How To Get Your Whole Family Arrested

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reason I stopped you going 73 and 55 any kind of drugs or alcohol or anything in the car no can I help you with something it's my son okay do you have the insurance I don't have it on me right now how fast it it's going 73 and a 55 and it smells like weed in the car you know you smokes weed it doesn't everybody I don't know about it so there's stuff in his car is what you're telling me that's what it looks like you're going to get him out and look through the car
I'm going to search the vehicle I powerform bud don't get out of the car don't get out of hop out of the car do not get out of the car why get out of the car get out of the car cuz it smells like weed in the car and they're shaking the car step back here I'm going to take a look through the car do you have anything in there besides a little bit of weed or anything if you don't move you are going to get arrested too ma'am you canr me if you don't move
you need to leave my stop now you need to leave my stop pull me over for speeding that's yeah can't uh you need to leave my stop now you can ARR get back in your car and leave I'm telling you right now I will be here with my he's he is pushing me under arrest you're under arrest on video you're under arrest get on the ground kidding me I'm not kidding you I told you to stop get it on video Bry get on video are you kidding me right now get off of me are you
kidding me stop nothing for nothing what you doing get off what are you doing what get it on video she do I did nothing I stopped for my 17 stand up get off you want to go to jail too my face my hands are up my hands get us who are you my hands what is wrong with you my hands are up I haven't done anything told you put your hands up put your hands up you're under arrest help hands help stop I told you to stop hands what the you do you don't get out
of my face you're going to get ped what am I doing stop what am I doing oh my God you're going to get tased I'm calling up Brian I already have him on the way bud get off stop I told you told I told you give me it mother give me it record you under arrest mother give me your phone put your hand behind your back you under arrest for what mother you want to go to jail tonight too stop a police that arrested my mother for nothing that he that she did nothing wrong Sher
put your other hand behind your back my mother for put your other hand behind your back ground came over here he pushing me minor I told you abusing her right now leave your hands behind your back I can't breathe I can't breathe you can't breathe well got to keep your hands behind your back keep your hands behind your back now now I can't breathe now just listen I can't breath list let me put you she can't breathe you touch me again you're going to get tast she can't breathe you touch me again she can't breathe
you're going to get tased I okay tell you right now I'm not touching you am I back up no I can't breing what am I doing illegal what am I doing illegal bre what am I doing illegal breathe let her breathe off is not letting my mom breathe right now help me really help please stop hey put your hand behind your back put your hand behind your back put your hand behind your back please for me mother I'm not going to tell you again what did she do wrong what' she do wrong sir what did
what she do wrong to be slammed on the ground tell me tell me please tell me hands behind your back hands are up it's behind your back behind my back going back go go what did I do wrong sir get back on the ground sir why am I being get on the ground what am I why am I hands am I being arrested tell me I have every legal right to for you to tell me why being arrested why am I being arrested right now why am I being arrested right now tell me stop why
are you slaming down on your knees down on your knees he has a hurt hand get down on your knees and wait get down on your knees get somebody record this somebody record this record it please why am I being arrested right now what the I'm okay just give me some units I got too detained come here stay down stay back can I get on my KNE sir get on your knees I've been trying you're both going to jail tonight get on your knees for what get on your knees tell me why get on your
knees why am I being arrested though sir now sir I'm not telling you again you're both resisting arrest I'm on my knees off you made get get on your knees please on your knees and do not move stay right there hey Emma come here I need just record stay right there we have it recorded what he did is ridiculous it's all going to be all over social media just wait without a lawyer Qui both are getting in the car you stay right there did you just stay on your knees where's my phone you got to
stay on your knees yes sir I stand up for me you're getting in the car where's my phone stand up you're getting in the car I I have stand up right there have my phone you can just go get my phone stand up you're getting in the car hey check your phone stand up for me Emma drive my phone right there Emma get in the car I don't know why you don't know how to listen good please you're under arrest for what you're and me couldn't breathe he's going to get in some [ __ ]
it's going to be all over let seat please you are going to jail tonight kick me make it a felony make it a felony please get your feet in there sit down mother oh there's a felony good job hey I I'm not doing anything wrong fine why am I being arrested you're being arrested for for what disorderly contact for what and obstruction disorder obstruction to what me what did I do to you get in my face and grabing I knock get I didn't I touched you once I rubbed your shoulder once you're going to jail
too just so you know are you sober right now oh I'm 100% are you sure you you don't sound very sober back here hands are hey look hands are behind my back look at this he he's going your car I'm doing nothing wrong just for a minute do you people need to move on to that lot up there now sir what have I done wrong besid speed get in the car I know I am gently get in the car you can be polite you're a [ __ ] move your foot Jesus Christ go into that
lot now give me a minute we tell them they slow down Jesus Christ really small hope you enjoy jail tonight hope you enjoy all right I got to catch my breath dude mean yeah I'm just out of breath I got you so I just pulled him up for Speed looks like he's got weed in the car mom pulls up on scene I tried to tell her hey he's got weed in the car I'm going to pull my outside's car she loses her gets out of the car starts interfering with my stuff and then I tell
her to move on she won't tell her she's under arrest she says she isn't and we go from there good yeah I'm good I just got to catch my breath their whole family apparently is up there in that parking lot I lost my flashlight I've got their phones around here they like to play the game oh I should have a flashlight somewhere maybe getting better shape by yeah I'm good man I just anything Hurt No okay so I go to stop this car he doing 73 so I said well I'm going to get him out
and I'm going to search the car well she doesn't like that so she's telling him not to get out I get him out back here she comes start interfering with my stop I tried to tell her get back in her car she wouldn't listen so I told she's under arrest so she's not under arrest we wrestle took her down a few times he kept getting in my face kept gra trying to grab my arm so she's definitely going to jail for obstruction probably disorderly and she spit on me she cuffed she is cuffed behind her
back okay yeah the whole time I'm trying to get her cuffed he's down in my face trying to grab me okay I lost my flashlight his uh had his ID right here it's somewhere in the grass where the hell is my flashlight I think it's that it there it is yeah I got my flashlight at least but their whole family members are all in that parking lot right there I don't know they all were stopped screaming yelling with the kid well he's at least getting a ticket for the speed and then I think he should
be charged disorderly and let's see if I find any weed in the car but there's Shake all sorts of stuff in there we yeah and there's Mom that's mom's car I think that needs to go to the in pound lot tell you what let's get get why don't you just take her to jail okay and we'll you can give him his sits later so I got to figure out find his license and figure out what his name is I hadn't done that yet okay we hadn't gotten to that point all right well if we can't
find a license we can't find a license but okay we'll get his ey we'll Ryan and I Y him okay he'll get loose but I want her off the scene my oh yeah oh yeah sweet I got his ID so I'll run it real quick and save it and save the uh I don't know if that's hers or not sounds good I have so many connections you have no idea what you just s sir we have that all on video it's going on everything I have it on video too ma' that is great because you
told me I couldn't stay with my 17-year-old son and then me on the ground sh we're not going to sit here and argue your do is on the line you don't know my connections it's going on it's going down okay I will be yeah that's perfectly fine I hope your kids I hope your wife I hope they all get cuz you are a karma is a how dare you treat me and my son that way yeah yeah oh it's all fun and games to you isn't it not really is your name Jess is that your
name you okay like I said you're going to jail tonight you that's fine that's right toot here's his ID so all right I'm out of here with her all right is this your phone do you want that to go with you or go to your son [ __ ] you do you want to go with you or your all right well it'll go with you then mothering ass I'mma blow this up on you you don't know who you with okay am I you better take pictures of the brues you left mother you almost killed me
I'm on the ground telling you I can't breathe and you still got your knee in my back I couldn't breathe who the [ __ ] you think you are you don't even know what you just said what's youring name sad ass fad ass is that it that looks about right a little fat ass with a little that sounds right that's you just Lo your job you watch you don't know who I know around here there's no throw me down stop talking oh you fat ass mother with a small blow this sh up you listen you're
the right to remain silent anything you say can and will be held against you in the court law right turn pres any question you canot for one want to be appointed to authorities you understanding rest I just told you there you go exercise them now the mother was taken to jail on the charges of obstructing and resisting arrest she is innocent until proven guilty in a court of law
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