O que Significa Jesus Ser o Filho do Homem? - R. C. Sproul
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[Music] but this title son of man is the one I want you to really pay attention to when you're reading the gospels because it's used so often in the New Testament and all but three times that it occurs in the New Testament it comes from the lips of Jesus and it refers back to to the Old Testament Vision that was written down by the Prophet Daniel where Daniel had a vision into the interior of the Heavenly Court of God where he saw the Ancient of Days enthroned and the Judgment was set and to the Ancient
of Days comes one like unto the son of man who then is given the authority to judge the world so that in the first instance the son of man is a Heavenly person a Heavenly person who descends to this world whose principal role in his visitation to this earth is that of the Heavenly judge and then he returns to the presence of God in his Ascension we remember that Jesus says no one ascends to the father except he who has first descended from him again we tend to think that Jesus Jesus is Calling himself the
son of man was an expression of humility when in fact it was a claim to Divine Authority that's why I want you to notice this when uh he heals on the Sabbath day and his rebuked by his enemies he said I did this that you may know that the son of man is Lord of the Sabbath and when he forgives sins and creates an uproar from his contemporaries saying only God has the authority to uh forgive sins Jesus said I did this that you might know that the son of man has the authority on Earth
to forgive sins and again and again and again you will begin to see that this title son of man that Jesus used uses for himself is a highly exalted title