How To Prevent ANY Sales Objection (Full Masterclass)

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Jeremy Miner
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Video Transcript:
here's how to prevent objections from happening in your prospect's mind come over to the vibe board here I'm going to show you about five to six different questions you can use right now no matter what your industry is that will actually seed in your prospect's mind and prevent objections from happening that you are losing sales from right now come over to the vibe board I'm going to show you how this works and somebody says how do you handle no response well what if I trained you and what if I told you you could actually prevent
most of the objections from happening in your prospect's mind that's called objection prevention okay that's the one thing that you might not understand okay see top 1% salespeople when I was in the trenches for almost 18 years I sold two in two companies that were in B2B so one high level Enterprise level okay debt relief services talking to Fortune 1,000 companies around that ball game top two 3,000 companies in the United States and I also sold SNB and then I sold in two industries that were all B Toc business to Consumer okay two B Toc
2 B2B now the reason why I as you might you might not have know I don't maybe you don't know but when I was in the trenches like you I was ranked as one of the top 50 salespeople in the world selling anything in any industry you ever seen that ranking okay not just the number one salesperson in the company I so for not the number one in my industry but the number one in any industry I was number 45 in the world in any industry selling anything making close to about $3 million a year
in Commissions in those jobs now that doesn't mean you're going to make that for your career I don't know what pay plan you're on I don't know what skills you have or what you've learned so I'm no in no way am I saying that you're going to get those same results okay now what I am saying is though sales people that get to that level or even in the top 1% in their industry they are more focused on preventing objections from happening in the prospect's mind rather than trying to overcome them at the end okay
now it doesn't mean you're going to prevent every objection and you're never going to get an objection ever again I do not mean that okay but type in me if you want to learn some questions that I'm going to show you today some examples that works for any industry because we train 161 different Industries including yours watching me here in this seventh level shirt how many Industries are there in the world according to Forbes Magazine there's only 163 in the world there subcategories of each one we're in all of those 161 of 163 so if
anybody says do you train mortgage brokers do you train real estate agents do you train solar do you train uh employee benefits do you train cyber security whatever you ask me I'm going to say what yes because we're train every industry what else am I supposed to say okay so I'm going to show you someine generic ones that are going to work for any industry right here okay now I'm going to show you these questions that can help you prevent the objections you're getting by up to 50 to 70% that's what our clients say to
us okay that's what happened to me when I was selling in the trenches like you I prevented most of the objections from happening now type in me if you actually understand what causes an objection in the prospect's mind does anybody know what causes an objection in your prospect's mind did the prospect plan out an objection before you called before you met with them before you got on Zoom with them did they plan it all out did they wake up that morning and say you know what you know Josh uh he owns that marketing agency I
need leads but you know about five minutes in I think you know when I get on Zoom with him I'm going to throw out an objection like this and I'm going to say hey enough with the questions just tell me how much it's going to cost and I'll tell you if I'm interested did the prospect plan that out before they got on the sales conversation with you no that's a triggered reaction somebody said lack of information that doesn't cause objections lack of certainty causes objections information alone does not cause a prospect to have 100% certainty
information is research mode I've got lots of information I'm researching everything but that doesn't mean they're emotionally going to buy information is lo logical how do human beings make buying decisions on emotion not logic brain size there's no debate there is literally zero debate on this in Behavioral Science that's what I went to school for there's no debate on how your brain makes decisions nobody's brain makes decisions logically it all starts with your emotions let me show you I feel like a drink of water feel like a drink of water because I'm thirsty that decision
start with my emotional side of the brain I feel like I feel thirsty so I need a drink of water cuz I want to quench that thirst logical I justify of logic I feel like doing this training call for you to help you sell more I feel like you feel like listening to me because you want to learn how to swh see your decisions every decision you make starts with your emotional side of the brain there's no decision you will ever make on your logical side of the brain is a human being you can't if
your emotional side of your brain gets damaged in a car accident you're a vegetable you can't decide to go pee you can't decide to drink water you can't decide to eat food you can't decide to talk every decision you make starts with your emotional side of the brain then you justify with logic okay and it's how you actually ask the questions in the first place that causes the prospect to either emotionally open up okay and that builds certainty now lack of uncertainty lack of certainty is what causes objections now what causes a prospect to have
certainty in what you're offering there's many things I I could do a 50-hour training on that I'll give you a little overview lack of certainty in a prospect is caused by the salesperson not by here's a bunch of information that does not cause certainty certainty is caused by you lack of certainty or certainty now you can cause 100% certainty or very close to that by what questions you ask and how you ask them with the right tone that causes the prospect to internalize and think deeper about the question you asked some of you ask your
questions so fast that you literally give the your prospects no time to internalize what you asked and that's why they give you vague generalized Sur level answers surface level answers are logical based and they never open up emotionally okay so there's a lot of things you have to learn how to prevent objections from happening doesn't mean you're never going to get one but how many more sales would you make right now type in the chat I want to know in the comments your your thoughts how many more sales do you feel you would make on
a weekly basis if you knew how to prevent half of the objections you're getting now just half if you knew how to prevent half of the objections you lose sales from right now how many more sales would you make on a weekly basis type it in the chat okay what are some of the example questions though yeah or Ash I'm coming as Ash but I got to explain why you're asking the questions if I don't explain why you should ask them you wouldn't know how to use them my man you I don't have to give
you these questions I'm not making you pay for it I'm giving these to you for free you got to be nice to me if you want to give me these questions Brother come on now let's go he'll be nice of me give that man a Snickers bar over there you need a Snickers bar my man all right now let's show you what questions now so these are called what are called neq questions neuro emotional persuasion questions now we have to teach you not just the right questions to ask but how to use your tone when
you ask the questions because there are different tones for different questions okay there's a curious tone there's 's a confused tone in certain context okay there's a challenging tone that sometimes you have to use for certain questions there's a concern tone a tone that shows empathy and then there's other questions you have to ask in more of a playful tone okay that actually opens it up and causes them laugh now are you 100% sure the questions you're using now are the best questions you could are you 100% sure you know how to use your tonality
to get your prospects to let their guard down and emotionally open up to you because if you're not a 100% sure that means you're just losing sales that you could be making all right perfect now here's what I'm talking about okay if you hear now I'm going to give you a few different examples on questions you can use and how to use your tone okay that prevent a lot of the objections your prospects give you from even happening in their brain how do I prevent objections from happening way easier to sell when I can prevent
most objections from happening rather than having to go through six objections at the end now it doesn't mean you don't have to learn how to handle objections but if you can prevent half of them from happening just makes selling way easier for you you get way more laydowns just easier okay now never buy to the myth that the more objections a prospect gives you you ever heard of trainer says the more objections you get the more interested they are how the hell does that make any sense anybody have any evidence that the more objections you
get the more interested they are that's just stupid that doesn't make any sense think about all the laydown sales you got they didn't give you any objections so how does that make sense take this to the bank the more objections you get from your prospect the more uncertainty you have triggered in their brain and less likely they are to buy take that to the bank every time the less objections you get because you get good at preventing them you will sell way more doesn't mean you'll never get one but it's way easier to help a
prospect overcome one okay if you've triggered more certainty in their brain you will have less objections and they will be way easier for you to help them overcome okay how much does your course cost I don't have one course we're a large sales training company we're the third largest in the United States ranked on our revenues according to like selling power magazine that's a big publication that publishes who the top 20 sales trading companies are in the world every year we're the third ranked in the United States number four in the entire world so we're
fairly large sales Trading Company uh we have I want to say 36 37 different sales training programs not just one uh so just message just DM me just message me directly on Instagram and and you can talk to our people and see if one of those fits into what you're looking for if you want to sell more okay all right Perfect all right so if you hear certain things from your prospect that are red flags for you now type in me if there are certain words your prospects use or questions they ask that like immediately
are a red flag to you like uh is this going to cost a lot of money that would be a red flag for a lot of Industries right because you're like what do they even mean by that okay so type in me if there are red flags or words that your prospects use or questions they ask that immediately when you hear them you're like okay red flag red flag that is a red flag okay so in this first example I'm going to show you that so if you see especially if you see body language okay
so if you see body language that shows they have a concern or they're not understanding what you just went over or maybe they're upset they're closed off or if their tonality sounds that way now if you're ever if you're ever a client of ours one of the biggest things we're going to train you how to Master is to listen to what your prospect means not just what they say let me repeat that if you ever become a client of ours we train you one big thing we train you is how to master to listen to
what the prospect means not just what they say those can be comp two completely different things okay and I'll show you a c examples here so how do you ask questions to seed in their mind and prevent an objection from happening so if you hear certain words or questions or you see their body language or their tone sounds off what are some questions you can ask to seed in their brain to prevent that objection from happening later on when you go through your presentation or when you try to close type in me if you want
to learn that cuz I'm about to show you that okay all right let me start here I got to get a drink of water you guys are making me thirsty okay now let me give you this example in this first example I'm going to show you some that are businesso business and some that are business to Consumer because we got all sorts of Industries watching us here on Instagram and the Facebook group here so let's say that you're in a board room okay or you could be on zoom and you're meeting virtually and you're meeting
eight decision makers real quick okay you only have met with two of them so far you've got two C Level executive you know that are all in they they know they have problems there's organization they want your solution but the other six decision makers don't know that because you've never met with them before so you're on Zoom with them now or you're in person okay and let's say that you sted to go through your slides okay and you notice when you go through slide 11 right here okay that Karen when you start explaining slide 11
Karen folds her arms like this and kind of looks up and kind of grimaces her face like she doesn't understand or she doesn't believe you or she has a concern so she folds her arms Karen does and she now no offense if your name is Karen I'm just I've just made up a name could bill Karen whoever it is so you see if you go through side 11 they just fold their arms they seem unsure they don't understand something or they don't believe you or they don't think what you just said is true true or
it wouldn't work for them type in me if you've ever gotten that and it could be if you're talking to an individual and you sell B Toc they could do like this and be like I'm not like they don't understand they're not saying anything okay so what do you do You' got two options when you see that okay so you have two options when you see that the first option is is you can do this this is what most salese do right here option number one this is probably what 95 99% of salese would do
they would hope and pray that everything's okay and keep going through their pitch and hopefully that wins Karen over and everybody else that's what most sales people would do they just hope and pray that whatever Karen just did with her body language okay that it's going to be okay they'll just keep going through their presentation and it's going to work hope and pray method we call that hopium that's a drug that most salese take that is a very hard and unpredictable way to make a living as a salesperson or to really scale your business to
where you could be if you run the business very hard now my second option is should we find out what is behind Karen giving you that nonverbal message through her body language to prevent an objection when you try to close so option number one we hope and pray we just keep going through it we ignore what Karen just just did with her body language we hope and pray that the rest of presentation is going to win everybody over all the decision makers or should we find out what's behind Karen giving us that non-verbal message with
her arms and her facial expressions and prevent an objection from happening when you try to close them type in option one or option number two I can show you either or what would you do option number one hope and pray it's going to work out just ignore it keep going through the presentation just hope and pray it's going to work out or option number two I want to find out what's behind her doing that number two right everybody's saying number two I would hope so good Lord if you say option number one you're just losing
a ton of deals that you should be making quite literally now this is write write this down this is important for you okay this is called right here this is called move this for everybody this is called a neq diffusing question any PQ diffusing question okay so here's what I'm going to do hey hey Karen hey I noticed uh when I went over uh XYZ on that last slide you seemed a bit you seemed a bit hesitant what's uh what's what's behind that just so I understand that's all you're going to do let me let
me repeat myself okay I'll kind of move over here so you can see me on Instagram okay everybody see me here in the Facebook room toop so you're gonna do like hey hey Karen now if I'm on Zoom I'm just going to do like this hey hey Karen can I ask you something yeah sure go ahead Jeremy hey um I noticed when I went over um XYZ on that last slide you seemed a bit a bit hesitant um what's what's what's behind that just so I understand see how I soften my tone into a concern
tone a tone that shows empathy now what's Karen going to do nope you cannot find out what was behind that she's not going to do that oh well when you went through that slide I didn't understand how we would be able to integrate that with our XYZ that's a really good question is everybody else asking that question as well here in the room is everybody else asking that question here on zoom and now I'm there to do what answer the question and what prevent the objection from happening when I try to close see what I
just did there now let me repeat it again I want you to watch this okay hey hey Karen yeah hey I noticed um I noticed when I went over that last slide you seemed a bit bit hesitant um can I can I ask what's what's behind that just so I understand soft tone concern tone a tone that shows empathy now what would happen if I use this tone hey hey Karen yeah hey when when I went through that last slide you seem like you didn't like something was going on with that can you tell me
what's going on see that's a defensive tone pretty much said the same words but now I might get a defensive reaction from from Karen oh well you know we can cover it later I just need to talk with our XYZ Department to see if this is even going to work hey hey Karen hey um can I can I ask you something yeah yeah you no problem hey I I noticed when I went over um that last slide where we were talking about X and Y and and how it integrates you seemed a bit a bit
hesitant um can I ask can I ask what's behind that just so I understand concern tone see a concern tone a tone that shows empathy causes the prospect to let their guard down and open up and tell you the concern tell you what's on their mind they didn't understand something now I don't get that objection that see how I prevented the objection from happening flow master C says that haircut is brutal bro all right well flow master Kyle on IG if you could please show me the right haircut to get I would love that man
because it's so embarrassing having this haircut just I walk down the straight and just people laugh at me and make fun of me I just can't believe it man so flow master Kyle if you could please send me pictures of the best haircut I could get or at least send a picture of your haircut so we can all all analyze it we would really love that man Kyle we love you D say get that get Kyle Snickers bar he's a little bit upset about everybody's hair dos in here I know I got the two parts
here you know forgot the hairspray up here this morning looking horrible Kyle thanks for calling me out man if you could please give me the right hairspray and the right gel so I can have the great hair like you I would love to do that man and and Anthony says bro you got to do something about that hair just show just please send me a picture of the hair man just if you could please just send me a picture of your haird with the right like gel and the right stuff because man we we know
man this this hair is horrible like people just make fun of me all the time like you know big corporations they make fun of me clients that make fun of me all day long what are we going to do with you all right so Anthony and Kyle somebody on here on IG please give those gentlemen some Snickers bars they're a little bit grumpy today it's getting late in the day they need some Snickers Snickers bar there you know Snickers bar it's okay somebody to give those men a Snickers bar hey hey hold on hey guys
please we need mail Snickers bars for a couple of these people on Instagram we got to get their addresses there if you can get on the live all right Colin Anthony Christina at the front desk she's got you handled just send over your addresses here we will mail you Snickers bars an entire donation of Snickers bars for the entire year so you're just not grumping anymore man love you okay all right let's go to the next slide what are we going to do with Kyle and anthy good Lord all right now here's some very uh
various various uh changes that you could do here now take a look at these okay I could also say hey John you seem you seem a bit hesitant when I talked about XYZ can you can you tell me what's going on or John you seem a bit unsure when I was talking about uh ABC and how we could do DB and a can you can you tell me what's going on you seemed a bit unsure when I was talking about X can you tell me a little bit more about what's going on and I use
a concern tone a tone that shows empathy they open up and tell me what they didn't understand and then I'm there to do what answer that so I prevent that objection from happening after the presentation or proposal when I'm trying to close do you see what I'm doing there you seem a bit hesitant what's can I ask what's going on now you don't want to get on a sales call and in the first 30 seconds if you if you like trigger sales resistance and 30 seconds later you're like hey you seem a bit hesitant what's
going on click you can't ask that question too quick in a conversation because you don't have hardly any trust or credibility in the first 30 seconds if the prospects have bit mean to you you can't then say you seem a bit hesitant John what's behind that they're going to be like f off and click okay that is not what I mean that's further in the conversation if you can sense something's going on okay and there's more trust and credibility that's when you'd use some of that type of stuff or I could say it like this
hey Sally when I asked you about blank you seem like you you didn't really want to talk about that can you can you tell me what's going on hey Sally when I asked you about blank you seemed like you you didn't really want to talk about that can you can you tell me what's going on and and don't worry this is off the Record I'm not going to go post it on social media you you can tell me what's what's going on see I added that in there and don't worry this is off the Record
why would I say that and and don't worry you you can tell me this is off the record I'm not going to go post it on Instagram today see I can use a playful tone there okay see what I did okay now here's another one okay this is called a neq commitment question okay if you're one of our clients you already you already know all this times 10 billion because you're in our courses every day in our virtual uh virtual training with myself and our sales trainers so let's say if I lean in when I'm
trying to close and I say do you feel like this could be the answer for you and the prospect says yeah yeah yeah sure now what did I just hear most salespeople and they get like like a yeah yeah sure they're like okay great let me show you to get started but remember I want to master to listen to what the prospect means not just what they say they said yeah sure but is that what they meant with that tone no now if I said do you feel like this could be the answer for you
yeah for sure like this is definitely the answer for us what did I just hear certainty in their tonality do you see the difference there but if I get like yeah yeah yeah I could I could see that I could see that I just sense uncertainty I just sense that they're not 100% sure I just sent that they have a concern that's hiding there that I need to find out to prevent so I then lean in and said you seemed a bit unsure when I asked you that off the Record you you could tell me
what's what's going on you seemed a bit unsure when I asked you that last question you can tell me this is off the Record what's what's going on concern tone a tone that shows empathy okay does that help you I just showed you a little bitty example right there
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