The #1 Way to Activate the Heart Chakra and Gain Spiritual Powers

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Aaron Abke
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any hateful thoughts towards the abuser makes him more abusive any judgmental thoughts towards the murderer makes him more murderous in heart-based Consciousness we intuitively know that my thoughts about people affect them whether you judge outwardly or if you just keep that thought to yourself the result is the same it's an attack upon who you are the universe is already living under perfect immutable laws that make sure no can escape their karma it'll come in a way you'll never expect it the way you're choosing to see anyone is determining how much awareness you will have of
spiritual reality you want to be tapped into the field you want to have strong intuition and psychic awareness Clairvoyance clar sentience then you better stop [Music] judging all right let's dive in to today's lesson so some of you guys saw the post that I put out in the group uh just kind of asking you guys what subjects you all want to hear me speak more about and uh it seemed like a pretty overwhelming consensus on heart-based Consciousness which I'm very happy to hear and uh that's you know that's the whole purpose of what we're doing
here in 4D University is to learn how to access and live from heart-based Consciousness rather than ego Consciousness and so I want to give you guys what I believe is the most important key the most important practice for really getting into the heart today and let's begin by saying that the heart alone is able to see Oneness and unity I didn't mean for that to rhyme it just ended up rhyming the Heart Alone can can see Oneness and unity the Mind alone sees form and objects right so the recipe for ego Consciousness is to view
reality only through the mind without an awakened Heart Center because again the mind or um the third chakra which makes up our personal sense of self and our social self the egoic self that we project outwardly the self that we project to get attention approval love validation that's the egoic self yeah and without the Heart Center being active the red orange and yellow Triad of lower three chakras do not have the capacity to see or perceive Oneness they can only perceive the separate forms in the universe and live as a separate form so that the
Mind needs the heart and we know this full well here right so this combination of viewing reality only and always through the mind and not having an awakened heart pretty much guarantees that the mind will be stuck in separation Consciousness until an Awakening of the heart begins and so that begs the question what prevents the heart from Awakening what prevents the heart from activating and there's a few things we might say but to get the most accurate and specific answer possible I would say it's simply judgment or judgments judgments in our perception darken our awareness
of spiritual reality right when when the heart is active we cannot judge people we cannot feel judgment towards others because the heart is able to perceive the fear and the Brokenness and the pain behind somebody's actions the heart recognizes these things right the heart recognizes the pain that's driving people to do harm to others to sin and and to you know act out evil Deeds towards others the heart chakra recognizes the pain the fear the turmoil the anguish behind their actions and therefore judgment is futile it's just simply a fact this person's full of pain
this person's full of spiritual ignorance and blindness and so it it can't be argued with what what's the point of Jud judging judging is utterly futile and a waste of time from that awareness but again without that heart chakra activated the Mind cannot have that awareness it can only see sin and evil which deserves punishment and wrath and the mind acts out that punishment through attack thoughts right judgmental thoughts and that more than anything you guys is what constricts and darkens the heart chakra from Awakening so if we're trying to awaken the heart we must
begin in this Quest this Crusade if you will of purifying all judgments from our mind purifying all judgment towards others from our perception and so you know when you judge when you feel a judgment towards someone you can notice that there's a contraction felt inside you know think back if you if you haven't judged someone recently think back to the last time you you really fell to harsh judgment and this could be something as simple as somebody really cut you off in traffic or something you had to slam on your brakes you know maybe you
spilled your coffee I don't know but somebody did a made a foolish move driving in front of you and you had to slam your brakes on and then you know you kind of pound the steering wheel and idiot you almost got me killed and you feel that kind of harsh anger capture that moment capture that state of being that you embody in that moment it's immensely contracted isn't it it's extremely tight and rigid and angry judgmental when you feel harshly towards others judging them to be wrong or inferior in some way your state of being
shrinks and you lower your available energy in that moment so how can that ever be a net positive for you it's always an attack upon yourself isn't it to think a negative thought an attack thought a judgmental thought it always lowers your vibration first I sometimes like to say the lightning bolt of judgment which you summon from the Heavens to strike somebody with that lightning bolt of judgment passes through my body first before it gets to your body I'm the conduit I'm the judger where else can judgment come from other than me I am making
myself the source of judgment and judgment is a negative energy so I'm making myself the source of negative energy how can that ever be a win and furthermore with judgment it's also very helpful to see the kind of just futility of it from a very like masculine logical rational framework it's kind of like seeing somebody else in pain and you know smashing your thumb with a hammer to empathize with them like I'm going to lower myself to your level in order to empathize with you which of course doesn't help you or them in any way
you know somebody who's in pain doesn't feel better because you're in pain they just care about their pain they want to be alleviated from their pain uh my dad used to say and still says unforgiveness is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die right cuz it's an attack upon yourself so when you judge you think that you're helping the situation by harming yourself essentially in the ego's mind if a judgment is not passed on someone who's deemed to be doing evil then it's as good as if we approve of their evil in
the ego's mind right the ego says if you don't show your judgment about this person right now you're complicit you're just as bad as they are you need to show the universe how much you detest evil and sin that's the ego's logic right and it seems to make sense from the ego's frame of reference but when we understand Oneness it turns that upside down and it makes no sense you know if we don't demonstrate our condemnation of people we think that God is somehow going to not know that we don't approve of their evil Deeds
that sounds pretty separative doesn't it I'm pretty sure God's in your mind already pretty sure God's omnipresent in your Consciousness at all times and knows exactly what you think about everything so you don't need to show God that you disprove of someone's evil Deeds by judging them that's the ego's logic in separation it's utterly insane to believe that harming yourself or harming someone else can result in a positive like something good will come of me judging in my mind whether you judge outwardly and you let them know you think they're a scumbag or whatever or
if you just keep that thought to yourself the result is the same it's an attack upon who you are right it is a darkening of your awareness of your perception that blinds you to spiritual reality but on the other hand the refusal to judge the absolute refusal to judge another person for their misdeeds is simply the refusal to add more evil to the situation isn't it someone who's living from heart-based Consciousness who no matter what they might witness someone doing abusing children even right there never does a moment arise where they even consider judging the
person who's doing it cuz it's a completely futile waste of time and energy and it only adds more negativity to the situation why because when we live in heart-based Consciousness as we said the Heart Alone can see Oneness the Heart Alone perceives unity and so in heart-based Consciousness we intuitively know that my thoughts about people affect them whether for good or for evil if I think a negative thought about someone I'm basically sending them negative energy and if they're in agreement to any extent with my judgments about them it will increase that negative energy in
them of course somebody who's totally crystallized and purified will not be affected by the judgments of others because there's no Anchor Point for negative energy to land in them negative energy needs an anchor point in someone to attach itself and if you're purified of all distortions you're invisible to anger you're invisible to negativity rather it goes right through you passes right through you there's no Landing point for it to attach itself to this is why we say you know if you spot it you got it right what you judge in another person is what you're
projecting about yourself meaning if someone else's greed pisses me off I've got some greed in myself for sure for sure otherwise it couldn't possibly annoy me and somebody else else I would see it only with compassion I would recognize it for exactly what it is right so any hateful thoughts towards the abuser makes him more abusive any judgmental thoughts towards the murderer makes him more murderous but likewise the refusal to judge is also the refusal to suffer for Imaginary Reasons I'm not going to make up enemies in my mind this person is not my enemy
they're a Divine brother brother or a Divine sister who has lost their way fallen into blindness and ignorance and delusion they do not know Unity they do not know love they do not know who they are they may not even know that God exists how or why could I possibly expect somebody who doesn't know who they are who doesn't know their Oneness with God who doesn't perceive love how could I possibly expect them to be living from heart-based Consciousness what foolishness isn't it what arrogance what Pride to expect others to live up to my standards
of where I think they should be no they're just where they are and it can't be argued with where somebody is can't be argued with it's just a fact of the matter so the refusal to judge others is a statement of allegiance to the divine power isn't it the refusal to judge anyone or anything including yourself is an acknowledgment of the perfect perfect justice system God has already built into the universe it's the intuitive knowing that all beings are already experiencing the full consequences of their actions the consequences may not look how I think they
should look or assume they might look you know we always expect uh if somebody steals they should be stolen from in the same manner but the universe is way more creative in the way that it exacts karma on people it'll come in a way you'll never expect it for good reason right because if someone's aware of the laws of karma they can go around doing evil Deeds to others and then make sure that they keep all of their money in a safe behind a safe behind a wall you know perfectly protected so there's no chance
somebody can steal from them and so the universe says no problem I'll have somebody steal your idea for that song you're writing or you know whatever there's a new way the universe can always exact the karma upon everyone so I do not need to judge I do not need to attempt to exact any measure of punishment on any sentient being whether in my mind or in reality itself God's justice is already exacted upon the universe right the universe is already living under perfect immutable laws that make sure nobody can escape their karma so why do
I need to go around judging lowering my energy attacking myself blinding myself to spiritual reality with all of these judgmental thoughts if I meet someone and I blame him for his weakness all I've done is to Rob myself of the power to see higher knowledge but if I try to enter lovingly into his true nature into his light if I try to lovingly see his light past the outward appearance then I gain that power to see higher knowledge so you're the way you're choosing to see anyone is determining how much awareness you will have of
spiritual reality you want to be tapped into the field you want to have strong intuition and psychic awareness Clairvoyance clar sentience you want to experience all the powers of the heart chakra well then you better stop judging because judging again darkens your perception and shuts off the heart the heart doesn't know judgment right the heart doesn't know how to push anything away and so when we judge from those lower three chakras those judgments come up the heart says sorry can't process that leave it up to you guys have fun with it I don't judge I
can't judge but if we do the opposite we ask the heart to Grace and bless the lower three chakras with its loving awareness then what the heart chakra does is it exalts the lower three Triad the lower three ego chakras it exalts EXs them to their highest expression and they become instruments of love and service and devotion so we have to start seeing this right that there is a much higher dimension of awareness available to us which is far more intelligent far more harmonious and happy than ego Consciousness but judgments in our perception however subtle
they may be are like chains that bind us to third density Consciousness the judgments in our perception dampen our ability to see Eternal truth even when it's right in front of us you know we have God in human form standing right in front of us we have the Divine being itself in one of its many expressions and we're just seeing hatred and judgment I mean how much darker can you get how much farther from truth can you fall so we Overlook the importance of this right and this is why I'm such a huge fan of
a aim is that aim teaches this as the exclusive Pathway to heaven right acim teaches that forgiveness is the path to Heaven because forgiveness asks us to love and cherish the person right in front of us as the Christ itself and as we see the Christ in others the doors to Heaven blast wide open for us to walk right through meaning if I affirm the Divine principle and anything else outside of me if I affirm it in you I have affirmed it in myself and if I deny it in you I've denied it in myself
so forgiveness when we live and walk from forgiveness we are demonstrating this higher way of Consciousness which doesn't try to take matters into its own hands right but it surrenders everything to God and in being able to forgive others you relinquish all trust and power into God's hands knowing that the one power alone is already handling this person's life and their karma perfectly I'm not asked to do anything here other than to be a part of that service in whatever way God might ask me to be I'm just here to serve you know that that
is the attitude of heart-based Consciousness I'm just here to serve because I've been freely given so much grace so much love so much Beauty all I can do now is give it away so every moment that we choose to banish from our mind all all thoughts of judgment about others we are sinking deeper into the heart and you know this a great way to do this you guys and you know what let's do this as an exercise let's do this as a quick exercise everyone I want everyone to tune in to what I'm saying right
now closing your eyes and I want to do a little thought experiment with you to see what comes up in you and this is where real honesty is re required real humility is needed don't let that dirty spiritual ego fake you out that you're not seeing what you're seeing or that you're holer than thou I I don't feel judgments about this or that person be radically honest about any remnant of negative energy that comes up when I say these names be aware of any of the slightest contraction in your state of being when I say
these names the the barometer we're shooting for is that I could speak out every one of these names and you will feel nothing but peace and expansion in your state of being you will you would recognize them as oh yes that is also my Divine brother or my Divine sister okay and I'm not passing any kind of judgment on the names I'm about to list I'm just doing this as a thought experiment to show you in the collective Consciousness certain people gather a lot of judgments around them a lot of uh perceptions of being evil
and whatnot and so we want to see if those exist in us anywhere okay so turning turning within and closing our eyes just taking a few deep breaths and again just notice what reactions come up in your mind Adolf Hitler Joe Biden clous Schwab Hillary Clinton Donald Trump opening your eyes so let me know in the chat who noticed little little remnants of judgmental thoughts maybe big ones but even just little ones of ah I don't like that person very much for sure right you guys are like oh yeah that's okay no judgment at all
right we just need to get acquainted with how our mind perceives these beings and go oh wow I thought I was free of judgment but woo when that name came up I felt a pretty strong contraction we have to find those parts of us and forgive them right and who are we forgiving what are we forgiving what are we saying when we when we forgive we're not saying forgive this evil horrible person God we're saying I forgive those who lack spiritual Insight I forgive those who lack spiritual awareness I forgive those who are ignorant of
love I forgive those who cannot see their Christ nature so in that sense we're not overlooking a wrong of any kind we are acknowledging a truth that this person doesn't know who they are they don't know what truth is so I cannot hold their actions against them I can only call them up to a higher awareness of who they are through my forgiveness through seeing the light in them regardless of their inability to see it in themselves I'm going to repeat that my ability to see the light in someone regardless of their inability to see
it in themselves is what demonstrates real healing in the world that is what causes real healing in the world when we can see all beings as being in the light even those who've clearly chosen the negative polarity they're still our divine brothers and sisters and they're still playing a part in creation God doesn't see any need to judge anyone in all of the universe so neither should we right if we want to live from God Consciousness so I'm going to share my screen really quick and read a few quotes to you this is probably my
favorite quote from acim on forgiveness says forgiveness is unknown in heaven where the need for it would be inconceivable however in this world forgiveness is a necessary correction for all the mistakes that we have made to offer forgiveness is the only way for us to have it for it reflects the law of Heaven that giving and receiving are the same forgiveness is the means by which we will remember through forgiveness the thinking of the world is reversed the forgiven World becomes the Gate of Heaven because by its Mercy we can at last forgive ourselves holding
no one prisoner to guilt we become free acknowledging Christ in all our brothers we recognize his presence in ourselves forgetting all our misperceptions and with nothing from the past to hold us back we can remember God so here's the most important line In this passage holding no one prisoner to guilt we become free acknowledging Christ in all our brothers we recognize his presence in ourselves and I think the word all there is very important that it it can be easy to acknowledge the Christ in a saintly looking person you know a holy appearing person a
kind person generous person it's really hard to see it in the selfish person in the person we think is being a jerk but if we can still see it you know if we can be in the moment of I don't know you're out with friends at a restaurant or a bar hanging out and some drunk guy starts yelling at you saying profanities and normally it would trigger the ego to defensiveness and I'm going to give this guy a piece of my mind and you drop into that ego Consciousness instead of doing that if you can
just hold this awareness of this person ah this poor brother of mine has lost his way that's it it's just it's not like you have to have some grandiose uh heart exploding awareness of someone that just provokes you to ecstasy that's available and possible but you don't even need to do that you just need to not judge that's it you just need to scrub out the Judgment from your perception of them and having those compassionate kind of dispositions towards people those compassionate viewpoints of ah my poor brother here has clearly lost his way blessings to
you brother it's all forgiven all good that is what actually allows them to have a higher level of Consciousness stream into their awareness maybe they'll start being a little bit more you know aware of their behaviors maybe they'll start being a little bit more cognizant of their selfishness and their uh their rudeness right if you can return good for evil you're depolarizing their negative energy but if you return evil for evil if they're being a jerk to you and you send some profanities right back you've increased the negativity of the situation and lowered your own
energy in the process and you know this is a there's a really interesting passage I love which I'm also going to share with you here uh that Jesus gives his disciples about this in the New Testament check this passage out from Matthew 21 says a man had two sons and he came to the first and said son go work today in my Vineyard he answered and said I will not but afterward he regretted it and went then he came to the second and he answered and said I go sir but then he did not go
Jesus says which of the two sons did the will of his father and they said to him the first Jesus said to them assuredly I say to you that tax collectors and harlots enter the kingdom of God before you interesting message there isn't it that Jesus is saying those people you judge the harlots the tax collectors they're entering the kingdom before you why because what God wants is a humble contrite heart and so even if someone's sinning you know sinning uh doing drugs debauchery degeneracy whatever and they eventually turn from their Wicked Ways and turn
their heart to God and say God please forgive me I got to change I I got to repent from this God actually favors that and gives Grace to that but if you are not doing the things you're saying if you're not walking the walk you know you say that you believe in unconditional love you say that you're a devotee all these things but then you're judging people in your mind God is saying those people you judge are closer to the kingdom than you are because your own judgments are pushing yourself away from the kingdom what
is what was Jesus's commandment what was God's commandment love thy neighbor as thyself and so when the father commanded his son go work in the vineyard and the son said no and then felt bad about it went I should obey my father that son had the favor and did the father's will whereas the father who commanded his second son and the son said yes Father I will do so and then he went out and did whatever and didn't go to the field disobeyed his father's will we do the same whenever we don't love our neighbor
as ourself cuz that's that's the Commandment that God has given us all right to love thy neighbor as thyself Jesus said that's the greatest commandment love God love your neighbor and Jesus as we know even rebuked his followers in the New Testament for passing by the Widow and the orphan and the Hungry Man and the Thirsty man The Prisoner Jesus said when you passed them up you passed me up so don't come to me calling me Lord Lord when you didn't even see me in the least of these he's talking about spiritual awareness and again
only forgiveness can illuminate our spiritual awareness there's also a a Hindu story of this um that I've heard that's very similar uh goes something like and I'm going to screw this up but there was two men who heard that a a famous um Indian Sage was coming into town to give a a satat song and one of the friends said ah I can't make it I got to go down to the wh house and hang out with some prostitutes that day and and the the other friend said well I'm going to go to see the
sage cuz that feels like the right thing to do and so the two men go their separate ways one man goes to sit before the sage and have sat song the other goes to the wh house to be with prostitutes but while he's in the wh house with the prostitutes he becomes overcome with guilt and remorse for not going to see the sage and while he's sitting there with prostitutes he's only thinking in his mind I wish I was there in the in the ashram listening to the sage I should be there instead and counterintuitively
the friend who goes to see the sage is sitting there the whole time thinking about all the fun his friend is having with prostitutes and not actually present with the sage and it says Krishna gives his grace to the man who went to the prostitutes in that situation interesting interesting isn't it seems to say that God cares only about the heart the position of the heart where is your heart coming from doesn't really matter where you are in time and in space doesn't really matter the out the outside things the external things what are the
inner things where is your heart right what has Your Allegiance in this moment so you could be sitting in a brothel and thinking about God and be closer to the kingdom than someone sitting before a sage thinking about the brothel isn't that interesting all uh all spiritual truths are paradoxes as we say the Kingdom of Heaven is within you was Jesus's classic phrase yeah but another one that Jesus says in I believe Matthew 18:18 which you've probably heard before is Jesus says whatsoever you bind on Earth is bound in heaven and whatsoever you loose on
Earth is loosed in heaven now that's interesting because we think about heaven at least as Christians we did as a far off Place way up in the clouds be beyond the stars so whatever I I bind on Earth it's bound somewhere way out there in the cosmos wherever Heaven is it happens there too uh I think we're off track there don't you I think it's discussing an inner reality isn't it if Jesus said the Kingdom of Heaven is in you then whatever I bind on Earth the external is bound in heaven on the internal whatever
I loose in the external whatever I loose on Earth is loosed in heaven the heart and something about the recognition that the kingdom of heaven really is in my heart it really is in inside of me then whatever I do to the external I do to the internal can you see that it's in me so my judgments as the course says are always a tack upon myself and are always a closing of the doors to heaven so when we see with true spiritual illumination there is no sin in our awareness and that happens at the
illumination SQ level at the throat chakra and so how do we get to that level we go through the heart right the heart comes before the throat chakra because the heart cleanses the mind of all unrighteousness all judgment so those who forgive are living in the heart those who forgive are of pure vision and are seeing reality Through The Eyes of the heart and why is that important because the heart sees Oneness only the heart sees Oneness by no other way can we enter into Unity Consciousness than through heart through the through love yeah seeing
with loving awareness is the gateway to heaven and that Gateway can be open at any moment that we choose to see with love so forgiveness doesn't mean that we go around seeing the sins of others and then forgiving them oh gosh what a horrible person okay God I forgive them I forgive them they're also your child it might be that at first when we're really you know holding on to our judgments it might feel like we have to actually Overlook an evil or a sin but that's not what true forgiveness really is right true forgiveness
means we see no sin we only see ignorance and we only see suffering as the course says sin in the light of the holy spirit is a mistake to be corrected not an evil to be punished we recognize everyone's just where they are you know they've been conditioned as they've been conditioned we start to realize that only love is sanity and so from that to that extent the heart shows us that anyone Who's acting outside of love myself included is insane to that same degree CU only love is true sanity so if we see an
insane person doing something insane we just accept that as a fact they just need help it doesn't rise within us to think about hating them or condemning them in our heart and that is the same exact disposition that the heart allows us to see of everybody when we access heart-based Consciousness we see everybody like children truly it may be hard to imagine this for some of you and I can appreciate that CU for me at one point it was as well but man I I can only assure you guys that by practicing forgiveness and really
working on you know each and every day like striving to really forgive and see as innocent even the worst people you can think of is the most cleansing spiritual practice that there is and the most heart-based PR practice there is that will blast open the doors of the heart and immediately put you in touch with Heavenly reality you can immediately start partaking in it when you truly walk with forgiveness in your eyes so with forgiveness we can have continual light and isn't that what we all want when the heart is activated we are emitting a
higher level of energy right from our energy field that higher level of energy the fourth density energy the green ray energy takes our Taurus field out wider and farther the the green ray field stretches farther than the yellow Ray or the orange or the yellow we have these you know energy bodies that stretch out increasingly far right and the heart chakra energy puts us in touch with our environment in a much deeper way and more intuitive way a more intelligent way a more balanced and harmonious way so we immediately start feeling happier we immediately have
more available energy to enjoy and express oursel with our frequency Rises right it's always a gift that we give oursel so the last quote I want to read you is from the law of one because I love looking at these kind of multiple perspectives he from session 34 uh Don says how do you define Karma our understanding of karma is that which may be called inertia those actions which are put into motion will continue using the ways of balancing ing until such time as the controlling or higher principle which you may liken unto your breaking
or stopping is invoked so that the patterns of karma we create will continue until we stop them this stoppage of the inertia of action may be called forgiveness these two concepts are inseparable so there ra saying the only way to pump the brakes on Karma or stop the wheel of karma is forgiveness then Don says if an entity develops what is called karma in an incarnation is there then programming that sometimes occurs so that he will experience Catalyst that will enable him to get a point of forgiveness there to a point to forgiveness thereby alleviating
the karma so don is asking if someone has Karma will the universe attract to them an experience that basically forces them to find forgiveness and Ross says this is in general correct however both self and any involved Other Self May at any time through the process of understanding acceptance and forgiveness amarate these patterns this is true at any point in an incarna of pattern thus one who has set in motion and action May forgive itself and never again make that error this also breaks or stops what you call Karma so another important point there in
terms of being the creators of our reality being conscious creators forgiveness plays a huge role in that because if we're trying to create positive harmonious realities for ourselves but holding grievances against people holding judgmental thoughts we are attracting Karma that must reflect it back to us in some kind of experience so we're drawing negative experiences to ourself and Ross says at any point you don't need to wait for life to train wreck you to finally forgive at any point you can say I forgive you and stop the wheel of karma right there so forgiveness is
also the only only thing and this is a huge point you guys forgiveness is the only thing that shortens the Soul's need for karmic experience can you see that you your soul has to experience the karma that it's generated and accumulated until or unless forgiveness comes in and then whoop the universe says they don't need that Karma anymore they've alleviated it they've atoned for it a Rudolph Steiner book I read recently called how to gain knowledge of higher worlds he says in this section uh disrespect antipathy and underestimation bring about the starvation and withering of
perception for the occultist this fact is visible in the aura a soul which Harbors the feelings of devotion and reverence brings about a change in its Aura certain yellowish red or brown red tints will vanish and tints of bluish red will replace them and I thought that quote was interesting because in the law of one raw also talks about the auras of different beings and says the same thing that a like a third density being or even a negatively polarized entity will have a brownish reddish orange-ish Hue to their Aura whereas an enlightened positively polarized
being has a more bluish greenish Indigo kind of Aura so apparently this awareness is available to us you know tangibly physically to actually see this information and it's amazing isn't it How the Universe has a natural built-in protection mechanism that only through the way of the heart can we access true telepathy and Clairvoyance and clar sentience of the the needs and the thoughts and the pain of other people because before we enter the heart we would use that information selfishly wouldn't we if we could perceive the thoughts of others the pain behind their eyes and
in their mind the ego would totally weaponize that knowledge for its own selfish gain we would use it to abuse people and so in the Divine intelligence way it created this kind of barrier that you only gain access to True psychic awareness where you can actually hear the thoughts of others feel their pain know their past have these intuitive recognitions about them if you're living from the heart because from the heart you only want to use those things to serve people and so love as we know is quantum entanglement to love someone entangles you with
them in unity literally in Consciousness right so if you want to know information about people if you want to pick up words of knowledge about people the healing they may need the word of encouragement they may need you got to first love them unconditionally otherwise if you're seeing them with judgment you're literally separating yourself from them in your mind aren't you and so you won't be able to pick up this kind of information and just think for a minute how helpful it would be from a service to others perspective if you could actually see the
auras of people like physically you could see the color spectrum that they're emanating you could see somebody with a deep brown reddish Aura and immediately know ah that person needs love today and you could send them love in your mind in your heart you could even go up to them and be kind and loving to them you could do whatever Source intelligence moves you to do because you're actually tapped into a deeper uh a higher world as Rudolph Steiner would say where you can perceive the auras of people and know where their state of being
is in any moment that'd be an incredible asset to service wouldn't it it's available through forgiveness so in conclusion if if we desire to leave the shadowlands of ego Consciousness and enter heart-based consciousness we must be always growing in our capacity to love we must always strive to grow in our capacity to love because love is the way the truth and the life the awareness of Love's presence as we teach here is truly the only practice we need to be aware of the presence of love in every moment is all you need for complete Liberation
and Enlightenment but it's not so easy to do when you've got an ego mind full of judgment that wants to think separate thoughts about others and attack thoughts so it wants to obscure that awareness of Love's presence the ego does and that's what makes forgiveness feel difficult so by practicing each and every day to walk in forgiveness innocence towards all beings seeing all beings as innocent and holy and divine almost in a sense disregarding their external behaviors when we learn to walk in that that forgiveness we are polarizing positively and we are activating the heart
chakra tremendously this is the one most important and Powerful way to access the green ray Center is by choosing to forgive and to cease judgments because only judgments cause the heart to close off right so only judgment only judgment can keep us truly from living in heart-based Consciousness only judgment can trap Us in the solar plexus and keep us out of that Heavenly Realm of the heart chakra where all happiness and Bliss and peace and joy is available to us but we got to earn it you know that the ego is like the great gatekeeper
of Heaven that uh ensures that no one can pass through unless they've earned entry into heaven through the discipline of walking in forgiveness forgiving all the world and all sentient beings of their mistakes and thereby forgiving ourselves as well for everything we've ever done only that is crystallization right and only that crystallization can come from the heart so that's where I'll leave you for today this is just you know we're talking about fundamentals a lot lately and in terms of fundamentals for heart-based Consciousness there's no more important one we can give and there will be
more we can give but forgiveness you guys I'm telling you it's where the most bang for your buck is I promise you [Music] [Music]
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