Evils of Freemasonry, part I - Dr Miravalle: Mcast s53

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What are the roots of Freemasonry? What are its evils, and why has the Church condemned it since it...
Video Transcript:
[Music] St maximilan K designated a spiritual battle against Freemasonry as one of the principal objectives of becoming a member of the militia iMac body the army of the Immaculate what was so wrong with Freemasonry then and what continues to be so wrong with Freemasonry now that the Catholic Church would continue to issue statements of saying to be a Freemason is absolutely incompatible with being a Catholic hello and welcome to Mary cast this is Dr Mark marali professor of Theology and mariology at The Franciscan University of stewville and we're going to answer that question in our
segment today what is so wrong about Freemasonry but I want to start by uh reading a statement by the congregation for the doctrine of Faith this was a statement authored by Cardinal Joseph rotzinger in 1983 and approved directly by John Paul II and this document tells us from Authority with the clarity of the church and the ordinary magisterium that you cannot be Catholic and a Freemason let me read this document this was released by the congregation for the the doctrine of Faith this is of course the doctrinal commission of the church November 26 1983 you
can also Google this and get this on the internet I read the the the document is entitled Declaration on Masonic associations quote it has been asked whether the position of the church in regard to Freemasonry has been changed by reason of the fact that there is no expressed mention of the same in the new code of canon law as there was in the previous 1917 code this congregation is able to reply that the circumstance indicated is due to an editorial policy which has been followed in regards to other associations as well which have likewise not
been mentioned in as much as they are included in broader categories what that means is that in the 1970 code there was a direct reference of the direct evil of Freemasonry it's not in this code because it's contained in a larger category the congregation further clarifies for this reason therefore the negative position of the church in regard to Masonic associations remains unchanged since their basic principles have always been considered irreconcilable with the teachings of the church and consequently membership in them remains forbidden the faithful who belong to Masonic associations are in a state of grave
sin and may not receive Holy Communion I'm going to repeat that again the congregation tells us quote the faithful who belong to Masonic associations are in a state of grave sin and may not receive Holy Communion so this is telling us with the clarity of the church that to be a Freemason is objectively to be the state of grave sin that means out of sanctifying Grace that means without a change that runs the possibility of Eternal damnation that's how serious it is to be a Freemason the Cong ation continues it is not within the competence
of local diois and church authorities to pass judgment on the nature of masonic associations in such a way as to derate from what has been established above that's referring to the fact that unfortunately certain Bishops would say well in our dicese the Freemasons are okay they are doing good works and they're they're helping and this is the congregation for the doctrine of Faith saying no local Bishop can approve what the ordinary magian considers absolutely irreconcilable the document goes on to State the Supreme Pont of John Paul II in the course of his audience granted to
the UN undersigned Cardinal prefect approved the present declaration which was decided upon in the ordinary meeting of this congregation and has ordered its publication Rome from the office of the Sacred congregation for the doctrine of Faith November 26 1983 Joseph Cardinal rotzinger prefect who of course is now Pope Benedict the 16th so that makes it clear from the authority of the church that if you're a Freemason you are in an objective state of grave sin you cannot receive the sacrament you cannot be a member and no local Authority can dagate from this Norm from the
Vatican the question is why why is Freemasonry so intrinsically incompatible my friends in our in our segments here we're not going to have time to go through all of the reasons I'm just going to give you the pillar reasons because the list is endless uh let me mention briefly that Freemasonry starts in an organized fashion in 1717 in London but extends to Scottish Freemasonry and French and German Freemasonry very quickly and then masonry uh is throughout the world almost immediately as soon as Freemasonry organizes as a as a set Association the pontiffs came out and
condemned masonry Time and Time and Time Again Leo the 13th has a major encyclical against Freemasonry but long before that some six holy fathers before the middle of the 19th century condemned the intrinsic evil of Freemasonry why number one because a premise of masonry is that hidden knowledge is power it is a form of gnosticism it is a secret society that believes that through secrets and through secret knowledge greater power can be ascribed and therefore a greater position of the human person one author properly said that Freemasonry really begins in the Garden of Eden because
as soon as man seeks a higher knowledge and can only get it through Disobedience to God and the Divine Law and eventually what becomes the teaching of the church then you have the heart of Freemasonry Freemasonry is a rationalism and a narcissism it is a mind over a heart it is an act of arrogance and and rational Disobedience to the church which ultimately seeks ultimately to put Satan in the place of Jesus Christ and he he Satan knows and the echelons of masonry knows that it can only happen through the bringing down of the Vicor
of Christ and the church and indeed in the higher levels of Freemason R vows one of the gestures that has to be done is to take a Papal crown throw it on the ground and crush it under foot several times U the animosity against the Holy Father is very clear so number one hidden knowledge is power number two all human authority is evil and therefore masonry seeks to uh dislodge all forms of human authority now of course this is an act of of great irony and some would even say hypocrisy in the sense that uh
masonry has a very highly structured Authority system from the first level all the way up to the 32nd level which is which is technically the height and then a 33rd level is the honorary uh level of masonry but the idea was a a type of enlightenment idea that any Authority any human authority was evil and they rightly recognized the Catholic Church as the greatest human authority because it's an authority that goes beyond this world so from the beginning the focus of Freemasonry was against the Roman Ponto against the Holy Father and against all the other
elements of the church uh masonry also has as one one of its major premises the idolatry of Reason uh some will say or you can be a Catholic you can be a Protestant you can be a Muslim you can be a Hindu you can be Jewish and you can be masonry not if you want to be true to any of those other religions but from the Catholic perspective we have to be true to the one true religion in its fullness and that's the Catholic Church as we know from the church and we know from Lumen
genum uh now as soon as you become a Mason on the first level of masonry you must take an oath which violates your integrity to the Catholic Church you must take an oath which places your local group of Masons at is the lodge over any other authority so while a Mason Masonic organization will say of course we accept Catholics we accept Protestants we accept everyone else but you you fundamentally and metaphysically and intrinsically undermine being Catholic in the first vow that you take so it's a contradiction and ultimately masonry seeks again to fight the moral
teachings of the church by compromise and it uses the mass media to do that we're going to get into a little bit more depth on masonry because again St maximilan said to be in the army of the Immaculate one of your primary OB objectives has to be against Freemasonry both in truth and in prayer and in spiritual offering so we're going to have a little bit more on masy and then the remedy of St maximilan this is Mark marali with Mary Cass saying let's follow the wisdom of St Maxim milon let's pray against the evils
of Freemasonry and let's take on our task not in crying or complaining in but in using the immaculada to crush the head of Satan which exists in Freemasonry God bless [Music]
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