The One Person Business Roadmap (99% Make This Mistake)

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Dan Koe
Another episode in the One Person Business series. In this one we discuss how creators sacrifice lev...
Video Transcript:
the one person business roadmap 99 of creators make this mistake this is a video in the series that we've been doing on one person businesses business eye and this one is meant to give somewhat of a road map just along your journey to know what to expect because there's different stages which we'll dive into but I I don't want other people like looking at what other people are doing in business and expecting that they should do the same thing because a 100 000 follower account that's making a billion million dollars a year is not going
to be anything doing anything remotely similar to what you should be doing at the beginning so to start this off this video is sponsored by me because digital economics you don't have to enroll in it as a cohort anymore it can be enrolled in as a self-paced course now so it's not closed off till February you can get in at any time and so in a nutshell I'll let you explore if you want to I'll save the promotion for later but you can just go to the link in the description click see what it's all
about but in short it's productizing yourself everything we've been talking about in this one person business series it is systems for doing that with a notion Command Center so templates to just plug and play create your brand write content systemize it create a product create a service make it profitable from the very start with xero experience and how to promote and automate promotion so you can just consistently make sales so it's growing your brand with content leading people into your product or service and then automating that or systemizing it to two to four hours a
day so you can continue to grow and monetize with time so now let's get back into it so if you're a one person creator business or want to be pay attention because I've been in this game for three years now in the Creator game right I did freelancing and other stuff before that so I had a little bit of a head start when I got into the whole Creator scene now I've seen accounts that are small and large fall off the map I've also seen small accounts making talking a hundred thousand a month I've also
seen huge accounts with a ton of followers making less than a thousand dollars a month and most people see one or the other and just think it's a bad thing I'm here to tell you that you can do both you can grow big and you can monetize because like the classic saying is that like you don't want to aim for followers or just grow really fast and followers because then you're not going to be able to monetize because they're very generic and then it's like if you understood marketing to any extent you can raise the
awareness level of that audience to the point of being a buyer and if you stick at a low audience and you're in that cycle of I need to reach out and do manual labor or have some form of system outside of what I've built in order to land clients I don't see that as sustainable right we want to continue to grow and evolve to the point of where we can control our time and income the things that we work on and just have complete control over our lives and our businesses but still providing value and
doing what we're supposed to do as a business but not getting trapped in one specific stage so I'm here to tell you that you can do both of the above grow big if you have the skill it's a skill it's not a luck or just like growing out of nowhere it's a skill social media is a skill and you can create an offer ladder of valuable products and services that allow you to pull in an income preferably doing what you enjoy because that's what your offer or product should revolve around and decreasing the time you
spent on actually fulfilling that product or service and so we do this with something that most people just skip over don't think about at all and that is leverage in this case specifically it's digital leverage so I'll paint a picture of what I mean here and it always sounds self-aggrandizing like when I say it this way I but it's just to paint a picture right so I have 500 000 plus followers across different social media platforms YouTube is one of my spot lists and with that like on Instagram I can reach out to I have
multiple celebrities following me I can reach out to almost anyone and get a reply your average freelancer who wants to work with these celebrities cannot do that and that's part of what I'm saying here is that if you had an audience and didn't even sell through it or even talk about let's say web design as your freelance service I could get in front of a celebrity and potentially persuade them to purchase Web Design Services from me just in the DMS alone I can also promote a product or service to my audience and have it reach
10x the followers that I have because the network effect right my promotions and my content are not only reaching my followers but their followers as well so 500 000 And if every single person had like 500 followers that follow me then multiply that or I have multiple people with over a hundred thousand follower audiences following me because that's what creators do is just follow each other and so I have a lot more potential traffic than just those 500 000 followers that compounds and along with that I can increase or decrease my income as much as
I want to depending on how much I want to work what new projects I'm working on if I want to work on new projects etc etc and just to like put a cherry on top if I really wanted to I couldn't do this before if I didn't have a lot of followers and that's why I always find it funny people telling you not to gain a lot of followers if no one's saying this you're probably not in the social media circle of people saying this but marketers on social media do say this so if I
really wanted to I could make fifty thousand dollars in 24 hours and if I really wanted to push it in like step moral boundaries which I don't want to do because it doesn't feel good I could make a hundred thousand in 24 hours or even more and on special occasions like Black Friday when it's Justified I made a hundred and thirty nine thousand dollars in the course of three to four days and I know screenshots can be photoshopped and you may not believe it but I'm just putting it out there and so before we dive
further I have to preface once again that this is for one person creator businesses this is for people that want to talk about their interests build an income doing so not hire many employees if any at all and unlock that level of Freedom that you can that technology has allowed the individual to do for themselves so this is not for Freelancers or it can be for Freelancers if you want to build an audience but overall the the main message I'm trying to put out here is if you have a goal of your own and this
video does not align with your goals don't let flashy screenshots or other things distract you from the goal you can still watch it and gain awareness but overall just keep that in mind the internet enables 8 billion monopolies to make things simple your brand as a Creator or your personal brand is based around what you want out of life the thing that you are leading your followers towards and everyone has the same desires and those desires or those problems or those goals all fall under the Eternal markets this is a very important concept for you
to understand the Eternal markets are health wealth relationships and a bonus is happiness so the first three of those health wealth and relationships are survival based their self-actualization based and the last one happiness is self-transcendence based and these markets are where all burning problems exist because that's like survival problems are the most burning problems that's what people are trying to solve no matter which way they're doing it if they're starting a business it's because they're usually trying to fix some part of their survival if they're buying a nice car it's because they're usually trying to
uh survive via status and so with these markets that's how you create a compelling angle for your marketing or just products or brand or content in general is by targeting these relevant profitable and Evergreen markets but now we don't just want a normal old personal brand or Creator we want a personal Monopoly like the naval quote said a monopoly Irreplaceable is a good word but how do we become Irreplaceable by pursuing your genuine curiosity because that's what makes you you and you are the only you on this planet so if you want a desaturated niche
of one you are the niche but the thing is is most people can't pursue their curiosity at least not consistently or full time why because their attention is being manhandled by their base psychological needs self-actualization the the hierarchy of needs that is a need not a want for living the good life so your future isn't about competition with others it's about competition with your distracted mind meaning an exceptional future belongs to those who can Master their survival pursue their genuine curiosity and pass down what they learned along the way so improve yourself solve your own
problems master your survival document your journey pursue your curiosity and separate yourself from the crowd how you do this is unique to you if this helps you understand it more your story is your brand right a story it has its highs and lows it has problems that you overcome over and over it's like an endless story and as many marketers know stories are what sell stories is just how humans make sense of the world Transformations with things like sales or the sales process and you implying a transformation that is a story when you're writing copy
or copywriting it always starts with a lead which illustrates a problem and agitates a problem and then it shows you how to overcome it and then it gives you like testimonials on how to do so for proof and it's just mark getting in sales are just different tactics with a foundation of human psychology that help you show someone that they can transform and preferably help them to transform that is the right way of doing marketing and sales there's of course like exploitation and manipulation in this to reach a non-mutual benefit and that's what's labeled as
a scam it's promising a certain thing and not being able to deliver on it so I'm just putting this out there is that you have to be able to deliver on something and if you can't and you don't refund them that's a scam so I always give this example of if I'm pursuing Financial Freedom that's just like a big broad goal my path to get there is going to be completely different from someone else's if I'm going to learn a skill like web design in order to do freelance to unlock Financial Freedom while another person
goes to like a high-paying Tech job and then starts investing and then eventually retires those are completely different paths they're completely different stories with different problems but it helps people reach the same goal and that story is valuable to the generation under you that's what people want to follow along with right that's why you watch a movie or read a book is because of an interesting story so if you can put yours out online while still Distributing like actionable advice and valuable information along with it then you've cut you've created your own personal Monopoly or
mental Monopoly is how I like to call it so why is this important because that's what we're here to do is self-actualize and transcend you pass down your lessons and you help others get there faster and so if enough people do this just imagine what kind of world we can create I I am truly like maybe I'm delusional who knows but I am like I feel like I'm putting across a good message here of one improve yourself help others improve themselves with your prior experience and both of you reap the benefits of doing so right
and so if enough people self-actualize and transcend through this method with business as their vessel to do so then they open up more people to the potential of creative problem solving right using their minds for something else rather than themselves right selflessness after you saw all of your selfish needs creativity Innovation and Discovery through the pursuit of curiosity are what will take us into the next phase of evolution whatever it may be build distribution then build whatever you want in life as Draco willing says discipline equals freedom but in business especially this one person business
distribution equals Freedom distribution this is an important concept this is a very important concept that again not many people talk about right this falls under digital leverage but everyone is focused on like the generic social media tactics distribution from the lens of a Creator business is the potential traffic that you have to send to a product service or just like some crevice of the internet or some internet content or something and so there are three types of distribution there is built borrowed and bought so you build distribution by growing on social media right that's what
social media is nowadays it's a way to gather an audience or a readership for the value that you are providing and the more people you have there you retain that audience right but the next thing you should do is de-platform them because social media can go away at any time it may not it may and especially if you're polarizing in post like controversial takes you could get canceled from the platform and lose your entire audience so de-platform them by sending them to an email list because nobody can take emails away from you or a community
a telegram Channel something like that and continuously feed them into that and deliver more value in depth in those areas and so that is the most important one is building distribution right because you're not borrowing it or paying for it it's kind of in your control but the next one is borrowing distribution and this is for things like podcasts where you can get on someone else's podcast and promote yourself and your products you can pay for a podcast sponsor that kind of falls under paid but other things like you being mentioned in someone's newsletter or
you doing a guest post on someone's blog or just someone retweeting you and you getting to borrow that traffic but at the same time it's it's spilling over into your own built traffic when you're doing things like like you get retweeted or shared on Instagram by a big account and so the best way to do this is is we talked about a personal Monopoly but the next thing is the mental Monopoly which I like to kind of frame as just having great ideas that people tie to you right we'll talk about this more but it's
like when you read your favorite book or when I ask you what your favorite book is and you say oh it's the Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle and then you think of an idea that you learn from that book that you attribute to him that's what I mean right when you put out consistently good ideas that stick in people's heads when they come across something in their life that reminds you of of that idea they're going to be reminded of you and that's what makes you unique among the people that are just putting out
generic content and quotes and so lastly you buy distribution by like paying for ads like Google Facebook Instagram Etc you can also pay for shout outs but these all like overlap right so you can pay for shout outs from people to borrow Their audience and have some of that spill over into yours but overall out of all three of those you should focus on building your own distribution so here is an image of my current distribution Network right so at the top I like to think of a brand as having three pillars which is growth
authenticity and Authority so at the top with growth Twitter Instagram LinkedIn those are my top of funnel like growth that's how I build distribution is with short form content on the platforms where it's much easier to control growth with things like shares as opposed to authenticity in the bottom right with podcasts YouTube newsletter even like blog SEO would fall under that that's where I talk more and like give more actionable advice but also work in some of my own language because podcast YouTube SEO they're much slower to grow and I prefer to grow with Twitter
Instagram LinkedIn and then transfer those over to the podcast YouTube or blog or newsletter and then in the bottom left to build Authority it's either for me it's a course cohort and Community but for many people I'm writing a book right now and for others it can be more than that it's just a product that allows people to buy from you invest in you them get something valuable in return and that exchange be meaningful right people that haven't started a business before usually think like oh sales is bad and they go and buy stuff every
day that they absolutely love right and so in the middle of the graphic the brand revolves around my interests expertise and experience and these all overlap right your income lifestyle and freedom are limited by the amount of time your products take to fulfill so with a projected 62 percent of jobs being threatened by Automation in the next decade it makes sense that the highest paid individuals will be the ones that Leverage The Power of their mind the creative ability knowledge and experience in their mind right so in the last one person business video I went
over how you have a hundred thousand dollar product in your head AKA based on your knowledge and experience so you can go watch that one if you want to understand building or creating a product and so with this when you have an absurd amount of distribute abusion like traffic built but you have you only have a service like a freelance service or agency service or coaching service that requires your time to fulfill and not a digital product or you haven't productized as you grow in order to free up more time and be able to take
on uh more customers and you're going to have a bad time so if you don't have a product in place as you're growing that will sell fulfill and maintain itself while you sleep then an influx in traffic let's say from someone mentioning you on a podcast or you going on someone's podcast and you having an overabundance of potential clients or customers and you not being able to handle them or take them on there's I mean it's a pretty wise decision by the time you're growing and growing to Pivot out of client work or hire someone
else on but since we are talking about this from the lens of the one-person business it's better to productize and just be able to control your own time and so another thing that people skip over is that the more people you help the more leverage you have right this is why I think authors have so much more level average than let's say like a two hundred thousand dollar a month agency is because there are D their ideas are in more people's hands right they impact more people and have more dedicated fans to the point is
and this isn't all about money but if they were to go and sell something like a coaching service they could charge outrageously high prices if they wanted to or they could just do like an automated or have like a cohort style thing and sell so much more than the people that are doing the direct Outreach left and right internet content is idea Warfare on mental real estate most one-person business beginners don't see internet content for what it is it's not about catching attention it's important but it's not about catching attention it's not about gaining the
most followers it's not about having the most engagement it's about valuable ideas valuable ideas equal relevant understandable and actionable to the point of being spread without personal effort so the more perspective shifting ideas that you put out into the world the more mental real estate in the collective psyche you are going occupy like how an author and let's say The Power of Now and how he kind of put mindfulness on the map of a chunk of the collective psyche and so if you want help with these big ideas and other things like that I talk
about it all the time and to our writer my writing course uh it talks about like persuasive writing and idea generation in the Practical setting of building a social media audience so the big problem with all of this is that most creators are encouraged to steal or swipe High performing ideas and this isn't a bad thing it's just overused because I do this all the time I steal ideas from high performing YouTube videos so I go to a channel that I aspire to be like and filter their videos by most popular I go to medium
and look at their articles because mediums algorithm gives you content based around your interests you can get some incredible ideas just by skimming the home page and then top tweets so a twimax or tweet Hunter you can filter any accounts tweets and see what their highest performing topic is people sleep on Twitter so much right because a tweet a good tweet that went viral is the perfect newsletter blog YouTube headline right or just the start of a newsletter or something like that or something that can be incorporated in there so there's more value in the
actual newsletter itself so with that said we have to understand the evolution of your journey because I do think that it is very important that people start with high performing topics and just growing in general but as with everything in life there are developmental stages so so these stages they have a certain set of opportunities that are available to them that are in alignment with their skills experience and expertise a stage one Creator can't send out an email and make fifty thousand dollars on demand it's just not going to happen nor can they DM anyone
and get a response right you have to put in the Reps and slowly build Authority and leverage over time to the point of you having more opportunities available to yourself and to preface these these are all made up there can be different stages there can be different aspects of the stages this is just what I've noticed and the most common patterns that I see in the Creator business because I've been doing it for a long time I've been in contact with thousands of other creators I know what their struggles are I know what your struggles
are I'm going to help with that so stage one creators or low leverage creators this is where every single person starts assuming that you don't have prior business experience or just have a strategy already laid out for you and as I said earlier the people that get into this first stage or at least start understand that social media growth is a skill it can be practiced it's not just a matter of luck people grow on social media every single day because they understand what it takes to actually do it so the first thing that you
should focus on as a beginner in your creator journey is high performing content you can't just start posting whatever you feel like you can't just post something because you feel like it's clever or artsy you have to understand what actually leads to growth and if you aren't growing it's not the reader's fault because you feel like they lack understanding it's because you lack the ability to make your message understandable to them so the best way I can explain this is to just Study High performing content right go to your favorite YouTube channel look at filter
their videos by most popular see which ones did the best why did they do the best question it study top tweets actually immerse yourself in follow the social media accounts that you aspire to be like and look at their content see which ones do better than others and use tools like tweet hunter or twemx to actually go in and look at their top tweets all around and note common patterns understand why they did well and try to emulate that so the second thing is to use content templates as training wheels so almost every single social
media course that you'll take has like templates to structure your writing or your posts or your message so that they get more engagement and so I do this by just copy and pasting certain tweets into like a note and then using the structure of the Tweet as a way to write other tweets so I use this kind all the time because this was a tweet that did really well for me at the beginning and so I noted that down and then started moving more in a better direction as I realized what was doing good so
the Tweet is right here I can read it but you can see that it has a hook it has three bullet points to hold and keep attention so it delivers value as well by giving actionable advice and then it starts to wrap everything up and give a conclusion with a potential pain point that people may face so the third thing that you need to focus on is short form growth and idea validation so tweets reels tick tocks shorts Instagram posts LinkedIn posts not long form YouTube not long form podcasts not long form newsletter yet or
blogs because as I said before top of funnel on Twitter Instagram LinkedIn Tick Tock you can control growth a lot more on Twitter you can Network or pay to get retweets same thing with Instagram with shares same thing with LinkedIn with comments and that's how you grow with YouTube and other things it takes more time and you want to attack those platforms with validated ideas that come from Twitter Instagram or LinkedIn so put out a bunch of ideas on let's say Twitter because you weren't penalized for posting multiple times a day and then see which
ones do the best as you grow and network with other people and actually try to get eyes on your content and then take your best ideas turn them into a newsletter turn them into a YouTube video or a blog or whatever you want to grow on next and as I said before the the way that I grew on Instagram and Linkedin was I already had viral tweets from growing on Twitter right so all I had to do was screenshot those with the social proof or the likes and retweets on them put them on Instagram go
through some form of a growth strategy or try to get my content shared and I got 10 a lot more followers than most people would get simply because the idea was already validated people saw that so what happens if you get trapped in stage one well you end up as an account with a lot of followers but zero loyalty as most people warn against if you disappear one day nobody's gonna ask like hey where'd Dan go and usually they get obsessed with engagement and just never bother to create a product or service so stage two
creators or medium leverage creators once you hit 10K followers or so you should feel like you have the social media growth game down and that you can continue growing and you don't have to wait until this point to monetize I actually recommend not waiting till this point to monetize but this is where the real money will come into play at 500 followers I had a 3K month at 10 000 followers I had a 10K month at 50 000 followers I had a 50k a month at 200 000 followers I had a scratch that it was
a 200k month because of Black Friday if this shocks you good if it doesn't props hope hopefully it breaks some people out of their limiting money beliefs I need to get better at writing tweets so it's just a Baseline and it sounds pretty crazy but the reason I put this out there is because I thought one hundred thousand dollars in one month was absolutely insane it was Insanity right and this was like two years ago but then I saw someone doing the same exact thing that I did making a hundred thousand dollars a month and
I know he was being honest about it because I knew who he was and I talked to him on a frequent basis and knew that he was a trustworthy guy and so that blew my mind and I was just like I want to make 10K a month I'd be happy with that and I would be and I was but it's like I can push more and it's fun to push more in business so the first thing you should do in stage two and you don't necessarily have to wait till stage two to do this is
to learn direct response marketing direct response marketing is the skill that made people like Alex hormozzi Rich before they started going all in on brand and giving everything away for free and now I think you should give everything away for free but over time with your content over the course of 12 12 24 36 months and you can aggregate all of those points for convenience into a product or service that people can pay for for Speed that's what people pay for is speed aggregation convenience and so this is the same story for someone like Justin
Welsh who many of you know we did a podcast together but uh he did a similar thing where you study books like cash advertising there's a book you can go study and then start learning on your own go down a Google Rabbit Hole of direct response marketing and copywriting and and then you get results with that but then you can start to feel a bit like salesy right and so you start to become self-aware of that and slowly transition into a more authentic voice while still maintaining the principles of direct response marketing right because a
lot of people the principles of human psychology are the same in how to craft a compelling message that leads to sales but the tactics for doing so in the past like decade have been just kind of like wonky with all these sales funnels and countdown timers and you know all that stuff that kind of at this point would scream that it is a scam or just less trustworthy even if it is completely authentic so the second thing to do in stage two is to build a high ticket offer why because when you're at 10 000
ish followers you just don't have a large enough audience to like sustain a income for yourself with a digital product or like a low ticket product right so you're better off creating a coaching consulting or freelancing service and that you can work your way up to charging twenty five hundred to five thousand dollars by stacking specific skills and applying them to a problem in a specific business right it's like being a plumber but for a business it's finding a problem because you understand their business as a whole creating an offer specifically for that reaching out
presenting the perfect solution to the perfect person actually getting them results and then boom you can take that down the road watch my other video on creating a product turn that system into a product and you already have results that you can use to sell that product and by the time that you reach eighty thousand hundred thousand followers or stage three then you're in a very good place to monetize from products alone or just decrease the amount of time you spend on client work and so in the first one person business model video which I'll
link somewhere I talk about a minimum viable offer so if you have no idea where to start in terms of creating a service or a high ticket service that you can sell I would start there watch that video watch the minimum viable offer part and start by charging five hundred two thousand dollars and then slowly work your way up until you can charge more and more and by that time you'll know what to do right you only need to get past a certain point before you know like okay this is what I do next to
get more sales so between stage two and stage three you have you should have um you should have enough time and skill to get to the point of Landing four-ish clients at 2500 a month so 10K a month and that kind of matches what I said in the Tweet earlier about making 10K a month at 10 000 followers it's through direct Outreach and certain strategies to actually get people to sign up for a high ticket service and by the way if you aren't interested in digital economics that has all of these um you can also
consider joining modern Mastery for five bucks it has a lot of Education based on marketing and sales and direct response marketing but digital economics is the more like system based pretty much plug and play and just stay consistent with it until you're successful so the third thing you do in stage two is to Branch into long-form content so by now you know exactly what kind tweets posts threads do well for you you know your highest performing topics so you want to take these and start creating depth and Authority behind them by turning them into a
newsletter fleshing them out talking about your thoughts behind them or turning them and then turning that newsletter into YouTube video or podcast and just getting used to giving more value than like a little 280 character tweet because this depth is what's going to lead to more authentic sales right you don't have to go you don't have to stick in the direct response copywriting where it's like lead them down a thread immediately get them to click lead them down the landing page immediately get them to buy etc etc as a content creator when you're building an
audience it's not like paid ads where you have to retarget them over and over again they're going to consistently see your content over and over again and if they're on your newsletter they're you're going to raise them up the levels of awareness in marketing to the point of wanting to buy your product and it doesn't have to be the first time around if you just stick it out and pay attention to what's going going right and what's going wrong and doubling down on what's going right then you'll do well and so what happens if you
get trapped in this stage stage two is that you pretty much build yourself into another nine to five I see people all the time hovering between 10 and 30 000 followers and they aren't doing anything related to a product or growing more or maintaining the growth that they built up until that point by incorporating High performing topics and they just get trapped in a cycle of reach out to a client I mean reach out to a prospect get a client not be able not have enough time to do anything else and just continuously doing that
living in a state of constant stress because if their client leaves they're down 2500 bucks a month but they don't have the time to continuously build an audience because they're just in the next phase of trying to find that new client all right so stage three creators the high leverage Creator most people don't reach this stage because it's impossible without survival Mastery ego development and multi-disciplinary study people get locked into the focus on one thing mindset which isn't bad at the beginning by any means build them into the build themselves into that high ticket client
cycle and don't per they don't pursue complementary skills or interests that will make them an individual right it will individualize them to the point of reducing saturation in the market I incorporate spirituality and philosophy into my business videos and I guarantee you that's why a lot of you watch this that's why I Stand Out amongst other to the people that actually like my content so the first thing you do as a stage three Creator is to productize build a network and leverage the results you have from the high ticket service that you built by now
you may have already created a product because you've watched my other video If so good work but if you haven't at least by now you should have some results with the service that you've been offering the high ticket service freelancing coaching Consulting and you've iterated on that system or just the curriculum or whatever it may be in that high ticket service to the point of it getting results consistently and you having results with it right you've refined the system enough so that you are confident into by productizing it and putting it into a product and
accompanying it with a curriculum that teaches people how to use it and then Distributing that in a way that doesn't require your time so my advice is take your system and method for getting results reposition it towards a broader audience beginner level because you have a huge audience you want to leverage that use your results as initial social proof to have a six figure plus launch and then in terms of networking you should have been networking this entire time but you can network with bigger players now right you can DM people with a hundred thousand
to a million followers get on their good side let's say I grew on Twitter and I have a hundred thousand followers and I want to grow on Instagram so I reach out to someone on Instagram who has a hundred thousand followers and I'll be like hey I'll help you grow on Twitter if you help me grow on Instagram with the validated ideas that I have that's exactly what I did and that's how I have more Instagram followers than I do Twitter followers now so the second thing is to refine your ideas and diversify so the
graphic that we showed earlier Illustrated that my distribution Network or my brand had three key pillars right growth authenticity and Authority so here's another simplified graphic if you want to screenshot this just to keep it at the top of mind but growth comes from short form content Authority comes from product or service results authenticity comes from long form big idea synthesis and of course these all overlap each other right don't don't get narrow viewed into one of those that I just listed they all overlap it's just priority so in stage one eighty percent more or
less of your content should be focused on growth in stage two when you have a service that you can offer you start to incorporate more Authority or authenticity based content and depth and long form with like writing YouTube video podcast Etc so in stage 3 it's time to double down on your best ideas and use them to diversify your audience across different platforms so as I mentioned earlier I grew very quickly on Instagram and Linkedin by reaching out to Big accounts on those platforms showing them I had value with my following and time in the
game offering an exchange of services shares or money to help me grow in the most optimal way possible and I already had content that performed well you see I knew which ones led to the most followers I took that content I put it on the other platform and I used the knowledge or help from that other person to grow really fast on another platform you don't have to start with Twitter but I'm just telling you like how you can start to do this and Branch out because most people think it's just like money money is
how you do it no there's Social Capital if I have a hundred thousand followers that is extremely valuable to someone else that is trying to either promote to that audience or grow via that audience then I can vet them and see if my audience would actually enjoy that and exchange value so the third thing you do as a stage three Creator is to prioritize long form content so once you reach a point of high followers and high income it's time to reposition yourself more towards a synthesizer right developing those big ideas that stick in people's
heads or the mental Monopoly as I put it earlier and you can do this at the start as I said all of these are just like guidelines or help you become aware you can do this at the start but this is where it becomes very important for the future of your brand so you don't become a commodity because people are going to be copying you left and right I see this all the time on Twitter Instagram Etc I have something pop off and then the next day I see like 10 of the same posts with
the same exact thing that I said slightly different so it can't be considered plagiarism but they're not going to make it in the future I promise you that because they don't have the creative ability to consistently come up with novel perspectives so this is best done with long form like newsletters YouTube podcasts Etc and in short you pursue what interests you you study the big picture ideas of those interests right not the Minor Details not the minor nuances you study the big picture ideas when you read a book what's the five huge ideas that they
wrote that entire book around and then you sit with those ideas you go on a walk you experience life and with those you start to connect the dots through experience and just writing about them and taking note of them and being able to connect them and I'm building a software to help with this I wish I had it ready so I could promote it because it's going to be sick but stay tuned for the software around content synthesis so the third thing is note patterns based on your experience connect the dots with long form content
create your own versions of Concepts processes and philosophies and what I mean by this is if many of you know the Eisenhower Matrix right so the Eisenhower Matrix is a priority Matrix so it's things that you should pay attention to things that you should forget things that you should delegate Etc so if I had something for prioritizing my day and it made sense and it was like a system then I could name it my own right the Eisenhower Matrix is just a random name with a valuable idea or concept and with time that has grown
and people talk about it all the time so if I had one that was truly helpful for people and I distribute it via my content or a book and then other people start talking about it that's a contagious idea and it sticks in other people's heads and my ideas and my brand grows without me doing anything it's like a positive mind virus and so lastly take pieces of that long form content for your short form content and this is where things get really fun and fulfilling this is where I I didn't come up with the
concept of one person business but I took it and I gave it an entirely new meaning right one person business just stood for like people operating a business as one person with the technology of the internet but I turned it into the like productize yourself self-monetization turning you into the brand truly being a one-person business and doing what you love for living and actually being able to back that with systems that get that result and that's what makes me stand out among other people that talk about one person businesses and I've also named processes some
of you know them from other videos like intelligent imitation tactical stress the unknown and other things like that and this comes from applying my interests to my expertise so spirituality philosophy neuroscience and how that works with online business marketing branding Etc and I have enough exposure and experience and awareness in all of those domains because I'm not a specialist to no common patterns and piece together this uh long form content that is difficult to replicate as to methods there may be a million and then some but principles are few the man who grasp principles can
successfully select his own method so this entire letter was based on principles to an extent but mostly it was just my method of doing things right so don't take it as law question what I say and I don't mean in like a in a way way where you just like write everything out in the comments I mean question what I say test it experience it and if you come up with a better solution create content about it this is not the only way of doing business clearly and so don't narrow in on this and think
that it's the only way of doing business it's not the main lesson from this entire video should be what I always preach never stop learning never stop building never stop evolving don't get trapped in one of the stages evolve distraction and comfort are the only things that can get in your way self-actualize self-monetize and self transcend that is the end of the video so to end it again digital economics the master class with all of my systems and a cool little notion template to use for just running your entire business is now open to the
public you can check that links in the description there's also a two hour writer so my writing ecosystem and one thing to note with that is that if you buy to our writer it is a part of digital economics so if you don't want it digital economics is expensive so if you don't want to buy digital economics yet and want to learn how to write content and start growing buy to our writer because in one of the modules it gives you an option to upgrade to digital economics and and take off the price of two
hour writer and then the last thing things is modern Mastery Community uh subscribers can join for five bucks and then there's my power planner and seven days to genius ideas challenge those are both free and very helpful they're almost full-fledged courses so with that like subscribe and if you're not interested in anything that I just said uh at least leave a comment just telling me what you thought and with that I will catch you in the next video I promise it will be a good one peace
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