The Scientist Who Solved The Law of Vibration: "DESIRES ARE FREQUENCIES"

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"Frequency Begins Here" This video will show you the science behind tuning your desires into actual ...
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how many of you have ever heard of the universal law of attraction how many of you believe in the universal law of attraction cuz if you don't you're about to because for 22 years I never believed in any of that spiritual mumbo jumbo until one day I found a law in the physical Universe it's a law in physics you might want to write this down it's called constructive interference and it says that when two wavelengths of equal length meet the size of the frequency doubles this is the law of attraction backed by the science of
constructive interference at its core it's a wave phenomenon when two or more waves meet and are in Phase meaning they sink up perfectly they combine to form a wave of even greater amplitude think of two perfectly timed ripples in a pond when they intersect they create a larger combined Ripple but what does this have to do with the Loa everything consider this your thoughts emotions and intentions can be thought of as waves each with its own frequency when these frequencies are in harmony their combined power is magnified this is precisely how tuning Forks work strike
one and another with the same frequency will begin to vibrate in response your thoughts and desires can be tuned into actual frequencies causing the universe to respond in kind but what this means is that you can get energy from conversation you can get energy from what I'm telling you right now you can get energy from the people around you or they can take energy away from you so as I went down this spiritual Rabbit Hole I said well where does this frequency come from it comes from the brain comes from an area of the brain
called the gray matter this groundbreaking knowledge has been present in our scientific archives for a while but has been overshadowed by louder voices in the scientific Community one might wonder why something so transformative hasn't gained more traction perhaps as with many discoveries that challenge our conventional paradigms it's because they're disruptive to established ways of thinking knowing this how can one harness the power of constructive interference in their own life by ensuring that your thoughts intentions and emotions are aligned when they are in sync they become a potent Force drawing to you what you desire with
increased intensity it's as if the universe operates on the same principles as the science of waves when you're in tune with what you desire when your frequencies are aligned the universe can't help but respond it's not magic it's science the science behind constructive interference and the Loa isn't a contemporary Revelation it has in fact been echoed across ancient scriptures each reflecting this truth through its unique perspective for where two or three Gather in my name there am I with them Matthew 1820 rather than simply suggesting the mere physical Gathering of individuals this verse from the
Bible emphasizes the magnified power stemming from Collective intentionality it's not just about being together it's about the Amplified force that arises when aligned intentions intersect a direct nod to the principle of constructive interference as we delve deeper it becomes evident that numerous age-old Proverbs and teachings mirror this scientific concept could it be that these ancient writings were indirectly referring to constructive interference in the context of our thoughts and intentions consider the sacred texts from diverse Traditions the upanishads from India the yiing from China and the T Shing each of these venerable scriptures contain insights and
verses that emphasize Harmony alignment and amplification of energies the terms they employ and the stories they narrate might well be their unique way of describing what today's scientists term as constructive interference in essence the alignment of thought waves the synchronization of intentions and the potent magnification that results from their convergence might not be modern-day Revelation but an age-old wisdom waiting to be reinterpreted and rediscovered in the light of contemporary science take a moment and pick up your phone no matter its brand or model one underlying principle allows it to function connectivity through frequencies but as
you're about to discover these frequencies aren't just for texting or streaming a video they're an emblematic allegory for the untapped potential that exists within us akin to the mysteries of the universe itself mobile phones function using electromagnetic waves a spectrum of frequencies that allow for communication across vast distances a call or message sets off a chain of events that converts your voice or text into digital digal signals these signals with the help of a specific frequency are transmitted across the airwaves until they reach the intended receiver and are then converted back into voice or text
but it's not just about the conversion it's about the seamless dance of frequencies that make this process near miraculous now dive a little deeper let's think about what these frequencies signify they represent the Invisible Thread of connection which while not seen is undoubtedly felt and experienced just as your phone sends and receives these invisible waves your thoughts and intentions send out their own frequencies into the universe we seem to have a basic understanding of this I think what I'm saying here everyone in the room understands this when we're using our phones however when it comes
to life we get lost we don't seem to understand it well let's try and understand it let these lines represent levels of vibration every vibration is referred to as a frequency we operate on my my voice is being Amplified on a particular frequency you and I think on frequencies thought is energy do you know your thoughts are the most potent form of energy there is your thought would make the laser beam look like a toy thought waves are cosmic waves that penetrate all time and space now let's suppose this is the frequency that you're thinking
on if that's the frequency you're thinking on that's going to dictate the results that you get the results you get are nothing but the manifestation of your own thinking we become what we think about that is the one point that every great leaders agreed on they've disagreed in virtually every other idea but that one we become what we think about now let's clearly understand nothing is created or destroyed all science and all theology teach that nothing is created or destroyed all the power there ever was or ever will be is omnipresent all the ideas it's
all the knowledge whoever was or ever will be as om depressed it's all here we didn't have to get it we've already got it what we we do is got to do is tune into it so let's say that's where we want to go this is where I am that's where I want to go how do I get there well I'll say I'm going to do that this is where the average person's thinking I'm going to do that as soon as I get the money you can relate to that I'm going to do that as
soon as the kids are out of school that's how I'm going to do it we're thinking down here on this frequency your mind and your thoughts are down here on this frequency what you want is up here on a higher frequency you cannot get what you want up there while your thoughts are down here your mind and thoughts must focus on the same frequency as what you want if you want it it's already here and you make a decision it's got to be a committed decision you say I'm doing that now the second you make
a committed decision everything starts to change you begin to think and act like the person you want to become you stop thinking down there you're thinking up here now now you're thinking on a higher frequency want is the only prerequisite for making a decision doesn't matter whether they have the money do you really want it as Science and Technology have evolved so too has our understanding of the power of frequencies renowned researchers like Dr Karen L Fielding have proposed that human thoughts can be akin to electromagnetic frequencies in her groundbreaking study Fielding showcased how focused
intent resonates as specific frequencies akin to how a tuned radio accesses a particular station and just as tuning to the right station is pivotal for Clear reception aligning your thoughts with positive intent is Paramount for manifesting our desires imagine this every thought every intention and every aspiration you have is like dialing a number on your phone when dialed right you connect to the universe and when the connection is strong the universe listens understands and responds a vast body of research now converges on this pivotal point the universe isn't just a passive backdrop it's an active
participant a grand web of connections all responding to the frequencies we emit especially when those frequencies are focused and intent driven this is such powerful information you think it would be taught in all schools the truth is it's not it's rather sad because it can be but it's not that's why you're created in God's image we've got to understand what's that mean we're created in God's image we can do anything we've got the faculties to do the job most of us are going by what we hear see smell taste touch I get dogs at home
that can hear see smell taste touch that just puts you in touch with your outside world but your lessons come from your inside world not outside inside and you have to use your higher faculties perception the will reason imagination memory intuition the implication of this colossal just as you're empowered to communicate globally through your phone you're endowed with the ability to connect and manifest on a cosmic level and if this knowledge is so pivotal why isn't everyone talking about it the truth is these findings though revolutionary often lie buried beneath heaps of more conventional research
perhaps because they challenge established paradigms or maybe just maybe because this knowledge hands over too much power to the individual consider this if everyone understood and harnessed this power the collective frequency of our planet would be one of immense positivity growth and mutual intent it would mean a world where our Collective aspirations harmoniously resonate bringing forth an era of unbridled potential while the connectivity of our mobile phones is a technological Marvel the connectivity of our intentions and the universe's responsiveness is nothing short of magic and it's not just magic it's science remember this in a
world of visible tools and invisible connections your focused intentions are the most powerful tools you possess another undeniable Testament to the power of the law of attraction is found deep within Quantum research an experiment familiar to those well-versed in the intricacies of this field stands as a lighthouse revealing the profound interlinking of Consciousness and the tangible realm led by Dr Vladimir ponin this groundbreaking study chryed the DNA Phantom effect presents insights so profound that the not only resonate with the principles of the Law of Attraction but also challenge the very Bedrock of our scientific comprehension
Dr ponin a Quantum biologist ventured into an experiment that would perplex even the most seasoned of quantum physicists he started with a simple setup a vacuum chamber devoid of all particles within this chamber he introduced photons the smallest particles of light without interference these photons should be distributed randomly yet when he placed a sample of human DNA inside the Chamber Something astounding occurred the photons arranged themselves in alignment with the DNA but the revelations didn't end there once the DNA was removed from the chamber logic would dictate that these photons would revert to their random
distribution however they did not the photons maintained their pattern as if the DNA was still present the DNA had left an indelible imprint on the arrangement of the photons a phantom of its presence now let's Ponder on this what does it imply for starters it shatters the linear understanding of cause and effect it suggests that living DNA communicates with the world in ways more intricate than we'd ever imagined if the mere presence of DNA can influence the behavior of light imagine the depth of the universe's response to focused human intention and thought this doesn't merely
hint at The Power Of Consciousness it screams of its dominion over matter our DNA isn't just the blueprint of our physical being it's an active participate in the universe constantly interacting and molding the fabric of reality think of this in terms of the Law of Attraction our intentions and thoughts like the DNA shape the universe around us this is not wishful thinking it's a scientific observation grounded in experimental data why then has such a groundbreaking experiment not splashed across the headlines why is it tucked away obscured from public discourse could it be that the ramifications
of this discovery are too potent too transformative for the world as we know it acknowledging the DNA Phantom effect is ack knowledging the tangible power of intentionality it would mean rethinking our role in the universe not as passive observers but as active creators it's no surprise that such findings despite the Revolutionary nature remain on the fringes spoken of in hushed tones among alternative science communities they challenged long-held beliefs and threatened established systems of control the implications of the DNA Phantom effect are not just scientific but societal but just like the photons that retain the memory
of the DNA the truth of our interconnectedness and our power to shape reality persists waiting for the collective Consciousness to recognize and harness it and once we do there's no turning back our understanding of potential of our place in the universe will be forever altered advertising it's everywhere you look influencing our choices is shaping our desires and crafting Our World Views but there's a level to advertising that few are aware of a dimension that dives deep into the very mechanics of the human psyche this isn't just about selling products it's about influencing Collective Consciousness the
most potent advertisements are no random Creations they're meticulously designed to tap into the human subconscious leveraging the very principles of the law of attraction that we've been exploring by consistently embedding specific images words and ideas into our minds advertisers are effectively utilizing a form of mass scale intention setting think back to the famous experiments by Dr Masaru Emoto where he demonstrated how thoughts and words could change the structure of water crystals now imagine millions of Minds simultaneously being exposed to the same message the same intent this works and it shapes the fabric of our society
take for instance the rise of smartphone culture before their Universal adoption advertisements painted a world where connectivity was not just desired but essential they tapped into our innate desire to belong subtly implanting the idea that without constant connection we were missing out today the majority of the population is Tethered to these devices a testament to the power of focused Collective intention made manifest here's another Revelation many leading advert izing agencies employ cognitive psychologists and neuroscientists why because they understand the significance of brain wve frequencies different emotional states happiness sadness desire fear each have unique frequencies
advertisers craft messages that resonate with these frequencies ensuring that the viewer is in the exact emotional state they intend this isn't mere persuasion it's neurological synchronization research from the neural advertising Association has shown that ads utilizing these Advanced Techniques can increase purchase intent by over 300% they don't merely convince they align your frequency with the product or idea they're promoting it's a game of resonance of aligning the thoughts and frequencies of the masses with specific intentions and once this alignment is achieved The Law of Attraction takes over our Collective reality begins to shift in the
direction of these implanted desires but this knowledge need not be a cause for alarm or despair instead it's an invitation an invitation to become conscious participants in the shaping of our Collective Reality by understanding the tactics employed by recognizing the game being played we can choose where to direct our Focus we can reclaim the immense power of our Collective intention and shape a world in alignment with our truest Desires in this age where technology connects Us in ways previously ly unimaginable we're gifted an unparalleled opportunity to unite our intentions and thought frequencies as we've explored
individual intention has power but the combined force of collective intention it's a force Beyond Reckoning echoing the principles of constructive interference on a universal scale War conflict and Global uncertainty paint the current canvas of the world yet amidst this chaos we hold an intrinsic power a collective strength derived from our interconnected thoughts and intentions as we have seen the universe responds amplifies and Echoes our innermost desires and intentions the power of a single person's intention is undeniable but when billions of hearts and Minds Unite with the shared Vision the universe can't help but respond in
kind it's not merely about hoping for peace it's about collectively visualizing intending and resonating with it if every individual chose even for a brief moment to focus their intentions on healing the wounds of War on visualizing a world of unity and prosperity the resulting wave of collective constructive interference would be overwhelming amidst the tragedies of War and the pain of loss let us not forget the victims let us direct our Collective intentions towards them providing Solace strength and hope through our United Focus let's envelop them in a blanket of positive energy and healing vibrations intending
for their Swift recovery and peace moreover let's not just pray or hope let's use our understanding of constructive interference of the tangible power of collective intention to imagine a world of unity peace and prosperity every moment we spend resonating with this Vision amplifies its power nudging our reality ever so slightly towards this imagined Paradise remember every major change in history started as a mere thought in someone's mind if such Monumental shifts can result from Individual thoughts Envision the potential when we all think as one feel as one and intend As One in times like these
when uncertainty and despair Loom large let's remind ourselves of our innate power and the science behind it let's not allow despair to overshadow Hope by understanding our individual and Collective power and harnessing it we can pave the way for a brighter harmonious future in conclusion let us be the constructive interference the world needs alone we're powerful together we're Unstoppable the time has come for us to unite our intentions and craft a world of love peace and shared aspirations let's imagine and consequently manifest a better world for in the beautiful dance of our Collective intentions the
universe is our willing partner waiting to transform our Visions into reality
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