HOW the PROMISES of GOD in Psalm 46 Give You UNSHAKABLE FAITH in Life's Storms | [C.S. Lewis]

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🌟 Scripture Pathways: Unveiling Biblical Prophecy & C.S. Lewis's Wisdom🌟 Dive deep into Psalm 46 ...
Video Transcript:
[Music] [Music] as we walk on this Earthly pilgrimage our hearts yearn for a faith that is unshakable one that anchors our souls amidst the storms of life today I feel called to share with you the profound wisdom found in Psalm 46 a Divine message that has the power to transform your spiritual journey as the esteemed CS Lewis once said the path of faith is marked both by moral effort and by total surrender to God recognizing that in the end it is he who works in us to Will and to act my brothers and sisters have
you ever felt as though the world is against you with chaos closing in from every side in those moments of Darkness it can be easy to lose sight of God's presence and protection but I stand before you today to Proclaim that there is a powerful Psalm inspired by the holy spirit that can serve as an unshakable foundation for your faith Psalm 46 is a Wellspring of divine comfort and strength and it is my heart's desire to walk with you through its verses uncovering the Deep truths that can steady our hearts in any storm as we
embark on this journey together I invite you to open your hearts to receive the blessings that God has in store for you remember it is not by chance that you find yourself here today our Lord works in mysterious and wonderful ways and I believe with all my heart that he has guided you to this moment for a purpose if you find Value in the words I share I humbly ask that you consider liking subscribing and Shar sharing this message with those you hold dear by doing so you become a vessel for God's love spreading the
good news to those who are in need of its transformative power as we begin our journey through Psalm 46 let us first reflect on the nature of Faith the great Christian thinker c as Lewis once wrote faith is the art of holding on to things your reason has once accepted in spite of your changing mood how true these words ring our emotions may EB and flow like the tides but our faith must remain steadfast anchored in the unchanging truth of God's word these words my friends are a powerful reminder of the importance of cultivating a
steadfast Faith one that is rooted in the unchanging truth of God's love and not swayed by the shifting Winds of our emotions just as a beekeeper tends to a hive with thousand thousands of bees moving with Serene confidence amidst what others perceive as danger so too are we called to find our peace and strength in the presence of our heavenly father as we delve into the first three verses of Psalm 46 we discover a profound Declaration of God's unwavering support God is our refuge and strength a very present help in trouble therefore we will not
fear though the Earth be removed and though the mountains be carried into the midst of the sea though its Waters Roar and be troubled though the mountains shake with its swelling these words serve as a powerful reminder that no matter the trials we Face God is always by our side offering his strength and protection the psalmist emphasizes that God is Not merely present but very present intensely and actively involved in our lives this means that regardless of the troubles we encounter we can rest assured that our heavenly father is there with us providing us with
the courage and resilience we need to persevere the imagery of the Earth being removed and the mountains being carried into the sea paints a picture of extreme uph haval and Chaos the kind of situations that would normally elicit intense fear and anxiety yet because of God's presence the psalmist declares we will not fear this unwavering confidence is not born of blind optimism or a denial of reality rather it is grounded in a deep trust in God's power and protection in Proverbs 18:10 we read the name of the Lord is a strong tower the righteous run
to it and are safe this verse Echoes the sentiment expressed in Psalm 46 reminding us that when we seek refuge in God we find Safety and Security no matter what storms may rage around us but what does it truly mean to make God our refuge it means turning to him first when troubles arise instead of relying solely on our own strength or seeking solace in worldly Solutions it means trusting in His Infinite Wisdom even when our own understanding falls short it means finding our peace and contentment in his presence rather than in the absence of
problems or challenges making God our refuge is a daily Choice a SA secred habit that we must cultivate through prayer meditation and a steadfast commitment to his word just as an athlete builds strength and endurance through consistent training so too do we fortify our faith by continually running to God in times of need the more we practice seeking his presence and guidance the more natural and instinctive it becomes and as we witness his faithfulness and provision in our lives our confidence in his love and protection grows ever stronger creating an unbreakable bond between our hearts
and his in verse three the psalmist writes though its Waters Roar and be troubled though the mountains shake with its swelling this vivid imagery of turbulent Waters and shaking mountains serves as a metaphor for the instability and Chaos that can sometimes characterize our Earthly existence yet even in the face of such tumult we are called to remain steadfast in our faith anchored in the knowledge that our God is greater than any storm we may encounter this reminds me of the beautiful promise found in Isaiah 43:2 where the Lord declares when you pass through the waters
I will be with you and through the rivers they shall not overflow you when you walk through the fire you shall not be burned nor shall the flame Scorch you God does not promise us a life free from hardship or adversity rather he promises to walk alongside us through every trial ensuring that we are never alone and that the challenges we Face will not overwhelm us this my dear friends is the very essence of what it means to have God as our refuge it is not about avoiding difficulties altogether but about facing them with the
unwavering assurance that our heavenly father is with us every step step of the way it is about knowing deep within our souls that no problem is too big for our God to handle no storm too Fierce for him to calm when we make God our refuge we discover a peace that surpasses all understanding a strength that never fails and a love that knows no bounds as we continue our exploration of Psalm 46 let us now turn our attention to Verses 4 7 which paint a beautiful picture of the peace and joy that can be found
in the presence of God verse 4 reads there is a river whose streams make glad the city of God the holy place of the Tabernacles of the most high this imagery of a river flowing through the city of God serves as a symbol of his constant blessings and the refreshment that comes from dwelling in his presence in the Book of Revelation we find a similar description of this lifegiving River and he showed me a pure River of Water of Life clear as Crystal proceeding from the Throne of God and of the Lamb Revelation 22:1 both
passages speak to the idea that In God's Presence we find a NeverEnding source of sustenance and renewal a Wellspring of joy that can never run dry my brothers and sisters this River of God's presence is not some distant unattainable reality it is available to us here and now in the present moment when we open our hearts to him and invite his Spirit to fill us we experience the refreshing lifegiving flow of his love and grace just as a parched traveler finds relief in the Cool Waters of a stream so too do our souls find rest
and Rejuvenation in the presence of our heavenly father verse 5 goes on to say God is in the midst of her she shall not be moved God shall help her just at the break of dawn this verse emphasizes the constancy of God's presence and the Timeless of his help the phrase just at the break of dawn suggests that God's assistance comes at the perfect moment precisely when we need it most this brings to mind the words of Lamentations 3: 22-23 which declare through the Lord's mercies we are not consumed because his compassions fail not they
are new every morning great is your faithfulness each New Day brings with it fresh mercies and blessings from our ever faithful God no matter what challenges or obstacles we may face we can trust that he will be there to guide us strengthen us and provide for our every need just as the Rising Sun dispels The Darkness of night so too does the light of God's love and grace Pierce through the shadows of our fears and doubts Illuminating our path and filling our hearts with hope in verse 6 the psalmist writes the Nations raged the kingdoms
were moved he uttered his voice the Earth melted this verse highlights the contrast between the tumultuous nature of Earthly powers and the supreme authority of God while Nations and kingdoms may rise and fall subject to the shifting tides of History God's voice alone has the power to melt the very Earth this serves as a powerful reminder that no matter how chaotic or uncertain our circumstances may seem God remains in control and his will shall ultimately Prevail verse 7 brings us back to the central theme of The Psalm with the Declaration the Lord of hosts is
with us the god of Jacob is our Refuge this refrain repeated later in the psalm underscores the immense importance of this truth the title Lord of hosts emphasizes God's power and authority reminding us that he is the commander of heavenly armies the one who Reigns Supreme over all creation and the reference to the god of Jacob serves as a reminder of his faithfulness and love for just as he was with Jacob throughout his life so so too is he with us his beloved children my dear friends these verses offer us a glimpse into the incredible
security and peace that can be found in the presence of God it is a peace that goes beyond mere physical safety reaching into the very depths of our souls granting us a sense of wholeness and contentment that can be found nowhere else when we make God our refuge and dwelling place we experience a joy that cannot be shaken a strength that cannot be broken and a love that cannot be measured but how do we access this unshakable security how do we daily experience the joy of God's River and the protection of his presence it all
begins with recognizing our need for him so often we find ourselves seeking security and fulfillment in the things of this world our jobs our relationship our accomplishments but as good and valuable as these things may be they can never provide the Deep lasting peace that our souls truly crave we must remember that the things of this world are temporary subject to change and Decay but God's presence and love are Eternal unshakable and unchanging when we make the conscious choice to dwell in his presence to seek his face and align our lives with his will we
discover a security that trans transcends our Earthly circumstances this means carving out time in our busy schedules for prayer and meditation immersing ourselves in his word and cultivating a Heart of Worship and gratitude as we do this we begin to experience the reality of these verses in our own lives we find joy and peace in the midst of Life storms knowing that God is with us and for us we witness his hand at work providing for our needs and guiding our steps and we rest in the knowledge that no matter what challenges we may face
we are never alone for the Lord of hosts is with us and the god of Jacob is our refuge in verses 8 to11 of Psalm 46 the psalmist invites us to Behold The Works of the Lord and to be still in his presence verse 8 reads come Behold The Works of the Lord who has made desolation in the Earth this verse calls us to open our eyes and recognize God's hand at work in the world around us even in the midst of seemingly devastating circumstances it reminds us that even in times of Destruction or upheaval
God is still Sovereign working out his perfect plan and purpose this truth is echoed in Isaiah 45:7 where the Lord declares I form the light and create Darkness I make peace and create Calamity I the Lord do all these things while it may be difficult for us to understand or accept the Bible makes it clear that God is in control of all things both good and bad and while we may not always comprehend his ways we can trust that he is working all things together for the ultimate good of those who love him Romans 8:28
verse 9 goes on to describe God as the ultimate Peacemaker saying he makes Wars cease to the end of the Earth he breaks the bow and cuts the spear in two he burns The Chariot in the fire this verse paints a powerful picture of God's ability to bring peace and resolution to even the most violent and seemingly intractable conflicts it reminds us that no matter how deep the Visions or how Fierce the battles God has the power to heal restore and reconcile this promise of God's peace is beautifully expressed in Micah 4:3 which declares he
shall judge between many peoples and rebuke strong Nations a far off they shall beat their swords into plowshares and their Spears into pruning hooks Nation shall not lift up sword against Nation neither shall they learn War any anymore in a world that is so often torn apart by strife and Discord these words offer us a glimpse of the hope and healing that can be found in God alone and now we come to perhaps the most well-known and beloved verse of this Psalm verse 10 which reads be still and know that I am God I will
be exalted among the Nations I will be exalted in the Earth this verse is a powerful call to Stillness and reflection an invit to quiet our anxious thoughts and simply rest in the knowledge of who God is in our fastpaced noisy world the concept of Stillness can feel almost foreign even impossible at times we are constantly bombarded with distractions and demands pulled in a thousand different directions by the cares and concerns of life but this verse reminds us of the importance of cultivating a quiet attentive heart one that is tuned to the voice of God
and ready to receive his wisdom and guidance being still before God is not a passive or unproductive activity rather it is a deeply transformative practice that has the power to reshape our hearts and Minds when we take the time to quiet ourselves in his presence we create space for him to speak into our lives to reveal his truth and his will we open ourselves up to a deeper more intimate knowledge of who he is not just an intellectual understanding but an experiential life-changing encounter with the Living God this knowledge of God is not something that
can be gained through mere study or observation it is a gift that comes through relationship through the quiet persistent pursuit of his presence and as we come to know him more fully we find ourselves transformed from the inside out our hearts and Minds renewed by the power of his love the second half of verse 10 reminds us of God's ultimate purpose which is to be exalted among the Nations and in all the Earth this exaltation is not for God's Own sake as if he were in need of Our Praise or recognition rather it is for
our benefit for when we recognize and honor God's greatness we align ourselves rightly with him we acknowledge our own smallness and dependence and we open ourselves up to receive the fullness of his blessings and Grace finally verse 11 repeats the powerful refrain that we encountered earlier in the psalm the Lord of hosts is with us the god of Jacob is our refuge this repetition serves to emphasize the central message of the psalm the unshakable truth that no matter what we face no matter how turbulent the world around us may become we can always find ref
refuge and strength in the presence of God the title Lord of hosts reminds us of God's power and authority his ability to command the armies of Heaven and Earth and the reference to the god of Jacob speaks to his faithfulness and steadfast love the way in which he remains true to his promises and never abandons those who put their trust in him my dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ this Psalm offers us a road map for navigating the challenge es and uncertainties of life it calls us to recognize God's power to seek his presence and
to find our peace and Security in him alone it invites us to be still to quiet our hearts before him and to allow his love and truth to transform us from the inside out so how do we apply these truths to our daily lives first and foremost we must make time for Stillness and reflection carving out moments in our busy schedules to Simply Be With God this may mean setting aside specific times for prayer and meditation finding a quiet place where we can tune out the distractions of the world and tune in to the still
small voice of God second we must cultivate an awareness of God's presence throughout our day recognizing that he is with us not only in The Quiet Moments of reflection but in every moment of our our lives this means learning to see his hand at work in the world around us to recognize His blessings and provision even in the midst of challenges and trials third we must actively choose to make God our refuge and strength turning to him first when troubles arise rather than relying on our own resources or seeking Solutions in the world around us
this means developing a deep abiding trust in his goodness and faithfulness a trust that allows us to rest in his presence even when the storms of life are raging fourth we must train our eyes to see God's work in the world around us to recognize the evidence of his power and love even in the midst of difficult or painful circumstances this means cultivating a heart of gratitude and praise choosing to focus on His blessings rather than our own struggles or disappointments finally we must learn to rest in the knowledge of God's sovereignty trusting that no
matter what happens in the world around us he remains in control this means surrendering our own plans and desires to his perfect will knowing that he is working all things together for our ultimate good and his ultimate Glory my friends I want to encourage you today to take these truths from Psalm 46 and make them the foundation of your life let them shape your perspective guide your choices and anchor your soul in the unshakable love and faithfulness of God remember that no matter what storms may come no matter what challenges you may face the Lord
of hosts is with you and the god of Jacob is your refuge in the words of CS Lewis faith is not simply a belief in certain doctrines but a deep abiding trust in Christ a trust that allows him to fill our deficiencies and transform us into His Image this is the kind of faith that Psalm 46 calls us to embrace a faith that is rooted not in our own strength or wisdom but in the unshakable character and Promises of God and so my dear brothers and sisters I invite you to join me in prayer to
come before the throne of grace with confidence and Trust knowing that our God hears us and and is ready to meet us in our place of need let us pray almighty God creator of Heaven and Earth I stand in awe of your majesty and power your name is exalted above all names and your glory fills the Earth you are the alpha and the Omega the beginning and the end the source of all life and wisdom I Marvel at your infinite love your unfailing mercy and your perfect Justice you are my rock my for foress and
my deliverer the one who upholds the universe in your hands Lord I Thank You for Your constant presence in my life for being my refuge in times of trouble I am grateful for the peace that flows like a river from your throne refreshing my soul thank you for your word in Psalm 46 which reminds me of your unshakable strength and protection I am grateful for your patience with me your guidance through life storms and your boundless compassion thank you for your daily provisions and blessings merciful father I come before you with a humble heart asking
for forgiveness for my sins cleans me from all unrighteousness and renew a right Spirit within me I also forgive those who have wronged me releasing all bitterness and resentment Lord teach me to be still and know that you are God help me to quiet my anxious thoughts and find rest in your presence when chaos surrounds me of his of his of his that you are my unshakable refuge fill me with your peace that surpasses all understanding in Jesus name I declare that no weapon formed against me shall prosper I rebuke fear anxiety and doubt in
the mighty name of Jesus I bind the spirit of unbelief and claim the spirit of faith in my life Lord make me a vessel of your peace in this turbulent world use me to bring hope to the hope hopeless and comfort to the Brokenhearted let your Living Waters flow through me bringing life and joy to those around me I pray for healing in all areas of my life physical emotional and spiritual touch my body with your healing power restoring what is broken and strengthening what is weak heal my heart from past wounds and disappointments replacing
pain with your perfect love renew my mind with your truth trans forming my thoughts to align with your will I ask for your Divine protection against all the enemy's attacks guard Me From Evil from danger and from malicious schemes surround me with your angels and build a hedge of protection around me Lord I lift up my loved ones before you asking that you bless them as you have blessed me pour out your grace upon them protect them from all harm and draw them closer to you may they also find refuge in you and experience the
joy of your presence as I make this prayer along with all who are listening I am grateful for every heart that is open before you at this moment we come in agreement lifting each other up before your throne of grace unite us in your love and strengthen our faith as we seek you together we declare victory over every challenge we face for greater is he who is in us than he who is in the world we claim the healing you promised but believing that by the stripes of Jesus we are healed thank you for your
protection over our lives our families and our communities Lord fill us aresh with your Holy Spirit empowering us to be bold Witnesses for Christ and guiding us into all truth we stand on your promises knowing that you are our refuge and strength a very present help in trouble help us to be still and know that you are God trusting in your sovereignty over all circumstances may your will be done on Earth and in our lives as it is in heaven for yours is the kingdom the power and the glory forever thank you Lord for hearing
and answering my prayer in the mighty and matchless name of Jesus we pray amen my brothers and sisters As We rise from this time of prayer may we do so with hearts filled with gratitude and confidence knowing that the god of the universe is on our side and that nothing can separate us from his love may the truths of Psalm 46 resonate in our hearts and Minds giving us strength for today and bright hope for tomorrow
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