will only backfire you'll see how their negative energy cannot touch you because of the powerful spiritual shield around you
and we'll uncover why their obsession with you is only leading them to their own downfall if you're truly aligned with this message and resonate as a chosen one you'll feel compelled to watch till the end the universe is sending signals and if you're meant to hear this you'll stay with me throughout this video for those who aren't chosen it's likely they won't even make it to the end and that's okay if you are here you are spiritually protected and this message is meant to empower you before we get started don't forget to like subscribe to
Cosmic Harmony and leave a comment with 77 to send a signal to the universe that you're ready to receive this Divine message replay the video to absorb all its energy and make the signal even more powerful remember chosen ones your protection is unparalleled no attack can touch you when you're in alignment with your higher self let's dive into the message chapter 1 the energy of jealousy and Obsession chosen one as you walk through life In Your Divine Purpose there will always be those who are triggered by your light the Brilliance of your soul the vibrancy
of your aura and the peace you carry within you can spark something deep in others especially those who are struggling with their own in a Darkness you see your very presence is a reminder of what they lack or what they've suppressed within themselves and instead of seeking healing instead of addressing their own wounds they often project their pain onto you this is the energy of jealousy and Obsession and it's something you've likely faced for a long time whether you've realized it or not right now there is someone who has become fixated on you they see
your growth your strength and your ability to stay connected to your higher self and it's driving them into a spiral of Envy they can't comprehend how you continue to rise despite everything life has thrown at you in their eyes you seem Untouchable and this frustrates them beyond measure they've made it their mission whether consciously or subconsciously to try to bring you down to disrupt your peace to interfere with your purpose but here's what they fail to realize every every attack they launched you every negative word or thought is only bouncing back onto them the universe
works in such a way that energy is always returned to its source this person who is so consumed by jealousy is in fact harming themselves more than they could ever harm you their obsession is causing them to spiral out of control they can't focus on their own path because they're too busy watching yours and in doing so they're only d themselves deeper into a hole of Despair this person may not even realize the extent to which they're sabotaging themselves their fixation on you has become their undoing every time they attempt to send negative energy your
way it's meant with the impenetrable force of your spiritual protection you see chosen one you are surrounded by an aura of Divine Light as an Earth angel you have been assigned an army of spiritual Guardians who are constantly by your side deflecting any lower vibrations that come your way no matter what this person tries whether it's through words actions or even energetic manipulation they cannot touch you their jealousy is a poison they've chosen to drink themselves every time they think of you every time they send out negative intentions they're only feeding their own misery it's
as if they've placed themselves in a NeverEnding cycle of frustration ation and defeat they're driving themselves crazy trying to figure out how to break your spirit but what they don't understand is that your spirit cannot be broken you are divinely protected and nothing they do can ever change that this individual's obsession with you is not just a sign of their jealousy but of their deep inner turmoil they see something in you that they desperately want for themselves but instead of seeking it within they've turned their gaze outward fixating on you as the target the more
they focus on you the more disconnected they become from their own Journey it's like they're stuck in a loop of Envy replaying the same thoughts over and over while you continue to move forward Untouched by their attempts to bring you down but here's the thing their obsession with you is also part of their lesson the universe is using you as a mirror for them every time they try to attack you they're being forced to confront their own shadow they're being shown their own lack of self-love their own insecurities and their own need for healing and
while this process is painful for them it's necessary because in the end the universe is always working for the highest good of all involved even their attempts to harm you are ultimately part of their own spiritual growth whether they realize it or not and for you chosen one this experience is only strengthening your resolve every time someone tries to tear you down you rise higher every time they send negative energy your way it's transmuted into fuel for your spiritual Evolution you are an Unstoppable force of Divine Light and no matter how many people try to
come against you they will only end up defeating themselves remember chosen one that you are not here to fight these battles Your Role is to stay in your power to continue walking your path and to let the universe handle the rest the more you focus on your mission the more the universe will ensure that any attacks against you are neutralized this person who is driving themselves crazy trying to attack you is actually expending all their energy in vain you are divinely protected and their obsession will be their undoing so Stand Tall in your light knowing
that no matter how much negativity is thrown your way it cannot penetrate your Spiritual armor you are safe you are loved and you are Untouchable the energy of jealousy and obsession will never overpower the force of divine love that surrounds you let them continue to drive themselves crazy while you keep Rising higher and higher chapter 2 the Power of spiritual protection Chosen One the universe has always had your back from the moment you were born you've been wrapped in a powerful layer of divine protection that no one can penetrate your spiritual protection doesn't just guard
you from physical harm it Shields you from psychic attacks emotional manipulation and energetic interference people may try to throw negativity your way but it's like they're tossing pebbles at a fortress made of diamond no matter how hard they try they cannot break through the spiritual Shield that surrounds you right now there's someone in your life who is desperately trying to affect you they might be trying to sabotage your progress undermine your confidence or Cloud your judgment with their toxic energy but what they fail to understand is that you're operating on a completely different plane you're
connected to Divine guidance rooted in a higher vibration and your protection comes from the highest sources they can try to attack you but their efforts are futile because your spirit is Untouchable you your ancestors Spirit guides and angels are working behind the scenes constantly deflecting negative energy and turning it into opportunities for your growth this spiritual Army is always on alert ensuring that anything meant to harm you is either returned to its source or neutralized before it even reaches your field this isn't just protection it's transmutation negative energy is being transformed into blessings for you
while the ones who sent it are left wandering why their attacks are backfiring this person targeting you is exhausting themselves they're pouring all their energy into trying to destabilize you but they're only destabilizing themselves you see spiritual attacks are like arrows aimed at the heart but for you Chosen One those arrows never find their Mark they get redirected either falling to the ground uselessly or ricocheting back to their sender the more they try the more depleted they become while you remain strong centered and Untouchable this spiritual protection also amplifies your intuitive abilities you can sense
when something is off even before it manifests in the Physical Realm you might have noticed certain people acting differently around you or you may have felt a shift in energy when you enter certain spaces that's your intuition kicking in letting you know that someone is ejecting negative energy towards you but instead of feeling threatened or fearful you remain calm and centered because you know that your spiritual team has already taken care of it you're able to move through life with confidence knowing that you're always protected what's more your spiritual protection doesn't just work on an
individual level it extends to everything connected to you your home your loved ones your projects and your dreams are all under the same protective umbrella so when people try to mess with any aspect of your life they're met with the same force of divine protection it's not just about keeping you safe it's about ensuring that Everything You Touch Is blessed fortified and impervious to harm the person who's been trying to attack you doesn't realize the depth of your Spiritual armor they may think that by causing chaos in your external World they can throw you off
your path but what they don't understand is that your strength comes from within no matter what happens in the physical world your connection to Spirit remains unshaken you've mastered the art of staying grounded in the face of adversity and that's why their attempts will always fall short this person might feel powerful in their own way thinking that they can manipulate situations or people to turn against you but the universe has already written a different outcome you see chosen one you don't need to engage with their negativity you don't need to fight back or defend yourself
because the universe is handling it all for you every plot against you is being dismantled before it even gets off the ground every malicious word spoken about you is being erased from existence every negative thought directed at you is being sent back with even more Force to the one who initiated it so while they're busy trying trying to pull you down you're Rising higher and higher Untouched by their jealousy or hatred you're thriving in ways that they could never have imagined because they don't understand the power of divine protection they're stuck in a loop of
negativity repeating the same toxic patterns while you move forward on your path Guided by love light and the wisdom of your Spirit guides as long as you stay connected to your higher self no harm can come to you your spiritual ual protection is like an impenetrable force field that surrounds you at all times and the more you honor your Divine Purpose the stronger that protection becomes you are an Earth Angel chosen to fulfill a mission of love and light in this world and nothing can stand in the way of that chapter three the power of
reversed energy there's something you need to understand Chosen One energy is always cyclical what someone sends out in into the universe whether good or bad always comes back to them in some form this is the natural law of Karma and it's especially true when someone tries to attack a spiritually protected Earth Angel like you the person who has been trying to bring you down is about to experience the full force of their own negativity rebounding back to them every time they try to Har you that energy is instantly reversed and sent back to its source
but here's the kicker it doesn't doesn't return in the same form when negative energy is sent out with malicious intent it multiplies as it travels back to the sender so the person who's been trying to attack you isn't just going to feel the effects of their actions they're going to feel them tfold their obsession with trying to harm you is creating a ripple effect that's going to come crashing down on them this person might not understand why everything in their life is falling apart they may think it's just bad luck or coincidence but you and
I both know the truth they're reaping what they've sown the universe is simply delivering back to them the energy they've been putting out if they had focused on healing themselves on sending love and light into the world they would be experiencing blessings but because they chose to operate from a place of jealousy envy and hatred they're going to face the consequences you on the other hand are shielded from these effects in fact you benefit from their negativity being reversed every time they try to attack you their energy gets transformed into a blessing for you it's
like the universe is saying No this Chosen One will not be harmed instead they will be rewarded for their perseverance and Faith so while they're experiencing chaos and confusion you're walking into a season of abundance and peace this is the power of reversed energy it's not something you control it's a natural byproduct of your spiritual protection the universe is always working in your favor ensuring that no harm can come to you and as long as you continue to walk in your truth to honor your Divine Mission the energy that others send your way will always
be transformed into blessings the person who's been attacking you might think they have power over you but they're about toar learn a very harsh lesson they're going to realize that their negativity doesn't control you it controls them they're the ones who are going to be consumed by the very energy they try to use against you and while they're left picking up the pieces of their shattered reality you'll continue to rise untouched and unfazed by their attempts chapter 4 the illusion of control chosen one one of the greatest Illusions people fall victim to is the belief
that they can control others this person who has been relentlessly targeting you is trapped in this illusion they think that by attacking you whether through words actions or negative energy they can somehow manipulate your life's path they believe that they have the power to influence your emotions your success and your spiritual journey but what they don't realize is that your destiny is not in their hands it never has been and it never will be you see Chosen One your path is divinely guided the universe has mapped out your journey long before this person even thought
of trying to interfere they may think that they can throw obstacles in your way create chaos or alter your course but the truth is they are powerless against the Divine will that governs your life the only thing anyone can control is their own energy and actions not the fate or destiny of others especially not someone as spiritually protected as you this person is operating under the false belief that their negative intentions can somehow derail your progress but they are about to learn a hard lesson control is an illusion especially when it comes to a Chosen
One the more they try to exert power over you the more they lose control over their own life their obsessive need to control you is like a fire that consumes them burning away their own peace of mind while you remain unaffected what they don't realize is that every attempt they make to control you is actually strengthening your connection to the Divine with each attack you become more grounded more in tune with your higher self and more aligned with your purpose the universe uses their negativity as a tool to elevate you even higher it's almost as
if their actions are fueling your spiritual growth while they are left grappling with the chaos they've created in their own lives there's a reason why they can't touch you why no matter how hard they try you continue to thrive it's because your purpose is bigger than any Earthly attempts to sabotage it you are here on a mission and that mission is protected by forces far greater than any human effort every time they try to control or manipulate your life they are met with resistance not from you but from the universe itself this person's obsession with
control is not just about you it's a reflection of their own inner turmoil they feel out of control in their own life so they project that need for power onto you they see your light your success and your spiritual strength and it triggers something deep within them instead of focusing on their own growth they've chosen to fixate on you believing that if they can control your path they will somehow regain control of their own but here's where they're wrong no one can control the path of a Chosen One your journey is protected by Divine forces
and no amount of manipulation can alter that in fact their attempts to control you are only serving to accelerate your progress each time they try to throw you off course the universe steps in not only to protect you but to propel you even further along your path so while they're exhausting themselves trying to create roadblocks for you you're moving forward with ease Guided by the flow of divine timing they may think that they can delay your success or tarnish your reputation but all they're doing is revealing their own insecurities and lack of control over their
own life you are Untouchable chosen one because you are aligned with a purpose that transcends the Earthly realm in time this person will come to realize that their obsession with controlling you was a losing battle from the start the more they tried to interfere with your life the more their own life spiraled out of control and while they were focused on trying to stop you you were focused on thriving growing and ascending they will be forced to confront the reality that no one can control the destiny of a chosen one not even themselves chapter 5
spiritual warfare and divine protection Chosen One what you are experiencing right now is a form of spiritual Warfare this person is not just attacking you on a physical level they are Waging War on your spirit your energy and your purpose but the beauty of being a chosen one is that you are already Victorious before the battle even begins you are divinely protected and that protection extends far beyond what the eye can see you are shielded by forces that operate in Realms most people can't even comprehend spiritual warfare is is nothing new for you throughout your
journey you've encountered people who have tried to dim your light silence your voice and disrupt your peace but each time you've emerged stronger more resilient and more connected to your higher self this current situation is no different the person who is targeting you believes that they can win this battle but what they don't realize is that they are fighting a losing War Your Divine protection is not something that can be broken or weakened by their actions in fact it only becomes stronger the more they try to attack you the universe is constantly working in your
favor blocking every attempt to harm you before it even reaches your energy field your spiritual guides ancestors and angels are standing guard ensuring that no weapon formed against you can prosper the person attacking you is not just fighting against you they're fighting against the Divine forces that protect you and that is a battle they cannot win they may be using Dark Energy manipulation or deceit to try to bring you down but those tactics are powerless in the face of your Spiritual armor the light that surrounds you is impenetrable and every negative intention they send your
way is being absorbed by that light and transformed into strength wisdom and blessings for you this spiritual warfare is not just about them attacking you it's about about you stepping fully into your power every chosen one goes through periods of spiritual testing where the forces of Darkness try to challenge their light but these tests are not meant to break you they're meant to awaken you to your true strength and right now you are being called to rise even higher to embrace your Divine Purpose with unwavering confidence while this person is exhausting themselves with their attacks
you are being renewed by the universe you are gaining more clarity more insight and more spiritual power with every passing day their attempts to harm you are only serving to elevate you further because that is the nature of divine protection what they mean for harm the universe turns into good what they hope will destroy you the universe uses to build you up the truth is this person is not just Waging War against you they are Waging War against their own soul by choosing to focus on tearing you down they are neglecting their own spiritual growth
and healing they are creating a cycle of negativity that will only lead to their own downfall meanwhile you are thriving protected by the Divine and moving forward on your path with Grace and ease the universe has already decided the outcome of this spiritual warfare and you are the Victor you don't need to engage in their negativity because your victory has already been secured all you need to do is continue walking in your light honoring your spiritual calling and trusting that the universe is taking care of everything behind the scenes this battle is not yours to
fight it's already been won on your behalf chapter 6 The Lesson of compassion chosen one as you continue to navigate this situation you are being called to embody one of the highest spiritual virtues compassion it may seem counterintuitive to extend compassion to someone who has targeted you with their jealousy and negativity but that's exactly what sets you apart as a spiritually protected Earth Angel you see beyond the surface level attacks and into the deeper layers of The Human Experience the person who is attacking you is acting from a place of deep pain and insecurity their
actions are driven by fear jealousy and a sense of lack they see you your light your spiritual power and your Divine Purpose and it reminds them of everything they feel they don't have instead of working on themselves healing their wounds or seeking their own light they have chosen to lash out at you believing that if they can diminish Your Shine they will somehow feel better about their own situation but chosen one you know that attacking another person's light never leads to personal fulfillment in fact it only creates more darkness in in their lives you've always
understood that the energy we put out into the world comes back to us while they are busy creating chaos you are rising above it your heart remains pure your spirit strong and your focus on your Divine Mission and this is where your compassion comes in compassion doesn't mean that you condone their actions or allow them to continue treating you badly it means that you recognize their suffering even if they're taking it out on you it means understanding that hurt people hurt people and that their attacks are a reflection of their own unresolved wounds not a
reflection of your worth you are being asked to see them Through The Eyes of divine love to remember that every soul is on a journey of healing even those who are lost in their Pain by choosing compassion you free yourself from the emotional entanglement of their negativity you release the need for revenge or retr ution because you know that the universe will handle things in its own way the law of karma ensures that whatever energy they are putting out into the world will return to them and you don't need to carry the burden of their
actions instead you stay in your power anchored in love knowing that your light is unshakable compassion also allows you to grow spiritually every challenge you face is an opportunity for growth and this situation is no different you are being asked to expand your capacity for love to hold space for others even when they can't hold it for themselves you are learning that true strength lies not in fighting back but in standing firm in your truth while offering understanding to those who are still lost in theirs at the same time compassion is not weakness it doesn't
mean you allow yourself to be mistreated in fact it's an act of self-love to set boundaries and protect your energy compassion comes from a place of inner strength where you can say I understand why you're doing this but I won't let it affect me you protect your peace while offering forgiveness even if that forgiveness is offered from a distance and here's the beautiful part Chosen One by choosing compassion you help heal the collective energy your actions your decisions your light Ripple out into the world when you respond to negativity with love you raise the vibration
of not just yourself but everyone around you you become a beacon of healing showing others that there is another way one rooted in kindness empathy and spiritual wisdom the person attacking you may not understand this now but in time they will the universe will guide them to their own lessons just as it has guided you and when they finally come face to face with their own Darkness they will remember the light you carried The Compassion you showed and the way you handled yourself with Grace in the end your love will be a lesson for them
even if they don't realize it yet chapter 7 standing in your divine power chosen one this entire experience has been a powerful reminder of who you are and what you are capable of you are not just a spiritual being having a human experience you are a Divine force of light and love protected by the universe and guided by your higher self no amount of negativity jealousy or ill intent can diminish your power because your power comes from a source far greater than any Earthly Force this person's attempts to bring you down have only served to
remind you of your resilience you have faced their attacks felt their negativity and yet here you stand stronger wiser and more aligned with your purpose than ever before every time they Tred to knock you off course the universe first stepped in protecting you and redirecting you toward your higher path and now you are standing in your full divine power unshaken and Unstoppable you see chosen one this was never just about them it was about you your growth your Ascension and your ability to rise above the challenges placed in your path you've been tested and you've
passed with flying colors you've shown the universe that you can handle the obstacles the negativity and the spiritual warfare all while keeping your heart open and your spirit intact now is the time for you to fully step into your role as a spiritual leader a light worker and an Earth Angel The Universe has cleared the way for you removing the negative energy and reinforcing Your Divine protection you are ready to take on whatever comes next knowing that you are guided and protected every step of the way your spiritual team is always with you and their
presence is stronger now than ever before the person who has been attacking you will continue to feel the consequences of their actions but that is no longer your concern you've done the inner work you've maintained your light and now you can move forward with confidence leaving their negativity behind you are no longer affected by their attempts to harm you because you've risen above it your vibration is too high for their energy to reach you and now chosen one you are free to focus on your mission you are here for a greater purpose and that purpose
is unfolding before you everything you've gone through has prepared you for this moment the moment when you fully embody your divine power and step into your role as a leader A Healer and a beacon of light for others you are ready to guide others on their spiritual journey using your experiences as a source of wisdom and strength strength the world needs your light chosen one and now that you've overcome this challenge you are more than ready to shine it the attacks the jealousy the spiritual warfare they were all part of your training preparing you to
handle even greater responsibilities you are now equipped with the spiritual tools the strength and the compassion to fulfill your mission so stand all Chosen One know that are protected guided and loved by forces Beyond this world no one can take away your light no one canem your shine and no one can stop you from fulfilling Your Divine Purpose you are here for a reason and nothing no person no attack no challenge can change that this is your time to rise to step fully into your power to embrace your role as a Chosen One an Earth
Angel and a spiritual leader the universe has your back and there is nothing you cannot accomplish your light is needed now more than ever and you are ready to shine brighter than you ever have before remember this no matter what they try you are Untouchable you are divinely protected and your power comes from a source that cannot be shaken you are here to make a difference in this world and nothing can stand in your way now now go forth chosen one and let your light shine chosen one if you've made it this far it's clear
that you are truly aligned with your Divine Purpose you weren't meant to find this message by accident the challenges you faced the attacks the jealousy they were all part of a bigger plan to strengthen you to awaken you and to prepare you for The Incredible Journey that lies ahead you've been tested and you've emerged more powerful more resilient and more aligned with your higher self remember no one can diminish your light you are a spiritually protected Earth Angel and the universe is always working in your favor the people who try to harm you who are
driven by their own insecurities will never be able to break through the Divine Shield that surrounds you their energy cannot touch you you are Untouchable because your power comes from a source far greater than anything in this physical world now is the time to continue walking in your purpose confident in your protection and unwavering in your mission the more you Embrace Your Divine role the more the universe will open doors for you guiding you toward your destiny you have everything you need to succeed and nothing will stand in your way as always don't forget to
like this video subscribe to Cosmic Harmony and leave a comment with 77 to send a powerful signal to the universe that you are ready to step fully into your light remember to replay this video to amplify the energy and absorb its powerful message on a deeper level if you're a true chosen one you stayed with me till the end and you know this message was meant for you go forward with confidence knowing that you are divinely protected that your mission is clear and that nothing no negativity no jealousy no attack can stop you from shining
your light in this world you are an Earth Angel and the universe has your back always until next time stay strong stay aligned and stay in your power you are unstoppable
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