Start Your Day By Putting God First Every Morning: A Heartfelt Morning Prayer To Put God First

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Daily Jesus Prayers
Be blessed as you put God first in every day and in everything you do. Pray this morning pray to inv...
Video Transcript:
putting God first isn't just a religious slogan it's a revolutionary approach to life that can transform your world from the inside out when we align our hearts minds and actions with God's will we open ourselves to extraordinary possibilities today we're going to explore the profound impact of making God our top priority every single day if you believe that God can make a difference in your life today let us stand together in faith I will pray a fervent prayer with you in the mighty name of Jesus so watch until the end and open your hearts to
receive the blessings of this prayer my dear friends when we truly put God first three remarkable things happen these aren't small changes they're seismic shifts that can redefine your purpose amplify your joy and deepen your spiritual connection let's reflect on the words from Zephaniah 3 verse1 17 the Lord your God in your midst the mighty one will save he will rejoice over you with gladness he will quiet you with his love he will rejoice over you with singing this this beautiful verse reminds us of God's presence and his Delight in us when we prioritize him
now let's explore the amazing things that happen when we put God first every day number one unshakable peace when we put God first we experience a profound peace that surpasses all understanding this isn't the fleeting calm that comes from from temporary circumstances but a deep rooted Tranquility that weathers any storm think about the times you felt overwhelmed anxious or stressed now imagine facing those same challenges with an unwavering sense of Peace That's The Power of putting God first when we prioritize our relationship with him we anchor ourselves to something greater than our problems we gain
perspective realizing that our struggles are temporary but God's love is eternal this shift in Focus allows us to approach difficulties with a calm spirit and a clear mind the Apostle Paul understood this well in Philippians 4:7 he writes and the peace of God which surpasses all understanding will guard your hearts and Minds through Christ Jesus this peace isn't passive it's an active force that protects our emotional and mental well-being when we put God first we invite this Divine peace into every aspect of Our Lives it influences how we interact with others how we approach our
work and how we handle our responsibilities this peace becomes a testimony to those around us a visible sign of God's work in our lives it's not that problems disappear but rather that we gain the strength and wisdom to face them with Grace my friends this unshakable peace is available to each of us when we choose to put God first every day it's a gift that transforms our inner world and radiates outward touching every aspect of Our Lives number two renewed purpose my friends when we put God first every day we discover A Renewed sense of
purpose that infuses our lives with meaning and direction this isn't about finding worldly success or achieving fleeting goals it's about aligning ourselves with God's divine plan for our lives many of us struggle with feelings of emptiness or uncertainty about our place in the world we chase after various Pursuits hoping to find fulfillment but when we prioritize God we tap into a Wellspring of purpose that never runs dry consider the words of Jeremiah 29:1 for I know the thoughts that I think toward you says the Lord thoughts of peace and not of evil to give you
a future and a hope this verse reminds us that God has specific plans for each of us plans filled with hope and a bright future when we put him first we position ourselves to discover and fulfill these plans our daily decisions become Guided by a higher calling we begin to see our work our relationships and our challenges through a new lens suddenly even the mundane tasks of Life take on new significance as we realize they're part of God's greater purpose this renewed sense of purpose brings Clarity to our decisionmaking we find ourselves naturally gravitating towards
activities and relationships that align with God's will for our lives at the same time we become more Discerning about things that might distract us from our true calling my dear friends this purpose isn't just about personal fulfillment it's about making a lasting impact on the world around us when we align ourselves with God's purpose we become channels of his love Grace and Truth to others Our Lives become living testimonies of God's goodness and Power we find joy in serving others not out of obligation but out of a deep sense of purpose and love this renewed
purpose gives us resilience in the face of setbacks and challenges we understand that our journey isn't just about reaching a destination but about growing and reflecting God's character along the way every experience whether good or difficult becomes an opportunity for growth and a chance to glorify God and number three Supernatural provision my dear friends when we consistently put God first in our lives we open ourselves to experiencing Supernatural provision this isn't about material wealth or worldly success but rather about God meeting our needs in ways that often defy human understanding when we prioritize our relationship
with God we learn to trust him completely for every aspect of Our Lives we begin to see his hand at work providing for us in both big and small ways consider the words of Philippians 4: 19 and my God shall supply all your need according to his riches and Glory by Christ Jesus this powerful promise reminds us that God's provision isn't limited by Earthly constraints he draws from the infinite Riches of his glory to meet our needs this Supernatural provision often manifests in unexpected ways it might be a timely word of encouragement when we're feeling
discouraged it could be a sudden opportunity that aligns perfectly with our god-given talent balance sometimes it's a miraculous Financial breakthrough when we're facing seemingly overwhelming challenges my friends when we put God first we learn to recognize these Divine interventions for what they truly are evidence of God's loving care for us we become more attuned to his voice guiding us towards his provision this doesn't mean life becomes easy or Problem free rather we develop a deep trust that God will provide exactly what we need when we need it think of Elijah fed by Ravens in the
wilderness or the Widow of zarapas whose oil and flour never ran out these biblical accounts remind us that God's provision often defies logic and exceeds our expectations when we put God first we position ourselves to experience similar miracles in our own lives this Supernatural provision extends beyond our physical needs God provides wisdom when we Face difficult decisions strength when we feel weak and comfort in times of Sorrow he equips us with spiritual gifts to serve others and further his kingdom my dear friends as we consistently prioritize God we cultivate a deeper awareness of his constant
provision in our lives this awareness fuels our faith and strengthens our resolve to keep God first creating a beautiful cycle of trust and provision remember it all begins with a simple decision to PR prioritize your relationship with God above all else now to all those within the sound of my voice let us go to the Lord in prayer I want you to pray this prayer with me or listen to this prayer in faith so that you can have all the blessings of this prayer let us pray to our gracious and loving God heavenly father I
come before you with Thanksgiving and praise exalting your holy name for you are the one true and living God you are the creator of the heavens and the Earth the Alpha and the Omega the beginning and the end you hold all power in your hands and nothing is too hard for you you are my rock my shield and my Fortress and I give you all the glory honor and praise you you are my sustainer the source of my strength and The Giver of Life I lift you high Lord for you are worthy of all worship
there is none like you God and I declare that you are above all things in my life I exalt you Lord because you are faithful merciful and abounding in Grace and love I declare your greatness for you alone are God and you alone are worthy of all my devotion thank you Lord for your Endless Love and for the countless blessings that you have poured into my life thank you for being with me every day for never leaving me nor forsaking me I'm grateful that your mercies are new every morning and that you are always ready
to guide me when I seek you thank you for your provision for every answered prayer and for your protection thank you for the opportunity to draw near to you and for the privilege of putting you first in my life merciful Lord I ask for your forgiveness forgive me for the times I have allowed distractions Pride or other things to take priority over you forgive me for the moments when I have not sought you first or given you the place of honor in my heart I also forgive those who have wronged me releasing any bitterness or
resentment that may hinder my relationship with you cleanse My Heart Lord and help me to walk in alignment with your will putting you above everything else Lord I declare that you are first in my life in the name of Jesus I rebuke every Spirit of distraction confusion or selfishness that seeks to draw my attention away from you I bind Every Lie of the enemy that tries to tell me that other things are more important than my relationship with you I declare that from this day forward I will seek first the kingdom of God and his
righteousness trusting that all other things will be added to me I speak faith and discipline over my life I affirm that you are the foundation of everything I do and that I will not be moved by the things of this world Lord I ask that you guide my every step and be my refuge throughout this day I put you first in every decision every action and every plan in my life I declare that my life will be a reflection of your glory as I choose to put you first in all things father I ask for
your Abundant Blessings to flow over my life bless me with wisdom to make decisions that align with your will and bless me with the strength to seek you daily bless me with a heart that desires to know you more and to walk closely with you I pray for healing over my body my mind and my spirit I declare in the name of Jesus that every sickness every disease and every form of anxiety is healed and restored by your Mighty power in the name of Jesus I rebuke every attack of the enemy that seeks to hinder
my walk with you whether in my health my family or my finances I declare that no weapon formed against me shall prosper and I stand firm under the protection of your blood Lord I ask for your protection over my loved ones and that you keep us in your care cover us with your grace and lead us into the fullness of the life that you have planned for us Lord as I say this prayer together with everyone listening I am grateful for every heart that is opening before you right now we come in agreement declaring that
we will put you first in all things trusting in your guidance and your faithfulness Lord let your Holy Spirit Empower us to walk in obedience to your will and to seek you daily we declare victory over every challenge every distraction and every attack of the enemy we claim healing peace and joy in in every area of Our Lives as we walk in alignment with you we thank you Lord for your unfailing love for your protection and for the promise that when we put you first you will lead us into Paths of righteousness we praise your
Holy Name above all else for yours is the kingdom the power and the glory forever and ever thank you Lord for hearing and answering my prayer in the mighty name of Jesus I pray amen if you were blessed by this prayer type the word amen in the comment section below I declare that all the blessings of this prayer are now upon you in the name of Jesus you can help us to reach more persons and spread the gospel you you can do this by sharing the video with a friend or family member and by clicking
the like button also remember to subscribe to our channel daily Jesus prayers for more videos that will bless your heart and uplift your spirit we appreciate all your support you're blessed to be a blessing please feel free to leave your prayer request in the comment section so that we can present them before God for your blessings and victory and so that other believers on the YouTube platform and all over the world can join us and start praying for you right now stand in faith with us while we pray to God be all the glory May
the grace and peace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all
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