Say This Almost Banned Secret for 7 Nights – Watch the Universe Shift in Your Favor |Neville Goddard

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Daily Manifesting
Say this almost banned secret for just 7 nights and watch the universe shift in your favor. Inspired...
Video Transcript:
as I prepare to share this almost band secret words so powerful and controversial that they caused an uproar in the spiritual and self-help world of the 1940s I need you to do one thing stop what you're doing clear your mind and focus completely on what I'm about to say because what you're about to hear has the power to shift your reality in ways you never thought possible Neville goded one of the most revolutionary teachers of his time uncovered a truth so profound it made people uncomfortable why because it challenged everything they thought they knew about
the relationship between God creation and the human mind it wasn't just a theory it was a truth rooted in scripture but here's the thing this secret wasn't welcomed by everyone many dismissed it others attacked it and yet those who dared to embrace it experienced breakthroughs they couldn't explain now let me ask you something have you ever felt like you're just one step away from the life you want but something always holds you back that feeling isn't random it's tied to what Neville called the key to creation and here's the truth this key has always been
within you it's not something external it's not something you need to chase it's something you activate by the end of this video I'm going to show you EX exactly what that secret is and how you can use it in the most practical life-changing way but let me be clear this isn't just about listening it's about applying so if you've been waiting for that one thing to turn everything around stay with me because this will be the most important Revelation you'll hear this year let's dive in let me take you back to two critical moments in
scripture and I want you to lean in for the Revelation I'm about to share let's start in the book of Genesis the very beginning God the creator of all things did something so extraordinary that even today humanity is still trying to fully comprehend it he spoke this world into existence no tools no physical effort just words think about that for a moment every breathtaking sight you've ever seen the ocean waves crack ing against the shore the Majesty of mountains the vast expanse of the stars all of it came into being through the power of spoken
words words created everything you can see in this three-dimensional world that's not just power that's divine power and here's the part most people Overlook in that same Genesis this creative power wasn't just reserved for God it was shared with you as Humanity you were created created out of that same power Made In His Image and likeness that means the very force that brought the universe into existence flows through you it's in your DNA now fast forward to Exodus Moses standing before the burning bush overwhelmed and uncertain asks God what name he should give when the
Israelites ask who sent him and what did God say I am that I am he didn't just give a name he declared a principle I am is not just an identity it's the ultimate creative Force whenever you say I am you're activating the power of creation within you whatever you attach to I am becomes a declaration of what you're bringing into existence this is the profound truth that Neville Godard spent his life teaching he revealed that the world at the time couldn't fully grasp the magnitude of this power they dismissed it as abstract or impractical
but what he uncovered is that this I am principle isn't just Theory it's the foundation of everything when you understand it and apply it you begin to create your reality with intention and purpose just as God created the universe and here's the challenge most people misuse this power they attach negativity to their I am statements I am tired I am broke I am not enough and without realizing it they're creating more of what they don't want but when you learn to align your I am with what you truly desire The Impossible begins to manifest stay
with me because I'm about to show you how to activate this power in your life starting tonight let's keep going first step take a moment right now to pause and reflect what have you been attaching to your I am be brutally honest because this is the foundation of everything if your I am is tied to scarcity lack or fear you've been unconsciously programming your life to align with those limitations but here's the good news just as easily as you've been affirming lack you can start affirming abundance strength and success right now make the decision to
stop using I am carelessly this is your moment to reclaim the power that's been flowing through you all along from this point forward I am becomes your tool for transformation not limitation let's move to the next step where you'll learn how to consciously program your I am to work in your favor stay with me because this is where things get practical second step now that you've awakened to the power of I am the next step is intentionality this is where you begin to consciously reprogram your mind and reshape your Reality by attaching empowering declarations to
I am here's how it works every time you say I am you're giving your subconscious mind a command your subconscious doesn't question or doubt it simply accepts what you tell it and works to make it true so if you've been saying I am stuck your mind will align your actions and emotions to keep you stuck but the moment you shift to I am Unstoppable everything begins to change start by identifying the areas in your life where you've been speaking negatively is it your finances your relationships your health write down the limiting I am statements you've
been using for example I am broke I am unlucky in love I am always tired now flip the script replace each limiting statement with an empowering one I am abundant I am worthy of love I am energized and full of life speak these new declarations out loud daily with conviction say them when you wake up before you go to bed and especially when doubt Creeps in the key is consistency your subconscious needs to hear these affirmations repeatedly to overwrite the old programming now let's take it a step further third step now that you're declaring your
new I am affirmations it's time to amplify their power through visualization words are incredibly powerful but when combined with vivid imagery and strong emotions they become Unstoppable this step Bridges the gap between what you say and what you believe aligning your entire being with the reality you're creating here's what you'll do close your eyes take a deep breath and imagine your affirmation as if it's already true let's say your affirmation is I am abundant don't just say the words picture it see yourself living in that abundance imagine opening your bank account and seeing numbers that
make you smile visualize walking through through your dream home or enjoying the freedom to travel and give generously make it real in your mind but here's the key you can't stop at the image you have to feel it let the emotions rise within you Joy gratitude relief excitement your subconscious responds most powerfully to emotion so the more vividly you can feel the reality of your affirmation the faster your subconscious will work to make it your experience if doubt or resistance Creeps in while you're visualizing thoughts like this isn't possible or who am I to deserve
this don't fight them acknowledge them then gently redirect your focus back to your vision remember your current reality is just a reflection of your past thoughts and beliefs you're not stuck there you're creating something new commit to this practice every day especially during moments of quiet like before bed or right after waking up these are times when your subconscious is most receptive and your visualizations can plant the deepest seeds in The Next Step we'll seal this process with a powerful tool to keep you aligned with your I am declarations throughout the day let's continue fourth
step all right this is where everything comes together you've said your affirmations you've visualized with deep emotion and now comes the most powerful Step Living as if it's already done this is where real manifestation happens you can't just think your way into a new reality you have to become it you have to act think and carry yourself like the version of you who already has what you're manifesting because here's the truth if you don't embody it now you'll always be waiting for it to happen instead of stepping into it and wait waiting is the exact
opposite of manifesting ask yourself right now if my affirmation were already true how would I feel how would I behave how would I speak if your affirmation is I am abundant then stop acting like someone struggling in lack wealthy successful people make decisions from a place of trust not fear they invest in themselves they take bold action they know that money flows to them effort LLY so start aligning with that energy instead of saying I can't afford this shift to how can I create the opportunity to afford this instead of doubting your success start believing
that opportunities are always opening up for you because the moment you start thinking like an abundant person your energy shifts and your external reality has no choice but to follow but here's the thing this is n just about money if you're manifesting love don't walk around feeling lonely or unworthy radiate confidence love yourself first speak like someone who knows they are loved who knows they are deserving of deep connection if you're manifesting Career Success start showing up as that person now dress the part speak with confidence go after opportunities with the belief that success is
inevitable because the universe isn't responding to what you want it's responding to who you are so starting today no more waiting no more hoping something will change you are that person now walk talk think and move like the version of you that already has what you desire because when you embody that energy consistently you're not just manifesting anymore you're collapsing the gap between where you are and where you want to be and that's when reality shifts in your favor faster than you ever imagined now this is what I want you to do commit to this
practice for the next seven nights don't overthink it don't second guess yourself just do it set aside the time follow these steps and show up for yourself every single day you owe it to yourself to experience the transformation that's waiting on the other side of your consistency if you're going to commit to this for the next seven nights drop I am showing up in the comments right now and before you go make sure you subscribe to this Channel and turn on the notification Bell thank you for spending this time with me today remember the power
is already within you all you have to do is claim it until next time take care stay focused and go create something extraordinary
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