Monday's lesson and today's title: Talents Delivered. I want to read to you here in my comment by Mateus de Hernandes Dias Lopes talking about what we are studying. He says this, look: After talking about himself as a groom.
Now, Jesus presents himself as a businessman who participated and who left his homeland. After showing the need to be prepared for His coming, He shows how we must be diligent as we wait for Him. The virgins and the servants represent one and the same people.
Vigilance is the keynote of the first parable and diligence is the emphasis of the second. The story about the virgins urges the Church to watch. Stories about talents call on the Church to work.
Here in this comment we have a little more idea of the concept and what we are studying this week. And here, basically in Matthew chapter 25, we have this parable that we are studying, which is the parable of the talents, but within a larger context. At the beginning of chapter 25, we have the parable of the ten virgins.
But if I go back a little further, Matthew chapter 24, verse 36 says: But concerning that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, nor the Son, but the Father, for just as it was in the days of Noah , it will also be the coming of the Son of man. For as in the days before the flood, they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noah entered the ark, and they did not know until the flood came and took them all away. So will the coming of the Son of Man be.
Don't forget what we are studying this week, with the beginning of chapter 25, which is the parable of the ten virgins. This is all an answer to this question. The disciples look at the beginning of chapter 24 He says this, look in verse 3.
On the Mount of Olives, Jesus was sitting when the disciples approached Him, privately and asked Him. Tell us when these things will happen. So the entire chapter 24 is Jesus' answer to a question from the disciples.
Lord, when will this happen at the end of time? How is that? When will this happen?
And then He comes talking about war, rumors of wars and the gospel will be preached throughout the world. Then we get to verse 36 But here, about that day, that hour, no one will know. Wow, but then no one will know what is the basic concept that Jesus wanted to pass on to his disciples, to you and to me?
He wanted to say: Look, I'm not going to say any day and I'm not going to say the hour so that you can be prepared every day and every hour. It's about that, it's not about interest. Just imagine if the disciples had received the information there.
Look, I'm going to come back, but I'm only going to come back in 2030. The disciples would look and say: Why am I going to keep working? And why am I going to work for something that I'm suddenly not going to experience, that still has 2000 years to go?
They would have been sad. They worked as if Jesus returned in their day. Because for Jesus it is not important to know the day and time, but it is important to know how you are.
And in this process, then, now that we understand the parable of the ten virgins. What is what? Surveillance.
And this week's parable? He is saying that those who wait are not supposed to stand still, they are not supposed to rest while they wait, develop their gifts and multiply their gifts to be a blessing in other people's lives. It is fine?
Tomorrow we continue.