The Universe Will Repay You in Ways You Never Expected... It’s Coming -- Joe Dispenza

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🌟 The Universe Will Repay You in Ways You Never Expected... It's Coming | Dr. Joe Dispenza Discove...
Video Transcript:
right now in this very moment your life is about to shift in ways you never thought possible the universe has been watching waiting calculating every thought every action every intention you've ever had and it's getting ready to respond you know that feeling when you throw a ball up in the air is that Split Second that precious moment when the ball stops Rising hangs in perfect Stillness and then begins its Journey back to Earth that's exactly where you are right now you've been putting energy into the universe and just like that ball it's about to come
back to you with a force that will take your breath away let me tell you something that happened to me years ago I was working with a student a woman who had been struggling with chronic illness for 15 years every doctor had told her it was impossible to heal but she understood something powerful she understood what I'm about to share with you today for three months straight she dedicated herself to rewiring her thoughts to changing her energy people called her crazy they said she was wasting her time but she kept going one morning she woke
up and for the first time in 15 years she felt no pain zero none The Impossible had become possible the universe had responded but here's the thing it wasn't just her health that transformed within weeks opportunity started flooding into her life a new career a relationship Financial abundance the universe wasn't just paying her back it was paying her back with interest you see there's a fundamental truth about the universe that most people never grasp it's not random it's not chaos it's a perfectly designed system of energy in return and right now this very second this
system is at work in your life the energy you've been putting out there it's all been noted every single bit of it and the universal response is not just coming it's inevitable think about this every thought you think sends ripples through the quantum field scientists now know that your thoughts aren't just abstract Concepts floating in your head they're real energy patterns that interact with the very fabric of reality when you understand this really understand this Everything Changes because suddenly you realize that every moment of your life has been preparation for what's about to happen next
your brain doesn't know the difference between what's happening in your world and what's happening in your mind this isn't just some nice idea this is science when you have a thought your brain releases chemicals when you have a feeling your brain releases chemicals these chemicals are like little Messengers running through your body telling every cell every tissue every fiber of your being what to expect think about the last time you bit into a lemon just thinking about it now you can feel your mouth starting to water can't you that's not magic that's your brain creating
a physical response to a thought your brain just decided that thought was so real it started preparing your body for the actual lemon this happens all day every day with every thought you have let me share something remarkable with you in medical studies they found that when people are given sugar pills but told their powerful medication 33 of them get better not just a little better significantly better your bodies actually start producing the exact chemicals they need to heal the sugar pill did nothing their thoughts did everything here's what's even more fascinating a man came
into one of my workshops using a cane he'd been told he needed knee surgery his doctors showed him the x-rays the damage everything but instead of surgery he decided to try something different every day for two months he spent time mentally rehearsing perfect Mobility he felt it he lived it in his mind two months later he didn't just walk without the cane he was running the X-ray showed his knee had physically changed now pay attention because this is crucial your thoughts aren't just affecting your mood they're affecting your biology every time you think a thought
you're either moving toward disease or toward Health toward success or toward failure toward a abundance or toward lack there's no middle ground your cells are always listening when you wake up in the morning and immediately think about all your problems your body starts producing stress chemicals before your feet even hit the floor your heart rate increases your muscles tense your immune system weakens you're literally programming your body for more problems but when you wake up and consciously choose thoughts of gratitude possibility and growth something amazing happens your body releases different chemicals chemicals that heal chemicals
that strengthen chemicals that quite literally change your genetic this isn't just positive thinking this is positive creating because every thought you think is sending a signal to the universe and that signal is being matched with a corresponding experience it's physics it's biology it's the way the universe works at its most fundamental level most people live their entire lives on autopilot and they don't even know it every morning they wake up and within minutes they're thinking the same thoughts they thought yesterday feeling the same emotions they felt yesterday creating the same life they lived yesterday it's
a cycle so powerful that it feels like Destiny but it's not Destiny it's programming your brain is like a record player and your thoughts are like tracks in that record every time you think a thought you deepen that Groove every time you feel an emotion you strengthen that pattern after years of thinking the same thoughts and feeling the same feelings you've created super highways in your brain your neurons are so used to firing in these patterns that theyve become your default setting here's something that might shock you your emotions can become addictive when you feel
stressed your body produces stress chemicals when you feel angry it produces anger chemicals these chemicals are like drugs your cells literally become addicted to them that's why some people seem to attract drama their bodies are craving their next fix of those familiar emotional chemicals I worked with a businessman who kept sabotaging his success every time he got close to a breakthrough something would go wrong we discovered that in his childhood struggle was the only way he got attention from his parents his body had become addicted to the chemistry of struggle he was unconsciously creating problems
because his cells were craving those familiar chemicals of hardship but here's the beautiful truth you can break these patterns your brain is changing right now as you listen to these words scientists call it neuroplasticity every time you make a different Choice think a different thought feel a different emotion you're literally rewiring your brain you're creating new neural Pathways you're breaking free from the prison of your past programming the first step is awareness you have to become conscious of your unconscious patterns start noticing your automatic reactions when something happens pause take a breath ask yourself is
this response coming from my future or is it coming from my past most people's reactions are memories of the past being projected into the future then comes the most important part interrupting the pattern when you feel that familiar emotion Rising when you catch that old thought pattern starting stop right there in that moment take a breath remember those emotions aren't you they're just chemicals your body has become addicted to you are not your past you are not your patterns you are pure Consciousness making a choice in this moment I've seen people break free from Decades
of depression and weeks I've watched anxiety dissolve in days I've witnessed chronic pain disappear in moments not because of Any external change but because they finally understood this fundamental truth their patterns were not their prison their awareness was their key to Freedom your brain is changing right now as you understand this new connections are being made new possibilities are being created the old patterns are already starting to weaken just by you becoming aware of them this is The Power Of Consciousness this is the beginning of true Freedom everything in this universe operates like a cosmic
bank account every single thought you think every emotion you feel every action you take it's all being recorded not in some mystical judgment book but in the very fabric of the quantum field around you just like you can't take money out of a bank account where you've never made a deposit you can't receive from the universe what you haven't first put in let me explain this in a way that will forever change how you see your daily life every morning when you wake up you're making energetic deposits or withdrawals when you feel grateful before anything
good has happened you're making a deposit when you worry about what might go wrong you're making a withdrawal when you take action from a place of certainty you're making a deposit when you act from Fear you're making a withdrawal I remember working with a teacher who is constantly exhausted constantly struggling she came to me saying I give and give and give why am I not receiving together we looked at her energy yes she was giving but she was giving from empty she was giving from obligation she was giving with resentment in the Universal bank account
that's like trying to write checks with no money in your account the universe doesn't respond to what you do it responds to the energy behind what you do here's what most people don't understand about universal law it's precise it's mathematical it's exact the universe doesn't miss anything that small act of kindness you did last week recorded that moment of gratitude you felt this morning recorded that burst of joy you experienced that's pure energetic gold in your Universal bank but it goes deeper than this the universe doesn't just match your deposits it multiplies them think about
planting a seed you don't get back just one seed you get an entire tree with thousands of seeds that's how the universe works when you make genuine energetic deposits the return is exponential watch this closely and Mar thoughts are like your daily deposits most people waste their energetic currency thinking about what they don't want worrying about what might go wrong focusing on What's Missing then they wonder why the universe keeps giving them more of what they don't want it's simple Universal math you get back the energy you put out multiplied to start treating your thoughts
and emotions like real currency because that's exactly what they are when you wake up and consciously choose elevated emotions Joy gratitude excitement love you're making large deposits when you take action from these elevated States you're making even bigger deposits when you maintain these states regardless of your external circumstances you're earning spiritual compound interest I've watched people transform their lives by understanding this principle a man in one of my workshops had been struggling financially for years he started treating every interaction every task every moment as an opportunity to make an energetic deposit within 3 months opportunity
started flowing to him from unexpected sources money started coming from directions he never imagined the universe was paying him back with interest but remember this the universe doesn't operate on your time schedule sometimes the returns are instant sometimes they take time your job isn't to monitor when or how the returns will come your job is to keep making deposits keep elevating your energy keep taking inspired action keep functioning at your highest possible frequency think of it like growing a garden you don't plant seeds and then dig them up every day to see if they're growing
you trust the process you keep watering you keep tending you keep believing and then one day often when you least expect it everything blooms at once right now in this moment your Universal bank account is being credited with new energy because you're choosing to understand these principles you're making a deposit just by being here just by being willing to elevate your Consciousness to this new level of awareness the universe is constantly speaking to you but here's the thing it doesn't use words it speaks through events through coincidence es through what most people call random occurrences
once you understand how to read these signs your life becomes like living in a constant state of guidance let me tell you what happened just last week a woman in my workshop was contemplating starting her own business she was stuck in fear unsure if she should take the leap that morning she found a business card on the ground it was for a business coach later that day someone randomly mentioned a successful entrepreneur with her exact same name then her coffee shop gave her the wrong drink and it turned out to be better than what she
ordered the universe wasn't just nudging her uh it was showing her that sometimes the unexpected path is the right path you see synchronicities aren't accidents they're mathematical coordinates in the quantum field aligning with your energy when you start moving in the right direction the universe creates convergences people call them coincidences I call them confirmations they're like Cosmic thumbs up telling you you're on the right track track pay attention when you start seeing repeated numbers 111 222 303 notice when you keep meeting people with the same name watch for when multiple people mention the same book
same idea or same opportunity within a short time these aren't random events they're patterns in the quantum field responding to your shifted energy but here's the key you have to trust what you're seeing most people dismiss these signs they call them luck or coincidence they look for logical explanations and in doing so they miss the magic of the universe trying to guide them it's like having a GPS but never looking at the screen the directions are there but you have to be willing to see them start noticing what happens right after you make big decisions
when you decide to take a leap of faith watch what shows up in the next 24 hours watch who calls watch what opportunities present themselves the universe always responds to decisive action with confirmation or course correction I worked with an artist who was afraid to quit his job to pursue passion the day he finally decided really decided not just wished uh three things happened his boss called a meeting to discuss downsizing a friend randomly offered him a space to use as a studio and his favorite artist posted about mentoring emerging talents the universe wasn't just
responding it was orchestrating trust is built through experience start small make a decision about something minor and watch for signs ask for guidance about simple things and notice what shows up it's like learning a new language at first you might only understand a few words but the more you practice the more fluent you become in the language of universal signs remember the universe's response is always proportional to your trust when you trust little you see little when you trust more when you trust completely the signs become so clear it's like having a conversation with the
cosmos itself your life becomes a living demonstration of universal orchestration right now even as you're hearing these words signs are aligning in your life opportunities are being arranged connections are being made the universe is already responding to your elevated attention to your willingness to see beyond the ordinary and to the extraordinary orchestration of your life most people wait for good things to happen before they feel grateful that's living in the old model that's living in reaction the quantum model the model that creates accelerated change is feeling grateful before anything has happened I call this preg
gratitude and it's one of the most powerful forces in the universe when you feel grateful for something that hasn't happened yet you're not just wishing you're creating you're sending a signal to the quantum field that this future is so real so certain that you can feel it now your brain and body don't know the difference between an experience that's happening now and one that's vividly imagined so when you feel genuine gratitude for your future your body starts producing the exact chemicals it would produce if that future were happening right let me show you how this
works Close Your Eyes For a Moment think about something you want to create in your life now instead of wanting it feel as if it's already happened feel the Gratitude washing Over You Feel The Joy bubbling up inside you feel the absolute certainty that it's done your heart is beating faster isn't it that's not imagination that's your body believing in your future so completely that it's starting to change your present state of being I remember working with a woman who had been trying to heal a chronic condition for years instead of of focusing on the
healing she wanted we trained her to feel grateful for the health she intended to create every morning before opening her eyes she would feel intense gratitude for her healthy body she would feel it so completely that tears of joy would roll down her face within 3 months her condition began to reverse her doctors couldn't explain it but we could she wasn't treating gratitude as a response to Healing she was using gratitude as the cause of healing this is emotional rehearsal at its most powerful when you rehearse an emotion you're programming your body to expect that
reality the universe doesn't respond to what you want when it responds to what you're being when you're being grateful now for what you want to create you're literally pulling that future into your present moment the secret is to make this gratitude real not intellectual gratitude embodied gratitude feel it in your cells let it feel your chest let it bring tears to your eyes that's when you know it's real that's when you know you're creating true change because here's the Quantum truth the universe can't tell the difference between gratitude for what has happened and gratitude for
what you're creating it simply matches your energetic State your gratitude right now is like a magnet pulling your future into your present every time you feel genuine gratitude for what you're creating you're amplifying that magnetic force you're making it easier for the universe to bring you exactly what you're grateful for there's a massive difference between forced action and inspired action most people are pushing forc in struggling trying to make things happen through sheer will they're operating from their limited personal power but when you take inspired action you're operating from Universal Power you're not pushing the
river you're flowing with it let me tell you about two entrepreneurs I worked with the first one was working 18 hours a day pushing forcing trying to make his business grow he was exhausted stressed and his business was barely surviving the second entrepreneur spent time every morning getting into a state of coher with the universe he waited for inspired ideas when they came he acted immediately his business grew effortlessly same industry completely different results one was forcing one was flowing here's how you know if your action is inspired or forced inspired action energizes you forced
action depletes you inspired action feels light exciting almost playful forced action feels heavy like you're pushing against resistance inspired action often doesn't make logical sense but it feels absolutely right forced action looks good on paper but feels wrong in your gut you have to learn to read the energy around your actions when you're about to take action pause for a moment feel into it does this action feel expansive or contractive does it feel like you're pushing against the universe or being pulled by it this is your energy guidance system speaking to you most people override
these signals with logic don't make that mistake sometimes the most powerful action you you can take is no action this isn't procrastination it's strategic waiting it's listening to the universe's timing I've seen people transform their entire lives by learning when to move and when to wait the universe operates in perfect timing but most people are too impatient to wait for it remember this timing is everything the right action at the wrong time becomes the wrong action I worked with a woman who was trying to start a new project every time she tried to launch she
hit walls then one day she decided to wait to listen 3 months later the perfect opportunity appeared the perfect partner showed up and everything fell into place effortlessly the universe didn't change her timing aligned when you're taking inspired action momentum builds naturally one right action leads to another one opportunity leads to 10 more one connection opens a hundred doors this is the power of aligned action you're not creating the momentum you're joining a momentum that's already there in the quantum field pay attention to the signs around your actions when you're in flow doors open easily
people show up to help resources appear from unexpected places when you're forcing you meet resistance people don't return calls Things fall through at the last minute the universe is always giving you feedback most people are just too busy pushing to notice it start small take one inspired action today don't plan it feel it wait for that inner nudge that excitement that knowing then move immediately don't hesitate don't analyze don't doubt the universe rewards immediate action on inspired thoughts those moments of inspiration are like Windows of opportunity they open and close quickly your power isn't in
how much action you take it's in how aligned your action is one aligned action can accomplish more than years of forced effort because when you're aligned you're not acting alone you have the entire universe working with you through you for you right Before the Breakthrough comes the breakdown right before the mirror comes the moment of greatest doubt this is the law of transformation and understanding this will keep you going when everything in your physical reality is telling you to give up the Breakthrough phase has specific signs often things seem to get worse before they get
better you might feel more emotional than usual old patterns might surface strongly you might feel like everything is falling apart these aren't signs of failure they're signs of imminent breakthrough it's like cleaning out an old closet everything looks here right before it becomes perfectly organized I've seen this countless times a man in my workshop was transforming his financial reality just before his biggest business deal came through he lost his biggest client a woman healing her body experienced her strongest symptoms right before her spontaneous remission the universe was cleaning house removing the old to make way
for the new here's what most people get wrong they give up during this phase they interpret these signs as evidence that it's not working but these intense moments of Doubt these appearances of things getting worse they're actually the strongest signs that you're about to break through it's darkest right before Dawn not because something's wrong but because Dawn is coming during this phase staying in high energy becomes crucial your old reality is dying your new reality hasn't fully manifested and you're standing in the void between the two this is when you double down on your morning
practice this is when you increase your meditation time this is when you amp up your gratitude don't wait to feel good generate it prepare for reception like you prepare for a guest you know is coming clean your space organize your life update your environment the universe loves order and ordering your physical world signals that you're ready to receive act as if what you're creating is already on its way because it is remember this the moment of breakthrough often comes through unexpected channels don't get fixated on how you think it should happen stay open stay flexible
stay in that high energy state of expectation and Trust the universe's Solutions are always bigger than your plans you're in this phase right now these very words are preparing you for a breakthrough that's already in motion the quantum field is already reorganizing to bring you what you've been creating stay strong stay focused stay in gratitude your breakthrough isn't just coming it's already here in the field of all possibilities the universe isn't just listening to your words it's responding to who you're being right now every selling your body is awake every atom of your existence is
vibrating at a new frequency this isn't just another moment in your life this is the moment Everything Changes think about everything we've discovered together your thoughts aren't Just Thoughts they're The Architects of your reality your emotions aren't just feelings they're the Builders of your future your actions aren't just movements they're the bridge between what is and what could be the universe has been saving every good thought you've ever had it's been recording every kind act you've ever done it's been measuring every ounce of Love you've ever given and now right now it's getting ready to
pay you back with interest not because you're lucky but because this is the law this is the way the universe works this is the truth of your existence you're not just reading words you're activating a field of possibilities around you every cell in your body is reorganizing to this new truth every particle of your being is aligning with this new frequency the universe isn't just promising you change it's delivering it right now in this moment stop waiting for the perfect moment stop waiting for permission stop waiting for someday the power that created the universe is
flowing through you right now the intelligence that orchestrates galaxies is awaiting your command the force that moves planets is ready to move mountains in your life your future self is reaching back through time to this precise moment urging you to take the leap the universe is conspiring in your favor right now everything you've been through everything you've learned everything you've experienced it's all been preparation for what's about to unfold the time is now the power is yours the universe is ready make your move
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