The Only OFFER Training You Need in 2025

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Tom Youngs
Want to add an extra $20k per month to your creator business in less than 4h per day? Watch this 👉 ...
Video Transcript:
R Champs the date was the 13th of July 2021 when a new era in the online business world was born Alex hosi published his first book in his $100 million series and $100 million offers quickly became the Bible of offer design in the online business world but 3 years later the high ticket Services Market has been flattened by people making insane promises with crazy guarantees and ludicrous bonuses that just make no sense so the question is no longer how do I make a banger offer the question if you're looking to scale an online education business
in 2025 is how do I make a banger offer in an ocean of Banger offers well that's what we're going to answer in this video today so welcome to part two in a six-part miniseries where I'm sharing with you the lessons that I've learned from building my business from zero to over 50k in a month in the past 12 months without funnels without cold Outreach without going viral and without sales calls so if you haven't watched part one make sure to go check out that video first I'm going to link it up here go check
it out so you can fully understand how our model works first now especially if you're new here you're probably wondering who the is this devilishly handsome and unbelievably well spoken young English lad with unrivaled Verve and tactical guile well you're going to find out exactly who I am in part one so go check it out first but if you've been a good boy girl or maybe non-binary you've watched part one and you've done the homework I gave to you so let's dive in and have some fun on the iPad okay so no doubt you know
who this other handsome young fellow is so hosi launched $100 million offers and the world went mad um and it went mad because of this his value equation so his value equation if you guys haven't read the book highly recommend reading it um is this idea that value is related to these four variables so the four variables are the dream outcome so the dream transformational outcome that they want the perceived likelihood that the person is able to get it using your methodology then divided by the perceived time delay to outcome which we obviously want to
be as low as possible and the perceived effort and sacrifice which we also want to be as low as possible so what we wanted is we wanted this side of the equation to be super low and then this side of the equation to be really high we want a really high Dream outcome we want a high perceived likelihood of achievement we want a low perceived time delay to outcome a low perceived effort and sacrifice but what happened was that ended up in a market with a ton of what people called Banger offers which now are
just basically offers these are types of offers that we're starting to see I'm sure you've seen I hope you lose £25 in 3 hours without dieting without exercise or any effort whatsoever and if you don't get the result I'm going to buy your next house for you and raise your children until they leave home for the trouble I like there are offers which sound like that and they're just ludicrous so the answer isn't this the answer is principle number one in an ocean of Banger offers you are the Banger offer okay that's the key idea
here is that you are the bang offer so Dano's talked about this a lot in this idea that you are the niche okay and what this really means is let's take it a step further for Uncle Warren over here but Uncle Warren Buffett said a truly great business must have an enduring moat that protects excellent Returns on invested Capital well that means in dumbass terms is it it needs protection from competition and there is only one way to protect yourself from competition and that's by having none and you have none by leaning into you as
the niche so that's what the advantage of a moat is is that it protects a business from challenges and so that the key idea here that's the big idea here and we're actually going to go into that uh in videos three and four I'm going to take you through the access stack the attractive character the cult brand blueprint and the authority Diamond these are all systems that you need to become the Auer so you need to be the offer okay so once we've got Uncle Warren we're on to principle number two which is effortless Ascension
remember my key philosophy with my model is this idea of complexity we want simplicity okay and so for me what we want is we want a simple and effective way to effortlessly ascend people from being strangers and randomers into being paid clients and eventually into case studies if you've seen the previous video you'll know the difference between funnels and fly wheels but here's the key difference so with funnels what we have is we are asking people to take really big leaps in trust we're asking people to make a big leap from being a stranger to
a lead and then to jump from being a lead all the way to a high ticket client paying us thousands of dollars you can understand that's a huge leap and trust that they need to make whereas in a flywheel what we do is we get people to take small steps instead okay so we're getting people to go not from ex stranger to lead to high ticket we're getting them to go from stranger to follower then to lead then to customer someone who pays us a microtransaction then to a high ticket client and then finally on
to a case study so that's the difference there in that we are making things easier and more effortless for people to ascend to work towards work with us and remember again just going to walk you through our one simple flywheel model we've got our one simple ad so that's our way for us to get leads highly qualified leads then we have a mechanism to get us to uh get customers which is our one simple Community which is our email list if you remember that and then we've got our one simple video which is our client
conversion part which gets people to become clients private clients in our one simple offer and then once we get the transformation that we help our clients with we then turn those into case studies and then into sales assets okay so hopefully you're with me stick with me here make sure you're taking notes because I know what our brains can be like okay so now we've done that so principal number two is effortless Ascension we're on to principal number three which is the four Ps and again we're coming back to Simplicity here so the four Ps
are really simple we have one person who we are trying to get one Promise by overcoming one problem with one plan you can see how I like the number one right like we're keeping things really simple one simple flywheel and then the four Ps here one person one promise one plan one problem so for an example my version of this is we have one person one type of person which is a hyper ambitious High ticket Creator we then have one promise which is our 20K monthly goal we're then helping solve one one problem which is
not having to rely on cold Outreach and then we have our unique mechanism which is our one plan so these are our four Ps so that's principle number three okay then we're on to principle number four which is the offer fundamentals now the way to think about this is these are like tools in your offer toolkit so these are the things that you can dip in and out of and use to get leverage in your offer so the first is our product so clear is better than complex so this is where the name of your
product your group whatever your community your membership whatever it is needs to be simple so for me mine's scale 20 which is I'll help you scale to your next 20K monthly goal that's basically as simple as it gets right you you know exactly what it is when you hear it next up we've got promise so you need a clear measurable transformation it needs to be tangible it needs to be objective and it needs to be something measurable so it can be time it could be dollars it can be pounds it can be on a scale
on a specific scale but it needs to be a North star that people can go and say that's what I want to get next up we've got payment terms so just on this note Mr monthly recurring revenue is absolute total it doesn't exist it it's just a marketing hack and marketing tactic that some people are using to say you need Mr there is no such thing as Mr there is just cash in your bank account okay so when people plug Mr unfortunately what happens is they drive the type of clients that they don't want which
is tow Dippers we don't want people dipping their toes in and trying out we want people who are all in we want Allin clients and we want to optimize for cash in the bank as soon as possible so we do this by doing split pays or pay in fulls and we do this by saying you can pay by this or you can get a prepay savings by paying in full in advance really simple and the key to this is that by doing that you're not saying hey this is like a subscription payment this is you
saying you're acting as a bank and financing their investment in you it's a really subtle difference but really important okay next up we've got urgency and scarcity and this is capping spots to maintain exclusivity via scarcity like no one wants to buy something if there's an endless supply so this is the this is how why Rolex have weight lists to be to buy watches we want to be a scarce thing so what I do is I open and close entry periodically to promote action taking so that causes urgency as well so I use urgency and
scarcity to get people to take action and to also maintain exclusivity and a premium feel next up we've got bonuses so the key with bonuses is they they've got to be congruent to your One Promise they can't be like an off you know a side thing that doesn't make any sense it has to be completely congruent with what you're trying to get your ultimate transformation that you help people with this is where some people will just mess this up they just bundle in all the that they've previously done that makes no sense to their existing
offer and they're like hey go load of bonuses and it's like no no no is that going to help someone get to that transformation the answer is no it's just going to confuse them and overwhelm them even more so the bonuses have to be congruent with where they're aiming to get to okay then finally we've got guarantees this is really simple people over complicate this stuff when starting out it is really simple it is I'm going to work with you for free until we get the result so I will get you the result you can
pay me for the pay me to get the result and if we don't get it in this timeline I'll still work with you for free until we get there really simple until you've built up enough proof and then we move to this which is there's only one guarantee if you don't do the work you're not going to get the result that's what my guarantee is for when people work with me cuz nothing is guaranteed in life okay finally we've got principle number five which is the offer laws number one is sell the vacation not the
plane flight what you want to do is you want to sell Futures not features people do not want to think about the getting to the airport waking up at 4:00 a.m. packing the bags going around the house looking for adapters finding the sunscreen packing the bags finding the bikinis getting through the airport being in line in a in a like a TSA security queue and then all the headaches that go along with the getting to the vacation they just want to know what sipping that pina colada is going to feel like when they're walking along
the beach that's what they want so sell the vacation on the plane flight okay number two is small promises easier to keep and I've made this mistake before so I thought that if I just went to the market with the biggest transformation that I could help or I had previously got someone people would love that so when I first started my offer I'd help people scale past 40K months and so that's what I went to the market with and then people would just like well I don't want to get to 40K I just want to
get to 10K or I just want to get to 15 or 20 and so what that does is that meant that the outcome felt Out Of Reach and so that stopped people from wanting to work with me so small promises easier to keep that's why I mine is 20k that's why I've got scale 20 small promises easier to keep okay number three is make offers every day and this is something I learned from Russell Bronson who who is an absolute G this is the idea that the more offers you make the more money you're going
to make it's really simple and this is why most days I make some sort of offer for someone to ascend in the client Ascension journey to my email list to my uh Instagram audience to my YouTube audience I make offers every day number four is Phase the One path of your offer to chunk it down people really struggle to think okay well like I've got all of these things to do it's going to take me all this time make it simple for them by saying phase one this is what we're going to do phase two
this is what we're going to do and then phase three this is what we're going to do make it really simple for someone to to look ahead in their mind and say okay I can picture the path that I'm going to go on okay and that is it so those are the key principles that I think about when it comes to crafting my offers hopefully you found that valuable but I've got more for you and honestly uh I can't believe I'm going to do this so I'm not sure how long this is going to be
there for so look I've got a free school Community called scale High ticket it's got over7 00 creators in there if you join and you DM me the secret passcode Pina clada when you're inside I'm going to unlock for you a one simple offer blueprint mini course which is typically sold at $295 and I'm going to give it to you absolutely free so you'll find the link to join School in the description down below now if you've got anything out of this video make sure you've subbed got more Source coming hit the like button and
let me know in the comments what you found most interesting in this video so I'm always curious to know because I mean I could really just be talking total either way I'm going to be back here in the next video dropping some mad mind nukes left right and center and I'm going to be taking you through a simplified way of structuring your offer so you can scale without the headaches being stuck on calls all day long go click the link up here so you can go watch that once it's out or put your notifications on
so you don't miss it when it does right Champs that was sick I'll see you in the next one
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