A Habit You Simply MUST Develop To Start Making Money

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Proctor Gallagher Institute
Watch the video carefully to learn the habit you MUST develop to start making money. Do YOU have thi...
Video Transcript:
I am uh really pleased to be here and over the next 5 days we're going to be sharing some information with you that it could be the first time you've ever heard it or maybe you've heard it before and just haven't used it but the money frequency is an interesting concept it's a concept that I was taught a long long time ago and I'm going to tell you it uh it changes the way you see everything in life you're going to find as you start to understand the money frequency and use it you're going to
fall into a very small select group of people and the small select group of people live a pretty good life I want to suggest that you make a decision that you're going to really pay attention to what we're teaching here here and that you're going to be here every day for the 5 days if you really want to see things change not only attend to five days but we offer the opportunity to go back and watch reruns of it each day so if you were listen to the first day you could be listening to it
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday and so on um you can keep doubling up on these and it's the repetition of this information that really makes a difference now it took me a long time to understand that but I'm going to tell you when I did understand it and it started to work for me everything in my life changed so on behalf of we could flip the slides up please um who's in charge of the slides here Tommy there we go and then put me away from in front of that that's it now we're
doing fine the money frequency is a concept that not a lot of people understand and I had it working for me but I didn't understand it I was what you call an unconscious competent I was doing really well but I couldn't tell you why I was doing so well and it's a strange thing but if you keep studying this it works like magic now you'll notice here the lines if we can blow this up full screen please you'll see the lines that we have on the screen they are um to graphically illustrate levels of vibration
now of course it isn't like we've got it here but there's an infinite number of frequencies each one is a level of vibration now everything has its own vibration everything everything in the universe I have a piece of paper here this piece of paper has its own vibration now this piece piece of paper used to be wood wood into paper I remember when I was a very young child I lived in a place called Mish cotton Harbor it was in Northern Canada my father was working in a PP Mill in Northern Canada we lived in
a little Log Cabin right beside the railroad tracks every time a train went by that little cabin would shake and the railroad had great big huge logs on it this was pulpwood I'm four or five years old I don't understand anything about it but they told me they're going to take and turn it into paper well of course I didn't understand that but the truth is that's what's happened you can take anything and turn it into something else we take water and we turn it into steam how by causing it to change in a state
of vibration now when we change in our state of vibration we changed many things in our life so we talk about the money frequency we're talking about something that's pretty powerful now I'd like to go back a few slides here hold on a minute Sandy Gallagher and I came together as partners around 15 years ago I had been in this business since 1961 and we were doing very well but we weren't doing anything compared to what we started to do when became a partner in the company she was a Securities attorney she understood something about
money she understood this money frequency better than anybody I know and when you really understand that everything changes she really understood that and she became my business partner and when she did this company changed now I'm going to flip ahead here a few just a minute let's stop and think about it so far as we know we've got one life and it's it's really about lifestyle it's about our contribution what are we really doing if we can blow these up full screen for me please thank you it's about how we spend our days it's all
dependent on how we see our self-image you see how we see oursel is going to determine where we go and what we do now everyone has a story I want to begin to tell you my story it's rather interesting from my perspective when I look at it it may be for you one day when I I was 26 years old a man sat down with me and he put a Big R on a sheet of paper and he said Bob that R represents results and he said results always tell an interesting story they tell the
truth and he says there's three areas that we want to look at in our life happiness health and wealth now I was a very mixed up young guy I was 26 I really didn't know which end was up I was the lost soul this man obviously saw that and he said Bob these are three areas that we really want to pay attention to happiness health and wealth then he asked me how I was doing well I wasn't doing very well and he said you know you don't seem to be the happiest guy I've ever met
and he said I've only known you for a short time but I see you catching colds frequently so you're not the healthiest guy and he said when it comes to wealth I've never seen I never seen you with any money now if we brought the truth out I was earning $4,000 a year can we blow this up for the screen please but I owed $6,000 now I want you to think about that I was earning four and I owed six I was in a bad spot do you know that there's a whole lot of people
live that way their whole life they owe more money than they earn then he asked me he said Bob do you ever study anything and uh I said I don't know what do you mean well I said you read anything I said no I can't read now that wasn't true I could read I just didn't read you see I was in a strange Place most people don't read when they can read and he gave me he he said if you study this book if you study this book and then do exactly what I tell you
you're going to have anything you want now I didn't believe that but I believed he believed it and I don't know why but I just decided I was going to do exactly what he said now I was 26 I had never done what somebody told me I'd gone to high school for two months I had no formal education I had absolutely no business experience I had nothing to offer people when I went out to look for a job so here I was earning 406 and I started to listen to him now he suggested that I
decide what I want write it on a card I've had a card in my pocket ever since then on the back of this card is a quote by Earl Nightingale it's a goal card he said this great dream this surging Dynamic thing invisible to all the world except to the person who holds it is responsible for every great advance of humankind I've got my goal written on the card now he said I want to suggest you sit down and decide what you want well I wrote on the card I wanted to have $25,000 now I
mean I didn't even know anyone with $225,000 I really didn't believe I'd ever have 25,000 but I wrote it on the card that's what he said write what you want that's what I wanted and he said I want you to start reading that card every day read it every day now this was strange behavior for a guy in my position but I checked the card and I start reading it every now I'll tell you what happened and it's only in retrospect that I'm really aware of this I started to think of earning money up until
then I was not I was thinking of the problems that I had I owed all this money and that's all I was thinking about is the problems I had this had me caused me thinking of earning money and because I was thinking of earning I started to hear people talking about it there was a guy his name was L Phillips he was talking about earning money he was talking about it cleaning offices I thought I'm not proud all clean offices but he says make sure you do it for yourself I had to I had the
opportunity to he showed me where to go where I could buy some used buckets and mops and a used floor machine I needed $980 I didn't have any money I couldn't borrow it I wouldn't have even LED it to me because I I knew I would never get it back it's not that I was dishonest or wouldn't pay people he said I never earned enough money to get even I finally found a guy in a trust company in Toronto that he said what do you want it for and I told him he said I'm going
to lend you the money now I started cleaning offices the first offices I had I was getting $15 a time I watched it twice a month then I got another office $65 a month first office was Canada startch on com stck Road in Toronto next office was Kirby's construction on Wick Avenue do you know by the end of the first year I was earning $12,500 a month now you annualize that it comes out to around $175,000 a year Go full screen please okay now think 175 ,000 a year this is in 1961 I had two
months high school and I had no business experience that is a huge income I was nothing but energy moving in every direction I started to get people cleaning offices for me do you know in less than five years I was cleaning offices in Toronto Montreal Boston Cleveland Atlanta and London England and I was earning over a million dollars a year now here I was I was living in England I was earning all this money I had absolutely no idea what the hell I was doing I was a young guy no formal education didn't understand money
you'd find me possibly down on uh on Park Lane at the Playboy club playing roulette and I very rarely lost I went in there with the idea I was going to win and I generally did but but one day I come out of there and I stopped and I thought it was like I had a some kind of euphoric experience and I realized how just irresponsible I was being and I thought what I'm doing doesn't make any sense and then I started to think how did this happen to me I'm not very bright I'm a
young guy 26 27 years old 30 years old and I'm earning all this money and I had no idea what and I thought how did this happen and I couldn't figure it out anybody could tell me how my life changed the way it changed in such a short period of Time how did I make such dramatic changes how did my income go from $4,000 to over a million dollars a year cleaning offices how did that that happened and so I made up my mind I was going to figure it out and I started to study
that's when I really get into this and I found that you and I are programmed we're literally programmed I had changed my program this is deep in your mind I had changed my program and my whole life changed now I have never stopped and when I figured out how it happened I suddenly had the strongest urge to teach this to other people all I wanted I wanted everybody to know why so few people are winning and so many people are losing now I want you to think about this for a moment you're going to find
people that are struggling they're struggling all their life they never went to school they're not very smart and they're they justifiably have to struggle then you're going to find another group that did go to school they have all kinds of degrees coming off their business card but they're struggling too then there's another group of people it's a much smaller group it's only 5 6 8% they are earning all kinds of money everything seems to work out right for them they never went to school they don't know which ends up they were like me but they're
winning in a big way then there's others you're going to find they did go to school and they got a great degree and they're winning in a big way now what I'm trying to get across is you're going to find some people that have done very well and they desera do very well and you're going to find others that are struggling their whole life why is it that this doesn't change it doesn't change because people are rock operating with the wrong information in my opinion and I decided I was going to start to teach this
and that's exactly what I've started to do now if you will pay very close attention we're going to show you something that's pretty interesting think of it this way for a moment you've got to study for a period of time if you're going to do anything if you want to be a plumber it's going to take you at least five years of studying working at it well there's the book that the man gave me that's a photocopy a photograph of the actual book this is it here I've been reading this since 1961 every day I
open and read a bit of it there's the man that gave it to me his name is Raymond Douglas Stanford the little boy that he's holding is my son his name is Raymond Douglas Proctor I named my second son after Ry now he's a big guy today that was a long time ago he's growing up and has his own family now Ray Stanford became my mentor he changed the course of my life it'll never go back to be the same again then I moved on I got that book on October the 21st 1961 it'll be
60 years ago this Thursday that I started to study this then I really got into it and I came across this man Leland Val Vandal he had to be possibly one of the most brilliant people I have ever met this is well we were well into studying this I was working with other people we started something called the million dooll Forum we were teaching people to earn a million dollars in a year by setting up multiple sources of income it was at the million dooll form I started it actually with Mark Victor Hansen and B
vandell and then we brought in Jack Canfield and Mark and Jack started the Chicken Soup for the soil books at the million dooll farm this is one one thing that he taught me that I'll never forget this deal is strictly between you and yourself no one else is involved in other words don't blame anyone for anything we've got to take responsibility for everything that happens in our life then I met these two gentlemen now I was listening to this reading this book listening to a record of this book Earl Nale took this book condensed it
and he put it on a record it was called thinking Grow Rich and it was a long playing record and I was listening to it and then I go to her hold of ear n gal's stranger secret record and I started to listen to that one day in a sales meeting I said cut I would really like to go and meet him and I said and one of the men in the sales meeting said no you wouldn't if you want to meet him go and meet him and I thought damn he's right and so I
went and got the phone and I phoned Chicago I was in Toronto that means they were an hour earlier than me they're on Central we're on Eastern and of course the office wasn't open but somebody didn't answer the phone and they said I'm sorry Mr Nel isn't in but if you'd like to talk to him I'm sure he'll call you leave your number so I left my number and a little while later somebody said hey Bob you're want on the phone I pick up up the phone hello this is Earl lale well I almost dropped
the phone that's how he starts all of his recordings hello this is Earl lale and here he is on the phone and I told him how much I appreciated what he' done I'd really like to spend some time with him he gave me the opportunity to come down and meet him for an hour he was at 3:33 North Michigan Chicago and I went down and I met him and when I was leaving his office I asked him I said Earl what's the secret what is the big deal in life he says there is no secret
there isn't any big deal he's it's simply a matter of sitting down decide exactly what you want then make up your mind you're going to get it and don't take your sight off the goal I knew exactly what I wanted see I'd been listening to his recordings for a number of years I wanted to work with him and so I made up my mind would in 1968 that's me I was his Vice President of Sales I went to work with him I was like a young priest going to work in the Vatican Earl Nale was
absolutely brilliant Lloyd Conant was another man absolutely brilliant and they became my mentors now I had had race then Leland Vandal then Earl n g see I was working with absolutely brilliant people I was getting an education I was learning something that most people never learn now the one thing they taught me that mindset is everything it's everything I want you to remember that if you don't remember anything else today remember that mindset is has given me a life most people just dream of living mindset will do the same for you the secret is in
your mindset now you see when you take and write your goal on the card now I've got my goal written here and I share this goal with a rush who's a very important part of our company this goal will happen just as sure as it's going to get dark tonight because I will not take my mind off it and that is really the secret you've got to keep your mind on what you want that's mindset now think of this for a moment there is John Kennedy when he was the president of the United States with
Dr warneron Bron who was The Mastermind of the moonshots President Kennedy asked him a question what would it take to build a rocket that will carry a man to the moon and bring him back safely to Earth Bon Bron asked him the will to do it and he answered him in 10 seconds he knew exactly what it would take to get anything you want get the picture in your mind and hold that picture in your mind he said the will to do it the will is a mental faculty we're going to talk about that it's
a mental faculty that enables you to hold one idea on the screen of the mind to the exclusion of all outside distractions I knew when I wrote this on the card that I'm going to keep this picture in my mind until I see it manifest in this material world and it must happen mindset is very important now I want you to think of this 5% of success success is due to strategy 95% of mindset of success is due to mindset it's focusing your mind on where you're going now I want to introduce you to a
person in our company this lady is one of the senior Executives in this company our company operates all over the world we do millions of dollars of volume in business we operate in every country in the world now let's keep looking at this the trick is the goal you see the goal becomes your mindset when you really get this down right Get It On The Go Card write it on a card put the card in your pocket and carry it with you every day see when I put my hand in my pocket and I touch
the gold card a picture comes on the screen of my mind it's the picture that's written on the back of the card now I've been doing this since I was 26 26 I learned to do this a long long time ago and I'm going to tell it works like a charm now you're going to find people that are laughing at you they're going to say that'll never work I love what James Cook says do just once what other people say you can't do and you will never pay attention to their limitations again this is so
important okay it's important that you begin to think I mean really think Albert schwitzer came from Africa to London one time he was standing by a plane in London Airport and somebody asked him what's wrong with people today he said he thought about it for a while and then he said finally people s they don't and if you want to test this listen to what most people are saying stand back and watch what most people are doing they're really not thinking now look at this use these mental faculties to create the world you want you
and your family to live in and never settle for less now here's one of the first lessons in life These are mental faculties that you and I have been given there's something that are very big and very powerful we're the only form of life that have these higher faculties these higher faculties are in our conscious mind and these are the higher faculties enable us to build anything we want when you see all these beautiful buildings all over the world we see these it was through these utilizing these higher faculties that made the difference now most
people know very little about these you might ask yourself what you know about them if somebody asked you to give a talk on any one of these how long could you talk on them see the truth is we've never been taught much about those at all you can go all the way through school they do not teach you anything about these do you know we do we live by these here we go by what you see here smell taste and touch now there are sensory factors all members of the human of the uh animal field
have these hair effects I've got a couple little dogs at home they can hear see smell taste and touch but they don't have these other higher faculties and they're the ones we want to use to focus on now as we go through this work and get into it deeper we will talk more about each one of these faculties you see our perception is how we see things if we change our perception everything in our life changes so I want to suggest you give some thought to that if you come back and watch the replay of
this write those down if you haven't already okay now it's all about the mind okay it's really all about the mind your marvelous mind it's how how you're utilizing your mind understanding the laws governing the mind is essential if you want to harmonize with the money frequency can we make that go full full screen please thank you understanding the laws governing the mind is essential if you want to harmonize with the money frequency okay now look here for a moment see all these lines all these frequencies everything we want operates in this area everything I
want to suggest that you pick a target for the next 30 days see I'm going to listen to this I'm going to pay attention to what the Proctor saying here and I'm going to set a target for the next 30 days now I showed you what I did how I did it it was over the period of a year that I went from earning 4,000 to 175,000 in a year and I was just paying attention to this information didn't know very much but I kept doing what it suggested okay now let's let this circle represent
the mind and we're going to talk about the mind we're going to talk about how the mind functions and I think you're going to enjoy it now let's take a look at yourself we're talking about energy the mind is energy you're a mass of pure energy like everything you function on frequencies you do now if you stood in front of an infrared television camera in a completely dark room you would see your body body as a list glistening radiating gleaming form do you know you got more power in your hand than you would need to
light up the building you're in for probably a week there's about 11 million kilowatt hours per pound of potential energy locked up in the in in the human body our ma our body is nothing but an absolute mass of energy now what we want to do is learn how to direct this energy that's what really made the difference for me that's when my income went from $4,000 to over a million dollar a year and I've had it much higher than that that was way back in the 60s I want to suggest you really pay attention
to this really pay attention your spiritual DNA is perfect fill screen please yet requires no modification no improvement it's absolutely perfect this is your spiritual DNA you see the essence of you is pure unadulterated Spirit now maybe you've never heard that before maybe it doesn't even make any sense to you it doesn't have to just keep listening to me keep paying attention I'll go back up full screen again now look it your spiritual DNA is perfect you are pure spirit Spirit is all knowing spirit is all powerful and is ever present now think of that
you're a you're nothing but pure unadulterated Spirit you are spirit is all knowing it's all powerful and it's ever present so there a part of you that's all knowing there's a part of you that's all powerful and a part of you that's ever present you may be sitting there and say get out of here Proctor what are you talking about I know what I'm talking about do you understand this subject I've been studying it for 60 years that's a long time to study one subject I'm not much good at anything else but I'm very good
at this if you will really let me help you I Tell You Everything Will Change are you truly what or who you pretend to be good question okay you are a spiritual being and you may say well what's this got to do with the money frequency it's got everything to do with the money frequency you're a spiritual being you live in a physical body now most people think they're having a spiritual experience the truth is you are spiritual you're having a physical experience okay you have an intellect you have an intellect and with that intellect
you control your emotions it's the intellect that dictates your emotional state now you know your emotional state controls a whole lot of things so stay with me here okay it's the intellect that controls the emotions okay controls the emotions we want to try and really grasp that because we're going to talk about the intellect now your spiritual being and let's understand this spirit is 100% evenly present in all places that at the same time now you may agree or disagree with what I'm saying but if you disagree with it ask yourself how much have you
studied it why would you disagree with something you haven't studied spirit is 100% evenly present in all places at the same time now understand this Spirit operates in a very orderly way it operates by law okay let these lines we go full screen again please let these R lines represent levels of vibration vition levels of vibration okay spirit is the highest form of vibration and the physical is the lowest and then the connecting part in the center is the intellect now you see we're the only form of life but is given this it's the intellect
that enables us to tap into the spiritual side and change the physical iCal that's why we are moving ahead at such a rapid clip today everything operates in the spiritual level operates on a frequency what we do is bring it down into form Now understand this each level of vibration is hooked up to the one above and the one below everything's all connected together this is very important we understand this so let's take a look at it another way let's say this is a glass of and we put heat under the water and we boil
it the water obviously turns into steam and then the steam turns into air ether or gas now let's think of this The Ether the Steam and the water they are all hooked together there's no line of demarcation where one stops and the other starts we actually cause the water to turn to steam the steam to turn to Ether well we can cause energy of one nature turn into an energy of another nature what do you think money is money is nothing but an idea money is an energy now look here for a moment blow this
up full screen spirit intellect and physical now you have those intellectual factors you activate those intellectual factors tap into the spiritual level that's where thought is you pull the thoughts together and what do you do you build an idea if you hold the idea in your mind long enough that idea will move into physical form in your life now that's a very big idea let's suppose you build an idea having a company you can get the IDE idea to turn into results cuz I've done it just sit and think and see it I sat in
a den very small room in a house in Glen View Illinois in 1973 I took my pen and I wrote on a pad I'm going to build a company that operates all over the world I was the only one there I had just left working with night Gil conet I had gone out on my own I said I'm going to build a company that was in 1973 I believe it was in March of this year we were doing a presentation much the same as this we had 93,000 people tuned into it and Mikey interrupted me
and she said Bob I think you'd like to know we just went into every country in the world I set the goal in 1973 I reached it in 2021 why would I stay with the goal that long because I understood how it operated and this how it's operating this is absolute law that you take your mind and you tap in and you can think you tap into Spirit that's where everything is and you build a picture of the good that you desire it must move into form what did Von Brun tell John Kennedy all you
need is the will to do it did we go to the moon no ordinary people can buy a trip into space they're doing it pay attention this is really interesting now let's look here there's the mind okay now let's see how the mind functions because the mind is energy the Mind operates on two different levels the first level is the conscious the educated mind the second level is the emotional universal mind okay now that mind manifests with and through the physical body whatever is going on in the mind will Express itself through the body will
produce the action and produce the results so let's see how this works let's pay some attention here let's look at how the mind functions it's mind and paradigms the Paradigm is the program in 1934 there was a man Thurman Fleet he was very involved in the holistic health movement and he was very involved in the mind he realigned mind was an activity it wasn't a thing he said no one's ever seen the mind in order to gain Clarity and eliminate confus iion he's I'm going to create an image of the mind no one understand this
no one has ever seen the mind so come back here again let's look he said I'm going to build a picture of the mind and there it is and he said you divide the Mind into two parts there's the conscious mind there's the subconscious mind and the body now let me say of studying this is the most valuable idea I've ever learned and I feel very indebted to Leland Val Vandal for teaching me this he not only taught it to me he taught it to me in depth he burned it into my mind I have
taught the workings of the mind to psychiatrists that never really understood what I was teaching until I showed it to them okay so let's take a look and see what happens here there's the conscious mind subconscious and the body the conscious mind is your thinking mind that's your educated mind that's your intellect so let's really understand the subconscious mind operates quite different from the conscious mind the conscious mind can think therefore it's got the ability to choose okay it has the ability to accept or reject you don't have to accept what's going on why take
on negative information and get yourself into a sweat your conscious mind also has the ability to originate now your subc conscious that yet must accept whatever you give to it and it has no ability to reject it now get this you cannot determine the difference between that which is real and that which is imagined your mind cannot determine the difference between what's imagined and what's real it's so important we understand that so look care for now here you are today social media other people Netflix podcast you're getting inundated with all this information now remember we
said you had the ability to eliminate to reject that information most people don't reject it they just turn it on and keep listening to it put it back full screen now listen you have the ability to reject it you can say get out of here but but most people don't do that in fact most people are not even thinking they leave their subconscious mind wide open and that stuff goes right in and what did we tell you about the subconscious it has no ability to reject this is so important and most people say well how
does that happen why does that happen it's the Paradigm the Paradigm you see you're programed you're programmed how did that happen well let's take a look this when we're infants here we as infants okay the subconscious mind is wide open okay and whatever is going on around the subconscious goes right in and it has absolutely no ability to reject and it's through the repetition of this information going in that we build a paradigm now look this happens when we're young when we're babies our parent Paradigm is built it's all kinds of information coming into our
mind from other people just dumping into our subconscious mind and that's how the Paradigm is formed in our subconscious mind and that's how people become what we are now let's look at this for a moment we already have the knowledge and the power to accomplish most anything we want however we have not yet developed a clear understanding of how paradigms are formed or how they control our habitual Behavior therefore we frequently don't do what we already know how to do people already know how to do better but they don't do it they have Superior knowledge
results which cause confusion and frustration so here we are here we've got all this knowledge in our conscious mind I'm in our subconscious mind the results that we're getting are not equal to the knowledge that we've got people know how to do so much better than they're doing go back full screen please all right people know how to do better but they're not doing it the results they get are not equal to the knowledge they've got why it isn't the knowledge that produces the results it's the Paradigm it's what's going on in the subconcious mind
that produces the [Applause] results if you're going to change the results you must change the Paradigm you got to build a new paradigm and that probably results in a new self image or calls for a new self image now this is so powerful and is so understood Paradigm is a mental program that has almost exclusive control over our habitual behavior and almost all of our habitual behavior is or behavior is Habitual okay stay with me here I'm going to show you I want you to look at the areas of your life that your Paradigm has
an enormous influence over yet controls your perception which controls how you see things your Paradigm controls your use of time your Paradigm controls your creativity your Paradigm controls your Effectiveness it controls your productivity it controls your logic all of these things are controlled by your Paradigm and your ability to earn money no look it it's almost like there's a wall around these areas and every time we go to move out with one of these areas we hit the wall what we've got to understand is that we can change all that we want to understand the
second you make up your mind you're going to change the Paradigm change up but you're going to those walls come down when you actually change it just imagine how your entire life will change as you begin improving any or all of these areas the change will be huge and I'll tell you something else it'll be permanent now think of this if the only thing you change was your use of time that's all you changed was your use of time think of how your ability to ear money would change the ability to earn money would change
by enormous degree you must develop a beautiful image of yourself and study to gain a true understanding of your real potential now if you could come back full screen because we have a bit of a problem getting this going today I'm not quite sure what caused the problem I'm in a place other than where the problem was and we're going to continue the remainder of this tomorrow we'll get into the vibrations we'll get into frequencies and we'll show you how everything is a frequency and when you get on the money frequency you're going to find
that everything in your life will start to change now I went from earning $4,000 a year to earning millions of dollars if I can do it you can do it I got Mikey to come on and talk for a little bit about her background where she is today because Mikey's background and mine are very much alike we both came from nowhere now I believe anybody can change their life I honestly believe anybody can we have uh one of the key people in our company um he is the Vice President of Sales for our entire company
is a rash r okay
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Terri Savelle Foy
I Always Get What I Visualize In Only 3 Days Using This Belief System - Joe Dispenza Motivation
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13 Years Of Brutally Honest Business Advice in 90 Mins
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How To Improve And Build Your Self Image In 2023 With Bob Proctor
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"I AM WEALTHY" Money Affirmations For Success, Health & Wealth - Listen To This Every Night!
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How to Understanding Frequencies, Vibration, and the Law of Attraction With Bob Proctor
How to Understanding Frequencies, Vibratio...
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How to OUTSMART The Game of “Reality”
How to OUTSMART The Game of “Reality”
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