hey what's up you guys yes welcome to another creepy video now today we're going to be talking about something that I am so fascinated by and that is internet myths now myths have been around forever I mean back when I was a kid people were talking about the Boogeyman and he would watch you sleep and then when you move down your blanket he would be right in front of you staring in your eyes and of course a myth of Bloody Mary the woman that lives in the mirror and if you call her name three times
she comes out and scratches your face off well have just gotten [ __ ] scarier and that's all because of the internet now back in the day it was just Word of Mouth you know like your uncle would tell you a story that he heard from his uncle or a kid at school would tell you something scary that they heard from their friend but now with the internet the myths have gotten so intense and nobody really knows what's real and what's not and today I'm going to be taking you through some of the scariest and
we are going to start with the myth of expressionless now this myth spread back in 2012 on Facebook it was created on creepy pasta and everybody was talking about it because nobody knew if it was real or not so here's a story so back in 1972 a woman appeared in a hospital in nothing but a white blood covered gown now the scariest part the woman's face resembled a mannequin it was almost too perfect and had no expression on it it looked as if there was nothing inside now when the nurse asked this woman if she
needed help something terrifying happened may I help you now if you couldn't clearly see that there was a dead kitten inside of the expressionless woman's mouth and she took it out so of course the doctors came in and took her back into the operating room and they strapped her down because they had no idea what she was capable of and then when the nurses tried to sedate her she fought [Music] back it out now as all the nurses were fighting with her to keep her in her chair she looked at the doctor and made a
terrifying sound what the hell are you and then she bit him and ripped out his neck now of course everybody started screaming and running and as the doctor was laying on the ground bleeding to death he asked her what she was and she told him I am that's right she whispered I am God and and then she was never seen again now this is a story that went super viral and everybody was talking about it cuz nobody knows really if it happened but even if it didn't still a really really creepy story okay so our
next myth is especially scary to me because it involves a children's TV show this is the myth of Mr Bears Celler supposedly there was a local access channel that had a children's TV show on it that was starring a man in a bear costume well that man in the bear costume was actually a child predator and he was trying to lure in kids as his victims now here is a supposed real clip from this show check it out oh hello children I didn't see you there it's so nice to see that you've all made it
back in time for my n episode I mean even if that is fake or whatever it's still [ __ ] terrifying now since the story went viral tons of people have come forward and said that they know of Mr bear and that he's real and that they know people who have been abused by him so here is the origin story of Mr bear so back in 1999 there was a young boy named Elliot and he was obsessed with Mr Bear show so obsessed that he even wrote Mr bear a letter well he got a response
from Mr bear a week letter and it said this dear Elliot thank you ever so much for your letter I would love to have you in my seller we play games watch movies and go fire camping in the middle of the woods come to my house at I look forward to having fun with you love Mr bear now of course Elliot was super excited about this so he asked his dad if he could take him well Elliott's dad didn't know too much about the show so thought well this could be fun let's go but when
they got there what they found was an empty house that had been roped off by police Mr bear had burned 16 children alive in a pit of fire behind his house and the man who plays Mr bear ran away and hasn't been seen since now that one is terrifying especially because nobody really knows the identity of Mr bear because it's a guy in a costume so he could have just burned all those children took off his mask and blended into society and I think that's what makes it even creepier the guy standing next to you
at Starbucks or at the movies could also be Mr bear that one just really scares the [ __ ] out of me okay so this next myth we're going to talk about that is very famous and I'm sure you know of it and that is the myth of the rake now the rake is a creature that supposedly haunts you at night he's been described as a demon or vampire and supposedly seeing him or hearing his voice has actually LED some people to commit suicide so let's talk about what the rake looks like he's a tall
lanky pale looking creature his eyes are sunken and Hollow and his hands are large like claws the sounds that he makes your heavy breathing and then you hear a whispering and then you'll just hear a loud scream now stories of The Rake have supposedly been around since the' 60s and there's stories of him supposedly from hundreds of years ago now it's said that he's so silent and so quick that he can sneak into your room at night without you noticing his favorite thing is to watch you sleep now this is one of the earliest accounts
supposedly from 1691 and it said he came to me in my sleep from the foot of my bed I felt a sensation he took everything we must return to England we shall not return here again at the request of the rake now there have been tons of stories like this people saying that the rake told them to do something told them to kill someone told them to kill themselves well this story in 2006 is really scary a woman claimed that her husband grabbed her screaming and woke her up because he saw The Ring here's what
she said after adjusting to the dark for half a second I was able to see what caused a strange reaction at the foot of the bed sitting and facing away from us there was what appeared to be a naked man or a large hairless dog of some sort its body's position was disturbing and unnatural as if it had been hit by a car or something well that woman claimed that after that the rake attacked her daughter and according to her her daughter's last words were he is The Rake I don't know if you've ever had
sleep paralysis but I have sometimes you tend to you know look around the room and see a dark figure it happens a lot well some people think that that is the rake and he's the reason that you're paralyzed now there is a video out there that people claim is the rake and it is very creepy I know [ __ ] terrifying obviously that could just be you know fanmade but still just the thought of a creepy thing watching you sleep I already don't sleep so that's just going to make it worse okay now this next
myth I am warning you as some really intense sounds this is the myth that somebody recorded the sounds of hell so back in 1989 a team of Russian Engineers were drilling a hole into Siberia for an unknown project now the team was Drilling and Drilling and Drilling and going farther and farther into the ground now they were incredibly deep and then they hit something what they hit was a big open cavity now they are super deep in the earth almost near the center and what they did was literally crack into what felt like a chocolate
bunny a hollow chocolate bunny which means what the [ __ ] was in there so they wanted to see what was in the center of the earth so they decided to drop in a he heat resistant microphone now supposedly when they brought back up the recording and listen to it what they heard were the sounds of hell you could hear the screaming of hundreds of people you could hear the pain you could hear Agony you could hear sheer Terror it literally sounded like thousands of people being tortured and begging somebody to stop now I about
to show you the recording right now and once again I'm warning you it is incredibly intense so here is is supposedly the sounds of hell that actually like literally gives me goosebumps just hearing people in agony just oh my God now of course this is a myth so it is probably not real supposedly there's a movie named Baron blood and this was just like an audio clip from it but either way just hearing the story and then thinking about it being hell when you hear that audio I'm actually never going to sleep again between the
rake and the sounds of hell [ __ ] never sing my bed all right now this last myth that we're going to talk about I don't even know if this is a myth because it's real but this is the myth of Lily e Gray's grave now as you guys know cemeteries can be the scariest places in the world as you're walking around you realize that you're walking on top of dead bodies if you say the wrong thing or are disrespectful in the cemetery the spirits can get mad and follow you home all in all cemeteries
can be one of the creepiest places ever well there's nothing creepier than this grave in Salt Lake City there is a grave of a woman named Lily e Gray and on it it says that she is the victim of the Beast 666 and this is not a myth this is real check it out the notorious Lily e Gra June 6th 1881 to November 14th 1958 victim of the Beast 666 I know that is real like it's engraved on the gravestone now nobody really knows the truth about this I mean the main theory is that she
was involved in Satanic rituals and it got too far but besides that the only thing that people know is that she was a victim of the Beast 666 well there you guys go those are some of the scariest internet myths if you enjoyed this video and you want more scary internet myths please give me a thumbs up so I know also make sure to subscribe to my channel right down below and hit the notification Bell cuz I make new videos every day and if you want to see more of my creepy videos I have done
tons of them I did one about scary experiments I did one about scary torture devices I will leave a link to a playlist or in the top of description below all right you guys have fun sleeping say hi to the rake for me bye [Music]