Es Posible Escuchar la Voz del Espíritu Santo, Descúbrelo Aquí

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Mi Escudo es Cristo
¿Es posible escuchar la voz del Espíritu Santo? En este video exploramos cómo conectar con lo divin...
Video Transcript:
"Yes, you can hear the voice of God in your daily life. And you don't need something supernatural or mystical to do it. God communicates in subtle and personal ways, and today I am going to teach you how you can recognize that voice of the Holy Spirit in the midst of your everyday life.
" "In this video, you will learn to identify those special signs that God uses to speak to you — from deep peace to small reminders that appear when you need them most. We will talk about the obstacles that often block our connection with God and how to eliminate them so we can hear His guides with greater clarity. " "And stay until the end, because I'm going to share with you a simple but powerful practice to open your spiritual senses, something that could completely change your relationship with God.
" "Before we can hear the voice of God in a clear and deep way, it is important to understand that it is not always an easy process. Sometimes, there are barriers in our lives that block that connection, things that, without realizing it, prevent us from perceiving Your Guidance These obstacles may be external, such as the constant noise in our environment, or internal, such as our own worries and doubts. To open our spiritual senses and truly tune into the voice of the Holy Spirit, we must first identify and overcome those obstacles.
" Obstacle 1: The Constant Noise of Society "We live in a world full of noise. From the moment we wake up until we go to sleep, we are surrounded by stimuli: social networks, news, entertainment, work, and endless distractions that compete for This constant noise can drown out the still voice of the Holy Spirit, making it difficult to discern. In Psalms 46:10, God tells us, 'Be still, and know that I am God.
' a call to stillness, to stop so we can hear His voice. " "When our minds are saturated with information, we become desensitized to the whispers of God. The Holy Spirit often speaks in the calm, in the silence, in moments of tranquility that allow Him to fill our hearts with His peace.
But in order to experience this , we need to make a conscious effort to reduce external noise. This could mean limiting time on social media, turning off the phone for a while, or simply taking some quiet time to seek the presence of God. Quietness is not just absence.
of noise, but a state in which our hearts and minds are open and available to listen. " Obstacle 2: Internal Noise - Worries and Anxieties. "In addition to external noise, we often also have noise within ourselves.
This internal noise manifests itself in our worries, anxieties, and fears. Philippians 4:6-7 exhorts us: 'Be anxious for nothing, but let your requests be made known before you. of God in all prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving.
And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. ' This peace of God is one of the ways in which the Holy Spirit. It guides us, but to experience it, we need to learn to surrender our burdens.
" "Often our minds are so full of worries that there is no room for the peace that God wants to give us. Imagine that your heart is a vessel. If it is full of anxiety, there is no room for the Holy Spirit to fill it with His peace.
"We need to empty our hearts of those fears, give them to God in prayer, and trust that He is in control. Faith in His sovereignty is what allows us to release the internal noise and open ourselves to His direction. " Obstacle 3: Wrong Expectations.
"Another common obstacle is having mistaken expectations about how God should speak to us. Sometimes, we expect the Holy Spirit to speak to us in a dramatic or supernatural way: perhaps a clear dream, a vision, or an audible voice. And although God can communicate In those ways, the reality is that most of the time His voice is subtle and almost imperceptible.
In 1 Kings 19, we see the story of the prophet Elijah, who sought the presence of God in the midst of a strong wind, in an earthquake, and in the fire, but God It wasn't in any of them. Instead, God manifested himself in a still, small voice. " "This passage teaches us that we should not always look for spectacular signs.
God is also found in everyday life, in the small details, in a peace that surrounds us or in an intuition that guides us. If you expect a grand manifestation every time, you may overlook the subtle ways the Holy Spirit is trying to communicate with you. Learn to listen to that still small voice that speaks in the silence of your heart.
" Obstacle 4: Unconfessed Sin. "Sin is one of the most powerful barriers that can block our communion with God. When we allow sin to remain unrepentant in our lives, we are hardening our hearts and becoming insensitive to the guidance of the Holy Spirit.
In Isaiah 59:2 we read: 'Your iniquities have separated you from your God, and your sins have hidden His face from you. '" "God does not ask us for perfection, but for a repentant heart. When the Holy Spirit convinces us of something we need to change, it is an invitation to draw closer to Him.
Ignoring that conviction distances us from the spiritual clarity we need to hear His voice. The good news is that confession and repentance are the way to restore our communion with God. As 1 John 1:9 says, 'If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us and cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
' By confessing our sins, we open the door for His peace and His guidance to fill our hearts. " Obstacle 5: Impatience. "Impatience is another obstacle that often prevents us from hearing the voice of the Holy Spirit.
We live in a world that values ​​immediacy; We want quick responses and instant solutions. But God's timing does not always coincide with ours. In Psalms 27:14 we are encouraged: 'Wait in the Lord; be strong and let your heart be encouraged; yes, wait on the Lord.
' Sometimes the Holy Spirit is teaching us through waiting. " "Impatience leads us to act hastily, to make decisions without waiting for confirmation from the Spirit. But when we learn to wait on God, we develop our faith and dependence on His guidance.
Waiting is not a waste of time; It is an opportunity to strengthen our relationship with Him. The next time you feel impatient, ask yourself if God is wanting to teach you something in that time of silence. " Obstacle 6: Disbelief.
"Finally, disbelief can become a significant barrier. Sometimes we doubt that God really wants to speak to us or that we are capable of hearing His voice. However, Hebrews 11:6 reminds us that 'without faith it is impossible to please God, for he who comes to God must believe that he exists.
' To hear the voice of the Spirit, we need to believe, to have faith that He desires to communicate with us. " "If you constantly doubt that the Holy Spirit can guide you, you may overlook the signs He is sending. Faith is the bridge that connects our lives with divine direction.
Even if we don't always understand His ways or His timing, trusting that He is working is essential to opening our hearts to His voice. " "These obstacles are not insurmountable, but they require our willingness to identify and overcome them. The Holy Spirit is always present, wanting to speak to us and guide us, but we must make a conscious effort to remove that which blocks His voice.
If you learn to reduce the external noise, empty your worries, and cultivate a humble and repentant heart, I assure you that you will begin to notice the presence of God in a much clearer and deeper way in your life. " " God does not leave us alone to navigate through life. Through the Holy Spirit, He guides us and gives us signs to show us the way.
However, these signs are not always obvious; many times, they are presented in a subtle way. Now, let's look at the main ways the Holy Spirit communicates with us and how we can learn to recognize his voice. " Sign 1: The Peace That Passes All Understanding.
"One of the most powerful ways the Holy Spirit speaks to us is through a deep, inexplicable peace. In Colossians 3:15, we are told, 'And let the peace of God rule in your hearts. ' This peace does not "It is a simple tranquility, but a certainty that comes from God and surpasses any logic or human reason.
It is a peace that surrounds us and gives us the security that we are on the right path, even when external circumstances are complicated. " "Imagine that you are facing an important decision in your life. There may be uncertainty and questions, but when you are aligned with the will of God, the Holy Spirit fills you with a peace that acts as confirmation.
This peace assures you that you are making the right decision. right direction, even if you don't have all the answers. If, however, you feel restlessness, anxiety, or a persistent lack of peace, it could be a sign that you need to reevaluate your decision.
" "An example of this is found in the story of Paul and Silas in Acts 16. They were unjustly imprisoned, but in the midst of their situation, they experienced such deep peace that they began to sing praises to God in prison. That peace and trust in God they led to a miracle: the prison doors opened, and their testimony impacted everyone around them.
The peace of the Holy Spirit does not depend on the circumstances, it is a peace that accompanies us and gives us strength. even in tests. " Sign 2: The Internal Conviction of what is Right and Wrong.
"Another way the Holy Spirit guides us is through inner conviction. This conviction is like a moral compass that helps us distinguish between what is right and what is wrong. Jesus said in John 16:8 that the The Holy Spirit would convince us of sin, of justice and of judgment.
This conviction is not a voice of condemnation, but a loving sign that invites us to correct our course and live in harmony with the will of God. " "Many times, this conviction presents itself as a discomfort deep within us. Perhaps you are about to make a decision that seems logical, but you feel an inexplicable unease.
That is the voice of the Holy Spirit, warning you to reconsider. " For example, when we are about to lie, hold a grudge, or act selfishly, the Holy Spirit sends us a feeling of discomfort, reminding us that we are going in the wrong direction. " "The apostle Peter experienced this conviction deeply when he denied Jesus three times.
After it happened, he felt immense sadness and regret, because the Holy Spirit was leading him to recognize his error. But that conviction was not to condemn him, but to restore it. God uses conviction to guide our hearts toward repentance and to strengthen us in His grace.
" Sign 3: Reminders of the Word of God. "The Holy Spirit also speaks to us by reminding us of Bible verses and passages that give us direction, comfort, or warning. In John 14:26, Jesus said that the Holy Spirit will remind us of all the things He has taught us.
This means that when As we spend time in God's Word, we are storing in our hearts tools that the Spirit can use to guide us. " "Has it ever happened to you that, in a moment of difficulty, a verse comes to your mind spontaneously? That is not a simple memory; it is the Holy Spirit speaking to you through the Word.
These verses can appear at critical moments , bringing peace, strength, or direction. For example, in times of anxiety, the Spirit can remind you of Philippians 4:6-7: 'Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and supplication, present your requests to Him. God and give thanks.
' This reminder is not a coincidence; it is the Spirit speaking to your heart to give you comfort and clarity. " "So when you read the Bible, do so with the purpose of treasuring those words in your heart. Because at the right time, the Holy Spirit will remind you of them and speak to you through them.
" Sign 4: Impressions or Internal Feelings. "The Holy Spirit also guides us through inner impressions, those deep feelings in the heart that move us to act or avoid something. Sometimes, we don't understand exactly where they come from, but we feel a clear conviction that we must follow them.
It's like a gentle but firm impulse that tells us, 'Go this way' or 'Stop. ' These promptings are the Holy Spirit's way of directing our steps and protecting us from wrong decisions. " "In Romans 8:14 we are told that 'as many as are led by the Spirit of God, these are children of God.
' This means that as children of God, we can trust these impressions that come from Him. For example, "You may be in a conversation and feel the need to say a word of encouragement to someone, or you may feel a warning telling you not to move forward with a specific decision. That inner prompting is the Holy Spirit directing you.
" "Remember that these impressions will not always be logical from a human point of view, but they are a clear sign of divine guidance. The more we learn to recognize and obey these impressions, the clearer the voice of the Holy Spirit becomes in our lives. " Sign 5: The Circumstances.
"God also uses circumstances to speak to us. Sometimes what seems like a coincidence or chance is actually a sign from the Holy Spirit showing us the way. In Proverbs 16:9, we are told that 'the heart of a man your course, but your steps are directed by the Lord.
' This means that even though we make plans, God is working in our lives through the events around us. " "For example, maybe you're looking for a new job and suddenly a door that seemed perfect closes. Or you find an opportunity you've never considered before, but it's a perfect fit for your skills and needs.
It's the Holy Spirit guiding you through it. through those open and closed doors. Learning to see circumstances with a spiritual perspective allows us to recognize when God is using the events of our lives to direct us.
" "Not all circumstances are signs, but when we pay attention and ask for discernment, the Holy Spirit helps us identify when a situation is divinely directed. " Sign 6: The Christian Community. "The Holy Spirit also speaks through other people.
God places people in our path to be instruments of His voice. It can be advice you receive from a friend at the right time, a word of encouragement from someone in church, or even a casual conversation that touches on exactly what you need to hear. In Proverbs 15:22 we read: 'Plans fail for lack of counsel, but they succeed when there are many counselors.
'" "When you are in communion with other believers, the Holy Spirit can use his words to confirm something you have already felt in your heart, or even to open your eyes to a direction you had not considered. The key is to be open to receive what God wants to tell us through others, and to have a humble heart to accept his messages. " Sign 7: Worship and Prayer Time.
"During prayer and worship, the Holy Spirit can manifest in powerful ways. In those moments of total surrender, where you lift your heart to God and put aside your worries, He has the perfect space to speak to you and fill you with His peace Romans 8:26 says that the Spirit intercedes for us with groanings that cannot be uttered when we do not know what to pray. " "Sometimes in moments of worship, you feel a deep peace or joy, or perhaps a clarity in your heart about something you were searching for.
That's the Holy Spirit. He moves in the midst of praise and prayer, and "It speaks to us in ways we can't always explain with words. " "These are just some of the ways the Holy Spirit can communicate with you.
It's not every day you will receive a clear sign, and it won't always be obvious, but the more you become accustomed to opening your heart to His guidance, the more sensitive you will become. His voice. Remember that the Holy Spirit does not manifest itself only in the supernatural; He is in every detail of your daily life.
The important thing is to have a sincere disposition and an open heart to listen. " "In our quest to hear God's voice, we all go through times when it seems that He is silent. Maybe you have prayed fervently, you have searched for answers, and yet you feel nothing, you hear nothing.
This silence can be frustrating, discouraging, and in some cases, it can even make us doubt if God is really listening to us. But what does God's silence mean? Why, at certain times, does God seem to not respond?
" "The Bible is full of examples of people who experienced God's silence, and each of them learned a fundamental lesson through that experience. In Habakkuk 1:2, the prophet cries out, 'How long, Lord, will I cry and you will not hear? ' Habakkuk was distressed by God's apparent lack of response to the injustice he saw.
Like him, we too may feel that God has walked away or that our prayers are unanswered. " "However, God's silence is not a rejection or a sign of His abandonment. Often, it is an opportunity for our faith to grow.
In Hebrews 11:1 we are told that 'faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. ' In other words, real faith manifests itself in the moments when we do not have clear answers, when we do not see, when we do not hear, but still decide to trust. " "God's silence is also proof of our dependence on Him.
Instead of giving us everything we ask for right away, God uses silence so that we learn to seek Him more intensely and to trust in His timing and His wisdom. It's like a parent allowing their child to try to figure something out for themselves, knowing that the experience will strengthen their character and confidence. " "A clear example of this is Job.
In the midst of his suffering, Job cried out to God in desperation, but received no immediate response. Even so, in the midst of his pain, Job decided to continue trusting in God. He said in Job 13:15, 'Though he kill me, yet will I hope in him.
' The trial that Job experienced not only strengthened his faith, but also revealed to him profound aspects of God's character. " "When God is silent, He invites us to deepen our relationship with Him. He teaches us to be patient and to recognize that His wisdom is greater than ours.
It is in those moments of dependence that we begin to understand what it means to truly trust in His will, even when we do not understand His ways. " "Sometimes God's silence is a sign that He is working on something bigger than what we know. " we can see at that moment.
God does not always respond immediately because He is orchestrating details that we are unaware of, preparing the ground for something that will benefit us in the long term. Romans 8:28 reminds us that 'we know that all things work together for good to those who love God . ' Even silence has a purpose, and it is working in our favor.
" "Let's think about the case of Lazarus. When Martha and Mary asked Jesus to come and heal their brother, He was slow to arrive. In their pain, they probably felt that Jesus had forgotten them or that He didn't care about the situation.
But Jesus' delay was not accidental; It was part of a bigger plan. Upon arrival, Jesus not only healed Lazarus, but raised him from the dead, displaying the power of God in an even greater way than they had imagined. " "When it seems that God is not responding, he may be preparing something much more powerful than we asked for.
His silence may be the prelude to a miracle that is underway, a work that, when manifest, will be a testimony to His greatness. " "Another reason God is silent is to help us evaluate and refine our own desires. Sometimes we ask for things that we think we need, but that are not actually part of His perfect plan for us.
James 4:3 warns us that 'you ask and do not receive, because you ask wrongly, to spend on your pleasures. ' God's silence is an invitation to reflect on our motivations and align our desires with His will. " "In those moments, you can ask yourself, 'Am I really looking for this opportunity to glorify God, or just to fulfill my own plans?
' The silence of God allows you to review your intentions and sometimes even discover that there are more important things that you have been overlooking. " "This process of refinement is not easy, but it is essential for our spiritual growth. In those moments of silence, we can ask the Holy Spirit to show us if there is anything in our hearts that needs to be transformed, and He is faithful to reveal those areas that need to align more with His will.
" "God also uses silence to strengthen our character. In waiting, we learn patience, humility and perseverance. The Bible tells us in James 1:3-4 that 'the testing of your faith produces patience.
But let patience have its complete work, so that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing. ' In other words, it is through these trials of silence that God shapes our character. " "Many biblical characters lived long seasons of divine silence before seeing God's promises fulfilled.
Abraham waited years to see the birth of Isaac; Joseph endured years in prison before being elevated to second-in-command in Egypt. Those seasons of waiting strengthened their character and prepared them for the plans God had for them. Perhaps today you are in a season of silence, but remember that God is working in your life to shape you and prepare you for a greater purpose.
" "Now, the question is: How do we respond to God's silence? What do we do when we don't hear His voice and it seems like He's not there? Here I share some ways you can keep your faith active in those moments of silence.
" " First, keep searching. Don't stop praying, reading His Word and staying in communion with Him. In Matthew 7:7 Jesus tells us: 'Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you.
' This verse teaches us that constant seeking is an important part of our relationship with God. Even if you don't see immediate results, keep searching with a sincere heart. " "Second, remember God's promises.
Many times, in moments of silence, the enemy tries to sow doubts and make us believe that God does not love us or that he has forgotten us. It is in these moments when we must remember the promises that God has made in His Word. In Deuteronomy 31:6, God promises that He will never leave us or forsake us.
Hold on to that truth, even when you don't feel His presence. " "Third, give thanks at all times. Even in silence, thank God for what He has already done in your life and for what He continues to do, even if you don't see it.
Gratitude opens your heart to His presence and helps you remember His faithfulness at all times. In 1 Thessalonians 5:18, we are encouraged to give thanks in everything, for this is God's will for us in Christ Jesus. " "God's silence is not an absence.
It is a tool He uses to strengthen us, to shape us, and to teach us to completely depend on Him. Just as a parent guides their child and gives them room to grow, God uses those moments of silence to prepare us for His purpose. If you are in a moment of silence today, do not despair.
Trust that God is working in your life and that, at the right time, He will speak to you clearly. " How to Open Our Spiritual Senses. "Listening to the voice of the Holy Spirit is not something that happens automatically.
It is a process of sensitivity and disposition that is cultivated. We all have the ability to listen to God, but to do so, we need to open our spiritual senses and learn to recognize His presence in every aspect of our lives. Now let's look at some practical steps you can take to sharpen your spiritual senses and better tune into the voice of the Spirit.
" Step 1: Dedicate Quiet Time to God. "We live in a society that values activity and productivity, and many times, the idea of ​​remaining silent is uncomfortable for us. However, silence is one of the most powerful means to hear the voice of God.
Psalms 46:10 tells us: 'Be still and know that I am God. ' It is in silence where we disconnect from external noise and allow the Holy Spirit to speak to our hearts. " "Devoting time in silence to God does not simply mean being quiet, but creating a space free of distractions in which we can tune into His presence .
You can start with just five minutes a day. Find a quiet place, turn off your phone, and sit quietly. At first, you may not feel anything, but over time you will begin to perceive a deep peace that can only come from God.
" Step 2: Read the Bible Intentionally. "The Word of God is one of the main tools that the Holy Spirit uses to communicate with us. In Hebrews 4:12, we are told that 'the word of God is living and active, and sharper than any two-edged sword.
' This means that every time we read the Bible, the Holy Spirit has the opportunity to speak directly to our hearts through those verses. " "However, for the Bible to truly be a guide in our lives, we must read it with intention. This means that we do not read simply to fulfill a routine or out of obligation, but with a heart willing to listen to God.
Before opening your Bible, say a simple prayer, asking the Holy Spirit to enlighten you and reveal to you what you need to learn that day. " "A very effective practice is to take notes as you read. If a verse touches your heart, write it down, reflect on its meaning, and ask yourself how you can apply it in your daily life.
The Word of God is an inexhaustible resource, and the deeper you delve into it, the easier it will be for the Holy Spirit to remind you of those verses at key moments. " Step 3: Pray with Sincerity and Expectation. "Prayer is not just a list of requests ; It is a deep and honest conversation with God.
In Jeremiah 33:3, God tells us, 'Call to me, and I will answer you, and show you great and hidden things that you do not know. ' Prayer is an invitation to approach God with a sincere heart and to listen to what He has to tell us. " "When you pray, don't be afraid to be honest.
God knows every thought, every feeling, and every doubt that is in your heart. You don't need to use perfect words or formal language; simply open your heart to God as you would to a close friend. The more sincere your prayer, the deeper your connection with Him will be.
" Step 4: Practice Immediate Obedience. "Listening to the voice of the Holy Spirit is of no use if we are not willing to obey. Obedience is one of the most important aspects of cultivating spiritual sensitivity.
In John 14:15, Jesus says, 'If you love me, keep my commandments. ' Every time the Holy Spirit gives us direction or shows us something to do, we have the opportunity to obey or ignore it. " "Practicing immediate obedience means acting the moment we receive an impression or conviction in our heart.
The more we obey, the clearer the voice of the Spirit becomes in our lives. If you feel like you need to ask someone for forgiveness, doing so at that moment strengthens your spiritual sensitivity. If the Spirit guides you to help someone, don't put it off.
Obedience brings blessing and allows us to walk in the direction that God has for us. " "Remember that obedience will not always be easy or convenient. Sometimes the Holy Spirit asks us to do things that challenge our pride or our comfort.
But each act of obedience brings us closer to God and allows us to experience His guidance in a more tangible way. " Step 5: Practice Confession and Repentance Regularly. "Sin is one of the greatest barriers to hearing the voice of God .
When we allow sin to remain in our lives without repentance, we are hardening our heart and blocking our communion with the Holy Spirit. 1 John 1:9 assures us: 'If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us and cleanse us from all unrighteousness. '" "It is not about condemning ourselves or living in guilt, but about recognizing our weaknesses and allowing God restore us.
A clean heart is a heart that can clearly receive the direction of the Holy Spirit. " "At the end of each day, spend a few minutes doing a review of conscience. Reflect on your actions, your thoughts, and your words.
If you feel like you have failed in some way, take it to God in prayer and ask for His forgiveness. Confession and repentance keep our relationship with God barrier-free. " Step 6: Seek the Spirit's Guidance in Every Decision.
"God is interested in every aspect of our lives, not just the big decisions. Proverbs 3:6 reminds us: 'In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight. ' This means that we can seek His guidance in every choice, in every situation, no matter how small it may seem.
" "Developing the habit of consulting the Holy Spirit in every decision helps us stay in constant communion with Him. If you have a choice ahead of you, Whether in your work, in your relationships, or in your finances, take a moment to ask for God's direction. Make this a daily habit, and over time you will notice that the Holy Spirit will guide you in even the smallest details of your life.
" "This habit reminds us that God is not just a spectator in our lives, but a loving Father who You want to be involved in everything we do. Trusting in His guidance is a sign of humility and dependence on His wisdom. " Step 7: Dedicate Time to Fasting and Intense Spiritual Search.
"Fasting is a powerful practice that helps us deny our flesh to strengthen our spirit. In Matthew 6:16-18, Jesus tells us about fasting as a spiritual discipline. It is not just about abstaining from food, but about dedicating specific time to seek God in a deeper way.
" "Fasting helps us put aside our physical needs and focus our attention on the spiritual. During fasting, we can spend more time in prayer and in the Word, seeking the guidance of the Holy Spirit without the distractions of everyday life. This practice sensitizes us and helps us discern His voice more clearly.
" "If you have never fasted before, you can start with short fasts, perhaps one meal, and dedicate that time to praying and seeking God. Over time, you can extend the duration of your fasts and make this practice a regular part of your spiritual life. " Step 8: Surround yourself with a Supportive Christian Community.
"God did not call us to walk alone. Christian community is a powerful tool to help us discern the voice of the Holy Spirit. Proverbs 27:17 says: 'Iron sharpens iron; and thus a man sharpens the face of his friend.
' When we are surrounded by people who also seek God, we have support and advice that helps us confirm the direction God is taking in our lives. " "Look for people in your church or in your circle of friends who share your desire for listen to God. Pray with them, share your experiences, and ask God to speak to you through their words.
Community not only strengthens us, but also helps us stay focused on our spiritual quest. " "Opening our spiritual senses is not something that happens overnight. It is a process that requires discipline, perseverance, and a sincere willingness to seek God.
The more you practice these steps, the more sensitive you will become to the voice of the Holy Spirit, and you will be able to experience His guidance in a real and powerful way. God is always ready to speak to us, but it is up to us to make the effort to tune our hearts to His voice. " "We have reached the end of this video, and I want to thank you for joining me on this journey.
I hope that every word you have heard here today has touched your heart and has ignited in you a deep desire to seek God sincerely and to open your senses to the voice of the Holy Spirit. But I want this moment not to remain just words; I want to challenge you to take action and start applying what you have learned. This is the beginning of a new stage in your spiritual life, a stage in which you can experience the guidance and peace of God in a clearer and more powerful way.
" "The first challenge I want to propose to you is that during the next seven days , set aside a specific time to dedicate yourself to prayer and silence. I know we live in a world full of distractions, but I want you to make a conscious decision to set aside time each day, even if it's just ten or fifteen minutes, to be alone with God. Find a quiet place, turn off your phone, and just take that moment.
" "During this time, start thanking God for His love and His presence in your life. Then, open your heart to Him and ask Him to speak to you, to show you His will, and to open your spiritual senses. Remember that silence is an opportunity for God to speak to your heart in ways that words cannot describe.
At the end of these seven days, I encourage you to reflect on how your spiritual perception has changed and whether you have felt His peace or His guidance in any new way. " "The second challenge is to make Bible reading an intentional practice throughout the next seven days. Don't limit yourself to reading out of obligation or to comply with a routine; Instead, approach God's Word with a sincere desire to hear His voice.
Each day, before reading, say a brief prayer, asking the Holy Spirit to illuminate your heart and reveal to you what you need to learn. " "Choose a Bible book or passage that resonates with you and read it slowly, meditating on each verse . The deeper your time in the Word, the more your spiritual senses will open to hear the Holy Spirit.
"The third challenge is to learn to listen in prayer. The next time you pray, do not fill the entire time with talking; instead, leave a few minutes to be silent and simply wait. This is an act of faith and humility, because you are saying to God: 'Lord, here I am.
I don't just want to talk to you, I want to listen to you. ' It may be difficult for you at first, but over time, you will begin to notice that the Holy Spirit deposits impressions, thoughts, or even peace in your heart. inexplicable.
" "When you give God space in your prayer to speak to you, you are cultivating a deep, intimate relationship with Him. Don't rush to fill the silence. Remember that the Holy Spirit speaks in the stillness.
Allow Him to guide you in those quiet moments , and don't despair if at first you don't feel anything. This is a process that takes time, but with perseverance, your spiritual sensitivity will begin to develop. " "Another fundamental challenge is obedience.
Whenever you feel an impression or conviction in your heart, I encourage you to act immediately. Obedience is the key that opens the door to greater communion with the Holy Spirit. The Spirit may guide you to do something simple, like sending a message of encouragement to someone or taking time to help a person in need.
No matter how small the step, your willingness to obey strengthens your relationship with God. "When we obey without question or delay, we show God that we are committed to His will, even when we don't fully understand His purpose. If you practice this daily obedience, you will be amazed at how the Holy Spirit begins to direct your life more clearly.
and powerful. " "Finally, I challenge you to seek the guidance of the Holy Spirit in every decision you make, not just the big decisions, but the small ones as well. Before you make any decision, ask God to direct you.
Proverbs 3:5- 6 exhorts us to trust in the Lord with all our hearts and not lean on our own understanding. " "Trust God's direction, even in the small details, strengthens our dependence on Him and reminds us that His wisdom is greater than ours. Practice this habit every day, and you will see how the Holy Spirit becomes your counselor, your guide, and your companion in every step you take.
" "We have reached the end of this journey together, and my hope is that this message has brought peace and clarity to your life. I know that sometimes it can be difficult to hear God's voice or feel His presence, especially in times of uncertainty or silence. But I want to remind you of something important: God is with you, even when you don't feel His voice.
He knows every desire of your heart and every step you take. His Holy Spirit is there, waiting for you to reach out and allow Him to guide you. "If you feel in your heart the desire to get closer to God, to open your senses to hear His voice, I want to invite you to pray with me.
This is a simple, but sincere prayer, an invitation for the Holy Spirit to be your guide and comfort at all times. If you can, take a moment of calm, close your eyes, and join me in this prayer. " "Dear Father, today I come before You with an open and willing heart.
I thank You because I know that You are with me, and that You do not abandon me, even in moments of silence. Thank you for sending Your Holy Spirit, who guides me, comforts, and gives me peace. "Today, I ask you to help me refine my spiritual senses, to teach me to recognize Your voice in every detail of my life.
May the noise of the world not distract me from Your presence, and may my heart always be willing to listen to You and obey You. "Fill me with peace, clarity, and wisdom. Guide me in every decision, in every thought, and in every step I take.
I want to walk in Your will, trust in Your timing, and live in the fullness of Your love. " I surrender my worries, my doubts and my fears. I trust that You are in control and that You always seek the best for me.
Thank you, Lord, because I know you hear me. In the name of Jesus, Amen. " "If you feel that this message has been a blessing to you, perhaps it can also be of help to someone else.
Consider sharing it with someone who may need to hear these words. And if you want to receive more content that inspires you and helps you strengthen your spiritual life, subscribe. We are here to accompany you on this path of spiritual growth.
" "May God bless you abundantly. May His peace flood your life, may His love surround you in every moment and may His light illuminate every step you take. Remember, no matter how difficult the road is, God is with you, guiding you and sustaining you.
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