CAPCUT - EFEITOS e EDIÇÕES que vão te fazer ganhar DINHEIRO

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Fernando Valon
Um novo tutorial de CAPCUT pra você aprender como fazer alguns efeitos e edições incríveis que vão t...
Video Transcript:
Today I'm going to show you some editing effects and if you still don't know how to do any of them I'm sorry to tell you that you're wasting money I left but I'm glad you joined this video because today I'm going to show you some effects that a lot of people have been researching Lately some are trending here on the internet so if you know how to do at least one of them you will already be well in front of everyone, so let's go , let's start here with my cell phone already recording, I'm here with it open, right, ours, the Cut open First of all, this effect here, this edition, will happen long before you open the project itself, let's see here, in the new project, then you will find some images here, I will take here these images of the car on the road and this one of this woman fighting here there's this other one here also on the motorcycle, I'm going to take this one from here and what I have to do here, first of all, you're going to click here, on the little ball on all the ones you want, we have four images, I'm going to take an image from here and next Instead of adding, you will come here in collage and look what he creates for us, many people don't know this, he does a lot of work in the project trying to put this together and he already gives you here, several prayers, ready for you to create a look. very cinematic here, there are several styles And then you choose, right Which one do you want, you can turn it, mirror it, change it, replace it, you can change the order, right, we can come back here, right, and put this one in the middle, so we have to put this one as one this one as two this one as three comes collage there now yes in the correct order you can move it oh and then you just continue And then you will send it to your project oh I'm going to do a continue here and it's already here It's all separate so you can simply put a song and take a take of a really crazy clip of mine, it's incredible, it's the first very simple tip but a lot of people don't know how to do it. Never even opened it.
Never even saw that there was a collage option because sometimes the We ended up editing it and in the rush it goes by and finally we don't see it, right? But come on, let's move on to the next one, this one, I would have to come to the new project and find my image and have it imported into the normal video, but I already have them here, I already have them. This video of the bike is slightly in slow motion, it's not completely for you to change the speed, just click on your video and come here, in speed, you can put it here, slower or faster, you can see that up there, it shows the time that your video will be, you know, one minute long, it will be super slow and if you put it really fast it will be 0.
1 seconds long, it's super fast but that's not where we're going to change it, I'll leave it here at one at our normal speed I'm going to come here in a curve that's on the normal side And then you'll see that there are several different curve options here that if you don't know what they are, you have no idea what all these curves are for They they have to do with speed, I'm going to give you an example here, you can come here in personalized and move it around the balls, each ball has to do with speed, but I'm going to come here in one of these precepts, I'm going to take this one, oh bullet, you you have to click on edit then let's see here what he did, you can see that he's up here, he left the speed at five, so here on this little ball he has five and then he comes here, he has five and then he goes down, continues down there, then goes up and continues up, and what he does here he's going to do, oh, I'm going to play a slight slow motion, which is still pretty weird, ok, oh, it's very ugly, but it's going to get better here, you 'll see, but I don't. I want it to start with a lot of speed I'm going to start at normal time , you see it starts with one second and then this curve increases the speed then drops I'm not going to go up to five I'm going to leave it at two and a little bit And then it drops I'm going to stretch it a little more this time of Slow, that is, the moment when you want Slow is where it will stay at the bottom, then the Slow And then it comes back up now, how do we make this here have an incredible quality that you have to do here, look? You can see below Here, smoothing has a faster process and I have the best quality process, you obviously go to the best quality process because that's what you want, right?
Quality, you don't want a quick stop anymore. with low quality, this one is just right here, wait for it to load, let's see, let's see Look at how incredibly incredible it looks, can you see the level of quality this would have if you hadn't put it in better quality Look at the degree of the business and this even some professional editors they end up not using this speed game, it can even be on the computer. There are some guys who don't play with it and because I talk about it here, it will make you money because it makes all the difference if you're making a video if you're making a video for a birthday for a party or for a school some institutional video this here you have to know how to play with speed depending on your track So use a lot of this play a lot with it do several tests go there on the balls change it make more speed make less speed that all of this here you have in the palm of your hand so take advantage of the times we are in we have this on our cell phones and that's incredible, let's move on to the next one, which is a little more complex but will also give you an incredible level.
I took this video that I'm going to use as a background, I'm going to create a Flyer now, some people sent it here on the channel asking to make a Flyer, which is a Flyer, if you don't know what you want, a Flyer is an image promoting a show, promoting something, in short, course a party but an animated Flyer nowadays we have a lot of this Animated Flyer is much cooler than a Paradão Flyer an image Mars And then we're going to do this here in the caput I took this image for us to use as the background It's a galaxy image here, what is it because it appeared to you and it wasn't supposed to appear, but you can see that it was created horizontally, right, a Flyer is normally more square, so I'm going to come here, in proportion, I'm going to put it here in the internet pattern I'm really going to stretch it, we have an image with really good quality, you won't lose much, we can blur it later, so it's really cool, I'm going to come here, I'm going to go to layer, add layer, I'm going to photos and I'm going to get some photos here Hey, I took these photos, I don't look so good, but okay, let's go, I'm going to add several of them, I added three photos here, I don't know which one was better or less worse, anyway, here I am, I'm very happy, right, if you can get this image already cropped It's better, it's easier, you can cut it in a program, then there's the PicsArt app that can do it. You can already remove everything, but I'm going to do it here with you, so with my photo separated, I'm going to cut it and remove the background, it's done the magic. there for us calm because it's a photo this other one too I'm going to remove the background and the other one is also very magical right ball show we have joy here Look how cool it looks like a Malhação clip from the past oh the truth I'm going to bring this one here I'm going to send this one here, this one I'm going to send here in a mess But you'll understand this one, my main one here, which is above, she's behind everyone, how can I get it to the front, I'm going to come here, layer and I'm going to put three, oh she went in front of everyone, I've already put two, she's going to be between the two and three She's going to go to the front regardless of the order you put them in I put them here oh that's cool, very happy there I'm going to put the other one here, Bravão right, I'm going to change this one, I'm going to edit it here, so you can mirror it, I'm going to do it on the other side, look how cool Fernando's show is and then the alegrão back there, let's adjust the alegrão, look how cool this is here we can play to make a poster we can play to make the ideal is a Flyer But you can make an animated poster of your clip from your film, I don't know, you can play with it however you want, the cutout isn't perfect, it isn't super beautiful but it's cool, it's already very interesting, now let's do something else, let's put a title here, I'll put a title at the back, let's add a text show, let's put Fernando's show, beauty, let's come here in style, I 'll change this font here, these options in Portuguese you can see that it has a small number of fonts because in fact they are the fonts that work with some accents so here will be the ones that work the most in Portuguese but if you don't have any accents in your writing here you can put these Fonts in English and they will work fine, you can put them here calmly, this one is interesting, hey, let's see if it will stay visually or if it will get in the way, I think it's not very cool for us to see, but I I'm going to put a shadow here, I'm going to blur it there and the angle, you choose the angle you want, I'm going to send it higher, I think it might be interesting, we can change its animation here, there are already several animations, give it a little input, do a cool thing, I'm going to put this one here, it's cool, here goes this one for now and here you can control the speed at which it arrives, either it arrives very slowly or quickly, I want it to arrive as quickly as possible, now we have to encourage it too o the photos here, right, so let's take this photo, let's see it here in animation And then you have the same thing, there is an entrance and there is an exit, the entrance it happens, just at the entrance, the combination Oh, you can do it, he goes and then he leaves too At the end, you want to see, he comes out too, I'm going to put it in for now, I'm going to put an entrance that I think the entrance will have some really cool effects for us here, now look how cool the one above is, I'm going to put it in so he can come giving a danced So I'm going to put one entry here, let's see if it shakes Oops, it's cool, it's really fast, we can increase it a little bit, and I'm going to put the other one, let's see if it's cool, hey guys, we have that here for now, ok this little animation you see that the one on the left continues making an animation because I left it longer so I'm going to play it here, I'm going to go to video effects and I'm going to get it here, let's see if we can find a zoom lens, oh oops, we had one here pretty cool stop growing back there that's cool now I'm going to create it here let's see let's take a look here at the lens we got this zoom lens option I'm going to get this mini Zoom let's see what it does oh it does a little dance there ago, I think it's going to be cooler, so I'm going to send it here to a layer, I'm going to send it to the main layer here, oh, beauty, it was just a lot, right?
Can we control it? I think so, wonderful, I'm going to do some more texts, here I go add here I'm going to quickly go through this part I did here a date on the 31st and then we can come here in font and change it here we can put a more basic one we'll reduce it a little more because this here will be much bigger than this screen right, here we are looking like this, ok, if I do it like this, we can understand it better, then you can also do an animation here, ok, for the entrance, right, we can go in like this, ok , and then he gives the day just right, Fernando's show, wonderful ball show now we will click on each photo and I will come to adjust And then we can bring the color of the background closer we can add more brightness add more saturation then we come here o in graphics Pull a little more towards the red o Beauty the green We go down a little bit to become Purple and blue We go down a little bit more, very carefully so that we don't start to make too much of an exaggeration here, but it's ok, it's an art that you do the way you want us you can change here, not the sparkles, the shade, also the temperature, I think so and the Hue a little more here, beauty guys, I did it here, with all of them, with the right color, so they are all very cool, and then, to finish, we can come here in filters And then we can apply a filter above everything, let's go, let's find a filter here, let's see if orange Blue Oops, it's going to give us a really cool look, hey, without making it too strong, right, beauty, I would still change it Maybe this is this font here at the back, which is Fernando's, I didn't like this one so much, this one is really cool, we can copy it, and maybe turn it around, and then here in the style, we can go in opacity, and remove a little bit, to remove the shadow. Also, let's go, opacity, you can also reduce its size a little, beauty, do some stopping, so you can also copy it and send it to the other side.
Anyway, you can do it the way you want, you have to make an animation too, you have to change it. the animations also from below and to finish we can see effects here video effects and let's go to the night club we can put it here, let's go, shake it , we come to the object and put it here, to apply it to all the videos very quickly, so just a little TUF dance and one more thing, let's go, video effects night club we can put the let's go something here with lights it could be the disco And then we have this really cool result my incredible you can do it the way you want Finally a stop that will make you a lot of money if you know how to do it on your cell phone, so take advantage of this, create your art, put it on the internet and use it to sell beauty and now we're going for another effect that we use a lot, a lot of people here use it I've already taught it, including in the video that's here on the card I'm going to put it there for you to take a look at, but it's another way that a lot of people end up not using. I have this image here, a normal background and I'm going to come and duplicate it in copy, I duplicated it, I'm going to send it down by clicking on layer and I'm going to play it on front align this video from the bottom I'm going to cut it and I'm going to remove the background it's going to remove the background for us it looks like nothing changed because we didn't remove the bottom part And then what a lot of people usually do we use the effects video effects come here in lens and put the blur here And then it blurs the background here there won't be much change because we are on the white background there's nothing to do with it but it will blur the background if yours isn't you simply apply it to the video for the background layer But that's not what we're going to do now I'm going to replace this effect here with this effect here oh my mistake I'm going to put this cool color glitter it stays in the background really cool you can put all the effects whatever you want in the background of your image, it will look really cool, it will be cropped, but a lot of people don't do this, which is to do the opposite, you come here to the object and change it to the image you took, you removed the background and then you will create this incredible effect that you can do in music videos, you can do in films, in short, you can do a lot of things in several rehearsals, you can play with all of this, this is the simplest and now we're going to our last amazing, really cool effect, which is the famous Bubble effect, a lot of people have been asking for it here on the channel, a lot of people have been researching it.
So let's try to achieve this here in what is CUT, it won't look the same as it would in After Effects, but we get a really cool result, and my truth is, I was ago to try to do this in the caput the thing took a little while but we will be able to solve this I have this video here of a car I'm going to make a car which is what a lot of people have done I move here at its speed I'm going now duplicate this video of the car, I'm going to come here and copy it. It's simple, I'm going to remove the background of the car, but how do I remove the background of the car ? custom cutout but it will now show the quick brush which is the pro option and the vast majority of people will not have a pro option you will come here in brush and this option is free you will simply mark what you want or not remove it, we will mark it here, and then when you have finished doing this here, it will remove the background there, it will load for a while, it works very well, now, take care, okay, what am I going to do with it?
duplicate it again, but this one where we just removed the background, I'm going to send it down on the layer, I'm going to align it there with another one and I'm going to send this one down too and I'm going to align it with everything.
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