How To Speak - Andrew Tate’s Guide To Effective Communication

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Mastering the art of talking is essential for success in sales. Whether you’re pitching a product,...
Video Transcript:
talking is something you need to get good at if you're good at talking you have the gift of the gab as they say you can sell anything no matter what you're selling the better you get at talking the better you're going to sell it so if there's one skill you need to practice for your sales is how to talk how to talk convincingly how to put energy into your presentation how to not be boring learn to speak if you don't have my body language course there's a course on that teaches you body language and
we cover oration talk about talking and how the way I talk what I do things tips tricks Etc if you want to learn to talk like me the grandm I'll teach you but you need to be good at speaking being good at speaking will make you be good at selling they are the same thing get used to talking I see so many I've seen I've been in presentations over and over again with people who have a fantastic product fantastic information great price point but just and the presentation is slick they've got the Powerpoint Etc but
they're just not good at talking there's no [ __ ] X Factor with their talk there's no papow you need to have that papow you need to get good at talking practice it practice getting good at talking that's one of the most important skills you can learn for life from getting women to selling products exactly the same thing you need to get good at talking it's important so there's lots of different ways you can get good at talking my way the way I talk suits my personality you have to develop your own type but I
make sure I try my best to make sure I put loads of energy into how I speak most people speak and they don't realize super low energy and then we will and when you have the ebook you don't sell the ebook you sell the result of the ebook because if you sell the ebook you're bored already I'm bored so I scream and I move my arms around and [ __ ] I'm eccentric I'm over the top you don't have to be that way there's other ways you can also be engaging without being the same as
me I know lots of other guys are engaging other ways but you have to develop an angle to be engaging so let next time you talk to someone who's an engaging speaker find out why they're engaging even some people are engaging because they laugh all the time people like positivity so have you ever been around someone who's like constantly like laughing when they talk but then you're like well you listen more cuz what [ __ ] what the [ __ ] so funny he his his life seems great I want to know what he knows
find a way to differentiate yourself one way or another there's loads of different tips and tricks I can't tell you to be like me because I'm me and you're you but you need to find a way to be engaging and the way you do that is next time you're listening to someone and you're particularly engaged work out what about them is Eng aging so I like to be high energy but high energy always helps being low energy never helps anything even if you're [ __ ] in bed at least if you're high energy it'll be
better than if you're low energy to [ __ ] do something one thing you do need to avoid is uh um uh uh uh everyone does it but if you'll notice you're watching this University I'm not reading off a a teleprompter I'm doing everything off the top of my head and I very very rarely start stuttering or saying uh um uh I've trained it out of my brain and I teach how to do that in the the body language course so if you're watching this and you want to be able to speak like me free
flowing B Machine Gun get the body language course but you start slowly you talk slowly you breathe you make sure you don't make any uh um and then you get better at it and then you can be as quick as me now I talk very very fast without mistakes without gaps uh and um will lose you a deal oh so explain to me how the flux capacitor Works uh um okay so you just lost it you just lost the deal right there and 99% of people will do exactly that even people who are good even
experienced people oh okay so um uh why how's the F capacitor work I'm going to tell you exactly how the flux capacitor Works here's how it works look at this I just I just got the deal you didn't all I did was repeat his question you're saying ah so you have time to think I'm repeating the question so I have time to think tell me how the flux capacitor Works uh okay uh uh or tell me how the flux capacitor works I tell you what I'm going to do I'm going to tell you exactly how
the flux capacitor works all I do is repeat this question it's not complicated there's tips and tricks so you learn how to speak without sounding like a [ __ ] if someone o and oz in a presentation with me I won't buy from them cuz I don't like that [ __ ] I don't speak that way learn how to not speak that way Andrew I want to learn to speak like you do the way you talk on podcast is why they're so monumentally successful I want to speak like you do how do you practice how
often do you practice and I tried to explain to him I said brother you're 42 years old I'm 36 years old you've been speaking longer than me so it's not about practice the difference between you and I is I pay attention and I make sure that I get feedback so if I do a podcast I will watch it back and write down every time I made a mistake or every time I could have used a different word I will sit there and actually analyze my work to get better you reflect I reflect if you don't
reflect and you just speak you stay [ __ ] hey how about communication who would you look at were you always a good communic I can see you being a great communicated since you were 14 years old my am I pretty I was pretty good yeah okay who did you look at and say I gu's good but I think I can you know do it better that's a good question and I think that you know what I'm asking I know what you're asking I I don't know if there's one particular person I took nuances from
because when you're a great communicator you know how to be serious and you know how to make people sad and angry and you also know how to make people laugh there's different people who can do lots of different things who was that was that somebody that was multifaceted like that I I think it was a lot of different people and I also think that did you pull from Comedy as well or no certainly did but I was also extremely self-critical I think that's where a lot of it came comes from I'll watch I'll watch this
podcast back 15 times I will notice every single time I made a mistake just then I said I'll watch twice that was a mistake I will watch this back 15 times and I'll identify every single error I have uh email list and I sign up and I get words of the day I get five or six new words a day which I try my very best to memorize it's harder than you think to memorize five words a day but I always try to make sure I have the most interesting vernacular I can possibly have a
why vocabulary is going to be very specific with my points the reason I actually did that my my I keep talking about my dad but he he T I'm his son I have the same name emry Andrew Tate the third he was emry Andre Tate thei my father was a linguist for the CIA he spoke Russian and German and Spanish and English and uh I think I've told this before back then when they needed someone who spoke Russian they would take a Native American teach them Russian nowadays we have a bunch of Russian speaking allies
you can go to Estonia lvia Lithuania they're all NATO and just get a Russian speaker back then they taught my dad Russian and he held the Air Force record for the fastest assimilation of a foreign language when he died a guy sent me an email sent me a message saying you don't know who I am but I worked with your father in the Air Force and he had the faist assimilation he learned Russian in 2 weeks crazy and I remember saying to my dad will you teach me Russian he said boy you don't even know
English I said what do you mean he goes you don't even know English and at the and and once he sat me down with the dictionary I was like you're right I don't even know English that's why even I've lived in Romania seven years people say why don't you speak Romanian because I don't know English yet I need to finished the first job before I learned the second I don't know English there's a bunch of words I don't know I can't speak how he spoke so I don't have time for a second language yeah also
another thing I found really interesting Putin speaks English have you ever heard him speak English no cuz if you want to speak to Putin you speak to him in his language you speak to me in Russian and I replied to you in Russian to I cannot be misunderstood or misconstrued I don't make a fool of myself you can't get me on some vernacular trick I speak my language and I also prefer that also I speak English that's what I speak if you want to speak to me you speak to me in my language so I
will win the debate always who' you look up to outside of your death I look up to lots of people I'm talking specifically younger age not today I'm talking 16 20 25 that that age not today it's a good question because I always believed in trying to take the best parts of individual people and then amalgamate them and I know you want a name and I can't think of one off the top of my head but I would look at people who I didn't even respect but they'd have one particular thing about them I thought
that's good it could be somebody didn't even like but he dressed well I think you just have to be perspicacious and look at people and there's something you can learn from absolutely everybody and just try and adapt it all I'm not saying everybody should be clones to me for everyone's individual right but there might be some things about me they find inspiring that they may adapt and take on board and then they'll find some things from other people but learning to speak is something I very well I understood from a very young age how important
that would be that's a superpower okay so let me go back to the question I was asking where I'm trying to go with this so I asked a question I said imagine the 20-year-old that's watching this that's saying notate don't give me the answer for I can anybody can create you know contribute to society I'm not that guy talk to me like I'm one in a million talk to me like I'm one so if I'm willing to get 20 years 30 years of my life to one way to go up to make true positive impact
in America my country in the world what what should don't talk to me like everybody else go the standards what should I do what angle should I okay so first things first you need to be worthy of respect and you're going to be worthy of respect through having things which are difficult to acquire so first things first the basic things you need to be very focused on trying to make money because people listen to you when you have money they just do secondly you need to be in fantastic physical condition because when you're in fantastic
physical condition it cannot be B bought it must be earned and people know that when you're I I don't know about you if someone walked in to sell me something and they were obese I would not trust in the same that they were in fantastic physical shape cuz I'd say I don't think you have dedication and heart I don't think there's something about you that I just wouldn't trust you the same so fantastic physical condition and money is is the first thing the second thing whatever your ideas are you need to learn how to communicate
them speaking is the superpower in and of itself you need to become a fantastic Communicator you need to be comfortable in all Realms of communication you need to be persuasive you need to be comfortable arguing you'd be good at debating there's a lot of people out there in the world who have ideas that they can't even project into somebody else's mind how you going to how you going to rule the world with that how you going to get your ideas out there make an influence if you can't make other people understand exactly what you think
that's the first thing second thing once they understand exactly what you think you need to make them agree with what you think these are two different skills must be practiced and must be learned if you're 20 years old and you want to change the world you need to be having endless debates endless without resorting to name calling not on Twitter like a dummy in person and you need to come across in a way that people agree with you we can go back quickly and talk about the red pill the difference between me when I talk
to girls on these panel shows and every other guy when you talk to girls on these panel shows is when I'm done all the girls want me watch them watch the shows I say the same thing and by the end the chicks are in love with me as opposed to saying the same thing and the chicks thinking I'm a [ __ ] that's the difference I project my ideas and I make them agree with my ideas to a point where they're like texting me afterwards I'm not saying anything different is how I'm communicating it some
you can catch more flies with honey than than hurting people sometimes so you need to be good at everything you need to have a Swiss army knife of tools I know when to be intimidating or aggressive I know when to come across as obtuse I know when to come across as exceptionally open-minded and easy to understand I know when to come across is understanding I know all these things this all has to be practiced and a lot of it is yeah communication I would say if you're going to say to a 20-year-old who's truly exceptional
and driven I'd say you need to become a master Communicator because once you can do that you can do anything and that fixes all the other problem s right we talk about making money if you're a master Communicator who do fantastic in sales you'll kill sales you'll absolutely destroy sales if you're a master Communicator not many people know this I used to sell Windows you know the old school knock on the door window sales I did window sales for two or three years and I'd say this is one of the hardest jobs you could possibly
do and I would always recommend a young man it is some time to waste to go sell windows and the reason it's fantastic because I'll tell you why it's the hardest one to sell because one nobody wants them two they don't know who you are and three even if you convince them that they need Windows after them not knowing who you are then they go to all your competitors and then it becomes a price it's a nightmare it's the hardest sales job if you're selling a Lambo at least they want the lambo right nobody wants
glass and plastic they already have windows so you got to find a way to sell them these windows how do you do that and that's where all this master communication comes in and it's so many subtle little things being a good salesman is not necessarily being a liar it's not being a trickster it's just understanding what's going to make the person believe and understand what you say if I walked in and said would you like new windows and they essentially said no we don't need new windows our Windows look fine I would say but what
about the security aspect while looking at their three-year-old child and they sit there and go uh what do you mean security aspect and then I talk about how we had the lock 5000 and their locks are easy to break as if Glass isn't glass it's all the same anyway and you'd end up selling the windows you have to find the triggers in people there's another thing people don't understand about me in my message sometimes I sit here and I say things that piss people off because that's how you trigger people to make action I have
often written emails or done videos to especially to men when I want to help men to piss them off you're a loser you're a dumbass Andrew why you mean because you're not going to go to the gym unless I tell you you're a [ __ ] loser and you are a loser and I'm not lying to you you are a loser the emotional trigger you need to get up off that chair is the fact that you're not important nobody cares who you are any girl you're ever in love with I could take and you're insignificant
and when you die nobody's interested that's your fault you could have been something else you did that you failed that has to be done you have to be a master communicator and sometimes that involves also insulting people it's all a massive tapestry But to answer your question for the 20-year-old he needs to become a master of communicating but also to be a master of communicating to be a master of communicating you also you also need experiences worth talking about you have to live a life you need a degree of wisdom and wisdom doesn't always come
with age it comes with life live I had a guy messaged me this is a long time ago when I used to reply to my own emails two big now but he said I don't have any stories my life's boring I said bro where do you live he said in Madrid I said bro ride the train from Madrid to St Petersburg ride the M train from Madrid to vlot ofto do the Trans Siberian Railway cost you like 300 bucks go oh but what if I get robbed exactly that's exactly the point what if you get
robbed now you have a story maybe you'll die maybe you won't but you have a story don't bring your watch if you got a Rolex no no one wants to rob you anyway don't worry about it you're broky get on the train there has to that degree of risk to even have a story because when you have a story then you can communicate the story a lot you can't be an empty vessel either so when you say to you're telling me how I build this 20-year-old into a super soldier yeah he has to be a
master communicator but he also has to do things which are risky risk has value intrinsically linked to it intrinsically this is why people when you do risky things people want to hear the story your coolest stories involve risk something went wrong this could have happened I almost this I made it out without these risks you haven't got it so I would say to the 20-year-old do what I did get in the cage get in the ring knock someone out get knocked out train hard fighting will teach you everything you need to know about life you'll
learn everything about who you truly are you learn if you're a coward or not you learn everything about perseverance and hard work and dedication everything about being underappreciated you learn everything about fear you learn all of it you learn everything about people you win a fight check your phone lose a fight check your phone you learn all about people you learn all about them learn all about women I learned so much about women through fighting when I had a fight coming up and I was I was weight drained and I had barely eaten in in
weeks and I'd lost all this weight and I had a a world title fight and I'm fighting a guy who might kill me and she's complaining about the toilet seat I learn all about women you learn a lot about life through the through these difficult processes and paths and there used to be for men like a right of passage in most societies you had to go through something to become a man from a boy to a man but that thing was always difficult it's always been difficult now you have to self-induce it self-inflict it but
if you're going to be a boy and never IND never bring on that self-inflicted right of passage how you going to ever become a man it's great feedback
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