My Husband Loved Her While I Gave Him My All Reborn, I Changed My Fate and Left Him to Regret

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Tiny Story Time
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I grew up as childhood sweethearts with Alex Carter we've now been married for 5 years that evening I hugged Alex tightly from behind rubbing my cheek against the back of his neck it's our wedding anniversary you promised to go with me to see VI City to see the ocean Alex kissed my cheek lightly and said in a soft voice all right before boarding the plane Alex seemed oddly distracted he suddenly asked me can we not go what I was busy looking up travel guides and didn't hear him clearly Alex lowered his gaze and gently brushed
his thumb across my cheek it's nothing he murmured after the flight we arrived in SE view City the ocean breeze was cool and pleasant but Alex's face looked pale he claimed to be feeling air sick and returned to the hotel I was worried so I decided to check on him when I opened the door I found him pacing back and forth holding his phone his usually calm and composed face was now tense showing rare signs of anxiety and restlessness unfortunately it seemed no one was answering his calls what's wrong I asked with concern Alex startled
quickly putting down his phone and forcing a smile it's nothing he said I just can't get through to the HR manager at work Alex was a dedicated workaholic and hadn't taken a vacation in years once I asked him why he worked so hard he flicked my not nose with a doting smile and said to take care of you my little princess I walked over leaned my head lightly against his chest and said don't overwork yourself he held me close and smiled all right he said I didn't noticed the slight heness in his voice later I
insisted Alex join me to try the city's famous barbecue when the sizzling platter arrived the aroma was mouthwatering I started eating enthusiastically but Alex kept glancing at his phone annoyed I grabbed it and put it in his jacket pocket he chuckled helplessly a mix of amusement and resignation in the restaurant there was a TV playing the latest news the somber anchor reported this morning at 9 a.m. actress Lyla Taylor was found dead in her home the cause of death was severe depression leading to an overdose of sleeping pills Foul Play has been ruled out before
her death Taylor left a note saying if only I could be your wife in the next life the anchor continued Lyla Taylor was known for dedicating her life to her career she never married or had children to hear of her passing due to love related despair is both tragic and poignant that moment Alex's Chopstick slipped from his hand falling heavily onto the wooden floor I turned to look at him and saw that his face had gone deathly pale his dark eyes trembled violently and his lips bloodless and trembling failed to to produce a sound I
had never seen Alex who was always so calm and collected in such a state after a long while Alex finally regained his composure he pressed his lips together and said in an even voice it's nothing just a bit of dizziness for the rest of the trip Alex seemed normal he even went with me on a boat ride and walked through the Lavender Fields I was so immersed in happiness that I didn't notice the repressed despair hidden in his eyes late at night night while I was sleeping I heard an unusual sound of running water startled
I got up and pushed open the bathroom door only to be struck dumb by what I saw Alex was lying face up in the bathtub the water stained red with blood crying I rushed to pull him out Alex was barely breathing in a faint almost inaudible voice he said words that thundered in my ears lla I love you those words echoed endlessly in my mind even as the paramedics arrived and hurriedly lifted Alex onto a stretcher I stood Frozen unable to process what was happening as his words reverberated relentlessly in my head I sat outside
the emergency room all night like a lifeless shell waiting in agony when the light above the operating room finally turned off the doctor emerged removed his mask and said to me with regret I'm sorry we did everything we could my legs gave out I stumbled back a few steps and collap collapsed onto the floor the grief in my heart was overwhelming but what consumed me even more was a sense of utter disbelief and emptiness before I followed the ambulance to the hospital I had seen a letter fluttering to the ground near Alex Carter carried by
the wind on the translucent paper his handwriting bold and forceful spelled out five simple words that shattered my heart I'm coming to find you those words broke something deep inside me and tears of disbelief poured uncontrollably from my eyes back in high school Lyla Taylor was Alex Carter's first love yet in all these years together she had never once appeared in our lives while waiting for the surgery to finish I pulled out Alex's phone which had always been tucked away in my coat pocket I had never once checked it before my hands trembled so violently
that I could barely hold the device steady when I finally unlocked it I discovered that the calls he claimed to be making to his company's HR manager were actually to an unfamiliar outof Town number saved under the name little darling seeing that nickname made my heart sink just 10 minutes before our flight little darling had sent Alex a final message I'm so so tired I still can't handle you being with someone else I wish you and your wife a lifetime of happiness let's meet again in the next life the very next moment Alex had frantically
replied what's wrong don't scare me lla I Surrender okay I I'll divorce her but Lyla had never responded Alex's words I'll divorce her tore through me leaving a searing pain that coursed through my entire body I thought back to his Restless behavior on the plane he wore headphones supposedly listening to music yet his brow remained tightly furrowed his whole demeanor uneasy his call logs were filled with unanswered calls pages of red Miss call notifications the normally composed and distant Alex had called over and over desperate and unrelenting Alex had always been so rational and steady
never once losing control in front of me but now he was gone gone to be with his little darling leaving me behind I returned home from SE view City unable to recover for days after graduation I had no contact with Layla Taylor and had no idea Alex harbored such deep feelings for her it was as if the years I spent with Alex had been a lie I realized I had never TR known him at all the Fallout didn't end there news of Alex's suicide quickly spread the timing was too coincidental and some people dug into
their past discovering that both Alex Carter and Lyla Taylor had been classmates in the same year in Home Room at Northwood High School rumors about their teenage romance began surfacing and soon their story went viral on video sharing Platforms in the videos there were glimpses of their younger selves in school uniforms laughing teasing full of youthful charm yet for reasons unknown to the world they had gone their separate ways never confessing their unspoken love over the years they Shone brightly in their respective Fields yet they were never again able to embrace one another the video
showed Alex dressed in a sharp suit attending corporate events his eyes never leaving lla who was invited on stage in a stunning red gown his gaze was filled with longing and unspoken pain Alex's private social media account revealed even more every year at midnight on Layla's birthday he posted happy birthday lla with pictures of her favorite bunny themed items his words were tender cautious and filled with devotion even the cheap wristwatch Alex carried with him at all times never letting anyone else touch it was a gift from Lyla years ago the world was captivated by
their tragic love story a radiant actress and a reserved d ified executive both Bound by love yet unable to be together people called them a modern-day Romeo and Juliet Bound by regret and tragedy in the end their story concluded in shared sacrifice meanwhile I The Legal Wife Left Behind was reduced to nothing more than a female version of a bitter and Powerless marima I laughed and cried like a Madwoman Alex Carter and I have been childhood sweethearts for 20 years even when his family fell from Grace I found every excuse to help him always careful
not to hurt his pride after graduating from college I stood by his side as we built a life from nothing we lived in tiny rented Apartments surviving on instant noodles during freezing Winters we clung to each other under icy blankets for warmth he used to kiss me and talk about all the dreams he wanted us to achieve together but none of that none of my time or youth spent with him could compare to the fleeting High School Romance he shared with lla Taylor did I mean nothing to him as if the Betrayal wasn't enough my
private information was leaked on my way to collect Alex's ashes I was ambushed by a group of deranged fans the leader her face Twisted with rage threw acid at me and screamed you home wrecker who ruined lla and Alex's love go die the excruciating pain was unbearable I stumbled back dazed and when I looked up I found myself surrounded by my high School classmates my home room teacher Stern voice boomed Jillian not only are you sleeping in my class but now you're talking in your sleep just because your family has money doesn't mean you can
do whatever you please the haze in my head cleared and my vision slowly focused I saw my Furious High School teacher glaring at me and beside me sitting upright in his school uniform was Alex Carter he stared Straight Ahead at the Blackboard his posture impeccable he wore black frame glasses his messy hair falling over his forehead exuding the innocent charm of Youth I overheard Whispers from nearby classmates the rich girl Jillian is clinging to Alex again asking him to tutor her too bad she's hopeless just sleeping her way through class Alex must be sick of
her imagine being the top student in school and getting stuck with someone like her the teacher snapped Jillian answer this problem on the board what's the solution if you don't know go stand outside I looked at the jumble of mathematical symbols on the board completely lost a low voice whispered to me oneir it was Alex but I didn't use the answer he gave me instead I said I don't know teacher without waiting for a response I picked up my books and left the classroom I caught a glimpse of Alex's bewildered expression it wasn't hard to
guess why he had given me the answer but I had refused to use it in my previous life I had been playful and lazy falling to the bottom of the class after entering the advanced program I ended up attending a second rate College near Alex's prestigious University and I leaned heavily on our childhood friendship whenever I couldn't answer a question in class Alex would quietly help me when his family went bankrupt I pretended to pay him high tutoring fees using it as an excuse to help him financially my blatant favoritism made me the Target of
mockery people laughed behind my back calling me Alex's lap dog years later after building a business with Alex I transformed from a pampered rich girl into someone who could endure rejection humiliation and setbacks without giving up yet now as I looked at the youthful Alex before me his face still Innocent but full of determination waves of complex emotions surged Within Me resentment began to brew this time I vowed not to to repeat the same mistakes after class I stood outside for an entire period my legs aching leaning against the wall I tapped my heels against
the floor then Alex approached holding a workbook in his hand his voice was soft tired I've explained this problem several times this time I wrote out all the steps for you he smiled faintly as he handed me the open workbook his neat handwriting was marked in red ink clear and ice but as I looked at those words I couldn't help but think of another night bitterly cold when Alex scrawled five wild impassionate words on a piece of paper I'm coming to find you two years before Alex's family had gone bankrupt overnight his father fled and
his mother sank into depression he became the target of ridicule labeled a once proud but now broken Fallen Noble many people bullied him but I always stood in front of him like a proud mother H protecting her chick in the end I became the one everyone mocked in my previous life after Alex's death I found a journal on his phone one entry stood out lla Taylor is the ray of light in my otherwise hopeless life and as for Jillian Grant she was just someone who humiliated me with her money when I was at my lowest
I didn't take the workbook from him with a tone of cold indifference I said Alex you don't need to tutor me after school anymore and I won't insult your fragile Pride with tutoring fees either hearing my words Alex's hand holding the workbook stiffened momentarily but his expression quickly returned to calm he smiled softly his voice gentle don't be ridiculous it's senior year if I don't help you who will or is this because I told someone yesterday that I think of you like a little sister are you upset about that yes Alex Carter 18 had always
been aware of my feelings for him but just yesterday at the corner of the staircase he had casually told someone Jillian I just think of her as the cutest little sister he reached out intending to Pat my head as if to soothe me his sharp features softened with a hint of affection but to me it was nauseatingly fake I slapped his hand away and said coldly don't touch me the back of his pale hand turned red from my strike Alex's face stiffened just then a commotion erupted in the hallway the previously Rowdy students suddenly surged
toward the office shouting excitedly a new girl transferred to our class and she's stunning I glanced at the date it was indeed this day outside the office a crowd of students craned their necks trying to catch a glimpse of her all eyes were fixed on Lyla Taylor who stood inside the office exclamations of Amazement filled the air her beauty was undeniable she had a slender figure an oval face large clear eyes and soft slightly wavy hair cascading over her shoulders everything about her inspired a strong desire to protect her in my previous life it was
this delicate and enchanting appearance that helped her break into the entertainment industry where she became a sought after star it was also during this Summer that she captured Alex Carter's heart lla and Jillian look kind of alike who do you think is prettier someone whispered of course it's lla another replied she won a modeling competition and took first place she's got the looks and the brains Jillian's just a pretty face with no substance as their chatter grew louder lyla's self- assured smile became more pronounced but then a quiet voice from beside me broke the noise
I think Jillian is prettier startled I turned to see Alex his calm tone carrying conviction his words Drew astonished stares from everyone including lla who had clearly Hur him lyla's expression shifted from Pride to bitterness she cast me a resentful glance her eyes filled with scrutiny and disdain but when her gaze landed on Alex Standing Tall and composed among the crowd her eyes lit up with Keen interest biting her lower lip she said coily it seems this classmate doesn't like me very much Alex hands in his pockets replied nonchalantly I just think my childhood friend
is the best I looked into his eyes and for a moment I thought I saw my reflection in them but it was just an illusion with a sweet smile I turned to Lyla and said HEK lying you're exactly his type he likes you so much he could die for you throw everything away just to be with you leaving Alex behind I turned and walked off ignoring the stunned faces of everyone present in the days that followed I refused Alex's repeated attempts to tutor me meanwhile lla made her intentions clear on her very first day boldly
confessing to Alex in front of everyone Alex I like you it was love at first sight she then sent me a message identical to the one she'd sent in my previous life I know I just got here but I won't hold back this time I simply replied do as you please in my previous life 18-year-old Jillian Grant had been arrogant back then I declared Alex's mine you'll never take him away I had said it with so much confidence only to cry my heart out in the stairwell when lla finally won him over the atmosphere in
class grew tense with glances and Whispers constantly darting between the three of us but I paid no attention instead of sleeping through class I focused intently even taking extra tutoring sessions on weekends to catch up on what I'd missed as my attitude changed the speculation about my motives claims that I was playing hard to get gradually faded after class I would pack my bag and head straight to the library deliberately avoiding Alex whenever I saw him but Alex couldn't hold back for long one day he grabbed my arm blocking my path his expression was hurt
what did I do wrong why are you avoiding me his youthful confusion mirrored the same bewilderment he'd shown in our marriage whenever we fought clueless as to why I was upset yet behind both versions of Alex Was the Same Soul someone who didn't truly love me but pretended to I slowly withdrew my hand from Alex Carter's grip my silence seemed to take on a different meaning in his eyes he sighed and spoke is it something the transfer student said did it upset you you're not a child anymore don't push me away because of someone else's
words okay before Alex could finish lla Taylor came running over from afar a light Sheen of sweat on her nose her eyes sparkled as she looked at Alex Alex you came to the library why didn't you tell me did you try the cookies I made they're your favorite cranberry flavor were they good she rattled on with a bubbly unrestrained affection Alex frowned slightly and gave her a brief glance his tone cold and indifferent no I threw them out lyla's face fell but she quickly recovered her expression once again bright and optimistic that's okay she said
with forced cheerfulness it must have been because they didn't look good I'll try harder next time her eyes sparkled with devotion as though Alex was her entire world for a moment Alex froze then he turned his head slightly as if uncomfortable I noticed a faint redness creeping up the back of his ears watching Lyla now I realized just how much she resembled my younger self passionate and willing to give Without Limits lowering my gaze I said you too carry on I'm leaving Alex instinctively started to follow me but lla grabbed his arm pouting Alex I'm
stuck on a problem can you help me later the classroom seating was rearranged and lla used the opportunity to request to sit next to Alex the teacher asked for my input and I agreed without hesitation several girls approached me afterward calling me foolish for handing lla the chance to take my place I kept doing Doling with my pen indifferent to me it didn't matter if someone could be taken away so easily they were never truly mine to begin with Alex seated in front of me stiffened at my words for the rest of the day his
mood remained somber meanwhile lla spent the entire class chatting and clinging to him when the bell rang she moved closer to ask another question already in a foul mood Alex snapped slamming his pen onto the desk aren't you supposed to be a good student why are you asking me something so basic lla bit her lip embarrassed but I'm not the first person to ask you questions like this she said glancing in my direction with a pointed look I raised my eyebrows and held up my marked up test paper smirking lla wasn't about to back down
she pouted and said of course Jillian doesn't need your help she's a spoiled rich kid with private tutors unlike me she doesn't rely on Alex Carter Alex's face darkened even further his frustration palpable without another word he stood and walked away don't bother me again he said icily lla hadn't expected such a response and tears welled up in her eyes she stomped her foot in frustration and ran off Alex sat back down his expression gloomy as he furiously scribbled on his worksheet the sound of pen against paper harsh in the quiet classroom it was a
hot summer afternoon noon and the classroom was nearly empty during the break the ceiling fan above Alex worred noisily blowing strands of his hair across his forehead for a long time he focused on his work not speaking finally I broke the silence startled Alex looked up his eyes lighting up like those of a stray dog suddenly taken in after being abandoned I smiled faintly my tone carrying an edge of irony let me tell you a little secret lla she's your future wife you should be nicer to her you'll regret it otherwise I rarely saw Alex
Carter this angry he looked like a wild beast on the verge of losing control his Fury barely contained he stood up abruptly crumbling the worksheet in his hand into a tight ball you don't need to push me towards someone else I'm not a toy you can just give away in my previous life he had gotten this angry before once after we got married I Lash out at him in frustration and said if you can't stand me let's just get divorced Alex had reacted the same way back then his usually handsome features Twisted with a mix
of anger disbelief and profound vulnerability he held me tightly his tall and Broad figure trembling against me as he pleaded don't say things like that don't leave me Jillian his voice a 28 had been broken and fragile just like the 16-year-old version of him who had run to me in the middle of the night after his family went bankrupt he'd been so helpless so terrified he played his role so well that even after his death in my previous life when all the evidence was laid out before me I still refused to believe that throughout our
years together his heart had always belonged to lla Taylor after that day Alex and I stopped talking completely I relished the peace and quiet meanwhile provoking me became one of Lila's favorite pastimes she started sending me countless photos of her and Alex together his long Fair hand covering her petite wrist as they sat side by side their closeness unmistakable Alex creating detailed study notes for her far more meticulous than the ones he had ever made for me Alex taking her to watch the sunrise his exhausted face resting on her shoulder the sunlight highlighting his profile
in a way that made him look almost otherworldly it was as if she were copying frame by frame everything Alex and I had once done together in my previous life lla had sent me these photos before and back then I was Furious I had stormed over to her and slapped her twice across the face an act that only made Alex think I was irrational and Petty deliberately targeting lla without reason after graduating college I had given up my luxurious Villa to live in a rundown rental apartment with Alex he focused on his Tech work while
I exhausted myself seeking investment time after time I faced rejection returning home utterly drained only to find solace in our shared warmth I would play with Alex's fingers and say when you make it big letun travel the world we'll go skiing in Switzerland feed pigeons in Italy he would pinch my nose and promise when that day comes I'll drop everything and go with you but as his company grew and thrived Alex sold his shares at its peak invested in a more promising venture and became CTO of a prestigious firm those promises he once made were
never brought up again now looking at the photos lla had sent me I felt nothing I calmly compiled them into a collage and posted them on social media with a simple caption copy paste 99% accurate I didn't hide the post from anyone it was public for all to see before long my comment section was flooded with uniform question marks much later Alex responded with a single word okay from that moment on everyone believed Alex and I had completely fallen out my world finally grew quiet even our home room teacher noticed the change she pulled me
into her office showering me with praise you've made so much progress you're finally not focused entirely on Alex anymore I'm sure you'll get great scores on the college entrance exams her enthusiasm was so over the top that I could practically feel her spitting in my face meanwhile Alex began opening up to lla piece by piece during an unoccupied gym class the students were playing games when lla accidentally got knocked to the ground letting out a startled cry Alex immediately rushed over his eyes filled with worry as he pulled her up roughly are you an idiot
how can you be so careless he scolded his tone harsh but laced with concern she fell asleep at her desk resting her head on her arms Alex Carter turned slightly adjusting his open textbook to Shield her from the sunlight streaming in through the blinds the Golden Light created soft patterns across the classroom touching the sleeping girl and his quietly responsible actions eventually Alex and lla Taylor officially got together the classmates's gossiping glances occasionally drifted toward me but I didn't care I was focused on preparing for the finals my grades had improved remarkably not just because
I had refocused but because years of hardship in the adult world had hardened me our home room teacher excitedly announced in front of the class that I had ranked in the top three for the entire grade while Alex immersed in his world with lla seemed startled and turned to glance at me that was when he noticed my once waistlength hair had been cut into a shoulder-length style and that the colorful beaded bracelet he had given me for my 15th birthday was gone after school Alex hesitated for a moment uncharacteristically he didn't leave with lla but
instead called out to me me Jillian where's your bracelet he asked pointing at my wrist my wrist was Bare that bracelet which Alex had given me and which I had worn for 13 years was something I had discarded on the first day of my rebirth tossing it into the trash without hesitation it's gone I said simply Alex took a deep breath and seemed to quickly accept the fact I'm with Lyla now he said as if explaining himself I know you don't like her but try to get along shek be your sister-in-law in the future I
smiled bitterly I had chased Alex for five long years before finally achieving what I thought was happiness but lla hadn't needed to do anything Alex had already given her a firm place in his future he didn't notice my expression and continued I know you're upset and that you've been avoiding me because I called you my little sister but he took another deep breath his tone faltering feelings can't be forced from now on we're family Alex was trying to offer me an olive branch to smooth things over let's stop this cold war okay it's been so
long since we've sat down and had a proper meal together h i murmured in response not committing to anything the college entrance exams were just around the corner and the mounting pressure was driving me to the edge I was so stressed I felt like I might pull out all my hair to help us relax our home room teacher organized a picnic on on a nearby Mountain as our last group activity before the exams coincidentally I ended up in the same group as lla as the crowd thinned out she moved closer to me her tone sharp
and mocking Jillian I saw Alex come to talk to you after school that day she leaned in whispering in my ear even if you like Alex Carter so what he's mine now I didn't bother to react not even sparing her a glance do you know why I transferred to North with high in our senior year she continued trying to draw my attention because I saw you and Alex shopping for textbooks at a book store once his eyes were always on you smiling the entire time I thought it was interesting it annoyed me she smirked her
expression full of satisfaction as if she had won some unspoken game you're rich you're beautiful surely you can't have it all life can't let you have a perfect love to can it her voice dripped with shot and frea her eyes gleaming with malice I had always known lyla's family background was modest but I hadn't realized the extent of her jealousy that jealousy had Twisted her turning her into someone who found joy in others pain I finally asked the question that had been gnawing at me do you actually like Alex Carter lla Taylor smiled her eyes
brimming with smugness of course not it's just for fun he has nothing left only your feelings for him haven't you noticed everything I do is modeled after you and look he fell for it he's just that dumb not realizing he likes you and you're just as stupid she was right I had been too foolish I gave my heart to the world only to be left broken and scarred what lla didn't know was that I had recorded her words with the phone in my pocket without hesitation I sent the recording to Alex Carter I was curious
about how he'd react youthful Pride often outweighs love and soon after Alex and lla had a falling out rumor had it that Alex pinned lla against the wall his hand around her throat his eyes bloodshot as he yelled at her the person he thought he liked was peeled back layer by layer like an onion revealing a rotted core underneath that realization must have hurt just like how I had felt back then with 30 days left until the college entrance exams during a crucial mock test Alex Carter suddenly disappeared Ed every teacher was frantic contacting his
parents and searching everywhere but there was no trace of him even as the two-day exam ended Alex never returned exhausted I walked home only to find a man dressed in black standing by my door my nerves instantly tined and I gripped the self-defense alarm tightly in my hand Jillian the voice was Alex Carter horse and trembling tinged with despair I almost didn't recognize him he rushed forward and hugged me tightly his whole body shaking uncontrollably it was eerily similar to the Alex of my previous life he muttered I had a dream a long long dream
it was so long it terrified me I dreamed that we were together and then we got married but because of lla I left you on our wedding anniversary abandoning you to face the world's cruelty alone his voice was slow like he was recounting a nightmare he could never wake from I dreamed were attacked with acid your face melted away as you screamed in agony my ashes lay shattered next to you and everyone around just laughed at your misery no one helped you you were always so delicate so afraid of pain how much must it have
hurt when the acid hit you his voice cracked as if he was on the verge of collapse I dreamed you were taken to the hospital unable to accept your disfigurement and one spring day as your wounds itched you jumped to your death tears screamed uncontrollably down his face his red rimmed eyes fixed on me desperate pleading that's not true right tell me it's not true I laughed coldly swallowing The Surge of bitterness and resentment that threatened to spill out my silence was answer enough Alex staggered back disbelief etched across his face then to my shock
he dropped to his knees before me his proud figure bent as though it had been broken by an invisible force burying his face in his hands he began to sob tears trickling through his fingers as his shoulders shook I I'm sorry I'm so sorry he choked out his words became disjointed rambling like someone who had lost their sanity after I died I became a spirit and saw lla she wasn't dead at all she faked her death to escape from someone she offended she was jealous of our marriage so she sent me those texts pretending she
was going to kill her self Alex's voice cracked descending further into incoherence he seemed entirely consumed by guilt and despair his emotions unraveling in a chaotic mess how could I have been so foolish we were married for 5 years so happy we were even planning to have a child next year Alex's face Twisted broken by pain it's all my fault I destroyed everything he could no longer distinguish between past and present sinking into a maddening spiral of despair I felt nothing watching Alex in such a pitiful state was almost laughable I left him there consumed
by his regret and walked away without looking back Alex and lla broke up for good soon the college entrance exams arrived three years of hard work would be decided by a few sheets of paper my pen moved relentlessly marking a perfect conclusion to those years Alex on the other hand performed poorly his results barely qualified him for a second tier University turning him into a cautionary tale for teachers to warn future students lyla's Choice as in my previous life shocked everyone she turned down College altogether and chose to pursue a solo career in the entertainment
industry and me the one everyone least expected became the school's Dark Horse scoring high enough to qualify for a university when my results came in my parents were ecstatic singing my praises and hosting a grand celebration relatives showered me with congratulations their smiles genuine and full of Pride meanwhile Alex sent me message after message each one cautious and tentative he kept asking where I was planning to apply whether I would choose a university I could guess his intentions he wanted to attend a school in the same city as me when acceptance letters arrived I was
admitted to the top program at W University My First Choice 2.00 kilometers away from where Alex would be life is too short and unpredictable I wanted to explore and learn as much as possible I thought that would be the end of it that I could finally leave it all behind but in my first month at College I saw Alex standing beneath the dormatory building he was worn out his face full of fatigue from long distance travel Jillian he said his voice trembling I'm sorry his gaze locked onto me filled with an endless plea I was
so preoccupied with lla because I felt guilty he began I thought it was my fault my one comment about her being beautiful and ambitious made her chase after Fame I never expected her to to take her own life that guilt consumed me but now I know Jillian it's you I've always loved I came back to make things right to ask for your forgiveness I looked at him his broken expression reflecting the same despair I'd felt when I saw his lifeless body in my previous life I curled my lips into a mocking smile and said I
saw your messages Alex you told Lyla you surrendered you begged her not to die you said you divorce me all those years we were together you were thinking about her every second of every day we supported each other through everything yet on our wedding anniversary you made me witness your death my tone grew colder and you call that love finally I spat out the words full of contempt get out I never want to see you again later my roommates told me they had seen a man standing motionless outside the dorm all night like a silent
statue I thought Alex would give up but he didn't every month he traveled 2.00 kilometers to see me staying far enough away not to disturb me he would leave a gift each time sometimes roses sometimes a colorful beaded bracelet sometimes souvenirs from around the world the love and tokens I had waited for in my previous life were finally arriving but I didn't keep any of them I threw every single one away this version of Me no longer needed them on his 10th visit as I watched Alex's desolate figure walking away I finally called out to
him his eyes colder than the night lit up for a moment but my words extinguished that hope entirely stop coming every time I see you I have nightmares what kind of nightmares he asked his voice trembling I didn't answer didn't need to be said the color drained from his face his eyes were turning to a bottomless black after a long pause he simply replied okay true to his word Alex never appeared again but every year without fail he sent me a birthday message Happy Birthday Jillian Grant the messages came without fail year after year until
I turned 30 even then his words arrived right on time like clockwork on the day of my wedding at 30 Alex Carter who had been battling depression jumped from the rooftop of the hospital a letter from an unknown sender was delivered to me it read this life and the last I've returned it all to you another Autumn arrived and a Sycamore leaf drifted into my palm I whispered softly like the faintest breeze goodbye forever in an alternate epilog Lyla Taylor and Alex carer met their ends after pulling a chair out from under a classmate causing
him to fall and Fracture his tailbone I was labeled unrepentant by the school the teachers believed I had psychological issues forcing me to undergo an evaluation at the hospital where I was diagnosed with narcissistic personality disorder self-centered and lacking empathy as I spat out my chewing gum the image of the obedient well-mannered girl I had carefully maintained at school shattered smiling Wicked ly I taunted the doctors and teachers my Defiance sparking endless gossip I couldn't stay in my original school any longer so I transferred to Northwood High Why Northwood because I had my sights set
on Jillian Grant and Alex Carter the first time I saw them at the bookstore it was obvious they were Worlds Apart Jillian with her Golden Spoon upbringing gazed at Alex with open affection her eyes shining with the budding love of a young girl Alex in turn only had eyes for her oblivious to the world around him they were like conjoined twins Inseparable watching Jillian's radiant happiness sparked something in me a mix of curiosity and disdain like so many others I decided I couldn't let her life remained so perfect but Jillian had changed she was no
longer The Fragile Lovick girl who used to wear her heart on her sleeve she had cut her hair short removed every trace of anything connected to Alex and no longer dozed off in class instead she poured every ounce of energy into studying ignoring Alex entirely Alex grew Restless perpetually irritable without Jillian's help he was forced to take on extra tutoring jobs to make 's meet though the pay was far less than what Jillian used to give him once he complained to me why can't she be more understanding he sighed and patted my hair the same
way he used to treat Jillian if only she were half as good as you tilting my head I leaned into his hand like a compliant little kitten but Jillian's cold gaze lingered completely different from her once naive and willful demeanor I went out of my way to provoke her but she remained unmoved responding calmly if you want him take him Jillian later forwarded our conversation to Alex when he confronted me his hands around my throat he was filled with rage and disbelief you never cared about me did you why did you lie to me my
face flushed and I struggled to breathe but I still taunted him I'm not Jillian Grant why would I care about a bankrupt rich kid like you that moment I saw my carefully crafted facade crumble in Alex's eyes His image of me collapsed into ruins leaving my true self exposed he stared at me for what felt like an eternity as if seeing me for the first time finally He Turned and Left muttering Jillian's name like a mantra after the college entrance exams I abandoned my education and entered the entertainment industry with a malicious Glee I secretly
kept tabs on Alex he was a shell of his former self utterly broken he would clutch Jillian's photo alternately laughing and crying or pass out drunk on the street with a bottle in hand later I saw him at the hospital as a nurse passed by she shook her head and whispered that young man this is the third time this year he's been admitted for alcohol poisoning he doesn't seem to want to live anymore wearing high heels and pretending to be his relative I entered his hospital room standing over him I looked down at his skeletal
figure he was barely recognizable his mind clouded by delirium mistaking me for Jillian he reached out a trembling hand Jillian he murmured with a hint of longing in his voice you finally came to see me I smirked lean down and whispered to Alex Carter someone who loved you as passionately as Jillian Grant doesn't love you anymore she'll never come to see you again his eyes widened in shock and the light in them instantly extinguished replaced by a dull clouded emptiness I raised an eyebrow inside he was finished in this life straightening my coat I Turned
and Left My Career hit rock bottom no matter how hard I tried I couldn't secure the opportunities one was promised anxiety consumed me as I bit at my lips restless and frustrated to the extreme every resource I painstakingly fought for was always snatched away at the last moment no matter how much I racked my brain I couldn't figure out who I had offended to deserve this the entertainment industry moves at lightning speed and no matter how much effort I put in I could only land minor roles with two or three lines this wasn't how things
were supposed to be after struggling for several years an opportunity finally came a role in a major IP adaptation like a luxurious cake dropping from the sky during the shoot everyone treated me with exaggerated respect flattered by their compliments I began to feel smug and untouchable when filming wrapped my agent came to me looking secretive the boss wants to see you she said I understood immediately it was the usual unspoken deal dressing alluringly I nonchalantly got into a business car but to my shock the person waiting inside was Alex Carter he sat quietly his bony
fingers clasped together wearing a suit that looked loose on his thin frame his dark bottomless eyes stared at me and he curled his lips into a cold smile it's been a while Alex my ex had gone mad he had me drag to a secluded Villa and chained to the wall with heavy iron restraints around my wrists and ankles no matter how much I struggled I couldn't break free you know this is a illegal I shouted my voice trembling with fear backing away from him I tried to retreat further into the corner of the room Alex
sat leisurely in a crimson velvet chair watching me with a detached air he seemed frail his body visibly weak as he laughed blood spilled from his lips but he merely wiped it away with a handkerchief unconcerned he smiled at me his expression soft but chilling lla if not for you I would have died long ago it was thoughts of you that kept me going that made me fight to survive just to see you again my confusion evaporated in an instant replaced by rage it all makes sense now why everything had gone so wrong for me
over the years Furious I cursed at him you ruined yourself you're the one who turned into a wreck of a man why are you blaming me but Alex didn't seem angry instead he stood up his skeletal hand reaching from my neck the cold Touch of his fingers made every hair on my body stand on end with his lashes lowered he spoke in a soft almost tender voice didn't you say you wanted to be my wife in your next life now your wish has come true you'll stay with me forever I was kept in that Villa
cut off from the world each day I was given only scraps of bread to eat leaving me weak and helpless every day Alex would come to me with a pink diary reading stories aloud it didn't take long for me to realize he was recounting the childhood memories of himself and Jillian Grant from their earliest days to high school and Beyond this diary must have been Jillian I thought she must have discarded it and Alex had taken it as a Keepsake he read everything from their Carefree days to the years of hardship he talked about how
Jillian never left his side even when his family went bankrupt do you know Alex said one day his voice soft yet filled with pain when my father's debtors couldn't find him they tried to drag me away to sell me Jillian risked getting beaten to call the police she found me her face swollen from being slapped even though she was so delicate she didn't cry when those men hit her but she trembled as she touched my bruises crying because she was afraid I was in pain Alex's voice grew gentler as he continued Jillian had never done
housework in her life but after being with me she did everything even the dirtiest chores her delicate hands became rough and callous so quickly she carried her bag every day going door too to beg for Partnerships to help me once she was so exhausted she fell asleep in a chair at the company with nothing but a coat draped over her shoulders I nudged Alex Carter awake worried he might catch a cold his eyes barely opened but the first thing he said was don't worry Mr Wong agreed to the partnership did you eat lunch properly his
voice grew hser as he spoke and eventually he couldn't go on I thought he was losing his mind again I raised my eyes lazily and asked if you love her so much why were you with me he tilted his head back staring at the ceiling his voice Hollow I don't know maybe it was because of my insecurity maybe I couldn't handle the way Jillian looked at me with so much kindness and pity even after I regained everything I couldn't shake that feeling of inferiority he paused his tone softening I used to call her my little
sister then accuse her of being condescending I never realized I liked her I kept thinking about you instead I was stupid I failed her I'm a bastard Alex bent over clutching his head lost in his own torment I couldn't stand this melod drama you're right you are a bastard so why don't you just go die Alex looked up at me his eyes bloodshot and Wild oh I'll die he said with an unsettling calmness but you're coming with me Alex used his power to turn my worst rival into a star he forced me to watch as
someone I despised went from obscurity to fame her face lighting up the big screen my teeth clenched in Fury as I watched her rise leaning Close Alex whispered in my ear in your last life you were just as dazzling I didn't understand but he added Too bad you'll never get what you want in in this life each month Alex disappeared for a day when he returned he would sit motionless for hours lost in thought the Villa was filled with unsent gifts accumulating steadily I had lost track of how long I'd been confined there day and
night blurred together my existence reduced to that of an insect clinging to a leaf gasping for air Alex started drinking again he stared at his phone laughing and crying in turns from the fragments of his words I learned that Jillian Grant was getting married they said her fiance was a wonderful man gentle considerate from a prominent family their wedding was to be held in a six-star hotel followed by a world tour for their honeymoon Alex laughed bitterly see she left me and is doing so much better without me eventually Alex ended up in the hospital
on Jillian's wedding day he jumped to his death with Alex gone his people scrambled in chaos us and I was released before I could even process it the sunlight burned my skin as I stepped outside my muscles weakened by disuse struggled to support me I could barely walk suddenly I realized I had nothing left but I still had my looks or so I thought walking down the street I noticed people staring at me strangely a young boy tugged at his mother's hand and pointed at me saying mommy that lady is so ugly ugly me I
stumbled toward a glass building the reflection staring back at me was horrifying my hair was a tangled mess my skin waxy and salow I was gone my body reduced to Skin and Bones from long-term malnutrition and lack of care dark spots marred my complexion and Fine Lines etched deep into the corners of my eyes for a moment I couldn't believe it I was no longer the vibrant ambitious young woman I had once been I had spent so long yearning to escape praying for Alex's death but now he was gone and so was everything else Alex's
words echoed in my mind his voice low and Sinister like a devil's whisper you've been missing for so long to society you're already dead no one remembers you I looked up and saw an advertisement of my rival playing on a mul's giant screen her bold red lips radiant confidence and poised demeanor were the picture of success the person I had been in my past life memories of my former glory flooded back in my previous life I had been a true winner basking in Applause under the spotlight now I was nothing I should have been someone
admired by all living a life of comfort and ease even if I offended powerful people my later years should have been filled with glory and endless luxury but now with all hope extinguished I summoned the last of my strength and stepped into the rushing traffic on Sycamore Avenue an accident occurred at 11 11:50 a.m. a woman in white stepped into traffic and collided with a black sedan dying instantly the details of the incident are pending further investigation by authorities
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