Always Pray First and Seek God's Face | A Blessed Morning Prayer To Start Your Day

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Grace For Purpose Prayers
Be blessed as you meditate on God's word and listen to this inspirational morning devotional prayer....
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the Bible encourages us to devote ourselves to prayer to devote yourself to prayer is to commit yourself it's to give over to remain steadfast in prayer now inadvertently this means that you should stay away from everything that will affect your prayer life negatively I'd like to share an excerpt from a powerful article that I read on prayer this article was written for Decision magazine by Jonathan fwell it reads and I quote we give it lip service in our churches we talk about it often and even push people to be more mindful of it during our
sermons but rarely do we treat it for what it is Battle I'm talking about prayer that's right prayer is a battle prayer is one of the greatest benefits of the Christian Life and also one of the most neglected we have relegated prayer to perhaps a moment's pause before we enjoy our meals we've used it as a transition point during our worship services to move us from one element to another we've even given prayer nice nonthreatening names such as invocation or benediction to make it a more formal matter but in God's plan and in his word
prayer is a battle prayer is a battle to be fought by Believers during every moment of this journey called life it is where our victories are won our enemies are defeated and our hope is refreshed Ephesians 6:12 States for we do not wrestle against flesh and blood but against principalities against Powers against the rulers of the darkness of this age against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the Heavenly places our battles in life are against Powers we are unable to conquer outside of the power and presence of prayer I'm afraid that in a culture of selfishness
and Pride evidenced by the extensive use and abuse of social media we have pushed prayer to the sidelines of our faith and our churches are suffering as a result we often find ourselves discouraged over published studies that indicate a move toward irrelevance or a lack of power within the church we lament that many have stopped regularly attending our churches in favor of other activities yet prayer our greatest opportunity for a course correction is sitting in the fringes of our schedules what if we really believed in the power of prayer what if we believed in the
promise found in John 14:13 that tells us and whatever you ask in my name that I will do that the father may be glorified in the son if you ask anything in my name I will do it if we truly believed that anything is possible through the power of prayer I believe it would radically change the condition of of our churches and the culture if we truly believed in the power of prayer it would no longer be an afterthought it would be the main event aw toer said to desire Revival and at the same time
to neglect prayer and devotion is to wish one way and walk another we must recognize the connection between a disciplined prayer life and the great move of God that we long to see churches must move beyond the cursory to prayer and return to the days of powerful yet arduous prayer meetings prayer the way God intends is hard work end quote dear friend we're called to pray persistently and I want you to understand that persistence when it comes to prayer is not just an option it's a commandment from God himself Jesus always instructs us to pray
and never to lose heart because prayer is the lifeline of a Believer and you have to understand the difference between praying persistently and praying for a long session when you are persistent in prayer you may not necessarily pray for a long time but you don't give up on God you do not stop believing and praying that's persistence it means not giving up it means you are consistent and Relentless now let me tell you that some days you just might feel like giving up some days The Joy might go your energy may be low the feelings
might fade away but never I repeat never give up always remember that it's the Lord's commandment to keep praying without ceasing and in due season you'll be rewarded it's important that you have a passion for prayer because as a Believer you're not wrestling against flesh and blood but against principalities seated in high places but we're protected by the Lord when we cover ourselves in prayer when you talk to God your relationship with him gets deeper day by day the Bible says in Psalm 37 veres 3-6 trust in the Lord and do good then you will
live safely in the land and prosper take Delight in the Lord and He will give you your heart's desires commit everything you do to the Lord trust him and he will help you he will make your innocence radiate like the Dawn and the justice of your cause will shine like the Noonday Sun the danger for every believer is that we can all so easily fall into a web of complacency when it comes to the things of God we can so easily become come comfortable that we would rather say a quick prayer for the day than
to go and earnestly seek God daily we can so easily become busy people busy with the day-to-day life busy with our job then our families than our hobbies and very quickly we become too busy for God and a lot of us can justify our busyness there just aren't enough hours in the day oh I have too much on my plate too many responsibilities but people of God hear me we ought to never be so busy that we cannot devote quality time to seek daily personal fellowship with Jesus Christ and so I want to speak to
the one who's trying to improve their prayer life I'm talking to the one who has a desire to grow and build their personal relationship with Jesus Christ to begin with I want to draw your attention to Psalm 5:3 it says listen to my voice in the morning Lord each morning I bring my request to you and wait expectantly this verse puts a lot of things in perspective and we can almost deconstruct it so that it can help to form a structure for our own lives when it comes to prayer the psalmist Begins by saying listen
to my voice in the morning Lord from this we can understand that David is seeking and searching for God early before he starts his day he's already saying Lord hear me as I pray can this be said of you does the Lord hear your voice in the morning now the second line in Psalm 5:3 in the Amplified translation says in the morning I will prepare a prayer and a sacrifice for you and watch and wait for you to speak to my heart this is the key part for us I believe that this sacrifice that's mentioned
it's not in the literal sense for us but rather it's symbolic you're sacrificing your own Pleasures you're sacrificing your own wants so that God can have the very start of your day your sacrifices your will your time so that God can have the first fruits of your day you're sacrificing your body's desire to get up and go make breakfast and get on with the day because by waking up to pray you're saying Lord you are undeniably first in my life so I encourage you indeed I challenge you make prayer your passion make it your lifestyle
make it your daily practice so let's go to God In Prayer right now father God you are worthy to be honored and praised your word in Matthew 26:41 says watch and pray that you may not enter into temptation the spirit indeed is willing but the flesh is weak teach us to pray holy spirit so that we will not fall into temptation even though our flesh is weak strengthen us Empower us to fight and to pray put Within Me hunger and thirst to seek after God's presence give me the right attitude Lord put a fire within
my soul to be persistent in prayer as I seek the presence of the Lord God we desire your presence we're praying and seeking your presence I pray that the Holy Spirit would teach us the importance of prayer I pray that the Holy Spirit would teach us to be diligent in prayer Psalm 16:11 says you make know know to me the path of life in your presence there is fullness of joy at your right hand are Pleasures forever more I want to experience the fullness of joy that's in your presence King Jesus the psalmist said at
your right hand are Pleasures forever more that's what I desire not the fleeting pleasures of this world but only what you have in store for me I understand that to be a joyful Christian is to know God's presence may your presence be so heavy on me and around me and in me that even unbelievers will be able to see the supernatural Joy which is upon my life all because of you I seek your presence father because there safety Psalm 31:20 says you shall hide them in the secret place of your presence from the plots of
man you shall keep them secretly in a pavilion from The Strife of tongues Lord Jesus Keep Us hidden in the secret place of your presence Master Your Presence protects us from every evil plot it Shields us from all negative words that may be spoken against us there is power in your presence almighty God and we desire that power to be upon our lives so my prayer today is that you would hide me in the secret place of your presence hide me where no evil can approach but I'm blessed to be in fellowship with you create
in me a clean heart oh God and renew a steadfast Spirit Within Me Lord I thank you now for your cleansing power of the blood of Jesus Christ it purifies me from all sin and from all unrighteousness thank you that through him I have access to your wonderful presence you alone Are Holy and worthy to be praised thank you Lord that through the blood of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ I can now approach your throne with boldness and confidence I bless your holy name and I'm grateful that through the Holy Ghost you make your
presence available to me at any time and anywhere may your name be lifted High father may you be glorified forever I thank you for hearing this prayer it's in the mighty name of Jesus Christ that I pray amen listen to my words Lord consider my lament Hear My Cry for Help my king and my God for to you I pray in the morning Lord you hear my voice in the morning I lay my requests before you and wait expectantly for you are not a God who is pleased with wickedness with you evil people are not
welcome The Arrogant cannot stand in your presence you hate all who do wrong you destroy those who tell lies the bloodthirsty and deceitful you Lord detest but I by your great love can come into your house in reverence I bow down toward your Holy Temple Lead Me Lord in your righteousness because of my enemies make your way straight before me for me not a word from their mouth can be trusted their heart is filled with malice their throat is an open grave with their tongues they tell lies declare them guilty oh God let their intrigues
be their downfall banish them for their many sins for they have rebelled against you but let all who take refuge in you be glad let them ever sing for Joy spread your protection over them that those who love your name May rejoice in you surely Lord you bless the righteous you surround them with your favor as with a shield the Bible says in Psalm 37: 3-6 trust in the Lord and do good then you will live safely in the land and prosper take Delight in the Lord and he will give you your heart's desires commit
everything you do to the Lord trust him and he will help you he will make your innocence radiate like the Dawn and the justice of your cause will shine like the Noonday Sun
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