15 Incredible Things That Happen When the Holy Spirit Enters a Believer

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Biblical Emotions Narrated
15 Incredible Things That Happen When the Holy Spirit Enters a Believer Subscribe
Video Transcript:
have you ever stopped to think about what really happens when the Holy Spirit enters a believer's life many people have a superficial view of what it means to have the Holy Spirit but the truth is that the transformation goes far beyond what we can imagine there are profound internal and external changes that affect every area of a person's life and the most curious part these changes can begin to happen in ways you'd never expect the holy Spirit not only transforms character but also offers power discernment and inexplicable Joy even in the midst of tribulations now
if you think you already know all the answers I challenge you to rethink there are incredible things that often go unnoticed when it comes to the work of the Holy Spirit perhaps you haven't yet experienced all that he can do or maybe you're neglecting some of the greatest spiritual gifts he offers and the best part these Transformations don't need to take years to happen when the Holy Spirit enters a believer's life the signs are visible and the change is real want to know what those changes are and how they can impact your life let me
tell you the 10 incredible things that happen when the Holy Spirit enters a Believer pay attention because one of these areas might be about to be radically transformed in your life after all are you ready to live the fullness of what God has prepared for you write in the comments below if you've ever had a significant experience with the Holy Spirit character change the change of character is one of the first evidences of the holy spirit's work in someone's life like a plant that begins to grow and flourish the fruit of the spirit mentioned in
Galatians 52223 such as love patience kindness and self-control gradually manifests imagine a person who used to be impatient and easily irritated over time they start to notice an increase in patience and the ability to forgive this doesn't happen all at once but slowly like an internal transformation that changes their daily actions have you noticed any changes like this in your life these changes are subtle at first but over time they become evident to both the person and those around them someone who used to react in Anger can now take a deep breath and respond calmly
this is the work of the Holy Spirit shaping the character to become more like Jesus if you think you're not changing pay attention to the small moments where you choose love over resentment peace over anxiety small victories count a practical example of this transformation can be seen in the simple Act of apologizing for many at admitting a mistake is painful but the Holy Spirit empowers us to be humble and recognize our faults the person who once resisted asking for forgiveness now sees it as an important step in their spiritual growth journey and who knows maybe
you've noticed this in yourself has the way you handle conflicts changed these Transformations occur because the Holy Spirit aligns us with God's purposes he adjusts our attitudes and helps us see the world through the lens of Jesus's love with every decision we make he is guiding us so that our choices reflect God's will the more we surrender to his Direction the more our character is transformed into a reflection of Christ's have you noticed this transformation in your daily attitudes character change is an ongoing process God doesn't transform us overnight but he gives us the time
we need to grow just like a tree takes time to bear fruit this transformation driven by the Holy Spirit paves the way for us to live in full obedience to God's word which will be the next natural step in this journey have you ever wondered how much of your character is being shaped by the Holy Spirit share your experience in the comments obedience to God's word obedience to God's word is one of the greatest signs that the holy spirit is working in our lives before we truly know God his Commandments may seem heavy or difficult
to follow however when the Holy Spirit begins to act that obedience becomes a natural expression of love John 14:26 tells us that the Holy Spirit teaches us all things reminding us of Jesus's teachings have you noticed how over time obeying God becomes something you do with joy when the Holy Spirit guides us obeying God's word stops being an obligation and becomes something that FL from our desire to please the Lord he enables us to understand and apply the Commandments in practical ways imagine someone who used to lie to avoid problems at work or at home
when transformed by the spirit that person feels a deep desire to be honest because they recognize that truth is part of God's character does that make sense to you interestingly this obedience is not limited to big decisions but also to the small details of daily life the Holy Spirit teaches us to be faithful in little things like not responding harshly in an argument or showing kindness to someone who has wronged us these are practical examples of how to obey God's word the more sensitive we are to the voice of the spirit the more we learn
to live according to these principles have you ever thought about how these small attitudes can impact your life obedience also leads to Greater intimacy with God God by sincerely following his Commandments our faith is strengthened and we begin to perceive the blessings of living in accordance with his will the Holy Spirit doesn't leave us alone in this journey he is our helper guiding and correcting us when necessary feeling God's Direction in your life is something incredible don't you think this is the result of a life of obedience that only the Holy Spirit can provide with
the Holy Spirit Guide ing us obeying God is not a burden but a blessing it's a practical demonstration of our faith and a way to show our love for him each Act of obedience brings us closer to Christ and helps us walk in Holiness this process of obedience leads to unshakable Joy even in tribulations which will be our next point of reflection how have you experienced this transformation in your obedience to God comment below joy in the midst of tribulations joy in the midst of tribulations is one of the greatest mysteries of Christianity and only
with the Holy Spirit dwelling in us can we experience it Philippians 47 speaks of a peace that surpasses all understanding and along with that peace comes a joy that defies circumstances This Joy does not depend on the conditions around us but on our trust in God when we are facing difficulties it is the holy Spirit who sustains us and gives us reasons to Rejoice even when everything seems to be falling apart have you ever experienced a situation like this this Supernatural Joy is what keeps us firm in the face of adversity imagine someone who lost
their job and is facing uncertainties by human logic this person should be distressed and hopeless but with the Holy Spirit in their life they manag to keep a joyful Heart full of Faith this kind of attitude may seem strange to those around but it's a clear testimony that true Joy comes from God have you seen anyone react like this in the face of tribulation the Holy Spirit constantly reminds us that God is in control and that's what renew our joy even when we Face loss frustration or deep pain the presence of the spirit allows us
to look beyond the difficulties and focus on the Eternal the trust that God is working even in difficult moments is what sustains us this doesn't mean ignoring the pain or pretending that the problems don't exist but rather trusting that God is with you every step of the way how do you react to your struggles moreover This Joy is a form of testimony when people around us see that even in the midst of difficulties we manage to keep hope and joy they begin to notice something different about us the Holy Spirit uses us to show the
world that there is a source of peace and happiness that is not based on Earthly circumstances maybe you've been through something difficult and still felt an inexplicable peace that's the Holy Spirit working in you have you had that experience this Joy also strengthens our faith when we realize that even in the darkest moments we can still Rejoice our trust in God grows we know that he is with us that his promises are true and that nothing can separate us from his love and this confidence leads us to Greater sensitivity to sin because we want to
live in a way that pleases The God Who sustains us with so much love have you experienced this joy in the midst of tribulations tell us in the comments the sensitivity to sin when the Holy Spirit is present in our lives he makes us deeply sensitive to sin before knowing god intimately we often justify or ignore certain behaviors that go against his will however as John 168 says the Holy Spirit convicts us of wrongdoing and what once seemed normal now causes discomfort and repentance imagine that gossiping about others used to be something that didn't even
catch your attention but now the holy spirit makes you feel immediate discomfort have you experienced this this sensitivity is essential for our spiritual growth it's no longer possible to live casually regarding sin when the Holy Spirit is present even the smallest missteps begin to weigh on the conscience not because God wants to fill us with guilt but because he wants to guide us to repentance and Holiness it's as if our eyes are open to see sin as God sees it this is an important step in becoming more like Christ have you noticed how the spirit
alerts you to small daily sins one of the clearest ways to see this sensitivity in action is when we have the desire to confess and aband sins we once considered harmless perhaps you've experienced this when dealing with something that seems small like a lie or a selfish attitude the Holy Spirit doesn't leave us at peace until we confront these areas and seek change this can seem uncomfortable but it's actually a gift from God that empowers us to live a Fuller and Holier life have you felt a deep desire to change something you once didn't even
care about about this sensitivity also leads us to care more about how our actions affect others when we are Guided by the spirit we understand that our sins are not only against God but often hurt those around us therefore we become more careful with what we say how we act and even how we think this transformation makes us want to live in harmony with everyone reflecting Christ's love in our daily interactions have you noticed this change in your attitudes toward others with this new view of sin also comes a greater strength to resist temptation the
holy spirit gives us discernment to perceive what is harmful and strengthens us to choose the right path this sensitivity not only makes us avoid sin but also leads us to seek Holiness and it is this pursuit of a righteous life that strengthens our confidence in Salvation a theme we will explore further how has the spirit alerted you about Sin share your experience in the comments confidence in Salvation confidence in Salvation is one of the greatest gifts the Holy Spirit can give us when he dwells in us the assurance that we belong to God is an
anchor for our souls Romans 8 reminds us that we are children of God and this gives us unshakable Security even when doubts try to attack us no matter what happens around us the Holy Spirit assures us that our Salvation is guaranteed have you felt that peace in moments of uncertainty this confidence is not just theoretical but manifests in our daily lives for example when we Face a crisis instead of being consumed by fear or insecurity we can remember God's promises and rest in them the Holy Spirit reminds us that we are loved and protected and
this completely changes our perspective maybe you've faced situations where even without knowing knowing what would come next you felt a deep peace from knowing god was in control have you experienced something like that moreover this assurance of Salvation doesn't make us passive but inspires us to live in a way that glorifies God we know that we are not saved by our works but the Holy Spirit motivates us to live in a way that reflects our confidence in Christ this could mean serving others with more love being more patient in difficult situations ations or simply trusting
God more in our daily lives confidence in Salvation gives us a solid foundation to act with faith and boldness how has this confidence impacted your actions it's interesting to note that even when we go through moments of doubt the holy spirit is there to remind us of our identity in Christ he whispers to our hearts that we are children of God HS to an eternal promise this assurance strengthens us and helps us face any challenge the holy spirit is like an anchor in the storms of life always pulling us back to the truth of who
we are in God have you experienced this confidence when everything around you seemed uncertain this unshakable confidence also leads us to have a deeper prayer life and communion with God we know that no matter what happens we are secure in his hands and this draws us closer to him seeking him in constant prayer and fellowship this intimate relationship with God nurtures our faith and helps us walk with confidence do you feel this confidence in your salvation share in the comments how your experience has been desire for communion and prayer one of the clearest signs of
the holy spirit's presence in our lives is the growing desire for communion and prayer the relationship with God ceases to be a religious obligation and becomes a genuine pleasure when the Holy Spirit draws us closer to God we feel an almost irresistible need to pray not as a duty but as an intimate conversation with the Father prayer becomes a moment of deep connection where we open our hearts and receive Direction peace and comfort have you felt this desire to pray more frequently this desire is not limited to individual prayer communion with other believers also becomes
essential the Holy Spirit urges us to connect with other Christians because we understand that we need one another to grow spiritually attending meetings prayer groups and services stops being just a practice and becomes something that nourishes our soul when we are with others who share the same faith we are strengthened and inspired to remain steadfast have you felt the power of communion in your walk with God the practice of Prayer in turn deepens with the Holy Spirit we pray more sincerely and with more purpose it's not about reciting words but having a real dialogue with
God if you find yourself praying with more intensity and feeling that God is answering that's the fruit of the spirit's action prayer becomes a space of rest where we can cast our anxieties on him and receive Clarity and wisdom have you experienced this feeling of relief and Direction after praying moreover the Holy Spirit leads us to intercede for others when we are in communion with God he opens our eyes to the needs of those around us the desire to pray for others grows and we begin to intercede for family friends and even for people we
don't know it's a demonstration of God's love in action when we care so much about someone's spiritual and physical well-being that we are moved to pray for them have you ever felt the impulse to pray for someone unexpectedly this deep desire for communion and prayer leads us to seek God's presence more and more the closer we get to him the more we feel the need to share his love with the world around us this connects us to the next theme the passion for evangelism which is a natural consequence of being filled with the Holy Spirit
and you how has your experience with prayer been comment below on how the Holy Spirit has impacted your life in this regard passion and power to evangelize when the Holy Holy Spirit fills someone's life an irresistible passion for evangelism is born in their heart it's as if the love of Christ Burns so intensely that we simply can't keep this truth to ourselves acts 1 18 tells us that the holy spirit gives us power to be his Witnesses and this drives us to speak about Jesus with boldness before perhaps shyness or fear paralyzed us but now
with the spirit we are courageous in sharing the gospel at every opportunity have you noticed this change in yourself evangelism is not limited to pulpits or large Crusades the Holy Spirit teaches us that we can evangelize in our daily lives in casual conversations with friends at work or even through a simple act of kindness you don't need to be a great speaker often actions speak louder than words imagine offering help to a colleague going through difficulties and in the midst of that help talking about the love of Jesus that's evangelizing have you thought about how
you can share Jesus in practical ways with the Holy Spirit in US evangelism becomes something natural before we might have been hesitant to talk about our faith worried about what others might think but now the love of Christ compels us to speak of him no matter the environment or situation this doesn't mean imposing our beliefs but sincerely and lovingly sharing what God has done in our lives every personal testimony is a powerful evangelism tool have you had the opportunity to share your testimony with someone the most interesting thing is that the more we evangelize the
more we feel the Holy Spirit empowering us as we speak about Jesus we notice that the words flow doors open and hearts begin to be touched this is not due to our own ability but because the Holy Spirit enables us if you've ever tried talking about Jesus and felt a power Beyond yourself that's the spirit working in you perhaps you've experienced this inexplicable urge to talk about Christ to someone have you felt that this passion for evangelism fueled by the holy spirit makes us want to see lives transformed and saved There's No Greater Joy than
seeing someone come to know Jesus through a simple Act of evangelism even in difficulties the spirit Comforts us and renews our strength to continue this mission do you feel called to evangelize more boldly leave a comment about how the Holy Spirit has sparked this passion in you comfort the holy spirit is called the comforter for a very special reason in moments of Sorrow when everything seems to be falling apart around us he is the one who Embraces and sustains us John 14:16 reminds us of This Promise made by Jesus that the spirit would come to
comfort Us in all situations you know those days when when things don't seem to make sense even in those moments we feel a peace that surpasses understanding a comfort that the world cannot provide have you ever experienced this deep comfort from the Holy Spirit the Comfort the Holy Spirit offers is not temporary like the fleeting Comforts of the world it is constant like a hand guiding us through the darkest valleys of life even when we Face losses Financial struggles or health problems the spirit reminds us that we are not alone this a peace that fills
our hearts not because circumstances have changed but because God's presence becomes so real and present have you ever been in a tough situation and suddenly felt an inexplicable peace Additionally the comfort of the holy spirit is not just for us but it also equips us to comfort others when we experience his comfort we become more sensitive to the pain of others and are compelled to extend the same Grace we've received think about how you could be a Channel of comfort for someone going through a crisis a phone call a word of support or even a
prayer can be simple gestures that carry the power of God have you thought about how the Holy Spirit might use you to comfort someone when sorrow feels too heavy to Bear the holy spirit gives us the strength to move forward he not only Comforts us but renews our hope even when things don't go as planned the spirit Whispers to our hearts that God has a greater purpose this Comfort is so deep that we're often surprised by the serenity we can maintain in situations that would have previously shaken us completely have you noticed how the spirit
renews your hope amid pain the holy spirit's role as comforter is fundamental to our walk we know tribulations will come but we don't need to face them alone the spirit is with us every step of the way strengthening and guiding us this Comfort also gives us discernment to see situations through God's eyes which prepares us for the next point of our reflection have you felt the Holy Spirit as your comforter in times of Crisis share your testimony in the comments spiritual discernment spiritual discernment is one of the most precious gifts the holy spirit gives us
in a world full of information voices and influences it's easy to get lost or be deceived but the the holy spirit gives us the ability to discern between what is of God and what is not as stated in 1 Corinthians 12:10 it's as if he gives us spiritual lenses to see beyond appearances what may seem good to the human eye the spirit shows us whether it is truly aligned with God's will have you experienced this Clarity in your decisions this discernment is extremely valuable in everyday situations for example when we need to make important decisions
like like accepting a new job making an investment or even starting a relationship the Holy Spirit guides Us by showing what is best for our spiritual growth sometimes he may warn us about something that seems perfect on the surface but isn't the best choice in reality how many times have you avoided problems because you felt that Alert in your heart that's the discernment of the spirit in action discernment also protects us from spiritual traps in a world where so many many philosophies and beliefs compete for our attention the Holy Spirit acts as a filter showing
us what is true and what is not he helps us recognize when something is deceptive or when we are about to fall into Temptations disguised as good opportunities have you ever faced a choice where at the last moment something made you stop and reflect that may have been the Holy Spirit protecting you another wonderful aspect of discernment is that it leads us to make decisions that glorify God often our choices are not just between good and bad but between good and better the Holy Spirit helps us choose what most pleases God and what will have
a positive impact on our lives and the lives of others imagine your deciding how to invest your time and the spirit leads you to choose something that not only builds you up but also blesses those around you have you gone through a situation like like that with this discernment we also grow in sensitivity to sin and in The Pursuit Of Truth the spirit shows us when we are being Guided by ego or fear instead of faith and this spiritual sensitivity prepares us to live a life aligned with God's will this leads us to The Next
Step the knowledge of Truth which the Holy Spirit reveals with Clarity have you experienced the gift of spiritual discernment share your experiences in the comments knowledge of the truth the holy spirit is the one who guides us into all truth in a world where so many ideas and doctrines are mixed having this clear knowledge of Truth is an invaluable gift 1 John 2:27 reminds us that the spirit teaches us all things revealing the depths of scripture and freeing us from the lies and deceptions that surround us when the Holy Spirit dwells in we begin to
understand God's word in a deeper and more personal way have you ever felt that suddenly the scriptures became clearer and More Alive for you this knowledge of the truth is not merely intellectual but is revealed in a spiritual way the holy spirit opens our eyes to see beyond the written text helping us comprehend God's Mysteries many times when reading the Bible we might feel confused but the spirit brings Clarity he connects the scriptures to our daily lives showing us how to apply each teaching have you ever read a verse and felt that it was written
specifically for your situation at that moment moreover the Holy Spirit protects us from falling into false teachings nowadays we are bombarded with so many opinions even within Christianity that can lead us astray from the truth but the spirit acts as a filter guiding us to what is truly from God he helps us identify what is true and what is not and this wisdom is essential so we are not deceived if you've ever felt in your heart that something seemingly good wasn't aligned with God's will that was the spirit acting in you this knowledge of Truth
also brings us freedom Jesus said in John 8:32 you will know the truth and the truth will set you free with the Holy Spirit guiding us we are freed from wrong Concepts unfounded fears and the lies the world tries to impose on us we can live with confidence knowing we are aligned with what God desires for us this kind of Freedom allows us to live with more peace and Clarity knowing that our decisions are being Guided by God himself have you felt this Liberation after understanding a spiritual truth what's most amazing is that this knowledge
of Truth prepares us for deeper communication with God even through the gift of speaking in tongues when we are led by the spirit our hearts open to new forms of communion with the father something we will explore further shortly have you felt the Holy Spirit guiding you into all truth leave a comment sharing how this experience has been for you speaking in tongues speaking in tongues is one of the most remarkable gifts the holy spirit gives us in Acts 2 we see how this gift was poured out on the disciples at Pentecost and since then
it has been a powerful sign of God's presence in our lives speaking in tongues is a direct way of communicating with God as mentioned in 1 Corinthians 14 2 when we speak in tongues we are not just saying random words we are expressing spiritual Mysteries that transcend our human understanding have you experienced this gift or do you know someone who has the interesting thing is that even though we don't understand what we're saying the Holy Spirit uses this form of communication to edify our spirit it's like a perfect prayer where the spirit prays for us
according to God's will this strengthens us in moments when we don't know what to pray for or how to express what we're feeling imagine being in a situation of extreme distress not knowing how to pray and suddenly you start speaking in tongues this connects us directly to the heart of God have you ever been in a situation where you didn't know how to pray and felt the holy spirit interceding for you this gift however is not a sign of spiritual superiority it's just one of the many ways the Holy Spirit manifests himself what's most important
is not just speaking in tongues but living a life transformed by the fruits of the spirit there is no use in having the gift of tongues without living in love patience and kindness these are the visible fruits of a life led by the Holy Spirit the true power of the spirit is manifested in our daily transformation have you reflected on the importance of the fruits of the spirit in your life additionally speaking in tongues can be a powerful tool for intercession often when we pray for someone we don't know exactly what words to use but
the Holy Spirit guides Us in that prayer speaking in tongues becomes a tool to pray beyond what we understand allowing God's will to be fulfilled and the most beautiful part is that even without fully understanding we feel the peace and assurance that God is at work have you prayed in tongues for someone and felt that peace this gift leads us to deeper communion with God and at the same time It prepares us for a higher level of intercession something we will explore next have you experienced or are curious about the gift of speaking in tongues
share your impressions in the comments intercession intercession is one of the most powerful and intimate acts the Holy Spirit performs in our lives Romans 8:26 teaches us that the spirit intercedes for us with groanings too deep for Words especially when we don't know how to pray in moments of weakness confusion or pain the Holy Spirit translates our feelings into deep prayers connecting us directly to the heart of God have you ever found yourself in a situation where you didn't have words to pray but felt the spirit interceding for you intercession goes beyond praying for our
own needs it moves us to pray for others when the Holy Spirit is working in us he awakens deep compassion for those around us he directs us to intercede for family friends and even people we don't know but whose lives he wants to impact often when we pray for others we may not know exactly what to say but the Holy Spirit intercedes guiding our prayers to be effective have you ever felt the urge to pray for someone unexpectedly a practical example of this intercession might be when God places someone in your heart who is going
through difficulties and you feel a strong need to pray for them the holy spirit gives us discernment on how to pray and by doing so we are aligning our petitions with God's will interceding is therefore an act of love because we stand in the gap for others allowing the spirit to work through our prayers who has the Holy Spirit placed in your heart to intercede for this intercession also strengthens us when we pray for others the Holy Spirit often Works in our lives in unexpected ways he fills us with peace strength and a joy that
comes from serving through prayer knowing that we are participating in God's plan to bless others is something that renews our faith and gives us a new perspective on the battles we Face have you noticed how praying for others brings you comfort and peace you didn't have before intercession is an act of total surrender and through it the Holy Spirit leads us to deeper levels of communion with God as we allow him to intercede through us our lives are transformed and we become more sensitive to God's Will and as we grow in this journey of intercession
the deep love for Jesus that the Holy Spirit pours into our hearts becomes more evident something we will explore next have you experienced the power of intercession in your life share your thoughts in the comments deep love for Jesus the holy spirit is the one who enables us to experience a deep and transformative love for Jesus Romans 5 5 teaches us that God's love is poured into our hearts through the Holy Spirit and it is This Love that makes us want to be closer to Christ when the spirit dwells in US speaking about Jesus becomes
something natural like talking about a dear friend the love we feel for him overflows into every area of Our Lives influencing our decisions attitudes and even how we treat others have you noticed this love growing in your heart this love is not just emotional it manifests in Practical actions when we deeply love someone we want to please them and the same happens when the Holy Spirit places this love in us we begin to want to live according to jesus' teachings not out of obligation but because love moves us to do so for example you might
find yourself making decisions you wouldn't have before like forgiving someone who hurt you or serving a stranger all of this reflects that love have you notice these changes in your attitudes moreover a deep love for Jesus gives us a new perspect perspective on life the things we once valued so much begin to lose importance while the desire to please God becomes our main focus this love gives us the strength to resist Temptations and pursue Holiness because we want our lives to reflect who Jesus is the more we love Christ the more we distance ourselves from
sin and draw closer to his will have you experienced how love for Jesus changes the way you see the world around you this love also shows up in our relationships with others the holy spirit makes us love our neighbors in ways we wouldn't be capable of on our own even those people we once had difficulty forgiving or loving we now see with the eyes of Jesus the love that the holy spirit gives us is selfless and sacrificial just like Christ's love have you experienced this kind of love for someone you couldn't love otherwise wise love
for Jesus continues to grow in our hearts as we surrender more to the holy spirit this love leads us to seek a life of Holiness and Purity something the spirit also empowers us to live have you felt this love for Jesus increasing in your life how has it impacted your decisions and actions share in the comments Holiness the Holy Spirit calls us to live a life of Holiness which is essential for reflecting God's nature as one Peter 1:56 says we are called to be holy as God is Holy and this Holiness is manifested in both
our attitudes and our choices when the Holy Spirit dwells in us he gives us the strength to reject sin and guides us along a path of Purity and integrity what once attracted us begins to lose its appeal and we start choosing God's way have you noticed how worldly things start losing their importance when you seek to live in holiness the pursuit of Holiness is not a solitary task the Holy Spirit empowers us daily to overcome Temptations and live according to God's standards often this is reflected in the small daily choices like how we speak how
we treat others and even what we consume in terms of entertainment the holy spirit gives us discernment to identify what draws us away from God and helps us make decisions that bring us closer to him have you experienced the spirit's help in moments when you needed to make the right even difficult Choice Holiness is not just about avoiding sin it's also about seeking to live in a way that glorifies God in every area of Our Lives the fruit of the spirit mentioned in Galatians 52223 such as love patience kindness and self-control begins to flourish in
our lives as we surrender to the Holy Spirit living in Holiness means allowing Christ's character to manifest in US shaping our attitudes words and even our thoughts have you felt this transformation in your character as you pursue Holiness another important point is that Holiness doesn't distance us from people on the contrary it makes us want to be a light in the world when the Holy Spirit leads us to a life of Holiness we begin to live in a way that inspires and draws others to God Holiness is is visible in our actions in how we
treat others with love and respect and this can be a powerful testimony being holy doesn't mean being perfect but it does mean being committed to a journey of transformation have you felt challenged to be an example of Holiness in your Social Circle this pursuit of Holiness leads to ever growing confidence in our Salvation knowing that as we are transformed we are being shaped for eternity with God and this confidence will be our next point of reflection how has the Holy Spirit helped you live in Holiness share in the comments confidence in Salvation confidence in Salvation
is an unshakable gift that the Holy Spirit places in our hearts even in moments of Doubt or uncertainty the spirit reminds us that we are children of God as stated in Romans 8:16 this assurance is like an anchor for our souls keeping us firm in the storms of life the Holy Spirit assures us that once we receive Christ our Salvation is secured and nothing can separate us from God's love have you gone through moments of uncertainty and been reminded of this Truth by the holy spirit this confidence is built as the Holy Spirit Works in
US strengthening our faith sometimes when we are weak or going through trials it may feel like we're losing control however the spirit always reminds us that we don't rely on our own strength but on God's grace this completely changes our perspective because we know that salvation is not based on our performance but on Jesus sacrifice have you ever felt encouraged by the reminder that your salvation doesn't depend on your mistakes but on God's faithfulness moreover this confidence doesn't lead us to live a careless or lazy life on the contrary it motivates us to live in
a way worthy of our calling we know that being saved means being called to a life of Holiness and transformation the Holy Spirit helps us live in a way that reflects this assurance of Salvation guiding Us in decisions that honor God the security in Salvation gives us the freedom to follow Christ with boldness and joy have you noticed how this confidence changes the way you face life's challenges this knowledge of Salvation also brings peace even when we Face the worst situations like illness loss or uncertainty we are sure that in the end we will be
with God this gives us an eternal perspective where the trials of this life are seen as temporary in light of the future Glory that awaits us the Holy Spirit constantly reminds us of this hope renewing our strength and Faith have you experienced this peace that surpasses all understanding in the midst of crisis with this confidence in in our Salvation we are empowered to live a life full of purpose and meaning and as a result our hearts open to new levels of communion with God including through the gift of speaking in tongues a powerful means of
spiritual communication do you have this unshakable confidence in your salvation share in the comments how the Holy Spirit has strengthened this certainty in your life
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