10 Prophecies That Are About To Fulfilled

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10 prophecies that are about to be fulfilled number one Gog and Magog powerful Army prepares to attack Israel the prophecy will be fulfilled watch this video to the end and find out the strangest prophecies in the Bible and the next events to occur in this world according to the Bible Gog and MOG Ezekiel 38 and 39 contain some of the most remarkable but difficult to comprehend predictions in the Bible these chapters foretell a northern invasion of Israel that will come like a storm and cover the land like a cloud Israel will seem doomed but God
will intervene in this attack Ezekiel 38: 8-6 after many days you will be visited in the latter years you will come into the land of those brought back from The Sword and gathered from many people on the mountains of Israel which had long been desolate they were brought out of the Nations and now all of them dwell safely you will Ascend coming like a storm covering the land like a cloud you and all your troops and many peoples with you thus says the Lord God on that day it shall come to pass that thoughts will
arise in your mind and you will make an evil plan you will say I will go up against a land of unwalled villages I will go to a peaceful people who dwell safely all of them dwelling Without Walls and having neither bars nor G gates to take plunder and to take booty stretch out your hand against the waste places that are again inhabited and against the people gathered from the Nations who have acquired livestock and goods who dwell in the midst of the land Sheba Deon the merchants of tares and all their young Lions will
say to you have you come to take plunder have you gathered your army to take booty to carry away silver and gold to take away livestock and goods to take great plunder therefore son of man prophesy and say to Gog thus says the Lord God on that day when my People Israel dwell safely will you not know it then you will come from your place out of the far north you and many peoples with you all of them riding on horses a great company and a mighty Army you will come up against my People Israel
like a cloud to cover the land it will be in the latter days that I will bring you against my land so that the nations may know me when I am hollowed in you o Gog Before Their Eyes in biblical prophecy it is believed that the invasion of Gog will take place in the latter days possibly during the first part of the tribulation this is when the Antichrist is expected to resolve the Middle East Conflict by signing a 7-year peace deal with Israel during this time the Jews will be able to rebuild their Temple and
live safely in their land The Invasion by Gog is expected to occur after this period God had promised to restore Israel as seen in the vision Ezekiel received about the valley of dry bones while exiled in Babylon the Israelites had lost faith but God assured them that they would once again Thrive as a nation the Lord continued to convey hope in a promising future for the children of Israel chapter 38 we learn about Gog and MOG Gog is the leader of the land of mog and we are told that these events will take place in
the latter days the invasion of Israel is predicted to come from the north according to God's word Gog will not act alone in this Invasion but will be aided by a coalition of Nations many Bible teachers believe that Gomer refers to Germany whereas taraga refers to Turkey these countries will only believe that they are in command within this Coalition according to God the coalition's attack is intended to loot and Destroy Israel this concept is not new as many Middle Eastern countries openly oppose Israel and any country that is a friend of Israel is considered a
foe by these nations Ezekiel 38: 19-23 for in my jealousy and in the fire of my wrath I have spoken surely in that day there shall be a great earthquake in the land of Israel so that the fish of the sea birds of the heavens the beasts of the field all creeping things that creep on the earth and all men who are on the face of the Earth shall shake at my presence the mountain shall be thrown down the Steep places shall fall and every wall shall fall to the ground I will call for a
sword against Gog throughout all my mountains says the Lord God every man's sword will be against his brother and I will bring him to judgment with pestilence and bloodshed I will reain down on him on his troops and on the many peoples who are with Him flooding rain great hailstones fire and brimstone thus I will magnify myself and sanctify myself self and I'll be known in the eyes of many nations then they shall know that I am the Lord God has indicated that he will allow this Invasion to occur so that the nations of the
world will be compelled to realize who he is when he intervenes and demonstrates his righteousness the Lord expresses his anger at this Invasion the language in verse 19 seems to describe an earthquake or perhaps a nuclear bomb in verse 20 we see the aftermath of the disaster natural disasters confusion and Terror will be used by God to defeat these Invaders after dealing with Gog and his Alliance everyone will recognize that God is in control gog's Annihilation and you son of man prophesy against Gog and say thus says the Lord God behold I am against you
oh Gog the prince of rash Meek and tubal and I will turn you around and lead you on bringing you up from the far north and bring you against the mountains of Israel then I will knock the bow out of your left hand and cause the arrows to fall out of your right hand you shall fall upon the mountains of Israel you and all your troops and the peoples who are with you I will give you to birds a prey of every sort and to the beasts of the field to be devoured you shall fall
in the open field for I have spoken says the Lord God and I will send fire on Magog and on those who live in Security in the coast land then they shall know that I am the Lord in chapter 39 we learn about the destruction of the alliance of countries with the focus on Gog in his land of Magog the Lord emphasizes his opposition to Gog and displays the total annihilation of the Coalition 5 sixths of gog's invading Army will be defeated and their weapons will be powerless against the Lord the invading Army will be
annihilated in Israel and God will also send fire on gog's Heartland of Magog destroying it as well Israel will have adequate fuel for the next 7 years thanks to the weapons 7 months will be required for Israel to bury the dead special teams will be tasked with finding and burying any remaining deceased bodies the prophecy in Ezekiel shares similarities with the one in Revelation 19:1 17-18 however these are distinct events because Revelation talks about the battle of Armageddon while the situ situation in Revelation 20: 8-9 involves Gog and MOG Gathering their troops from the four
corners of the Earth in contrast in Ezekiel the armies are gathered from the north Additionally the Gog and Magog events in Revelation occur after the Millennium while the one in Ezekiel happens before the Millennium despite similar descriptions they are separate events the Bible makes it abundantly plain what God's plan for the nation of Israel is indeed the Holy Spirit reveals Israel's past present in Destiny via the Apostle Paul the invasion of Ezekiel 38 and 39 is linked to this prophecy of what will happen to the country of Israel in the latter times after Israel rejected
and crucified the Lord Jesus Christ God's prophetic clock stopped ticking we are currently living in what the Bible refers to as the times of the Gentiles however in the end Israel's Destiny will be reestablished It is believed that at the End of Time Israel will be saved according to Ezekiel God will pour out his Spirit on the people of Israel described by Zachariah as the spirit of Grace and supplication when Israel acknowledges Jesus God will work spiritually in their hearts many people today do not see Israel's future but we do let's remember to pray for
the Peace of Jerusalem and to share our faith with our Jewish friends as Romans 10: 12-3 13 still apply to Jews today number two the Antichrist will make a seven-year Covenant of peace with Israel many people interpret any conflict involving Israel as a sign of the impending end times however this mindset can lead to desensitization to ongoing conflicts and may cause us to overlook genuinely significant events it's crucial to grasp that conflict in Israel doesn't always indicate the end times over the course of its history Israel has consistently faced conflict the Egyptians amalekites midianites moabites
ammonites amorites Philistines Assyrians Babylonians Persians and Romans have all persecuted the nation of Israel inflicting suffering on its people why is this you may ask according to the Bible the ongoing conflict between Israel and its neighbors is attributed to God's special plan for the nation of Israel which Satan seeks to th report the persecution of Israel may continue until the second coming of Christ therefore conflict in Israel is not a reliable indicator of the end times the Bible predicts a time of terrible conflict in Israel known as the tribulation the Great Tribulation and the time
of Jacob's trouble Angel Gabriel himself warns up this Antichrist to Daniel it could be a treaty of friendship non-aggression or a guarantee of Military Support against any nation that attacks Israel this this man will prevent further sacrifices and offerings to Jehovah by turning hostile against Israel we learned from Matthew chap 24:15 that an abominable idolatrous image will be set up in the temple and presumably commanded to be worshiped something think that Wing refers to a section of the temple the prince who is to come will make a covenant with Israel for seven years thus completing
the 70 weeks prophecy for Jerusalem and the Jewish people we read Covenant with many the specific reference to Israel is denoted by the word many rather than a general reference to a group the ancient Hebrew text reads Covenant with the many Jesus referred to this as the abomination of desolation and indicated that it would be a pivotal sign of the Great Tribulation in 2 Thessalonians 2: 3-4 Paul also made mention of the idolatry of the coming Prince number three there will be a mass return of J to the land of Israel he will be their
Shepherd and gather them to the land ruling over them during the Millennium we see God's Ministry to his sheep highlighting the eye Wills of the Lord God on behalf of his sheep emphasizing the relationship between the shepherd and the Sheep number four the temple will be rebuilt in Jerusalem 2 Thessalonians 2: 3-4 let no one in any way deceive or entrap you for that day will not come unless the apostasy comes comes first that is the Great Rebellion the abandonment of the Faith by professed Christians and the man of lawlessness is revealed the son of
Destruction the Antichrist the one who is destined to be destroyed who opposes and exalts himself so proudly and so insolently above every so-called God or object of worship so that he actually enters and takes a seed in the temple of God publicly proclaiming that he himself is God this person will vehement oppose any form of worship related to God and will seize control of the temple of God in Jerusalem making him the Antichrist who opposes Christ in attempts to take his place according to Daniel 9: 27 and Matthew 24:1 15 the Antichrist Blasphemous actions will
occur during the middle of the tribulation period those who refuse to worship the Antichrist will face persecution and many will be martyred the presence of a temple is necessary for for these events to take place before the end times there is an interesting dilemma regarding the Islamic Dome of the Rock which currently occupies the site where the Jewish temple is supposed to be According to some religious beliefs the construction of the temple will signal the beginning of the end times it is believed that the Antichrist will rule the church will have been raptured and the
first half of the tribulation will have passed by the time the temple is built however there will still be time for people to turn towards Christ for their salvation number five the entire world in Israel will finally recognize Jesus as their Messiah Zechariah 12:10 I will pour out on the House of David and on the people of Jerusalem the spirit of Grace unmar favor in supplication and they will look at me whom they have pierced and they will mourn for him as One Mourns for an only son and they will weep bitterly over him as
one Who Weeps bitterly over a firstborn the Lord Jesus Christ Jehovah was the one whom they pierced mourning for an only son was the deepest form of Sorrow for an Israelite number six Israel will be regenerated restored and regathered in Ezekiel 11 God speaks to the Israelites assuring them that he will one day bring them back to their Homeland and renew their relationship with him he promises to gather the Hebrew people from the Nations where they have been scattered and give them a fresh wholehearted spirit Ezekiel 11: 18-19 when they return there they will remove
from it all traces of its detestable things and all its repulsive things remnants of paganism and I will give them one heart a new heart and put a new spirit within them I will take from them the Heart of Stone and will give them a heart of Flesh that is responsive to my touch the prophecy of obedience to God's commands will be fulfilled in the Millennium when Jesus the Messi Messiah rules from Zion and Israel has been restored to Faith after receiving a new heart the human heart was created to reflect God's heart we were
designed to love him love righteousness and live in harmony with God and others however God gave us the gift of Free Will which means we have the opportunity to misuse it just as Adam and Eve did in the Garden of Eden God wants us to choose to love and serve him when we refuse to follow God our hearts which were designed to communicate with God become hardened God Compares rebellious Hearts to Stone a Stony heart makes it difficult to repent love God or please him the prophecy of obedience to God's commands will be fulfilled in
the Millennium when Jesus the Messiah rules from Zion and Israel has been restored to Faith after receiving a new heart the human heart was created to reflect God's heart we were designed to love him love righteousness and live in harmony with God and others however God gave us the gift of Free Will which means we have the opportunity to misuse it just as Adam and Eve did in the Garden of Eden God wants us to choose to love and serve him when we refuse to follow God our hearts which were designed to communicate with God
become hardened God Compares rebellious Hearts to Stone a Stony heart makes it difficult to repent love God or please him number seven who are the 144 ,000 the 144,000 are first mentioned in Revelation 7:4 in Revelation 7:4 it says and I heard how many were sealed 144,000 12,000 sealed from every tribe of the sons of Israel The Book of Revelation has three references to a group of people numbering 144,000 Revelation 7:4 to understand who these people are we need to answer a few basic questions questions when are the 144,000 sealed in the Book of Revelation
a group of people is first mentioned after the opening of the six seals each seal brings misery and destruction to the inhabitants of the earth these events include the appearance of four horses representing false prophets War famine and pestilence they are followed by a religious Inquisition that results in the death of faithful Christians and Heavenly signs Christ prophesied the events in the ol ofet prophecy which will come due to Mankind's misrule of Satan's efforts to destroy Humanity in this teaching about the future Jesus described this time as one of Great Tribulation such has not been
since the beginning of the world until this time no nor ever shall be and unless those days were shortened no flesh would be saved but for the elect sake those days will be shortened Matthew 24: 21-22 The Book of Revelation it is stated that the cealing of the 144,000 will occur after the tribulation and before the wrath of God according to Revelation 7: 1-3 the Four Angels who are ready to bring punishment to the Earth from God are instructed not to harm the Earth until this specific group of people has been sealed these passages suggest
that the 144,000 will be individuals who survive the Great Tribulation rather than faithful Saints who have lived and passed away in previous ages number eight in the last days many will go to Jerusalem to worship God Micah 4:2 contains an interesting prophecy that people from around the world will come to Jerusalem to learn about God in order to understand when this prophecy will be fulfilled it is important to identify the context in which it was written when the Old Testament prophets refer to the last days they used usually mean the tribulation period or the Millennium
in Micah 4 the focus shifts from the theme of judgment in the previous chapter to a theme of future blessings in Jerusalem when God himself will rule Micah 4:3 this corresponds with the millennial Kingdom during which the Messiah will reign from his throne in Jerusalem Micah 4:2 teaches that during the Millennium people from many nations will come to the mountain of the Lord a reference to Zion or Jerusalem people from all over the world will come to the temple The House of the god of Jacob to learn God's law and follow it it's important to
understand that not everyone will need to travel to Jerusalem during the Millennium just because people from all over the world do so it's more likely that individuals will be able to Worship the Lord from anywhere on the planet Micah's prophecy emphasizes that the millennial Kingdom will include people from diverse cultures races and nationalities who serve the king K this prediction is a precursor to Jesus Christ's Great Commission which is to make disciples of all Nations some people believe that the current interest in Holy Land tours is a fulfillment of Micah 4:2 well a trip to
Jerusalem can be a valuable and Faith strengthening experience for believers it does not fulfill Micah's prophecy the establishment of the Millennium will require more than just tourists and travel agents the Lord himself appearing in power and great Glory Luke 21: 27 will be necessary to establish his throne Comfort his people Isaiah 51:3 and bring about worldwide peace what will take place both during and after the reign of the Millennium in Revelation chap 20 John describes the Eternal state where those who have faith in Jesus Christ will live during the Millennium the people of God will
be based in Jerusalem and continue their existence on the Earth Earth as we know it after God destroys the Earth and creates a new one he will bring a Heavenly City called The New Jerusalem down to the new Earth the city will be the capital of the new creation and God will dwell among his people in this new creation there will be no more sadness hurt or disappointment as we live alongside our creator the ushering in of the Eternal State marks the conclusion of God's purposes for the earth on which we live he is the
beginning and theend end the Creator and the object of creation the one who began and the one who concludes he is the Eternal one just as Alpha and Omega are the first and last letters of the Greek alphabet so he is the beginning and the end of all whoever hungers and thirst for the Fountain of Life salvation he is the one who freely provides it to them the idea that God will make everything new may seem too fantastic to be true but he claims This Promise is faithful and true his people will be completely satisfied
in the new creation symbolized here by the metaphor of thirst being quenched from the spring of life's water when you're thirsty the refreshing pleasure of Downing a cold glass of water pales in comparison to the spectacular satisfaction that awaits you Revelation 21:7 the one who overcomes will inherit these things and I will be is God and he will be my son every person who is saved will one day live in the new creation however the Christian who is fully committed to the cause of Christ the one who conquers will inherit an even greater reward and
God will dwell with him with greater intimacy as a father does with his son God has plans to bring about a number of changes to the life that we are currently living John refers to tears pain and sorrow as former things are aspects of life's routine that are destined to become obsolete no longer will it be necessary for human to wipe their own tears away death will no longer cause grief The Last Enemy shall be destroyed John also cited the future things all things new Believers freely move into a brand new world with salvation given
freely though costing everything however only those who have been saved will experience this new Heaven and new earth those who have turned their backs on Christ will be punished by being cast into the fiery Lake conditions there will be just the opposite and last just as eternally and the only way to miss hell is to embrace Jesus Christ after a brief reminder that those who continue to sin and rebel against God will spend eternity in the Lake of Fire and sulfur also known as the second death the description of Heaven is resumed unbelievers with their
unglorified bodies and unredeemed souls will enter a place where all of their problems from this life will be magnified with no hope of improvement they will be imprisoned in the consequences of their sinfulness to varying degrees one of the Seven Angels holding the seven bowls containing the seven last plagues shows John the New Jerusalem even though Believers will live throughout the new creation the angel directs John's attention to the new Earth's Capital because it will be adorned with God's glory the city will shine brighter than a cut diamond the city's Main Street will be made
of pure gold and each of the 12 gates will be made of a single Pearl this is where we get the idea that there are streets of gold in in our Eternal home not tar or cement but gold prophecy is typically a tough thing for many to understand and you may be searching for an easy to understand version to watch the complete animation of Revelation click here number nine the three worst judgments in the Bible the three worst judgments in the Book of Revelation number one seals the Seven Seals the Seven Seals in the Book
of Revelation symbolize God's end of the World judgment Revelation 6: 1-17 provides details about these seals the action begins in chapter five with the search for someone in heaven and on Earth who is worthy to break the seals and open the scroll the scroll is significant because it contains the program that will bring an end to the current age of Earthly history according to John's Vision the Seven Seals in heaven hold the scroll and as each seal is broken a new judgment is Unleashed on the world the trumpet judgment and the bow or vile judgments
follow the sealed judgments the search for someone worthy to open the celestial scroll in Revelation 5 serves as the Prelude to the opening of The Seven Seals in John's Vision John writes I saw in the right hand of him who sat on the throne a scroll with writing on both sides and sealed with Seven Seals the scroll includes God's judgment no one was found worthy to breach the seals and unlock the scroll which saddens John if the scroll could not be opened evil would not be judged and evil would continue to plague the Earth while
John is sobbing over the unopened scroll in its seven intact seals he receives excellent news the lion of the tribe of Judah the root of David has triumphed he is able to open the scroll in its Seven Seals this is a representation of Jesus Christ the slain lamb who is also the lion of judgment as Jesus Takes the scroll to open the seals and deliver judgment on the unbeliever world the beings in heaven glorify him with a new song John 5:22 for the father judges no one but has given all judgment that is the prerogative
of judging to the son placing it entirely into his hands the lamb starts to open the seals while being worshiped as each seal is opened a bit more of the scroll is revealed showing the judgments that God has planned for the tribulation period the first four of the Seven Seals are opened releasing The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse these are symbolic representations of judgments that bring destruction the first seal the first seal introduces the Antichrist Revelation 6: 1-2 then I saw as the lamb Christ broke one of the Seven Seals of the scroll initiating the
judgment and I heard one of the four living creatures call out as with a voice of thunder come I looked and behold a white horse of Victory whose Rider carried a bow and a crown of victory was given to him and he rode forth conquering and to conquer several details are gleaned from the biblical account he rides a white horse which represents peace at the start of the tribulation the Antichrist will appear under the guise of bringing World Peace the Antichrist is given a crown indicating that he will wield enormous power he advances like a
conqueror set on Conquest while holding a bow revealing his true intentions the second seal great battle erupts on the world when the lamb releases the second seal this is represented by a rider on a Blazing Red Horse wielding a huge sword Revelation 6: 3-4 when he the lamb broke the second seal I heard the second living creature call out come and another a fiery red horse of Bloodshed came out and its rider was empowered to take peace from the earth so that men would Slaughter one another and a great Sword of War and violent death
was given to him the second Seal's fiery red horse represents chaos following the initial period of peace that precedes the tribulation the world will devolve into violence with people attempting to destroy one another the third seal famine results from the breakdown of the third of the Seven Seals the rider seen by John is on a black horse and carrying a set of scales in his hand then John overhears a Proclamation that people will have to work all day for a small amount of food Revelation 6: 5-6 when he the lamb broke open the third seal
I heard the third living creature call out come I looked and behold a black horse of famine and the rider had in his hand a pair of scales a balance and I heard something like a voice in the midst of the four living creatures saying a quart of wheat for a Daenerys a days wages and three quarts of barley for a Daenerys and do not damage the oil and the wine the fourth seal when the fourth seal is broken Jon sees a Pale Horse its Rider's name was death and Hades followed close behind him as
a result of the fourth seal 1/4 of the world's population is slain by sword famine and pestilence as well as by the wild beasts of the earth Revelation 6: 7-8 when he the lamb broke open the fourth seal I heard the voice of the fourth living creature call out come so I looked and behold an ash and pale greenish gray horse like a corpse representing death and pestilence and its writer's name was death in Hades the realm of the Dead was following with him they were given Authority and power over a fourth part of the
earth to kill with the sword and with famine and with plague pestilence disease and by the wild beasts of the Earth the fifth seal the fifth seal of the scroll indicates those who would be martyred throughout the tribulation for their trust in Christ Revelation 6:9 through 11 says when he the lamb broke open the fifth seal I saw underneath the altar The Souls of those who had been slaughtered because of the word of God and because of the testimony which they had maintained out of loyalty to Christ they cried in a loud voice saying oh
Lord holy and true how long now before you will sit in judgment and avenge our blood of those unregenerate ones who dwell on the earth then they were each given a white robe and they were told to rest and wait quietly for a little while longer until the number of their fellow servants and their brothers and sisters who were to be killed even as they had been would be completed the Sixth Seal when the Lamb of God breaks the Sixth Seal a great earthquake strikes inflicting massive destruction and extraordinary astronomical phenomena the Sun goes black
the moon changes blood BL red and the heavens receded like a scroll being rolled up and every mountain and Island was displaced from its place Revelation 6: 12-4 I looked when he the lamb broke open The Sixth Seal and there was a great earthquake and the sun became black as sackcloth made of hair and the whole Moon became like blood and the stars of the sky fell to the Earth like a fig tree shedding its late summer figs when shaken by a strong wind the sky was split separated from the land and rolled up like
a scroll and every mountain and Island were dislodged and moved out of their places survivors of the Sixth Seal regardless of their social status seek shelter in caverns and cry out to the mountains and rocks for help Fallen us and hide us from the face of him who sits on the throne and from the Wrath of the lamb for the great day of the Wrath has come and who can stand an intermission in the Book of Revelation follows the opening of the six of the the Seven Seals the seventh seal Revelation 8:1 when he the
lamb broke open the seventh seal there was silence in heaven for about half an hour in awe of God's impending judgment the judgments that lead up to the end of the tribulation are now evident in the scroll and they are so harsh that all of Heaven Fall silent the seventh seal clearly Heralds the start of the new round of judgments as John instantly sees seven angels holding seven trumpets ready to blow an eighth Angel takes a sensor and burns much incense in it indicating God's people's petitions Revelation 8:5 so the angel took the sensor and
filled it with fire from The Altar and hurled it to the Earth and there were peels of thunder and Loud Rumblings and sounds and flashes of lightning and an earthquake when the seven sealed judgments are completed the second phase of the tribulation which includes the seven trumpet judgments will begin the seven trumpets in Revelation chapters 8-9 John describes a Time near the end of the world when Angels sound seven trumpets each trumpet Heralds the arrival of a new round of judgment on the people of the earth seven trumpets are described in Revelation CHS 8 and
9 as well as in Revelation 11: 15-19 the trumpets represent disasters the judgments heralded by the seven trumpets will occur during the tri ation period at the end of the world seven angels who stand In God's Presence are given seven trumpets which will be used to unleash another round of judgments the first trumpet Revelation 8:7 the first Angel sounded his trumpet and there was a storm of hail and fire mixed with blood and it was hurled to the Earth and a third of the Earth was burned up and a third of the trees were burned
up and all the green grass was burned up this plague destroys onethird of the world's trees and consumes all grass this judgment Bears some resemblance to Egypt's seventh plague the second trumpet Revelation 8: 8-9 the second Angel sounded and something like a great Mountain burning with fire was hurled into the sea and a third of the sea became blood and a third of the creatures which were in the sea and had life died and a third of the ships were destroyed in heaven a second Angel sounds a trumpet the result is that something like a
huge mountain all Ablaze was thrown into the sea a third of the sea turns to blood a third of the ship sank and a third of ocean life dies verse n this judgment is similar in some ways to the first plague in Egypt the third trumpet Revelation 8: 10-11 the third Angel sounded and a great star fell from heaven burning like a torch and it fell on a third of the rivers and on the Springs of waters the star is named wormwood and a third of the waters became wormwood and many people died from the
waters because they were made bitter the third trumpet judgment is like the second except it affects the world's freshwater lakes and rivers instead of the oceans specifically a great star blazing like a torch falls from the sky and poisons the third of the water supply Revelation chap 8:10 wormwood is the name given to the star and many people die as a result verse vers 11 wormwood Artesia absinthium is a shrub likee plant known for its extreme bitterness and poisonous properties and bought me the fourth trumpet Revelation 8: 12-13 the fourth Angel sounded and a third
of the Sun a third of the Moon and a third of the stars were struck so that a third of them would be darkened and the day would not Shine for a third of it and the night in the same way and I looked and I heard an eagle flying in mid Heaven saying with a loud voice wo whoo wo to those who live on the earth because of the remaining blasts of the trumpet of the Three Angels who are about to sound the fourth of the seven trumpets brings about changes in the heavens a
third of the sun was struck a third of the Moon and a third of the Stars so that a third of them turned dark a third of the day was without light and also a third of the night Revelation 8:12 following the fourth trumpet judgment John observes a special warning given by an eagle flying through the air this Eagle cries out in a loud voice wo wo woe to the inhabitants of the Earth because of the trumpet blasts about to be sounded by the other three Angels Revelation 8: 13 for this reason the fifth sixth
and seventh trumpets are referred to as the three woes the fifth trumpet Revelation 9: 1-5 then the fifth angel sounded and I saw star from Heaven which had fallen to the earth and the key to the shaft of the Abyss was given to him he opened the shaft of the Abyss smoke ascended out of the shaft like the smoke of a great furnace and the Sun and the air were darkened from the smoke of the shaft then out of the smoke came locusts upon the Earth and power was given them as the Scorpions of the
Earth have power they were told not to hurt the grass of the earth nor any green thing nor any tree but only the people who do not have the Seal of God on their for foreheads and they were not permitted to kill anyone but to torment for 5 months and their torment was like the torment of a scorpion when it stings a person the angels of the abysses considered the King of the Demonic locusts Revelation 9:1 in Hebrew he is known as a badden and in Greek he is known as a poon which means Destroyer
the Locust themselves are described in unusual terms they resemble battle ready horses they are adorned with something resembling crowns of gold and their faces are vaguely human they have hair that looks like women's hair and teeth that look like lion's teeth their wings sound like the Thundering of many horses and chariots rushing into battle and they wear iron breastplates they have stings in their tails just like scorpions these beings will be given the authority to torture anyone who does not bear God's seal the pain they cause will be so excruciating that sufferers will wish to
die a Baden apolon is the ruler of the abyss and the king of these demonic locusts the sixth trumpet the sixth trumpet and the second woe Heralds the arrival of yet another demonic horde when the sixth trumpet blows a voice from God's altar requests the release of the Four Angels who are bound at the great river Euphrates Revelation 9: 13-15 then the sixth Angel sounded and I Heard a Voice from the four horns of the golden altar which is before God saying to the sixth Angel who had the trumpet release the Four Angels who are
bound at the great river Euphrates and the Four Angels who had been prepared for the hour and day and month and year were released so that they would kill a third of mankind these four evil angels commanded a supernatural Cavalry of thousands upon thousands to slaughter onethird of humanity the Riders were fiery red dark blue and yellow breastplates their horses have Lion's heads and out of their mouths came fire smoke and sulfur and their tails are like snakes they use their mouths and their tails to kill despite the severity and horror of these plagues the
survivors on Earth still refuse to repent they continue in their idolatry their murder their sorcery their sexual immorality and their theft the seventh trumpet the seventh trumpet in the Third Woe sounds and there are loud voices in heaven proclaiming the kingdom of the world has has become the kingdom of our Lord and of his Messiah and he will reign forever and ever Revelation 11:15 24 Elders say the time has come for destroying those who destroy the Earth obviously God is about to wrap things up once and for all at the sound of the seventh trumpet
the temple of God is opened in heaven and within his Temple was seen the Ark of his Covenant and there came flashes of lightning Rumblings peels of thum ther an earthquake and a Severe hail storm verse 19 seven trumpet judgments have come to an end all is set for the seven angels with the seven bows of God's Wrath these angels stand inside the now open Temple ready to step forward and bring the final judgments on Earth Revelation 15 seven bowls of Revelation the concept of the bowls often referred to as the bowls of Wrath or
vials of Wrath is found in the Book of Revelation which is the last book of the Bible basically these bowls are like containers of God's Wrath by this time people had done a lot of evil especially under a leader called the Antichrist before the seven bowls are poured out there are a series of other events and judgments the first bll revelation 16 begins with a loud voice from the temple saying to the seven angels then I heard a loud voice from the temple saying to the seven angels go and pour out on the earth the
seven bowls of the wrath of God so the first Angel went and poured out his bowl on the earth and a harmful and painful sore Afflicted the people who had the mark of the beast and who worshiped His Image the first angel carrying his bowl approached the Earth he emptied its contents immediately a terrifying change occurred Those Who Bore the mark of the beast and worshiped its image the very emblem of their Rebellion against the Creator were suddenly Afflicted a foul and loathsome SAR appeared on their bodies people who once proudly showed their Mark are
now hurting and have Painful sores on their skin these marks are now sores the second bowl following the first Bowl which brought painful soures upon those Who Bore the mark of the beast the heavens prepared for another momentous act the angel stepped forward in his hand he held the bowl filled with a mysterious liquid Revelation 16:3 recount ounc the moment the second Angel poured out his bowl into the sea and it became blood like that of a dead man and every living thing in the sea died upon the contents of the bowl touching the Earth's
waters a chilling transformation began the Clear Blue Ocean teeming with life started to change into a deep thick red color resembling the dark vicious blood of a deceased person this change was not just symbolic or superficial it ran deep altering the very re essence of the waters the transformation described in Revelation 8: 8-9 as a partial contamination of the sea is depicted as complete here every living creature in the sea died the text suggests that the sea does not literally become blood but rather takes on the appearance and sickening character of the blood in a
dead body the third Bowl the rivers and springs aren't spared here either they too turn into blood water water the very essence of life is transformed into a symbol of death Revelation 16:4 says then the third Angel poured out his bowl into the rivers and the Springs of waters and they became blood this complete contamination is in contrast to the partial one-third pollution of fresh water shown in Revelation 8 in the face of such terrible judgments J's Vision serves as a stark warning urging us to heed the words of the Mighty to turn from wickedness
and to seek The Refuge found only in the grace of God the fourth Bowl it was the time for the fourth Bowl an angel stepped forward holding the next vessel of judgment the target of this bowl was neither the land nor the water but the very Sun that lights up the sky Revelation 16:8 and the fourth Angel poured out his bowl upon the sun and it was given power to Scorch people with fire all of a sudden things started to change change the sun which had always been a source of light warmth and sustenance was
given a new and terrible power it began to Scorch the Earth with an intensity never seen before the heat was unbearable everywhere people felt as if they were caught in an oven your skin sizzling under the Relentless fire from above the pain was intense searing through every bone every fiber of their beings and as they were scorched by the great Heat their hearts rather than turning to God for Mercy became hardened they shook their fists at the sky not asking for help but showing anger and disrespect to God the fifth bull upon the command of
the heavens the fifth angel set forth directing his bowl not to the Seas mountains or Rivers but straight onto the very Throne of the Beast the epicenter of wickedness Revelation 16:10 and the fifth angel poured out his Bull on the throne of the Beast and his kingdom became darkened and they nod their tongues because of pain when this bowl was poured out it made the sun disappear turning the beast's Kingdom completely dark think of a world with no light at all where it's so dark you can't see anything this Darkness wasn't calm or soothing it
felt heavy and made people really uncomfortable the profound Darkness however was just the beginning of their torment the darkness of the fifth bowl is a preview of Hell itself those under the judgment of this fifth bowl stand as it were on the shores of the Lake of Fire you'd think in the midst of such suffering that people might fall on their knees calling out for Mercy or forgiveness even when they were hurting instead of asking for forgiveness they chose to resist God's warnings instead of calling out for help or praying they spoke with disrespect the
sixth Bowl in his hand the sixth Angel held the bowl filled with God's judgment it was clear that this vessel had a Divine Purpose and the angel understood the gravity of its contents the entire Cosmos seemed to come to a standstill in anticipation of what was about to happen the angel poured out his bowl over the stretches of the great river Euphrates such a momentous event could only be best described by John Who Bore witness Revelation 16:12 the sixth Angel poured out his bowl on the great river Euphrates and its water was dried up so
that the way would be prepared for the Kings from the East as the water from the big Euphrates River went down what used to block the way now became a clear path the Euphrates River an extended part of the Fertile Crescent area is a significant landmark in scripture and a valuable resource in the Middle East as it turns through turkey Syria and Iraq the seventh poow in the heavens the scene was dramatic the seventh angel with the final bowl of God's punishment got ready to pour it out this wasn't just any Bowl it was like
the last chapter of all the judgments that came before it really showed how severe and final God's decision was Revelation 16:1 17 then the seventh angel poured out his bowl upon the air and a loud voice came out of the temple from the throne saying it is done this Proclamation wasn't just an announcement but an affirmation of the completion of God's ultimate judgment on Earth after that the sky reacted St wrongly Revelation 16:8 and there were flashes of lightning and sounds of peels of thunder and there was a great earthquake such as there had not
been since mankind came to be upon the Earth so great an earthquake was it and so mighty this was not a regular storm it was the most powerful one the world had ever seen the intense earthquake was a testament to how serious God's last decision was and nature was upset in the spiritual world because of it as the the dust settled another profound Revelation emerged Babylon that great City representing human Pride Defiance and decadence was remembered before God and in that remembrance she was handed the cup of his Fierce wrath a city once formidable and
dominant it now splintered and fractured into three distinct parts and its destruction was not an isolated event around the globe other cities bastions of human civilization crumbled and collapsed in quick seccession the Grandeur of man's achievements was swiftly being reduced to ruins this announcement coming from the throne itself tells us that there will be no more delay in mercy God has stretched out this scene as much as he possibly could the seals were followed by Trumpets the trumpets were followed by Bulls but there will be no more judgments upon the Earth after this it is
done in these final judgments God shakes the Earth with a tremendous earthquake number 10 the new heaven in this Vision John Witnesses a new world where God resides with his people eradicating all traces of sin death and sorrow in the first verse John predicts that the current world will end God created the Earth with the potential for this prophecy to be fulfilled the new Heaven and new earth will replace the world we know according to the Bible the earth and the heavens that surround us will eventually end however you as an individual will endure beyond
their destruction these elements will wear out like a piece of clothing and be replaced while you remain Psalm 102: 26 even they will perish but you endure yes all of them will wear out like a garment like clothing you will change them and they shall be changed the Bible unfailingly warns us that this particular world will not last forever his statement was in the context of end times prophecies and the Eternal nature of Jesus's words my words will never pass away this means that trusting Jesus is wiser than trusting anything in this world but then
how will the new heaven arrive well keep watching to the end and we will explain Jesus also refers to the passing away of Heaven and Earth in Matthew 5: 18 for I assure you and most Solly say to you until Heaven and Earth pass away not the smallest letter or stroke of the pen will pass from the law until all things which it foreshadows are accomplished in Revelation 21:1 John writes of a new Heaven and a new Earth in the Eternal State having seen that the first Heaven and the first Earth had passed away to
pass away is to disappear or be no more this refers to the physical Heaven and Earth the material world and all it contains scripture is clear that people will Outlast the current material Universe some in a state of eternal Bliss and some in a state of Eternal misery and that the current universe will be replaced by another that will never know the contamination of sin the method of this world's destruction is revealed in second Peter 3: 10-12 second Peter 3: 10-12 says but the day of the Lord will come like a thief and then the
heavens will vanish with a mighty and thunderous Roar and the material elements will be destroyed with intense Heat and the earth and the works that are on it will be burned up since all these things are to be destroyed in this way what kind of people ought you to be in the meantime in holy behavior that is in a pattern of daily life that sets you apart as a Believer and in godliness displaying profound reverence toward our awesome God while you earnestly look for and await the coming of the day of God for on this
day the heavens will be destroyed by burning and the material elements will melt with intense heat the day of the Lord will come like a thief the heavens will disappear with a roar the elements will be destroyed by fire that day will bring about the destruction of the heavens by fire and the elements will melt in the heat according to the Book of Genesis the world was once destroyed by a great flood during the time of Noah however God made a promise that there will be no more Global floods in the future Genesis 9: 11
on the other hand it is believed that in the day of the Lord the universe will be destroyed by fire the prophet Isaiah foretold the passing away of Heaven and Earth too all the host of heaven will be dissolved and the skies will be rolled up like a scroll all their hosts the stars and the planets will also wither away as a leaf Withers from the vine and as a fig Withers from the Fig Tree Isaiah 34:4 the people are assured by the Lord that while the Heaven and Earth may be passing away his salvation
is secure lift up your eyes to the heaven then look to the Earth beneath for the heavens will be torn to pieces and vanish like smoke and the Earth will wear out like a garment and its inhabitants will die in like manner but my salvation will be forever and my righteousness Justice and Faithfully fulfilled promise will not be broken Isaiah 51:6 have you ever thought about the fact that heaven and earth will pass away it's a realization that can give us a lot of perspective in life when we remember that this world is not our
permanent home we can prioritize what's truly important and live with a sense of purpose but in accordance with his promise we expectantly await new heavens and a new Earth in which righteousness dwells second Peter chapter 3:13 Jesus tells us to have the proper priorities do not store up for yourselves Treasures on Earth but store up for yourselves Treasures in Heaven Matthew 6: 19-20 and Peter after reminding us of the temporary nature of this world says so beloved since you are looking forward to these things be diligent and make every effort to be found by him
at his return spotless and blameless in peace that is inwardly calm with a sense of spiritual well-being and confidence having lived a life of obedience to him second Peter 3:14 the prophet Isaiah recorded God promising a new heavens and a new Earth behold I am creating new heavens and a new Earth and the former things of life will not be remembered or come to mind Isaiah 65: 17 the Glorious promise of God is that this Earth will be made new this will be a reversal of the curse of Eden when will this happen there is
some debate among Believers as to when this renewal will happen there are those who believe the universal restoration will occur when Christ returns and set up his Millennial Kingdom the Thousand-Year Reign on the Earth The View does not equate the renewal that Jesus spoke about with the making of the new heavens and new earth as was prophesied by Isaiah this will come after the Millennium but what is the size of this heaven will every Christian be able to fit there keep watching to the end and we find out there are those who will have no
part those who have not placed their trust in the promises of God will not have the opportunity to be part of it those who deny Jesus and turn away from their faith are not allowed to enter the New Jerusalem the unmixed purity of all who belong to the New Jerusalem in the afterlife the Saints will be completely purified from all impurities as death approaches they will be cleansed from everything that is defiling in nature in the New Jerusalem only pure people will be allowed among the saints however on Earth even with the utmost care there
may be a mixture of good and bad people in Christian communities which may cause trouble but in the New Jerusalem the society will be entirely pure and without any impurities to gain entry into heaven it is essential to be free from openly profane individuals as they are not welcomed in heaven while Earthly churches May witness abominable acts performed during solemn ceremonies such sacrilegious events cannot be tolerated in heaven a further Point worth noting is that the New Jerusalem is exclusively reserved for the called Chosen and faithful individuals who are not associated with Hypocrites Hypocrites May
infiltrate the Earthly Churches of Christ and remain hidden there for a long time possibly for their entire lives nonetheless they will not be able to enter the New Jerusalem the individuals who belong to this group are written in the Lamb's Book of Life how the new heaven arrives according to the scripture the occurrence of a new Heaven and new earth will take place after the Thousand-Year reign of Christ also known as the Millennium the vision mentioned in the scripture describes The Disappearance of the first Heaven and the first Earth with no sea to be found
Revelation 21: 1 then I saw a new Heaven and a new Earth for the first Heaven and the first Earth had passed away vanished and there is no longer any sea a new world now opens to our view in the concept of the new Earth we can perceive a new state not only for The Souls of people but also for their physical bodies this world world was not freshly created but it has been newly opened and is now inhabited by those who were its rightful heirs in the new Heaven and Earth there will be no
distinction between them the bodies of the Saints will be transformed into a spiritual and Heavenly form fit for their pure and bright abodes the old world along with all its troubles and turmoil has passed away to make way for the commencement of this new world the apostles saw a new world where the holy city the New Jerusalem came came down from heaven this New Jerusalem represents the Church of God in its new and perfect State prepared like a bride adorned for her husband it is adorned with perfection and wisdom and Holiness and is worthy of
experiencing the full glory of the Lord Jesus Christ the new heavens and earth will be distinct from the Millennium era as they will take the place of the old cursed creation any a cursed thing will no longer exist there however the Throne of God and the lamb will be present and his servants will worship ship him Revelation 22:3 there will no longer exist anything that is cursed because sin and illness and death are gone and the Throne of God and of the Lamb will be in it and his bonder servants will serve and worship him
with great awe and joy and loving devotion throughout the scriptures the concept of a new Earth complete with a brand new atmosphere in sky is a reoccurring theme that has been mentioned by numerous prophets this notion of a new Heaven and new earth is not limited to any one particular section of the Bible it can be found in both the Old and New Testaments it has been a source of inspiration and hope for many in fact the word Heaven is used in three different contexts in the Bible the first Heaven is the atmosphere surrounding the
earth what we commonly refer to as the Blue Sky second heaven is the vast outer space what we call the night sky and the third heaven is the place where God dwells in glory new heaven new Earth the term new used in this context is derived from the ancient Greek word Cain this term signifies new and character or fresh rather than recent or new in time the upcoming Heaven and Earth are not just the next ones in line but are rather a superior version of the previous ones as the first Earth has already passed away
it's important to recognize that the new Heaven and Earth are not just a mere remake of the old ones this is evident from Jesus's statement that while Heaven and Earth will pass away his word will endure forever Isaiah 65:17 behold I am creating new heavens and a new Earth and the former things of life will not be remembered or come to mind Isaiah 65: 17 contains a prophetic statement from God about the creation of a new Heaven and Earth the ancient Hebrew word used for create in this verse is barah which means to create something
out of nothing rather than reusing existing material material there are those who interpret the concept of newness as a spiritual and moral shift but it appears that there is also an actual physical change there was no more sea a new Heaven and a new Earth this chapter marks the end of the history of time and the beginning of the history of Eternity the present heavens and the present Earth will one day pass away Peter wrote but by his word the present heavens and earth are being reserved for fire being kept for the day of judgment
and destruction of the ungodly people nevertheless do not let this one fact Escape your notice beloved that with the Lord one day is like a thousand years and a thousand years is like one day the Lord does not delay as though he were able to act and is not slow about his promise as some count slowness but is extraordinarily patient toward you not wishing for any to perish but for all that come to repentance but the day of the Lord will come like a thief and then the heavens will vanish with a mighty and thunderous
Roar and the material elements will be destroyed with intense Heat and the earth and the works that are on it will be burned up since all these things are to be destroyed in this way what kind of people ought you to be in the meantime in holy behavior that is in a pattern of daily life that sets you apart as a Believer and in godliness displaying profound reverence toward our awesome God while you earnestly look for and await the coming of the day of God for on this day the heavens will be destroyed by burning
and the material elements will melt with intense heat but in accordance with his promise we expectantly await new heavens and a new Earth in which righteousness dwells second Peter 3: 7-13 God there will dissolve the old universe and make it new by means of fire many equate the renewal that Jesus spoke about with this event the making of the new heavens and the new Earth our hope the hope of the believer is in an inheritance that will not fade away blessed gratefully praised and adored by the God and father of our Lord Jesus Christ who
according to His abundant and boundless Mercy has caused us to be born again that is to be reborn from above spiritually transformed renewed set apart for his purpose to an everliving hope and confident Assurance through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead born a new into an inheritance which is imperishable be be on the reach of change and undefiled and unfading reserved in heaven for you who are being protected and shielded by the power of God through your faith for salvation that is ready to be revealed for you in the last time 1 Peter
1: 3-5 it is called a city Heaven is called the city but as it is they desire a better country that is a Heavenly one therefore God is not ashamed to be called their God indeed and his is ready to City for them Hebrews 11:16 but the truth is that they were longing for a better country that is a Heavenly one for that reason God is not ashamed of them or to be called their God even to be surnamed their God the god of Abraham Isaac and Jacob for he has prepared a city for them
all over the world there are many beautiful cities but we have yet to find a city that we like better than the one we come home to at the end of our journey 11 times in the Book of Revelation chapters 21 and 22 we find the word City it's the place where God and his people will live together it's not a figure of speech but a reference to an actual physical place and since we will be in our physically resurrected bodies when we live in that City we will need a physical city to live in
it's not some dream place it's not some idea it's an actual place the Heavenly Jerusalem is a city now this is not something that should surprise us because the longing for a city has been around way back from the time of Abraham we read in Hebrews 11 about Abraham that he looked for a city whose Builder and maker was God
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