A Girl Totally Transforms Herself After Everyone Makes Fun Of Her Height

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A Girl Totally Transforms Herself After Everyone Makes Fun Of Her Height #nrecaps #movierecaps #lo...
Video Transcript:
[Music] a 16 year old lady named Jody was fortunate to have everything in life but what seems to be a blessing for many was a curse for her a towering height the lady is six feet tall way unusual for girls in her age because of that Jody had a hard time finding clothes so she often used a male wardrobe in shoes her self-esteem was also affected and she had difficulties dating men one time at the library a new guy at school was reading a book across from Jody's table he was cute and the lady glanced
at him from time to time the man on the other hand finds Jody attractive he pretended not to understand what he was reading to start a conversation with her Jody who happens to finish the book explains the story's plot to the man she was glad to help but she needed to go Jody packed her things and was about to leave the place the man got up and introduced himself he asked Jody to go out with him but freaked out discovering she was extremely tall the man was turned off and went away her father Richie first
noticed her unusual height when she was three Jody was almost four feet that year when which concerns him the most they went to a physician and asked if there were hormones her daughter could take to stunt her growth there was an available one but it involves health risks such as infertility Jody's parents had no choice but to accept their daughter's fate years passed by and Jody's height continued growing at a fast pace in all her class pictures she would always stand at the center behind everyone else currently Jody is in junior high school wearing men's
shoes size 13. her towering height would constantly attract bullies asking what's the weather up there Jody was used to it but there were times it would hurt good thing her girl best friend farida is always there to cheer her up farida is a smart bubbly and brave girl with a positive mindset and she would drive away Jody's bullies anytime unlike Jody her older sister Harper was confident and won multiple Beauty contests she is beautiful like their mom and it adds more to her insecurities while having lunch Richie noticed she was getting distant from the family
he was concerned about her condition and maybe she was feeling something but didn't want to disclose it her dad was paranoid after reading various stories from people with the same condition as her some passed away While others experienced a different complication Richie also wondered why his daughter never played piano like she used to Jody is excellent in playing piano and that is her edge in the family the lady assured them she had no health issues and she was fine the reason why she stopped playing the piano was that people would tend to watch her and
eventually notice her unusual height she doesn't want to create another reason for them to stare at her the next day Jody attended her chemistry class her annoying childhood best friend Jack Dunkleman was interrupting her Focus Jack Loves Jody and he is very vocal about it he is the weird guy in school who carries books in a milk crate and even if Jody had known him for a long time the milk crate thingy remained a mystery to her Jack has been asking Jody out countless times but the lady is reluctant Jack doesn't qualify on her boyfriend's
checklist and he is also way shorter in height than the lady but Jack was persistent he even brought a smoothie for Jody to impress her suddenly a tall and attractive guy joined the class he is stigmolin a Swedish exchange student staying on campus for the entire year his perfect face and confidence amused everyone Jody's world stopped as Stig walked slowly into her vision he was so handsome and she couldn't stop staring Jack saw how Jody was mesmerized by the new guy he felt bad about himself because Stig was taller than him he was Jody's type
and he was threatened about it Jack tried getting back Jody's attention but her eyes were fixed on him instead of introducing himself Stig went to the board and tried answering a problem Jack wished he was dumb but the man effortlessly solved it all the ladies including Jody screamed and clapped their hands out of amusement from that day on Jody was eyeing on Stig and making ways to get his attention it was her first time initiating the first move with a guy so she consulted farida about it for farida Stig did not notice her towering height
because he is from Sweden and people there are also Giants aside from Jody girls on the campus were also dying to be noticed by Stig and one of her competitors is the famous Kimmy Stitcher Kimmy has been her top bully since Nursery she would embarrass her in front of the class which never stopped until they went to high school Kimmy saw Stig in the locker area and thought it would be the perfect time to get his attention she fixed herself in asked for help from Liz her best friend Kimmy walked to the hallway intimidating other
ladies Jody was annoyed to see Kimmy flirting with her Crush she knows basic Swedish and uses it to impress stick the man was amused and loved her personality that instant Kimmy also offered to tour him around the state after learning he had never been to other places Jack saw Jody in the locker area with farida she looked jealous at Kimmy talking to stick he cheered her up saying it would be better not to date Stig their tall Gene combined will be a nightmare if they end up marrying if she Bears a child she will definitely
undergo a Caesarean and the baby will suffer as she experienced it makes sense for farida but Jody is not convinced her heart belongs to stick and she will continue admiring him from afar Jack was carrying his milk crate while waiting to be picked up by his mom Mrs dunkelman was giggling when she arrived and she was with Stig Jack wondered how he became close to his mom Mrs dun clemon was delighted to inform him about being the host family for Stig she volunteered to let the exchange students stay in their house for a year Jack
freaked out and pleaded with his mom to deport him however Mrs dunkleman's decision decision was Final and he couldn't oppose that Jack hopped into the back seat murmuring to his mom it was already late at night and Jody couldn't sleep she went to her sister's room and found her watching a pageant video Harper is a perfectionist so she analyzes her performances and takes down notes on how to improve herself the beauty queen found herself fat on the camera and decided to limit her carb intake she will be joining another contest so she needs to stay
fit to make that possible she instructed Jody to slap her whenever she eats unhealthy snacks out of nowhere Jody asked for help on how to be noticed by a guy Harper jumped because of excitement she had been waiting for the time her little sister would ask for love advice she dreamed of dressing Jody like a lady but never had a chance since it was not her style The Beauty Queen promised to do an Extreme Makeover to help her out Jody revealed she fell in love with an exchange student from Sweden hearing that Harper discouraged her
she also dated an exchange student back then and he was a paraguan named Diego it was a terrible experience because all the girls wanted him and it was war she feels like going to battle every day to keep him interested in her Harper asked the lady if she was willing to go all the way to be noticed because if not she should stop her fantasies it was Jody's first time falling in love and she had no idea how much effort Harper was describing it was a fine morning but Jack was in a bad mood waking
up with Stig he was feeling at home since his mom was Hands-On and accommodating him Jack hates him so much and he is vocal about it at the cafeteria Jack was ordering food when stiggs Stood Beside him he was persistent with the idea of being friends he believes they can establish a great Bond if he would only give it a chance Jack refused and told the man it wouldn't work he was so concerned about what the people thought once they got along they are quite the opposite of each other and the students would quickly notice
how unattractive he is Stig is tall and handsome and standing beside him would make his appearance even worse steak didn't know anyone in school so he pleaded again jack advised him to look around because making friends is definitely not a problem Stig looked everywhere and saw all ladies staring at him smiling Jack sat at Jody and ferried his table and he was annoyed by the way their eyes were fixed on Stig the man was all alone at the following table since he he was not comfortable sitting with the girls dying to get his attention suddenly
Kimmy stood up and confidently walked to Stig she also sat beside him making other ladies Furious the competition started when another woman sat beside him after her more and more girls transferred to his table glaring at each other stick panicked seeing the ladies fighting to win him Jody on the other hand stood up but never dared to join her heartache as she silently admired Stig from afar with beautiful girls around him in the end Kimmy won the glaring fight since the bell rang and the others rushed to class farida became the living Diary of Jody
and Jack the lady was bothered for more than a week seeing Kimmy and stig's flourishing romance they also go to lunch together be partners in physical education and art classes and go home Inseparable Jack on the other hand was concerned about Jody falling in love with Stig he didn't understand why she was dying to date a man she barely knew over him who had loved her since elementary one time in their art class Jody was annoyed with Kimmy sticking to Stig again she was so flirty and Stig looks enjoyed and never stopped her Jack who
was painting nearby could not focus on his work staring at Jody there was a need to keep an eye on her because of stick he won't permit him to steal her longtime Crush meanwhile Kimmy's friend Liz was attracted to Jack and made a move by admiring his painting the man was flattered by her compliment and couldn't stop smiling the competition to winstig was getting intense and Jody couldn't let Kimmy have him she is ready to go all the way and asks for help from Harper the lady was busy practicing for the Teen Miss Louisiana but
she was willing to help her little sister however Harper felt she couldn't do it alone so she sought help from their beauty queen mom for Jody's transformation they went to the mall to buy Cosmetics Jody doesn't wear makeup because she hates it Harper was to the rescue in finding the lipstick shade that would match her skin tone they also visited the boutique where Helene was hands on and finding dresses for her daughter her choices were great and Jody tried everything in the fitting room however dresses were not her style in the end she bought trousers
and tops that are not skin revealing but look Chic on her later that night Jody was surprised when Stig called her his voice was unique and she couldn't believe how he got her number she was flattered the most popular guy in school had finally noticed her they continued talking until Stig invited her to be his date for the homecoming night Jody froze for a moment and forgot how to respond she was still looking for a date so she agreed instantly however Jody eventually discovered it was only a prank call and it was snipper on the
line schnipper is Kimmy's friend and she was the one behind it Kimmy saw how Jody stared at Stig in the art class she was sure it was something and she looked in love with him because of that she was included on the list of girls Kimmy plans to eliminate in the competition it was her strategy for Jody and the other ladies to back out Kimmy also insulted her saying she may be the tallest girl but not the prettiest Jody had cried throughout the night the confidence Harper and her mom gave was all gone in a
snap the next day Jody's Family waited for her in the living area it took her a long time to be downstairs and Richie was losing his patience Harper and Helene calmed him down and told the man about Jody's transformation he needs to wait because his daughter will be wearing makeup and dressing for school and that will definitely take time Richie got excited about Jody but they were all disappoint pointed when she came down with pants and sweaters it was her everyday outfit and nothing had changed Jody doesn't look happy so they never bothered to ask
what happened Stig and Jack went to school together after they became friends Jack was overwhelmed by the number of ladies greeting him because of Stig the Swedish guy admitted he was not used to all of the attention because in his country more men are attractive than him and his face is nothing when compared meanwhile Jody was hiding in the toilet she was still ashamed to walk around the campus and bump into Kimmy ferry to came and knocked on the door she cheered her up and requested the lady to go out nothing will happen if she
remains there and if she shows she was affected it will only keep her enemies stronger Jody wants to be alone so she flushed the toilet to keep farida away classes started and Jody was forced to go out she slowly sneaked out from the comfort room to make sure no one saw her on the way she rattled to see schnipper walking in her Direction she immediately went to the other side but Kimmy was there also she was trapped in the hallway and had no choice but to hide at random doors to escape she found herself in
the music room and someone played the piano it was Stig and he was looking at her the man played the instrument again but he was too bad at it Jody suggested to stop aiming for the high notes and relax his hands stake tried another round following Jody's advice and it worked because of that he got interested in her he assumed Jody was good at it so he invited her to play the lady was rattled because she never did it for years already she was also shy to show her skills to him the lady explained she
was bad at the piano because she had smaller hands than men according to her men's hands are broader and bigger so pianists are mostly males Stig never believed her and compared her hands to his their palms touched and Jody felt butterflies since she was tall her hands were as big as digs and she had no more excuses not to play the instrument Jody showcased her piano skills even if she never did it for years the muscle memory did everything she impressed Diggs so much that the man requested her to play his favorite song Jody played
a great Melody and they duet with it they looked at each other and Jody found the moment magical she never believed it would be effortless to entertain her crush and she nailed it they also had a conversation where the lady discovered that Stig like music he also loves watching musicals in theaters their moment was interrupted when someone was clapping behind them it was Kimmy and she was so mad at Jody for flirting with her man Stig introduced her as his girlfriend leaving Jody heartbroken she thought their love story was only starting and she never expected
his instant relationship with Kimmy Jody went home pissed off she opened the door and loud music welcomed her she freaked out seeing tall people everywhere somewhere on the stairs While others were conversing with her father the lady confronted her dad about it because he seemed to have invited a club of tall people Richie denied it saying they were only his friends and he requested them to come over for a little gathering Jody never believed him because everyone wore caps with the tip Toppers logo suddenly a lady introduced herself as the chairman of the tip Toppers
Club their organization has been active for almost seven years and they will be the second largest group of tall people in America if Jody joins as a member she also spilled about her parents inviting them weekly to be in their house for chapter meetings Jody removed the club's cap and went upstairs she was disappointed in her father organizing a party without her permission Richie thought it would be a good idea to make his daughter feel normal but it turned out the opposite the lady felt even worse with her condition and cried throughout the night Jody
got tired of her height and surfed on the internet about height reduction surgeries it costs a lot but there are cheaper ones in India she also scrolled over the comments and saw people saying the surgery was too painful and it took many months before they walked again Jody continued crying feeling hopeless her phone rang and another prank call made her furious schnipper introduced himself as Stig and his voice was convincing the lady cursed him with all the words she could ever imagine she also told him he chose the worst day to prank her again she
threatened to kick him with her size 13 eggs when she saw him at school instead of being mad the man on the line was silent and let her talk it was only that time she realized it was Stig he also wondered why she was angry when he never did something to her Jody felt embarrassed for shouting at her crush it was fine for stick and he invited her to come over to watch a musical with him Jody could not contain her happiness and jumped out for Joy Jack's jaw dropped seeing her on the doorstep she
looked more stunning than the Jody he knew before she was wearing makeup and curled her hair for the first time the man felt butterflies but wondered why she seemed overdressed for their study night however he was hurt learning Jody did not come over for him but for Stig the man was also surprised by the sudden transformation and invited the lady inside the two looked great watching a musical show but Jack won't permit their romance to develop he kept whistling and passing in front of the television the man was not contented he opened a bag of
chips and munched it to create disturbing noises he also turned on the blender and kept talking nonsense Stig and Jody were irritated he won't leave them alone because of that Stig decided to invite him over to shut his mouth Jack was game to it and sat in the middle of the couch to keep them separated he stared at Jody laughing but the lady glared at him it was late at night so stick accompanied Jody home inside Jody wondered where Kimmy was Stig guessed she may have attended a party he thanked Jody for coming because he
had no one to watch the musical Kimmy hates music so he immediately thinks of inviting her Jody keeps mentioning Kimmy because she feels bad for being with her boyfriend the lady at my buyers are so much for being pretty and Stig is lucky to date her Jody also expressed how insecure she is about herself because of her height Stig cheered her up because even Kimmy felt insecure too she was even jealous the last time after learning Jody was good at piano for Stig Jody is smart fun unique and beautiful she should be confident to embrace
it Jody was flattered and made the first move to kiss him Stig never pulled away and kissed her back Jody went home all smiling after the great night with stick she sneaked into her room because it was already late she was startled because Harper was standing on the stairs wearing again she looked so excited to know how the date with Stig went Harper freaked out learning they kissed but Jody was bothered by the idea of kissing a man in a relationship she asked Harper how to undo what she did the beauty queen said there was
nothing to worry about because the man kissed her back she also thought it was a great move and she was proud of Jody for stepping up in the competition Stig on the other hand also had a hard time moving on after the kiss he still feels Jody's love and realizes he likes her more than Kimmy he thinks he is a horrible person for cheating on his girlfriend bother he woke jack up to ask for some advice Jack was shocked about Jody initiating the first move he gasped for aristig describes the kiss jealous he advised him
to take advantage of the chance that he was dating the hottest girl on campus he also reminded him to focus on being the homecoming King because once he returned to Sweden he would never experience it again Stig also asks the man if he can still be friends with Jody because he loves her already Jack discouraged him and recommended it would be better to cut ties with her at the cafeteria Kimmy was intimidated by how pretty Jody was she looked stunning but Kimmy was in denial that she found her attractive she asked schnipper for a second
opinion on the lady's New Look the man is also lost in the moment and finds her hot she looked more confident than ever so schnipper teased Kimmy to better watch her back meanwhile Jody shared with farida about the kiss and she also described how perfect it was however she was bothered by the thought of stealing Stig from Kimmy farida encouraged her to do so because for her Kimmy didn't deserve him Stig finished ordering food and looked for tables Jody assumed he would sit beside her and farida was also excited about it they were disappointed because
the man only glanced at Jody who was called to her Kimmy was delighted to see Stig but confronted him last night for not responding to her texts Stig reasoned out he left his phone silent and sounded like he had never cheated the previous night he saw Jack with food so he invited him over Jody was jealous about Jack joining Stig and Friends instead of her and farida they looked entertained as Jack made jokes after Jack hung out with stig's friends Liz came to notice him the lady was also attracted to him because of his sense
of humor the two became close after learning they prefer gluten-free food Jack was biking home when Jody came to ask about Stig she was wondering why he was cold to her Jack discouraged her from flirting with him because she would only be heard in the end Jody changed the topic and asked him about how Stig found her kiss she got no answers so she followed him until they reached home stag opened the door so Jody grabbed the chance to talk to him she apologized for the kiss because it might be why he kept avoiding her
at school it was fine for Stig and he also apologized for it the reason why he was cold to her was that he had no idea how to react he is dating Kimmy and it is wrong to kiss another woman in the end the two agreed to be friends and forget about the incident the next day Frida and Jody joined the school's marching band Jody saw how happy Stig was with Kimmy and she respected his decision farida invited her to dance to the loud music to move on Jack on the other hand starts to date
Liz Jody feels jealous that he hangs out with her more for the past few days while trying to enjoy the festive moment Jody was terrified when Kimmy approached her she thought Kimmy already knew about the kiss with Stig but she was wrong because the lady shipped her to schnipper who was dying to date her she invited the lady to the escape room on Friday and joined their Circle farida was against Jody hanging out with Kimmy and her friends she had already tricked her before but she never learned a lesson farida walked out when the lady
insisted on going Friday night came and the couples arrived at the meeting place Stig was with Kimmy Jack with Liz and Jody with snipper Kimmy opened up about the homecoming hangout party and asked who would host it Jack volunteered since his mom will be out of town for the weekend Jody enjoyed the escape room game until Stig and Jack kiss their Partners she doesn't want to be be left behind so she also kisses snipper however Jody doesn't want to pretend so she walks out and cuts ties with snipper weeks passed and Jody finally had confidence
but she felt alone losing her best friends while organizing her things in the locker she found a note from Stig the man wants to meet her at the piano stake was jealous the last time Jody kissed schnipper and realized he couldn't lose her again the man confessed his love and he is willing to break up with Kimmy just to be with her he plans to do it tonight so that they can meet after Jody refused because her sister's pageant would be later instead she invited him to be her plus one to watch Teen Miss Louisiana
state can't contain his happiness in dating Jody he also asked her to be his date for the homecoming party the two also agreed to go to Jack's Place like couples Harper was delighted to hear such news she was also happy for Jody for finally reaping the rewards she deserved the ladies had a heart to heart talk where Harper expressed her happiness for the past months since Jody started opening up to her they never had that close relationship before Stig came into her life Jody on the other hand hesitates to share everything with with her older
sister because she is always busy with her pageants it was fine for Harper and she was not disturbing her Jody means more to her than any crowns and titles Jody's parents were looking forward to meeting Stig it was the first time their daughter introduced a guy to them they also promised never to do anything to embarrass her the pageant started but they wondered why he never arrived Jody thought he was only late so she waited for more the family cheered Harper as she slays the talent portion on the question and answer portion Harper responded well
and faced the crowd with confidence at that moment she noticed the vacancy beside her sister and was pissed off at Stig the pageant was almost finished but no guy appeared Harper won the crown as T and Miss Louisiana but the whole family felt bad seeing Jody crying Harper comforted her little sister in the backseat Richie on the other hand was so mad that a guy stood up to his daughter he comforted Jody and he will punch digg's face once they met the homecoming hangout party at Jack's Place started the lady went there to confront Stig
the man reasoned out he helped Jack prepare the house the guests also arrived early so they were busy entertaining them and LA lost track of time Jody believed him but got disappointed that he never broke up with Kimmy as he promised the lady walked out realizing she was wasting time for a man who never liked her meanwhile Liz and Jack were having a great time at the party when the lady invited him to be her date for the homecoming night Jack was reluctant and it made Liz confused she thought he liked her because of her
gestures when they were together Jack apologized and admitted he was in love with someone Liz immediately figured out it was Jody because he stared at her differently in the art class Liz wondered why he never dated her Jack was silent for a moment it may be embarrassing to say to Liz but he told her he was not Jody's type however he is willing to spend his life waiting for her until she likes him back Liz understands his feelings and never hates him for dumping her Richie saw his daughter running to her room crying he felt
bad imagining what his daughter went through she has suffered so much because of her height and this time it was because of a man he knocked on her door and promised never to say anything that would embarrass her he told Jody how much he loved her and always be there whenever she needs help Jody did not respond so he went downstairs Richie you saw the piano and remembered how the little Jody back then would request songs from him he missed the good old days so he played the instrument suddenly Jody sat beside him and rested
her head she never said a word but Richie was so happy to restore their father and daughter bonding Jody's mom was emotional to witness a beautiful moment from the kitchen the next day Jack came to Jody's room he missed her even more as he stared at their childhood photos Jack sat on her bed and touched her hair Jody thought he was a stranger so she punched his throat to defend herself the lady apologized after finding out it was Jack Jody noticed his black eye and wondered how he got it Jack accidentally fell from his skateboard
after taking a crazy turn he also shared he was grounded after his mom returned early than expected she arrived home and the house was damaged from the Party part of the punishment was never to attend the homecoming night Jack apologized for not acting like a best friend to her recently and he got her a present to make up for it Jody was excited to open it but wondered why it was high heels she is already tall and she doesn't need those Jack intentionally bought it because he imagined her enrolling in a great unit diversity soon
he was teary when he told the lady to wear those in college to attract tall guys he is confident that many boys would want to date and love her for who she is he already gave up on thinking she would feel the same way for him jack also cheered the lady after learning about what happened to her and Stig later that night Jody received a message from an unknown number she introduced herself as Liz and she sent her a video taken at the party she believes that the lady must watch it as soon as possible
it was footage of Stig embarrassing Jody to everyone at the party everything was also planned and he never meant to break up with Kimmy for her he also denied liking the kiss because she made the first move he did not realize Jack was there and heard everything he can still remember the night he asked for advice because you found Jody's kiss passionate and he fell in love with her but now he denied everything in trash talk Jody Jack was Furious and threw his milk crate to Stig he also corrected all his lies and told everyone
the truth the two had a fistfight and the black eye earlier was stig's punch Jody felt bad for Jack it was then that she realized how lucky she was to have him she cried throughout the night regretting how he treated him badly to to impress stick when she felt better she looked in the mirror determined to fight for herself like how Jack fought for her on homecoming night students looked stunning in their dresses and suits everyone was in attendance except for Jack and Jody Harper being the Teen Miss Louisiana title holder was invited to announce
the homecoming king and queen the results were revealed and Kimmy and Stig were hailed as the winners Kimmy looked so happy to receive the crown the venue was filled with loud cheers from the crowd since the two were also the most popular students Stig on the other hand was unhappy while they were dancing Stig broke up with Kimmy the lady couldn't accept it so she nagged at him they only stopped when the crowd went noisy Jody came and everyone was mesmerized when she went to the stage she looked stunning in her outfit and she also
wore the heels that Jack gave her she seemed so happy and took the opportunity to Grace the stage The Lady Loves the new her and she won't let anyone ruin the confidence she worked hard for she was also thankful to the people who insulted her because they were the ones who made her stronger everyone including Harper applauded her heartfelt speech she also reconciled with ferry to that night she did not stay long because she needed to go somewhere backstage Stig was running to stop her he was impressed by the speech and wanted to apologize he
already broke up with Kimmy and he wants to ask for another chance Jody smiled but rejected him she already knows the truth and she won't let herself be fooled by his cute eyes Jody removed her heels and went to Jack's Place she arrived and found the man sitting on the stairs with his milk crate Jack was surprised to see Jody visiting him the lady asked why he lied about the black eye but before Jack could explain Jody interrupted she confessed her love for him making Jack in tears he never expected Jody would ever like a
stunted man like him the lady teased him and said she had already revised her standards their love story may be late but Jody wants to start over with him as a couple Jack grabbed his milk crate and stood over it to kiss Jody and in the end we found out the purpose of his milk crate foreign [Music]
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