today with Joseph Prince you don't live by the law you live by Grace you live by resting in the power of the Holy Spirit who worth in you both giving you the willingness and the performance of his good pleasure God gives you the desires all right to do uh what he wants you to do and then he gives you even the performance doesn't come from you he gives you the performance just that he gives you the desires praise God um are you excited to be in the church church this church amen and I just want
to let you know that uh even though Singapore is a tiny red dot we are exporting the gospel of grace amen for some reason God loves to use weak and small and seemingly insignificant things Amen to confound the Great and the mighty is the grace of our Lord Jesus to him be all the praise and glory amen praise God John 15 I am the True Vine and my father is the vine dresser our Lord says every branch in me that does not bear fruit he takes away and every branch that bears fruit he prunes that
he may bear more fruit you are already clean because of the word which I have spoken to you I am the True Vine why did Jesus say I am the True Vine now remember that he was talking to his disciples at at this point in time they were all Jewish disciples now obviously it's uh The Upper Room disclosed which this is part of the upper room discourse is for the church amen The Sermon on the Mount strictly speaking is for the kingdom of God that was suspended because they rejected the king all right but the
discourse of the upper room just before he was crucified the night that he was to be crucified right the day after he gave to the church what we call the upper room dis because the entire thing is for the church but do keep in mind that the Gospel of John this is the Gospel of John the Gospel of John has seven miracles or signs recorded in it the Miracles are called signs and these signs is for the nation of Israel for example the first sign now the the Bible says that John himself said by the
spirit that Jesus did many miracles of which if every one of them was written of the things which he said and I suppose John says even the books in the world cannot contain all that was said and written all right but the Holy Spirit chose Seven Signs seven miracles why for whom are are these signs given to the nation of Israel the very first one six water pots of water for the purifying of the Jews amen six the water uh six water pots number of men and Jesus turned the water into wine amen so Judaism
is like water but Jesus Grace will turn to water into wine the first miracle of Jesus turning water into wine the first plague of Moses who represents the Law was to turn water into blood resulting in death Jesus the first miracle of Grace is to turn water into wine resulting in celebration and life so the law was given by a servant Moses but great and Truth came by our Lord Jesus Christ amen and Jesus said that the servant does not abide forever in the house but the sun abides forever if the sun therefore shall make
you free you shall be free indeed amen so the Lord says I am the True Vine why because in the Old Testament Israel was a type of Vine to supply the knowledge of God the wisdom of God uh uh the fruits all right for all the nations round about but they fail and in Psalms 80 we see that that uh psalmist says to God you have brought a Vine that's Israel out of Egypt you have cast out the Nations and planted this Vine Israel but Israel failed the prophet Isaiah refers to Israel as a Vine
in many places in the book of Isaiah you find him talking about Israel as a Vine but Israel fail so Jesus came in John 15 Jesus says I am the True Vine John 15 and my father is the vine dresser okay in verse five now I am the vine you are the branches verse five I am the vine you are the branches now as Believers we are all connected to the Lord Jesus we are the branch of the Living Vine the problem is that we are trying to be the vine when the Lord has made
us the branch which part of the tree does the fruit grow on the branch all right like the grapes for example this larous grapes that you see up here can can you see the branches we are the branch all of us are the branches of the True Vine of our Lord Jesus the vine and the branches are one in fact the vine tree is a very interesting tree it is not a tree like a trunk with branches okay it literally has no trunk it is made of winding and clinging Vine branches Jesus says I am
the Vine I am the supplier you are the fruit bearing part you are the part that bears the fruit you are not to be the supplier you are not to be the producer you are not the one responsible I am the one responsible your part is just bear it bear the fruit manifest the fruit you look at the fruits people say what what luscious fruits they grow on this on this Branch you may get the credit but the life the sap the fatness the richest come from the vine but the same life the same fatness
that flows in the vine flows in the branches need prayer head over to our brand new digital prayer experience you can use it any time of the day from your computer or mobile device and watch the prayers as many times as you need you'll also receive free digital resources to help you through these challenging times let's stand in faith together for breakthrough in your situation visit prayer to get started all that the Lord tells us to do throughout this entire discourse back in John 15 the entire thing look at verse 5 I am the
vine you are the branches he who abides in me and I in him Bears much fruit for without me you can do nothing he who abides in me he who abides in me verse four abide in me and I in you as the branch cannot bear fruit of itself unless it abides in the vine neither can you unless you abide in me notice the recurring word abide abide abide abide all you got to do is abide you know what's abide now this has never happened before and and I I I pray it will never happen
where I I'm preaching to you halfway and I need to go to the restroom come on people all right sometimes when you got to go you got to go amen a man's got to do what a man got to do right imagine I I I am about to go and I don't know how long it all depends on the supply you know so maybe 50 minutes so I imagine I say you guys abide here I'm going off what what does that mean abide stay stay here is that hard you're already there abide is not a
place you're trying to get at abide means stay where you are stay as a branch don't try to be the supplier amen who is responsible for the fruit that you see just now who is responsible for the fruit talk to me it's okay it's not a trick question all right who is responsible you sure again who is responsible for the fruit the vine the vine then why is it that we are acting like we are responsible the true attitude of a branch is that of restfulness and carefree attitude because all the supply should come from
the vine my part is to abide my part is remain as a branch and there's nothing easier than to remain in a room I'm already in if I say stay here Justin don't go off what am I telling him I'm not telling him to try to make him make an effort to go to the next room that means just stay where you are one of the easiest things to do is to rest amen so the only criteria for the branch here in the entire discourse on the vine and the branches is that of the great
word manol which is abide abide in Christ if only you and I can interview the little branch and we ask the little Branch all right little Branch tell me how is it you bear such luscious grapes such luscious fruits all right what do you think the branch will say I mean do my best and I think I'm smarter than you I look better than you oh little brunch and yet you have such wonderful results such abundant fruit luscious fruit tell me your secret tell me your secret what do you think the branch will say the
branch will say that you are just too smart you people are just too smart and we are not as smart as you we just remain as a branch we know who is supplying you see he put us in the vine we didn't put oursel in The Vine by the way 1 Corinthians 1:3 says of him are you in Christ Jesus who of God has made unto us wisdom now of him are you in Christ Jesus means it is of God's doing not your own that you are in Christ the moment you put your trust in
Christ God put you God put you in in Christ and there you are abiding forever you're like connected to the Living Vine amen and yet we think of ourselves back to the little Branch the little Branch says the supply constantly flows and all I got to do is not restrict the supply allow myself to be a branch but I have no care I have no worry in fact I have no responsibilities because all the responsibility is on the vine amen my only part you can call it a responsibility which is not responsibility but is just
you know arrest is to abide CU all the can and respond comes from the vine you know when when it's uh time to bring forth fruits I just trust the vine that he will supply the butt the leaves and the fruit if there's been no rain for some time I trust the vine that its root system will bring me moisture will bring the moisture into the branch I don't worry about water the vine will supply when Harvest time comes I don't care about the kind of grapes it's not my concern about what kind of grapes
I produce because the vine dresser will not blame me for the grapes whether it's good quality or bad quality all right or no grapes he will put the responsibility on the vine as long as I abide all the responsibility is on the vine imagine what kind of life you will live from this day forth if you are faced with a stressful stressful situation you say Lord your peace and imagine his peace being supplied at that moment when you are faced with a a a decision making uh process that you need to have there and there
you say Lord your wisdom amen you feel tired and you're about to um you know tackle a task before you and you just get up and you step forward say Lord your strength and act like he's supplying imagine what a life it'll be is a life of rest amen and your restfulness is a greater testimony all right than the words you speak a restful Christian is a wonderful testimony it glorifies the Lord can I have a good amen in fact there is an oxymoron in Hebrews 4 that says let us labor to enter the rest
you see it's an oxymoron you know what an oxymoron it's a that uses oxy on his pimples all right oxymoron is a contradiction of terms all right where you find that it says let us labor to enter the rest it's like saying work at not working now I'm not talking about outward working you can be outwardly working but inwardly you at rest you're always laboring to enter the rest because you know the more you rest the more the supply flows the more more you rest the more you abide your task as a Believer is to
enter into restfulness more restfulness deep restfulness and don't think for one moment It's a lazy life because you are connected to the vine the vine has a Zeal that is not fanatic and yet is a holy Zeal a powerful Zeal when you are connected with him there'll be zealousness in you you'll be doing yet not expiring you'll be like the burning bush burning but not burning out can I have a good amen you cannot be connected to The Living Vine and be lazy there's no way Can it can happen amen yet many of us we
are trying to produce the fruit it's like we at the branch and we are struggling to produce then a little grape comes out I don't think that even happens amen the more you struggle the more you are restricting the sap the life the riches and the fatness of the vine it cannot flow because you the hindrance is that you are resisting and that's why I'm very particular about about the New Testament the New Covenant reality for the believer is that you don't live by the law you live by Grace you live by resting in the
power of the Holy Spirit who worketh in you both giving you the willingness and the performance of his good pleasure God gives you the desires all right to do uh what he wants you to do and then he gives you even the performance doesn't come from you he gives you the performance just that he gives you the desires it is God who works in you you work out your salvation not work for salvation work out because it is God who works in WoW Amen in you both giving you the willingness and the performance of your
good pleasure somehow we have this idea the more we struggle then you know there's one great no in fact the more we struggle the worse it is in Galatians 5 it tells us very clearly in Galatians 5 you have been severed from Christ The Old King James King James says Christ is become of no effect the new King James says you have been estranged from Christ here it says you've been seed from Christ you who are seeking to be justified by law you have fallen Fallen indicates a higher ground that you fell from in the
Old Testament it's backslide backslide can be on the same ground same level you just go behind but in the New Covenant Grace is high ground Grace is Heavenly Grace is where God is and how you fall from grace by sinning you cannot find a verse in the New Testament that says when you sin you fall from grace now I'm against sin all right I said I'm against sin come on but long before someone fall into sin they fell from Grace remember from where you fell amen like Israel when Israel says at the foot of Mount
Si all that God commands us we can do it they fell from Grace they are depending on themselves now they are no more depending on God's grace the next thing you see you see sin the golden calf idolatry long before there's the works of the flesh there is a falling from Grace long before there's adultery there's a falling from grace and that's why you know we are preaching where it really matters can I have a good amen I want to read to you a testimony uh from a lady that she's from America from Texas and
she said this I grew up with a church background but did not understand that Jesus had already paid the entire price for all my sins when I was 19 years old I went down the wrong path and began to smoke marijuana and cigarettes which ultimately led to fornication heavy drinking and severely abusive relationships simply because I was trying to find friends and blend in with others I did not realize that I was giving away my blessings and great opportunities when I was 27 I was on the brink of becoming a great singer and was offered
a great career in show business however because of the smoking the one gift that would have taken me there began to fail me I was losing my voice slowly it would fade in and out and eventually my dreams were smashed when I received no more offers after that I fell into a Great Depression for eight years and I moved away to start life over even so I was still struggling with smoking while watching my contemporaries Excel and I felt bitter about being left behind this was until father God sent me the wonderful message of Grace
I have sinned I have since quit smoking all together and because of Joseph Prince Ministries I have found my true love Jesus Christ normal abusive relationships think about this this is how dangerous my teaching is all right this is the this is the teaching that your friends warn you about I'm also pleased to report that the Lord has healed my voice and it is now even better than before I have also been blessed with a new opportunity to work with a well-known talent manager so even though I am now 36 10 years older than when
I first started the Lord has restored my soul my youth and given me a fresh start wow Pastor Prince's message of Grace really transformed my whole way of life and my entire way of thinking I Now understand that it's not by my own works but by his grace that I've been saved thank you Lord Jesus come on Church praise the Lord this is what the St the vine life can do for this lady Amen in fact the more you struggle she say it's not by my works the more you struggle the more you are hindering
how do you fall from grace how do you fall those of you who are sinning no those of you who are seeking to be justified by law you have fallen from Grace now it doesn't mean you lose your salvation here it means at that moment you are you are cut off from that Supply you are cut off from all that Christ can be to you in fact when you look at Jesus Christ when he was on Earth Sinners could re receive from him Tax Collectors prostitutes social outcasts lepers could touch him and receive he was
of effect to them the only ones that he had no effect on and it seems like they cut off from his supply of healing and his Supply that vine life was were the Pharisees the self-righteous religious people who are trusting and seeking to be justified by the law are you are you following saying so far people because here back in John 15 the Lord actually said this in verse 5 the last part he who abides in me and I in him Bears much fruit for without me you can do nothing you can do nothing you
see you must understand one thing Church you say but there's a lot of things that we can do without Christ I mean the world is full of it isn't it the world is full of people who are doing things without Christ so how come the Lord himself said the Lord who cannot lie this tries holy Lord amen not that he will not lie he cannot lie how can he say without me you can do nothing what he's saying is that look at all the some of the greatest men in the world today all the greatest
man in the world that has ever lived all that they accomplished without Christ what does it Avail at the end it comes to nothing but only What's Done For Christ will last forever remember this church just remember this Heaven's economy is not like ours amen we run for gold and down there they walk on it you know our priorities are all you know we don't realize that what's done for Christ will last forever amen so when he says you can do nothing what he means is that without him you can do nothing of value of
substance and of Eternal consequence of permanency of Eternal quality that has results in this life and in the Life After amen without me you can do nothing so the more we realize that we interview the little Branch the branch says when Harvest time comes you know I don't worry because the vine dresser won't blame me if there are no grapes as long as I'm abiding as a branch the responsibility is the vines can I have a good amen come on church amen praise the Lord and that's a Christian Life um we always think that okay
now I'm the righteousness of God in Christ amen God has made you the righteousness of God in Christ but somehow we still have this thinking when I'm praying I'm doing something righteous when I am reading my Bible I'm doing something righteous when I'm in church I'm doing something righteous but on Monday all right when I'm driving my car brushing my tee friend because you are the righteousness of God in Christ there's no minial task everything you do you are still connected to the Living Vine the same supply of wisdom in the vine is supplied into
the branch amen you when you brush your teeth is a righteous act when you drive your car it's a righteous act when you kiss your children that's a righteous act when you love your wife that's a righteous act amen when you're doing your work is a righteous act there's no such thing as a righteous act being only prayer or giving money to the poor or doing some charitable work then it's righteous x no your whole life is righteous because it emanates from the righteousness of God that's you if a tree is good then whatever comes
out of the tree whether it's the branch or the leaf or the fruit will all be good if a tree is bad even though the leaf looks green now come back next week next month you'll find it becomes Brown why the tree is bad friend the thing is this because God has made you the righteousness of God in here you might not do anything significant at the moment but let me tell you this everything in your life is now permeated with the Life of Christ you do not know an expression a gesture speak volumes to
your colleagues you do not know that a little you know they look at you and they see you peaceful and your face shines you don't even know your face is shining and it speaks volumes to your relatives friends your entire life don't don't think of life as you know we think of life as segments and where we need God's little dos of wisdom and little uh impartation of strength we think of God like this God is in heaven we are down here so we wake up in the morning I need a good dose of favor
today God give me favor then God says okay here comes favor a pale that's how we think all right it's separate means god the Lord Jesus and us are separate he's at the father's right hand we are over here we are separate from him we need wisdom today man I got a task before me I got to present this uh uh I got this presentation I must do in you know in my company and my boss really wants me to do a good job oh God give me wisdom Lord give me till Here Comes wisdom
we always think prayer is like that but friend that's not true prayer is a realization of what you already are that you are connected blessed by what you've seen today subscribe to the Joseph Prince Ministries YouTube channel and never miss a single episode new videos released daily that will encourage and Empower you to live a Victorious Life