O FUTURO COMEÇA AGORA: as 10 bases para a autotransformação - Lúcia Helena Galvão

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A professora Lúcia Helena faz uma excelente SÍNTESE do que aprendemos este ano, com o auxilio da fil...
Video Transcript:
New Acropolis features: The Future Starts Now! 10 Basis for self-transformation. Hello, let's go to another one of our meetings... Today, due to the date that is approaching I chose a very special theme, which is: The future that begins now. I know you will immediately think: Well, what future is starting now? It won't change anything. Yes, it will. We are going through two dates that are important within the calendar in which we live, at least in the west, since our birth. Many times we have the mistake of thinking that what is real only to the psychic
plane, has a lower degree of reality than the rest. Ah, new year is only for the Christian West. New Year has changed over the years. And I don't know what else... Okay, I know this story. However, the fact that repeatedly throughout your life, in this period, there is a landmark for the restart of a new cycle, makes a difference, it's fixed for us. The realities, my dears, are much more on the subtle plane than on the concrete. A psychic reality has much more weight in our lives than physical facts in general. They give the direction.
So it is fixed in us that nature is cyclical, and this is a fact, and that this is the end of a cycle of our life, which are not that many, and we'll never know when it's the last. And we have, within our western calendar, two dates at this time, which I think is very propitious to be so close, because one is Christmas, which is a time of Rebirth, and the other is the New Year, which is a time to Renew. And they are two fundamental elements at each beginning of the cycle. Even the mornings,
they repeat this magic of the beginnings. Every morning is like having a new opportunity again, a blank paper before us, to rewrite our life on new basis, taking the maturity of what was learned in the past, but purifying the tools, taking a fresh look at a new day and starting to rebuild on higher foundations, on better foundations. This is part of life. The eternal return is a fact. And we create a psychological reality that tells us that the time to end one cycle and start another, is now. It is important that we take this into
account. This creates reality. Another important thing is that everyone should be thinking, which isn't without foundation: Look, things will only really change when this pandemic ends. Because while we're in the middle of it, I don't know how much time we have left, it won't change anything. This is also not devoid of reality. But the two things can be considered together. I'm going to prepare myself in this year's renewal, to a different life when this pandemic ends. A life that starts over taking all the experience that has been accumulated, as my experience. So that I can
walk on other basis, more human, at the highest level of consciousness. So we can plan the new year, considering what we will do from January 1st, yes, but also considering how we are going to prepare for the aftermath of the pandemic. How we're going to return to our common time, which will never be the same as it was before. We won't go back to normal as I've been talking so much. We will have to create a new normality. How is it going to be? So this is a time for excellent reflections. Don't miss this opportunity.
It's as if nature created an ideal stage for us to go there and live that experience, which we all need. We all need to stop, make an assessment of what has been done so far. Compare everything we walk with our meaning of life, and see if we're heading in the right direction. Questioning even the aspect of what my meaning of life is... or, if I have one, or just personal projects. It is time for reassessment. Don't miss this opportunity. So I brought here some topics that may be useful for you, in our reconstruction process, which
every new year allows us to do. Our years of life are limited, not that many. That is, if you live 70, 80 years, one year is 1/70 of your life. It's great for us to sharpen our tools, pick up the best and start fresh. It's no small thing. It is nothing insignificant. It's something to be taken seriously. This opportunity to start over. Let's go then? There is a popular saying that says: After the storm comes the peace. Now, this does happen in nature. It rained a lot here in Brasilia not long ago. It passes, then
comes that beautiful rainbow, and the sky opens a little. Maybe it will rain again today. But it gives that opening that looks like the situation has improved, right? Nature has calmed down. This is a process that nature faithfully executes, does not need our interference. Now this human peace, that is, this human renewal, depends on us. There is no decree of nature that obliges us to do so. There is a lecture of mine, called Origin of Modern Celebrations, where I talk about it, that the human spring is an achievement of human consciousness. It is not enough
to sit and wait for the rebirth season to arrive; we decree when our spring will be, because it is an achievement of conscience. External nature has already won its spring, now it is necessary for human nature to conquer its own. Each one. Individually. So, is the tranquility really coming or we have to build it? We definitely have to build it. I've been searching the internet, because I thought it was interesting to do it, the prospects for the post-pandemic period, for the future, the gains that can be imagined for this, what we will have to face
later. I made a comparison, many points in common, of more serious sites, that project something serious for the future, and I made a compilation here. I even put the address of the main site I used, if you want to check on the internet. Some of these common but debatable projections. Why do I say these projections are debatable? Because they are pointed out as good things, and they are actually dual, they have to be considered that way. There was one of them that I took as the most promising, but the others are dual. Promising on the
one hand and worrying on the other. Shall we see some of these projections for the future? The first is: the 21st century will be the age of technology. Will it be? Well, for me the age of technology started there in second half of the 20th century, where this exploded, was accelerating with time and we've been at it for a long time now. This is nothing new. The age of technology is being very well developed and at an amazing speed. But as I often speak in several of my lectures, human civilization is a pediment supported by
two columns, one of them the things that man produces, and the other, what man builds in himself. The construction of man himself; the construction of things. And we progress from the point of view of building processes, of highly technological objects, and the construction of ourselves is long overdue. And there comes a certain moment when this imbalance is so great, that risks collapsing the civilizing pediment. We have to stop and harmonize a little. I don't say stop because technology won't stop, but we have to pay very specific attention to this aspect of human formation. I did
another talk recently in which I talked about what we can appreciate during this process of the pandemic, until this moment. The virtues that allowed us to get here, is the name of the lecture. And I spoke of how the human being, in many cases, proved to be brutal, and as barbarous as a Genghis Khan, or an Attila, or the Huns of old, taking advantage of poverty, human misery, human difficulty, to profit in the midst of a crisis of proportions like the one we lived. Globally, there was opportunism. So, everything we've lived shows us that now
we have to achieve not the age of technology, but the age of balance, in which the human aspect has to be considered. We have to take very seriously the human formation, because if not, we will have a growing disparity, and soon we will have very basic beings morally, very low from the point of view of conscience, with a dangerous technology in hand. This is against humanity. Therefore, I believe much more in an era of balance, though I don't deny the technology; I see its benefits, when used well. However, balance is necessary. Therefore, I would rather
think about the future in the 21st century as the age of balance. Another point: there will be remote work, distance education, all this is already there. We live this very intensely during the pandemic. And it was necessary, there was nothing to discuss. It had to be done just that. But we know that many people have already announced that they will not return to face-to-face, because the expenses are much lower. You will keep a property, you'll keep... the maintenance of that property, the servers that work there to maintain it, all this is expensive, many people are
intending not to leave remote work, and even remote education. I think it won't go back. Well, is that good? Yes, there are good things, as you are having now. I am with you and we are remote. Lots of good stuff in this process. However, it has a contraindication that has to be taken seriously. Even more, we are unlearning human coexistence. This is a dangerous element. We were already attractive, living every day in the work environment, every day in a classroom. Now that I'm in front of a computer, and if you bother me I can just
hit stop, or change the channel, it gets more complicated. Because we are getting more immature to bear the setbacks of coexistence, that are needed, to go polishing the edges and conquering Harmony. Because we came for this: to conquer harmony within ourselves, and harmony with the other, harmony with the whole. So this is an aspect that has to be considered. I will work remotely, I will educate myself remotely... What is the space for me to live with people? So that I can learn with them, so that I don't feel like I own the truth, so that
I can learn to listen to each other, to consider their position, so that I can mature through living together. This is also something that we will have to seriously consider, otherwise our immunity to conflicts will be lowered, we are becoming more intolerant, and this is serious. What else? Most responsible companies from a social point of view. This is a fact. Companies are reacting. But are they reacting because there is a pressure either of the laws or of public opinion? Or because there was really an awareness? I have spoken this a lot to businessmen, in several
events that I have participated. Is it out of fear of the Anti-Corruption Law, or is it out of thinking about people's well-being? Is it to look good in front of the media, in front of public opinion? Or is it because there was a realization that the human being is an important factor and that has to be considered as an end and not as a means? If it is not an awareness, it is a fad, which can go back to the same starting point. It does not mean a necessary displacement. Another thing that comes up as
a fad is the review of consumption habits. Have you heard about it? It's the story that now less is more. Why? Because there's a fashion that says it's stylish today for you to be stripped down, use the least amount of props to dress up in such a way... I don't see, sorry if I'm being skeptical, I don't see this as an awareness of what is essential. I see it as a fad. The same person who strips himself of adornments today, tomorrow runs to the stores to use them all again, if fashion turns in that direction.
A legitimate divestment is one where you no longer value ​​external things as much because you begun to value internal ones. I don't see it as that, but simply another social fad. Therefore, a thing, a temporary phenomenon, and not an actual displacement of consciousness. What else is pointed? Creation of open commerce, delivery and remote sales spaces. Yes, convenient, interesting, no doubt, but we realize that another element of distance is created, that is, we no longer need to be with others, not even when we are shopping, or going to a restaurant. Everything is delivery and remote purchase,
one less point of coexistence and, on the other hand, another space for new blows, to new forms of theft, to more fear, more need for security, because that too is progressing, and fast, at tremendous speed, to keep up with the increased availability of online currency circulation. This has grown by leaps and bounds. Practically when you create a space, you create together the way to penetrate and corrupt that space and take advantage of it. It's a complicated issue that will have to be considered. What else? We have shows and shows online. It is also good. Recently
I participated in the launch of a play, that I wrote, which was Helena Blavatsky - The Voice of Silence, online. It was wonderful. But look, in all of us who participated in this launch there was expectation: When will we be able to be with people again? Especially theater, and many other activities, a show, be with the person, seeing her emotion impregnated in what she is doing, at that moment. It is something that often, well, as a provisional, as a resource, as a plausible alternative at that moment, perfect. But forever just that, we certainly have a
good impoverishment of art there. By taking out the human factor. Search for new knowledge. For sure. And there is already a list, this site even gives a list of what will emerge as a professional demand in the post pandemic. That is, will people seek new knowledge because they are eager to go deeper? To get to know themselves better, the other, the world, the history? No. They will run after the new professions that make money. That's not really knowledge. This is information, it is almost an intellectual investment. It's not even information. Who is looking for more
knowledge because they are crazy to know a little about yourself, about humanity's past, want to know what the great books in the history of humanity say that can help in your life... Has it increased? No, it hasn't, I don't see any sign in this direction. So I wouldn't say search for new knowledge. Search for the same kind of knowledge, just recycled with a new cover. And, finally, an item that I really think is valid on this list. It was said that there will be a strengthening of values, as solidarity and empathy. So yeah, that would
be promising. But I can't say, I didn't understand very well, why there was the projection and the premise that this will be strengthened. I get tired of saying that we will only get out of this if we are together. Because the social crisis, which will be at our doors once we get out of the public health crisis, it's going to be serious. And we won't get out of our bubbles of selfishness. It won't work. But if the man is motivated and getting ready for it, I have my big doubts. Forgive me, I believe in humanity
but I am lucid in relation to what I am seeing in the present moment. And I don't see this advance in the speed that would be necessary. That would be very promising, that would be very necessary that it was being promoted right now. So throughout the crisis I suggested: One act of generosity a day. Not just because this is needed now, as well as because you have to form musculature of generosity. We will see. I believe we are still well lagged with what history will demand of us in relation to that item. This element of
strengthening empathy and solidarity, has a demand, has a prerequisite. And that's pretty interesting, I always talk about it when I talk about planning for the new year, that we ask for things but we don't ask for the raw material of those things. Any individual, personal, psychological achievement has prerequisites. Don't you think that a person who lives a selfish life gives time to another person, focused on her personal interests, addicted to seeking more and more and more comfort, and nothing more, will dawn with solidarity and empathy. This has a number of prerequisites behind it. For example,
a significant victory over selfishness: Every time I make a decision I think: How can this decision of mine benefit more people than myself? More skins besides mine? Have I done it? This is a prerequisite for solidarity and empathy. Breaking down the barriers of selfishness and closing these walls day by day, with perseverance and constancy, so that we can really have a thought that usually turns to the other, and be able to place ourselves in the psychological framework of the other. Another element: Perceiving oneself in order to perceive the other. As I've been saying a lot,
empathy is not putting yourself in the other's shoes, because with my worldview, with my prejudices, if I put myself in the other's shoes, I'll see everything different from what he sees. It is understanding the psychological framework where the other is; put yourself inside the way the other sees. For that there has to be a need to realize that my way of seeing, it is not the true, the superior one. It's one. And that the vision of the other can enrich me, and if we have this contact we can make a synthesis where we both grew
up. But the prerequisite is to have this perception of yourself in the first place. Who is superficial in relation to himself, to his own identity. will not be profound in relation to the other. This is a fantasy. That is, a process of observing yourself more, see the footprints you're leaving in the world, realize if your thoughts are really yours. To choose a purpose, a meaning of life that is really yours and that is human. Measure your thoughts, feelings and actions towards that goal. That is a long work, a job for life, to roll up sleeves
and start working more seriously on self-knowledge. And so you have depth and you can be profound with each other. Empathy, I'm sorry, but a superficial person, I don't believe she can be empathetic. She is not deep even with herself, I don't believe she can be empathetic. What else? Make peace with life, give it a vote of confidence. Arriving at a certain moment, let's talk about it later, and say: Okay. It was what it was. That's what I needed. I got the message, we're in peace. as the poet Amado Nervo says, "Life, you owe me nothing.
Life, we ​​are at peace". And from here, with everything you've taught me, let's see what comes next. I trust you. I trust that what you gave me was what I needed to live for. Got it, got the message at least as best I could. I will keep analyzing all this and learning more and more, but we closed our accounts. Now let's go forward; I trust you, let's see what you bring me now. Make peace with life. Stop thinking that life is a bunch of arbitrariness and you are a victim. This is a childish view. I
wouldn't even say it's a novel vision, because even novels are sometimes a little more mature than that. We are not pawns in the hands of blind and sadistic forces. Nature has an order and we are tremendously responsible for what it brings us. What else? Develop identity and the ability to support your own ideas. Well, now I'm going to check it out, I'm going to clean the house. Aren't you one of those people who cleans the closet on New Year's and sees what you can donate? See what no longer serves you? Do you make a home
inspection? Review the psychological, spiritual, moral house. Let's throw a lot of junk away. Let's clean this up here and let's start filling it with things that are really mine. I am carrying with me the dogmas of the world. I made a joke some time ago, which I recommend for you guys. Philosopher's joke, who doesn't stop inventing things, right? There are carpenters, as my grandmother used to say. To pick up the prejudices that have existed throughout history, make a list of them, the main ones, and look inside myself to see if there is no root of
these dogmas, of these mistaken thoughts still inside me. Look, I'll tell you something: If you look hard enough you will find something there. I always thought it absurd for positivism to say that the scientific age was superior to the old age, because it had more machines. You will look, every now and then you find a little root there to think that a person who knows how to use the computer is better prepared for life than the one who doesn't. You find. Even if it's an insignificant thing, that you need to realize to clean. You will
find a little piece, a remnant, a residue of humanity's nonsense, much more recent, right? But of those throughout history you will find a residue inside you. Well, let's clean this up. Let's define what are my principles and what derives from these principles. What is my own thinking. I'll clean up what doesn't belong to me. Give back to each what belongs to them and keep mine. And if there's not much I'll build from now on. They are presuppositions for you to do what is necessary, solidarity and empathy, which is what this moment demands. Well, the basis
of this transformation, one of them, an element that I think is very rigid, that we don't notice so much and that it is essential that we fight, it's learning to develop the win-together mentality. This may seem silly, but it's terrible. It has been assimilated and is ingrained in us. We only get pleasure when we win at the expense of everyone else's defeat. We take pleasure in the first place on the podium, everyone has to be on the second, third, fourth, tenth, millionth. Everyone has to be below me, for my gain to have any value. My
victory in life, my success, depends on the failure of others. That is terrible. This is something that is impregnated. This thing must be at the cellular level, it was so strongly placed within us. Learn to win together. This is training. In my work team, we all work well and we did an exceptional job. All. This is as fun as if I had done the best job of all and others had done an inferior job. It's more fun because it means we had a collective growth. We all grew up together. And putting these two situations is
not for English to see, because saying this is beautiful: I'd rather grow up with everyone than grow up alone. It's beautiful, give Ibope. However, it's not real. Close your bedroom door and in front of yourself in the mirror say: Would I feel the same pleasure in both situations? If you don't feel it, start working with your imagination, to create situations like that where you feel the same satisfaction of winning together. This is overcoming the roots of selfishness, what the Tibetan tradition called the heresy of separateness. We'll have to work with it there. And how will
I develop solidarity and empathy if, in fact, I'm rooting for everyone to go wrong or worse than me so that I have some victory? This is a contradiction. This will not happen. So it is the element that is perhaps one of the worst prejudices. In fact, I usually say that the basis of all prejudice is selfishness. Imagine yourself, close your eyes and think: I am the best human being in the world, everything that concerns me is better than others. Then you open your eyes and you will see which people belong to, which religion, which sex,
etc, etc. And you will choose what is yours, as superior to what belongs to the other. I can fight prejudice in its manifestation. If I don't attack at the root, I will simply give space for other modalities to emerge. Because I didn't kill the root of that weed. I just cut a branch. Then, there is also selfishness. If we don't work seriously on these manifestations of thinking that happiness and fulfillment is being better than others. It is to achieve more success than the others. It's about getting prominence. This prominence is a very cynical word, isn't
it? Because it's like there's a jigsaw puzzle, and you've detached one piece, and only that piece went up. The ones that didn't stand out were down there dying of envy. We will have to reflect on this. Take it seriously, otherwise it doesn't work. What is it that we are really aiming for? Fraternity, solidarity and empathy? It won't. Impracticable. This is serious work, this is planning to have the raw material of what you want to build, with maturity. Learning to like what humanizes, rejecting the opposite. It is what Plato called character formation. We'll have to take
this character thing seriously too. We are tired of making this accusation: So-and-so and bad character. So-and-so doesn't have a good character. Let's understand what is character according to the Platonic basis? Catch your impulses to like certain things and reject others, which are natural impulses, and educate you to reject what brutalizes you, what animalizes you, and enjoy what promotes your consciousness as a human being, that makes more values ​ integrated into your life. Now they are not values ​​that are in the window, they are values ​​that are inside me, and I respond to life with them,
because they are part of me. Integrate values. We should like everything that takes us in that direction, Humans values. And disintegrate from us, rip out from us what makes us go back to the condition of wild animals and predators. Let's take this process seriously, we will have to reform our character, believe that this is possible, otherwise we will be frozen for the rest of our lives. It is possible to learn to like. Start looking at the beautiful things in life more often. More often to go after honorable acts, beautiful works of art. It's a necessity.
Because then we start to believe in the human being again, we once again believe in our ceiling of possibilities, and we once again have a righteous aspiration. Today I was still talking to my husband that when any negative event affects me, I stop everything and go see ballet, or listen to opera or read poetry. Today we did it together. This is a necessity. I need to remember: "No, no, forget it, erase it, this is what the human being is." These are shadows that are obscuring human nature. The human being is this. Great Men, Acts of
Justice, great men who brought wonderful things to humanity. Gotta remember that and focus here, because otherwise soon I'll be in the garbage so much, that I identify with it. And then I can't rescue anyone else. So purify, form our character and feed ourselves, just as we feed the body, feed the soul, with what is healthier and makes us grow, that most restores in us hope in the human condition. Set a purpose and manage our daily journey towards it. Also this is not very new, I have been telling you all along. What is my life's purpose?
It's a good time to think about it. What is my meaning of life? Purpose is the fashion word to talk about meaning in life, that is timeless. Where am I going with all this? Who do I want to be at the end of the line? Remember that purpose, meaning of life, has to be in the field of being. The field of having, the field of going or returning, all this is a consequence, it is not cause. The causes are always in the field of being. What I want to be? There at the end of the
line. What do I want to be? What kind of human? What trace do I want to have left in the world? Firm, write this, because memory is very volatile. Don't rely on keeping this in memory. Write, the human being I want to be when all this is over, and measure our days, manage our days in this regard. Every day I'm going to look if I'm going in that direction; If it goes in the opposite direction, let me see what's dragging me there. Let me create a strategy so that tomorrow I can make up for lost
time. Manage life, in relation to your meaning of life. As if you were any employee of a company in relation to the company's goals. You have to do it because otherwise the company will go bankrupt. Everyone knows this doesn't work. If everyone forgets the company's goals you don't get anywhere. And when you forget your goals in life? The goal of life, always in the field of being. I'm going to insert more conscience into my days, I'm going to start managing my days. Always having my meaning of life as the scale of my life, what I
want to be, when all this comes to an end. What I want to have built inside and outside of me. What else? Fundamental: Close the previous year's accounts, from previous years, in all plans. Very similar to what we said a little while ago, isn't it? Make peace with the past. Closing the accounts even means the physical accounts, if we can close it, it's good, right? The financial field. If not, fine, we'll do what's best. Balance, review our financial life, that this is also part of it and is also important. Let's not be ingenuous, it's all
part of it. The way we manage our energies too. And financial life is a kind of energy. But to enter the psychological field, close accounts with the past of not being traumatized. Look at past facts and say: Well, it was tough, but what could I learn from it? I learned. Fine. Now I discard the shells, taking only the contents. The people, everything. Take a look and say: Well, everyone did the best they could. Of course, that me and others, our best at that moment was mediocre. Now each one who plays his way, I will play
mine. Let me untie this knot and go. Let karma take care of the consequences. Karma for those who don't know, is nature's cause and effect game. Who generated causes, let them walk towards their effects in the best possible way. I will walk to mine. Untie knots, close the accounts, in all plans, so that you can really put yourself renewed in front of the present, and not dragging a burden before the present and the future. What else? As a very advisable precondition for the new cycle: Train yourself to suffer less interference from external circumstances. This is
too important. You have to understand the following: nature does not leave a vacuum, but it is also not possible for two bodies to use the same place, occupy the same place in space. That's physics, that's impossible, isn't it? So what's inside of us right now? The echoes of external events, everything that is inside of us at this moment practically, it is an echo of external events. Then you say: "Ah I have no inner life, I have no spirituality, I have no capacity for symbolic vision." You don't have because there's no space, my dear, there's no
space to put anything there. If you start letting life take care of itself, follow your cycle, trust that life knows what it's doing, and let life do what it wants. Well, the life that brings what it wants and does what it wants. I will do my part, but for that I will start to fill those spaces with other things. Life is doing what it wants, now it's my turn. I am an agent of life too. Because when you make that emptiness inside of you, that space begins to be filled by something else. Here comes the
Voice of Silence, it is not so silent anymore, you start to hear. Here it comes, as we talked about in a lecture recently, the blooming of the golden flower, that it can bloom and start casting its glow inside of you, because you've made space for these things. Why don't I have an inner life? Because the inside is all occupied by the outside life. Just for that. If we stop, look at our lives and say: "I trust you, life. Do your job, I will accept and walk with you, now let me do what belongs to me".
I'm going to turn inside, to fill this space of my mind, of my emotions. What am I going to fill? Begin to realize who I am, what my aspirations are, what makes me happy, what fulfills me, what I would like to do for the world. What is the message I would like to give to humanity, what is the best I can produce, what makes my heart full. That is, blooming, the golden flower. The Voice of Silence begins to be heard. I will stop having so much circumstance of the outside world inside me, I'm going to
empty myself a little. This is fundamental. There is a concept of stoicism that is "amor fati". It's complicated, later Nietzsche picked it up again, it's a complicated concept. Because it's not just trust that life knows what it's doing, but love what life brings you. Ah, but hard things can't be loved. My dear, are the people you love that easy? Isn't there a moment when coexistence is arduous? We are all duals. Is everyone you love perfect? And you still love them, right? Sometimes things are hard, sometimes things are gentle, but the people we live with are
also like that. And we know how to love. We know how to consider all these aspects and still say: I love. Love the life, trust it! Ah, it brought me a weird thing just now. Let me see what I can do with it. It must be thinking of something, because there is a great intelligence that orders the universe. The universe is not chaos, it's Cosmos. Somehow these energies are wanting something from me, are proposing something new to me. Let me see what this is about. Let me see how I can interact, because now I know
who I am. Therefore, I can take what I am and put it to interact with external things, because before I was nothing, I was just a reflection of the external. There was nothing inside. An absolute solitude. The total lack of being accompanied by myself. So, it is a fundamental element that we give this credit of trust to life, as we have already said, let us empty ourselves, let life do its part and we do ours. There is a sentence here that I made a point of bringing to you, of that great philosopher of the 20th
century, that is my grandmother, Dona Julieta, that she said the following: "Leave life alone, it knows what it is doing. Go do what's yours!" I suddenly remembered her saying that, with that angry little face. "Leave it girl, leave life alone. Life knows what it's doing girl, You will do what is yours." Wow, what a wonderful phrase. what a pity my grandmother didn't know the stoics, she would like them very much. Well, a Christmas present. We're in season, right? I guarantee you are already thinking about Christmas gifts. Let me propose you a very original and interesting
Christmas present: Desire deeply and wanting and committing to work for it, for everyone's growth. Mine, everyone around me and as many people as I can reach. In other words, my Christmas gift to humanity will be: Look, I commit to the last strand of my hair to do good, so that the best I can, will benefit some people. If I grow up it will benefit a little more, but I'll always be on the edge, to do the best I can, for you to grow, for me to grow together, so that we can come out of this
a little bigger than we went in. There is a prayer by Helena Blavatsky which is a very beautiful thing, just a little snippet of it is something I took to myself as a rule. She says that in your prayers you always ask that humanity evolve, even if it is a small step towards your spiritual improvement. I don't know if you pray, I respect who is theist, who is not theist, or if you ask something of nature, but the fact is that having this desire deep in your heart, as a state of perpetual prayer, may humanity
walk even if it is a small step towards your spiritual evolution, and that I can contribute like this, with a little hair that is flying here in the environment, so that I can contribute to this progress, because if I did that, I was worthy, I was human, I made a difference. It's an excellent gift. Imagine you committing to this for next year. Take it easy, it's not for your whole life. Practice next year then practice on the other and walk. Reflect and collect lessons learned. This is also another thing. Well, I'm throwing it all away.
Not everything, I'm throwing some objects out of my house that are no longer useful. I have to examine. I can't get a box... bang... throw in the trash. I have to open, see if there's anything to use there, something that can be useful to anyone if it is not useful to me. I can't go around despising something without knowing if it has any value. So you don't throw away the past before looking at what you should take out of the box. Reflect and learn from those things you haven't reflected on yet. Return those points that
hurt. These are exactly the ones you didn't accept to learn from them, because they hurt. So you put a hanging tag: "I don't accept to learn from this." Take off that tag, go back there and say: "I will learn from you and you will heal and you will be left behind". That is, to reflect on the lessons learned during the year, put that into the context of your life as a whole. That was what I needed to grow up with right now. Nature offered me what I needed. Did I took advantage? What do I get
from positive elements that I haven't seen so far to keep growing? Remember the spiral, passing through the same point at the highest level of consciousness. If we don't learn from the facts of life, we are going in circles, there is no spiral. When they look at your Christmas tree, which is a big spiral that funnels to that star, the Star of wisdom, the light of wisdom, remember yourselves. Am I being a spiral? That's a symbol. It is a symbol of Christmas, that is, of birth. Am I doing my spiral? Passing through the points always with
little more conscience? Or am I going around in circles at the base of the tree? I wasn't even supposed to have a tree, I was supposed to put a circle on the ground. I have no tree inside me. So therefore, it will not have great meaning. Commit to keeping moving, taking responsibility. That is, whatever comes in this new year, we never know. I won't stand by and wait for someone to bring me answers, let someone save me. I will keep moving. Inside the stage that fits me, I'll do my best, to grow with the experience
and to help those on the outside. To reach these people even if it is with a very small act. We are already 7 billion or so, approaching 8 billion. If everyone did one very small act we probably wouldn't have any more need. You know it. Stop this illusion of the small and the big, the small is not worth it... What is small and big inside the universe? I'm tired of hearing those stories that our planet is a fluff, is less than a grain of sand. And it is. And because of this, is our planet meaningless?
If there's one thing I've always been involved with, I have already told this even in other lectures, when I was a teenager, it was that small talk: we are nothing before the universe. Look at the stars, we are insignificant. And I was a boring child, from my 13,14 years old, and I kept thinking: Could it be that we, because we are small, are insignificant? Does nature work like this? Does it only value what is great? The little ones it ignores? So nature is useless, it has no wisdom. Why size is document? As is popularly said.
So that small thing I do won't have value? Of course it will. I can only be inside my apartment. Inside my apartment, as I've said a million times, I can call people in need, I can post messages of faith on my social networks, I can have a basic food basket delivered to some institution, I can do a lot of things. So come what may behind this door of the future, I will keep moving, doing my best, putting my heart out, pushing the limits. Because when I'm on the move, I prepare myself for what's next and
I do my best to relieve the pain of those around me. So I take responsibility, I commit. Come what may, I won't be passive, I'll do my best, I will commit myself, to benefit, even though my stage is so narrow I can barely move, I'll send a smile. Something I will donate. I will not be passive waiting to receive. Plan for generosity, not just possession. It's funny: next year I want to buy an apartment, a car. If you want it, buy it. If you need it, buy it. I'm not going to be here criticizing what
you're going to do with a resource that's yours. Do you only plan what you're going to have? Don't you plan what you're going to donate? Plan generosity. That's part of it. What am I going to do for people this year? What? What is my 2021 schedule to be generous to the world? What am I going to donate to people? What? Plan generosity, otherwise it won't happen. There is a very concrete element within the planning: When you allocate time to something, it happens; when not, no. I'll see if an opportunity arises. Opportunity does not arise. The
will arises. And the will creates opportunity, the rest is nonsense. Realize that this is nonsense, this is an excuse for those who don't want to do it. The will arises and then the opportunity arises, like its son. Plan generosity, this is very important. Another fundamental element... you can see that I'm pulling for things increasingly transcendent, but at the same time increasingly significant. I'm going over there to the field of causes to see that the effects... if they can be born down here because I have already generated the causes. Because that's how it goes in the
universe, it's cause and effect. Even Newton's laws talks about it. It's cause and effect. So I'm climbing more and more into the realm of causes. For this coming year, good advice: understand Unity and love it. Realizing how fantastic Unity is inside my body, when all the cells work for my health, When some of them invent not to work, look, it's very dangerous, isn't it? How beautiful Unity is! Because every cell being what it is, works for the well-being of a single body. Look at a forest, the number of species that exist there, that fit in
a total way that work for the good of that ecosystem, perfectly integrated. Look how fantastic the Unit is! The unity of colors that produces visual beauty; The unity of sounds that produces music; The unity of human beings that produces fraternity, concord. Look how Unity is a reflection of God. Look how Unity is perhaps the most noticeable attribute of God that we have. So do you know what am I going to do? I will not only love God as an abstraction, I will love his attributes, I will love Unity. Because if I love unity, I will
engage myself to promote it. As I love my son and I commit to promote his health, satisfaction and happiness. I love the Unit, I will make a serious effort to promote it. That means within my character formation what divides, hate speech, what divides It's going to be the opposite of my route. Because I am a serious, conscientious contributor, and committed to the unity. I will learn to love Unity. What a wonderful proposal. You have no idea what could be behind it, of what can be born from there. I will be faithful to the unit always,
I will not let anything make me betray it, like all the things and beings that I really love. Who would convince me to betray my son? Do you realize there is a heart loop that there is nothing that will convince me to do so? I will love Unity deeply and nothing will lead me to betray it. I will work. And this last proposal is very strong, and perhaps the most important of all. I will work for God's purposes. Okay, I don't believe in God, I respect, put nature, put what you believe. I will put myself
in the place of this Being, which is the totality, which is the unity, for a few seconds, with my limitations, with themselves, I go there and I will think: what a Being of this type, whether it be God, whether it be Nature or whatever name you prefer to give it, would like for the universe? Would like for the Cosmos? To understand. Put yourself in his place. I would like beings to be more and more themselves. That is, that human beings can be more human, to realize what they have of their best potential, of values, virtues,
wisdom which is a gold given to them. To take their place in nature. That they would increasingly promote indistinct respect to humanity and to all manifested beings, that it would be a factor of promotion of the Unity through the attributes they have, of will, of love, of intelligence. Well, this Being must want things like that, I imagine. At least that's as far as I can see. I will commit to this: God's purposes are my priority. Organize your life like this. What potency! What potency! There is a philosophical phrase that says that man with God is
the majority, or man with Nature is the majority. But we are always in the opposite direction of the purposes of Nature, of the purposes of God. That's why we feel so lonely and we feel that the world is against us. Why? We do not work for the world. Put these purposes as a priority in your life, and you will see how things turn out. These are some small pieces of advice for you who are facing the year 2021, to promote serious reflection on this. For sure, this I can guarantee you and sign below, has no
contraindications. It will only make you grow. Oh, but it's a lot. Fine, commit to it and take the steps you can take, because if you don't commit, you won't take a step. Commit yourself, ok, the distance is great but as I committed myself, I took two or three steps. It's a lot! When so many stand still, or when so many go back, taking two or three steps in the year is a lot. If you don't commit, maybe you retreat, or maybe you get stagnant. So think about it. Write it down, think about it. Take this
to your New Year. It certainly has no contraindications, but there are noises in the four corners of the universe, an echo, which sounds through the four corners of the universe saying: Come, this is the way. Because I'm not speaking for myself, I'm speaking for tradition of men who knew how to live, and who left their advice. Therefore, surely you work for the purposes of the universe, when you commit to them, when you think bigger than just the comfort and pleasure of your little personality, and you blow it up and expand it, so that it becomes
the size of God's purposes. I wish this for you, as a Christmas present, and as a wish for the New Year. A big hug for everyone. New Acropolis is an international, independent, non-profit philosophical movement, based on Philosophy, Culture and Volunteering. There are schools of Applied Philosophy in over 60 countries on 5 continents. There are dozens all over Brazil. Look for one near you, we look forward to your visit!
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