Solidity, Blockchain, and Smart Contract Course – Beginner to Expert Python Tutorial

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This course will give you a full introduction into all of the core concepts in blockchain, smart con...
Video Transcript:
hello everybody and welcome to the free code camp blockchain and solidity beginner to expert full course python edition we're going to go through everything you need to know for developing on a blockchain using solidity and engaging in the future of finance we're going to cover topics that will teach you all the skills you need to become a smart contract expert that you can take with you no matter which blockchain you're developing on blockchain engineers are in extreme demand and they're building billion dollar applications almost every day at this point at the time of filming protocols
like ave and synthetics have billions of dollars of locked value in them allowing people to engage in decentralized finance or defy this allows people to make censorship resistant moves and so much more some of these protocols with billions of dollars are even less than a year old so whether or not you're brand new to this space or you've been in here a while hi my name is patrick collins and i live in the smart contract world i'll be taking you through your journey to becoming a blockchain and smart contract expert a little bit of
background on myself i'm an engineer and developer advocate on the chain link protocol and i also have my own blockchain infrastructure company called alphachain where i run different nodes and different infrastructure for blockchains including one of the main technologies we're going to be talking about today which is ethereum i love being a pioneer in the smart contract ecosystem and i love taking new users like yourself along to the journey with us and we are going to teach you to become a smart contract expert building blockchain and solidity applications is building a world of more trust
and accountability it means building a financially free future and we get to be the ones that will go down in the history books as the pioneers of this space additionally blockchain and smart contract engineering skills are some of the most sought after in the world with an average salary of a solidity developer being between 150 and 175 000 in this video we're going to teach you how to become one of these developers and go out into the world and participate in the world of smart contracts in the world of blockchain this course is ideally for
engineers who know a little bit of python programming and you can have any level of smart contract engineering whether you're a complete beginner to blockchains and you don't even know what one is or you're an advanced solidity engineer and you're looking to learn more this is the perfect place for you having a little bit of experience in other object-oriented programming language like javascript as well will be helpful here too and if you're brand new to coding in general that's all right because we're going to take you step by step through everything if you do want
a little bit more in-depth python coding video there is a fantastic free code camp video in the description if you do prefer javascript we will also be releasing a javascript edition of this video as well but everything that you learn here will be applicable there and if you watch both you'll learn even more you can find the entire itinerary for this entire course along with all of the code associated with everything that we do and additionally discussions and support and everything else in this smart contract kit full blockchain solidity course pi github repository it has
a table of contents and then the entire itinerary of everything that we're going to go over in this course and like i said with helpful tips resources for getting support and resources for getting help now for your convenience every single piece of code that we're going to go over in this video has a github repository associated with it so be sure to grab the link in the description grab that github repository and look through all the different repos that we're going to give you if you ever get lost or need to refer to some code
or want to copy paste some code all of it will be there for you it'll also be a great place to reference in the future when you're working on some project and you want to remember how to do something so be sure to start and refer back to it as you watch this video so let's talk a little bit about some best practices for watching this video this space moves really quickly so if we show you some documentation it might be a good idea for you to open that documentation up as well read through it
as we do so you can stay up to speed now we've packed a ton of information in this video and studies have shown if you try to digest a massive amount of information in a short period of time your retention isn't as good so it's highly recommended that every 25 minutes to half an hour you take a five minute break and then every two hours maybe you take an additional 30 minute or an hour long break you can pause bookmark areas and come back later and learn at your own speed there are timestamps in the
description that will help you come back to where you left off and you don't even have to go in order if you want to bounce around from topic to topic you're absolutely free to do so we're also going to get really technical with the fundamentals of blockchain and if you want to just jump right into solidity you can jump down the timestamps below and get right into it and if you're watching this on youtube you can adjust the speed that i talk and then i give this presentation so if i'm talking way too quickly for
you you can slow it down or if i'm talking too slowly for you you can have me speed up so be sure to set me at the pace that you like best you are highly encouraged to pause come back and ask questions the blockchain in smart contract world is a very collaborative community so if you have questions some of the best places that you can go going to stack overflow and tagging your question with the specific technologies that you're working on make an issue on the github repo that we're working with go to stack exchange
eth and make a question there as well jump into the discord of the technology that you're working with or even on github discussions if those are there learning to become a blockchain and solidity engineer is actually a lot more than just learning solidity becoming comfortable with all the tools in the space is going to be just as essential as becoming familiar with solidity itself and continuing the conversation on maybe twitter or reddit or any of these other channels and maybe even showing your stuff in the next ethereum or chainlink hackathon are going to be majorly
beneficial to increasing your skill as an engineer now before we get actually coding a lot of people want to understand what is actually happening with all this blockchain stuff what is blockchain what is a smart contract how did this all get started and understanding these core fundamentals will actually shape the way you code and architect your smart contract applications so learning these is really really critical however if you're already familiar with blockchain and you just want to jump into the solidity feel free to grab a timestamp from the description and jump to that section now
since you're here though you've probably heard of bitcoin before bitcoin was one of the first protocols to use this revolutionary technology called blockchain the bitcoin whitepaper was released by the pseudo-anonymous satoshi nakamoto and it outlined how bitcoin could be used to make peer-to-peer transactions in a decentralized network this network is powered by cryptography and allows people to engage in censorship resistant finance in a decentralized manner due to some of the features of bitcoin a lot of people took it to be as a superior store of value over another asset like let's say gold and that's
why it's commonly referred to as digital gold similar to gold there is a scarce and set amount of it on the planet and people use it to buy and sell similar to other assets you can read more about the original vision in the white paper and there's a link to it in the description now this was a fantastic breakthrough and in a little bit we're actually going to look through how blockchains can actually work and how all of this is possible but some people took this and saw this technology and thought that they could do
even more a few years later a man named metallic buterin released a white paper describing a new protocol called ethereum which used this same blockchain infrastructure but with an additional feature and in 2015 they released this project called ethereum him and a number of other co-founders took this blockchain technology and applied it in ways that people can make entirely decentralized applications decentralize organizations and build smart contracts and engage in agreements without a third-party intermediary or centralized governing force their idea was to take the same pieces that made bitcoin great and add smart contracts to it
and in fact this technically wasn't even a new idea back in 1994 a man named nick zabo proposed a technology called smart contracts a smart contract is a self-executing set of instructions that is executed without a third party intermediary they come to life on a blockchain and these smart contracts are really going to be the core thing that we're going to be working with and we're going to be developing smart contracts are similar to regular traditional contracts that people make between each other but instead of writing these contracts down on pen and paper or typing
that on the computer it's entirely written in code the terms of the agreement are written in code and automatically executed by the decentralized blockchain network instead of being written pen and paper and executed by the two parties or three parties or however many parties involved this is one of the main differentiators between the ethereum protocol and the bitcoin protocol now technically bitcoin does also have smart contracts however they're not touring complete meaning that they don't have the full range of capabilities as a turing complete application like ethereum this is actually an intentional move by the
bitcoin developers they view the bitcoin network as an asset whereas ethereum and the ethereum and developers viewed that acid as an asset and also a utility for people to build these smart contracts now these smart contracts are revolutionary technologies and we're going to talk a little bit more about what their advantage is in a little bit but they actually come with a fatal flaw with what's known as the oracle problem these blockchains are deterministic systems and we'll learn why they're deterministic very soon and this determinism means that they're a walled garden meaning that everything that
happens in these smart contracts and on this blockchain happens in this little box now of course if you want these smart contracts to actually be these digital superior agreements then they need some way to interact with the real world and get real data and external outside the blockchain computation this is where oracles come into play oracles are devices that bring data into a blockchain or execute some type of external computation so great so oracles are the solution now blockchains can talk to the real world right well not quite our blockchains and smart contracts are these
decentralized applications and in order for them to stay decentralized that means they would also need to get their data and external computation from a decentralized manner as well your on-chain logic will be decentralized on the blockchain but you'll also need your off-chain data and external computation decentralized as well combining these on-chain logic settlement layers and these off-chain data and external computation builds what's called hybrid smart contracts and a large majority of d5 applications in the largest applications today are these hybrid smart contracts this is where the protocol chain link comes into play chain link is
a decentralized modular oracle network that allows you to bring data into your smart contracts and do external computation and it's these hybrid smart contracts that can have this on-chain settlement and interact with the real world in some meaningful way chain link is an incredibly powerful oracle network because it allows us to get data get randomness do some type of upkeep or really customize our smart contracts in any way we want and elevate them to do anything that we want them to do now throughout the course when we're talking about smart contracts oftentimes we are also
talking about hybrid smart contracts smart contracts is used a little bit interchangeably with hybrid smart contracts but just know that when we say hybrid smart contract we're talking specifically about smart contracts with an off chain component now throughout this video you'll hear people say smart contract you'll hear people say decentralized protocol decentralized application or dap and they kind of all are a little bit interchangeable a decentralized application is usually a combination of several smart contracts and when we start coding some solidity you'll see what a singular smart contract or singular contract looks like smart contracts
are going to be what we code write and deploy for the majority of this video and learning some of these fundamental concepts will allow us to be better smart contract and better solidity developers now since its inception the ethereum protocol has given rise to many new paradigms and industries including d5 nfts dows or decentralized autonomous organizations layer twos and so much more and a couple of other protocols have taken this ethereum vision and gone in a different direction with it like polygon polka dot or avalanche if we learn the core basics of smart contract development
on the ethereum platform all these skills translate to these other chains as well so don't worry about learning a specific tool or chain because most of them work together pretty seamlessly now there are a few exceptions to this rule and there are some smart contract platforms aka blockchains that don't use solidity however learning the fundamental skills here will still translate to every single other blockchain and ethereum is by far the most popular and most used smart contract blockchain or smart contract protocol you'll also hear those words used a little interchangeably as well sometimes i'll say
blockchain or sometimes i'll say smart contract platform smart contract protocol and the like similarly chain link is the most popular and powerful decentralized oracle network and is going to be the one that we're going to focus on here chain link is also blockchain and smart contract platform agnostic meaning it'll work on ethereum avalanche polygon polka or really any blockchain or smart contract platform out there even in this introduction we've already learned a lot so let's do a quick summary of what we've talked about bitcoin was the first application to take the blockchain technology into the
limelight and into a meaningful way bitcoin is a sort of digital gold able to make transactions between users as almost a sort of currency ethereum takes this blockchain technology one step further but you can also build smart contract or decentralized applications decentralized autonomous organizations and more because you can code with smart contracts these smart contracts can then access external data and external computation outside the blockchain using what's called oracles chain link is the most powerful decentralized oracle network and allows us to build these hybrid smart contracts which is a combination of decentralized on-chain logic settlement
layer and any decentralized external off-chain data or computation hybrid smart contracts and smart contracts are often used interchangeably now you're probably asking yourself a lot of questions right now like what makes bitcoin so interesting what makes it like a digital gold and how are these smart contracts going to add any value to the real world and that's what we're going to go into now so before we get into the nitty-gritty of how these blockchains and how these smart contracts actually work from a low level let's go high level and talk about some of the features
and massive advantages that blockchains and smart contracts have over our traditional environments the first feature that these have is they are decentralized and you'll hear this term used a lot because it has a massive benefit blockchains are decentralized meaning there's no centralized source that controls the blockchain the individuals that make up blockchain are known as node operators and they are the independent individuals running the software that connects the whole blockchain together it's all these different independent individuals that make the blockchain and blockchain like networks decentralized we'll dive deeper into that concept later great example of
why this is so fundamentally groundbreaking is if we go back to what happened recently even with robinhood and gamestop gamestop shares were no longer allowed to be bought because a centralized entity didn't want them to be bought anymore so they flipped a switch and nobody could buy that stock anymore essentially having a single entity controlling the entire financial market the fact that a single entity has the power to make these choices for us is a travesty and blockchain is here to solve that there's a narrative here called the bankless narrative where users can actually live
in a world where they don't have a bank banks while good in their own right have a history of doing some shady things they also have the power to potentially freeze your funds not letting you withdraw or move or do anything because they are a centralized entity that again can flip a switch and control how you interact with your life every day being free of these centralized entities have this much power and this much control over your life has widespread positive ramifications transparency and flexibility everything that's done on a blockchain and all the rules that
are made can be seen by everyone there's no backdoor deals there's no shady happenings everything that happens on chain you can see this means that there's no special information that a few have everyone has to play by the same rules and everyone can see exactly what those rules are now additionally this doesn't mean that everything you do is tracked the blockchain is pseudo-anonymous so you can create different accounts and you can interact with it in many different ways this leads me to my freedom point but i'll get there in a second speed and efficiency have
you ever tried to make a withdrawal from the bank and it took three to five days all the bank is doing is adding and subtracting numbers basic first grade math so why does it take so long because blockchains are verified by a decentralized collective the settlement or withdrawal period in this case is substantially faster and depending on the blockchain that you're using it can be from 10 minutes all the way down to just a couple of seconds in the stock trading or hedge fund world it can actually take up to a week for your buy
or sell of a stock to go through security and immutability blockchains are immutable which means they can't be changed and because of this it means that they can't be tampered with or corrupted in any way shape or form this allows us to have massive security on our data on our transactions and anything of the like if your computer goes down and your backup computers go down in the regular world your data is gone if all your data is on those two computers you're out of luck on a blockchain if several nodes go down it doesn't
matter because as long as one node and the entire system is running the data is safe and secure there are thousands or hundreds of thousands of nodes running these blockchain softwares meaning that everything that happens happens and is immutable and won't change hacking the blockchain is nearly impossible and substantially harder than hacking a centralized entity and this is also much more secure in the asset sense as well instead of having gold in a vault or contract written on a piece of paper or on your computer you have a asset that is locked on the blockchain
forever and all you need to do to access it is have a private key or mnemonic which is essentially a password so you don't have to lug your gold around or lug your contracts around with you it is always on the blockchain smart contracts in particular remove a massive conflict of interest in the traditional world when we engage with users or individuals they don't always have our best interests at heart a lot of them are usually self-motivated in some sense and there's nothing wrong with that that's how a lot of people are however when we
make an agreement with them this agreement can have a massive conflict of interest with the user who's supposed to execute that agreement let's take insurance for example if i pay an insurance provider 100 a month i'm paying them a hundred dollars and in the event that i get hit by a bus we've made an agreement or a contract that they're going to pay my medical bills or bail me out however they have this massive conflict of interest insurance companies aren't in the business of giving out money they're in the business of making money so even
though they've signed this agreement when this event occurs they still don't want to pay this money out to me and if they can find a loophole in the contract they will because that is what they are motivated to do so they sign this agreement but it's not in their best interest to do so so they have this massive conflict of interest and this is native in all of the agreements that we make today they are the ones who decides whether or not they're going to execute their agreement giving execution power to the party that doesn't
want to execute something has often led to frustration now the follow-up is you can always sue them and go through this process but now you're wasting all this time going through this long process to get something that you should have originally gotten in the first place this leads me to one of the biggest value adds to smart contracts smart contracts allow us to engage in trustless and trust minimized agreements we currently live in a world of brand-based agreements if i engage in some agreement and i don't like the service that i'm provided my alternative to
this is to waltz down the street to another brand to another service who's going to make the exact same set of promises to me and then i have to trust them that they're going to execute faithfully smart contracts allow us to move from this brand based agreements to math-based agreements these math-based agreements we don't even have to trust that they're going to do the right thing hence the name trustless one plus one is always going to equal two in a math world whatever the code determines is the input output that's exactly what's gonna happen every
single time now for me these really all add up to two major pieces freedom and trustless all these pieces allow us to live in a world that's more accountable more trusting more friendly and just better it allows us to work in an environment and a universe where things just work it allows us to do the freedom to engage with other people how we wish because there's no centralized controlling body influencing every action that we make all the rules are the same and nobody's getting special treatment this brings out this new world of economic opportunity as
well and as our lives become more and more digital we're constantly being bombarded with centralized services that want us to use their interface so they can profit on how we interact and force us or push us to making the decisions that they're motivated for us to make smart contracts decentralized applications and blockchain allows us to be free of these repressors and live in an environment that's truly free and trustless so with all that high level being said let's do a quick summary of what we just learned blockchains are decentralized meaning that they are not controlled
by a single centralized entity it is run by a network of independent users transparency blockchains are transparent everything that happens on a blockchain everybody else can see and everybody else can work with and see that everyone's playing by the same rules blockchains are quick and efficient especially when it comes to monetary policy settlement on blockchains are fast and easy immutability and security blockchains can't be changed or tampered with or corrupted and are incredibly incredibly secure smart contracts remove the massive conflict of interest traditional agreements have smart contracts allow us to move away from political brand-based
agreements to secure math-based agreements smart contracts allow us to engage in trustless and trust minimized agreements smart contracts are a set of instructions which when placed on a blockchain are self-executing pieces of code not run by any centralized intermediary in addition smart contracts are typically paired with some type of oracle to get some information about the real world when smart contracts are paired with an oracle they're called hybrid smart contracts chain link is a secure decentralized modular oracle network used to bring data into your smart contracts and also make some type of external computation i
also briefly want to mention dao's or decentralized autonomous organizations you'll hear this referred to a lot as well decentralized autonomous organizations are organizations that live online and live in these smart contracts they're similar to a regular organization in the traditional world however they have people who maybe hold governance tokens to make voting decisions or they do all their governance on chain on this decentralized settlement layer giving us the freedom to engage with each other as we please so now that we've taken our first dive into blockchains and smart contracts and at least from a high
level understood why they're so advantageous let's jump in let's get an ethereum wallet and let's make our first transaction on a live blockchain are you ready now let's jump into ethereum we're going to make our first interaction with the ethereum blockchain and once we do this interaction once we make this transaction then we're going to go back and look at what actually happened what were the technical implications that allowed this transaction to go through so in order for us to interact with the blockchain the first thing that we're going to need is an ethereum wallet
so i'm going to go ahead and go to metamask because it's one of the most popular wallets and one of the easiest to use we're going to go ahead and download it i'm using the brave browser but it works for chrome firefox or really any other browsers and it's just going to be a little extension in the top right hand of your browser this way we can really easily see at any time what we have in our wallet this will store all of our ethereum based currencies so i'm going to go ahead and install metamask
for brave add to brave add extension and now we can go ahead and get started with working with brave this is the first step you absolutely need to take when starting your journey and one of the easiest steps to take so we're going to go ahead and get started and we're going to create a brand new wallet so we're going to go ahead and hit create wallet if you already have a wallet you can actually import it via i have a seed phrase and we'll talk about the seed phrase or secret phrase in a little
bit so let's go ahead and create a new wallet and sure we'll agree to help out metamask now we will create our password make sure that this is really secure for the purpose of this demo my passwords are just gonna be password but please don't have that be a password now when i'm doing my testing when i'm doing my coding i actually use a separate account from the account that i actually have real money in however if you want to use this account and actually put real ethereum and put real money into it you absolutely
100 need to back this up so we're gonna go ahead and click reveal secret words i'm showing you guys here because uh this is just a demo and i don't really care however if you show this secret phrase to anybody else they will have access to all funds so everything that we're gonna do in this tutorial we're gonna use fake money we're gonna use not real money so it doesn't matter however if you're going to actually put money in here you absolutely need to have this written down because if you lose access to this and
or your private keys which we'll talk about in a little bit you will lose access to your wallet and you will lose access to all your funds so they give some tips like store this phrase and a password manager like one password write this phrase down on a piece of paper put it in a secure location memorize it whatever you want to do just make sure you have this backed up somewhere i'm just going to go ahead and hit download this for now and i'm going to save it on my computer it's not best practice
to save to your computer it is much better to use a password manager or write it down on a piece of paper or something but again because we're just demoing here i'm going to show you it here and we're not going to put any real funds into this so we're going to go ahead and hit next and we're it's going to ask us to make sure we and it's going to ask us to verify that we actually have it written down and we're gonna go ahead and hit confirm and great and it gives us a
couple other tips remember definitely take these tips very seriously especially if you're gonna use this for real money like i said for this demo we're just gonna use test money so it's not as big of a deal but if you put real money in you absolutely need to back up this seed phrase or secret phrase or we're going to refer to it as our mnemonic phrase awesome now we can see the user interface of this wallet and depending on your browser if you actually go ahead and look in your extensions you can pin it to
your browser and you can even just click it and get the same interface here let's take some inventory of what is actually going on in here and what we actually have our mnemonic phrase that secret phrase that we got has given us access to a new account and here's the address of our account we can use a tool like etherscan to view different addresses and what's been going on with them so if we look at this address that we just created on etherscan we can see that no transactions have happened it's empty it has zero
ether in it it has zero dollars worth of value in it and this address here is our unique address this address represents exclusively this single account that we just created we'll talk a little bit more about etherscan in a bit as it's a tool that we're going to use more and more now we can even click this circle here and we can even create more accounts and give it a different account name we'll call it account 2. this one has a different address so if we go ahead go back to etherscan and look this up
this one has a different address here so we can have multiple addresses in here and now if i click this i have two accounts account one and account two the mnemonic that we've been given gives us access to create multiple accounts with that same mnemonic so having that mnemonic will give us access to every single account that's ever created with that mnemonic this is why securing your mnemonic is so crucial especially if you create multiple different accounts now each account has a unique identifier with them as well so so this right here is the public
address when we copy this this is the public address of that account however there's also a private key to work with this account a secret key and we can go ahead and view it by clicking these three dots go to account details and export private key put our password in and confirm so this is going to be our private key so this is a single password associated with this account if you give somebody else access to this private key they will have access to my account too they won't have access to my account one because
the private key of account two is only associated with account two the mnemonic however is associated with all accounts and this is why when people say store your private keys in a safe place or store your keys in a safe face they're usually referring to both your mnemonic and your private keys if you lose your private key you lose access to this account if you lose your mnemonic you lose access to all your accounts so long story short back up your mnemonic since it has access to everything and back up your private keys too but
just keep in mind they only have access to the individual accounts and great those are some of the main security pieces here now what else is going on in metamask is we can see this section here that says ethereum mainnet if we click it we actually see a bunch of other networks in here so when you buy eth and when you work with eth you're working on the ethereum mainnet when you interact with smart contracts or d5 or any things that we're going to talk about later on mainnet with real value you're going to be
working on the mainnet however since we're engineers oftentimes we're going to want to test our applications or do some type of integration tests or just make sure our code actually works so there's also what's called test nets these are networks that resemble ethereum and work exactly the same way as ethereum does however they're not with real money and it's just for testing your applications so we can even go to ether scan and look up brinkp ether scan we can see the rink be test on explorer we look up at our address and it's the exact
same information here nothing has gone on on rink b and this is totally different so when we make a transaction these are all different networks and it says test network it's made to be made without real money later on we're actually going to show you how to work with other evm compatible chains don't worry about what evm compatible means for now but we can work with avalanche polygon and other applications through this networks interface as well so remember a testnet blockchain is a blockchain where the currency doesn't have any real value but it resembles and
acts exactly like the ethereum mainnet so we can test our applications so we can test and practice our applications in fact what we're going to do right now is make our first transaction on the rink b test net and this will simulate exactly what it's like to make a transaction on the ethereum mainnet so we're going to go to this application called the rink b faucet this is where we're going to make our first transaction ring b is going to be one of two test nets that we're actually going to work with the other test
net that we're going to work with is going to be coven it's important to know how to switch between test nets and evm compatible chains which is why we're going to be working with both for now we're just going to be working with rink b a faucet is a tested application that gives us free test ethereum hence why it has no value because anybody can get it for free from one of these faucets so to get tested ethereum with this application we actually have to post a tweet or a facebook post with this tweet so
i'm actually going to i'm going to sign in real quick and now that i'm signed in i can post this tweet requesting faucet funds into and this is where i'm going to put my address on the rinkby ethereum test network i'm going to go ahead and tweet that out now that i have this we're gonna copy link to tweet and we're gonna place it in here and we're gonna hit give me ether and we're gonna say 18.75 ether for three days and it said funding request accepted for patrick alpha c into this and what we
can do then is if we take this address again we go over to rink b ether scan we now see that the balance is 18.75 and we can even see that in our wallet on the ringbeat network we have 18.75 eth but again if we look at mainnet we have nothing there if we look at robson we have nothing there if we look at rink b we have 18.75 right so these are very different networks and we've just made our first transaction we've been given 18.75 eth and if we refresh this page we also see
that this is our first transaction that was made some account sent us 18.75 ether from this account to us and we can actually even look at the details of this transaction etherscan is what's known as a block explorer block explorers are applications that allow us to see details of things that happen on a blockchain easily we can see the transaction details of this transaction here and whenever we work with smart contracts we will also see them in a transaction similar to what we're seeing right here and again we'll talk about that soon now we can
see a number of information here we see a unique transaction hash this hash or this unique identifier uniquely identifies this transaction as the key of what this transaction is we see that it was a successful transaction this is the block number which we'll talk about in a little bit we see it was from this unique account which looks like they did a ton of transactions because this is the faucet account to our account that we created value was 18.75 ether and then we have these transaction fees gas price gas limit and gas used now gas
refers to the fee paid to node operators for successfully including a transaction in a blockchain now exactly how this works is actually going to change pretty soon but the concept is basically anytime you want to change the state of blockchain whether this is sending some ethereum or making any type of transaction you actually have to pay a little bit of ethereum or a little bit of that native blockchain token to actually execute that transaction whenever we do something on the blockchain it costs gas and if we do something that would take a lot of energy
for the blockchain to do it will cost more gas so if i send a single transaction that's going to cost 21 000 gas however if i were to do if i were to send a transaction that called the smart contract function and did a whole bunch of other stuff it would cost more gas so we see here when we got sent 18.75 eth whoever sent us that eth also paid the blockchain miners or the blockchain validators a little bit of ethereum to include our transaction now we actually get to pick how much of a fee
we want to send with our transactions so let's look at another example so in our accounts in metamask let's even expand the view here we have two different accounts we have account one and account two account one has 18.75 account two has zero we can actually send money from account one to account two and again remember this is all fake money so so we're gonna go ahead and hit transfer between my accounts so we're gonna send money to account two and here's where we can see some transaction details and we see the asset that we're
going to send which we only have ethereum in this wallet so we're only going to send ethereum later on we'll learn how to get different assets into this wallet we're going to choose an amount i'm just going to choose to send one and then we have these pieces here associated with the transaction fee so we have a gas price in guay and a gas limit so when we send a transaction we can choose a gas limit we can say hey if this transaction is going to spend more gas than 21 000 gas we're not going
to do it we also get to set a gas price in guay but here's the quick example of guay versus ethereum [Music] one ether is this many gray and one gray is this much ether because if we just said hey could you send me .00001 that would be kind of really obnoxious so we just just say send me one way or send me one way so i know we've been throwing this gas term around for a little bit but here is it basically simplified gas is going to be the measurement of how much computation something
uses the gas price is going to be how much it costs per unit of gas a gas limit is going to be the maximum amount of gas that can be used in transaction so for example if we make a transaction that uses 21 000 gas and each one gas is one way in price that means we're going to pay 21 000 way in transaction fee so back in our transaction we have we're saying the gas price is going to be one way so the transaction fee is going to be the gas that we use which
will be up to this gas amount times the gas price so it'll be 21 000 way will be the transaction fee so then the question is well why would we ever bump it up why would we want to pay more gas price why do i even have the option to pay more well and this comes down to block space we'll talk about this a little bit more when we get into how the blockchain actually works but the blockchain can only process so many transactions at a time and nodes and blockchain nodes can only process so
many at a time so when i make a transaction a node has to decide why they want to include my transaction into the block and if there are a ton of people looking to make these transactions then the nodes are going to be highly incentivized to pick the transactions that are going to give them a high price that are going to give them a lot of money for including that transaction so this is what's called eath gas station and it is a a gas estimator of the blockchain it currently says that if you want to
get your transaction in right away it's going to cost you 31 way to do so if you want to get it in less than five minutes it's going to take you maybe about 21 gway so the gas prices of ethereum fluctuate with how much people use it and the gas prices of all these blockchains fluctuate with how much people use it so this is an important concept so typically when you're setting your gas price in a transaction you can take a look-see at you know gas station and say okay if i want mine to go
in right away i'm going to do asap if i want to go in fast maybe i'll do you know this fast amount standard i'll do this standard amount but it all depends on how many people are looking to work with this blockchain at the same time and and as you can see it fluctuates pretty quickly right it just went all the way up to 46 so maybe more people are using the blockchain now this is obviously for the eth main net and on the test net there's not going to be that same competition but we
can still change it anyway so if i go ahead and do 100 for the gas price and i hit next and i hit confirm if i go to activity i now have this transaction in my metamask but i can go ahead and view this on etherscan as well and we can see this is what it looks like when it's still processing this transaction and now we can see that it's passed and now if we look at the gas price we see it's a hundred gray and this is what we set it as when we were
working with it before so gas prices 100 way here versus our first original transaction was just one way now if we look at our metamask we can see that the funds have indeed been subtracted from this account and they have been added to this account now there's one eighth in this account awesome and you can see the activity there's one ethan here so again the reason that these gas prices exist is because nodes can only put so many transactions into a block so they're highly incentivized to input the transactions that are going to give them
a higher fee so in times when a lot of people are looking to use a blockchain prices will get very high and when very few people are using a blockchain prices will be very low this ether scan tool is incredibly incredibly powerful and we'll be using it more and more as time goes on now here's something that's incredibly exciting with just this little bit of information you now know how to interact with blockchains and interact with the ethereum protocol so if you don't want to learn how to code anything you can go and you can
start interacting with ethereum and interact with protocols with just this much information however i know most of you guys are here to learn how to code so let's look under the hood of ethereum and what is actually going on with these transactions and with these gas and with these blockchains and what's really going on let's learn all the fundamentals of a blockchain now if you want to just go ahead and jump into the coding go ahead and grab a timestamp from the description however learning exactly how the blockchain works is going to make you an
incredibly powerful developer so let's take a look at that first so we're going to be going through this blockchain demo on this site right here now the creator of the site has a fantastic video and a fantastic walkthrough blockchain 101 it is right on their site so if you're looking for another explanation definitely check out his video it is absolutely fantastic but the first thing that we really need to do in order to understand blockchain in order to find really anything and everything that's going on here we first really need to understand this shot 256
hash or hashing just kind of in general let's first understand what a hash is a hash is a unique fixed length string meant to identify any piece of data they are created by putting some piece of data into a hash function in this example the hashing algorithm used is sha256 now ethereum actually uses this this right here for its hashing algorithm which isn't quite um sha256 but is in kind of this shaw family but it's it's really just another way to hash things and uh the specific hash algorithm doesn't matter uh so much so uh
this example uses sha-256 but you can imagine it's the same as the ethereum hash they're just gonna you know result in a different hash so what's going to happen in this application here is whatever data or whatever information we put into this data section here as you can see below this hash changes so what's happening is this data is running through the sha 256 hash algorithm and it's outputting this unique hash so this hash is a unique fixed length string that's going to identify like a blank data piece here right so if i put in
you know my name like you know patrick collins this is the hash that's going to represent patrick collins right and you can see even when i put you know tons and tons of data in here the length of the string doesn't change right so it's always going to be the same amount we can put almost any amount of data in here there is an upper limit on the max size of the data but for all intents and purposes we can pretty much put any length in here and you'll see too that you know every time
i type in patrick collins this hash is always going to be this 7e5b right i'm going to delete i'm going to do patrick collins again you know seven e5b it's always this this unique hash is always going to be unique right it's always gonna be this fixed length string here so now we can take this idea right of putting this data in here and we can move on to uh this concept of a block so with this block concept we're going to take the exact same thing with this hash this this data section right but
instead of having everything just being this this singular data area right here we're going to split this data up into block nuns and data so all so what we're going to do is we're actually going to hash all three of these to get to get this hash right we're going to put all three of these we're going to say all three of these are combined uh together we're going to put every all three of them into this hashing algorithm uh to figure it out so if i type a bunch of stuff here we can see
that block one with nuns you know this nonce and this data we're gonna get this hash and as you can see actually the screen turns red this block turned red now what happens when i hit this mine button when i hit this mine button it's actually going to take some time it's going to think for a little bit and we can see that the nuns here actually changed right the nuns is different from what it was before and this hash now starts with four zeros okay and then it the the back turned green when we're
talking about mining we're talking about miners solving some type of very difficult problem that takes a lot of time to do now in this example here the problem that the miners had to solve was they had to find a nuns or or a value in this nun section that when hashed with at block number one with this data it would start with four zeros so the problem here the miners had to solve was to start with four zeros and the only way for them to really do that is kind of this brute force you know
trying stuff so they tried one okay one didn't work okay two nope two didn't work three no four or five six okay five well that started with one zero but it's not four and they have to keep trying all these numbers until they uh get to this one where you know let's hit mine again where it has four zeros at the top at the start now this specific problem changes blockchain to blockchain right ethereum has a different problem for miners to solve um bitcoin has different problems for minor itself but this concept is going to
be the same so they have to take one block is going to be this uh this concept is going to be all this data it's going to be the block number and it's going to be this nunce right and so this nunce is the solution um is is going to be the the number that they use to get like the solution to the problem right so if i go to one here you know when i do this again i'm gonna hit mine and the nuns has changed right it went from one to thirty three thousand
one hundred and twenty eight because this is the nuns that allowed this hash to start with four zeros and so that's what's happening when uh blockchain miners are mining they're going through this process this very computationally intensive process of trying to find a nuns that fulfills whatever the problem is so that's really it actually so that's a block and that's really what's happening when miners are mining they're just looking there's trial and error brute force trying to find this nut so so now that we know what a block is let's go to the next step
and figure out okay well what's a block chain so here we have an example of what a block chain is going to look like right we have a combination you know we have back here in the block section we have one what one block looks like now here we have multiple different blocks right each one of these represents a different block but we have an additional column here or we have additional uh variable here so like before you know we have block nuns and data right we have block nun's data but we also have this
thing called previous right and so this is actually pointing to the previous hash of the last block so for example if we go to the the last block in this blockchain it says previous is 008 and if we look at the hash of block number four it's zero zero zero zero eight e eight and then we look at its previous it's uh four zeros b9 we have four zeros b9 and so on all the way back to our first block which has previous of just all zeros right and so the block with the previous of
all zeros is going to be known as the genesis block so you've probably heard that before the genesis block it's the first block in the blockchain where the previous hash points to a hash that doesn't actually exist now as you can imagine kind of the same as how this block worked how the block nuns and data all go through the hashing algorithm in the blockchain the block nuns data and previous hash all go through this hashing algorithm to figure out you know what the hash is okay so if we go to over here you know
for example if i type in you know patrick obviously this is now no longer valid right because this nuns uh combined with the block the data and the previous hash aren't gonna solve you know our problem of having four zeros at the start right so i'm going to go and fix that and and that's that's kind of an easy way to see it being broken but but let's take a look if i break this block right here what happens if i if i break the data in here if i do like trick in here you
can see that both of these are now red both of these are now invalid right because the block hashed with the nuns hash with the new data which is my name patrick has worked hashed with the previous block is now a brand new hash right and this block is still pointing to this previous hash right here right it's pointing to this previous block and now it is wrong and it is messed up and now um and now it's nuns with this previous hash is also wrong right and this is where when we talk about uh
blockchains being immutable this is exactly how it's immutable right because if i go back and i change anything you know if i've just typed a right here the entire blockchain is now invalidated because none of these are going to have nunses that solve this equation anymore so this is why blockchains are immutable is because anytime you change one thing you ruin the rest of the blockchain okay so however though you know if if an a was here originally we can go ahead and mine these we can mine all these but as you can see you
know this is going to start getting very computationally expensive because i have to go redo basically the entire blockchain and the farther and farther down the line you get the harder and harder it becomes to you know rehash and redo all these different blockchains here now this makes a lot of sense right so we have this blockchain it's really hard to change something in the past but if we do we can just go ahead and remind it now if i'm the one who controls the blockchain right if i'm the one who controls this you know
and i want to change something in the past well okay great all i got to do is change this data here and then you know mine each one of these and you know obviously it's going to be very computationally expensive but it's something that i can do right if i'm the one who owns the blockchain now here's where the decentralized nature or the distributed nature really uh makes it incredibly powerful so we're gonna go to the distributed tab here which i also refer to as the decentralized tab here it's going to show us what a
blockchain looks like in a decentralized manner so we have this exact same initial setup here we have distributed blockchain we have you know our first block chain which is kind of exactly as the one from here but we also have more than one so we have peer a peer b and peer c and when people are talking about peer to peer appear to be your transactions they're really talking uh this is kind of that concept that they're talking about right so we have a number of different peers who are running this blockchain technology they're all
weighted equally right each one of these peers or each one of these nodes each one of these entities running a blockchain has the exact same power as anybody else right so the way that we can tell very easily which blockchain is correct or which ones are correct are by looking at this end hash here right or by looking at where we are in the blockchain because again remember because again remember this this hash that this this in this last block here is going to encompass all of the blocks from before right because this last hash
is going to have the previous hash here which includes the previous hash here which this hash includes the previous hash here in which so this last hash is encompasses everything in here right and we can look we can look at the hash of pure c which is four zeros and then e4b we can look at the latest hash of peer b which is four zeros e4b and then pure a which is for zeros e4b so all of these peers all of these nodes all of these decentralized you know these independent all these independent users running
this blockchain software they're all matched up it's very easy for their nodes to look at each other and say hey great we are all matched up now what let's say that a decides that you know something happened on the blockchain that they didn't like and they wanted to go back and change something right so let's say they change here you know obviously the rest of their blockchain is invalidated and they have to spend a lot of computational power to catch up to speed so let's go ahead and humor it let's say that they they did
they ended up catching up uh they ended up catching up you know they ended up mining everything and now they have a valid blockchain right it solves the equation awesome however in block number three there's something new right this is here and it shouldn't have been here this is something that pier a put in by themselves all that happens now is we look at all the blockchains that are running the software and we're looking at all the hashes at hash at block number five so pier a has this new hash now 009 bc but peer
b has a different hash 0 e4b right so who's right is it is it pier a with their new stuff or is it peer b well that's where the decentralizator comes in because then we can look at pier c and pierce c also has e4b so pure b and pure c both say hey pure a you're wrong get out right and peer a will stop being able to participate in the mining rewards because they have essentially forked uh the blockchain and started their own little blockchain right with their own history because they're the only ones
with this this piece of data in block three whereas peer b and peer c have nothing in there so that really shows why uh in these blockchain worlds in this decentralized world there really is no central identity you know pier a you know might have been maliciously motivated to change you know this block number three however democracy rules right the majority rules in the blockchain peer b and pc both say hey you know that's cute and all pure a but you're wrong right that that's not right now it might be a little abstract that you
just look at data and you know us typing kind of random stuff in here and think okay yeah that's that's data right that makes sense you know just kind of random strings in here doesn't really do anything for us so if we actually go over to the token section here this is where everything really starts to make a lot of sense so we have the exact same setup here with peer a peer b peer c except the difference is instead of having kind of this this data section we have this tx this transaction section right
and this represents all the transactions that are happening in this block right so we're we're sending 25 dollars from darcy to bingle or to bingley uh force uh four dollars and 27 cents here uh 1922 right and it's the exact same thing so this all these transactions are going to get hashed in the exact same way uh that the data is going to get hashed and and this is why it's so powerful because again you know if i want to be malicious right if uh if i want to say hey i really wanted to give
jane a lot more money from elizabeth so i'm pure a and i go back and i change it to 100 well now you know not only do i does my whole blockchain get invalidated because that was so far so long ago but i'm not going to match any of these other chains right and so my blockchain is going to be excluded from the overall blockchain so and let's let's go ahead and fix this and it's the same thing if down here if i become malicious and i want to send you know i want uh miss
audrey to have less money maybe i want to send a dollar and i go ahead and mind it the same thing here this hash now this 2a1 is not going to match peer b's pre-b's hash of bba and it's not going to match pc's hash of bba as well so the two of them are going to say hey this your blockchain isn't valid it's not matching the majority you know you're out right so that's really how these blockchains work at a low level and it all goes back to this this understanding this hash idea and
using it in this very sophisticated manner uh to kind of cryptographically prove um you know where where stuff lies now the way the blockchain works is that instead of random stuff put in this data section it's actually going to be solidity code in here to finding ways to interact with different blocks and different protocols that are on chain or as we've said before different smart contracts now the next question that you might be asking is okay well how do i know how can i be sure that i'm the one uh you know let's say this
is let's say i'm darcy right how can i be sure that i was that darcy was the one to actually send this money here how do we know that darcy sent 25 to bingley well this is where we get into uh private keys and public keys and that's what we're going to go into now let's just do a quick recap of what we've learned in this section so far right we've learned that ethereum actually runs on this ketchup 256 but you know we used shot to v6 for this demo it doesn't really matter we're just
talking about hashing algorithms so again a hash is a unique fixed length string meant to identify any piece of datum a hash algorithm or a hash function is a function or algorithm that computes any type of data into a unique hash mining is the process of finding the solution to the blockchain problem in our example the problem was to find a hash that starts with four zeros whenever a node mines a block they get paid a little bit of that gas we were talking about earlier for doing something a block in a blockchain is basically
a combination of a block nonce transaction and previous hash to create this unique hash for this block and again depending on the blockchain implementation this might have a couple other fields or might have different fields but this is essentially what's going on blockchains are decentralized and distributed because many independent users are going to run this blockchain software and they will check and they will compare against each other to see which blockchains are acting honestly and which ones are acting maliciously in the blockchain world majority rules the nuns here is the answer used or the number
used to get this hash now nuns is kind of an overloaded term it's actually used for a number of different reasons in this case we're using it to solve this problem of getting you know four or five zeroes at the stop of the hash however in ethereum it'll also be often used as the number of transactions from a given address so now we're going to talk a little bit about signing these transactions and private keys and some other cryptography pieces right because in this blockchain demo here we can see we hover these these fantastic transactions
right all these things went through but how do we know that it was darcy who was the one to send 25 to bingley right how do we know that actually happened and this is where all those pieces that we just learned about uh in our our test net in our metamask account are really going to start to to come to life here a little bit here so here we have an example of public and private keys okay at the top we have this private key right that was that was randomly generated a private key is
is you know as it kind of states is a key that you really want to keep secret because you're going to be using this as kind of your secret password for all your transactions right i can really pick you know any any any private key anything that i want and with it uh this algorithm they're going to use an algorithm you know for ethereum in bitcoin they both use this elliptic curve digital signature algorithm it's a variant of just a digital signature algorithm and it's going to create this this public key right i'm really not
going to go at all into kind of this digital signature algorithm but just know it does use some of these some of the hash knowledge that we just learned combined with some other pieces to kind of get this this public here so i'm not going to go too deep into it but we have this private key that we create and we get this public key now this public key we want everybody to have access to right this is yeah whole world can see this this private key we really want it to be uh private we
don't want people to see this we're going to use this private key as like a password to quote unquote digitally signed transactions and then people can verify them with this public key so let's let's see what this actually looks like let's pick a random key a more secure key right because the longer it is the more secure it's going to be and if we go to signatures now right let's say we have this this message that we want right we'll say hi world right we want this to be the message what's going to happen is
this private key that we've created we can use to sign this data right remember how in the blockchain demo you know we were kind of we were hashing stuff right we were we're using this uh shay256 hash to to get this hash well we're doing something similar but instead of hashing we're we're using this digital signature algorithm to create this message signature now what's really powerful about how this uh this algorithm works is that you can create this message signature with your private key but somebody else can't derive your private key from the message signature
and that's what makes this really really powerful however if we go to verify using this public key right and so this is the this is that o four zero three this is that same public key using this using this public key anybody can verify let's go ahead and sign again anybody can verify that the signature is yours right so you have a public a private key just for you so you can sign things and a public key that anybody can verify something right so anybody can verify this and let's say somebody tries to fake a
transaction from you they say hey you know this is this is this is their transaction all they have to do is verify that this signature against your public key and very easily this whole thing turns red because it isn't verified right the the algorithm says hey that's wrong so we can go ahead and take that into transactions in this exact same way so if i want to send money you know if i want to send 400 from you know my address to another address using my private key i can sign that transaction and anybody else
in the world can then verify this transaction right and this is why when people say hide your keys you know protect your keys this is what we're talking about in our accounts here right if we go to uh settings and again the only reason that i'm showing you guys my mnemonic in my private key is because this is a uh this is a dumpster account i'm gonna throw this away at the end of this video or i'm just not gonna put any real money in it um but when we look at our our metamask here
we have this mnemonic phrase which allows us to easily get these different private keys right so demonic phrase combined uh with you know whatever account number will get us a private key so demonic phrase combined with one we're going to get this private key and this is when we look at account details export private key password confirm this is going to be the private key that we're going to use to sign our transactions right this if anybody else gets access to this private key they then can sign transactions for us and they can send transactions
for us and that's why we want to keep these private so it works the exact same way right so this is why it's so important to hide your private keys and hide your mnemonics now your ethereum address is actually a piece is actually a piece of your public key now to get our address in ethereum all we have to do is take this public key that we've created with our private key hash it using that same ethereum hashing algorithm and then take the last 20 bytes and that's how we'll actually derive to our um to
our address here now knowing the exact methodology of how to get the address doesn't really matter because it could change blockchain to blockchain and could even change an too but just know that that is essentially how kind of these addresses are derived right there's some derivative of the public key right because the public key is public and you know using the public key in kind of any public way is is totally fine but not the private key so that is how we sign our transactions note though this isn't how we send the transaction so so
this is just going to sign it create a transaction for us to send we'll learn later on how to send these transactions so that was a lot of information there too let's do a quick recap your public key is derived by using a digital signature algorithm on your private key right and you want to keep your private key private at all times because you're going to use your private key to sign transactions signing transactions with your private key you are the only one who can actually do this because you can't get the private key from
a message signature however using your public key you can anybody can very easily verify that a signature that's signed by you is in fact signed by you in our metamask our private keys are located in this account details section you just hit show private keys and type in your password and you'll get your private key here a quick note here is often times when using your private key somewhere they want it in hexadecimal form so if we're going to use our private key for something like brownie which we'll go into later we need to actually
append in a 0x to the front but we'll get into that later and the address of your account is derived from this so if you think about it your private key creates your public key which then can create your address and there's a little barrier or a big barrier here because your private key you want to keep private and your public key and your address can all be public information awesome so now that we know all the cryptography pieces and all the little nitty gritties of how the blockchain actually works and how our signatures work
and how everything sticks together let's talk a little bit about how this works in actuality and what's really going on now for a lot of this each different blockchain has slightly different algorithms and slightly different metrics and criteria for doing a lot of the stuff so when we're talking about these specific implementations keep in mind the exact algorithm might be a little bit different but the concepts are all still going to be exactly the same hashing and hash function is going to be the same no matter where you look a decentralized blockchain is going to
be the same no matter where you look how it's actually implemented is going to be a little bit different now traditionally when you run an application you know be it a website or something that connects to some server you are interacting with a centralized entity and unlike how we saw with the blockchain with multiple different peers it's going to be run by a single centralized group now it still could be run on many different servers but all those servers are still going to be controlled by the same centralized group blockchains as we saw run on
a network of different independent nodes when we saw peer a peer b peer c those were different examples of different independent users running the blockchain technology on their own node now when i use the term node i'm usually referring to a single instance of a decentralized system so when i say a single node when i'm talking about a blockchain i'm talking about one of those peer a's peer b's pcs running that blockchain software i'm talking about one server running this technology and again it's this network it's this combination of these nodes interacting with each other
that creates this entire blockchain what makes this so potent too is that anybody can join the network and that's why there's decentralized the barrier to entry is a little bit of hardware requirements you're getting the correct materials to run the software and then you running the software anybody can join these networks and participate and that's what makes it truly decentralized in fact you can go to github right now and run your own ethereum node in a few seconds now in the traditional world applications are run by centralized entities and if that entity goes down or
is maliciously bribed or decides that they want to shut off they just can't because they're the ones that control everything blockchains by contrast don't have this problem if one node or one entity that runs several nodes goes down since there are so many other independent nodes running that it doesn't matter the blockchain and the system will persist so long as there is at least one node always running and luckily for us most of the most popular chains like bitcoin and ethereum have thousands and thousands of nodes and as we showed in our demo if one
node acts maliciously all the other nodes will ignore that node and kick that out or even punish it in some systems because they can easily check everybody else's node and see okay this one is out of sync with the majority and yes majority rules when it comes to the blockchain each blockchain keeps a full list of every transaction and interaction that's happened on that blockchain and we saw if a node tries to act maliciously then all their hashes are going to be way out of whack and they're not going to match everybody else this gives
blockchains this incredibly potent immutability trait where nothing can be changed or corrupted so in essence we can think of a blockchain as a decentralized database and with ethereum it has an extra additional feature where it also can do computation in a decentralized manner now let's talk consensus proof of work and proof of stake because you've probably heard these before and they're really important to how these blockchains actually work we went through that blockchain example and we did that mining feature this is what's known as proof of work proof of work and proof of stake fall
under this umbrella of consensus and consensus is a really important topic when it comes to blockchains consensus is defined as the mechanism used to reach an agreement on the state or a single value on the blockchain especially in a decentralized system i briefly alluded to this consensus mechanism in our blockchain example when i said if one changes something and the other two don't then majority will rule and kick that one out this is part of that consensus mechanism now very roughly a consensus protocol in a blockchain or decentralized system can be broken down into two
pieces a chain selection algorithm and a civil resistance mechanism that mining piece that we were doing or or the proof of work algorithm is what's known as a civil resistance mechanism and this is what ethereum and bitcoin currently use please note that depending on when you're watching this if eth2 is out then it's no longer proof of work now proof of work is known as a civil resistance mechanism because it defines a way to figure out who is the block author which node is going to be the node who did the work to find that
mine and be the author of that block so all the other nodes can verify that it's accurate civil resistance is a blockchain's ability to defend against users creating a large number of pseudo-anonymous identities to gain a disproportionately advantageous influence over said system and in layman's terms it's basically a way for a blockchain to defend against somebody making a bunch of fake blockchains so that they can get more and more rewards now there are two types of the civil resistance mechanisms that we're going to talk about here namely proof of work and proof of stake let's
talk about proof of work a little bit more in depth first in proof of work this is silver resistant because a single node has to go through a very computationally expensive process called mining which we demonstrated earlier to figure out the answer to the blockchain's riddle of finding that correct nonsore or whatever the blockchain system has in place in proof of work this works because no matter how many pseudo-anonymous accounts you make each one still has to undergo this very computationally expensive activity of finding the answer to the proof-of-work problem or the proof-of-work riddle which
again in our demonstration it was finding a nunce with that first four zeros but again each blockchain might change the riddle work or change the problem to be a little bit different in fact some of these blockchains make this riddle intentionally hard or intentionally easy to change what's called the block time the block time is how long it takes between blocks being published and it's proportional to how hard these algorithms are so these problems actually can change depending on how long they want the block tone to be if the system wants the block time to
be very very long they just make the problem very very hard if they want to be very short to make the problem a lot easier we'll talk about civil attacks in a little bit and how they can affect the system but with proof of work it's a verifiable way to figure out who the block author is and be civil resistant now you need to combine this with a chain selection rule create this consensus now there are some consensus protocols that have more features but very very roughly these are the two pieces that we're going to
look at the second piece is going to be a chain selection rule how do we know which blockchain is actually the real blockchain and the true blockchain now on bitcoin and ethereum they both use a form of consensus called nakamoto consensus and this is a combination of proof of work and longest chain rule the decentralized network decides that whichever blockchain has the longest chain or the most number of blocks on it is going to be the chain that they use this makes a lot of sense because every additional block that a chain is behind it's
going to take more and more computation for it to come up that's why when we saw in our transaction we actually saw confirmations the number of confirmations is the number of additional blocks added on after our transaction went through in a block so if we see confirmations is two it means that the block that our transaction was in has two blocks ahead of it in the longest chain now i do want to point out that a lot of people use proof of work as a consensus protocol and i do want to say that this is
a little bit inaccurate but sometimes people use it interchangeably proof of work is a piece of the overall consensus protocol which in bitcoin and ethereum one's current case is nakamoto consensus nakamoto consensus is a combination of proof of work and its longest chain rule both equally and very very important now proof of work also tells us where these transaction fees and these block rewards go to remember how when we made this transaction we had to talk about gas and a transaction fee so who's getting paid who is getting this transaction and this transaction fee is
going to the miners or the validators in a proof of work network they're called miners and in the proof of stake network they're called validators there are a little bit different and we'll get into that when we talk about proof of stake in this proof of work system all these nodes are competing against each other to find the answer to the blockchain riddle remember in our example it was to find a hash that has four zeros at the start and again depending on the blockchain implementation that riddle is going to be a little bit different
but all the nodes are trying as many as possible to try to get this answer first why because the first node to figure out the answer to the blockchain rule is going to get that transaction fee they're going to get paid from that now when a node gets paid they actually get paid in two different ways one is going to be with a transaction fee and another piece is going to be the block reward remember how we talked about alternating the gas price or the way on our transaction well that's the transaction fee that we're
going to pay to these blockchain nodes for including our transaction the block reward is given to these nodes from the protocol from the blockchain itself you've probably heard of the bitcoin having before the having is referring to this block reward getting cut in half and it's supposed to be cut in half roughly every four years this block reward increases the circulating amount of whatever cryptocurrency that is being rewarded for example on ethereum the block reward is giving out ethereum and on bitcoin the block reward is giving out bitcoin so these nodes are competing against each
other to be the first one to find this transaction to be the first one to find the answer to this problem so that they can be the ones to win both this block reward and your transaction fee some blockchains like bitcoin for example have a set time when they are no longer going to give out block rewards and the miners or the nodes are only going to get paid from transaction fees now this gas fee again is paid by whoever initialized the transaction when we got our funds from the faucet there was some server and
somebody else was paying the transaction fee for us however when we sent ether from one account to another our first account actually paid some transaction fee to send that ether in proof of stake there's also a gas fee but it's paid out to validators instead of miners and we'll talk about that in a little bit now let's talk about two types of attacks that can happen in these blockchain worlds let's talk about the first one being the sybil attack the simple attack is when a user creates a whole bunch of pseudo-anonymous accounts to try to
influence a network now obviously on bitcoin and ethereum this is really really difficult because the user needs to do all this work in proof of work or have a ton of collateral in proof of stake which again we'll talk about in a bit the other more prevalent attack is what's known as a 51 percent attack now as we saw as part of our consensus protocol these blockchains are going to agree that the longest chain is the one that they're going to go with so long as it matches up with 51 percent of the rest of
the network this means that if you have the longest chain and you have more than 51 percent of the rest of the network you can do what's called a fork in the network and bring the network onto your now longest chain now sybil attacks obviously are when a single node or a single entity tries to affect the decentrality of the network by pretending to be multiple different people although they're just the same person or entity and like i said it's really difficult to do in proof of work and proof of stake so you can see
now that blockchains are very democratic whichever blockchain has the most buy-in and is the longest is the blockchain that the whole system is going to corroborate when nodes produce a new block and add to the longest chain the other nodes will follow this longest chain that the rest of the network is agreeing with add those blocks to their chain and follow up so very small reorganizations are actually pretty common when a blockchain picks a block from a different longest chain puts it on and then has to swap it out for another block and continue with
a different blockchain however if a group of nodes had enough nodes or enough power they could essentially be 51 of the network and influence the network in whatever direction that they wanted this is what's known as a 51 attack and it's happened on blockchains like ethereum classic which is not ethereum this is why the bigger a blockchain is the more decentralized and the more secure it becomes so after you watch this video and you become a blockchain engineering expert i definitely recommend you run a note as well because you are going to increase the security
of the network as a whole by running a node so proof of work is fantastic because it allows us to very easily protect against these civil attacks and keep our blockchains decentralized and secure however it has some drawbacks as well proof of work costs a lot of electricity because every single node is running as fast as they can to win this race to get the rewards this leads to obviously an environmental impact now since proof of work and nakamoto consensus a lot of other protocols have taken this idea and gone in a different direction with
a different civil resistance protocol a lot of them with the intention to be a lot more environmentally friendly and the most popular one right now is proof of stake there are some chains that are already using this proof-of-stake protocol and that are live and thriving some of them are like avalanche solana polygon polkadot and terra and additionally ethereum has decided to upgrade to eth2 which will have this of stake algorithm as well it'll also have some other features which we'll talk about in a bit now as a quick aside all the tools that we're going
to learn here are still going to work in eth2 so depending on when you watch this everything here is still valid so let's talk about proof of stake now again this is a different civil resistance mechanism instead of solving this difficult problem proof of stake nodes put up some collateral that they're going to behave honestly aka they stake in the example of ethereum 2 nodes put up some ethereum as a stake that they're going to behave honestly in the network if they misbehave to the network they are going to be slashed or removed some of
their stake obviously this is a very good civil resistance mechanism because if you try to create a whole bunch of anonymous accounts then each one of those accounts you have to put up some stake and if you misbehave you're going to run the risk of losing all the money that you put up as collateral in this system miners are actually called validators because they're no longer binding anything they're actually just validating other nodes now unlike proof of work which every node is racing to be the first one to find the block in proof of stake
nodes are actually randomly chosen to propose the new block and then the rest of the validators will validate if that node has proposed the block honestly as we saw with our cryptography lesson it's usually very easy for other nodes to verify if a proposal or a transaction is honest now randomness is a really important topic when we're talking about blockchains because keep in mind these blockchains are deterministic systems they're walled gardens from the rest of the world and as you know a determinic system by definition can't have random numbers so how do we choose the
random validators in the system well it changes from blockchain to blockchain and actually choosing the node will change blocks you to blockchain but in eth2 they're using what's called randow at least for the original implementation this is a decentralized autonomous organization that collectively chooses the random number and collectively chooses which node is going to run next we aren't going to dive too deep into this because there's a good chance that this might change in the future but we will go into randomness solutions in blockchain later on in this course now proof of stake obviously has
some pros and cons as well pros are that again it is a great civil resistance mechanism and a great way to figure out who the author of a block should be the other pros are that it's way less computationally expensive to figure out the new block because instead of every single node on the network trying to do this only one node needs to do this and then the rest of the nodes just need to validate it the cons are that it's usually considered a slightly less decentralized network due to the upfront staking costs it costs
to participate now this gets into a little bit of a philosophical battle on how decentralized is decentralized enough and i think that's up to the community to decide and as we progress i think we'll learn more and more about how decentralized is decentralized enough the general consensus amongst blockchain engineers though is that proof of stake is very very decentralized and very secure this massive environmental impact improvement is one of the two main reasons why eath is shifting to eth2 it reduces the environmental impact by up to 99 percent now these are the main pieces of
proof of work and proof of stake but i did want to talk about another concept that's really important in these ecosystems and that is scalability when we were talking about gas prices we were saying that the gas prices can get really high if a lot of people want to send a transaction because a block only has so much block space and the nodes can only add so many nodes so when a lot of people want to use a blockchain the gas price skyrockets this is not very scalable because if we want to add more and
more people to these blockchains it's going to cost more and more to use the blockchains because more people are going to want to get into these blocks this means that there's kind of a ceiling to how many people can use the system because of the financial constraints that will get imposed as gas prices keep rising ethereum 2 is not only attacking the environmental impact of proof of work by switching to proof of stake but they are also implementing this new methodology called sharding and sharding is a solution to this scalability problem a sharded blockchain really
just means that it's going to be a blockchain of blockchains there is a main chain that's going to coordinate everything amongst several chains that hook into this main chain this means that there's more chains for people to make transactions on effectively increasing the amount of block space that there is sharding can greatly increase the number of transactions on a blockchain layer 1. now there's another term that might be the first time you heard it a layer 1. we're going to talk about layer ones and layer twos in terms of scalability really quickly as well a
layer one refers to any base layer blockchain implementation bitcoin's a layer one ethereum's a layer one avalanche is a layer one these are the base layer block chain solutions a layer two is any application that is added on top of a layer one added on top of a block chain some examples of layer twos are going to be chain link arbitrarily or optimism arbitrary and optimism are very interesting because they are layer twos that also look to solve this scalability issue arbitrary and optimism are what's known as roll-ups and they roll up their transactions into
a layer one like ethereum we're not going to go too deep into rollups and how they actually work but all you really need to know is that a rollup is kind of like a sharded chain they derive their security from the base layer from the layer one like ethereum and they bulk send their transactions onto the layer one they solve some of the scalability issues by being another blockchain that people can make transactions on still on kind of this base ethereum layer now they're different from side chains because side chains derive their security from their
own protocols roll ups derive their security from the base layers so arbitrary optimism for example is going to be just about as secure as ethereum there's some fantastic guys in there that go a little bit deeper into rollups and i've left a link in the description for you all right so we just talked about a lot of stuff so let's do a quick recap before moving on ethereum and bitcoin are currently both proof-of-work blockchains that follow nakamoto consensus however ethereum is moving to ethereum two which will be a proof-of-stake sharded blockchain civil attacks are prevented
due to protocols like proof of work and proof of stake 51 attacks grow increasingly harder with the size of blockchain so you should run a node consensus is the mechanism that allows a blockchain to agree upon what the state of the blockchain is sharding and rollups are solutions to scalability issues on layer ones a layer one is any base blockchain implementation like bitcoin or ethereum a blockchain scalability problem is that there's not always enough block space for the amount of transactions that want to get in them this leads to very high gas prices and again
gas prices are how much it costs to interact with a blockchain so we've learned a ton in this video so far everything that you went over is going to make you 10 times better as a developer because yes being a good developer means you understand the code at a very technical level but if you can understand the overall architecture as well you can make the informed decisions about how to architect your design or how to build your software in however you want to do so so with all that being said it's finally time to jump
into some solidity and jump into some code so let's do this now again in the description of this video there is a link to this github repository that's going to be the home base for all the code that we work with in this tutorial we scroll down to this main section this readme there's a table of contents in here we can go to lesson one simple storage and we'll have links helpful tips the itinerary of what we're going to learn and everything else that you need to work with here all the code that we're going
to be working with is located in this simple storage link that we can go ahead and click it's in its own different repository we can go ahead and click the file to see all the code that we're going to be working with so let's jump into it additionally back in our full blockchain solidity course right at the top there's this resources for this course section if you have questions engaging in github discussions stack exchange ethereum and stack overflow are going to be great places to get help and get support i highly recommend making a stack
overflow stack exchange ethereum and a github account so you can participate and engage with the community welcome to the remix ide or the remix integrated development environment this is going to be where we're starting to teach you how to work with solidity and work with smart contracts and deploy to blockchains we're going to use remix to get us up to speed as it has a lot of nice features that allow us to really see and interact with blockchains and really see what's going on but eventually we're actually going to move off of remix to another
platform but all the solidity that we're going to learn here obviously is going to apply everywhere as well when you come to remix there's a whole lot of different plugins like solidity learn eth soul hint linter and a whole bunch of other plugins as well i'm going to go ahead and start by clicking the solidity plugin but we're not going to use any of these plugins for now but later on you can kind of go back and learn a little bit more about what these plugins do so let's start perusing let's start coding some things
on the left hand side over here is where we're going to interact with everything so let's go ahead and click the files up here now you can always go back and peruse this a little bit more and in fact i highly encourage you to because that's how you're going to learn the most the quickest but for us we're actually just going to go ahead and start with our own brand new file we're going to create a little application that can store information on the blockchain for us and this is our first project that we're going
to do in solidity so we're actually going to create a new file and we're going to call it simple storage dot soul all solidity has an extension of dot soul at the end stands for solidity now let's take inventory of what we're going to be working with here this is the solidity compiler tab it compiles all the solidity code down to machine understandable code or machine language here there's a whole bunch of different parameters we can choose when working with sliding we choose the compiler version we can choose the language which we're only going to
be working with solidity the evm version don't worry about this for now so let's code our first solidity contract here now we are going to use something a little bit special here when we actually deploy these we're going to use a javascript virtual machine so we're going to use a virtual machine that's going to simulate actually deploying to a test net or a real network we're not actually going to deploy on a real network we will in a little bit but just to get started we're going to work with a javascript vm which is kind
of a fake environment for now okay testing locally and understanding how to test locally will make your coding experience a lot faster as you saw when we sent some transactions some of them actually took some a lot of time to actually deploy we don't want to have to spend that much time waiting around for our tests to actually finish so we're going to use a javascript vm to kind of dummy it for now but let's just start coding and go from there so the first thing that you're going to need in any solidity program is
the solidity version so that's always going to be at the top of your solidity code it's defined by doing pragma solidity and the version we're going to be using some version between 0.6.0 and 0.9.0 so we're saying we want to use anything between 0.6 and 0.9 and and as a force of habit i just automatically hit command s whenever i write anything so that's why you saw some of this pop up here we can hitting command s or control s depending on if your windows or not we'll hit this compile button and we'll compile everything
for us now if we want a specific version of solidity we can also do 0.6.0 and if i go ahead and hit command s or compile our compiler will automatically convert to 0.6.0 however if i try to do 0.8.0 with my solidity at 0.6.0 it's going to give us an error it's going to say the source file requires a different compiler version we're using 0.8.0 and this is 0.6.0 so we're going to go ahead and hit compile and it's going to automatically move down to 0.6.0 we can also do carrot 0.6.0 and this will allow
us to work with really any version of 0.6 it'll work all the way up to 0.7 where if we hit command s or control s there it'll give us an error so this only works with any version below 0.7 and above 0.6 we're going to be using version 0.6.6 however in future contracts that we work with we're actually going to work with different versions of solidity the reason we're going to be changing versions throughout this course is that solidity is a constantly updating language being good at switching between versions is going to make you an
incredibly powerful smart contract engineer the next thing that we're going to do is we're going to define our contract so contract is a keyword in solidity which stands for our smart contract that we're going to create you can think of a contract similar to a class in java or any other object-oriented programming language so we're going to give our contract a name here we're going to call it simple storage and we're going to add this little curly bracket to say this is the contents of our contract simple storage and i went ahead and hit command
s and we can see it is compiling successfully you could hypothetically deploy this right now and this would be a valid contract so great job for making it this far now in solidity there are many different types that we can work with let's go into some of the types of solidity we can have integers aka whole numbers they can be uint as in an unsigned integer meaning they're not positive or negative we can also have an int and we would define a variable by doing you in 256 favorite number equals 5. so we have an
unsigned integer you went 256 means this is an integer of size 256 bits so we can have this be upped this number be up to 256. you can also do uint favorite number equals 5 but if you want to be a little bit more precise a lot of protocols and a lot of smart contracts will do the whole name like you and 256. we can also have booleans booleans are true false so we can have boolean favorite bool equals true so this favorite bool would be true it could also be false we can have strings
string favorite string equals string a string is a string of text here right it's going to be some word or phrase or really any of these keystrokes here similar to the unsigned integer we can have an int 256 favorite int equals negative 5 so it could be positive or negative we can have an address which is going to be some type of ethereum address so we could do address favorite address equals and then we can even copy right from our metamask and just paste it right in here this is going to be a valid address
here you'll also notice that we end all of our statements with a semicolon we can have a bytes object size 32 bits favorite bytes for our example we're just going to use the word cat because cat is a string which can be converted down into a bytes object by 32 means that there's 32 bytes in this variable favored bytes we can also do bytes 2 bytes 3 bytes 5 etc with the maximum size of bytes 32 for example we can't do bytes 64. we're going to be talking about some other variables as well like arrays
and mappings but let's just stick here for now if you want to learn more about the different types and the different variables that you can use head over to the solidity documentation and there's a link in the github and the description to show you this section for now for our simple storage let's say we only want to store numbers we don't want to store anything else so we're just going to go ahead and delete everything and just have uint256 favorite number at the top now in solidity if i do this favorite number actually does get
initialized even though i didn't have it initialized to 5. if i leave it blank it gets initialized to the null value in this case it would be initialized to 0. so for now let's just not initialize it to anything that way it'll get automatically initialized to zero this means that when we deploy this contract as of right now favorite number will start off as zero if you get confused you can also make a comment on this you could say this will get initialized to zero this double slash here is the way to make comments in
solidity and it won't get executed as code so we can write whatever we want as long as it's preceded by two backslashes now let's go ahead and create our first function functions or methods are self-contained modules that will execute some task for us and in solidity it's the exact same thing they're defined by the keyword function let's make a function called store that will change the value of this favorite number here so we're going to call store and we're going to allow it to be past a variable so we're going to allow it to be
passed a variable of type unsigned integer 256 and we're going to call it underscore fave or it number we're going to make this a public function which we'll get to in a minute and all we're going to do is we're going to set favorite number equals to whatever variable we passed in favorite number so this in its simplest form is how you can define a function now just to visualize what we're working on so far let's go ahead and deploy this contract so we can actually start to interact with it so if we hit this
button this will bring us to the deploy tab and will allow us to deploy our smart contract here using our javascript vm it's given us a fake account with some ethereum in it it has 100 ethereum in it to start and same as before anytime we want to interact with the blockchain we have to pay a little bit of gas even in our fake virtual machine here and we want to simulate that so you'll see it has some of the same parameters here as making a transaction like gas limit for example when we deploy a
contract it's going to cost a little bit of ethereum or a little bit of gas to do so so let's go ahead and hit this deploy button and see what happens so once we deployed with this virtual machine a few things happened we have remix kicking out this section down here saying great job you've deployed something and if we scroll down it says transactionsrecorded1 we can look at all the transactions we've recorded and we can see it says deployed contracts and we have a contract here that we've deployed now let's zoom out just a hair
here so we can see everything a little bit better in this simple storage contract we see this big store button because there's one public function that we can actually interact with so we can add this number here and we'll hit store and you'll see again we have a completed transaction and if we look at our contract we'll have paid a little bit more gas right we'll have paid a little bit more to interact with this function because again anytime we want to make a state change in the blockchain we have to pay a little bit
of gas the reason metamask isn't popping up is because we're kind of doing it in this simulated environment so this is great however it looks like we can't actually see what our favorite number is we can't actually look at it so how do we actually make sure that we can view this favorite number well let's add another parameter to this as well if we add public to our favorite number we recompile by hitting command s or hit the compile button we delete this contract and we redeploy and scroll down now we'll see two buttons pop
up this blue button to show us favorite number which again is initialized to zero and we have the store function so let's talk a little bit about why this public variable allowed us to see this new button this new favorite number button this public keyword defines the visibility of the variable or the function there are currently four different types of what's called visibility in solidity there's external public internal and private we're mostly going to be working with public for now but it's important to know how the rest of these work public functions can be called
by anybody including variables so oddly enough variables are a function call to just look at them and return whatever that variable is an external function means it can't be called by the same contract it has to be called by an external contract so if in this contract i had this be external i couldn't call the store function i couldn't call the store function inside this function because the function is external it means somebody outside of the contract has to call this function internal functions however can only be called by other functions inside of this contract
or in its derived contract and then private is the most restrictive as private functions and state variables are only visible for the contract they are defined in and not derived contracts now the reason that we didn't see favorite numbers show up in our original contract deployment is that if we don't give a state variable a visibility it will automatically get set to internal so if we want other people to be able to read it we have to change it to public now let's see how this interaction actually works if we hit the favorite number button
right now we'll get this call thing that shows up and it'll show us right here that the value of favorite number is zero now this function however is set so that whatever value we pass it is going to change the favorite number to whatever we pass it as so if we pass one two three hit store that transaction goes through and then hit favorite number we can see the value is now one two three now i will also be using transactions and smart contract interactions and function calls a little bit interchangeably that's because on a
blockchain whenever you call a function or whenever you make some state change to the blockchain you're actually also making a transaction that's what makes this whole thing so powerful and again that's why making a function call or deploying a contract costs a little bit of gas now the reason we can access this favorite number variable inside this function is because favorite number has this global or contract scope so even if we made union 256 tests equals 4 or equals equals 4 we wouldn't be able to use this variable outside of this function right because it's
self-contained it's self-contained inside this bracket and if i were to make another function store two perhaps public 2 doesn't know that this test variable exists functions only know about the variables that are in the same scope as them so favorite number is in this global scope because the only bracket that's above them is simple storage and test is in this store scope because it has two brackets above it it has it's inside of the store function and inside of this contract simple storage store two isn't inside of this store function or this store scope so
it can't access this test variable so let's go ahead and make this back to public and we'll compile again i'm hitting command s to compile but you can go ahead and click the button if you like and let's get rid of this now as you saw when we deploy this there's this button here that we can click called favorite number we can also make a function called retrieve and make it a public function that is of type view and returns uint256 and all this is going to do is return favorite number so we're going to
talk about views and returns here so i'm going to go ahead and compile i'm going to go ahead and delete delete this contract i'm gonna go ahead and deploy it now and we can see now we have two functions or two blue buttons here we have retrieve and we have favorite number if i change favorite number by calling the store function favorite number and retrieve will both now say it's one two three so then the question might be well why is this one orange and these two are blue and the key relies in this view
function or this view keyword there's two special keywords that define functions that you actually don't have to make a transaction on and those keywords are view and pure a view function means that we want to read some state off the blockchain so we're just reading off the blockchain if we're reading off the blockchain and we're not actually making a state change then we don't need to make a transaction these blue buttons are blue because they are view functions public variables also have view functions that's why both of these are blue this technically is a view
function and when i click it i get to view and i get to read the state off the blockchain retrieve is the same way we could have this without a return but it wouldn't do anything pure functions are functions that purely do some type of math we'd have you in 256 favorite number public pure and just have favorite number plus favorite number so we're doing some type of math here but we're not actually saving state anywhere we're going to do this math but we're not going to save this favorite number anywhere we're not going to
save anything deploy this now this pure function we would have this retrieve function one two three it's blue as well because it's again not going to change the state of the blockchain so view functions and pure functions are both can have this blue color now the reason that nothing shows up at the bottom is because we didn't return anything all we're doing is we're saying add these two numbers together and that's it in order for this function to give us something back we need to have it return something so if we go back to this
retrieve to this retrieve function we have to define what we're going to return when we're defining this function so we're going to say this is a public function it's a view function because we're going to read some state and it's going to return a unit 256. so favorite number is of u 256 so that's what we're going to return our public variable favorite name is also a view function that returns a un256 for now let's just remove that so we can work with this retrieve function so let's go ahead and deploy so now we see
we don't have this favorite number button anymore because it is no longer a public function because again it gets initialized to internal so we can't actually view it now keep in mind later on we're going to talk about how everything on chain you actually can see and we'll talk about that a little bit later though so retrieve is going to do 0 we can call store and now retrieve is going to be 1 2 3. now this application is great so far it allows a single person to store a favorite number and then go ahead
and retrieve it later which is fantastic but what if we want a list of people or a group of people and store their favorite numbers or what if we want to associate a favorite number with a single person well what can we actually do now we have a whole number of different choices but the one that we're going to talk about is using a struct structs are ways to define new types and solidity they're almost like creating new objects as well so we can create a struct called type people and allow it to start storing
a favorite number associated with a certain people so inside of our struct we can have different types as well so we have a uin256 favorite number and we could also have a string name now we have a new type of type people that has a favorite number and a name inside of it now what we could do with destruct is we could say people public person equals equals people and then inside we add the variables so we could say favorite number favorite number is 2 and name is patrick and of course the semicolon at the
end and again i'm hitting command s to save but you can also go ahead and compile in the compile tab so let's go ahead and delete this contract and see what this looks like now so now we've deployed this new contract and we have this person struct which at the zero index is the favorite number and the variable stored in the first index is going to be the name storing variables and solidity always works in this numeric index fashion in fact in contract simple storage uint 256 favorite number is at index 0. if we were
to add another object here like boolean favorite bool this would be at index one if we were to add bool favorite bool2 this would be at index two zero one two and it works the same in structs this is at index zero inside the struct this is at index one inside the struct so we can see the variables associated with this person we're gonna go ahead and delete this for now because instead of just creating one person we actually want to create a whole list of people so how do we create a list of people
let's delete that contract and what we can do is we can make what's called an array an array is a way of storing a list or a group of some object so as you're starting to see the way the syntax works for defining any type of variable is going to be the type of the variable the visibility of the variable like public or if you don't declare it it gets initialized to internal and then the name of the variable it works the same with arrays so we'll make a people array the people array is the
type we'll make it public and we'll call it people now if we deploy this contract we go and see we now have a people array but if we click this button you'll see that nothing shows up the reason is because it's an empty array to start with right we don't have anything inside of it now this type of array that we've created is what's known as a dynamic array it's a dynamic array because it can change its size right now it's a size 0 and if we added something to it it's of size one you
can also create arrays of a fixed size so if i were to do people one public people this array could only have a maximum of one person inside of it so we're going to work with a dynamic array though because we want to add an arbitrary number of people into here so let's go ahead and create a new function called add person where we can add a person to this array so we'll do function add person string memory name i'll talk about this memory keyword in a minute uin256 favorite number and then we'll make this
a public function and inside we'll do we'll add this person to our array the way to add a person to your arrays is using the push method so we're going to push a new people or a new person and we're going to give it those variables again so we're going to give it so we're going to give it favorite number is this variable that we passed in here oops this needs a bracket and then we're going to give the name going to be this underscore name and then end bracket oops zoom out again here just
so i can see stuff this needs a semicolon and perfect now in that last clip we saw this little red box pop up whenever a little red box like this pops up after you compile it means you have a compile error this means that there's something wrong with your solidity code or your salinity syntax and it won't compile and deploy properly red is going to be this compile error now we're going to see a bunch of yellow warnings in the future if you get a little yellow pop-up these are okay to ignore but they usually
have some helpful tips about something that might be going wrong in your code so to summarize if it's red if it's red it's broken if it's yellow you might want to check it out but it could be okay so we can see we have our new function add person where we pass a string memory name and a unit 256 favorite number and then we create this people person this people object here and then we push it onto our people array and i'm going to show you another way we can actually create a people person is
just by passing favorite number and name and getting rid of this other bracket by passing favorite number and name because we know that the zeroth index of people is favorite number and the first index of people is name so we can also create a new person by adding it like this now let's talk about this memory keyword here now in solidity there's more or less two ways to store information you can store it in memory or in storage when you store an object in memory it actually means that it'll only be stored during execution of
the function or of the contract call if we hold it in storage that means that that data will persist even after the function executes a string in solidity is actually technically not a value type a string is actually an array of bytes a variable of type string is actually a special type of array that we can append text to so because it's technically an object we have to decide where we want to store in memory or in storage and since we only need this name during the execution we can have it be string memory name
and then when we create this new people object we will create a new copy of this name variable into storage memory means that after execution delete this variable and storage means keep it forever if this is a little bit confusing for you just know that for now when you use a parameter that's going to be a string for one of your functions you need to call it string memory so let's go ahead and deploy this contract and see what happens now now we have this new function add person and since we are making a state
change here we can see that this indeed is a orange button instead of being a blue button so we can add in here a string name we'll add patrick and we'll say his favorite number is 2. again right now if we look at people we see people 0 there's nothing in here if we retrieve there's nothing in here so we're going to add person patrick and now if we hit people of 0 we can see that the person at the zerowith index in this people array is going to be string patrick if we try at
one there's nothing in here let's add another person we'll add becca and her favorite number will be 24. let's add her now if we hit one we see favorite number 24 string name is becca and retrieve is so showing up blank because we haven't touched favorite number awesome this is great we can just keep adding people however there is kind of an issue here what if i'm looking for a person what if i'm looking to find becca and find her favorite number in this array what if i know her name but i don't know her
favorite number is there an easy way for me to find that favorite number without having to triage the entire array there's another data structure called a mapping so let's create this new data structure so this data structure is going to be of type mapping a mapping takes some type of key and spits out whatever variable it's mapped to so in this case if we're saying we want to use the name becca to find her favorite number we would say the string becca is going to be mapped to the uint 256 favorite number and similar to
all the other variable declarations the first part is going to be the typing so this is going to be a type mapping of string mapped to un256 we're going to give this public visibility and we'll call it name to favorite number and without adding any other functions that work with it if we deploy this we can see we have this blue button because we're not making a state change name to favorite number and if we type in becca in here obviously nothing's going to happen because we haven't added this mapping in yet so in our
ad person down here let's even have this ad person also add to the mapping so we can do name to favorite number and then the key is going to be this name so of becca we're going to say we're going to map the name becca to the favorite number now we're going to go ahead and compile again i'm hitting command s deploy we can scroll down here if we look up backhand here we're going to get nothing however if we add becca and her favorite number being 24 this add person is going to add it
both to the array and to this mapping now if we look up name to favorite number we see that becca returns 24. now one other thing i want to show you guys just because compilers are going to yell you if you don't have them is typically at the top of these contracts you want to add an spx license identifier basically solidity and the ethereum community found out that trust in a smart contract can be better established if source code is available and in terms of legality and copyright it just makes life a lot easier if
you add that license identifier right at the top of your solidity we're going to use the mit license identifier because it's the most open license out there it means hey anybody can use this code and we don't care so you'll see a majority of salinity contracts have this spx license identifier mit at the top and compilers will yell you a lot less awesome we now have a contract that we've decided that we liked it's got mappings it enables us to actually store people and their favorite numbers this is fantastic we've done all of our testing
in this javascript vm and we've decided you know what we want to deploy this to an actual test net or an actual mainnet how do we actually deploy this so that other people can interact with this contract we are again going to use rink b because that's what we use to make our first transaction now again you will need some type of test ethereum in your test and wallet so again if you get lost you can always just google rink b faucet or ring b test net faucet and find a faucet or a better alternative
would be to come to the link token contracts in the chain link documentation at and scroll down or just look up rink b this linked token contracts page has the most up-to-date faucets for any test net that it supports so for example we get a test and eth faucet right here which also just happens to be that exact faucet that we used earlier the only thing you need to change in remix is we need to change from javascript vm to injected web3 and metamask will actually pop up and say hey would you like to
connect to this application anytime you're working with a web3 application or a web application that wants to access your funds or work with your metamask metamask will pop up and ask for authorization first this is really good so that we know which applications we're actually connected to so we're going to go ahead and say next connect and we can see here that we've even connected here and that our account on the main network has zero eth and remix even tells us hey you're on the main network so let's go ahead and switch to the rink
b network and we can now see we're on the rink b network and we have 17.74 eth on this ring b test network injected web 3 means we're taking our meta mask and injecting it into the source code of the browser here and that's the difference between injected web 3 and javascript vm web web3 provider is if we want to use our own blockchain node or our own web3 provider when we do injected web3 we're saying our web3 provider is our metamask which will work perfectly for what we're trying to do so since we already
have some tests on ethereum let's go ahead and deploy this and see what this would actually look like if we deployed to a mainnet the process is going to be exactly the same right the only difference was we would be on the main net instead of rank b so let's go ahead hit deploy we'll uncheck publish published ipfs hit deploy metamask will pop up asking if we want to do this transaction because remember we are deploying a contract we are changing the state of the blockchain so we have to pay a little bit of gas
fee for it so we're going to go ahead and hit confirm and we get a link to ring the ether scan similar exactly as we saw before when we made a transaction the difference here is that instead of sending ethereum to somebody we're actually making a transaction on the blockchain to create a contract after a short while it will show up here on etherscan with a success the number of block confirmations which again is the number of blocks appended to the block that included our transaction we see from which is our account here and we
see two is this new contract that we just created and we can even click it and we see that there's this unique transaction hash that created a new smart contract and same as working with the vm we have all the exact same functions in here and you can see if i hit retrieve these three functions since they're not making a state change you can just click them and no transactions will be made however what do you think is going to happen if i hit store if you guessed metamask will pop up you guess correctly again
we see the familiar pieces here we have a gas price gas limit go ahead and hit confirm we get another transaction here and once this transaction goes through we should be able to call our retrieve function and see a new number if we call it now nothing shows up because our original transaction hasn't succeeded but i bet if we look at it now okay it's still indexing but it looks like it's been included if we hit it now we do indeed see this value here and we can do the same thing with adding a person
we'll add becca we'll say her favorite number is 24. metamask will pop up we'll go ahead and confirm the transaction and if i look up becca and the name to favorite string right now it's going to show nothing because our transaction hasn't gone through yet but if we wait a little bit i should probably spell her name right we do see 24. and if we look at the zeroth index we also see becca's been added here as well now all the solidity code that we wrote and when we interacted with this blockchain here all this
solidity was compiled down to the evm also known as the ethereum virtual machine a lot of the blockchains out there today are what's called evm compatible and that means that all this solidity and all these functions that we're creating can still compile down to evm and deployed on their blockchain you'll find out a little later when we look to work on a non-ethereum based chain that we can still deploy our solidity smart contracts to these other chains as well but that's a term you'll hear more and more the ethereum virtual machine or ebm now take
a break give yourself a high five because you just deployed your first smart contract and you learned the basics the fundamentals of solidity so huge congratulations on how far you've gotten now in our second projects we're going to take the fundamentals a step further and start going into the more of the intricacies of solidity but just as a quick recap the first thing you always got to do in your smart contracts is name the solidity version then you'll have to name your contract a contract in solidity is like a class and defines all the functions
and parameters of your contract there's many different types in solidity like unsigned integer 256 boolean and bytes we can create structs in solidity we can create arrays in solidity we can create mappings in solidity we can create functions in solidity view functions don't make a state change memory and storage are two different ways to initialize where a variable is going to be saved all the solidity code that we're working with gets compiled down to the ethereum virtual machine and last but not least congratulations on taking your first step in learning solidity let's move on to
the next project all the code tips and links that we're going to be working with can be found in our course repository we can scroll down to lesson two storage factory click it here and we can see all the code we're going to be working with good luck all right so we've done it we've got our first contract out of the way we're understanding some of the basics of solidity now let's move onward let's get a little bit more advanced with what we're going to do with our smart contracts and let's build what's called the
factory pattern of smart contracts so we have our simple storage contract here which is great it allows us to store numbers and store favorite numbers associated with different people and this is great what if though i want to have a lot of these simple storage contracts deployed i want to give people the ability to generate and deploy their own lists based off of this contract this is where the factory pattern comes into play so let's go ahead and create a new contract so in this contracts folder i'm going to do new file we're going to
call this storage factory dot sol and now we'll have a storage factory.sol now the way that we're going to do this is that you need simple storage and storage factory in the same folder i have both of them in this contracts folder but if you have them outside or in a different folder that's okay just make sure wherever they are they're in the exact same folder so let's figure out how to get a contract to actually deploy another contract we're going to add those basic pieces that we added in that simple storage.sol we'll add the
spdx license identifier which will be mit we'll choose our solidity version which will be pragma solidity and we'll say anything in the six range and then we'll create our contract we'll say contract storage factory and we'll create our brackets here and i'm going to do command s or compile whatever you want to do things are looking good here great so how can this contract deploy a simple storage contract well the first thing that we're going to need to do is actually import this simple storage into our storage factory contract we need to import it so
that our storage factory contract knows what a simple storage contract even looks like the way that we can import it is by doing the command import and then the file path that the simple storage is located so the file path for this is going to be at dot slash simple storage dot soul this means that simple storage is in the exact same directory as storage factory doing this line is equivalent to copying everything in this contract bit coming over to storage factory and pasting it above you can even save and compile and have two contracts
in the same file now what's interesting about having two contracts in the same file is that when you go to deploy you'll actually have a choice of which one you want to deploy and it's the same thing if i do that import statement so if i delete all this and i go back to import dot slash simple storage dot sol in our deploy tab still you'll see that we still have our choice of which contract we actually want to deploy so this is how we actually import a contract or import any type of file that
we want so that our contract knows what that contract looks like and can do so if we want this contract to then be able to deploy a simple storage contract we're of course going to have to create a function that can do that so we'll do function we'll call it create simple storage contract we'll make this a public function we'll do our little open and close bracket in here the way we can generate a contract of simple storage type is by using a new keyword so let's create a simple storage variable we'll say a variable
of type simple storage contract we'll name this variable simple storage with a lowercase s equals new simple storage what this line is saying is we're saying we're going to create an object of type simple storage contract we're going to name it simple storage with a lowercase s and we're going to say this is going to be a new simple storage contract and we're saying this simple storage contract takes no input parameters of course if we deploy this contract as is by going to our deploy tab choosing the storage factory staying on a javascript vm deploying
scrolling down we have this function that doesn't return anything so we're creating new contracts but we can't really read where those contracts are being created we'd have to look on a block explorer like etherscan or something so let's make a way for us to keep track of all the different simple storage contracts that we deploy let's put them in a list or in an array so what we can do is we can say simple storage array of visibility public and we'll call it simple storage array we'll initialize this symbol storage array and every time we
deploy we create one of these new simple storage contracts we'll add it to our simple storage array so we'll do simple storage array dot push and we'll push this simple storage variable so again i'm compiling or hitting command s delete that most recent contract we'll choose the storage factory and not the simple storage and we'll hit deploy now if we scroll down to our storage factory we have this blue button which stands for our simple storage array if we try to see what's at index 0 we get an error of course because we haven't added
anything to it yet if i click this create simple storage contract orange button here now i've created a transaction that's going to create a new simple storage contract and push it onto our simple storage array now if i try to access the zerowith index or the first index of this array i'm going to get this address here this is the address that this simple storage contract was deployed to so we've successfully deployed a contract to the blockchain from another contract and this of course is really exciting now we can actually do more than just deploy
the contracts we can actually deploy contracts from another contract and then call those functions as well so let's create a new function where we call this store function and we'll also create a function where we call the retrieve function from our storage factory so we'll do function storage factory store we're going to shorthand it by saying sf store we'll have it take unit 256 simple storage index and a uint256 underscore simple storage number we'll make this a public variable as well in our little brackets here and the reason i'm choosing a simple storage index is
because we're going to choose which simple storage contract in our list that we want to interact with and then we're also going to pass a simple storage number to call on the store function which of course we need to pass a favorite number to any time that you interact with a contract you need two things you need the address of the contract you want to interact with and you also need the abi for us we figured out that we're going to push and get this address from this simple storage array we can get the abi
or the application binary interface from this import we'll explain the application binary interface a little bit more later for now just know that in order for us to interact with this simple storage contract we can just do simple storage and then we'll pass this simple storage the address of that simple storage contract to get the address of that simple storage contract we'll say grab the address inside the simple storage array at index simple storage index this will return that contract that we want to interact with so we could even say simple storage simple storage equals
simple storage at that address in the array once we get this contract we can then call any and all of its functions so we could call simple storage dot store this simple storage number now if we compile this we go to our deploy tab deploy the factory hit deploy open this up we can see we have a couple different functions here we of course have our create simple storage function which creates the contract and adds it to our array we now have this sf store which stores a number to one of those contracts on this
array and then we have a lens into that simple storage contract so if i create a simple storage contract i can now store on that zerowith contract on that first contract any number that i want like 55. of course i can't really see that 55 because we didn't add a retrieve functionality we didn't add a way to actually listen or read or retrieve that favor number that we got so let's add that now so we'll create a new function called sfget and this will take a uint 256 simple storage index and as a parameter and
we'll choose one of these contracts on this array and return its favorite number calling the retrieve function on that contract so since we're just going to be reading state this can be a public view function that will return a uint256 to do this we need to access that contract once again so we'll say simple storage simple storage equals simple storage at that address of simple storage array at index underscore simple storage index and we can return return simple storage dot we call this retrieve function i'm just going to copy paste it so i don't spell
it wrong simple storage we'll put the semicolon here too and here now if we compile this go to our deploy tab delete the most recent choose the storage factory and hit deploy we can see we now has have an sfget function so let's go ahead create a simple storage contract we'll store a function on the zeroth contract we'll store 55 as its favorite number and we'll hit that and then for s of get we'll see if we can get the favorite number of the zero with contract and we do indeed get 55. awesome we can
actually even refactor this code to be a little bit simpler here we don't need to save this simple storage contract is a variable here we can actually just call retrieve on this whole section here paste retrieve at the end and just return like this the same goes for our sf store we can delete saving it as a variable we can copy this dot store paste it at the end here and delete this as well now we'll compile delete the most recent we'll deploy the storage factory and if we go into it create a simple storage
store the number 55 see what's at the zeroth index and we do indeed see 55. so this is really cool this is a way for us to actually deploy contracts and interact with contracts from another contract now to deploy a contract we do need all the functionality of that contract imported however to interact with the contract we don't need all of the functionality we'll learn about interfaces in the next lesson which will allow us to actually interact with the contract without having all the functions defined and now i'm going to show you something really cool
now i'm going to show you something really cool simple storage has got a lot of really cool functions and maybe i want all these functions inside my storage factory i want my storage factory to be able to create simple storage contracts and i want it to be a simple storage contract itself well what i can do is my storage factory can actually inherit all the functions of simple storage without me having to copy paste all these functions and all these variables over to storage factory what i can do is i can do solidity's version of
inheritance i can say contract storage factory is of type simple storage or is of contract simple storage and just by doing this line right here my storage factory contract now will have all of the functions and variables of simple storage so it'll have a store function a retrieve function an add person function a people array a name to favorite number mapping it'll have everything because i will inherit it with this is syntax so if i go to my deploy tab now [Music] let's look at what our last storage factory was all we did to change
this was add is simple storage and we can see just the four functions that we originally added if i delete this now if i save and compile the storage factory let's go ahead and deploy storage factory if we open this up now we can see not only do we have all the functions originally defined in our storage factory but we additionally have all the functions from our simple storage and awesome you've completed the second lesson we've learned about some incredibly powerful tools here we've learned how to import entire chunks of code from other files into
our files we've learned how to do inheritance we've learned how to deploy contracts from our contract and then we've learned how to interact with different contracts from outside of our contract well done now is a great time to take a breath take a breather and review what you've learned the github repository associated with this course also has all the code for this lesson so let's jump into it so we're back in remix now and we're going to go to contracts and same as before we're going to create a new file we're going to call this
fundme.sol now same as last time we're actually going to add this spdx license identifier mit right at the top and then we're going to choose our solidity version so we're going to go pragma solidity and for this we're just going to do greater than equals to 0.6.6 and less than 0.9.0 and great this should look pretty familiar now we're going to do contract fund me and we're going to start working so what again do we want this contract to do we want this contract to be able to accept some type of payment so let's create
a new function that can accept payment we'll call it fund so we'll do function fund public and we'll add a new keyword in here called payable when we define a function as payable we're saying hey this function can be used to pay for things when you call a function every single function call has an associated value with it whenever you make a transaction you can always append a value this value is how much whey or gray or fini or ether you're going to send with your function call or your transaction as we mentioned before whey
way and ether are just different ways to talk about how much ether you're going to send so if we look at a way to ethereum converter one each is this much way one way is the smallest denomination of ether you can't break up ethereum into anything smaller than one way this is why when you're talking about how much something costs everything always defaults to whey or the smallest unit of measure in ethereum so again for us to test we're going to stick with the javascript vm for now if we hit deploy we get a new
contract and this button is now red it's red because it is a payable function so now if i hit this fun button [Music] i can add a value associated with it so what do we want to do with this funding what do we want to do when people send us something well let's keep track of who sent us some funding so what we can do is we can create a new mapping between addresses and value so let's do a mapping of address to uin256 which will represent the value we'll make this a public mapping and
we'll call it address to amount funded now in this fun function let's keep track of all the people who sent us money or all the addresses that sent us some value to do this we can use some keywords that go along with every transaction so we'll say address to amount funded of message.sender equals or plus equals message.value message.sender and message.value are keywords in every contract call and every transaction message.sender is the sender of the function call and message.value is how much they sent so whenever we call fund now somebody can send some value because it's
payable and we're going to save everything in this address to amount funded mapping so if we deploy this now in our javascript vm we now have again a new view function called address to amount funded and we can even hit the drop down to see the full name now if i hit fund nothing's going to happen right because my address is going to be sending zero in order for me to send something i have to add some value along with my transaction so let's send for example one way which is going to be equal to
1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 this much way so before i hit fund here if i copy this fake account which is up here and i put it in this address to amount funded it's going to return zero but now if i add 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 in here and we go ahead and hit fund now we've now just called this fun function with a value of one gray associated with it so if i call this address to amount funded now with the same address i
can now see how much we've funded this smart contract and we can even add more gray we'll add we'll add 11gway for example we'll call fund and if we call this now we can see that even more has been added when we send our funds to a contract this actually means that this contract wherever this is deployed now is the owner of this amount of ether so this is fantastic we now have a way to fund our smart contracts now here's the thing in this smart contract in this funding that we're doing we want to
create a minimum value for people to be able to fund our endeavors which whatever they may be we want to set some minimum value here and ether is great but for whatever reason we want to work in usd or maybe we want to work in some other token so how are we going to get the conversion rate from that currency to a currency that we can use in this smart contract well the first thing that we're going to need to do to set this value is we're going to need to know what the eth to
usd conversion rate is because if i want to accept ethereum as the token but i want it in its usd currency well then i'm going to need to know what that conversion rate is so how are we going to get this data into our smart contract where are we going to get this data from now remember how we talked about blockchains being deterministic systems and and oracles being the bridge between blockchains and the real world well this is exactly where oracle's come in when we're talking about these systems you know these blockchains they can't connect
to real-world events they can't connect to external systems they can't do external computation they're intentionally these deterministic systems these walled gardens so in order for us to make this connection we need a blockchain oracle we need some type of network here now just to get a little bit more technical for you if we look at a blockchain a blockchain can easily say one plus one equals two and every other node can easily verify this however a blockchain can't easily say okay let's all grab the same random number because each node is going to get a
different random number they also can't say hey let's make an api call because if one node calls the api at a different time another node calls it or specifically an http get there could potentially get very very different results and if another node tries to replay these transactions by calling these apis again maybe 10 years in the future there's a good chance that that api is going to be depreciated and they could be hacked they could be malicious et cetera et cetera the other reason that blockchains intentionally can't make api calls is because then they
would be making assumptions about the real world and layer ones typically don't want to have an opinion on any political or geopolitical issue whereas an oracle network on the other hand can make those assumptions the other main thing we need to talk about here is centralized oracles being main points of failures if you or i say hey i'm just going to be the oracle i'm going to be the one to put this data on chain we now have this massive centralized point of failure we've done all this work to make our decentralized computation decentralized and
on chain but we ruin all the decentrality by having a single point of failure remember one of the whole purposes of blockchain is so that not a single entity can flip a switch and restrict our freedom to interact with a centralized oracle a single entity can flip a switch and restrict our freedom to interact with each other we also need to get data from many different decentralized sources or do any type of computation in a decentralized manner this is where chain link really shines chain link is a modular decentralized oracle infrastructure and oracle network that
allows us to get data and do external computation in a highly civil resistant decentralized manner it can be as customizable as you want as you can run with one node or many nodes or do as many nodes as you like now currently one of the most popular features of chain link is their data feeds or their price feeds we can even go check them out over at data dot chain dot link we can see a number of different price feeds and the networks that are providing the prices for these specific pricing powers we can see
here by looking at the ui there is a whole number of decentralized different oracles returning data for different price feeds this one for example is fusd and it's also exactly the price view that we're looking for having a decentralized network bring this data on chain and have it as a reference point of definitive truth allows users to all collaborate and use this common good and it will be cheaper more secure more efficient than anybody even running their own centralized oracle so these price feeds are incredibly powerful additionally they're being used by some of the top
protocols in the defy system right now like synthetics which at the time of recording is securing around 2 billion sushi swap for leveraging trades set protocol commodity money ave for understanding the price of an underlying collateral now this is an example of an out of the box decentralized solution that's already been packaged in the decentralized manner for you to consume and for you to use this makes going to production a thousand times easier than building everything yourself however if you want to make api calls and build your own decentralized network you absolutely can with the
chainlink api calls we're not going to go into that here because using the chainlink price feeds chainlink vrf keeper network and all these other pre-box decentralized services are going to make going live and going mainnet a lot easier you can always make a chain link http get call as well we're not going to go over this though because putting this into production is a little bit trickier and working with chainlink vrx if you ever want to try them out by themselves you can always head over to and head over to get the latest price
feed there's usually a remix button actually that we can click and it will kick us out to a remix edition with all the code already ready to go for us if we just hit this just right here this will include all of our code which we'll go into in a second but let's go ahead and compile it we're going to deploy it to a real network here this one looks like it's actually for covin so we're going to go ahead and switch to coven looks like i don't have any covent ethereum so we're going to
grab a covent faucet we can usually find different faucets in the chain link documentation let's look up kovin here there is a coven faucet here it looks like in order for us to get some covent ethereum here we have to log in with github then we can add our address in here and get the ethereum in the interest of time i'm going to skip ahead for me doing that great it looks like i've got some covent test that now being able to switch between test nets is going to make you a lot more effective as
an engineer as well because you're going to be able to understand how each network actually works so now we've compiled this let's deploy this again metamask is going to pop up and let's go ahead and click to get the latest price and we can see that this function does indeed return the latest price of ethereum now you might be asking why does this number look so big well remember how we talked about whey and gray and ether well the reason that those exist is because decimals don't work in solidity so we actually have to return
a value that's multiplied by 10 to some number so this value is actually 2614 times 10 raised to the eighth now the next question you might ask is well why did we work with this on a test net why can't we do this on a local network and the answer to this is because there is a network of nodes looking at this test net and delivering data onto this test stem when you spin up a local network or do a simulated vm there are no nodes actually doing that we'll learn later how to actually mock
these interactions and mock a chain link node returning data onto our blockchain but for now let's head back over to the contract that we're working on so we can learn how to implement this in any contract that we ever want to another contract called in this case called price feed has a function called latest round data which returns a lot of data it returns a round id which defines how many times this price feed has been updated it returns a price which is the actual conversion rate between the two assets it returns a started at
which defines when this was last updated it returns a time stamp and it returns an answer in round don't worry about answered in round for now if you want to dive a little bit deeper into what these rounds mean and what answered in round means you can definitely check out the chain link documentation and some of the faqs to learn more now how do we implement this data feed into our fundme application well the first thing we're actually going to need to do is we're going to need to import the chain link code so we're
going to do import at chain link contracts source v 0.6 interfaces slash aggregator v3 interface dot soul now let's talk about what this is actually doing oops looks like i spelt aggregator v3 interface wrong all right great now it's actually compiling so let's talk about what imports actually do as we know an import will take whatever code you're importing and stick it at the top of your project so when we import from at chainlink contracts we're actually importing from the at chainlink contracts npm package we can look up at chain links contracts in npm and
we can see and read more about this repository this links us back to the github which will tell us a little bit more about what's really going on if we follow that import path that we got from the documentation we'll end up on this file in front of me now we have what's called an interface you can see these contracts don't start with the contract keyword but they start with the interface keyword they have the exact same pragma solidity at the top but the main difference is that you can see that their functions aren't completed
they just have the function name and its return type now just to be a little bit more explicit here i'm actually going to go ahead and delete this import statement on the top and replace it with that interface code from github just to show you exactly what's going on however if you've already typed that at import syntax feel free to leave it in there and just remember that it's going to be the exact same as me copy pasting the interface code in our code here solidity doesn't natively understand how to interact with another contract we
have to tell solidity what functions can be called on another contract this is where interfaces are actually going to come in similar to structs what we can do with interfaces to find a new type so if we copy all this code from this section and place it at the top of our code here above where we're declaring a contract we can actually then interact with contracts that have these functions if we go ahead and even compile this we can see this does indeed compile correctly remember how we said before we talked a little bit about
abis well interfaces actually compile down to what's called the abi or the application binary interface the application binary interface tells solidity what functions can be called on another contract we need solidity to know what functions it can use and what functions it can call other contracts with and if that was a little bit confusing just know any time you're going to interact with another contract in solidity or smart contract programming in general you're going to need that contracts abi we'll go into what these apis look like a little bit later anyways to simplify it interface
compiles down to an api we always need an api to interact with the contract so how do we actually work with this contract here to interact with an interface contract it's going to work the exact same way is interacting with a struct or a variable let's define a new function called getversion and we're going to call this version function on this other contract so we'll start out doing function get version public remember it needs to be a view since we're just going to be reading this state and even in the interface it even defines it
as a view returns so we'll even grab this whole bit right here view returns unit 256. now the exact same way we define variables and structs we define working with other contracts and interfaces so the first thing is we name the type which in this case is aggregator v3 interface then we'd name the visibility but since again we're inside of this contract we're going to skip it then let's give it a name we'll call it price feed since this aggregator v3 interface is going to be giving us a price fee then we can do equals
and this is where we're going to initialize the contract so how do we actually choose where to interact with this contract well we just type aggregator v3 interface and then we put in here the address of where this contract is located in order to find where this fusd price feed contract is located on the rink b chain we can look at the ethereum price feeds chain link documentation it has a ton of different price feeds and even more not price related data let's scroll down to rink b because again on each different chain the contract
address that has all this price feed information is going to be different let's scroll down and find fusd which is right here and we'll copy it and we'll paste it into here now what is this line saying it's saying that we have a contract that has these functions defined in the interface located at this address if that's true then we should be able to call price feed dot version and we should be able to return it whoops looks like we forgot to add those here and we need a semicolon here i hit ctrl s or
command s compiled it looks like we're compiling successfully and we do need to deploy this on a test n remember this address here is located on an actual test tent it's located on an actual network it's not going to be located on our simulated chain here so we do need to deploy this to injected web 3. we do need to deploy our contract to rink b because the rink b chain has this address we'll learn later on how we actually can work with a simulated chain and work with these price feeds but that's much later
in this course so let's go ahead and save we'll deploy make sure we're on injected web 3. now we can go ahead and hit deploy metamask is going to pop up per usual confirm we're going to get a transaction link to etherscan showing us our contract and once it actually is confirmed we can see we have our contract right here now we have our familiar functions with one additional function we have our fund button which is red because it's payable we have our address to amount funded mapping which is blue because it's a view and
we also have this get version button that's also blue if we go ahead and click it we can see that the version of our aggregator v3 interface is version 3. this is the third version of the aggregator interfaces hence the name aggregator v3 interface so we just made a contract call to another contract from our contract using an interface this is why interfaces are so powerful because they're a minimalistic view into another contract so this is great we have a get version function but this still isn't the function that we want we want to call
the get price function which if we look at our interface we can see there's a latest round data function that returns an answer this is the function that we're going to want to call on this contract so let's go ahead and make a function that calls that instead so we're going to do function get price public view returns uint 256. uh oh this latest round data function though returns five variables so how do we actually work with that well let's find out to work with this contract we're gonna do the exact same thing we're gonna
do aggregator v3 interface because this is the type of the contract price feed equals aggregator v3 interface we'll do this same address in here because this is the fusd address then we'll do price feed dot latest round data now since this is going to return five different values we can actually have our contract also return these five different values we can copy paste like this and literally do this these five values equal price feed that latest round data and you can see that even compiles correctly let's adjust the formatting a little bit here so it
looks a little bit nicer a tuple is a list of objects of potentially different types this is the syntax for getting a tuple we can define several variables inside one of these tuples although our compiler is going to give us some warnings it's saying unused local variable because we're not actually using these for anything we'll come back to this now we can go ahead and do return and we can pick one of these variables that we want to return answer is going to be the price so we're going to do return answer but uh-oh we're
going to run into an error return type argument in 256 is not implicitly convertible to expected type answer is an int 256 and we want to return a uint 256 so how do we rectify this we can fix this by using what's called typecasting if we just return answer we're going to be returning the wrong type however integers and solidity are really easy to cast into each other so we can just do uint 256 and wrap it around this answer and then compile and save that instead as you can see now our compiler is happy
because we've changed this answer into a unit 256 awesome so now this get price should return the latest price of ethereum in terms of usd let's go ahead and deploy this new contract with this new function so same thing we're going to come to our deploy section hit the deploy button up remember we got to go to the fundbean.sol let's deploy it confirm with metamask here and let's scroll down to our newly deployed contract as you can see we have our get version function which still works exactly the same but we have a new function
too called get price and this should return a uint 256 answer let's go ahead and click it amazing we've actually returned an answer now again if you're a little confused on why this number looks so big you have to remember that this actually has eight decimals we could call this decimal's function on the contract to learn that one two three four five six seven eight and we know that the current price of ethereum in terms of usd is two thousand four hundred and eighty-two awesome so now that we have the price we can actually get
the conversion rate but let's clean up this function a little bit before we go on up there as you can see one thing that the compiler is complaining about is we have a lot of unused local variables but latest round data returns five different variables so how do we actually return the five variables but make our compiler happy with us well we can actually just return blanks for each one of these sections with commas in between each other to say hey there is a variable here but we're not going to use it this will also
make our code look a lot cleaner because now this function's a lot smaller we say something's here we're ignoring it in 256 answer we're going to use some things here ignore it something here ignore it and ignore this too and we can even test this out by compiling it deploying it checking on rank b scrolling down hitting this and hitting get price and you can see indeed it's the exact same as before awesome so now we're all done cleaning things up right not quite yet see the other thing that's really annoying here we have this
massive chunk of code at the top that is probably a little redundant there's a good chance that a lot of our contracts are going to want to use this aggregator v3 interface so let's just go ahead and add that at chain link contract syntax back in because it's going to look a lot cleaner here and do at chain link contracts if you ever get a little bit confused with what you should be importing to work with their contracts we can see right in the documentation at the top this at syntax is what this is going
to use now you can also go ahead and browse that npm package of at chainlink contracts see what other applications are in there and what other files are in there or you can just peruse around the github now the third way we can actually do imports is we can import from contracts that are in the same file system as our contracts well awesome our contract is starting to look more and more put together now one other thing that i usually like to do with these is i usually like to put everything into the gray way
standard so as we saw this get price had eight decimal places however the smallest unit of measure aka whey if we look at it has 18. one two three four five six seven eight nine ten one two three four five six seven eight so typically in these i like to try to make everything have 18 decimals as well you don't have to do this and it'll save some gas if you don't but i usually like to multiply everything so that everything has 18 decimal places so since i know this has 8 i can just do
1 2 three four five six seven eight nine ten and now this will return the price with eighteen decimal places instead of ten now we have the price of ethereum in us dollar which is fantastic so we could set the price of our funding function to anything that we want here for example let's say 50 we could convert whatever value that they send us to its us dollar equivalent and see if it's greater than or less than fifty dollars all we have to do is make a new function that converts that value that they send
to its us dollar equivalent so we could do function get conver generate and it will take a u 256 f amount let's get this out of the way for the rest of this it'll be a public view function since again we're not actually going to have it make any state change we'll do returns you want 256 and then in this function we can do uint 256 f price equals get price and we can call this get price function up here now we have the price in here what we want to do is we want to
convert whatever value that they send as f amount let's say they send one way or again that's going to be this much way what how do we convert this to fusd well we can now do unit 256 s amount in usd equals this f price times the f amount that they sent this is actually going to result in a much bigger number than we're looking for and then of course we're going to return it let's test this out and see why we have to do one more thing here so let's again fund me we'll deploy
rank b we'll scroll down and we have this new function called get conversion rate let's grab this one gray and put it in here whoa this seems like it's a really big number we're saying that one gray is equal to one two three four five six seven eight one two three four five six seven eight nine ten this many dollars now i don't know about you but i don't think the price of even one ethereum is that many dollars maybe in the distant future but definitely not right now the reason that it's off is we
have to then actually divide by this number the reason that we have to do this is because both f price and f amount have an additional 10 raised to the 18th tacked on to them so now we have to divide it out in order to get the right number so we're going to compile compile deploy confirm we can scroll down and now let's try this one way we'll get the conversion right here and we can see we get a number that makes a little bit more sense now remember this has 18 decimals as well so
the real number is 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10. and we know that this number is actually accurate because we can go ahead and pull up a calculator pop that into here and we know that this is one way in us dollar if we get the conversion rate we're saying that this many gray equals one each so we can check it back by multiplying this number by that and we see that we do actually get the price of one ethereum in us dollar so
our math here checks out awesome now since we're on the topic of math i do want to talk briefly about some of the pitfalls of solidity especially when it comes to math prior to solidity 0.8 if you added to the maximum size a uint number could be it would actually wrap around to the lowest number that it would be and in fact you can even demo this with a contract here now you don't have to follow along with this contract but just watch to see the example we're going to call this overflow dot sol now
in here we're going to add all kind of the normal stuff contract overflow and we're going to add a function called overflow we'll make a public view and we'll have it return a uint 8. i'll show you why in just a minute a union 256 is a really really big number and it's hard to kind of imagine going over the maximum cap of a u and 256 but a uint 8 is a lot smaller with the maximum number actually being 255. so if we create a uint 8 and we call it big equals 255 and
then we just do return big what do we think we're going to get here for this we can go ahead and use javascript vm because we're not interacting with any other contracts let's deploy this and we'll see in our contract if we call overflow now we're just going to get 255. however what happens if we add 1 to this number or try to add 1 to this number if we do it just like this solidity actually knows that there's an issue here and says hey try not to do this but if we typecast this as
a uint eight solidity gets a little bit more confused and goes ahead and lets us do this now what do we think big is going to be it should be 256 right but big is the uint 8 and this is the maximum size that it could be so what happens when we deploy this we look down we actually get zero what happens if we do 100 and we deploy that we actually get 99 and this is because integers can actually wrap around once you reach their maximum cap they basically reset this is something we need
to watch out for when working with solidity if we're doing multiplication on really big numbers we can accidentally pass this cap luckily as a version 0.8 of solidity it actually checks for overflow and it defaults to check for overflow to increase readability of code even if that comes a slight increase of gas costs you can use this unchecked if you want to have it keep that wrapping functionality so just be aware if you're using a lower version than 0.8 you're going to have to do something to make up for this and we could write a
whole bunch of code here basically to check all of our math or we could just import something called safe math from another package similar to how we imported chain link we can go ahead and import a package called safe math from a tool called open zeppelin now open zeppelin is an open source tool that allows us to use a lot of already pre-built contracts we can go ahead to the documentation and go to their utilities and see safe math and they even have a little sticker here saying safe math is no longer needed started with
solidity 0.8 safe math is a tool and a way for us to avoid some of these problems with doing math and solidity now i'm not going to spend too much time on the contracts that actually fix this but we can actually import right from the chain link directory as well a solidity file called safe math chain link and what we can do is right after our contract we can do using safe math chain link for uint256 and what this will do is it will use safe math chain link for all of our unit 256 and
safe math chain link doesn't allow for that overflow to occur libraries are really similar to contracts except that they're isolated code that can be run in a reusable context in this case we're attaching the safe math chain link library to uint256 so that these overflows are automatically checked for just keep in mind if you're using anything less than 0.8 you're going to want to use some type of safe math just to check for your overflows now this is for those of you who are familiar with safe math and integer overflows and underflows we are not
going to be calling the functions that safe math provides us like div add mole you know all those functions simply because in 0.8 moving forward we no longer have to use those and we can just use our regular operators like plus and minus so this is great our contract is coming along really well we now have a way to get the conversion rate of whatever f is sent and turn it into us dollar now we can set a threshold in terms of us dollar but how do we guarantee that whatever amount that the users send
when they call fund is going to be at least fifty dollars well first we might want to set a minimum value so we can do unit 256 minimum usd equals let's say 50 and again since we're using everything in way terms we want to then multiply this by 10 raised to the 18th and just want to take a pause for a second because this line is actually wrong this should be raised to the 18th so this line should really look like this where it has the double star so apologies the rest of this has that
single star but it should be the double star here if you do have the single star though the rest of the contract will still work fine so this will be the minimum value it'll be 50 times 10 raised to the 18th so that everything has 18 decimals now that we have a minimum amount how do we actually make sure that this minimum amount is met in the value that they send us well if you're familiar with if statements we could do something like if message.value is less than minimum usd then revert or we could do
something a lot easier and better practice and much cleaner we do what's called a require statement when a function call reaches a require statement it'll check the truthiness of whatever require you've asked so in our case the converted rate of message.value needs to be greater than or equal to our minimum usd this line says that if the conversion rate of message on value to usd if they didn't send us enough ether then we are going to stop executing we're going to kick it out we're going to say hey this doesn't count and we're going to
do what's called a revert we're going to revert the transaction this means that the user is going to get their money back as well as any unspent gas and this is highly recommended we can also then additionally add a revert error message something like you need to spend more eath so now let's try this out as we saw one way is going to be way less than fifty dollars so if we send one way along with this fund contract call it should kick out and say you need to spend more eth so let's actually try
this let's go to the deploy tab we'll get rid of our overflow we use injected web 3 because again we are working with the chain link aggregated contracts that are on chain we're going to move to fund me and we're going to hit deploy metamath's going to pop up and we're going to hit confirm now if i try to hit fund let's see what happens we're getting a gas estimation failed since gas estimation error failed with the following message execution reverted you need to spend more eth so the contract isn't even letting us make the
transaction we can go ahead and try to send the transaction but here's what's going to happen on ether scan once this goes through you can see that once this transaction finished we got this status fail with error you need to spend more eth we don't want to force these transactions to go through if we look at our metamask we can even see this failed bit here so whenever you see these gas estimation failed errors usually that means something reverted or you didn't do something that was required however if we go to value here and we
spend a lot more let's say 0.1 ether which if we take out our calculator 2500 times point one it's going to be 250 dollars this should easily be well and beyond past our 50 threshold so let's add 0.1 ether remember we got 0.1 by adding it in the converter and grabbing the way again the way is the smallest denomination now if we change this to way and hit fund this should go through we're gonna hit fun now you'll see men and mass pops up because metamask goes oh yeah this transaction isn't going to revert and
that's what we want so we can go ahead and hit confirm and now we'll finally have sent some funding to our contract now that this is confirmed we go ahead and grab our address here pop it into our address to amount and we can see that indeed our funding has gone through now we can be part of this crowdsourcing application with our minimum value which is fantastic awesome great job awesome so now we can fund this contract with a certain minimum usd value in this case it's going to be 50 now you'll notice though that
right now we don't do anything with this money so we're going to fund this contract however that's it and we don't have a function in here to actually withdraw the money so there's no way that even though we just sent this contract some money there's no way for us to get it back so how do we fix this well we can add a withdraw function in here so let's go ahead and add that function withdraw and this is also going to be a payable function because we're going to be transferring eth we'll make this public
and we can do message dot sender dot transfer transfer is a function that we can call on any address to send eth from one address to another this transfer function sends some amount of ethereum to whoever it's being called on in this case we're transferring ethereum to message.sender so all we need to do now is define how much we want to send well we're going to send all the money that's been funded so to get all the money that's been funded in this contract we can do address this dot balance now there's a couple of
special things going on with this line first we're saying address of this this is a key word in solidity whenever you refer to this you're talking about the contract that you're currently in and when we add address of this we're saying we want the address of the contract that we're currently in whenever you call an address and then the balance attribute you can see the balance in ether of a contract so with this line we're saying whoever called the withdraw function because whoever calls the function is going to be the message.sender transfer them all of
our money so let's go ahead and try this let's deploy fundme and now let's fund this with a lot of ether so that we can see it we'll fund it with one whole ether so that we can see it go into the contract and get pulled out of the contract we'll hit the fun button and you'll see we're sending one whole ether into this contract now if we look at our balance it's gone down from 17 to 16. or if you're still at 18 it went down from 18. so let's try to get it back
if we call this withdraw function now confirm once this transaction goes through we should get all of our ether back let's look at our metamask and boom indeed we have got all of our eth back however looking at this contract we can see that hmm well maybe we don't want anybody to be able to withdraw all the funds in this contract that seems like it might be a really bad idea maybe we only want the funding admin to be able to withdraw funds so how do we set this up in a way that only the
contract owner can actually withdraw funds well we learned before that the require function can actually stop contracts from executing unless some certain parameters are met we can do the same thing here with require message.sender equals the owner but we don't have an owner to this contract yet so how do we get an owner to this contract the instant that we deploy it well we could have a function called create owner but what happens if somebody calls this function right after we deploy it well then we wouldn't be the owner anymore so we actually need a
function to get called the instant we deploy this smart contract and that's actually exactly what the constructor does so typically at the top of your smart contracts you'll see a constructor and this is a function that gets called the instant your contract gets deployed you don't even need to do add function here we can literally just call it constructor because it's what constructs the smart contract so we'll make constructor public and whatever we add in here will be immediately executed whenever we deploy this contract so one thing that we could do is we could have
an owner be set the instant we deploy the smart contract so in the top we could add address owner and in our constructor we could say owner equals message.sender because the sender of this message is going to be us it's going to be whoever deploys this smart contract we can even test this out in the javascript vm to be a little bit quicker because we're not actually going to be calling the fund or the getprice function for now oops let's also make this public so that we can interact and see this owner variable so now
if we go to fund me we deploy this in the javascript vm we should be able to see who the owner of this contract is and it should be our address because this constructor function should have been immediately called the instant that we deployed the smart contract awesome we can see the owner of this smart contract is indeed our wallet because remember we're working with the javascript vm our wallet is these fake wallets that they kind of give us we can even try this with an injected web 3 with deploying this and the owner should
be this ox 757 etc address let's go ahead and look at fundme see the owner and we do indeed see the owner is us okay great now we have an owner we can go down to our withdraw function and use that same require so we can call acquire message.sender equals equals owner equals equals is the way that solidity understands true false we're saying that message.sender has to equal owner now let's go ahead and try this and we'll try with the javascript vm again for speed reasons let's deploy this funding and if we go down here
we try to call the withdraw function and it looks like it is successful because currently this is the address that deployed the contract and it's also the address that is calling withdraw however if we switch to a different account and call withdraw you'll see that remix actually freaks out down here it says uh oh something wrong happened and this is essentially the require statement kicking out if you want to try it with injected web 3 as well can absolutely do that too and remember the way to switch accounts in metamask is to either create a
count right here or just switch like this and then we'll connect with account two so if i try to withdraw from this second account that didn't call the contract and i hit withdraw now it's going to give us gas estimation failed because the required statement is going to kick out but again if we switch back to account 1 and we call withdraw metamask is going to pop up and it's going to allow us to withdraw now obviously there's nothing in this contract right now so we're going to withdraw nothing but we can still call it
it's going to do message.transfer 0. so this is great we can now require this withdraw function is only callable by the owner now what if we have a ton of contracts that want to use something like this they require the message.sender to be some owner or maybe it's more complicated than this is there an easier way to wrap our functions and some require or some other executable well this is where modifiers come in we can use a modifier to write in the definition of our function add some parameter that allows it to only be called
by our admin contract modifiers are used to change the behavior of functions in a declarative way let's create our first modifier we'll call it modifier which is a keyword only owner and we'll add this require statement in here require message.sender equals owner then after this we just add an underscore and a semicolon what a modifier is going to do is it's going to say hey before you run this function do this require statement first and then wherever your underscore is in the modifier run the rest of the code so we could also do a modifier
where the underscore is up here and then this is afterwards but but we want to run the require first so now what we can do is we can make this function withdraw payable only owner public and what's going to happen is before we do this transfer we're actually going to check this modifier we're actually going to run this require message.sender equals owner and then again where this underscore is that's where we'll add the rest of the function so again for speed reasons and since we're not actually going to be interacting with the chain link data
contract we can go to javascript vm switch to funding deploy and we can call withdraw obviously we can call withdraw from our account but if we switch accounts and try to call withdraw we're going to get an error which is perfect because that means our modifier is working correctly awesome now we have a fantastically succinct fund me contract here the only thing that we're really missing is that when we withdraw from this contract we're actually not updating our balances of people who funded this so even after with we withdraw this is always going to be
the same so we need to go through all the funders in this mapping and reset their balances to zero but how do we actually do that we can't actually loop through all the keys in a mapping when a mapping is initialized every single key is essentially initialized now we obviously can't go through every single possible key on the planet however what we can do is create another data structure an array something we're already familiar with so let's go ahead and create a new funders array that way we can loop through them and reset everyone's balance
to zero we'll do an address array because it's going to be an array of all the funders addresses we'll make it public and we'll call it funders now when somebody funds a contract what we're going to do is we're going to do funders now whenever a funder funds this contract we can go ahead and push them onto our funders array so we can do funders dot push message dot sender now if somebody funds multiple times the funders array is going to be a little bit redundant but we're going to ignore that for now now that
we have an array of funders when we withdraw everything we're going to want to reset this to 0. when we withdraw everything we want to reset everyone's balance in that mapping to 0. so we're going to do what's called a for loop a for loop is a way to loop through a range of numbers to do something so we're going to say 4 you and 256 funder index equals zero because we want to start with the zeroth index we're going to give it a max size to go to we're going to say the funder index
has to be less than funders dot length dot length is how we get the length of our array and then we're going to say funders index plus plus this means that we have an index variable called funder index and it's going to start from zero this loop is going to finish whenever funder index is greater than the length of the funders every time we finish a loop we're going to add one to the funder index that's what that funder index plus plus does it adds one to the funder index and every time whatever code is
in this for loop executes we're going to restart at the top and all we're going to do in here is we're going to grab the address of the funder from our funders array funders so the funder at the index in our funders array we're going to use this as the key in our mapping so we're going to take address to amount funded of funder and we're going to set it equal to zero so now our mapping is going to be all updated to people having xero funded in there we do have to do one more
thing as well we have to reset our funder array as well now there's a couple ways to do this but a really easy way is just to set funders equal to a new array so we could do funders equals a new blank address array so all right it looks like we've got everything in here we need right away when we deploy this we are set as the owner we can allow anybody to fund whatever public good that we're doing and they have to fund it with the minimum usd value that we actually set whenever they
fund we'll keep track of how much they're funding and who's been funding us we can get the price of the ethereum that they send in the terms of usd and we can convert it to check to see if they're sending us the right amount we have our only owner modifier so that we're the only ones who can withdraw from the contract and when we do withdraw everything from the contract we reset all the funders who have currently participated in our crowdsourcing application awesome let's see if everything works end to end so we're going to go
to fundme we're going to deploy it we're going to confirm from metamask and remember if you're ever confused about what's going on or or something weird is happening in your transactions or your deployments you can always go into etherscan and read more about your transaction and what's going on now that our transaction has been deployed let's go ahead and just take inventory as what's going on we have our owner which is our address right here we have the aggregator v3 interface version which is version 3 which we can kind of ignore we have the price
of ethereum in terms of usd with 18 decimals instead of 8. we have a function that allows us to get the conversion rate of any ethereum amount to its us dollar equivalent we have an array of funders which right now starts out as empty we have a mapping of addresses which also right now starts out as empty let's go ahead and try to fund this contract we'll use way just that we're always on the same page and we'll fund it with 0.1 away remember everything has 18 decimal places so if we want to do 0.1
we just do 17. so we can do one one two three four five six seven eight one two three four five six seven eight nine and that'll be 0.1 ethereum now we can go ahead and hit fund and we're going to send 0.1 eth to this contract great so if we look at the zeroth index of funders we can see that indeed we have funded this contract let's even have our second account fund this contract so all we got to do is switch to this contract in metamask we can go ahead and put point one
eth back in here for value and hit fund now as you can see we're deploying this from account two let's go ahead and hit confirm funder at index zero is going to be our admin and the funder at index one is going to be our second account and if we go ahead and we add this funder in here we can see we've indeed sent point one ether with this account if we go back to our count one and put this in here we can see that that address also has 0.1 ether fantastic so let's try
to be malicious let's try to have account number 2 actually withdraw all the funds in here let's hit this withdraw function uh-oh the transaction has failed we're relentlessly malicious we want to send this transaction regardless so even though i'm not the admin of this contract i've gone ahead and still tried to send those withdrawal so what happens now we can see that remix is saying hey something went wrong and again if we look at ether scan we can see that there is a fail here since in our modifier we didn't give a reason here nothing
shows up but we could have always put a reason in there and something would show up so all right let's go ahead back to the actual admin and now let's try to withdraw everything so if we hit withdraw now we can go ahead and confirm what should happen is everything in here should be back to zero and this array should be back to zero as well and if we watch our address we can see it literally just went from point four to point six because it got point one from the original funding that this account
put in and the 0.1 that our second account put in so now if we look at funder 0 we can see it actually errored because it is now a brand new array and there is nothing at index zero if we try to see how much this address now is funded it's back down to zero awesome you've now learned how to deploy a relatively simple yet effective crowdsourcing application where users can fund and an admin can withdraw those funds to go spend them on things now we've been working with remix so far to start our smart
contract in our solidity development journey remix is an incredibly powerful what's known as a web ide or an integrated development environment and in my opinion remix should always be the starting ground for anybody looking to start their smart contract journey because it is a wonderfully friendly way to really show what's going on behind the scenes and it's really easy to see everything we're doing with ethereum with chain link and with our smart contracts now it does have some limitations though it's really hard to integrate other parts of different projects it has some limited support for
testing or custom deployments it's a little tricky to save files locally you need an internet connection to actually interact with it and it doesn't have python so in order for us to deploy test and automate everything about our smart contract development cycle we want to connect our solidity and our smart contracts with a more traditional programming language like python this way we can customize our entire development environment in any way that we like we're first going to teach you all how to work with what's known as web3.pi which is an incredibly powerful python package for
doing everything that we want to do with smart contracts then once we learn some of the basics of web3.pi then we'll move on to browning which is a smart contract development framework built on top of web3.pi which makes our lives even easier however it's still really important to learn web3.pi first because this will teach you what's going on behind the scenes of brownie now for the rest of this course i'm going to be working with visual studio code which is an incredibly powerful text editor that will give us a lot of formatting and a lot
of really nice tools to work with deploying and interacting with our smart contracts if you've already got vs code and python and your entire coding setup set up the way that you like it feel free to use the timestamps in the description to skip ahead to the next section you'll often hear people referring to this as vs code or visual studio code but just to point out this is not what you're looking for right in front of you here visual studio is a different application make sure you're on visual studio code if you want to
be a total hardo and just work with vim or emacs or whatever else you want to do you absolutely can but i'm going to go through setting up visual studio code the way that i like it and if you guys want to follow along i highly recommend it because it's going to make your life a lot easier there's a link to download visual studio code in the github repository basically all you have to do is come to the site right here and you can hit this big download button it should recognize what operating system that
you're on be it windows be it mac or some other operating system and if it doesn't you can go ahead and hit this little drop down and pick one there so let's go ahead and download visual studio code and open it up awesome once you've downloaded visual studio code this is approximately what you should be seeing there's a fantastic getting started section here where if you're brand new to vs code and you want to learn a little bit more quickly you absolutely can and we have some links as well in our github repository giving you
a crash course in vs code if you want to learn more let's set this up though so it's going to be really friendly for us to be doing our smart contract development here so first we want to go to this extensions tab it looks like these little blocks thing right here and first we're going to look up python and you want to install this python extension right here this is going to make our lives a lot easier for interacting with python and doing a lot of things with python then you're going to want to go
ahead and download this and install this solidity extension this is going to make formatting our solidity a lot easier now we want to download python if you haven't already so go ahead to let's go to downloads and it should recognize what operating system that you're on and you can just go ahead and hit the download button and then follow the steps to download this i've already got it download so i'm not going to walk through this okay great now that we have python installed one of the other amazing things about vs code is you
can actually open a terminal up inside a visual studio code the way you can open your own terminal if this is your vs code you can go over on this top bar to terminal and select new terminal and you'll see something that looks like this it might be a bash it might be a zch it might be a powershell there's a lot of different types of terminals that you'll be able to see by looking right here we can now test to see if python is installed correctly if we type in python space dash dash version
we should get something that looks like this the exact version of python doesn't really matter here but ideally you're at least on python 3.8 if python dash version doesn't work you can also try python 3-version now if neither one of those works we actually have a number of troubleshooting tips in the github repository for this course and oftentimes a quick google search on whatever error that you have you'll get a link which will lead you to the answer but if that google search doesn't lead to the answer then just go ahead and drop an issue
or conversation associated with your issue on the github repo associated with this course in particular there are a couple of common errors that i've definitely seen a number of times so if you see an issue on your instance that matches something on the screen here definitely 100 be sure to check out those troubleshooting tips sometimes just installing some of these applications is really the hardest part of doing the entire coding journey here so please make sure you have python and vs code installed correctly before moving on and don't be discouraged if this doesn't work exactly
the way that it should right away now if you're on a mac you can actually hit control back tick and it will toggle back and forth between having the terminal open and closing it i find this really helpful and i use it all the time instead of hitting the buttons a key tip for productivity is going to be using keyboard shortcuts instead of clicking around all the time you'll be much faster okay great we have python installed we have python and solidity extensions of visual studio code installed let's start working on a new project so
in our terminal so in our terminal we can create some folder i've already created a demos folder here you can create one as well if you'd like by doing mkdir demos since i've already done it the file already already exists and then cd into demos you can type clear or if you're on a mac command k to clear the terminal now here's what we're going to be doing we're going to be working with simple storage again the exact same contracts but instead we're going to be using web3.pi so we're going to make a new directory
inside of our demos folder slash directory called web3 pi simple storage and we're going to cd into this new folder right here now again all the completed code is going to be in our github and there's going to be a link to everything that we do in this folder in this github so you can always refer to that if you get lost and the next thing that we want to do is we want to have our visual studio code know that we're in this folder so we can go ahead and click this files icon and
hit open folder and i'm just going to go to this web 3 pi simple storage and hit open and another vs code will actually pop up we can see on the left hand side here we have a folder this will show all the different files and folders in our web 3 pi simple storage directory let's go ahead and create a file dot sol we can right click on this area and select new file and do simple storage dot soul and then we can go back to our simple storage dot soul in remix copy everything and
then paste it into here if you don't have it up remember you can always refer back to the github repository which will have it in there for you awesome now we have our solidity in its own file called simplestorage.soul you'll notice that some of the words are actually highlighted different colors this is known as syntax highlighting and it's due to the fact that we added the solidity extension in it makes reading this code a lot easier now this file is in here we'll see that we have this little dot here whenever you see this little
dot this means that your vs code file isn't saved so we want to always save it otherwise when we compile or we go to write a script things might not work correctly so we can save it by going up to file and then selecting save or again you're going to want to learn how to do the keyboard shortcuts because you're going to want to hit save often for mac it's command s and for windows it's ctrl s now the other thing that you'll see is you get this red line here this is vs code's way
of telling us it thinks that there's an error at this position so this is really just the extension being a little bit confused here and we can safely ignore this and normally when i'm coding i do just ignore it we're often going to be flipping back and forth between compiler versions so oftentimes this isn't really a helpful warning here but if it is really bothersome you could right click it and do something like solidity change global compiler version or we can go to code preferences settings let's close this so we can see some more things
in here we'll look up solidity and we'll come to this solidity extension config what we can do then is scroll down and we can see solidity compile using remote version this will allow us to choose what version we want to compile with if we do 0.6.0 and hit save and go back to simple storage you'll see the red line is now gone while we have this up another really helpful piece that we can do here is we can add what's called a formatter so if we scroll down to solidity formatter you'll see that this enable
slash disables the solidity formatter we can go from none to prettier then we'll also look up format on save and we want to make sure we have this editor format on save check marked what we can do then is we can come over to simplestorage.sol and maybe i've got some bad formatting in here we'll move over favorite number string name and put a whole bunch of new spaces in here or something now if i hit save it automatically reformats our file to look a lot nicer so to recap we want to turn on format on
save and if you get issues with a red line under pragma solidity you can just change the compiler version in your settings here now while we're in here we're also going to go ahead and set up our python formatting as well so the first thing that we're going to do is we're going to install the black python formatter so we're going to open up our terminal here and whenever you install python it comes pre-installed with this package called pip to check to see if you have pip installed correctly run pip dash dash version now we
can install the black formatter by running pip install black i already have it installed so it's going to be pretty quick for me then we'll come to our settings and we'll look up python formatting and we'll scroll down to python formatting provider you might have autopet bait or none in here you're going to want to change it to black this way whenever we save our python files now they will also get automatically formatted to be very readable and really nice and just to note for my demos in solidity i don't always have format on save
for solidity i do have format on save for my python but i'm still going to highly recommend you have format on save for both your python and for your solidity anyways so how are we going to actually deploy this well this is where our python is going to come into play let's go ahead and create a new file on the left here and we'll call it deploy dot pi now let's go into this deploy.pi file and let's start actually figuring how we can deploy this in python and this is the part of the course where
we start using python here if you're unfamiliar with python or a little bit weaker on python there is a fantastic free code camp course that goes through all the basics of python if you want to learn more i definitely recommend checking it out however we are going to walk you through all the scripts that we write anyways so don't be afraid to just jump in and follow along with what we're doing here even if you have no experience so the first thing that we're going to want to actually do is read this simple storage solidity
file we need to get this into this deploy script so that our python file knows what it's going to deploy so how do we do this well we're going to type with open quote dot slash simple storage dot sol comma r as file simple storage file equals file dot read now what is this actually doing well it's saying that we're going to execute some code inside this indented area after the colon and then once this code is finished we're actually going to close this file because right now we're opening it we're going to close it
once it's done the file that we're going to open is going to be this simple storage.sol which is located right here in this same directory that we're in we're going to only read from it and we're going to call it file and then we're going to read all the contents of this file and place it in a variable simple storage file so then we can go ahead and write a print statement print simple storage file and if you hit save here you'll see that it automatically gets formatted which is really nice if you want to
run black yourself you can just type black dot and it'll automatically format all the python files in your folder here you'll know that you're doing it right if you add a whole bunch of new lines and then save it anyways enough on formatting let's head on down to the terminal and let's call python deploy.pi and we can see our terminal printed everything in simple storage file which is perfect now our python script has what it needs to actually get started working with our solidity now something you'll see i do a lot is i save a
lot and if you're looking for some keyboard shortcuts you can always do command p add a little bracket here and look up keyboard shortcuts reference and click this it'll bring you to this keyboard's reference page based off of what operating system that you have all right great so now that we can actually read from our simple storage.soul file we actually have to compile it because remember back in remix every single time we did anything with our files we had to compile them first so we need some compiler in python luckily there is a fantastic python
package called pi silk x that does exactly this now i also want to point out though that pi silk x is actually a fork of this package called pi silk now you can still use pysol however i'm going to highly highly recommend that you use pi silk x instead as pike sulk x is a lot more actively maintained than ethereum pixel we can install it with pip install pi sulk x we could even hit this little copy button move back on over here paste it in and hit enter again i've already installed it so it's
pretty quick for me the way that we can use it now is by importing it into our python here so we'll say from sulk x import compile standard compile standard is going to be this main function that we actually use to compile this code so let's go ahead and compile our solidity we're going to save our compiled code to a variable called compiled soul this is going to be equal to us calling this compile standard function but we're going to add a lot of variables and a lot of parameters into this function here first we
have to add is a language which in this case is solidity we're going to add in some sources which we're going to say our sources are going to be simple storage.soul and it's going to have some content which is equal to this simple storage file variable that we made oh excuse me this all has to be in a bracket piece as well and see if i hit save here it auto formats which is really nice and another quick tip you can see how even my brackets are highlighted in these fun colors if we go down
to extensions and look up bracket you can add this bracket pair colorizer which will help make the brackets look a little bit nicer kind of as you see here you can go ahead and install that as well anyways then we'll add some settings and a lot of this is a little bit lower level stuff than what you're really going to have to know or use so i'm not going to go too deep into everything that's actually going on here for now but in our settings we're going to choose an output selection which is going to
choose what we output when we compile this we do a little star here and in the star we're going to do another star we're going to choose our output list we're going to get an abi out that's incredibly important which we've talked about before we're going to get some metadata we're gonna get an evm dot byte code we're gonna get an evm dot source map that's pretty much it again i'm not gonna go too deep into what this output selection and what these settings are actually doing but if you want to learn more you can
go to the home page of pi sulk x scroll down to the documentation section and read more in the docs on what you can actually put and all the different features that this actually has the last thing we're going to do is we're going to add a sulk version or solidity version we're going to say sulk version equals and then we'll choose the version that we want to use so we'll put in 0.6.0 and then what we should be able to do is print out this compiled soul and we'll see just a whole bunch of
really really low level stuff so let's go ahead and run this we'll run python deploy.pi and you'll see we get this massive object here which has a whole bunch of basically unreadable pieces but this is a lot of the low-level code that actually gets compiled whenever we use the compiler in remix or now in python remix actually does the exact same thing once we compile something on remix you can actually copy the bytecode if you hit this little copy button and copy the bytecode and come back to your vs code and create a new file
a keyboard shortcut to create a new file is command n and we paste everything we can see there's a whole bunch of stuff in here these op codes are the low level code that our contract is actually doing that actually governs how this code works this is what our written code is getting compiled down to so solidity can actually read it and understand what's going on you'll also see this thing called abi which is in remix and we're even going to output it right here we have this abi thing now in remix if you hit
copy the button on the api come back create new file paste it you can see we have this long json object this is that application binary interface that we've talked about so much you can see that it's actually describing all the functions and variables so for example we have a function called add person and it takes two parameters a name and a favorite number so we have this input section for the function and we have this section that describes what the function can is actually doing so the name is ad person it doesn't have a
return type it's non-payable and it's a function and we can see that for pretty much everything in here this is the lowest digestible way to say hey here's where all the functions are here's what the parameter types are here's what the return types are going to be and everything like that so we're going to close it out for now though so this is fantastic we've now compiled our solidity typically i usually also like to output it and print it out to a file as well so to do that we'll do with open compiledcode.json and this
time instead of reading we're going to write and we'll call this as file as well instead of doing file.write we're going to do what's called a json.dump compiled soul file we do need of course to import json also just a note i know it says we're using sulk here but please use sulk x still i ended up filming a little bit of both versions so i did a little bit of a mix and match but please use sulk x even if you see seoul what this line is going to do is it's going to take
our compiled soul jason variable and just dump it into this file here but it's going to keep it in the json syntax so it's still going to be json e so now if we run python deploy.pi we'll see we have a new file in here called compilecode.json the other reason that i wanted to do this was because if i hit control s it actually formats this into a readable way now again we can go into these settings here we can look up json and we can do enable json formatter and this will automatically make it
so that we format this json so it's a lot more readable again the reason i like to output this is because this abi is so important and we're going to use it so much that i like to kind of be able to see it and and read through it really quickly the rest of this lower level stuff like evm and byte codes and op codes we don't really work with so much however as you learn more and more about solidity you'll probably see more and more of opcode so if you really want to learn a
lot of really low-level stuff look into opcodes but for the purpose of this tutorial we're not going to be going too deep into it okay awesome so we've compiled our solidity we've even stored our solidity code to this compiledcode.json file now what do we do we probably want to deploy it and test it out so how do we actually do that well first we actually have to get the bytecode we need the bytecode of the file so that we can actually deploy it so we're going to do bytecode equals compiled soul contracts simple storage dot
sol simple storage evm white code object all right great there we go so now we have our byte code we also need to get our abi so we need to get the api so what we're doing here when we're typing in all these words like contract simple storage simple storage is we're walking down the json here so when we say we want to get the byte code in this compiled solidity json we want to go to contracts simple storage symbol storage evm byte code so contracts inside this contracts json you got to go to simple
storage inside this simple storage dot soul there's another simple storage inside that there's an avi but that's not what we want we want the evm so we're going to scroll down we're going to get the evm then what do we want then we want the bytecode great and then we want the object so this is the bytecode of our contract it's the really low level stuff that the ethereum virtual machine or the evm is going to understand now we also need the avi when we deploy this to a chain this is what we're going to
need we need the byte code and the abi the abi we can of course get from this kind of same method here so to get this we can do abi equals compiled soul same thing contracts simple storage dot soul simple storage and as you can see we're right here and then we can just grab this api object avi and we can even do print api we'll do python develop.pi and indeed our abi is printed here awesome so now that we have our two main pieces to deploy this now all we have to do is deploy
it but the question then becomes is where are we going to deploy it to which blockchain are we going to deploy to in remix when we were first playing around we were using a javascript vm or a fake or a simulated environment we absolutely could and we absolutely will learn to deploy this to a test in because that's going to be the same way that we're going to deploy to a mainnet but before we do that we should learn how to deploy this on a simulated environment or something similar to that javascript vm so it's
much faster and easier to test things and this is where ganache is going to come to the rescue ganache is a simulated or a fake blockchain that we can actually use to deploy our smart contracts to and have it interact like it's a real blockchain ganache is going to allow us to spin up our own local blockchain and it'll look something like this now the user interface is really nice because it allows us to kind of do this one-click blockchain to create our own local blockchain that means that this blockchain isn't connected to any other
blockchain out there but it'll act like a blockchain but it'll be a lot faster than us having to interact with a testnet and we control the entire blockchain because it's only one node we're the only node so ganache great way to test things quickly now we're going to mainly we're working with the user but i'm also going to show you how to work with the ganache command line you can really use either one depending on what you want to do but a lot of the tools actually have built-in ganache command lines so it's definitely really
useful to learn that as well so again ganache is going to be our simulated environment here so what we're going to do once we get into ganache we can just go ahead and hit quick start this will automatically upload and get started with our own local fake blockchain you can even see it gives us some accounts this should look pretty familiar it should look very meta-masky right we have an address here and each one of these addresses has a private key in your ganache you can go ahead and just click the key and hit show
keys and it'll show you the account address and the private key but of course these are for development purposes only each one of these accounts has a balance associated with it we can see a mnemonic or your secret phrase you can see blocks transactions and a whole lot of other really useful features here and it even tells us how to connect to this blockchain and these are the connecting features that we're going to want to use let's learn how to connect to this ganache blockchain from this user interface first and then we'll learn how to
do the command line version this is when we finally start working with web3.pi you can just do pip install web3 and now we can start working with web3.pi right at the top a little confusingly we're going to do import web3 from web3 whoops and this should be from web3 import web3 sorry about that now to connect to this blockchain we choose what's called an http provider if we look at this ganache instance we have this rpc server which has this url http 0.0.0 this is the url that we're going to use to connect to this
blockchain in remix we're actually using our metamasks directly to connect to the blockchain however we want to connect directly to our simulated our fake blockchain right here so what we're going to do is we're going to do w3 for connecting to ganache w3 equals web3 web3.http provider of http and it was on port 845. port 845. now with everything that we show you you're probably going to want to get really familiar with the documentation because even after being a pro you're going to want to use it more and more if you want to learn
more about other providers you can go to the providers page of the documentation the next thing that we're always going to need as well is we're going to need the chain id or the network id what is the id of this blockchain and for ganache it's one three three seven supposed to be a funny leat reference so we'll do chain id equals one three three seven now we're also going to need an address and address to deploy from we can go ahead and grab one of these fake addresses in here to work with similar to
how in remix when we were working with the javascript vm we were given a bunch of fake addresses we're doing the same thing but with ganache and then we're also of course going to want a private key we need the private key of course to sign our transactions so we'll do private key equals this now just note whenever you import a private key in python you need to add an ox to the front python is always going to look for the hexadecimal version of the private key awesome now we have all the parameters that we
need for interacting with and connecting to our ganache local chain it's time to finally deploy our simple storage.soul contract let's do it so the credit contract that we're going to deploy with web3.pi we're going to do simple storage we're going to call this variable w3 dot f dot contract and we're going to give it abi equals abi and byte code equals byte code great does this mean we've deployed it well no this just means we have a contract down so we can do print simple storage and you'll see if we run python deploy.pi we'll see
we have a new type here class web3.utils.datatype.contract this is another type that if you want to learn more you should definitely check out the web3.pi documentation so we have a contract object awesome how do we actually deploy this well we need to actually build our transaction because again whenever we interact with the blockchain whenever we make a state change and in this case we'd be deploying a contract we're going to make a state change so we first need to build a transaction sign a transaction and then send a transaction and to do that we need
to talk about that nuns thing again remember way back in our blockchain demo when we used a nuns to solve the answer to that really difficult mining problem well the definition of nuns is just a word coined or used for just one occasion and in cryptography it's an arbitrary number that can be used just once in a cryptographic communication so this nuns that's used to find the answer is going to be different from another nuns that we're actually going to need to make our transaction see if we look at our meta mask and we look
at our activity and we look at one of the transactions we've made recently on etherscan if we scroll down we'll see nuns here as well this nunce is the number of transactions that our account has actually made every time we make another transaction our transaction is hashed with a new nuns this is what's going on behind the scenes with our transaction and we need this to send our transaction we can actually get our nuns by just grabbing our latest transaction count get the latest transaction we can do nonce equals w3 dot eth dot get transaction
count and we'll put in my address this will give us the number of transactions and it'll effectively give us our nuns we can even test it out with a print python deploy we can see we can see that the answer is zero because on our local blockchain this address that we're using hasn't been used before we can even go to the transactions tab we can see that there are no transactions that have ever occurred on our local blockchain now to deploy this contract we need to make a transaction remember everything that we do every time
we change the state of a blockchain we're going to do it in a transaction let's create a transaction object to do this we can do transaction equals symbol storage which again is this contract object dot constructor dot build transaction now as you might have pointed out our simple storage.sol doesn't actually have a constructor every contract technically has a constructor this one's is just blank we're not telling our simple storage.soul to do anything we saw back in our fund me example that the fund me example does have a constructor so now we want to put in
some parameters for the transaction in web3.pi we always have to give at least a couple of parameters we always have to give the chain id which we already got from above which is one three three seven so we can just do chain id we need a from address in this case my address and then we need a nuns which in our case is just nuts great now we have a transaction object let's even print this out and see what it looks like whoa what's this we can see there's even more parameters in here than just
what we made so we have value which is the ether or the ethereum that we're going to send we have gas we have our gas price which we could arbitrarily set if we'd like we have the chain id we have from address we have the nuns and then we have this giant data object and then two is just empty because it's sending it to the blockchain this giant data object here is encompassing everything that's happening in this simple storage dot sol now that's just a transaction and anybody could actually send this transaction as long as
it's signed by them so we have this transaction but we need to sign it from somebody since we're sending it from our address our private key is going to be the only key that's going to work to sign this remember back when we were talking about public and private keys we right now have a message that is defining how to deploy simple storage but it's not signed yet so we're going to need to use our private key to sign it to create this unique message signature that we're the only ones that can create the private
key but anybody else can verify that it was us who signed it so now signed transaction equals web3 dot eth dot account dot sign transaction and the parameters it takes are going to be transaction and then private key we're gonna say the private key equals private key because above we've actually gone ahead and added our private key in here now guys a really really important note about putting a private key in your code this is really bad practice if you push this to source or you push this to github somebody else can see your private
key and steal all your funds so we don't want to hard code our private keys in our code like we're doing here so let's take this time to talk about environment variables and how to set them environment variables are variables that you can set and that we set in our terminal and in our command lines the following is a way to set an environment variable in macos and linux only don't worry we'll show a way to make an environment variable in windows as well you can set an environment variable by running something like export private
key equals and then adding whatever variable that you want now if you type echo dollar sign private key this variable actually shows up to set environment variables with windows the process that we're going to do is actually a little bit different i've left a link in our github to actually set environment variables in a windows setting and we've left a couple of really helpful links for working more with environment variables you should definitely check them out it's important to note that this export method that we're doing here for creating environment variables only works for the
duration that our shell is live so if we were to close out of our shell and then reopen it our environment variable that we set would be gone so we'd have to re-run that export command we're gonna show you a way to set environment variables so that you don't have to keep doing that now it's also not great to have in plain text on your computer however it's a lot better than hard coding it into our script here now remember if you're using an account that has real money in it which i highly recommend you
do not do don't send this environment variable or this private key or any of this code anywhere because then people can steal all your funds once we move to brownie we'll show you a more effective way for private key management but for now be cautious here but if you followed along and set up a brand new account that has no real money and only test that money in it then great who cares because it's test and it's fake money anyways i think i've talked about it enough anyways let's get back to it we can actually
access this environment variable in python using os.get env we just need to import os and now we can access our private key in our script without actually hard coding it in let's see what happens if we do print private key python deploy to pi you can see our python script was able to pull our private key from our environment variable the other thing that we can do is create a dot env file a dot emv file is typically where people store environment variables it's important to not push these to source if this is what you're
going to do in this dot envy file in python we can just do export private key and then same as what we did before add the 0x at the start and then private key so we could put 100 environment variables in here export some other var equals seven if you're going to do it in this way please please please always set a dot git ignore and make sure dot env is in here this will help make it harder for you to accidentally push your env folder or your emp file to github python actually has a
way of loading directly from a env file without having to export our environment variables or run source.env or export or really anything and we can do it with this python.env package if we close our shell and then reopen it if we run echo some other var we're going to get none here and in fact if we run python develop.pi when we print this environment variable we're going to get none however we can use this.env to have it pulled directly from our.emv so we just do pip install python.env i've already downloaded it so it just says
requirement already satisfied and then what we can do at the top of this we can do from dot env import load.enb and we can run a load.enb function right at the top this load.env looks for this.env file and automatically imports it into our script so if we run this now you'll see that the environment variable was successfully imported into our script and now we can use it so let's let's use it for example with our private key private key equals os that get private key now we can even print it out just a test we'll
run our script and awesome we can see our private key is being successfully pulled in and we didn't hard code it into our application all right let's get back down to our signed transaction here now let's go ahead and print this out and take a look at what this looks like now we can run a script and great what we see here is an example of a signed transaction remember this is exactly what's happening when we were looking back at public private keys we are signing a transaction that is actually deploying a contract to the
blockchain that anybody can easily verify all right so we finally have our signed transaction now we want to send this to the blockchain so it actually can deploy let's send the signed transaction we can do transaction hash equals web3.eth here's a little helpful tip if you see this little box underneath with suggestions show up and you just hit tab it'll auto complete the rest of your text here that's send raw transaction and we'll give it our sign transaction dot broad transaction this will send our transaction to the blockchain now if we look at our local
ganache and we look at transactions right now it'll be empty but let's see what happens when we run this script okay so we didn't print anything out but if we go to our ganache we can see that a transaction actually did go through it was from the address that we put in here we created a contract at this address this is how much gas it used and this is how much value was sent with it we can even click on it to see more information about this now this is the other advantage of doing this
locally is that the transaction automatically went through we've sent our first transaction to a local blockchain and this transaction is deploying a contract great work you can already see how much faster this is than working with a test net one other thing that's really good practice whenever sending a transaction is we wait for some block confirmations to happen so we can do transaction receipt equals web3 dot eth wait for transaction receipt txhash this will have our code stop and wait for this transaction hash to go through awesome so i just ran it again and if
we go to transactions we can now see that there are two transactions here and our code waited a little bit longer for this one to complete so of course we've deployed a contract but how do we actually interact and work with the contract let's start doing that so when working with contracts and we're working with on chain whenever we work with a contract we always need two things we need the contract address and the contract abi often times if you're looking for a specific abi of a type of contract you can usually just google it
so we need to make a new contract object to work with contracts let's go ahead and create this simple storage contract so we can actually interact with it so we'll do simple storage equals dot now we need our address which we can get from ganache but that might be a little bit hard to always be checking the blockchain for a transaction it's actually also in this transaction receipt address equals transaction receipt dot contract address and then since we've compiled this we also have our abi already abi equals abi sometimes you'll see people have a
file called abis.pi or abis.json or something like that and they'll load apis in directly from there and great now that we have the address and the api we can start interacting with this contract exactly as we did in remix so let's do a print statement to get that initial value that is returned from our retrieve function remember it should be initialized to zero so if we do print simple storage dot functions dot retrieve let's see what happens here huh what's this we get this function retrieve bound to in these parentheses here so what's going on
when making transactions in the blockchain there's actually two different ways that we can interact with them we can interact with a call or we can interact with a transact when we use a call this is just to simulate making the call and getting a return value calls don't make a state change to the blockchain and it's similar to how in remix we would call these blue buttons and nothing on the blockchain would actually change we can actually also call these orange buttons or these non-view functions and just not actually make a state change remix defaults
these blue buttons to be calls and these orange buttons to be transacts in python we can actually pick which one we want to do a transact a transact call is when we actually make a state change and this is when we actually have to build a transaction and send a transaction you can always just call a function no matter what that function is but just keep in mind you won't make a state change you can also always transact on a function even if it's just a view and this will attempt to make a state change
something like retrieve even if we transact on it it won't make a state change so for something like retrieve where we don't actually want to make a state change we just use the call function so we'll just do dot call now if we try to run this you'll see we do get the zero because now we're actually calling this transaction awesome so now we have our initial value for our retrieve function let's keep going let's try to update this favorite number using this store function this we'll just keep in mind is our initial value of
favorite number we know that this store function is orange and we'll actually make a transaction but if we wanted to we can even just use call on it we'll do simple storage dot functions that's store we'll put that 15 in here call let's see what happens when we send this you can see it returned a blank that's because this store function has no return type if we give this returns unit 256 and then we say return favorite number and now we go back here and we run this again you'll see now that we get a
15 back if we go to ganache you'll see that we keep making a whole bunch of different contracts but none of these are contract interactions that's because when we call a function we just simulate working with it if we call retrieve again right afterwards you'll see that it's still zero it's because calling is just a simulation now let's delete all that so let's actually build a new transaction to actually store some value into this contract since we want to make a transaction we got to go through the same process as when we deployed this contract
let's first create a transaction called store transaction equals simple storage dot functions about store and we'll give it some number in this case 15 and then we have to do dot build transaction and we'll put those same pieces in here from before we're going to have chain id be the chain id we're going to need from give me my address nunce is going to be the nuns plus 1. we're going to need to do nuns plus 1 because we actually use this nuns already when we create our initial transaction remember a nuns can only be
used once for each transaction so this transaction is going to have to have a different nuance than the nuns we use to deploy the contract now that we have the transaction let's go ahead and sign it we'll do signed store tx and we'll do web3 that eath dot account dot sign transaction store transaction and then private key equals private key and we'll go ahead and save then of course we need to send it so we'll do transaction hash equals w3.eth dot send raw transaction signed store transaction dot raw transaction and let's grab that transaction receipt
again by doing transaction receipt equals w3 dot eth dot wait for transaction receipt and actually let's call this send store tx that way for receipt send store tx awesome it looks like we're following the same steps here as we did above we created the transaction we signed the transaction and then we send the transaction down here we create a transaction we sign the transaction we sent the transaction and then we waited for the transaction to finish so let's run this all right great we still have this print function printing out the current value of retrieve
let's go over to ganache and see if there's anything different here there is instead of all these contract creations here we now have a contract call we can see there's some transaction data that was sent a different amount of gas same gas prices however this actually updated and sent the transaction to our blockchain now if we call this retrieve function again this should print out our newly updated value which in this case was 15. let's go ahead and run python deployed up high and we can see it started at zero and then it turned to
15. awesome we've made our first state change to a contract that we've deployed on our local blockchain great work sometimes it's nice to put some lines in here to tell you what's going on to make it a little bit more clear so i'll put something like deploying contract dot dot right before we deploy our contract after we do it i might do deployed then right before we update our contract we'll print out something like updating contract and then right after it's done maybe something like updated now if we run this now you'll see as this
goes along we'll get these things printed out saying deploying contract contract deployed updating contract updated this will make those moments when waiting for these contracts to actually finish a lot easier you're doing fantastic so ganache user interface is really nice because we can see a lot of things that are going on here however it's a little tricky to do a lot of programmatic stuff oftentimes engineer will use what's called a command line interface of ganache instead of the ui so we're going to go ahead and close this out and we're going to use the ganache
cli instead of that user interface that we just saw and this is what and this is what brown is going to use on the back end when we move to brownie let's learn how to actually do that so in order to use the ganache cli or command line interface the first thing that we need to do is download node.js yes i know this is a python video however we do need to install node.js to work with the ganache cli you can come to this download page and choose your operating system and download it accordingly we
will link to a video showing you how to do this in the github you'll know you've done it right if you can run node dash version in your command line and you get a version it might be 12 might be 14 might be something else depending on what version you downloaded next we're actually going to install yarn yarn is a package manager similar to pip and will allow us to actually download pieces and packages like the ganache cli from the package repository we can install it with npm install dash dash global yarn and you'll know
you've done it right if you can run yarn dash dash version in your command line and you get the version outputted here then we want to install the actual ganache cli we're gonna be installing it with yarn so to install this we're gonna yarn global add ganache cli this will install our ganache cli as a global command in our terminal we can test to see if we've done it right if we can run ganache cli dash dash version perfect we now have the ganache cli let's spin up a ganache chain with the cli if you
have your ganache ui open right now please close it otherwise it'll conflict so to run a local blockchain from the command line all you need to do is run ganache cli and the node will start running directly in your terminal if you scroll up you can see a lot of familiar pieces we see the available accounts just like on the ui these are the different addresses and then we see a whole bunch of different private keys this ganache spins up with a bunch of random addresses and random private keys if we wanted to always spin
up with the exact same private keys so we don't have to update our private key every time we can do ganache cli dash dash deterministic this way we'll always get the exact same private keys and the exact same addresses you can check out the documentation to see a bunch of other flags that you can use to run this and you can see it's listening on 127.2 is also known as the loopback address or localhost now to work with ganache in the command line all we need to do now is update our private keys and
our addresses let's also update the http provider since now we're going to be looking at the loopback address for my address we'll scroll up to this top address here and we'll place it in for our private key we're going to copy this and put it into our dot emv file it already has the ox at the top here great now let's open up a new terminal you can open up a new terminal by hitting this plus button here and you can flip back and forth by hitting this drop down and flipping back to the ganache
terminal now let's go ahead and run python deploy.pi we can see the exact same output as we got when working with the ui and if we flip over to the command line we can see we've made a whole bunch of different calls to our blockchain each one of these calls is a specific json rpc call to our blockchain that we're making to interact with it we can see information about the transactions that we send this one creates our simple storage contract this one updates our simple storage contract and great you now know how to work
with the ganache cli and the ganache ui fantastic so how do we actually deploy this to a test net or a real network we were working with remix all we had to do was switch to injected web 3 and we used our meta mask as our blockchain connection well in our script here we don't have metamask natively with our script so we need some way to connect to the blockchain we can see that when we're connecting to our own local blockchain we just use an rpc url that connects to our local blockchain to connect to
a test net or to a mainnet we can actually do the exact same thing all we have to do is swap this out with the url that connects us to a mainnet or a test app we can also run our own blockchain node similar to how we're running our own local blockchain node we can run a node that actually connects to a real blockchain however it's not always practical or really easy to do this so sometimes we want to use an external or a third-party client that actually will run a blockchain for us let's learn
a little about inferior is an application that will give you a blockchain url for you to connect with for you to run whatever you want to run and you can get started for free let's go ahead and register then we just check our email confirm email address and awesome now we're inside of infira there's a couple other services out there that you can also check out like alchemy which is another fantastic blockchain as a service platform fura is a freemium service it starts out as free if you make too many api calls or too
many calls to the url they'll start charging you but we can create a project for free for now let's go ahead hit the ethereum tab hit create project we'll call this free code camp brownie hit create now we'll have a whole bunch of project keys and project secrets we also have this endpoint section as well this is how we're going to be deploying to the different networks we can see we have an ethereum mainnet connection as well as robson coven rink b and gorilla testnets there's also polygon in here as well since we want to
test and deploy to a ring b chain we can go ahead and move to ring b and then we can copy this url back in our application all we have to do is swap this out for the new url we also have to change the chain id our address and the private key if you ever are confused as to what is the chain id of the chain that you're working on you can always check this chain id dot network or you can usually ask somebody let's look up ring b we see the chain id is
four so we'll grab four and we'll place that in our script now this address and the private key that we gave it now this address and the private key that we gave it aren't going to have any testnet ring be in them so we need to go in our metamask and grab the address place it in for address and then account details export private key type in our password and grab the private key go into our dot emb file leave the 0x and replace the rest with our private key since i have my private key
stored as an environment variable i need to then run source.env so that my private key is now updated the reason we're using this is because again since we're making transactions to a testnet we need some test and eth alright so now we have everything updated for deploying to rinkeby let's go ahead and run this now as you can see it's going a lot slower this is because we actually have to wait for the contracts to get mined and for everything to happen on the test net deploying to a tesla will result in nearly the exact
same experience that you'll get when deploying to an actual main net so it'll take a lot longer but you can see we got the exact same responses here now if we take this address and we go to the rink be ether scan we can verify what just happened we can see that 38 seconds ago we made this transaction and then 23 seconds ago we made this transaction we can look at all the different details of this transaction that we just made from our python script we can see it even tells us we created a smart
contract and then we made this call which called this store function on this contract we've learned a lot so far this is fantastic now is a perfect time to take a break and take a quick breather and reflect back on what we've just learned we've learned a lot about python deploying to our own local blockchain deploying to a test net and deploying to a mainnet working more with private keys creating transactions signing transactions and then sending transactions now as you can see there's going to be a lot to actually managing all the contracts that we
work with having to write our own compile code our own storage code is going to take a lot of work and what if we wanted to interact with one of the contracts that we deployed in the past well we'd have to keep track of all those addresses and manually update our address features here with an address maybe we didn't want to deploy a new contract every single time maybe we want to work with a contract that we've already deployed what if we want to work with a whole bunch of different chains what if we want
to work with rink b and mainnet and our own local network there seems to be a lot to manage here and we still haven't even talked about writing tests this is where brownie is going to come into play brownie is currently the most popular smart contract development platform built based on python it's used by d5 giants like curve.phi and out each having billions of dollars currently locked in value and the reason that we learned a little bit about web3.pi first is because brownie heavily relies on web3.pi so let's do all this again but in
brownie and we'll see how much easier it is to actually interact with in our shell let's go back one directory and let's make a new one we'll call it brownie simple storage now another really cool trick that vs code has is instead of us having to go to file and open up this folder in this explorer here what we can do is we can type code and then type the directory that we want to work with in our case this directory so we can just type code dot and we'll get a new vs code pop-up
inside of this brownie simple storage folder let's get learning about brownie and this is where you're going to spend the majority of your time move forward brownie is incredibly powerful and makes our lives fantastically easier so get ready to learn one of the most powerful tools in the smart contract developing ecosystem let's go ahead and open up our terminal and let's get started installing brownie it's recommended to install brownie via pipex pepex installs brownie into a virtual environment and makes it available directly from the command line once installed you'll never have to activate a virtual
environment prior to using browning which is really good to install it with pipex we can go ahead and run python dash m pip install dash dash user pipex once we've run that we can then run python3-m pick at pipex in surepath then we'll want to close the terminal by hitting the little trashcan and then reopen it and then we just need to run pipex install f brownie i've already got it installed so that's why we see this here and then just one more time we're going to close and reopen the terminal you can tell you
have brownie installed correctly if you run brownie dash dash version and you get some output that looks something like this or you just run straight up brownie and it'll output a bunch of commands that we can run let's create our first brownie project we're going to be using the exact same simple storage code that we just went through except for we're going to use it in brownie this is going to make our lives a lot easier when working with simple storage to create a sample folder with everything we need with brownie we can just run
brownie init and we will get a new brownie project initialized in the directory that we're currently in if you type ls you'll be able to see all the folders that are created or you can just see them on your side panel in vs code let's talk really quickly about what each of these folders is going to do the build folder tracks a lot of really important low-level information it's going to track any interfaces that we're working with or deploying it's going to keep track of all of our deployments across all of the different chains so
we no longer have to manage that ourselves and it's going to store all the compiled code remember how in our simple storage code we actually saved everything to this compile code.json well brownie is actually going to do all of that for us into this contracts directory so we can always reference it later this contracts directory outside the build folder is where we're going to put all of our contracts brownie knows to look inside of this folder when looking for new contracts to compile deploy or anything else interfaces is where we can save and store different
interfaces remember how when we were working with chain link working with interfaces makes it really easy to interact with a blockchain application reports are to save any type of report you run scripts or we can automate tasks like deploying calling different functions or really anything we want and then we have a test folder which is incredibly powerful and we're going to be using a lot we also have git attributes and get ignore which are helpful when working with version control like git so let's go ahead and start working with brownie and really understand what's going
on here so let's go ahead and add our simple storage contracts to the contracts folder so in here we're just going to make a new file we'll call it simple storage.soul and i'm just going to copy and paste the code i have from the simple storage that we've been using this whole time let's go ahead and save that with command s okay great now that we have our contract in here we can already start working with brownie and even compile this code without even having to write or work with our own compiler all we need
to do is run brownie compile brownie will automatically read the version of solidity and then store all of the compile information in this build folder so if we go to contracts we can see we have a simple storage.json and there's a lot of familiar pieces in here for example we see the abi opcodes section which is the low level language we'll see a pc map and we'll see a lot of useful information and great obviously deployments and interfaces are still empty so great we've already compiled our smart contract so why don't we actually deploy this
to a blockchain to do this we do have to write a script which will allow us to do whatever we want so we're going to create a new file and we're just going to call this similar to last time deploy dot pi this is where we're going to define working with and deploying our code brownie can run scripts by running brownie run in fact if you want to take a quick minute to familiarize yourself with all the different commands that brownie has just run brownie and you'll see we can do a lot of different things
we do brownie init which will create a new brownie project we will do brownie bake which allows us to pull from the brownie mix which we'll talk about later we can compile we can go into a console test run we do a lot of wonderful things in here if we do brownie run it'll run a script for us and we can define that we want to run this deploy all we have to do is add a def main so def in python is the way to define a function we're going to call this function main
and for now let's just say print hello and we can run brownie run scripts deploy and as you can see it automatically does this launching thing so brownie defaults to always working with a local ganache cli blockchain it's running the exact same command that we ran earlier and it has a bunch of different flags like accounts 10 a certain hard fork a certain gas limit etc so at the beginning of all of our scripts if we don't give brownie a network to use it'll spin up a local ganache and at the end of the script
it'll tear it back down typically what i like to do is actually put all the logic of our deployment in its own function def deploy simple storage and we'll do pass for now and then our main function we can just call deploy symbol storage now in order to deploy our contract let's look back at our web 3 pi version of deploying this and see what we did so first we compiled it great brownie does that automatically then we jumped into a file great brian does that automatically we got a byte code and an abi great
brand does that automatically we added a local blockchain to use great brownie automatically spins up a local ganache we'll learn how to do test nets in a little bit aha we do need an address though and a private key so how do we actually get our private key get our account into brownie brownie has an account package that actually natively understands how to work with accounts and we can import it into our script here so we can do from brownie import accounts and with this accounts keyword we can add an account a number of different
ways if we're going to work with our local chain as you see here the ganache cli will spin up 10 fake accounts for us and brownie automatically knows that we can work with that account so we can do something like account equals account zero and then just do something like print account so we're going to take the account that's spun up at the zerowith index because this accounts object is just an array so if we run this now brownie runs scripts deploy it's going to spin up us an address and a private key that we
can just work with without having to define a private key or do anything it does all of that for us which is fantastic we do of course still want to know how to add our own private keys so that we can work with the test net so this is great and works when we're working with a development network or working with brownie's automatic ganache cli if we want to work with a test net though we have to do something else another way to add your accounts in brownie is to use the command line and actually
add them natively into brownie we can do brownie accounts new and we'll give it a name free code camp account this will then prompt us and say enter the private key that you wish to add let's go ahead and grab our private key from metamask account details export private key put your password in grab the private key and then we just add ox and paste it in brownie will actually password encrypt your private key in this way so we'll give it a password and now we have a new account natively integrated into brownie to see
it we can do brownie accounts list and you'll see that we have a free code camp account with this address and also a testing account i made this a little bit earlier we can get rid of it by running brownie accounts delete testing helpful terminal tip time so if you hit up or down on your keyboard you can actually toggle through the history of the commands that you've written so if you hit up it'll actually bring you to the most recently run command which can allow you to run previous commands a little bit faster and
if we run browning accounts list again we'll see it's now just free code camp if we want to work with this free codecamp account that we've added to brownie via the command line we can get it with account equals accounts dot load free code camp account and then we can do print account let's run this script again this time when we on the script it's going to ask us for the password we need to enter the password to decrypt the account because right now it's password encrypted so we're going to type in the password and
it's going to go ahead and execute with our unlocked private key we can see the address it printed out was right here and if we copy the address and we go back we can see that that is correct now if we're going to talk about safety and you want to safely secure your keys this is one of the safer ways to do it because it's not going to store it in git you're not going to accidentally push it up to github or show it to anybody and it's going to be password encrypted this is going
to be one of the ways that i highly recommend you store your keys oftentimes you're going to want to do a mix of working with the local ganache ones and your own keys and we'll learn how to flip back and forth between them in a little bit now the third way that i like to use is still again using an environment variable script oftentimes it's really easy just to have your private key be an environment variable this way you won't have to keep putting the password in every single time you run a script so it's
a little bit less secure and just another tip for myself i never put my private keys associated with wallets that have real money in them as environment variables or in a env file just in case i accidentally do something really stupid i don't trust myself enough so i'm gonna highly recommend that whatever private key that you use and you store it as an environment variable here always have it be just kind of a test account that you're gonna use to test things and then for some of your more serious accounts that's what you'll use the
encryption for so let's go ahead and create an environment variable file so we'll do a new file call it env and we'll do export private key ox this now we have a private key set as an environment barrel so brownie has an additional feature that allows us to easily work with environment variables in an environment variable folder we can tell brownie to always pull from our env file in a brownie config yaml this is a special file that brownie always looks for to grab information about where you're going to build where you're going to deploy
and where you're going to grab things in this config all we need to do is add env and set dot env this is telling brownie hey when you run scripts grab the environment variables from the dot env file and what we can do is after we import os we'll do account equals accounts dot add os dot get env this is how we get that environment variable a private key then let's just print out that account see if we did it right brownie run scripts deploy.pi and great all right great so this seems to work perfectly
but i like to make this method even more explicit so we're going to take this version that we just learned and improve it in our brownie config we can actually add more information about what wallets we want to use and when we want to use them what we can do is we can add a wallets section and add in here a from key section and then add that environment variable private key in your yaml file if you surround a string with dollar sign and some curly brackets it will automatically get transformed into the environment variable
so if we go back to deploy we can actually change this we can grab right from our config file so we'll do from brownie import accounts config instead of using os we can do accounts dot add config and then we'll do wallets since that's what we're defining right here and then from key wallets from key and this will do the exact same thing as our os dot get emv the reason that this is better is because now we have one canonical place where we're always going to pull our private key from instead of having to
go through all of our scripts and update it based on whatever we change an environment variable now let's try this out brownie run scripts deploy and great we see our address printed here for now let's just stick with using accounts zero since we want to just use the account that brownie makes for us with ganache now brownie is really intelligent and we can actually go ahead and import a contract directly into our script and a web3.pi version we opened a contract and read from it and that's how we were able to interact with it after
we deployed it in brownie what we can do is from brownie import and then just the name of the contract simple storage then we can do simple storage dot deploy and this is how we're going to deploy it to a chain anytime you deploy to a chain or you make a transaction you always need to do a from and then say who you're going to be deploying from what's the account that's going to be deploying this as you can see this step of just deploying is much quicker than what we did in web3.pi in web3.pi
we had to get the byte code and the abi then we had to get the nuns we had to create the contract we had to create the transaction sign the transaction and then send the transaction remember how i said before you could either make a transaction or a call brownie is smart enough to know whether or not what you're doing is going to be a transaction or a call in this case since we're deploying a smart contract brownie's smart enough to know that ah we want to make a state change so let's make a state
change it'll return a contract object so we can just add print simple storage and we'll see what prints so let's run this brownie run scripts deploy.pi awesome so what happened was brownie again per usual it launched a local ganache chain and then it sent a transaction to deploy simple storage and it says simple storage deployed at and then the address it was deployed at and we can see how much quicker this is to actually deploy now let's go ahead and do exactly what we did with web3.pi let's call this initial retrieve function and then we'll
update it with a new value of 15. but we'll do it in brownie now remember here's how we did it back in web3.pie in brownie what we're going to do is first we're going to do stored value equals simple storage dot retrieve now since this is a view function we don't have to add from account in here again brownie is intelligent enough to know if this is a call or transaction and we know that retrieve is a view function so we know we don't actually have to make a transaction here then we can print out
the value of stored value print stored value let's go ahead and try this great we get 0 right here perfect now let's try updating this so we can do transaction equals simple storage dot store and in here we'd want to do 15. but remember since we're doing a transaction in brownie we always have to add who we're going to transact from in this case we're going to do from account similar to web3.pi we can do transaction.wait for how many blocks we want to wait and then let's call that retrieve function again to see if it's
been updated so we can do updated stored value equals symbol storage dot retrieve and then we can print the updated stored value and if we run this we now see we have two transactions here one that deployed our original simple storage contract and we called the retrieve function and we returned zero here then we updated with our store function and then we called retrieve again and we see we did indeed update it to 15. you see how much smaller and easier and more intuitive this is in brownie and how much our lives are going to
be much better awesome now you've learned how to deploy to a local chain now running these scripts is fantastic but we need a way to actually automate that our contracts are doing what we want them to do we don't want to always have to manually check that all of our stuff is doing what we want to do right we don't want to have to manually check that 15 is actually updating appropriately this is why running tests are so important and automating your tests is going to be crucial to becoming a successful smart contract developer now
i do want to point out that you actually can write tests directly in solidity and this is a great way to actually test your smart contracts is to learn how to do it right in solidity however a lot of the professional developers code their tests in the smart contract development framework language like python or javascript doing it in this way allows you to get a lot more flexibility and customization with what you're doing with your smart contracts and not being confined to whatever only solidity has so let's go ahead and learn how to actually write
our smart contract tests in python this is what this test folder is for so we're going to create a new file called test simple storage dot pi make sure you do add tests to the front of these because this is the syntax that pi test is going to be looking for and then in our test we can actually set it up the exact same way we set up our deploy function we can do from browning import simple storage and accounts then we can start defining our tests we want to test to see that when we
deploy our smart contract that it gets started off with zero in that retrieve function so we'll create our first test we'll do def test deploy and typically testing in smart contracts or testing really in anything is going to be separated into three categories arranging acting and asserting we're going to bounce around and be a little bit loose with this definition for the duration of our tutorials here however keep in mind that typically this is the setup that you want to use later on in one of our later smart contract examples we're going to go through
a much better testing setup so in our arrange stage we're going to set up all the pieces that we need to get set up so first we're going to grab an account we're going to say accounts equals account zero and this is really all we need to do to start getting set up now for our acting stage we're going to deploy a simple storage contract exactly as we did with deploy so we do simple storage equals simple storage dot deploy from account then we're going to get our starting value starting value is going to be
equal to simple storage dot retrieve and we're expecting [Music] this to be zero so then all we have to do in our search sage is we have to run assert starting value equals expected so let's recap this in our arrange stage we're just getting our account so that we can actually make contracts then in our x stage we're going to deploy this simple storage smart contract we're going to call the retrieve function to see what its starting value is and we're going to compare to see if that starting value is what we expect and we
expect it to be zero we can then test this with brownie test and per usual brownie is going to kick off a ganache lie and then it's going to test this for every test you have you're going to get a little green dot and we're going to say one pass in 1.86 seconds which is perfect if we had expected to be 15 and we ran brownie test we should get a fail here awesome and that's exactly what we got now let's go ahead and test updating this with 15 and see if it works as we
want it to so we can do a new test in here we'll do def test update thing storage and we'll do those three phases arrange act and assert in our range all we need to do is get our account from account zero and in this one arranging is also going to be deploying our smart contract since this is really just part of the setup and not the act that we're really testing now in our act we're going to add expected to be equal to 15 and we're going to run simple storage dot store expected and
then from account you'll notice this is nearly exactly the same as this deploy function here now same as last time all we have to do is assert expected equals equals simple storage dot retrieve we're saying we want to store 15 in our smart contract and then when we call our retrieve function it is stored correctly so let's go ahead and run brownie test awesome we can see two dots here this means two have actually passed correctly that's great now i do want to quickly show you a couple of useful tips that i pretty much always
do when i'm running my tests if you want to test just one function you can do dash k brownie test k test updating storage and we will only test this test updating storage we can run brownie test dash dash pdb and add something wrong in here like five equals simple storage dot retrieve and what will happen is once this kicks out and is wrong will actually get put into a python shell and now we can check to see some variables in here like if i see what expected is expected is 15. if i try to
run simple storage.retrieve expected is 15. if i run simple storage i'll see this is the simple storage contract pdb is a really useful way to mess around and see okay well what did i really go wrong why is my test failing another important flag is going to be dash s so you'll notice that no print lines actually get sent out when you're working with these tests if you do dash s it'll be a little bit more robust and telling you exactly what's going on and if we had any print lines it would print the lines
out as well everything that you can do with brownie test actually comes directly from pi test so if there's some flag you want to use or some awesome debugger you want to use you can use it with brownie just by looking at the pi test documentation all the tools are exactly the same all right we're coming along fantastically we have a script to deploy we have some tests we have our contract this is great but now we actually want to deploy to a test net how are we going to do this let's look at back
how we did it with web3.pi back in web3.pi to deploy this to a test net we just needed to add our http web3 provider which was our infira account and that was pretty much it and add our address and our private key brownie our lives are even easier brownie comes pre-packaged with a list of networks that it's already compatible with you can see all the networks by running brownie networks list now mine has a couple more actually because i've been playing around with this for a long time but if you want to see all the
different networks you can look at this list here something important to note is that there's a difference between the development networks and the ethereum networks whenever we deploy to a network we default to this development network any network that you see under this development section is going to be a network that is temporary these are networks such as the temporary ganache network that brownie automatically spins up when we've run any of the scripts we've written so far so this is really important to know remember anything in this development section is going to get torn down
after it's deployed however the ethereum ones are going to be our persistent networks anything under this ethereum tab brownie is actually going to keep track of our deployments and keep track of everything in there these networks under here represent persistent networks like mainnet rink b coven etc now in our web3.pi we used an rpc url or an http provider from infira to connect to a testnet we're going to use that exact same methodology here so how do we actually get this rpc url this blockchain url into our brownie smart contract package well one of the
easiest ways is with an environment variable so brownie actually already knows that infuria is thing and can look natively right away for inferior web 3 infuria project id and use our project id from infira if we go to our project back in inferior and we go to settings you'll see the project id is a little bit different than the whole url it's just going to be this id right here we can then copy this and paste this right into our emv now that we have our web3 inferior product id directly in our project if we
do brownie networks list any network that infuria has access to you'll see a little inferior in colons here these are networks that brownie will automatically know about if we're working with inferior so we can see here that ring b is one of these inferior keys if we wanted to deploy to ring b we could then just run brownie run scripts deploy.pi and then select the network with dash network rink b now we're going to get an issue here because remember account zero only works when brownie works with a ganache cli we have to use our
actual private key here and that's where some of those other versions of working with private keys is gonna come into play sometimes i'll even add a get account function so down here we'll do def get account and then in here i'll just natively check if we're working on a development chain we'll use account zero and if not we'll use the method that pulls from our config so we can check by saying if network does show active equals equals development then return accounts 0. network is another keyword that brownie actually has this network keyword allows us
to interact with different networks now if it's not on the development network we're going to pull directly from our config so we'll return config wallets from key and instead of doing account equals account zero we can just do account equals get account now if we run brownie run scripts deploy to pi network ringby it should pull directly from our config file and great we can actually see transactions being sent directly on the rinkby chain if we pull up ether scan the ring be ether scan and we take this transaction has and post it into the
bring to ether scan we can see this transaction actually going through we've deployed our simple storage contract and it's initialized to zero then we're going to go ahead and update it and it gets updated to 15. now once we've deployed to a blockchain you'll see our build contract will actually change our deployments folder will have a new deployment every time you deploy to a blockchain brownie will actually save that deployment so you can always go back and say hmm where did i deploy that or what happened with that deployment you'll notice that it's separated by
chain id remember the chain id ring b is four you'll also notice that none of our development deployments are in here again anything that's in this development section isn't going to get saved to the deployments area however anything up here and these ones will get saved and that's going to be really powerful because we can actually interact with contracts we've already deployed onto a chain so let's go ahead and even add a new file in here called read value this function is going to read directly from the ring blockchain and it's going to read from
a contract that we've already deployed remember we did something similar in web3.pi by using the address and the abi we're going to do the exact same thing but in brownie so in brownie again we're going to do from brownie import simple storage accounts and config we'll do def read contract and we'll just do pass for now and then def main is going to be read contract oops didn't mean to do that down here and if we run brownie run scripts read value to pi network rank v obviously right now nothing's going to happen so how
do we actually interact with this simple storage contract that we've already deployed well this simple storage object is actually just an array if we were to print simple storage let's see what we get see we get this object at here this object works the same as an array we can access the different indexes inside of it so what if we do print simple storage at position zero you'll see we get this address here and if we check on ether scan we can see that this is indeed the contract that we just deployed ronnie knows
that we just deployed it because again in our build section in the deployments on the rink b chain which has the chain id of four we have this contract that we've deployed now we can actually just directly interact with this contract we can do simple storage equals simple storage of xero or if you're always looking to get the most recent deployment minus one is a little bit easier if we always do zero we're just going to get the first deployment that we made and if we make deployments later we're never going to get past it
i want to always work with the most recent deployment so i can just do minus one remember how i said whenever we work with a smart contract we need to know its abi and its address well brownie already knows what the address of this contract is it's got it saved in this deployments folder it also knows what the abi is because when we compile it we get this big json file and one of the first inputs that it has is the abi so brownie automatically knows what the abi is and what the address is already
so then we can just go ahead and run simple storage dot retrieve and print it out and we should see 15 since we already updated it brownie run scripts read value to pi dash dash network rink b and great we do indeed see 15. now that we know how to write some scripts and actually deploy things with brownie and work with brownie i'm going to show you one of the most powerful features to also work with brownie typically we write our scripts when we want something to be reproducible and we want to do something over
and over again deploying simple storage or reading of value is something that we're probably going to want to do over and over again however maybe we want to work with some of these contracts a little bit ad hoc and get into a shell where we can actually interact with these contracts this is where the brownie console is actually going to come into play and make our lives a lot easier so what we can do is we're going to brownie console and what will happen is brownie will actually kick us off into a console it has
all of our contracts and everything already imported so if i run simple storage it gives me back an array it's saying great that's your simple storage contract since we're working on a brand new local test environment there are no simple storage contracts deployed so what i can do is i can say account equals account zero and we now have our account that we can work with accounts is one of these keywords that's automatically imported into our brownie console everything that is imported via brownie in our script is automatically already imported into this little shell here
so with that being said we can go ahead and even deploy our simple storage contract so we can literally take this line copy it paste it in here and you'll see exactly the same thing that happens as if we ran our script we get a little transaction hash here and we get a simple storage now if i type simple storage the simple storage variable now has a storage contract here if i type simple storage you'll see i now have a contract in here the length a simple storage is now one because i've deployed one simple
storage contract if i were to deploy it again the length is now two browning now knows i'm holding on to two simple storage contracts and i've deployed two simple storage contracts i can then even do things like simple storage dot retrieve and we can see we start with zero i can go ahead and even run 15 from account and we'll see we'll get a transaction now if i rerun simplestorage.retrieve a nice little hack here is in these shells if you just hit the up key you'll actually be able to go back in the history
of the shell so if i just hit up twice here i can go back to this command and i hit enter now we see the 15 is here so the brownie console is a great way to interact with these scripts in a more ad hoc manner maybe we want to test some weird functionality or maybe we have some experiment that we want to try it's a great way to really interact with anything that we have in browning and the other thing is we can do everything that we normally do in python in here so for
example i could write print hello and it'll print out hello i could do cat equals 1 plus 2 and i type cat and i get 3. so this brownie shell is a python shell with all of our smart contract features already natively integrated and it's incredibly powerful here we go and quit it by doing quit so i know we've learned a lot so far i'm sure you're starting to see why working with brownie is so much easier and makes our lives as smart contract developers a lot easier for testing them deploying them and working with
them all right let's move on to our next project is we're going to take the fund me contract that we made recently in remix and actually import that one into brownie with this we're going to go over a lot more of the advanced features that brownie has to offer us and we're going to get into some more sophisticated testing and deployment mechanisms for this so i'm going to make a new directory brownie fund me we're going to cd into brownie fund me and remember if you hit tab it will auto complete i'm going to open
this up in a folder again if code period doesn't work you can always go up to file open folder and do it like that we're in our brownie fund me project and we're going to initialize a new project by running brownie init we're going to create a new contract called fundme.soul this is going to be exactly what we had before for our fund me contract so if you have remix up great you can go ahead and grab it or you can check the github repository associated with this course and just copy paste the code now
typically this is where in our last project we just ran brownie compile what happens if we run brown and compile here brownie is going to give us this error it's going to say hey this source wasn't found so what's going on here well remix understands that at chain links slash contracts is an npm package that it can import from however brownie isn't aware of npm packages and brownie can't actually download directly from npm however brownie can download directly from github so we have to tell brownie where it should be downloading these external these third-party packages
from so that we can use them in our contracts here and while i'm in here i might as well change the global compiler version to 0.6.6 and we'll just change the compiler version to carrot 0.6.6 so that our linter is happy so we need to tell brownie where to import these contracts from from github instead of from npm luckily there is a package out there specifically created for downloading chain link contracts the way that we can tell brownie where to get these from is in our browning config so let's create our browning config in here
we're going to create a the pen then sees section and this is where we tell brownie the organization slash repo name at version that we want to download from so so to get these chain link contracts we can look up chain link brownie contracts and we can use this repository to get it so instead of downloading from npm we're just going to download directly from this github repo so we need to tell brownie the organization which is going to be smart contract kit the repository name which is going to be chain link brownie contracts and
then the version you don't always have to use the latest version here in fact we can go to the past nine versions by clicking on the version history we're actually going to be using 1.1.1 and yes it does look like the latest version went backwards but as of a recent release as a 1.2.0 version of this package all the releases of chainley brownie contracts is going to match exactly the at chainlink contracts npm tag so that's why it looks like this is an earlier version so we'll say 1.1.1 so great so now brownie knows to
download this repository from github once we do that everything everything in this contract section will be available for our solidity code to import and use however that's not the final story here we also need to tell brownie what this at chain link thing means because we're downloading from smart contract kit slash chain link brownie contracts ronnie's going okay cool well what's the sat chain link thing so we need to tell brownie whenever we're using at chain link we're actually referring to this import so we need to tell the compiler this so let's add a new
section we'll say compiler when it compiles sulk we need to remap at chain link say whenever you see at chain link here it means we're referring to this package so compiler soccer mappings at chain link is equal to this package up here now let's go ahead and try to compile perfect we see here that it compiles successfully and if we look at our build folder in the contract section we now have this new folder called dependencies and if we even expand this a little bit we can see it says dependencies smart contra kit chain link
browning contracts at 1.1.1 and this is what it downloaded from that github repository it downloaded aggregator v3 interface and smart math chain link because we're using both of those files in our solidity code all right great so let's write our first script to deploy this to a development ganache chain to brownie's built-in chain let's do this so in scripts let's go ahead we'll create a new file let's go ahead and build a simple deploy script to work with rink b and then we'll actually learn how to deploy this to our own local ganache development chain
so let's build our deploy script so in scripts we'll do new file deploy.pi and we'll start by doing def deploy fund me then we'll do pass for now and then we'll do our entry point of deaf main and then we'll call deploy fund me in this file of course we're going to do from brownie import fund me so we can actually use this and let's go ahead and build this deploy fund me function so first we're going to need to get an account and same as last time we used a function called get account which
would know to switch back and forth between if we were on development or if we were with an actual testnet that we could pull from our config we can actually once again copy that function and use that and use that in our script here so once again we can use that get account function that we had before what i like to do with this get account is add it into its own file called helpful scripts so what i'll do is create a new file called helpful scripts.pi and in here i'll add that getaccount function right
so literally just pasted it from our last project and just a quick recap on what this is doing is we're saying if the network is in development we're going to use the accounts 0 syntax otherwise we're going to pull from our config and of course we're going to have to from brownie import network config and accounts and then of course in our browning config we're going to have to add wallets and from key so let's go to our config we'll do wallets from key and we'll add our private key environment variable setup which of course
means that we're going to have to set dot env to dot e and v and we're going to create new file dot amv and we'll paste the exact same values from our last dot emv so it's going to be our private key and our project id kind of just a lot of the basics of the setup here but now that we've added this get account to its own script how do we actually use that in our deploy script depending on the version of python that you're in you might actually have to create a new file
first named underscore underscore init underscore underscore dot pi you might not but just in case let's make it here because it doesn't hurt and with this now python knows that it can import from other scripts and other packages in this project so now we can do from scripts dot helpful scripts import get account so we're importing that get account function from our helpful script here and we're gonna make this get account function a little bit more robust a little bit later but for now it'll work perfectly for what we're looking to do now we can
just run our typical deploy function funny we'll do the fundme contract equals fund me dot deploy and of course we'll do from account because again since this deploy is going to make a state change to the blockchain we always need to do a from account section here then we can even do a little print we'll do a print f here so we'll say contract deployed to fund me dot address this is how we'll get the address of our fund me and great we can even go ahead and try this out right now remember you'll need
some testing ethereum in your metamask brownie run scripts deploy.pi dash dash network rank b and perfect contract deployed here it is we can even go to bring the ether scan again and we'd see the contract right here now this is great and all but if we look at our contract it's kind of this blank jarble of bytes here right nobody can actually see this contract and and easily interact with it and we want to make our contracts easy to interact with what we can do on etherscan is verify and publish our smart contracts to verify
our smart contract all we have to do is hit that verify button we'll choose our solidity compiler type which we know is going to be 0.6.6 and we know we're working with the mit license here now to continue we would then have to add in all of the rest of these pieces we'd have to do optimization which is going to be yes we'd enter our solidity contract code below which importing fund me like this wouldn't actually work because etherscan doesn't know what at chainlink contracts is so we would have to copy paste the code from
these imports to the top of our contract here removing these imports and copy pasting the code associated with those files is known as flattening and this is an important concept for verifying our smart contracts on platforms like etherscan however brownie has a really nice way to get around this actually what you can do is go to their main site you can sign in and sign up and get an api key i've already signed up so i'm going to go ahead and sign in here log in and what we can do is we can go
to my profile and scroll down to api keys and this is where we can create an api key for us to interact with and programmatically verify our smart contracts on etherscan i've already got one here but all we need to do is hit add we'll give it a name i'll call it verify browning continue and we've created this new api token that will allow us to verify our smart contracts what we'll do to use this in brownie is we'll copy this api key and we'll move back to our scripts here we'll set this api key
as an environment variable so we'll do export the name of this is etherscan token and we'll set it equal to that key that we just got now to verify this all we have to do then is once we deploy this contract we'll tell brownie whether or not we want to verify the contract so after our dictionary here we'll do comma publish source equals true we're saying yes we would like to publish our source code now if we rerun this script let's see what happens again remember we'll do browning run scripts deployed up high dash dash
network space rinkaby and says fund me has been deployed to here now we're going to say waiting for api rink b dot to process contract and we're submitting our code for verification here and it'll say verification pending verification complete pass verified it'll say where the contract has been deployed and what's been done with it now if we go back to ether scan again we're going to have to go back to rink be ether scan because we deployed this to rank b and we paste this in we now have this little check mark associated with
our contract and if we click contract we can see all of the code in here for our contract we have contract fund me payable you need to get more everything that we defined in here and if we scroll up we can see that they did indeed flatten this contract right they pasted that aggregator v3 interface import and they also pasted that library safe math chain link now that's verified we can even read the contract see the different public variables in here such as the owner get version get price and all the exact same buttons that
we saw in remix this read contract section is for all these view functions right the ones that aren't going to be making a state change right contract is going to be for when we want to call something like fund or withdraw and we could even go ahead and interact with this so for example we could connect to web3 metamask okay and it would automatically get connected to our metamask here then we could call fund and withdraw just like we did in remix if you want to give it a shot go for it all right we're
back in our code editor after successfully verifying one of our smart contracts on etherscan now just a quick note sometimes the verification process can be a little bit touchy and for version of solidity 0.8.4 there's currently a bug that makes it verifying a little bit tricky but it's being worked on so don't be discouraged if it gets a little bit funky so this is great that we've written a deploy script for deploying directly to ring b however as you know we're always going to want to be able to deploy to our own local blockchains or
or brownies built-in development chain so we can test a lot quicker and that yes so that we can write some tests but we have a little bit of an issue here the first issue being that our fundme contract currently has an address hard-coded to work with the rink be chain so in fact the way it's written right now it's going to be hard to work with any other chain other than ring b the second bit is that these price feed contracts don't exist on a local ganache chain or a gnost chain that brownie spins up
there's two ways we can get around this we can do what's called forking and work on a forked simulated chain or we can deploy a mock or deploy a fake price feed contract on our ganache local development chain deploying mocks is a common design pattern used across all software engineering industries and what it applies doing is deploying a fake version of something and interacting with it as if it's real so again right now if i run brownie run scripts deploy.pi and i don't set this network flag we're going to actually have a default spinning up
a ganache chain it's even going to try to verify which it's going to run into an issue because we can't verify on a ganache chain so we have a couple issues that we need to address here in order for us to get this to work on a ganache chain similar to how in this get account function in our helpful scripts we do a little bit checking we say hey if we're on a development network use this development accounts version otherwise pull from our config we can do that exact same mentality but with working with these
marks so the first thing that we need to do is we need to parameterize our fund me solidity smart contract so that we don't have this hard-coded in here anymore so what we can do is right when we deploy this contract we'll tell it what price feed address it should use right when we call our deploy function here instead of having it hard coded and we can add this parameter to our constructor we'll say address price feed as an input parameter and whatever input parameter we use here is going to be our global price feed
address so instead of us creating these aggregator v3 interface contracts right in the functions here we're just going to create a global one so we'll say aggregator v3 interface public price feed and right in our constructor right when we create this we'll set price feed equals aggregator v3 interface price feed and now what we can do is we can just delete this part because as you can see this is doing the exact same thing is up here this is doing aggregator v3 interface price feed equals aggregator v3 interface and then the address here and we're
going to do the exact same thing but in our constructor meaning right when we deploy this contract so we can delete this and we can delete it here as well in our get price function we can even verify this with brownie compile great looks like it's compiling perfectly now our deploy function is going to need to look a little bit different we're going to need to pass the price feed address to our fund me contract to do this all we'd have to do is paste that address before we have our from account variable here so
this is how you can actually pass variables to constructors anything inside this constructor function you can pass through brownie in our deploy script here so great so we could 100 always just pass this rink b address here but that's not really going to solve our problem obviously right the problem is that the problem right now is that we always have this ring b address when we say if we are on a persistent network like rink b use the associated address otherwise deploy mocks and i know we've been talking about mocks we'll get into them in
a second but let's first set this one up here so we can check what network that we're on again by importing from browning this network bit and we can say if network dot show active does not equal development then we'll say price feed address equals this address here and we'll just pass this price feed address now this still doesn't solve our issue because we're just always passing this the rink be hard-coded piece here so what we want to do is parameterize where we get these addresses from so instead what we can do is in our
browning config we can add different addresses for different networks so right underneath our dnv we'll add a new section called networks and we'll do one called rink b and we'll say the fusd price feed address is going to be this price feed address now what we can do in our deploy script is we can say if we're not on a development network let's grab the address from our networks section this way we can define different addresses for this price feed across different networks so we can add we could add a coven section we could add
a mainnet section any other networks that we want to work with all we need to do is add add these flags for those contracts so back in our deploy now we can see the price feed address is going to get pulled from the config instead so we'll say config and this means we're going to import config or brownie say config of networks based off of the network dot show active and then we'll use the fusd price feed flag here perfect so this little if statement is going to say hey if we're not on a development
network pull the address right from the config and this will make it so that we can deploy to really anywhere that we want to deploy to but what if we are on a development chain well what do we do then we can say else if we're not on a development chain we're going to have to deploy a mock so right now on all these live networks that we're working with there is a version of this price feed contract this price feed address our development chain obviously there won't be one because it's going to start off
as blank so what we can do is we can deploy our own version of the price food contract this is known as mocking and we can interact with it accordingly in order for us to deploy a price feed contract ourselves we're obviously going to need to have the solidity code associated with it so what we can do is in our contract section we'll create a new folder called test when you create a test folder in your contracts folder this is typically where mock contracts are going to go and we'll create a new file called mock
v3 aggregateor dot sol and this is where we'll add the code for us to deploy our own price feed now i'm going to show you another repository pretty soon called the chain link mix that we're going to work with for now if you're looking for one of these mocks i highly recommend just pulling it from this chain link mix repository so we can grab it by going to contracts test and grabbing my aggregator dot soul we can just copy this whole code and paste it into our mockv3 aggregator.sol this has all the same exact functions
as a real price feed contract such as decimals and latest answer which are going to be two of the ones we use the most we can also see its constructor here these are the variables that it takes whenever this contract is deployed it takes a decimals and an initial answer decimals is of course going to be how many decimals that this contract should have an initial answer is going to be its starting value like 2000 for example once we have this contract in our test section we can of course run brownie compile and brownie will
go ahead and compile this mock v3 aggregator as well because remember brownie compiles any contract in this contracts folder let's go back to our deploy script now that we have this mock v3 aggregator in here now we can do is we can do a little else here saying okay well if we are on a development chain let's do something let's deploy these mocks so let's do a little print statement here a little printf saying the active network is we'll do network dot show active another print statement print f saying deploying mocks dot dot dot oops
i need a little closing there and this doesn't need to be print f it can just be a regular print and then now the same way we import fund me we can import mach v3 aggregateor we can just deploy this contract the same way we deploy all of our other contracts so we'll do mach v3 aggregator dot deploy and as we just learned we have to add the parameters the constructor takes which is going to be decimals and initial answer so maybe we'll set decimals to 18 and then maybe we want to set the initial
to answer to 2000 so two one two three one two three four five six seven eight nine ten one two three four five six seven eight comma and of course since we're deploying we've got to do a from and we'll use our account here we'll do another print saying mox deployed and of course we're going to need to get this mock v3 aggregator's address so we'll do mock aggregator equals this and we'll set price feed address to equal our mock aggregator dot address and now we're development or live network agnostic if we deploy this on
a live network we'll use the address from our config otherwise we'll use a fake aggregator contract that we've deployed let's go ahead and even try this on a development network so we can do brownie run scripts deploy.pi we don't need a network flag here we'll hit enter it'll spin up the ganache and we even will deploy a mock aggregator contract first and then we'll do our fund me part of course we are running to an issue because we're trying to verify a contract on a chain that doesn't exist etherscan doesn't know about our local gnost
chain so to fix this instead of doing publish source equals true we can have this published source be again based on what chain that we're on so we'll go back to our browning config and for rank b we'll say verify will be true but for development we'll say verify will be false and back in our deploy script we now say publish source is going to be pulled from our config so again we'll do config networks network dot show active and then we'll do dot get verify this dot get verify will make our lives a little
bit easier if we forget to add verify in here you could still do like this like verify but you run into some index errors if you forget to actually put the verify so sometimes i get lazy and uh it's just a little bit nicer like this now if we run this again deploy.pi we'll spin up our local ganache we'll deploy a mock price feed contract and then we'll deploy our fund me contract and it completes successfully so this is awesome we have a way our fund me contract that uses a price feed contract to our
own local development environment with a mock aka a fake price feed contract this is awesome now this is great but our deploy script is starting to look a little big and a little clunky so let's actually clean this up to make it look a lot nicer the first thing that we want to do is we want to fix this this big 2000 number just looking at right away i'm not exactly sure how many zeros it has so to make this look a little bit nicer and more readable we can once again call on our friend
web3.pi from web3 import web3 and down here we'll do web3.2 way 2000 comma ether this two-way function will just add 18 decimals to this 2000 so now this is much more readable that the initial value for this is going to be 2 000. the next bit is that we're always deploying this mock v3 aggregator here and if we already have a mock deployed to whatever network that we're working on we don't need two marks here so what we can do then is right before we deploy this mock is we can do a little if statement
we can say if the length of our mock v3 aggregator is less than or equal to zero only then will we deploy this mock v3 aggregator remember we can check the length of our v3 aggregator because this v3 aggregator is just going to be a list of all the different v3 aggregators that we've deployed now instead of using mock aggregator.address we can just use mach v3 aggregator minus one dot address so we're just saying okay great just use the most recently deployed mock v3 aggregator and then of course we don't we no longer need to
set this as a variable and that looks a little bit cleaner and we'll make this a little bit more efficient so this deploying mox bit though is going to be something that so this deploying mox bit though is going to be something that we're actually going to do relatively frequently let's even move this print statement up here so instead what i like to do is put this whole mock deploying bit in its own function in our helpful scripts so let's open back up our helpful scripts we'll do a new function called def deploy mocks and
we'll just paste that code in here of course this means that in our helpful scripts we're gonna have to import mock v3 aggregator we'll also have to do from web3 import web3 instead of account we'll just use this get account function now back in our deploy script we just delete this whole part replace with deploymox and then import deploymox from our helpful scripts and then we can also delete this import now let's remove some of these comments if you'd like this is starting to look a lot more sophisticated and this is great because now we
have a way to deploy base off if we're on a live chain or a development chain and then one more thing i like to do so that everything is parameterized i like to set these as static variables in the top of our helpful scripts so i'll set decimals equals 18 and then i'll set starting price equals 2000 and then i'll have mock v3 aggregator to deploy to decimals web 3.2 way to starting price here so no so let's say now that i wanted to deploy this to my own ganache instance well what we could do
is we can open up our ganache here we'll do quick start and we'll just quickly create our own ganache blockchain in our script let's go ahead and just run this deploy script again let's see what happens instead of brownie spinning up its own ganache here it says attached to local rpc client listening ad and then this address here brownie is smart enough to detect if you're running your own ganache instance here and will automatically attach itself to it knowing that that is going to be a development environment if we go to our ganache we'll see
we have two transactions which are going to be contract creations we're going to create a price feed contract and then also our fund b contract so this is great this is great for testing quickly and locally but there is an issue with this for development networks again brownie doesn't keep track of those so in our build folders if we go to deployments we only are saving stuff from the rink b chain here so we would need to tell brownie hey there's another network that we want you to work with and we want you to remember
the deployments to that chain so what we can do is we can add a new network to our browning networks list remember in brownie networks list we have all these different pieces in here these are the ones that brownie is going to not remember and these are going to be the ones that brownie remembers so let's say we want to deploy to a grenache chain and we want brownie to remember those deployments well we can add a network here and this is going to be how we add any blockchain that we want any evm blockchain
like avalanche like polygon etc to add a new network to the brown networks is we'll run brownie networks add we'll choose development or ethereum we're going to choose ethereum because we want this to be a persistent network we'll do ethereum we'll give it a name i'm going to call this ganache local we need to give it a host aka an http address which we know is right here and then i'm just gonna make this lower case and then a chain id which for this we know is one three three seven hit enter now if i
do brownie networks list i see a new blockchain called ganache local and this is going to reach out to our ganache ui or our ganache command line depending on what we're running now just a note we are going to be deploying to this ganache ui or ganache cli a lot for the rest of this lesson so please keep your ganache instance running now what i can do is i can run brownie run scripts deploy.pi network ganache local let's see what happens of course we run into our first issue ganache local isn't development so it's going
to go ahead and try to pull from our config file we don't want this we want to actually deploy mock for our local ganache if a mock hasn't been deployed so what we can do is we can extend our definition of what a development environment is in our helpful scripts we can add a flag in here we'll say local blockchain and vi romance equals and this will be a list we'll say development of course will be one but we can also say ganache local will be another and now we can import this local blockchain environments
into our deploy so from at the top from scripts.helpful scripts do a comma here paste that and save mine gets reformatted which is really nice and instead we'll say if network.showactive not in local blockchain environments then go ahead and pull from the config what this is saying is it's saying if whatever network that we're on if it isn't development or ganache local then go ahead and use a config if it is one of these two we're gonna go ahead and deploy a mock here now that we have that let's try this again ronnie run scripts
deploy.pi dash dash network ganache local and we run into a different issue we're saying hey you don't actually have enough gas well why is this let's look at our get account function aha this one is also looking directly for this development chain this one will say if network.showactive is in local blockchain environments then return accounts zero so we're saying if the network we're working on is development or our ganache local then just return accounts zero so let's try this okay we're getting closer now we're running to this key error of ganache local well we do
know how to fix that as well in our config we'll add this new network we'll say ganache local and we'll set verify to false so let's try this one more time perfect now mocks have been deployed and our fundme has been deployed and if we look in our build folder in deployments we now have a new chain id for one three three seven for saving these deployments and it looks like in our ganache chain we have these actually saved in here which is great now an important thing to note if you were to close this
or delete this ganache chain all of your contracts will be lost so you won't be able to interact with them again to account for this you can always delete 1337 and delete the entries in one three three seven from your map.json or if you're fine deleting the whole build folder you can delete the whole build folder so now that we've deployed this let's actually write a script to interact with this so let's create a new file we'll call it fund and withdraw dot pi and this will be the script we use to fund and withdraw
so let's create a function called fund we can say fund me equals the most recently deployed fund me we have to do from brownie import fund me we're gonna have to get an account since we are gonna be making some state changes and we just have this equal to get account and we can do from scripts dot helpful scripts import get account let's get the entrance fee so we can figure out how much we want to fund actually sorry since this is going to resemble that fusd price feed it actually only has eight decimals two
one two three four two thousand and one two three four five six seven eight the reason we want to do it like this too is because in our get price function we know that it only has eight decimal places so we're multiplying it by an additional 10 here we want to resemble that as well so we'll do eight decimals starting price of 2000 with eight decimals here and for our mock v3 aggregator we're just going to use those exact values and we're not going to do the web 3 converting we're just going to make it
exactly those hard-coded values now we're going to want to get the entrance fee so i've gone ahead and actually added a function called get entrance fee to our contract to make our lives a little bit easier here i'm going to recommend that you take a look at this and then type it in yourself or you just copy paste it from the github repository so that we can use this get entrance fee because it's just a whole bunch of math here so back in our fund and withdraw what we can do then is we can do
entrance fee equals fund me dot get entrance fee excuse me get interested and we can even print out this entrance fee just to see if we're doing it right but first we're going to want to run brownie run scripts deploy network ganache local because we changed our fundry.soul all right great and now we can run brownie run scripts find and withdraw network local and whoops i need a main function so we'll do def main fund in here and let's rerun this and great we can see this is the entrance fee do a little print statement
here printf saying the current entry fee is entrance fee we'll do a little print saying funding and then we'll call and of course we're going to do a from account and we're also going to send a value of entrance fee any low level transaction data that we want to send with our transactions and function calls we'll add in this little bracket piece here let's set up let's do brownie run scripts funder withdraw again and great it looks like it's going through perfectly awesome let's also do a withdraw function for the owner to withdraw we'll
say fund me equals fund me minus one do account equals get account and then we'll just call fund me dot withdraw from account and then right after fund is called we'll have withdraw be called and our main function here let's go ahead and try this brownie run scripts find and withdraw network ganache local this is our funding script our funding transaction going through and then our withdrawal transaction going through perfect so it looks like our approximate functionality here works great and this is a script that we can run on a main network if we'd like
now again it's still much better for us to run so now we're going to move into actually writing those tests and for these tests we're going to want to quit our ganache ui let's go ahead and write some of these tests create a new file called test fund me dot pi we'll quickly speed through this test because we're not going to learn too much new here keep in mind when we're on this test we're going to want it to be able to work independent of the network that we're working on so let's just keep that
in mind let's do a test just to see if we can fund a withdrawal so we'll do def test can fund and withdraw and we'll do basically exactly what we've done before do account equals get account of course we'll do from scripts that helpful scripts import get account then we'll want to deploy fund me and we can even just use our deploy fund me script in our deploy.pi so we can do from scripts dot deploy import deploy fund me in our deploy fund me at the bottom we'll just say return fund me so that our
test can now have this fundme contract for it to work with so now we'll say fund me equals deploy fund me grab the entrance fee which will be equal to fund me dot get entrance fee and then let's go ahead and fund it so do transaction equals fund me dot fund and we'll call from account we'll do value entrance fee we'll do tx.weight one we'll do an assert here we'll do assert fund me dot address to amount funded it's going to be account dot address it's going to be equal to the entrance fee so we
want to check that our address and the amount that we funded is being adequately recorded and then we'll do transaction two will be fund me dot withdraw from account tx2.weight one and then we'll assert fund me dot address to amount funded account dot address equals zero and let's go ahead and run this test so we'll do brownie test and perfect looks like it's doing well now you may be wondering why sometimes we use the dash dash network flag and sometimes we don't in our network section brownie automatically picks a default network to use and the
default is always set to development however we could set this to be anything that we wanted we could set the default to be ganache local we could set it to be rink b whatever we want it here whatever you set for the default in your brownie config is what the network will be defaulted to so right now when we run brownie test this is equivalent to running brand test dash dash network development we can even go ahead and run that too now we could also run this test on rink b and we will in a
second but oftentimes we don't want to test all of our functionality on rink beat and on live networks because it's going to take a long time for them to run so sometimes we only want to run tests on our local chains well how do we do that we can use pi tests skip functionality to do so to work with pi test we're going to first need to install it so go ahead and run pip install pi test to demonstrate this let's create a test that makes sure only the owner can withdraw and nobody else can
so we'll call this def test only owner can withdraw to skip this test if we're not on a local network we'll first check the network we'll say if network.showactive is not in and yep probably would have guessed it we're going to pull this local blockchain environments in from our helpful scripts so we'll do comma local blockchain environments and we're going to say if the network dot showactive is not in this list of local blockchain environments we're going to do pi test.skip and say only for local testing of course we're going to import network and we're
also going to import pi test now if i try to run this test here with brownie test dash k dash dash network rinkeby it should skip perfect and we do see with this s here meaning that it's skipped this function if we run this with dash network development it should go ahead and run this and it will pass because nothing happens in this function and it does perfect let's keep going so now we'll say account equals get account we'll say fund me equals deploy fund me and now let's get a different account to try to
call the withdraw function so we'll say bad actor equal and this will just give us a blank random account but we do have to import accounts from about here now we want to test to see that them calling this withdraw function actually reverts them and causes an exception because if i try to do fund me dot withdraw from [Music] bad actor right now what do you think will happen well that well we know in our fundme.soul our withdrawal function has the only owner modifier so technically only the owner should be able to call this function
so what happens actually we don't even need this account get account bit let's just go ahead delete that so what happens if somebody else tries to call this withdraw function well let's go ahead and test this we'll do browning test dash k test only owner can withdraw hmm and you can see we're getting this error here writing browning.exceptions.virtualmachineerror revert from this fundme.withdraw well we want this to happen we were expecting this to happen so how do we test that we want this to happen well we just need to tell our test that we want this
to happen so first we're going to import from brownie this exceptions package this way we can tell our test exactly what exception we're expecting to see then we'll say with pi test dot raises exceptions dot virtual machine error fund me dot withdraw and then we'll just actually we'll just copy this line down here now what this is telling our test is that if this reverts with this virtual machine error that's good we're saying we want you to revert when you try to call this line so if we delete this line and hit up and try
to run this again we can see that it now passes and this is exactly what we're expecting so this is awesome all right we've learned a lot of fantastic tools for working with brownie here now the last version of testing that i want to show you how to use is mainnet forking maintenance forking is incredibly powerful when we're working with smart contracts on mainnet that we want to test locally so let's talk about forking for a minute so on the left here i have a blockchain right an example of a blockchain this is going to
be like a test net like rinkaby or something like mainnet right this is going to be a blockchain that we actually deploy to now there are a whole bunch of blocks in here right and there's a huge chain that we can actually work with all this information is public information right this block is going to have like transaction transaction transaction it's going to have you know each one of these blocks is going to have a whole bunch of transactions and all this information is here in addition to all these transactions it's going to have price
feed contracts ave contracts you know et cetera it's going to have all these different contracts in it so hypothetically if it's already there we should be able to basically copy this all this whole blockchain and do some simulations ourselves and that's exactly what forking does a forked blockchain literally takes a copy of an existing blockchain on the left here and brings it into our local computer for us to work with we actually have control of this blockchain since it's going to run on our local computer similar to ganache now all the interactions that we do
on this local blockchain are not going to affect the real blockchain because it's our local chain right it's a simulated blockchain but because it's simulated we can go ahead and interact with price feeds we can interact with avid we can interact with all these different contracts that are already going to be on chain maintenance fork is a built-in part of brownie and also pulls from inferior the same way it works with rink b and coven and everything else we can start to interact with the mainnet fork contracts the exact same way therefore so we can
take this whole ring big section copy it paste it and we'll just change this fusd price feed address to its mainnet address so we'll go to ethereum price feeds get fusd here copy that and we'll paste it into here and we'll change this to mainnet fork and since this is going to be a fork of course for verify we're going to do false now if we try to run one of our scripts like brownie run scripts deploy.pi network mainnet fork you'll see we'll actually run into an issue here it's saying insufficient funds for transfer
in our deploy script when we do our get account and our helpful scripts right now we're using config while it's from key yes it's going to be our account which right now has zero money in it on mainnet so brownies right away gonna say hey you don't have any money on mainnet what's the deal so we need to tell brownie that when we're working with mainnet fork it should create us a fake account with a hundred ethernet however we don't want it to deploy a mock because the price feed contracts already exist so we
don't want it to deploy a mock but we do want it to get us an account here so typically what i like to do is i'll add another variable here and i'll call it forked local environments and i'll add maintenant fork in here and i'll use this now as part of my if statements so i'll say if network does show active in local blockchain environments or network dot show active in forked local environments then we're going to go ahead and return account 0. however in our deploy.pi mainnet fork is not going to be in this
local blockchain environment so we will just get our price feed from our config so now if i run this maintenance fork again now if we run this you'll see we'll still get an error we'll get list index out of range so brownie's built-in forking mechanism doesn't actually come with its own accounts here however it has these issues so what normally i like to do is i like to create my own custom maintenance fork right in browning the way we can create our own development custom network is by using the brownie network's add key so we
do brownie networks add we'll make this a development network instead of a persistent network and we'll call this mainnet fork dev to set this up we'll do a ganache cli so we'll say the command to run this fork is going to be ganache cli the host is going to be the same as always http dot colon slash fork is going to be equal to and this is where we just put https mainnet dot infira dot io v3 slash web 3 infira project id now don't hit enter quite yet i'm going to explain a couple
things so this single quote means run this as is if we run this without the single quote our environment variable would get actualized here and we'd always have to use whatever our current environment variable is so we want to have this little semicolon here then we would do accounts equal 10 this tells brownie for us to set up 10 fake accounts for us we'll give it a mnemonic of brownie so we'll say great make those accounts just have a new monica brownie and we'll do a port equals eight five four five now once again don't
hit enter quite yet i do wanna explain one other thing so this is great for working with inferior and forking from inferior however i have to note that performance wise forking forming fura has pretty much always given me an issue so i prefer actually to fork from this application called alchemy and in fact if you'd like you could set up all of your networks to work with alchemy by modifying them i'm going to go ahead and sign in here and we're going to give it an alchemy url instead of an inferior url so i'm going
to go ahead and create an app i'm going to call this fund me demo description will also be a fund me demo via development environment on the ethereum mainnet let's create this we can now view the details of this we'll go to view key and we'll copy this http address and we'll move back over here and for forking we can just delete everything next to this fork and we'll just paste that in here instead and let's go ahead and hit enter you'll know you've done this right if you can see something like this mainnet fork
dev has been added oftentimes in my example i will actually just delete maintenance fork and have mainnet fork dev be my default for maintenance for but for us we're going to go ahead and do mainnet fork dev so in our config we're going to change mainnet fork to mainnet fork dev so since we're giving this a different name that means in our helpful scripts we're gonna have to have do a comma here and say mainnet fork dev all right great now our get account should return accounts 0 for maintenance fork dev and it should actually
work so let's run our script again brownie run scripts deploy dash dash network mainnet fork dev and perfect we're running our maintenance fork dev and it is running successfully now we should also be able to test exactly the same way let's look at our test real quick test fund me and see okay cool we're going to be skipping this one since main at fork forkdev isn't in the local blockchain networks but this should work perfectly and then oftentimes in my tests here i'll actually do like a little plus 100 or something for entrance fee just
in case i need like a little bit more money for whatever reason so now if we run founding test dash dash network mainnet fork dev we'll see that this does indeed pass and this is awesome so this is fantastic incredibly powerful project here now we're going to teach you how to actually share your code and enter the world of open source and decentralized code the way the world works when sharing code and sharing ideas and collaborating together is they use what's called open source git repositories github is an example of one of these git repositories
that we can use to share our code and it's one of the dominant ways that smart contract engineers share ideas and share code we are now going to learn how to add our code to github and then we can even share the code and show the world what we've built and what we've done this isn't going to be a full end-to-end git course however there are some links in the course repository that will show you how to work with git work with github and work with version control so the first thing that we're going to
do is we're going to come to github and we're going to sign up for a service add our email create a password enter your username no now we'll go to our email to verify it continue we're going to be working with some collaborative coding we're going to choose the free edition and perfect we are now in github now that we're in github we're going to create our own first open sourced repository so we're either going to hit this plus button here or create repository let's choose a repository name for this we'll give it the same
name as our main folder so call this brownie fund me give it a description maybe smart contract application and we'll hit create repository this is where we're going to upload our code to share with the world back in our vs code now we're going to send this folder to that repository first thing we need to do is installing git there are a couple different ways to install git depending on the version that you're on we'll put this link in the description to our course to actually install git once you have it installed you should be
able to run git dash dash version and see a git version here now we're going to initialize our repository in here by doing git init we're going to choose a branch name we're going to call it main we'll go ahead and add our username and email to our git config user dot name quotes free code camp video git config user dot email free code camp video now we're going to do a couple things to push all of our code to github here however remember we do not want to push our dot env pieces up
here so we can do a couple of things we can a we can go ahead and delete this of course but we can also add in our dot git ignore file a dot env this will help us so that we don't accidentally push our dot env file to github we can choose what files we want to push by doing git add and then a period and if we do get status it will now show us all the different files that we have staged to push to github if we look in here we see we have
git attributes git ignore browning config fund me some contracts some scripts but we do not have that dot emv file if you were to remove dot emv from dot git ignore and you ran git add dot again and then we did get status we now see the dot env in here we do not want this in here so we can do git remove dash dash cached dot e b we'll add dot env back to our dot get ignore file and then we'll run git status again and then we'll run git add period and then get
status and great we do not see that dot env in here so that's very good now we'll commit this by git commit minus m first commit and now we can add this folder to our github back in our github there's a little line here which even tells us how to do it we're going to copy this line right here git remote add origin https free code camp brownie fund me i'm going to copy that paste it in here hit enter and now we can just do this second line git push dash u origin main we'll
do git push dash u origin main we get an output like this and if we go back we'll now see all of our files and folders in here now i've already added my email and password in here but instead of this you'll probably get github asking you for authorization you can just go ahead and put your github username in and your password in there if your username and password doesn't work you can come into github go down to settings scroll down to developer settings personal access tokens and generate new token we'll call this f brownie
and we'll want to give it at least repo authorization here and we'll hit generate token and instead of using your password you can go ahead and use this github token amazing and you now have your first github repository we could even come in here add some topics like solidity chain link python brownie etc so that we know what our file is about and this is incredibly exciting now i'm gonna even encourage you to pop onto twitter and share your excitement i just made my first first at thanks to at free code camp at solidity brownie
s at chain link if you want to tag me you can also tag at patrick alpha c and pop your repo in there go ahead and hit tweet the community absolutely loves hearing about all the fantastic things people are doing in this ecosystem so be sure to reach out have fun and engage i know we've gone over a lot here but let's talk a little bit about some testing pieces here now a big question you might have is well okay so i learned a ton of stuff we learned about maintenance forking i could do stuff
on ganache i can use brownies ganache i can use brownies main net fork there's i can do a test there's all these places to do stuff where do i need to run my tests the default for every single one of your contracts is as follows you always 100 need to have tests that pass on a local brownie spun up ganache instance that should be priority number one to get all your tests to pass on this this means that you will need to deploy mocks after that the other place you absolutely need to have tests or
do some type of development is on a test knob these are going to be what's known as your integration test and we'll talk more about those later so those are the two places you always need to have tests development and a test net i think testing on main net fork and your own local ganache are optional testing on mainnet fork can be done and probably should be done whenever all of your contracts and all of your interactions are going to be on chain on one chain without any external off-chain components testing on your own local
ganache is really more meant for tinkering and kind of exploring and seeing things yourself so that's going to be the setup here so great now let's move into our most challenging example once you pass and once you complete this example you basically will have all the tools to be an incredibly powerful smart contract developer then after that we're going to show you the chain link mix package and how to do what's called a brownie bake to automatically open up this package with all these scripts and all these contracts pre-built in this is going to make
our lives substantially easier and faster for deploying our smart contracts however let's go through the process of understanding all the pieces that are going to be inside of this brownie mix are you ready you should be let's get excited and jump in okay so let's get into our most advanced smart contract project that we've made so far this is going to be the best example of a full scale application and by full scale i really mean end-to-end full suite of our brownie all of our smart contracts are really solid here what we're going to want
to do is create a lottery application where anybody can enter the lottery and a random winner is selected so let's get to it and let's get started so first of course we're going to make new directory we'll call it smart contract lottery cd and a smart contract lottery and then open that folder great we are now in our lottery application so let's go ahead and start a new project brownie init we've got our project here now let's create a quick to explain what we're going to be trying to do here so number one we're
gonna say users can enter the lottery with f based on a usd fee so for example let's set the price to be like fifty dollars and the users actually pay with ethereum so we're gonna have to get that conversion rate number two an admin will choose when the lottery is over and then three lottery will select a random winner now something important to note here is since we have an admin here this means that our application isn't necessarily going to be truly decentralized because we have a single person chooses when the lottery is over we
could scale this out to have maybe a dow being the admin or something like that or we could have the lottery automatically open and close based off some time parameters but for the moment this is the setup that we're going to have keep in mind even though this is much less decentralized it's still going to be a great use of smart contract technology so first thing that we're going to get started with of course is our lottery contract so create a new file called lottery dot sol and let's begin with our initial setup here so
let's choose our version pragma solidity carrot 0.6.6 and this will be the version that we want to work with here we'll do contract lottery bracket here now let's think for a second on what some of the functions that are going to be what our main functions are going to be here we'll probably have a function enter that'll be public we'll probably have a function get entrance fee to get the entrance fee of the lottery we'll probably have a function start lottery that only the admin can call this will be public as well which means we'll
also probably have an end lottery function and those are really going to be the main functions the user can enter based off the entrance fee we can start the lottery and then of course we can end the lottery so let's get started with this enter function just because this is most likely going to be the entry point as we know since we're going to want them to pay using this entry function in ethereum we're going to need to make this function payable and in here we're going to need to keep track of all the different
players everybody who signs up for this lottery to keep track of all the players we're going to make an address payable array we'll make it public call players and anytime somebody enters we'll just do player dot push message dot sender however right now we're not checking to see how much value that they're actually sending we want to set the price of this to be at least 50 so we'll say 50 minimum so here we're gonna have to do a require statement requiring them to do at least 50 in order to do that we're probably going
to need to have some function to get the entrance fee to check whether or not how much they're sending is actually 50 so let's go ahead and make that get entrance fee function now since we're just going to be returning a number for get entrance fee we can probably go ahead and make this a public view and have this return a u and 256. to get this entrancy we're first going to have to have stored somewhere what the entrance fee is we're going to store this 50 minimum somewhere this is something we'd probably want to
set right when our contract is deployed so where can we put stuff like that well in our constructor we'll do constructor public we'll create a new variable outside here we'll call it un256 public usd entry fee in our constructor we'll set usd entry fee equals 50. now because i like to have units of measure always in way we'll also do times 10 raised to the 18th now we have some usd entry fee let's go ahead and get this entrance fee as we know since we're going to try to get a conversion rate here we're going
to want to use a chain link price feed so we can head on over to we'll scroll down to get the latest price and we can even just go ahead and copy paste this again but for the sake of robustness let's just walk through again how to actually set this up we're going to need to pull from the price feed to convert fifty dollars to fifty dollars in each so let's go ahead and create an agra gator v3 interface internal f usd price feed and in our constructor we'll go ahead and set this we'll
say fusd price feed equals ag redgate tor v3 interface and we're going to want to grab an address from our contract addresses but of course as you know as we've learned from last time we're going to want to parameterize this so we're going to want to pass the address of our price feed as a constructor parameter so we'll do address price feed address and we'll have our aggregator v3 interface we passed that price feed address then of course since we're using an aggregator v3 interface we're gonna have to import this from chain link so we
can just go ahead and copy this from the documentation and paste it right at the top or if you want to rewrite it out yourself feel free to do so and of course since we're doing this import here new file browning config. we're going to want to add this as a dependency so we'll do d pendancies smart contract kit chain link browning contracts and we'll do add 1.1.1 again and then compiler sulk remappings we'll say at chain link equals this right here we'll pull up our terminal and we'll try this out do brownie compile see
if we're doing everything right we forgot an spdx license identifier which is just a warning but let's add it in anyways spdx license identifier mit i should probably spell me remappings right mappings and let's try to compile again all right lovely so we at least know that we are compiling correctly here awesome so now that we have a price feed let's go ahead and set up this entrance fee so we're of course going to need to get a price from this price feed so we can even check the documentation how to do that we can
call this latest round data function so we could copy paste it i'm just going to go ahead and rewrite it but again we don't need round id started at timestamp or answered in round we only need price so we can go ahead and ignore these variables on our call so what we'll do is we'll do blank comma into price and then comma comma comma equals fusd price feed dot latest round data and this means we're just going to get the price here now we're going to want to do a little bit of quick math typically
if we're setting the price at 50 and we have a price feed of two thousand dollars per eth we would just wanna do fifty divided by two thousand but of course since solidity doesn't work with decimals we can't actually just do this so we'll have to do 50 times some big number divided by the 2000 so we're going to go ahead and do it like that but first let's go ahead and convert this price from into 256 to uint 256. so we'll say you went 256 adjusted price equals you went 256. you in 256 price
and then since we know we're going to be using an ethereum usd price feed that has eight decimals let's also just convert it to having 18 decimals as well so we can also do times 10 raised to the 10th so now we can have 18 decimals now that we have this adjusted price we'll do um 256 cost to enter it's going to equal usd entry fee times again we're going to want to times it by some big number here so we'll just times it by 10 raised to the 18th this way usd entry fee has
18 decimals but it has an additional 18 decimals here that'll be canceled out with our price feeds and the math will work divided by price and then we'll return cost to enter now of course since we're doing some interesting math here it's recommended to use safe math and use safe math functions we're going to skip over the safe map functions here again because in the newer versions of solidity you don't really have to use them but i think it's important to note here that sending this code this exact code to production would be a bad
idea for at least the reason of the safe math functions but in any case we have a function here we think our math is pretty good but i know for a fact that my math is usually not very good so let's go ahead and do some testing as we code just to make sure our get entrancy function is working properly so based off of our last lesson let's talk about how do we want to test this well we could do a main net fork here because we're only working with some on-chain contracts and some math
we will at some point have to do our develop mint with marks and of course our test net i kind of want to just do a quick and dirty way so let's try our maintenance fork just for now just to see if if this is really making any sense if the current price of ethereum is 2 500 or this much here and we want the price of this to be fifty dollars we do 50 divided by this and we get .019 so this should be approximately what we get for our eat value so if we
were to write a test test lottery dot pi if we were to test this function we would expect to get 0.019 or in way it'll be 1 9 1 2 3 4 5 six seven eight nine ten one two three four five six we expect to get approximately this so let's go ahead and create a function that tests us so we'll do test get entrance fee and here we'll deploy lottery and in here the first thing we need to do is deploy this lottery function of course so we'll do from brownie import lottery in order
to deploy this we're going to need to get an account we are going to import our helpful scripts from the last project to this one too so we can get our get accounts but for the time being we can actually just use accounts 0 from brownie so we'll say count zero let's start with def then we'll do lottery equals lottery dot deploy from account and ah of course we have a parameter here of our price feed address so we're gonna have to add some type of parameter here for now let's just hard code it from
our config and we'll go into our config and we'll start our networks flag we're going to be working like i said on the maintenance fork for this quick and dirty here we'll call f usd price feed grab the fusd price feed from mainnet since we're going to be doing a main net fork here pop that in here now we can just say from config networks network dot show active usd price feed of course we're going to need to import network here and now we can do our kind of quick and dirty test we can do
lottery dot get entrance fee am i spelling that right get entrance fee yes assert lottery.get entrance fee should be greater than let's just say let's just go down 18 or if we wanted to make sure we're actually doing this right we'll do from three import web three we'll do web3.2 way 0.019 comma ether should be greater than and then we'll even do 0.018 just to make sure and it should be less than 0.01 now these numbers are of course going to be a little bit different for you and if you want you can go ahead
and skip this part so that you don't have to do the math but it is kind of nice to do a quick sanity check saying okay like based off what things are right now what would this price end up to be now in our last section we made a mainnet fork dev network i'm going to just go ahead and customize our mainnet fork the way that we showed you guys how to do maintenance fork dev this way you can use accounts and we can be a little bit more robust here to do this we're first
going to have to delete brownie's internal built-in mainnet fork so we'll do brownie networks delete mainnet fork maintenance fork has been deleted and now let's go ahead and add our own maintenance fork using alchemy as our ethereum connection so you'll want to create a new app i've already created one here called smart contract lottery we'll view the key and this is the http endpoint that we'll use so to do this we'll do brownie networks add this will be a development chain we'll call this maintenant fork it'll be a ganache cli the host is going to
be our local host so and the fork is going to be equal to our alchemy http here we'll do accounts equal 10 that way we can use the accounts do the new monarch equals brownie import is going to be eight five four five and great maintenance fork has been added now that we have this here we can go ahead and run our test brownie test dash dash network mainnet fork whoops looks like we got a little compile error on our math here oops it looks like we're divided by price when we need to be
divided by adjusted price and we forgot the parentheses on latest round data let's try this again and i put an extra comment in here let's try this one more time lovely and it looks like we're forking correctly and awesome it looks like our test indeed passes here of course we know that we're going to want to change this because this isn't a great way to actually test our contracts here but it can be a nice sanity check and we know we're going to have to refactor this as well for mocks and for accounts but we'll
get to that in a little bit awesome sanity check complete let's get back to our contract here so we are getting the cost to enter correctly perfect we're getting this entrance fee what that means we can do in our enter function we can do require message.value it's got to be greater than or equal to our get entrance fee function and if it's not give them an error of not enough eath we have a way for them to enter and we have a way to get the entrance fee but we want to make sure that we're
not ending the lottery before the lottery even starts right or we're not entering a lottery when a lottery hasn't even begun so we're going to want a way to iterate through the different phases of this lottery and we can do that with what's called an enum or an enum according to the solidity documentation enums are another way to create user-defined types in solidity we saw an earlier version of doing this with a struct enums are a little bit different in that they're explicitly convertible to and from all integer types so what does that actually mean
well we can have an enum like this action choices go left go right go straight and sit still they're just more readable ways to say go left is going to be represented as state 0 go right it's going to be state 1 go straight state 2 sit still state 3. so for our lottery contract we're going to want to create this new type that represents the lottery state so to do this we'll do enum lottery state open closed and calculating winner this means that we have a new type called lottery state with three positions open
closed and calculating winner these different states are actually represented by numbers so open is actually a zero closed is actually one and calculating winner is actually a two now that we have this new type we can create a variable of type lottery state so we'll say lottery state public lottery state and right when we initialize our contract here we're going to want to set our lottery state to being closed so in our constructor we'll do lottery state equals lottery state dot closed now since these are represented by numbers as well we could also just do
lottery state equals 1 because 1 stands for closed however it's much more readable to do lotterystate.closed now that we have a lottery state in our enter function we can require that the lottery state is going to be equal to lottery state dot open so we can only enter if somebody's started this lottery and that's exactly what we're going to do in our start lottery function we're going to do a require in here that the lottery state is going to be equal to lottery state dot closed we can even add a failure function here saying can't
start a new lottery yet and when we do start this lottery we'll say lottery state equals lottery state dot open now when somebody starts the lottery they'll be able to enter of course this start lottery bid here needs to be called only by our admin so this is where our only owner modifier is once again going to come into place we could write our own only owner modifier or we can once again use open zeppelin's access control and open zeppelin's ownable function instead which is what i'm going to use here so we're going to go
ahead and grab this copy this paste it in import at open zeppelin contracts slash access ownable and of course since we're doing this we're gonna have to add this dependency into our config we're gonna be using open zeppelin open zeppelin contracts at 3.4.0 we're going to remap at open zeppelin equals this oops and then we'll say our lottery is ownable perfect now we'll try to compile this awesome looks like brownie grabbed everything correctly and we're good to go great now we can finally move into our end lottery function this is where we're actually going to
choose a random winner here we only want the admin to be the one to actually end the lottery so let's add the only owner modifier here and let's talk a little bit about randomness because this is what we're looking to do now we're looking to get a random winner here now as you know the blockchain is a deterministic system right and this is super ambitious because that allows us to do all these smart contracts and have this system that can actually reach consensus very easily random numbers are much harder if let's say you had a
blockchain with a whole bunch of different nodes and each node responds and gives their own random value well each node is never going to be able to sync up and say hey you know we all agree on a random number what you could do is you could base the random number on some other attributes in the system but then it's not really random it's actually going to be pseudorandom so getting truly random numbers in a deterministic system is actually impossible and if you know a lot about computer science you actually know that even when you
call like math.random in your javascript what your computer is really doing is it's looking at some place in memory grabbing some value and saying hey this is probably random enough here go ahead and use this now in smart contracts especially when working with any type of financial application such as a lottery having an exploitable randomness function means that your lottery is at risk of being hacked or destroyed and this isn't even a fairy tale at the time of recording about two weeks ago i did a rundown on an exploit where a protocol used insecure randomness
and got hacked for seven hundred thousand dollars so i am going to show you this insecure way first and the reason that i'm going to show you is that it is a quick and dirty way to get a pseudo random number but please do not use this in any production use cases i'm going to show you a method that's often used to teach people how to get random numbers and then we're going to explain why it's so vulnerable and not a good method of randomness and what some insecure protocols will do is they'll use a
globally available variable and hash it so in your smart contracts there's actually a number of globally available variables one of those as we saw above is going to be message.value right it's going to be the value that's sent with the transaction another globally available variable is going to be message.sender you can actually see a whole list of these different globally available variables in the solidity documentation here so since there are these globally available variables a lot of times some will see something like block.difficulty which returns the current block difficulty now one of these globally available
now one of these globally available variables is going to be block difficulty or block dot difficulty it's the current block difficulty remember how i said that the time between different block generation is called the block time well you can always keep that block time as is by changing the block difficulty over time the harder the problem or the harder the proof of work algorithm the longer it's going to take or the more nodes you're going to need to solve that problem there's this constantly recalculating metric called ethereum difficulty or block difficulty depending on the chain
that you're working on that constantly changes so you might think this would be a great use of randomness right because it's a somewhat hard to predict number so what a lot of people do is they think that hey those sound pretty random let's use them as a unit of randomness and what you'll see is you'll see like something like uint 256 which is again this hashing algorithm let's do something like abi dot encode pact so i know there's a whole lot going into this line and let's talk about it so first as we can see
is that we're casting or we're converting everything in here to being a uni-256 the reason that we're doing this of course is because we're going to want to pick a random winner based off of an index right we're going to want to pick somebody some random winner in our players array or our players list so we say okay whatever number that we're going to use that's going to be the index of the winner that we're going to randomly pick then they use cache 256 which is again our hashing algorithm so they hash a whole bunch
of variables together and they do this abi dot encode packed api is another keyword for some low-level work and they'll add maybe a nunsen they'll add the message on sender block that difficulty and block the timestamp basically what they're trying to do here is take a bunch of seemingly random numbers mash them all together in a hashing function and then say yeah this this is pretty random but the issue here is that the hashing function itself isn't random the hashing function is always going to be exactly the same could check 256 it's always going to
hash everything exactly the same way so we're not actually making it more random by hashing it all these numbers inside are the pieces that actually determine how random it is so if the block to difficulty is random then this will be a random method if the blocked out difficulty isn't random then this won't be a random method and the blocked difficulty is not random difficulty can actually be manipulated by the miners in time stamp timestamp is predictable nuns is predictable aka transaction number because in this regard they're using the nuns as some transaction number and
message.sender is predictable when using a random number in this way the hashing algorithm is always going to be the same union 256 is always going to be the same we have a predictable number a predictable address a predictable timestamp and then a manipulatable value so all this is really doing is giving the miners the ability to win the lottery or win whatever lottery that you're working on so this isn't going to be an effective way to get a random number this is an unacceptable way to get a random number in our applications yes we do
have this only owner modifier here which means that we are the ones who are going to choose when to call this so it is still centralized in that regard but let's just teach you the best practices for working with random numbers right from the get-go so you don't run into any issues i'll explain what this part is doing in a little bit in order to get a true random number we are going to have to look outside the blockchain the blockchain itself like i said is a deterministic system so we need a number outside the
blockchain but what we can't do is we can't use just an api that gives a random number right if that api becomes corrupted if they're malicious if they go down if something happens etcetera what we need is a provable way to get a random number and chain-link vrf is actually that solution chain-link vrf it stands for chain-link verifiably randomized function and it's a way to get a provably random number into your smart contract it has an on-chain contract that checks the response of a chain-link node to make sure the number is truly random using some
cryptography magic it's able to check a number of the parameters that the chainlink vrf started and ended with to make sure that it's truly random it's already used for protocols like avagochi ethercards pool together and a whole bunch of other protocols as well because it is a secure reliable truly provable way to get a random number which is incredibly powerful in a decentralized system so that's how we're actually going to get our random number here so let's work on getting that what we can do is we can go ahead and head right over to the
chain link documentation to actually learn how to work with one of these let's go over the chain link documentation just to make sure that we get it right so if we go to the get a random number here we have all the documentation you could ever want so if you ever get lost or confused you can always come right back here to work with it what we're going to do is we're going to deploy their simple version in remix version of working with the chainleaf vrf and we're going to walk through a minimalistic contract to
see how it actually works in a contract so once again we hit this remix button remix pops up and we immediately get this random number consumer.soul in our files that we can check out so awesome so here is our files right here we can see that this is actually using a different chain than what we've been using we've been mostly working with rink b but for this demo it's actually on coven so we can do some work with kovin here and remember if you do want to stay with rink b you can always go to
this contract addresses section of the vrf and grab these addresses to use so what's going on in this contract how do we actually use this well as you can see the first thing that happens is we're importing some code from the chain link package and our contract is inheriting the abilities of this vrf consumer base contract so we're going to see what functions we're actually going to use that are inherited from this contract and the first thing that we notice is we can see that our constructor in here does some weird stuff it looks like
it almost has two constructors so what's actually going on here well let's look at this vrf consumer base.cell contract in the chain link github so we can come to the chain link github here we'll go to evm contracts or depending on when you're watching in this it's migrating to contracts at some point we go to evm contracts we'll go to src so once we're using v0.6 we'll go there and we'll look at this vrf consumerbase.sol as we can see this vrf consumer base that we're importing has its own constructor and it takes an address for
the vrf coordinator this is the on chain contract that actually checks to make sure our numbers are random and the address of the chain link token which we'll talk about erc20s in a little bit what we're doing is we're also inheriting the constructor into our contract so this is our constructor for our random number consumer but we can also use the constructor of the vrf consumer base and this is actually how we go ahead and do that we grab the constructor of the vrf consumer base and pop it in here now it's taking two addresses
it's taking the vrf coordinator and the link token like i said the vrf coordinator is a contract that's been deployed on chain that's going to verify that the return of the chain link node is truly random and we're going to use the link token as a payment to the chain link node for its services and then we also have a key hash and a fee defined inside of this constructor as well the key hash uniquely identifies the chain link node that we're going to use and then the fee is how much link we're actually going
to pay to the chain link node for delivering us this random number now let's talk about a couple things here in ethereum whenever you make a transaction you have to pay some eath gas right or transaction gas this is to pay the smart contract platform a little bit of eth for performing our transaction with a smart contract with a smart contract that operates with an oracle we have to pay some link gas or oracle gas this is to pay the oracles a fee for their services for providing data or doing some type of external computation
for a smart contract the question that might then follow up is oh okay well how come i didn't have to pay when we did this price feeds thing well for price feeds somebody had actually already paid for the data to be returned and if we go to and we scroll down we can actually see a list of sponsors here that are paying to get this data delivered so they're already paying the oracle gas to bring this data on chain for us since no other protocol is getting a random number for us we're actually going
to have to pay the oracle gas here now in this contract we have a function called get random number which is going to return a bytes 32 and what it's going to do it's going to call this request randomness function which is inherited from this vrf consumer base if we look in here we look for request request randomness we can see there's a function right here called request randomness this function is going to send our oracle fee or the link token and it's going to call this specific to the link token function called transfer and
call this function is going to call a chain link node now i'm not going to talk now i'm not going to go into exactly how it's doing that right now but we will talk about it in a little bit so we call this request randomness function and we send the key hash and the fee remember the key hash uniquely identifies the chain link node and the fee is going to be how much oracle gas we're going to pay if you ever get lost on how much to pay or what the contract addresses are you can
always head over to this vrf contract section and see where the most recently deployed vrfs are how much the fee is etcetera now here's where it gets a little bit interesting getting a random number actually follows what's called the request and receive style of working with data let's go ahead and just try this out and i'll explain what this means once we see it now we're going to save the answer to this random result variable here and let's just go ahead and try this and see what happens so we're going to switch to our injected
web 3 and since we're now swapping to a new test network this means that we have to get tested eth and test that link again we can always look for the link token contracts page to find the most up-to-date faucets so we'll scroll down we'll find coven looks like this is the at link faucet and the test and eat faucet so here's our kovin faucet we'll just want to switch from rink b to coven grab our address paste it in send me a hundred test link here's our transaction we can see we're transferring some erc20
we'll take this contract address we'll add it to our metamask by copying the address scrolling down to add token pasting it in here i already have the address in here so i'm just going to go ahead and hit cancel for now and we'll also want some testnet coven ethereum which looks like this faucet has it so we'll paste the address in here i'm not a robot and we'll do send me 0.1 test eth and perfect now that we have some tests on ethereum and some test that link we can proceed we're going to make sure
we're on the coven test network and we're going to deploy our random number consumer gist here let's go ahead and hit deploy metamask pops up we're going to go ahead and confirm i didn't explain this fulfill randomness function intentionally you'll see why in a second and great a random number consumer comes up let's check what our random result is right now it's obviously zero because we haven't got a random number so i'm going to do something intentionally wrong because there's a good chance that you'll run into this at some point if i hit get random
number right now we see this air gas estimation failed we have plenty of eath why would this fail the reason that it's failing is because the contract doesn't have any oracle gas so we got that gas estimation failed because we need to fund this contract address with some link to actually get a random number so we're going to hit this copy button and this is going to copy the address and we're going to come into our meta mask here and we're going to send this address we're going to paste it there swap to link and
we'll send it one link this is probably overkill because as you saw the fee is only 0.1 but we're just going to be overkill for now and great now that this contract has some test net link now we can call this get random number button because we can actually pay the chain link node to actually return our random number so we're going to go ahead and do confirm and this is fantastic so we're paying a little bit of transaction gas to make this transaction to make this request and then we're paying a little bit of
oracle gas to make this transaction now so the transaction now so the transaction confirmed but if i hit random result now it's still going to be zero so why is that what's going on well getting a random number like this actually follows what's known as the request and receive cycle of getting data you can read more about it here in this basic request model in the documentation so in one transaction we actually request some data or in this case a random number and then in a second transaction the chain link node itself will make a
function call and return the data back to the smart contract in this case the function that we're calling is fulfill randomness it calls this fulfill randomness with byte32 request id which is going to be the request number of when we call this and it's going to return with this random number called randomness so after we wait a little bit if we hit random result now we can see indeed our random number is in here again the reason that it's in here is because we actually had two transaction occur one paid by us when we called
get random number and one paid by the chain link node when it called fulfill randomness now i lied to you a little bit technically that vrf coordinator contract calls this function and then the chain link node calls the vrf coordinator function but for simplicity's sake you can kind of just think of it as the chain link node itself is calling this fulfill randomness function so now that we know how to do this from remix let's go ahead and add this to our brownie project so actually before we even do that we need to require so
before we even get a random number let's change the state of our lottery so now we'll do lottery state equals lottery state dot calculating winner and while this is happening no other functions can be called right this will lock out nobody can start a lottery and nobody can enter a lottery while we're calculating the winner awesome so now that we know a little bit more about random numbers and everything that we're doing here let's go ahead and try implementing this now so in our chain link smart contract docs of course we're going to scroll down
we're going to go to our get a random number bit here we can copy and paste all this code as well into our smart contracts so the first thing that we're going to need to do of course is import the vrf consumer base code let's move back over scroll to the top and we'll just paste this in at chain link slash contracts src v0.6 vrf consumer base and we'll inherit this into our lottery contract so we'll say the lottery is vrf consumer base and it's ownable let's take a look at this vrf consumer base in
the chainlink github here if we scroll down to the constructor of our vrf consumer base we can see it takes these two parameters the address of the vrf coordinator and the address of the chain link token we can use a constructor we can use a constructor of a contract inherited in our contract inside our constructor so what we'll want to do is we want to come down to our constructor and right after this public keyword we can add any additional constructors from inherited smart contracts so we'll say constructor and this is our normal constructor and
then we'll put vrf consumer base and we'll add the vrf consumer base addresses in here we know that it's going to be a vrf coordinator address and a link token address similar to the price feed these two addresses are going to change based on the blockchain that we're on so it'll probably make sense for us to parameterize them the same way we parameterize the price feed address so in our top level constructor parameters we'll add an address for the vrf coordinator and we'll pass this to the constructor of our vrf consumer base then we'll also
grab an address for the link token so we'll do address link and we'll pass this to the vrf consumer based constructor as well great what else do we need to make this work well back in the documentation we can see we need a fee and a key hash the fee is associated with the link token needed to pay for this request so we'll make a public variable uint 256 public fee since this might change blockchain to blockchain we'll have this as an input parameter as well so we'll do uni-256 underscore fee and in our constructor
we'll do fee equals underscore fee we'll set our global variable to fee and i need a comma here and no semicolon here what else do we need well we need a key hash the key hash is a way to uniquely identify the chain link vrf node so create another one we'll do bytes 32 public key hash we'll add this as a parameter in here bytes32 keyhash and then we'll say keyhash equals underscore keyhash perfect our contract is coming along great here now that we have the main pieces that we need how do we then request
this random number well if we scroll down in the documentation we can see we have this request randomness function that we need to call if we scroll back to our vrf consumer-based contract this request randomness function is a built-in function from the vr of consumer base so our contract can natively call this request randomness function right in our contract and you can see it takes a key hash and a fee as its parameters so right in our end lottery function we can add this function and we can see this also returns a bytes32 called request
id this return syntax is pretty powerful you can actually identify the name of the variable you want to return right in your write in your function declaration so by saying bytes32 request id we're saying we're going to return a bytes32 variable named request id so right in our function here we can do request randomness because again that's this function that we're importing passing it the key hash and the fee this will return a bytes 32 called request id so this is actually doing this and having our function having our function declaration tell us that there's
going to be a variable name request id is going to be exactly the same as if we did bytes 32 request id equals request randomness now this function call follows again what we've talked about as the request and receive mentality the request and receive architecture this means that in this first transaction we're going to request the data from the chain link oracle in a second callback transaction the chain link node is going to return the data to this contract into another function called fulfill randomness so again if we look back in our vrf consumer base
we can see it has this function raw fulfill randomness we can read some of the comments in here saying raw fulfill randomness is called by a vrf coordinator when it receives a valid vrf proof raw fulfill randomness will then call fulfill randomness so there's a little bit of contract tag going on but it's going to eventually call this fulfill randomness function which is going to be what we define in here and that's how our contract is going to know what to do once it gets the random number back so in our first transaction we're going
to end the lottery request a random number and then a second transaction later on once the chain link node has created a provably random number it's going to call a second transaction itself based off of what we define we just have to call it fulfill randomness and as you can see it takes a byte 32 request id and a random number so in here we'll do fulfill randomness it takes a byte 32 request id and then a uin256 randomness we don't want anyone else to be able to call this function we only want our chain
link node to call this function so we can return a truly random number so we're going to make this an internal function it's internal because actually the chain-link node is calling the vrf coordinator and then the vrf coordinator is calling our fulfill randomness so we'll make this internal so that only the vrf coordinator can be the one to call and return this function and then we're going to give it a keyword of override this override keyword means that we're overriding the original declaration of the fulfill randomness function our vrf consumer base has a function fulfill
randomness defined but it doesn't have any parameters or anything about this function actually laid out this function is meant to be overridden by us and that's exactly what we're doing right here so in this fulfill randomness function let's go ahead and define what's going to happen once we get this random number back so before we can process this random number let's just check to make sure we're even in the right state so we'll do require our lottery state is going to be equal to lottery state dot calculating winner and if we're not in that state
we'll just say you aren't there yet my auto format is is on for this one so it's uh it's jumping in then let's just do another check to make sure we actually get a response so we'll do require underscore randomness is greater than zero and if it's not we'll just say random not found now we need to pick a random winner well we need to pick a random winner specifically out of our list of players our list of payable public players so our players array is just a list of players so it's like one player
one player two player three player four and they're each at a different index what we can do then to pick a random winner is to do what's called a modulo function in fact let's even open remix to do an example of this remix let's pop open a new contract we'll call it mod.sol do pragma solidity carrot 0.6.6 we'll do contract mod and in here we'll do a constructor blank constructor and we'll get a global variable you went 256 number and we'll set it equal to 5. and we'll go down to 0.6.6 save compile and you
know let's even just get rid of the constructor let's now create a function called do mod we'll take a un256 mod value make this a public function public view returns ui 256 and we'll just return 5 modulo mod value now let's go to javascript vm we'll deploy this we'll go in here so our number is right now five and let's learn about how the modulo works if we have this do mod function what we're doing is the module divides by the number and returns the remainder for example if we did 5 mod 5 what do
you think we're going to get so we're going to do 5 divided by 5 and then return the remainder well 5 divided by five is one and there's no remainder there's no decimal there so five mod five should be what zero exactly well what's five mod four then well four can go into five evenly once but there's one number left over so five mod four is going to be one five mod three is going to be two five mod one is going to be zero right since one goes with everything this is how the mod
function works and it's this little percent here we can use that mod function in our fulfill randomness with the length of our players so we can say uint 256 index of winner is going gonna be equal to the random number that we got modded by the players dot length so let's say for example we had seven players sign up and our random number was 22 well we want to get one of these random seven players so we would do 22 mod 7. 7 divides evenly into 22 three times with one left over seven times 3
equals 21. difference between 21 and 22 is 1 7 times 4 is 28 so we know this is how we know we've reached our upper limit so this is how we can get a random number based off of the index now that we have this index what we can do is we can say the winner equals players of the index of winner and just to keep track let's make a new variable called recent winner at the top we'll do address public recent winner we'll grab this recent winner instead of winner we'll say recent winner equals
players and this index of winner here now that we've got a winner wallet we want to pay them all the money gathered from our enters here so what we can do is we'll do this recent winner dot transfer the entire balance of this address so we'll say address of this that balance and perfect we'll transfer them everything that we have then of course we're going to want to reset the lottery so that we can start from scratch we can start blank again so we'll do players equals new address payable array of size 0. so we're
just resetting players to just be a brand new array then we're going to change our lottery state to being lotterystate.closed because the lottery is now complete and i often also like to keep track of the most recent random number so at the top i'll do a uint 256 public randomness variable and in our fulfill randomness i'll say randomness now equals underscore randomness and perfect we now have a contract here of course we haven't actually tried it out but we're assuming that it works great so you know what this means it's time to go into testing
mode testing and development mode but let's even just try to do a brownie compile first looks like we have an issue here send and transfer are only available for objects of type address payable not address oops looks like we made our recent winner just an address but it needs to be an address payable so let's try browning compile again and beautiful we at least know it's compiling so that's a great sign let's now move into our testing and development phase as you are starting to figure out we can ignore these file import callback not supported
bugs and vs code for now i'm sure the solidity linter will get better as time progresses but great so now let's go ahead and move into actually testing and working with everything here so let's go ahead into our scripts and we'll make a little deploy script first let's do a new file call it deploy lottery that pi and let's go ahead and deploy our lottery so same as always we'll do def main we'll come with a new function called deploy lottery and then we'll do def deploy lottery and then we'll just have a pass for
now and if we run this brownie run scripts deploy lottery.pi our default network is not defined which means the default is going to be development and we can even verbose here develop meant write that in our brownie config run this gnosh will get spun up and nothing will happen because our deploy lottery function doesn't do anything right now awesome the first thing we need always to deploy a contract is we need an account so we'll do account equals and we've been using this getcount function for some time that we've been adding in a helpful script
section so that can pull from a real test net or from a local development environment if we like so to do this of course let's create our new helpful scripts dot pi we'll create our underscore underscore init underscore underscore dot pi so that python recognizes it as a package and in here we'll create a new function f get account for now we'll just have it pass we'll copy this into our deploy lottery we'll do from scripts.helpful scripts import get account now this now this is what our get account looked like in our last project along
with that we had these forked local environments we also had from brownie imports accounts and network and config to make this look really nice right let's flush this out just a little bit more so it's even more robust right now as we know we have a way to use brownies ganache accounts and we have a way to use our environment variables however there was a third method that we learned that isn't identified here accounts.load and this is with our id if you still have your account and you still have all your brownies set up if
we do brownie accounts list you'll see we have a couple accounts here we want our get account to be even more liberal so that if we wanted to use one of these as well we could so let's modify our get account script here a little bit let's first get rid of this else and rid of this indent what this will do is this will be our default if nothing that we define prior to this is defined we'll just default to grab right from our config which since we are doing that let's create our dot env
we'll paste our different variables in here our private key web 3 and fura and etherscan token and in our brownie config of course we'll do wallets from key private key and now let's flesh this out a little bit let's add an index and an id index equals none and id this way if we pass an index to our get account function we'll just use an index from this accounts variable if we pass an id we'll have trying to do this accounts.load here so now let's change this up a little bit we'll say if an index
was passed we'll just return accounts on that index otherwise if we're doing a local blockchain we'll just return account to zero but if there's an id we'll return accounts.load id whoops we need to actually move this up a little bit so that it's before our local blockchain checking so now in our deploy lottery we could do something like get account id equals free code camp oops and this is actually free code account precode camp account let's try one more time it's going to ask for our password here now we have a much more liberal get
account function so now that we have a count we can actually deploy our lottery so we'll say lottery equals lottery.deploy and this is where we're going to import from brownie import our contract lottery and we're gonna have to add in all these different variables so if we go back over to our lottery contract we need to give it a price feed address a vrf coordinator a chain link token a fee and a key hash now the way we did that in fund me is that we did it in a way where we checked to see
if we were on a local chain or not if we weren't on a local chain then we would just pull our addresses directly from our config if we weren't on a local chain though we'd deploy some mocks and use the address of those mocks we're going to want to do the same thing here but let's make our lives a little bit easier we can take this whole process and put it into its own function so let's make this a little bit easier mentally the first thing we're going to need is this price feed address if
we're on a real test net of course we would just go into our brownie config and add the address which we will do we'll add our rink b network here in a little bit but for now don't worry about that but if we're not on a wrinky chain what we're going to need to do is deploy our mock we're going to wrap all of this mocking and checking into a single function called get contract and we're going to add this function in our helpful scripts so let's create this function called get contract do def get
contract pass let's talk a little bit about what we want this function to do let's add one two three three double quotes here and three double quotes here to start what's called a doc string this will define everything about this contract so we're just going to say this function will grab the contract addresses from the brownie config if defined otherwise it will deploy a mock version of that contract and return that mock contract for the arguments of this chain we're going to take a contract name this is going to be a string and it'll return
a contract or in particular it's going to return a brownie dot network dot contract dot project contract the most deployed version of this contract so for example if we have a mock v3 aggregator contract it'll do the most recently deployed version of that with this -1 syntax now this get contract function if this is a little confusing to you again we're going to go over this chain link mix in a little bit and inside of this it has a more robust description of what's going on in this get contract bit so you can check that
out if you want to learn more but let's go ahead and actually define this so we obviously want a contract name as an input parameter so let's go ahead and add contract name in here meaning that this getcontract function we'll get something like f usd price feed right that's gonna be the same as what's defined in our browning config and from this name we're gonna get the type of contract that it is contract type and to do that we're gonna have to create some mapping that'll map the contract names to their type so right above
we're gonna do contract to mock and we're to create a mapping in here which will map everything out so an fusd price feed is going to be of type mock v3 aggregator so we have to import mock v3 aggregator from rounding so now we're saying anytime you see fusd price feed you know that that's going to be a mock v3 aggregator if we need to deploy a mock so we'll say contract type is going to equal contract to mock of the contract name now we need to check okay do we actually even need to deploy
a mock so sure let's check if we're on a local blockchain so we'll say if network.showactive is in our local blockchain environments and we'll skip the forked local environments because again we don't need to deploy a mock price feed address on a fourth local environment which say if network.showactive is in the local blockchain environments then we'll check to see if one of these contracts has already been deployed we'll say if the length of contract type is less than or equal to zero then we're going to go ahead and deploy mox so this is equivalent to
doing something like mach v3 aggregate or length we're checking how many mach v3 aggregators have actually been deployed if none have been deployed we're going to go ahead and deploy them so we're gonna have to create this deploy mox function so we'll do def deploy mox and this is gonna be the same as what we did in our brownie fund me right it's gonna be the exact same so we'll say account equals get account i'm not going to put the prints in here but you absolutely can we'll say mock price feed equals mock v3 aggregator
[Music] dot deploy we'll need to give this some decimals and an initial value so right above we'll do decimals equals eight initial value equals two thousand one two thousand one two three four five six seven eight and in our deploy max we'll say decimals equals decimals initial value equals initial value to deploy decimals and initial value of course this is going to be from account and for now that's it i'll say print deployed all right great so now we have a way to actually deploy the mock price feed here so let's go back up to
our get contract function so we have a way to deploy the mock if one already isn't deployed now what we're going to want to do is we want to get that contract right we're going to want to get that mock so we'll say contract equals contract type minus one right so this is going to be equal to doing mock v3r gregator minus one this is saying hey let's grab the most recent deployment of the mock v3 aggregator which is exactly what we want perfect so this will work perfectly for our development context however we're not
always going to just want to deploy to a development network we're also going to want to deploy to testnets so then we'll say else and this is where we'll just grab that contract from the running config for example fusd price feed so we'll say contract address equals config networks active and that contract name for example again if it's fusd price feed it'll be fused price feed here and the way we're setting it up it's got to be the same as what's in our contract to mock dictionary here so up here the way that we
did it was we actually got the contract because we had its contract type based off of browning for here we're gonna have to interact with the contract getting those two pieces that we always need which are gonna be the address we actually have the api from our mock v3 aggregator type right here and we just got the address so we can create this new contract type by saying contract equals contract dot from abi and this contract package can be imported right from brownie and it has this function from abi that allows us to get a
contract from its abi and its address so we'll just give it a name we can say contract type dot underscore name we do the contract address and then the contract type dot abi so these mock v3 aggregators and all these contracts have a dot avi attribute that returns the api they also have a dot underscore name which returns their name so this is perfect this is how we'll get the contract otherwise and then at the end of all this we'll just do return contract awesome so this is an incredibly powerful function for us to get
a contract based off of if it's already deployed as a mock or it's a real true contract i know there's kind of a lot here but definitely check the github repository if you're a little bit confused on what's going on with this function and let's and let's also just deploy this to make our linter happy why not yeah vs code's happy now but now that we have this function let's go back to our deploy lottery now we can do a comma get account and now we have a get account function so let's go through this
again this lottery.deploy getaccount is going to get an fusd price feed if we don't have a mock deployed it's going to deploy a mock price feed for us and we're going to return that mock price feed however if we're on a test net if we're on a real network we're going to grab its actual address and return a mock contract of it our mock contract here has all the same functions of a regular contract so we can just use it as the same this way we don't have to adjust this function for whether or not
we're deploying to a test net or to an actual address the only additional piece we should put in here just for clarity is we should add dot address here because this is going to return the actual contract and we really only want the address this is going to make our coding a lot more robust for moving between development environments and test environments and working with scripts in a really effective manner so now that we have this incredibly powerful function let's go back to the lottery and figure out what are the different pieces we need in
here okay great we also need a vrf coordinator so to do this we're going to go back to our we'll go to contract addresses and we could do mainnet here but let's also just set this up to work with rank b so we'll do ctrl f for rink b vrf coordinator is going to be this address right here so we'll copy it we'll go back and we're going to have to do in our config is we're going to have to add a new network here for rank b we'll do vrf core data nato will
be that address right there and then while we're doing this let's also get the rink b address for our price feed so ethereum price feeds rink b let's scroll down for fusd fusd here we go grab that enter this will be f usd price feed face adder sit here perfect so now we can do get contract vrf coordinator dot address of course we are gonna have to go back to our helpful scripts because there's currently no mapping between what a vrf coordinator is and what its mock needs to be so we'll add a comma here
and we'll do vrf coordinator and we need to get a mock vrf coordinator well first of all we don't even have our mach v3 aggregator so let's go grab that as well so we can grab both of these again i'm going to highly recommend going to the chain link mix going into the contracts here going to the test folder for these different mocks because these are already set up to work with the chain link mix however you can definitely go into the chain link github as well go to contracts src 0.6 tests and then look
for the different mocks in here so mock oracle vf coordinator mock et cetera so we're just gonna i'm just gonna grab it though from this chain link mix so let's go to vrf coordinator mock and i'm just gonna grab this whole thing here so i'll do contracts new folder test new file vrf core core [Music] moc.sol paste it in here and then while we're in here we want to do new file mock v3 ah greg sol we'll grab this as well from our chain link mix again it's got all the functions of a price feed
update answer latest round etc vrf coordinator walk has different functions for actually working with the vrf coordinator one of the specific ones in particular is this callback with randomness that we're going to use in our tests so our vrf coordinator is going to get mapped to our vrf core nator mock which will also import this from brownie great and just to double check everything's working we'll want to run just a quick brownie compile make sure we are importing our mocs correctly and everything is compiling so it looks like we're good there all right so now
we have git contract vrf coordinator dot address perfect what else do we need in here we need a link token the chain link token is of course just another smart contract so we're going to do the exact same thing here get contract link token dot address of course this means in our config for rink b let's add a link token address we'll go to the chain link documentation go to link token contracts look for rink b we'll grab this address we'll drop it in here perfect now we have it in our brownie config we'll also
need to add it to our helpful scripts so we'll need a mock link token which again we can just go ahead and grab from our chain like mix here so we can go to test and as you can probably see what i often normally do is literally just copy this entire test folder project to project so i'm going to copy this whole thing create a new file we're just going to call this one link token.sol contract link token perfect and then in our helpful scripts we're going to have this be linked token and of course
we're going to import this from brownie great git contract link token.address perfect what else do we need we need a fee and a key hash so the fee and the key hush are both just numbers right these aren't actually contracts so we don't need to put this through that get contract bit what we can do is just in our config and our development network we just add a default for the key hash and for the fee i'm just going to set my development key hash and fee equal to the rink b ones so to grab
those go to the chain link docs once again we'll scroll down to using randomness contract addresses we'll look up rink b we'll grab the key hash here which we'll paste in for both are development and rink b and then the fee it says 0.1 link so we'll just do that in way here which will be one one two three four five six seven eight nine ten one two three four five six seven and we'll do this line for ring p as well now in our deploy lottery we can just grab this directly from a browning
config because we're always going to have this default key hash and this default fee here for our development network so we'll do config networks network dot show active which one's first the fee fee of course this means we're going to grab network from brownie and also config then we'll do config networks network dot show active and then of course our last bit here from account and then additionally as we learned last time if we want to publish this we'll do publish source equals config networks network dot show active we'll say dot get verify and then
we'll add this false bit here what this is saying is get that verify key but if there's no verify key there just default to false this way if we don't set a verify key in development that's fine it just won't get verified for ring b let's go ahead and set verify to true so we can actually verify this on the rigby chain and then we'll even do a print statement here deployed lottery all right lovely let's try this out we'll do brownie run scripts deploy lottery.pie we won't set a network flag so it will go
to the default development network let's try this out things are compiling ganache is spinning up it looks like we did run into a little issue here with our our get contract function ah of course we forgot to add deploying these mocks in our deploy mock script whoops let's go ahead and add that as well right now our deploymox only deploys the mach v3 aggregator so let's add the rest of our mocks in here we're going to need to deploy a vrf coordinator mock and a chain link token mark so let's open up those contracts see
what they need a link token for a constructor doesn't have a constructor so we can just have it be blank so we'll do link token dot deploy and all we need is a from account here and then let's see what that vrf coordinator mock takes prf coordinator mock it takes the link token as an address perfect so then when we deploy the link token here we'll say link token equals link token.deploy and then we'll do vrf core donator mock dot deploy ploy and then we'll use the link token.address as an input parameter and then of
course from account all right so now we're deploying all three of those mocks right away let's try this again brownie run scripts deploy lottery.pi ganache is spinning up perfect so we can see here that our mach v3 aggregator was deployed then our mock link token was deployed then our mock vrf coordinator was deployed and then our lottery was deployed with those mocks defined and we deployed the lottery awesome now we could 100 percent go ahead and then run this script on an actual test net right because our config is set up well let's write some
more functionality for actually interacting with this lottery before we actually do that and then we can actually just run a script which will do all this functionality end to end because again deploying to testnet takes a long time and we really only want to do that when we're done and we're fairly confident that everything's working well let's even just delete this here so now what's the next thing that we'd want to do here what's the next thing we want to do in a script here well we'd probably want to go ahead and start the lottery
so let's write a script that can actually do that we'll do def start lottery and then here we get our account equals get account we'll say the lottery is going to be the most recent deployment of the lottery and we're going to call this start lottery function here this is indeed changing state so we do have to make a transaction we'll do lottery let's start lottery we'll say from account then we'll do a little print and just say the lottery is started and then in our main function down here we can even call this start
lottery function so if we run this again on our development chain we'll see if everything works smoothly here okay we did run into an issue and this is something that you'll see from time to time typically the workaround is you want to wait for that last transaction to actually go through so we'll say starting transaction equals lottery.start lottery it will do starting transaction.weight 1. brownie sometimes gets a little confused if you don't wait for the last transaction to go through so let's try it again and perfect we do get this working as intended so that
is really helpful helpful tip if you run into those weird issues you'll notice that even when we didn't have this it's still completed successfully i just got a little confused at the end all right cool so what do we want to do next well we probably want to enter the lottery let's do def enter lottery so how do we enter the lottery say account equals get account lottery is going to be lottery minus one we need to pick some value to send when we call the enter function right because we need to send that entrance
fee with it so we'll say value equals lottery dot get entrance fee and just to be safe i usually will tack on a little bit of whey as well because sometimes it might be off by like one or two or something like that so we'll do lottery. get entrance fee plus you know maybe something like this which is like barely anything then we'll do transaction equals lottery.enter do from account send a value which will be value we'll do tx.weight and then we'll do print you entered the lottery and we'll do this enter lottery bit down
here too enter lottery we'll run this see if our enter script is working appropriately you entered the lottery looks great and let's do our last function here we'll do def end lottery count equals get account lottery equals lottery minus one we'll make a transaction which will be lottery dot end lottery now before we actually end this lottery we're going to need some link token in this contract because remember our end lottery function calls this request randomness function and we can only request some randomness if our contract has some chain link token associated with it so
we're going to need to first fund the contract and then end the lottery since funding our contracts with the link token is going to be a pretty common function that we use let's go ahead and turn this also into a helpful script so let's go to our helpful scripts we'll make a new function called fund with link and let's have this take a couple of parameters so first we'll want to have a contract address of course we'll want to know who we're going to fund with link we'll set a default account to being none so
if you want you can send an account but you don't have to if you don't want to we'll also do the same thing with a link token we'll say if you want to use a specific link token you can otherwise we'll just grab it ourselves and then we'll also do a default amount which we'll set to 1 one two three four five six seven eight nine ten one two three four five six seven which is going to be 0.1 link so first let's get an account we'll say account equals we're going to do a little
clever python stuff here we'll say account equals the account if somebody sent it if account so we're saying the account that we use is going to be this account thing if this account thing even exists otherwise we'll call our get account otherwise we'll just do our regular get account function then we'll do the same thing with the link token say the link token is going to be equal to the link token that somebody supplies as a parameter if they applied something as a parameter otherwise we'll just do that get contract stuff that we did before
of the link token now that we have this link token contract from our get contract function which again is basically the equivalent of doing which again is doing this contract up from abi on our link token pulling from our config or from our mock now we can just call the functions on this link token so we can say our transaction equals link token dot transfer we're going to transfer token to the contract address with a certain amount and of course we'll do from account we'll do tx.weight and then we'll do print funded contract and then
we'll even return that transaction i do however want to show you another way to work with this using the interfaces instead of doing this linktoken.transfer directly on the contract we can use this interfaces section to actually interact with some contracts so right now we have our mock link token in here which is great because it has all the definitions and all the functionalities defined in here sometimes you're going to have contracts that you don't have everything you don't have all the functionality and maybe you only have the interface maybe you only have some of the
function definitions so we can still interact with contracts with just an interface because again that interface will compile down to our api so as another way of teaching us how to actually work with some of these contracts what we can do is we can use we can use the link token interface basically the same way as we used the link token contract here so again i'm in my chain link mix because there's already a link token interface in here and this will compile down to a way that our brownie package knows how to interact with
these contracts so if you wanted to we could just grab this go to our brownie section we'll do a new file in interfaces we'll call it link token interface dot soul we'll paste it in here save my auto format auto formatted here and what we can do in our helpful scripts instead is transaction equals interface and we can also just import interfaces right from brownie interface dot link token interface and we just need to give it a contract address so we can say link token dot address excuse me we could say link token contract equals
interface dot link token interface link token dot address so this is another way we can actually create contracts to actually interact with them so we saw up here this contract.from abi which is great this is another way we can do that exact same thing so then we can just do linktokencontract.transfer contract address amount from account so this is tx equals so this is another way to actually interact with contracts that already exist you're probably starting to see that brownie has a lot of built-in tools that make it really easy for us to interact with contracts
if we have the api we can just pop it into contract.from avi and again with the address and the api and then just give it some name if we have the interface we don't even need to compile down to the api ourselves because brownie is smart enough to know that it can compile down to the api itself and we can just work directly with that interface which is incredibly powerful for now i'm going to comment these two lines though and we'll just use the linktoken.transfer for now now that we have a funding script or a
funding function we can import this from our helpful scripts from scripts.helpful scripts import get account get contract fund with link and we can just call in our end lottery function we'll do fund with link and parameters we just we only really need a contract address because the way we set this up we'll just automatically grab a default otherwise so we can say lottery dot address and that's it that's all we need and then i know we're doing tx.weight right in the fund with link but just for to be verbose here we'll get the transaction from
the fund with link and we'll do tx.weight here as well and then once we're funded with link then we can go ahead and call our end lottery function because again this is going to call that request randomness function from the vrf we'll do end ending transaction equals lottery dot end lottery and all we have to do is from count to ending transaction.weight one so from our end this is really all that we need to do right but remember when we call this end lottery function we're going to make a request to a chain link node
and that chain link node is going to respond by calling this fulfill randomness function so we actually have to wait for that chain link node to finish now typically it's within a few blocks so normally what we can do is we can just do a time dot sleep for something like 60 seconds and typically in that time the chain link node will have responded so we'll just do import time at the top time dot sleep and then we can see who that recent winner is if that chain link node responded with a recent winner so
we can say print f lottery dot resent winner is the new winner all right now of course for those of you who are thinking ahead a little bit you might be thinking hey well there's no chain-link nodes watching our local ganache and you're exactly correct so what happens when we add our end lottery function to our main function here do you think that we're going to actually get a recent winner back why are we not what do you actually think well let's give it a shot do brownie run scripts deploy lottery.pie so we're doing a
lot of transactions here we've started the lottery we're entering the lottery you entered the lottery we're sending some link token now we just called the end lottery function while we're waiting here this is when the chain-link node would go ahead and start responding with our randomness however as you're probably astutely telling however as you probably astutely guessed there's no chain-link node that's going to call this fulfill randomness function right now so for our grenache chain this will hypothetically end with nothing right because there's no chain-link node actually responding here zero is the new winner of
course this means that the chain-link node actually didn't respond because there is no chain link node on our local ganache for our testing purposes we're going to figure out how to actually get around that and deal with that awesome it looks like we have everything set up to be successful in our lottery here but we want to do our due diligence we want to make sure that our tests are really solid on a development chain before we actually test this on an actual test then so let's jump into some of these tests we've already started
with this testlottery.pi bit here but we're going to iterate on this and make this even better now before we get into these tests there's a couple of things we want to talk about here and that's going to be integration tests and unit tests unit test is a way of testing the smallest pieces of code in an isolated system and we're going to use it to loosely define testing independent functions in our lottery contract we also want to do what's called integration testing which is going to be testing across multiple complex pieces typically i like to
run my unit tests exclusively on a development environment and my integration tests on a test net this is really helpful because we can test the majority of our application like we said on a development network and then still be able to see what actually happens on a real test net and see what happens on etherscan and everything like that typically what people do is in their side their tests folder they'll create two different folders one for unit and another folder for intergration since for this demo we're only going to have one file for both i'm
just going to go ahead and not create these folders but but it's a pretty common practice instead what i'm going to do is i'm going to rename this i'm going to hit enter to rename it i'm going to do underscore type unit for unit tests and we're going to create a new file called test lottery integration dot pi so this one we'll do our integration test and in this one we'll do our unit tests now when writing unit tests we really want to test hypothetically every single line of code in our smart contract this is
incredibly important of course because smart contracts are open to everybody to see and interact with so we really want to test every single line of code we have in here so let's go ahead and let's go ahead and finish writing a get entrance fee test that will work on a local development network as you can see we're already going to have to refactor this from what we originally had let's go ahead and just delete everything under here for now we already learned so much more from there all right so how are we going to test
this get entrance view function now so first we're going to want to deploy our lottery again since we have a deploy lottery script already we can just use this deployed audio script as well if we wanted to we could just copy paste this hold part into our test but we're just going to go ahead and work from this deploy lottery script so we're going to import this and then we can actually even get rid of this from web3 line for now we can get rid of these two comments too and we'll say from scripts that
deploy lottery import deploy lottery and on this deploy lottery function would say lottery equals deploy lottery and we will return our lottery now our unit test we'll say lottery equals deploy lottery and this will give us our lottery contract once we have our lottery contract we can just call this get entrance fee so we can say entrance fee equals lottery dot get entrance fee and oops let's just make sure we're doing the arrange act assert mentality here and we're going to want to make sure this entrance fee is what we expect it to be so
what do we expect it to be well again our helpful scripts is going to deploy these mocks right it's going to deploy this mock and the initial value is this 2000 number so if the price of eth here is 2 000 2 000 f usd feed and the usd entry fee is 50. we'd say 2 000 over 1 is equal to 50 over x which is going to be equal to 0.025 so we can go ahead and even do this math here we can say expected expected entrance fee is going to be equal to it's
going to be equal to 50 divided by 2000. we'll just do 0.025 but we'll do this in way so do from web3 import web3 we'll say this is web 3.2 way 0.25 ether and now we'll assert our expected entrance fee equals the entrance fee now to test this we'll do brownie test k and perfect this is working exactly as we anticipated so that's awesome now as we mentioned since this is a unit test we really only want to run this when we're working on a local environment a local blockchain environment or a local development network
so we'll go ahead and do this with pythons again so if network dot showactive is not in local blockchain environments pi test dot skip of course we're gonna have to import pi test we're gonna have to import this local blockchain environments from our scripts.helpful scripts my vs code automatically added that bit here now if we try to run this brownie run excuse me brownie test dash k get entrance fee dash dash network rank rink eb it should go ahead and skip this perfect that's what it does what's the next piece that makes sense here enter
is going to be one of the first things that these developers do so let's do test def test enter but let's even be more specific than that we don't want people to be able to enter our lotteries unless the lottery is actually started so let's make sure that this line actually works so we'll call def test can't enter unless started and again we're only going to run this on a local development chain so we'll just copy paste this section down here we'll say lottery equals deploy lottery because we're going to want to work with the
lottery and now we're going to want to that when people try to enter a lottery that hasn't started yet it's going to revert so we can use what we've used before we'll say with pi tests dot raises exceptions dot virtual machine error lottery dot enter from get account value lottery dot get entrance fee of course we're going to import both get account from our helpful scripts and exceptions from ronnie perfect and this as well is following the arrange and this is actually act slash assert so let's go ahead and test this brownie test k test
can't enter unless starter oops let's do start ed and great that's passing as well let's go ahead and keep going down this list what else now we've tested whether or not they can't enter let's test whether or not they can enter so we'll do def test can start and enter lottery so we're going to copy this again paste it down here since we're going to work on a local blockchain we'll do lottery equals deploy lottery account equals get account we'll start the lottery lottery.start lottery we'll do from account we'll do lottery.enter from account save value
is lottery dot get entrance fee and then we'll assert that we've correctly added a player to this lottery so we'll assert lottery.players of zero is going to be this account right because we have our players array and we're going to assert that we're pushing them onto our array correctly lottery.players 0 equals account so here's our act here's our assert so let's try this now brownie test dash k test can start and enter lottery and once again awesome things are looking great now let's test to see if we can actually end a lottery so we've tested
we can start a lottery so we'll do def test can and lottery we're going to copy this again paste it down here do lottery equals deploy lottery account equals get account we'll start the lottery with lottery.start lottery now we could 100 just import the rest of these functions in here like n lottery enter lottery and start lottery and similar to how we're just doing lottery equals deploy lottery we could absolutely do that for being very verbose here i'm just going to go ahead and write all the functions and transactions myself and this way we'll actually
be able to test a little bit more granularly anyways we'll do lottery dot start lottery from account do lottery dots enter from account we'll give it a value lottery dot get entrance fee so i'm gonna have to do account course equals get account now to actually end the lottery we do need to send this some link because we're calling request randomness we use our fund with link script that we have in our helpful scripts we'll import this from our helpful scripts we'll call fund with link on our lottery contract once we fund with link we'll
then call lottery dot end lottery from account and then how do we actually know that this is being called correctly well if we look back in our lottery contract here when we call end lottery we don't we're not really doing a whole lot all we're doing is changing our state so let's go ahead and check to see if our calculating winner state is different so we'll say assert lottery dot lottery state is equal to what so calculating winner if we scroll up to our enum is in position two open is zero close is one calculating
winner is two so we can say assert lottery.lotterystate equals two two we can go ahead and test this as well we'll do brownie test k test can end lottery we'll see if this works and it does now let's test the most interesting piece of this entire lottery contract we're going to test whether or not our fulfill function actually works correctly does this correctly choose a winner does it correctly pay the winner and does it correctly reset so let's go ahead and build our most complicated and most important test of this whole contract choosing the winner
we'll do def test can pick winner correctly let's copy paste this bit about getting started we'll do lottery equals deploy lottery account equals get account we'll do lottery dot start lottery from account and then we'll enter with a couple different players we'll do lottery dot enter let's say from account value lottery dot get entrance fee enter and we'll copy this two more times but instead we use some different ids we'll do index equals one and we'll do index equals 2. these are going to be different accounts here because we're going to use a different index
because we want to just test for multiple different people here this unit test is getting drastically close to being an integration test but as i said we're being a little bit loose with the definitions here now we're going to want to fund it with link so we can just go ahead and copy this line here fund with link lottery and now we're going to want to choose a winner here and this is where we actually have to modify one more thing in our lottery contract so in order to test actually calling this fulfill randomness function
and testing everything in here we're going to need to call this fulfill randomness function now if we look at our vrf coordinator moc we have this function called callback with randomness and this is the function that actually calls this raw fulfill randomness.selector which eventually will call that fulfill randomness function but this is the entry point that the that the node actually calls we have to pretend to be a chain-link node and call this function we're going to return a random number of course we're going to choose the contract we want to return to but we
also have to pass the original request id associated with the original call now in our lottery contract our end lottery function isn't going to return anything and even if it did it would be really difficult for us to get that return type in our python so what we want to do to keep track of when this contract actually entered the calculating winner state is we want to do what's called emitting an event events are pieces of data executed in the blockchain and stored in the blockchain but are not accessible by any smart contracts you can
kind of think of them as the print lines of a blockchain or the print statements of a blockchain we can go to this logs section which also includes all the different events now there's a lot of information here so we're actually going to do an event ourself just so that we can see what this really looks like you can see here that when we call this end lottery function in the logs if we scroll to the bottom there's an event here called randomnessrequest this was spit out by the vrf coordinator this was spit out by
the vrf consumer base that we inherited and it even has some data that's already been decoded one of those pieces of data is the request id now to add an event we first need to create our event type so at the top we'll go ahead and do event requested randomness we'll say bytes 32 request id so now we've identified a new type of event called requested randomness it's really similar to the enum in this regard to omit one of these events all we have to do in our end lottery bid is we'll do omit requested
randomness and then request id because requested randomness takes a bytes32 as an input parameter and we're going to pass it that request id as an input parameter now that we have this event being omitted back in our test when we call end lottery it will actually omit one of these events to our transaction so what we can say then is transaction equals lottery.nd lottery same way we've always done it but now we can look inside of this transaction object inside of this transaction object is actually an attribute called events which stores all of our events
we can then look for a certain event name which we know is requested randomness so we'll say out of all the events look for the requested randomness event and in there in that request randomness event find the request id request id now we can say request id request id is going to get grabbed from this event that we omit so these events are going to be really helpful for writing tests these events are also really helpful for a number of other reasons one of the big ones is is upgrading our smart contracts or understanding when
a mapping is updated but for now we're going to be using them for testing now that we have this request id what we can do is pretend to be the chain link node and use this callback with randomness function to dummy getting a random number back from the chainlike node so what we're going to do is we're going to call our getcontract function and get that vrf coordinator of course we're going to import it from our helpful scripts and we're going to call that callback with randomness function so we're going to do dot callback with
randomness and we need to pass it this request id a random number and then the contract to return to so we'll do request id we'll do some random number like we'll say static rng equals 777. so we'll say the random number that we're going to return is going to be 777 and then we'll do lottery dot address because we're going to return it to the lottery once again we're going to say from account because this is making a state change and now that we've got a call back what we can do is do our asserts
now so this is us dummying getting a response from a chain-link node and this is how we mock responses in our tests to make our lives way way easier so now we can do we can figure out who the winner of this lottery actually is if these are our three enter entries that means it's 777 mod 3 since our random number is going to be 777 if we pull out a calculator 777 divided by three it divides evenly so we know that this means the answer to this is going to be zero aka our account
is going to be the winner so let's assert the lottery dot recent winner is going to be equal to our account right because we set a recent winner in here we transfer them some money we'll assert lottery.balance is now zero because we're transferring this account all the money and let's even make sure that the account gets more money right so we'll do starting balance of our account starting balance of account equals account.balance count balance and we'll do balance of lottery equals lottery dot balance and then we'll assert account dot balance is now going to be
these two added together started balance of account plus the balance of the lottery because we should get all of the lottery winnings here okay so this is a long test but this is probably the most important test let's make sure this is doing what we wanted to do so we'll do brownie test k test can pick winner correctly let's see if this works oops i forgot to put a put some parentheses here let's parentheses here let's try this again and perfect we are actually updating paying out and running our lottery correctly and fairly with true
randomness this is incredibly exciting and we've emitted events in our lottery contract to use in the off chain event logging of ethereum i know we're getting antsy to actually run this on a real chain so let's go ahead and do our last bit here create our integration test which we will run on an actual chain and then if we wanted to we go ahead and try our deploy lottery function on a real chain as well all right so let's do our integration test here this is where we're going to actually test on a real live
chain we're going to use ring because that's the network that we've been using this whole time which is great now i'm being a little bit liberal in the way that we're doing our tests here and we're just going to do one test for this integration test but keep in mind you're going to want to test every piece of your code so let's just create a test called def test can pick winner now this is going to be the opposite of our unit test our unit tests are only going to be on our local blockchains right
we're going to skip if it's not on our local blockchains we're going to do the opposite of this one so we can even just copy this or we can type it out we'll say if our network dot show active is in those local blockchain environments then we're gonna do pi test dot skip of course since we're grabbing these pieces we're gonna do from brownie import network we're going to import pi test and we're going to do from scripts dot helpful scripts import local blockchain and by enronments we're going to deploy our lottery so lottery equals
deploy lottery which we're just going to grab from scripts deploy lottery import deploy lottery we'll do account equals get account of course we're going to grab that from our helpful scripts as well so we'll do lottery let's start lottery this will be from account do lottery.enter say this will be from account we'll do some value which is going to be dot lottery.get entrance fee and if we run into an issue here sometimes again we can do lottery dot get interest fee plus like 100 or a thousand or something like that this is going to be
barely any way but for now let's keep it like this then let's just copy this line right again we'll have two people enter the lottery of course it's going to be us both times and great now we're going to want to actually end the lottery so first we're going to want to fund it so let's import that funding script so we'll get fund with link or that function so we'll call our fund with link function on our lottery contract here and then we'll go ahead and end the lottery so we'll say lottery dot and lottery
we have to do this from our main account we have to do this from the admin account now this is where it's going to be a little bit different from our integration tests or from our unit tests in our unit tests we pretended that we were the vrf coordinator and we called the callback with randomness we pretended that we were a chain-link node here we're not a chain link node because we're on an actual network so we're actually just going to wait for that chain link node to respond so for simplicity we'll just do time
dot sleep and we'll wait like a minute for it to respond of course since we're using time we're going to want to import time right at the top and then since account was the only one to actually be in this we'll do assert lottery recent winner equals equals account and we'll also assert lottery.balance 0. all right great so we have an integration test that we can run which is going to run through pretty much the vast majority of our functionality here so we can go ahead and test this with brownie test will be a little
bit verbose here we'll say dash k test can pick winner and then of course we'll do dash dash network rink b now before we run this per usual we got to make sure do we have any test that ring the ethereum we do great do we have any test net chain link we do perfect we have a dot env we do it's got all of our pieces let's check our brownie config dot env dot env awesome and again if you don't want to use the dot envy you can use that other method that we showed
you guys how to encrypt with a password that you can actually use oops before we run this let's set this to start lottery because that's the actual function here and we'll also need to be lottery.balance with parentheses here sorry about that and now we can run brownie test dash k fast can pick winner dash network rink b we'll also add this dash s flag which will print out whatever brownie is going to be printing out make everything a little bit more verbose here and if you want to you absolutely should because this is something that
we'll have to do at some point anyways however if for this tutorial you want to skip it go ahead because we're actually going to run through this whole process of deploying and waiting again anyways so now we've added all of our tests what we can do is run our entire test suite so we'll do brownie test and this is going to run through all of our development tests here you'll see it'll go really quickly and you see how much faster it is for us to run our test on a local chain as opposed to doing
everything on a test map so it's going to make your life way easier and we have everything passed here so we know that our contract code is doing approximately what we wanted to do so it's time for the moment of truth let's deploy this to an actual test net so we have our deploy lottery script which oftentimes i'll have it be just this deploy lottery bit and then i'll have some other scripts for these other pieces or maybe i'll do it in the brownie console but just to demonstrate everything end to end we'll have deploy
lottery start lottery enter lottery and end lottery all in this one script so that we can see everything end to end and see what it looks like on etherscan so let's go ahead and run this script on a ringbeat network and then we'll go jump onto etherscan and see everything so let's do it brownie run scripts deploy lottery network ring can be so first we went ahead and we deployed our lottery we got our addresses with our get contract method we got our fee we got our key hash we got our published source and everything
here then we went ahead and verified it because of this published source so if we grab this address lottery deployed here we jump over to rank the ether scan paste this address in here we'll see this contract with a little check mark is verified again we'll go to the read contract we can see all the public variables and all the public functions we can go to write contract and we'll see all the transacting functions that we can interact with after we get verified and things get deployed we went ahead and called our start lottery function
to actually start the lottery we got our little print line saying the lottery started then we entered you entered the lottery we then funded the contract with link so we could get our random winner back and then right now our end lottery is confirmed and we're just waiting this 60 seconds right because we did this time.sleep and if we sit on this contract if we go to transactions and we refresh we can actually see some of these different method calls over here we can see we did a contract creation we started the lottery we entered
the lottery and then we recently ended the lottery and you'll see in our script here it says zero x blah blah is the new winner which is perfect right that means that the chain link node actually responded we can actually verify that by looking in the contract we'll go to read contract we can go to the recent winner and see somebody did indeed recently win we can also go to events and we can see some of the events that we created we can see this first event right here is this requested randomness event this is
the event that we called we have this end lottery here we can also see an ownership transferred function that got called this was called when we actually deployed this in the first place now a little bit more on these events aka these logs right so topic zero this hash represents this entire event right here and this bit is going to be our topic one our first topic which represents that request id so this is going to be the request id awesome we have successfully created a working smart contract lottery with true provable randomness this is
absolutely insane incredible job here now one additional piece that i want to talk about before we jump off here is again in our testing a file that you're often going to see is what's called conf test dot pi python automatically knows to look for this comp test file and we'll grab different functions from it we can also add external plugins fixtures hooks testing root path it adds a lot of really fantastic features and is a common thing that you'll see we skipped over in here for simplicity but in future projects you'll probably see this comp
test file which has a lot of really nice testing configuration pieces in it now that was a lot of stuff to code and quite frankly i don't think any of us want to have to do that every single time have to code everything from scratch now you can absolutely get clone all these repositories right from their github but there's actually an even easier way first to start with a blank project here and this is with brownie mixes so if we google brownie mixes github we'll get this mixes organization which just has a ton of boilerplate
code for us to go ahead and get started and start developing the one we're going to be working with is this chain link mix piece which is forked from this official one here this gives us some wonderful contracts some tests a browning config and really everything that we need to do to get started so if you have brownie installed we can just bake this mix so we'll do brownie bake chain lick mix and in our new empty directory here we'll get this new chain link folder with everything inside of it so then we can see
the chain link and we can see it has all these pieces in here here already in the contracts we have a whole bunch of different samples of working with the vrf working with the price feed working with this thing called keepers to automate our smart contracts and making api calls and delivering any api call that we want to the blockchain it also has a brownie config which already has a number of wonderful pieces in each one of these networks so that we don't have to go copy paste and add it in here it's even got
support for test nets like avalanche polygon finance and more it has a number of really powerful tests including testing some price feeds it has a whole bunch of deployment scripts some mocking scripts some helpful scripts and really everything that we need to get started and get going for starters we can run brownie test and it's going to compile everything and then on a development chain run all these unit tests and if we wanted to test this on a real test net we could do brownie test dash dash network ring b or any network that we
wanted if you're looking for a good starter place that has a lot of really powerful smart contracts for you to get started i highly recommend using this mix as a boilerplate starting point for any of your contracts or any of your projects here now we are cooking so we've learned a ton of the fundamentals of working with brownie and working with smart contracts now that we have kind of all the building blocks though we can actually code a lot of these much faster and much more efficiently than before one of the things that we've seen
over and over and over again is working with tokens and the erc20 token standard we're going to learn how to build our own token before we do that let's understand why we'd even want to do this now first let's define even what are erc20s so erc20s are tokens that are deployed on a chain using what's called the erc20 token standard you can read more about it in the erc20 token standard here link in the description as well but basically it's a smart contract that actually represents a token so it's token with a smart contract it's
both it's really cool tether chain link uni token and die are all examples of erc20s technically chain link is in the rc677 as there are upgrades to the erc20 that some tokens take that are still backwards compatible with erc20s and so basically you can think of them as erc20s with a little additional functionality now why would i even care to want to make an erc20 well you can do a lot of really cool stuff with it you make governance token you can secure an underlying network you can create some type of synthetic asset or really
anything else in any case how do we build one of these erc20s how do we build one of these tokens well all we have to do is build a smart contract that follows the token standard all we have to do is build a smart contract that has these functions it has a name function a symbol function decimals function etc all these functions we need to be able to transfer it we need to be able to get the balance of it etc and again if you want to check out some of the improvements that are still
erc20 compatible like the erc677 or the erc777 you definitely go check those out and build one of those instead so let's create a new folder and get started we're going to create our new browning file of course with brownie init it's going to start up our repository and start up everything that we are going to work with here we can kind of actually just jump in and start right with our contracts so let's create a new file and we'll call it our token dot sol and this is where we're going to add all of our
token code now since this is an eip right this all this is is a smart contract so what we could do is we could grab all these functions copy and paste them in here one at a time grab the name grab the symbol grab the decimals and then you know code all these up be like this does some stuff blah blah blah or we could do it the much easier way right since we're engineers we don't always want to reinvent the wheel so once again our friends at open zeppelin have some amazing contract packages for
actually building our own erc20 token so we can go right to the opens up and documentation i'm working on the 4x version but again it doesn't matter the version that you use so long as in our config file we add the version that we're going to use which again we've already gone over so let's go over to their erc20 documentation and this is the entirety of the code that is needed to make an error c20 so we can just go ahead and even copy this paste it in here and boom we have some erc20 code
in here let's actually just change the name of everything in here though so we're going to call this our token dot sol we have this spdx license identifier mit great we're going to be using solidity version 0.8 which i know i've done a lot of this code actually in point in 0.6 but i highly recommend working with 0.8 because it has a lot of really fantastic improvements to solidity you'll notice this is our first dive into using a different version of solidity here you'll notice that most of the syntax is exactly the same there are
like i said a couple of nice improvements with 0.8 the main one being you no longer have to use those safe math functions that we talked about before but then we're going to go ahead and import opens up when contracts token erc20.sol now of course since we're importing open zappone we're importing this package we've got to add this to our browning config diamo and before we even get started you technically have all the tools that you need to code and deploy your own erc20 token now i'm actually going to challenge you to go ahead and
try to start a browning project create your own token using opensupplement packages and then deploy it on a test net i'm going to show you how to do all of it here anyways but challenging yourself and trying to do things your own and exploring is really one of the fastest ways to learn and grow in this space did you give it a shot no really pause it now and give it a try all right welcome back now we'll go through it and we'll do it together of course we need to add these dependencies open zeppelin
open zeppelin contracts let's do their version four so let's even go to github open zeppelin and we'll do 4.2.0 which was released yesterday at this time which is great 4.2.0 and of course again compiler we'll have silk remappings we'll add at open zeppelin equals this and then we're going to go ahead and save now we can use this at opens up line and it will refer to the opens up and contracts here so great now we can go ahead and import these let's change the contract name to our token we're going to inherit this erc20.sol
from open zeppelin we can even go ahead to opens up on contracts github and we can even see what this erc20 looks like so we can go to their contracts down to token erc20 erc20.sol and this is their initiation of an erc20 which has all these functions like name symbol decimals total supply etc in our constructor we're going to add an initial supply which is going to be in way of course so the initial supply of that token and we're going to use the constructor of the erc20.sol which again we can go ahead and check
in the code here and we can see the constructor uses a name and a symbol so we have a name we'll call it r token and the symbol will do ot and boom that is literally all we need for our token here i told you this is going to be a much faster project now for scripts all we have to do is create a new file we'll add a 1 deploy token dot sol and we'll also add a helpful scripts apply excuse me this deploy token dot pi excuse me we'll just quickly add a account
function we'll say def get account and you can go ahead and just copy paste from the last one and if you want you can actually just copy paste from our last helpful scripts because it's pretty much going to be exactly the same so we have all these wonderful ifs statements so that we can deploy from really anything that we want now in our deployment token script we'll do from brownie import our token and then from scripts that's helpful scripts import get account and just to make sure let's add an init dot pi in here just
to make sure that our scripts can actually import so since we know since we know that we need an initial supply here let's go ahead and do initial supply equals and then we can do you know whatever we want here if we want to make it a little bit more readable we'll also do from web3 import web3 and we can do web3.2 way and we'll say 1000 as the initial supply and this is in ether so our initial supply is going to be 1000 ether then we just add our main function we do account equals
get account we do our token equals our token dot deploy we just add as a parameter this is initial supply do from account and then we'll do print our token dot name and that's the whole function now of course if you don't have your environment variable set we're going to add our dot enb file this is where we can add our private key our web3 infiera project id and then if we want our ether scan token i'm going to skip doing this for now because my environment variables are already set and then last but not
least we'll add dot env dot env so private key equals ox blah blah blah when three inferior priority equals blah blah blah ether scan token equals blah blah blah and perfect now if we want to actually deploy this to a testnet all we have to do go into our config we'll add wallets from key we'll add our environment variable private key now brownie knows where to grab this from because we've defined it in our helpful scripts what i can do now so brownie runs scripts deploy token.pi and we can go ahead and see that our
token is printed out we can see that we have this token deployed on our local ganache we can see our token here and this is great now i can go ahead and run this again network ring b now if i grab this address go to the ringby ether scan pop it in after a quick refresh i can now see that my contract has indeed been added and etherscan even picks up that it's a token now we could do we can grab this and grab this contract address go to assets add it in our metamask here
next add tokens and you'll see we are the proud owners of 1000 hour tokens now something else that you might want to do is add this to a liquidity pool or add this to a place where you can actually go ahead and sell it and put it on the market you can do something like that as easily as just popping onto uniswap going to pool hitting more create a pool and then adding our token in here we'd have to manage the token list and be sure to add the token in here but we could go
ahead and add a token create our own pool and automatically put it on your swap and that's how easy it is to actually sell it on one of these pools but alright so this was probably our easiest project of the course but it really shows how far you've come along everything here i thought we know a little bit more about d5 and why it's such an amazing amazing technology that only works in the blockchain world let's look at this site d5 pulse or if you want to look at another one uh there's another fantastic one
out there called defined llama which also shows a lot of these different protocols in here so defy pulse is an application that shows some of the top d5 projects based on how much total asset is locked into each protocol ave which currently is the number one ranked d5 application with 9.32 billion in assets under management in terms of usd then we have some fantastic ones like curve compound maker instadap etc now we're going to be looking at two of these protocols in particular the first one of course being ave and the second one is going
to be a type of what's called a decentralized exchange you start with ave we're going to go to dashboard and it'll bring us to a screen that looks something like this with please connect your wallet and everything will be pretty empty parasop is what's known as a dex or a decentralized exchange it allows us to trade tokens incredibly easy on the blockchain now there's not a whole lot of test net indexes that actually work so we're just going to look at them and simulate as if we were working on them for example if i
wanted to trade one eth for some usdt or maybe some wrapped bitcoin or some dye or some ave or link or really any token that we wanted all we would need to do is connect our wallet here and a swap button would show up and we would go ahead and hit swap some other really powerful these dexes and really popular ones are going to be curve finance uniswap and it's a really really easy way to go ahead and swap your tokens for one another depending on what you're looking to do ave is incredibly powerful and
it's going to be one that we're going to be working a lot with because it has pretty much all the fundamentals of working with the d5 protocol that we're looking for and it has a test stand that we can go ahead and test and simulate actually working with some of these protocols so we're going to first work with the ui or the user interface and then we're going to do everything here programmatically first things first if you don't already have it make sure you have some test net ethereum at least and again you can get
some test and ethereum from looking at the link token contracts and going to coven this one indeed uh the test net of ave right now is only on coven so we're going to go ahead here we're going to add our copy our address paste it in i'm not a robot 70.1 test eth remember we use this linked token contracts page because this is going to have the most up-to-date faucets here once we see some eath in our coventestnet here we can go back to ave so whereas paraswap allows you to simply swap between assets and
do a lot of buying and selling of tokens ave is a lending and borrowing application so we can actually put down a token as collateral and we can borrow and we can generate some yield from interacting with this protocol borrowing and lending is a critical piece to doing any type of really interesting financial applications or financial instruments such as short selling being exposed to more assets etc you can also gain some percentage back if you look at apy it'll tell you how much percentage over a year you'll actually get in returns from staking or depositing
an asset so here's what we're going to go ahead and do we're going to connect to the application using metamask and you'll see on the deposit tab here we'll see our balance be 0.1 each because that's how much i currently have in my wallet right now what we can now do is click on ethereum click this max button to deposit some ethereum we'll hit continue and a little dashboard will pop up asking us okay would you like to deposit clicking this deposit button will actually have us deposit right onto the ave contract on the coventest
net make sure once you hit deposit here that you're actually on a test net here it looks like i actually have some insufficient funds so i'm actually going to go borrow a little bit more or from the faucet here grab a little bit more from the faucet here we're going to come back we're actually going to go back refresh and now it says i have 0.1 we're going to deposit 0.1 continue deposit and metamask is going to pop up saying hey are you sure you want to do this right we can check our data we
can grab this address even if we want pop it on to coven.etherscan paste it in here we can even double check to make sure that this is indeed the right contract that we want funnily enough you'll see that this is the west gateway when we deposit our covent eath it actually gets transferred into an erc20 version of our ethereum and then it'll go ahead and deposit it into the ave contract so we're going to hit confirm now we're going to get this pending here we have a link to the explorer which shows us this transaction
that's going through and then we'll see that we've indeed successfully deposited our ethereum now down here you'll see a little button add a eth to your browser wallet and we're going to go ahead and click this and this will automatically add this token to our wallet so we're going to hit add token and we see now in assets we have this ae down here we could also have manually hit added token got the contract address but avi was nice enough to just go ahead and add us a little button that does it for us ae
is what's called an interest-bearing token and it goes up in real time you'll see if i sit here long enough you'll see this number actually continually going up this is the profit given to us from other people borrowing the eath that we've deposited into ave if we go to our dashboard now we can see we have 0.1 each deposited and if we roll over it you'll constantly see the amount go up and up and up we can go ahead and withdraw our eath which will convert our a back into eath with the additional interest that
we got from depositing so depositing into ave will give us interest back as a payment for other people borrowing the eath that we've deposited we can also use this eath as what's called collateral so if i go to this borrow tab i can actually use the eath to borrow some other acid maybe i want to borrow dye which is a stable coin meant to always equal one dollar usdc and usdt also are meant to always reflect a dollar we can borrow what's called wrapped bitcoin which represents the bitcoin price we could borrow some ave token
some bat token some link token we can borrow all these different tokens now borrowing an asset is incredibly incredibly powerful by borrowing you're allowed to obtain liquidity without selling your assets and borrowing is one of the first pieces in order to actually short sell borrowing in default protocols is absolutely massive because it allows you to frictionlessly short sell obtain liquidity without closing your position gain yield on some deposited collateral you can do a massive number of new things only in the default world such as flash loans now an important note on borrowing assets on mainnet
since we're just borrowing it on test net and this isn't real money this is 100 okay to experiment with and work with however if you borrow an asset and you do not pay attention to how much you have for an underlying collateral you could get liquidated and lose some of your funds so be very careful and pay a lot of attention if you're going to do this on an actual network now let's say we want to borrow the ave token for example we click here and we can choose the amount that we want to borrow
now here's the thing since we've placed down some collateral right 0.1 if the amount that we borrow ends up being too high we'll actually get what's called liquidated every time we borrow an asset we get some type of health factor the health factor represents how close to being liquidated you are once your health factor reaches one the collateral that you've actually deposited will get liquidated and somebody else will get paid to take some of your collateral this is so that the the ave application is always solvent being solvent means it's never in debt so when
i want to borrow i want to choose some amount that might be a little bit safe here and so that i'm not going to get liquidated so zoom in a little bit i'm going to choose some number where i see a health factor maybe like 5.6 we're going to continue now we'll have to choose our interest rate when we borrow an asset we actually have to pay some interest this payment is actually going to go to the people who are depositing die or depositing the asset the interest rate that we're going to pay is actually
going to be paid to those who are depositing the asset that we're borrowing so like how we're getting interest on our deposited collateral others are getting interest on their deposited collateral based off of how often people are borrowing it we choose a stable apy which will always be four percent or a variable apy which will change based off of how volatile and how in demand this asset is for now i'm going to choose variable but you can pick whatever you want especially for this demo we're going to hit continue i'm gonna zoom out just a
little bit and the same interface is gonna show up we're gonna go ahead and hit borrow metamask is gonna pop up and ask us if we really want to borrow we're gonna go ahead and hit confirm and now we've successfully borrowed die into our application we can even hit this little add die to your browser wallet to add the token to our wallet now if we hit the button we go to assets we can now see die is indeed in our token assets here now if we go back to our dashboard you'll see we have
a health factor score here this is a really important score if you click on this little i thing it says the health factor represents the safety of your loan derived from the proportion of collateral versus amount borrowed keep it above one to avoid liquidation and we'll see all of our deposits here so we still have 0.1 in each deposited we also have 28 die deposited you can see a whole lot of different stats here for working with our application we can withdraw our die we can withdraw our eth we can borrow more die or we
can go ahead and repay we can either repay from our wallet balance or from our current collateral yes we could repay with our collateral let's go ahead and do from our wallet balance we'll hit max continue and we even get this little thing that says you don't have enough funds to repay the full amount well why is this the case we just borrowed this amount it's because already since depositing we've accrued a little bit of we've accrued a little bit of extra debt remember we hit that variable apy and every second it's going to tick
up just a little bit so let's go ahead and pay back what we can with our wallet we're going to confirm we're going to approve our data to be spent and then we're going to go ahead and hit the repay button and gray now if we go back to our dashboard you can see we've repaid almost everything here but we have a little bit left so let's just go ahead and hit repay with our current collateral we'll hit max continue and this will use our eth to pay back the collateral instead of the die and
then we'll hit repay this way we'll have no more debt great now if we go back to our dashboard we can see we have no more debt which is fantastic ave is one of these applications that relies on the chainlink price feeds in order to understand the ratio between how much you have deposited as collateral and then how much you can borrow and take out if we look in our wallet now we can see we still have some aethe we also have some eath and now we have zero die because everything's paid back but we're
still gaining interest on the eth we have deposited let's go ahead just reconnect let's go ahead back to and let's just withdraw all of our eth now keep in mind when working with some of this this is a test net right and working the way we're working right now is just on a test head so sometimes the test net doesn't work quite as well as a main net because it's just for testing and doesn't have the exact same support we were just working on the test net but if you want to go to ave
for real you can go to connect your wallet on the ethereum mainnet connect your wallet move to the ethereum maintenance and interact with it exactly the way we just saw now if we're on the maintenance here we can see some additional pieces when you deposit something like die yes you get 2.3 back as interest paid to you for depositing the die you also get a little bit of what's called a governance token you also get a little bit of ave token i know it's really small here but this is an additional incentive that ave
has given the users for working with their protocol since ave is a decentralized protocol in order for anything to be improved or anything to be updated on the protocol it actually has to go through a decentralized vote so these governance tokens actually dictate and decide how the protocol improves moving forward now that we understand how to work with all of that through the ui let's actually learn how to interact with ave and interact with defy all from our scripts learning how to do it this way will get us one step closer to being a quantitative
defy engineer or d5 researcher this is someone who programmatically does algorithmic trades algorithmic modeling and just does everything in a programmatic sense making them much more efficient and powerful interacting with d5 now all the code that we're going to be working with here is in this avi brownie pie application and you can always refer back to it in the link in the description or in the link in the github repository and see all the code written yourself so with that create a new folder and open up your vs code to that folder and let's get
into it and ave has some fantastic documentation that we're going to use as well link here is also in the description let's go ahead and start with our our basic brownie setup just with brownie init and we got a new brownie project we got all of our folders in here and we are good to go now for working with browning we're actually not going to really be deploying any contracts because all the contracts that we're going to work with are already deployed on chain all of them are just going to be working right with ave
here create a quick so we can know what we're doing here number one we're going to try to deposit some eath into ave then we're going to borrow some acid with the eth collateral and then if you wanted to i challenge you to actually sell that borrowed acid this is what's known as short selling but we're not going to do that here and then we're just going to repay everything back great and this will be the full functionality of working with ave in this deployed contract everything that we're going to learn here will teach
you how to work with other contracts as well such as paraswap or unit swap or any other type of swapping contract that will allow us to buy and sell so let's just go ahead and create a script we'll call it ave borrow that pie let's go ahead and create a function called def main and we'll just do pass for now the first thing that we need to figure out how to do is deposit some f into ave when we actually deposited our f via the ui you can actually see when we call this deposit function
if i hit this deposit button here oddly enough if we go to this contract address on the coven ether scan we'll see that this address is actually what's called a west gateway what ave is doing like i was saying before and let's go ahead and actually cancel this for now reject what ave is actually doing here is swapping our ethereum for west again west is an erc20 version of ethereum and this allows it to easily work with all the other erc20s on the obvi protocol like die usd coin you know ample fourth link et cetera
so we actually have to do the that as well so the first thing we're going to need to do actually isn't deposit some of our eth the first thing we're going to need to do is going to swap our eth for west so let's even just put this in its own little script we'll call it get weth.pi so we're going to have a function def main i'm just going to do pass for now but we're actually going to want to use this get wet function in our ave borrowed a pi so we're going to actually
have a main and we're going to have a def get weth and our main function is just going to call getwef so how do we actually convert our ethereum to wef or wrapped ether we'll even do a little dock string here mint's weth by depositing eth now to save gas we could actually interact with this weft gateway for ave but i'm going to teach you guys how to just get west in general so we can look up the west contract ether scan the west coven contract ether scan and we'll see here we have this wrapped
ether page and we can go to the contract and we can see that this is indeed verified the way ath works is there's a withdrawal and deposit we deposit eth into this contract and it transfers us some wealth so this is the first contract that we actually want to interact with so we need our script to be able to call this deposit contract so per usual the two things that we need to do this are going to be an api and an address for this web contract i really like just doing everything directly from the
interfaces i've already copy pasted the interface into this here so we're going to go to interface dot sol and we're just going to copy all this right here so in our interfaces we create a new file we're going to call it iweth dot soul we're going to paste it in you can see this has all the exact same functions as our deposit contract symbol name transfer pretty much everything you'd expect from erc20 plus this extra deposit piece we'll call this iweb it's a common naming standard to just have i in the name of what your
contract is when you're talking about an interface so we have an interface now and we also have an address but again this is our address on the coven network since we know ahead of time that we're probably going to be using this on different networks like mainnet and coven and etc we're actually going to create a new file we're going to add our brownie config hopefully this is starting to look a little familiar to you now we're going to go ahead and add our networks in here in here we're going to go ahead and add
coven and in here we're going to write west token and we're going to add this address of the web token paste it in here while we're in here we're going to add the rest of our pieces we're going to add wallets from key private key and that's all we really need for now speaking of which we probably are still going to want to test this locally now since we've done some work with testing we know that for testing we can do our integration test into integration tests on kovan because there's an integration test there what
about our local tests well this is something good that we're thinking about right now we know that ave actually has all these same contracts on the main net as well and we also know that we're not going to be working with any oracles because that we don't actually have to deploy any mocks ourselves we can if we want to but we don't have to what we can do is for our unit tests we can actually just use the mainnet fork network and just fork everything that's on the mainnet into our own local network so instead
of actually using mocs we'll basically just mock the entire mainnet and one more time just so that we absolutely have it here if you're not working with oracle's and you don't need to mock responses we can just go ahead and use a mainnet fork to run our unit tests if you are using oracle then it makes a lot more sense to do the development network where you can mock oracles and mock oracle responses with this in mind we know that we're going to be doing a lot of our tests on mainnet fork we can go
ahead and add a mainnet fork network here and then we can just add the mainnet web token for mainnet fork so we'll look up web token etherscan web token etherscan and we'll grab this contract address remember absolutely positively if you want to double check that the contract address that you're working with is correct i highly recommend you do so because if you get it wrong you could accidentally add some money to a contract address that you don't want so we're going to have the mainnet fork address b the web token address and in our terminal
we can do brownie networks list and see that indeed we have a mainnet fork here that's going to use the ganache cli to fork mainnet for us there's there's a link in the description to refer back to the section where we actually set this up so now that we have the interface we know that we can actually compile it down to the abi so back in our get wet here first thing we need to do to make any transaction obviously is get an account well this is where we can go back and make our helpful
scripts so we can go ahead do def get account index equals none id equals none same as before and if you have your get account function from our last demo you can just go ahead and copy paste it in here all right great now we have our get account function so we can do account now equals get account oh but we have to import it in here so we'll do from scripts dot helpful scripts import get account and depending on your python version we'll add in it that pi just so that python recognizes that scripts
is indeed a module all right cool so we have our account where we can make some transactions with now let's go ahead and get our wef contract to do this we can import interfaces from routing browning import interface same as we did before and we can do with equals interface dot i with and the address here is going to be from our config config networks dot show active and then web token we also have to import config from browning and network as well now you might be asking why aren't we using the get contract function
here well you can absolutely 100 go ahead and use that get contract function but since we're going to be testing on mainnet fork here i know that we're always going to refer back to the config so i'm confident that i'm not going to be deploying any mocks it's better practice to go ahead and use that getcontract function but for this one we'll just make it a little simpler and use the config and now in a fig if we're on the coven network we're going to use this one if we're on mainnet or maintenance fork we're
going to use this one for going to mainnet or for to real production you could also have a mainnet network and it'll just be an exact copy of the maintenance fork and remember we're going to want our dot env our env file our environment variables to get pulled from that dot env file so we can just set it like this now everything in our env file will get pulled in automatically great so we have an address and we have an abi which comes from the interface now we can just call we can just call this
deposit function where we deposit ethereum and we get wef so now we'll just do transaction equals wealth dot deposit and we'll do from account value is going to be let's just say 0.1 so 0.1 times 10 raised to the 18. so we'll deposit 0.1 and we should get 0.1 wef in return do a printf string received 0.1 weft this doesn't even need to be printf and then we'll just return tx now per usual if your environment variables aren't set such as private key we're going to want to do that so in our emb we do
export private key equals 0x at the beginning right here we're going to export web 3 infero project id we'll want our ad our web3 inferior project id which we've got before if we want to use our etherscan token we absolutely can and since we're putting a whole bunch of stuff into dot and v we want to make sure in our git ignore we have dot and v so we don't actually push this up to github again if you're nervous about having all these ambs in here you can absolutely do the accounts.add or whatever other methodology
you like to set your environment variables anyway let's go ahead and run this script now so we can do brownie run scripts get wet pie network coven generating the apis from our interface we have a little transaction hash that we can use pop into the coven etherscan and we can see the transaction going through in our wallets we'll get minus 0.18 and we'll get plus 0.1 weth so we can see it's actually been successful to add this and see this on our metamask we're going to grab the contract address here we're going to go back
to metamask add token paste it in here add tokens and you can see we now have 0.1 with if you want to switch back your weft to ethereum you would just hit this withdraw function or we could programmatically add a withdrawal function in here this withdrawal function will run for ethereum withdrawal and take our ethereum out of the contract and burn the weapons replace it with weft so you need to swap your weft back to get your eth out awesome we have some weft and now we have an erc20 token we have an erc20 token
that we can use to interact with the ave application now that we've got this get weth function let's go ahead and start borrowing so let's go ahead and start with our account it's going to equal to get account which now we're going to want to import right at the top like so then we're going to get our west address or we can even just do our erc20 address because the web token is in erc20 and maybe we want to deposit some other erc20 we'll do config networks network dot show active left token and of course
we're going to have to now add from brownie import network and now we want to call this get weth contract just in case we don't already have wef we would just add another from scripts dot get weft import get west but we don't actually need to call it right now because we already have some wrapped ethereum in our covenant address now if we want to test this though on our local mainnet fork we probably will want to call this getweft so i'm just going to add a little if if network.showactive is going to be our
mainnet fork we should go ahead and call this get wet function and for brownie we're also going to want to import this config we'll also have to add mainnet fork to our local blockchain environments like so so that when we call git account in our scripts it actually knows that it's a local environment that we're working with and it will just return accounts zero instead of us having to actually load a private key in every single time and we want to actually wait for our transaction to complete here so we'll go ahead and add this
weight and then do tx.weight and wait for this transaction to actually finish otherwise brownie will get a little bit mad so now that we have that we can run brownie run scripts ave bar to pie network maintenance fork so you can see that actually in this case testing everything on mainnet fork is going to give us a really really accurate view of what doing this on mainnet actually is going to give us we don't have to do any mocking we can literally just fork all of mainnet and go from there we are still going to
test on kovan though in a little bit just so we can see all the transactions that go through how long it takes for stuff to happen so now that we've gotten some wealth here we actually need to go into our second bit we're going to deposit some f or in our case some wealth into ave so how do we actually do that well everything that we need is going to be in this ave documentation here where we deposit and borrow from in ave is in their contract this lending pool you can see here the lending
pool contract is the main contract for the protocol it exposes the user-oriented actions that can be invoked in solidity and web-three libraries and these have all of the functions that we need it has deposit where we deposit our asset as a collateral withdraw where we take it back we have borrow we have repay and we can have we have swap borrow rates and a couple other interesting ones which we'll go into later but for now we just really need to focus on repaying borrowing withdrawing and depositing so as you probably guessed deposit is the function
that we're going to work on right now and since this is the contract that we're going to work with as always the two things you need when working with a contract are going to be the abi and the address so we're going to get this lending pool contract we're going to say lending pool equals and we're actually going to even make a function called get lending pool so down below we're going to do def get lending pool lending pool not poll and we're going to get the lending pool address and the lending pool contract so
we can interact with it down here now something about this lending pool is that the lending pool address can actually change a little bit depending on a lot of different pieces so there's actually this address provider which gives us the address of a specific or particular market if we go back to this ave ui there's actually different markets so there's different types of ways we can interact with ave we're just going to work with the basic ave v2 because it's easily the most used on mainnet as well the address provider registry will give us so
this address provider will give us the address of the lending pool for our market if we want to go across different markets we'll have to go to the address provider registry to find it but the addresses in here don't change and the addresses in here don't change it's just the lending pool address itself might change so we just have to go to this address provider here and there's just one function that we need to work with it's this get lending pool which will give us the address of the actual lending pool so don't let this
confuse you too much basically all we're trying to do is we're saying hey where is ave located right now and ave has a contract that will always tell us where the main ave contracts are and that's this addresses provider right here so this is another contract that we have to work with and again when we have a contract what do we need we need an api and we need an address so we can absolutely once again we could go ahead and you know copy paste like abi equals whatever the abi is but we're just going
to use an interface because because life is great with an interface so a couple of great things about interfaces too if we know we're only going to work with one or two functions we can actually just make the interfaces ourself so an interface we could do a new file we could do i lending pool address provider that's sol and we can just add it in here ourselves so we'll first do sp dx license identifier and we'll do like mit or something we'll do pragma solidity 0.6.6 or whatever we want to do and then we'll do
interface i landing pool addresses pro divider excuse me this should be a lending pool address says provider and we know that there's only one function called get lending pool and we're not exactly sure what getlendingpool is defined as but what we can do is we can go to ether scan eat the scan ave lending pool addresses you can see here this is actually the lending pool but what we can look at is the ave protocol we can go right to the github we can go to contracts we can see they have an interfaces section and
they have this lending pool addresses provider get lending pool and kind of as we expected it's an external view and it returns an address so we can literally just copy paste this into here and we could run with this and this would work perfectly fine but this leads us to the next point we might as well just grab the whole thing this way we know for a fact we're not getting anything wrong but yes if we wanted to our interface could be this right because this is going to compile it could be this because this
interface is going to compile down to an abi and the abi is going to say hey there's a function here and that's all the abi is really doing it's just telling us how we can interact with a contract but let's just go ahead and add everything so that if we want to interact with more things we can so now we have the api we also now need an address which we can definitely find from the ave documentation we can go to their deployed contract section we find lending pool addresses provider which is going to be
right here we're going to copy that and where are we going to put this well as you know we're going to put this in our brownie config we're going to do lending pool addresses provider i'm going to paste that right there and since we know we're also going to do coven we can also grab from kovin here so lending pool addresses provider we're going to copy this here and do and we're going to add this addresses provider for coven as well boom now we have it for both coven and for maintenance fork awesome so we
can keep going now now that we have an avi and we have an address for both coven and for our mainnet maintenance fork what we can do now is we first get the lending pool addresses provider it's going to be from our interface which again we're going to grab from brownie interface dot i lending pool addresses provider which the address of that is going to be config networks network.showactive lending pool addresses provider and then we're just going to say lending pool address it's going to be equal to blending pool i'm just going to copy and
paste instead of typing the whole thing address divider provider dot get lending pool right because again this address provider has this get lending pool which returns this address which is the address of the lending pool then now that we have this address we can actually return the lending pool contract by once again getting the api and the address of the actual landing pool so we have the address check we just now need the api which once again we can work with our wonderful interfaces here do new file i lending pool and there's only going to
be a couple of functions we're going to work with here but ave actually gives us the interface right here and ave actually even gives us the interface of the lending pool address provider for us so we can go ahead and copy this pop it over into here now we do need to actually change one thing in here as well this interface imports locally with this dot slash so we actually just need to change these imports to actually import directly from github instead of importing locally luckily this is something we already know how to do so
let's go to our brownie config and up at the top we're going to add this dependencies bit in pen then c's so we're just going to work with ave's protocol right from github so we're going to work with ave slash pro tow call v2 and let's see what their latest version is looks like they got a couple different versions here 1.0.1 so let's go ahead and work with this one at 1.0.1 and then with compiler sulk remappings per usual we're going to say at ave is going to be equal to this dependency this way brownie
will download this right from github and now we can just use this at ave instead so back in our eye lending pool.sol we can just change this to poll right from github and if we look in github we go to their contracts section we go to their interfaces section by lending pool we know that we can pull this from at ave slash contracts slash interfaces because we see this eye lending pool addresses provider right in here and then this data types bit you can actually look in contracts and this i know because i've i've been
through already it's in protocol libraries types and here it is datatype.sol so we can just take this exact path again and do at ave contracts slash protocol slash libraries slash types data type dot sol okay great so now that we've actually imported this interface for us to use we can go ahead and compile just to make sure that everything is working correctly brownie compile and perfect if these interfaces had an issue they actually wouldn't compile through brownie here so we know that they're compiling correctly but great so now that we have an interface we know
that these interfaces compile down to the abi and we already have the address here so to actually interact with the lending pool now we can just do lending pool equals interface dot i lending pool and we'll add this lending pool address blending pool and then we can return lending pool so now we have a function that goes through the lending pool addresses provider from the ave documentation and returns this lending pool contract that we can now interact with and we can even test this out by just printing this landing pal address in our script so
we'll do brownie run scripts ave borrow network mainnet fork and perfect we we can see the address here is printed out and there are no errors so we know we're doing it right so now that we have the actual address what we're going to do now is we're going to take this wrapped aetherium that we've got this erc20 version of ethereum and we're going to deposit it into this contract just like what we did in the user interface in order to actually first deposit it we need to approve this erc20 token erc20 tokens have an
approved function that makes sure that whenever we send a token to somebody or whenever a token calls a function that uses our tokens we actually have given them permission to do so so that's the first thing that we're going to actually have to do is we're going to have to approve [Music] sending our erc20 tokens and this resembles so since i know that we're going to have to approve a lot i'm actually just going to go ahead and make an approve erc20 token function similar as to what we did with the get lending pool so
we're going to need to approve this erc 20 so we're going to need to approve this erc20 so let's go ahead and make a function we'll call it def approve erc20 so how do we actually call this a prove function on a token contract well as always we're going to need the abi and the address of the token contract same as always i told you i was going to be saying this a lot now we could create our interface ourself looking at all the functionalities of the erc20 tokens so we could go to eip20 look
at the token standard find all the different functions and put them into our interface or we can go ahead and just cheat and just grab it from my github repository here so i already have an ierc20.soul right here and we're just going to copy everything in here and add it in a new file called i yourc20 that's sold and paste it in here so you can see there are a number of different functions in here we can check the allowance we can check the balance of different addresses how many decimals a token has the name
the symbol we can do some transfers and transfer from and then the function that we're going to be using is this approve function so right here we can already see the parameters this approved function takes we're going to need to have a spender of who to approve can spend our tokens and then how much they can actually spend so if we come back over to approve erc20 we know that for input parameters we're probably going to need an amount a spender address the erc20 token address so which token we're actually allowing to spend and then
an account right or this is going to be that from account bit so we'll just have this be passed as part of the function parameters so let's go ahead and code this let's first just do a quick print line so that people know what this transaction is doing we'll say approving prc20 token and then we'll get the erc20 token by saying e or c equals interface same as always dot i e or c 20 and then we'll give it whatever erc20 address that we pass to this function and now we can actually interact with this
contract and we can call that approve function so we'll say transaction tx or again tx usually stands for transaction equals erc20 dot approve and we're going to approve this spender for an amount and then we'll say from account we'll do tx.wait we'll wait one block confirmation for it to finish and then once it's done we'll do print approved and we'll return the transaction awesome so now we have an approved erc20 function that we can use to approve any erc20 token so back up in our main function we can run approve vrc20 for some amount which
right now we don't have defined the spender is going to be this lending pool but the address of the lending pool because remember lending pool is the entire contract we just want the address the erc20 address of course is going to be the erc20 address and the account of course is going to be our account the only thing we don't have to find right now is some amount which we can make it really whatever we want to be to keep things standard let's just go ahead and do 0.1 so i'm going to make this a
global variable i'm going to say amount equals one one two three four five six seven eight nine ten one two three four five six seven and we can go ahead and do amount we're gonna of course doing all these zeros is from incredibly disgusting so we're just gonna refactor to do from web 33 import web and then instead of always and we'll just do web three three two two 0.1 0.1 which is the amount that we actually want and we'll say either now we can run browning run scripts ave borrowed a pie network main net
fork and we can go ahead and see that our approval function is working as intended network that will always be doing this fine any type of we can do so let's go foreign and change our default network to mainnet for mainnet so we don't have any network in our browning let's go back to our ave borrowing section now so we have everything approved now we just need to go ahead and deposit it into ave since we know we're probably going to use this a lot too let's go ahead and create a deposit function since we
have everything approved we can now go ahead and use the lending pool deposit method and we can check the documentation here or look on github or etherscan to see what the parameters that it takes are so i'm even just going to go ahead and copy all this bring it over here so what we can do now is we do lending pool dot deposit and then all these parameters let's go ahead and walk through them one by one so first thing is going to be the address of the asset which we know is going to be
your erc20 address boom the amount of the token which we can go ahead with our amount variable address on behalf of is just going to be our account.address we're depositing this collateral for ourselves and then referral code so referral code is so the referral code is actually deprecated and workloads don't actually work anymore so we're just always going to pass 0 here and just to make sure we know that this is what we're doing we're going to go ahead and print depositing one two three and then after we're done we're gonna do print the ted
and whoops looks like we forgot to add that final dictionary here of from accounts ah one more thing here let's go ahead and do tx for transaction equals lendingpool.deposit and we're going to go ahead and once again we're going to wait for one block confirmation wait one transactions still being processed so now if we run brownie run scripts ave borrowed up high we can see that this actually went through fine all right now that we have some collateral deposited we can go ahead and actually take out a borrow we can go ahead and borrow some
other asset the question is going to be how much how much can we actually borrow how much should we borrow what would result in a positive health factor well maybe we should actually pull off chain some of our stats how much do we actually have deposited how much collateral we have how much debt we have and so on and so forth that way in the future when we don't start clean we can take some inventory of where we stand with our collateral in our debts at the ave documentation we can go ahead and see this
this function called get user account data this is going to return the user account data across all reserves so it's going to get the total collateral that we've deposited in terms of ethereum it's going to get our total debt in terms of ethereum how much we can borrow the borrowing power that we have the liquidation threshold or how close to that liquidation threshold will be the loan to value ratio and again this health factor this health factor is obviously incredibly important because if it drops below one or reaches one users can call this liquidation call
now this function returns all these variables but for now we really only care about how much collateral we have how much debt we have and how much we're available to borrow so let's go ahead and write a function that will actually sort that out for us we'll call it get borrowable data borrow a bull data so let's go ahead and create this def get borrowable data and we're going to pass in the lending pool as a first parameter and then the account as the second parameter because we're looking to call this function on the lending
pool from an account so let's go ahead and just call that function so we'll do lending pool dot get user account data and we'll pass in account that address because we look at the api again all that it needs is a user's address to get started here and it returns one two three four five six variables so we can go ahead and get all of them with this tuple syntax here so we'll say total collateral eath total debt eath available borrow eth current liquidation loan to value and then the health factor so it's with this
syntax here that we can actually get all of these variables with this one call and again this get user account data is a view function so we don't need to spend any gas all of these variables are going to return in terms of way so let's just go ahead and convert these from whey to something that makes a little bit more sense to us so we want to get this available borrow each so we can figure out how much we can borrow let's get that in terms that we can actually understand so we'll do fromway
available borrow eth in terms of ether we'll do total collateral eth equals web3 that from way and we'll do total collateral eth ether ether and then we'll do total debt eth equals same thing web3 dot from way total debt eth terms of ether and let's even do a little printf statement for each one of these so we'll do print f this f allows us to put variables inside the print function and we'll say you have total collateral eath worth of eath deposit 10. we'll even copy paste that a couple times and we'll change this one
to total debt eath and we'll change this one to available borrow eth so we'll say you have worth of ease deposited you have total death eat worth of f borrowed and you can borrow available borreeth worth of eath and then we're going to go ahead and return again we're going to use this tuple syntax so we can return two variables and we're going to say a float of this available borrow eth and a float of the total debt eth the reason that we have to add this float variable here is that without it some of
the math that we're going to try to do later won't pan out as well so now we have this function get borrowable data we're going to pass the lending pool and we're going to pass our account here since we're returning the borrowable eth and the total debt we can say borrowable eath and then total debt equals that function right there so let's go ahead and try this out with running run scripts ave borrowed a phi pi again because in our config we have a default network of mainnet fork things seem to be approving things seem
to be depositing and awesome we have we have our output here we deposited 0.1 worth of f we have 0 f borrowed and we can borrow 0.8 worth of f yes this is correct even though we have 0.1 f deposited we can only borrow 0.08 this is because the liquidation thresholds of different assets are different in this risk parameters documentation here we can see the different liquidation thresholds on the different assets we can see that ethereum has an 80 loan to value so with ethereum we can only borrow up to 80 percent of the deposit
assets that we have and if we have more than 82.5 percent borrowed will actually get liquidated it also tells about the liquidation bonus reserve factor and some other helpful pieces in here as well but now that we have this borrowable ether mount we can go ahead and actually borrow some dye so let's do a quick print saying let's borrow now in order for us to borrow some dye we also need to get the conversion rate we need to get die in terms of f so we're going to have to use some price feed here luckily
we already know how to work with chain link and how to get price feeds ave uses the chain-link price feeds as well so we're using the exact same conversion rate tools that avi is going to use so let's go ahead and create a function to get us this conversion rate we'll say the die to f price is equal to get asset price and then here we'll pass the die f price feed this will be the address of the die ethereum conversion rate let's go ahead and create this function call it def get asset price and
the parameter needs is going to be price feed address so the first thing that we're going to need is we're going to need to get this die f price feed where can we get this well as we know per usual we'll head over to the chain link documentation we'll go to ethereum price feeds we'll find done and we'll paste it into our config for mainnet so we can go ahead and add the die f price feed in here and paste it into our config again if we want to test the coven we can obviously just
scroll down look for coven find the dieth right here grab that address pop it in for coven and then we can get this the same way that we got the address of the web token so i'm just going to go ahead and copy this paste it here but instead of having weft token in here we'll do die f price feed and now we have a way to change the price feed address depending on what network we're on so in our get asset price function we're going to do the same exact thing that we always do
we're going to grab an api and an address to work with the contract so again we can get the abi by just working directly with the interface so we'll say die f price feed equals interface dot aggregator v3 interface because this is the name of the price feed interface which again if we look in our interfaces it looks like we don't actually have so what we can do is we can go to the chain like github or as you guys are already starting to figure out all my example code has all these interfaces as well
but we can go right to the source too what we can do we go here we go to contracts we're going to add source we'll do 0.6 we'll do interfaces and right here is the aggregator v3 interface so if we want we can just copy this whole thing move back over to our interfaces new file and this file is actually named aggregator v3 interface you could call it eye aggregator v3 or aggregator v3 interface you could keep it with i aggregate or v3 outsole to keep with the convention that we have or you can just
call it aggregator v3 interface dot sol to keep in line with what the chain link code is actually called them i'm going to call mine aggravated v3 interface you'll notice a couple different projects have a couple different conventions but now that we have it saved we can do interface the aggregator v3 interface and we'll pass it this price feed address now this diet price feed is going to be a contract that we can call a function on again we can always refer back to the get the latest price documentation to see how to actually work
with it there's even some python code here for working with it in web 3. we're going to go ahead and call this latest round data function which we can also find in our aggregator v3 interface this latest round data which returns a round id answer started at ended at and answered it around all we're really concerned with is this answer bit here so the way we can do this is we can say latest price equals die dieth price feed the latest round data and instead of grabbing all five of these one two three four five
what we can do is we can actually just grab the price which is at the one index so round id is at zero price is at one started it's two et cetera so we can just say at the first index and then we can return a float of this latest price we can even print another printf statement the die f price is latest price so let's go ahead and run this and great we have the die f price video which of course we know that looking at this right now this isn't in the right units
we know the diet price feed has 18 decimal places so what we can do then is we know that this number would be one two three four five six seven eight nine ten one two three four five six seven eight this number is really zero point zero zero zero four blah blah blah blah blah so maybe we don't want to return it like so maybe we want to say the diet price feed is and we add a little bit of web3.pi to make this make a little bit more sense so we'll say web3 dot from
way and we'll add this latest price bit in here comma ether maybe we'll even do a converted latest price which is going to be equal to web3 dot from way latest price ether and we'll print that out instead so let's go ahead and run this again all right that looks a little bit more accurate perfect okay great now we have the die eat price we're getting really close to being able to borrow this actual asset and let's even return this converted lated price here just so that we're always working in units that we understand okay
now we're getting somewhere now we can calculate the amount of dye that we want to borrow we can find this by doing a little bit of math we're going to do the reciprocal of the die eat price times our borrowable eath and just to be safe we're going to times it by 0.95 so this line we're converting our borrowable each to borrowable die and then we're timing it by 95 percent we're timing it by 95 because we don't want to get liquidated so we're going to be a little bit more cautious remember how we slid
that sliding scale around to make it safer and less safe well the lower percentage that we actually borrow maybe we even borrow 50 of our collateral the safer that we're going to be so keep that in mind when you're deciding how much to actually borrow if you want to run this in a production environment so now that we have this amount data borrow let's even print it out let's say print f we are going to borrow amount down to borrow die and then we're finally going to do it now we will borrow looking at the
ave documentation we can look at their borrow function and we can see the api here let's go ahead let's go ahead and call this function so we'll do borrow transaction it's going to be equal to lendingpool.borrow let's look at those parameters so the asset that we want to borrow die address so first we should get a die address which we can once again we'll want to put in our config so we'll go over to our config and we'll add a die address or a die token here which we can find on etherscan token it looks
like this is the token right here so we'll copy this address for mainnet remember if you want to run this on coven you're also going to need to have a die token for coven now on test nets avi actually changes up where the tokens for its test nets are actually going to be so if we go to their documentation we go to deployed contracts and we go to coven here you'll always see this little flag thing pop up say always ensure using the latest lending pool address since coven is updated from time to time it's
going to be the same thing if we scroll down for tokens they have an up-to-date list of coven addresses in a json file here so it looks kind of gross but if we look up die we can see symbol die and the address of die on the coven test net so sometimes this does change so if you run into an issue maybe it's because the die token that you were working with on their coventestnet has actually changed then we're going to do config networks network dot show active diet token great now let's move on to
the next parameter the amount which we just figured out here amount diet to borrow which we do need to change back to whey so we're going to do web3.2a mount dye to borrow ether because right now amount down to borrow is in our human readable version which we need it in way then our interest rate mode which is going to be stable or variable stable is where the interest rate will always be exactly the same variable will change depending on a lot of different things going on with ave for safety we're just going to go
ahead and add one here then we're going to do a referral code and on behalf of so referral codes no longer exist so we'll leave zero it's going to be on behalf of our self so we'll do a countdown address and then of course we have to do a from account then we'll wait for this transaction to complete and if we've done this right we should have borrowed some dye programmatically from the ave protocol so let's even print borrowed some die and we can once again call our get borrowable data function since this get borrowable
data function will print out our new account information for how much we borrowed so let's go ahead and run this on mainnet fork again awesome so if we've done this correctly we now see that we've borrowed some die so we can see here we now have 0.1 worth of f deposited 0.059999 worth of f borrowed and we can borrow a little bit more worth of f this 0.75999 is actually the die that we've borrowed so we've deposited some eath and we've borrowed some dye and obvious telling us how much that dye converted to eat is
there so we actually borrowed 160 die which is great all right we've now learned how to borrow everything which is fantastic let's go ahead and actually repay that back so we're going to call their repay function and let's just put this into its own function called repay all and we'll give it the amount that we want to repay the lending pool address and our account so let's call let's define repay all or we're just going to repay everything that we have again we're going to add an amount lending pool and account for parameters so if
we're going to pay back this network first thing that we need to do is actually call the approve function i'm going to prove that we're going to pay back so the first thing we're going to have to do per usual is we're going to actually have to approve that erc20 so let's say how much we're going to approve web 3.2 way amount ether to the lending pool and we'll grab it from the config networks network dot show active and this is going to be the die token again and of course with our account i believe
our proof erc20 already calls weight so we don't have to call it here so once we approve we're going to be using this die that we borrowed to pay most of what we have borrowed back now we're going to call the repay function so we'll say repay tx equals lendingpool.repay first we need the asset that we're going to use to repay which we're going to use config networks network dot show active diet token the amount which is going to be passed in here amount the rate mode which we've hard coded to one and the address
on behalf of which is going to be account dot address and then of course we always have to do from account then we're going to do repay tx dot wait we're going to wait one block confirmation and then we'll print repaid and if we've done all this right we'll do one more print line saying you just deposited borrowed and repaid with ave brownie and chain link all right moment of truth let's see if this works we did it repaid you just deposited borrowed and repaid with ave brownie and chain link awesome work now if you
want to what we can also do is we can see if this will work with our wallet address here so what i can do is i can copy my address go to coven ether scan and paste it in here and right now we can see that i have a whole bunch of link and some ether what i can do is actually test everything that we just ran through on the cove intestine and see everything happen right on this ether scan address so if we've been following along correctly and we've added contract addresses appropriately we should
be able to run the exact same script on the coven test net i'm going to do one additional thing here though i'm going to have us not repay so we can see us with a little bit of debt so let's go ahead and run brownie run scripts ave bar to pie and we'll change to network coven and now it's going to take a lot longer as we've seen before because we're actually making these transactions on a real network whoops it looks like i got one of the die f price feeds wrong for coven so i
can once again just go over to the documentation die s it looks like this is the real address for coven so we'll copy that paste it in here whoops we should also probably have some wet token so first let's go ahead and run our get wet script for coven and we're going to change this account to get account brownie run scripts from our helpful scripts that way we can actually that way we can actually use our wallets correctly all right great so now we have 0.1 weft and actually again what we can do is grab
this address here add token paste it in add tokens for the web token and now we can see we have 0.1 with which is perfect so now that we have some width we can run the borrow script ave brownie run scripts ave borrow network coven and wow we can see that everything went through correctly and successfully so since i actually commented out this repay function we still should have die in our address here in our wallet here and again we can see that by going to our brownie config grabbing this dye token address add token
custom tokens next ad tokens and we can see we do indeed have 160 die in our wallet we have no weft since it'll be in ave now and we have borrowed die instead you can also see that we now have this a weft if we added it from when we were working with the ui we have this interest bearing with instead of regular wrapped ethereum let's look at one of these transactions we can see that our borrowed transaction gave us some stable debt bearing dye and also some dye so we owe ave some die from
this debt we got some debt we got some dye and we gave out some ave interest bearing dye to the rest of the albe protocol you'll notice now if we go to dash dashboard we'll see exactly what our script just did we have 160 borrowed and we have 0.1 eth deposited if we want to repay our funds we can do it with our current collateral or from our wallet balance and you'll notice something if i try to repay everything from my wallet all the diet that i've actually borrowed you'll notice we don't have enough
funds to repay the full amount this is because since we actually borrowed a little bit we've include some of that interest so we actually owe more back than we originally borrowed that's how the loans work so when you're designing this repay functions be sure to have that in mind you can also have your repay be -1 to repay the entire debt it's recommended to send an amount slightly higher than the current amount borrowed but in any case maybe we say we want to do from our current wallet we'll hit max but maybe we want to
actually just repay with our current collateral we can go ahead and repay the maximum amount again we could do this all from the ui we'll approve and this is exactly what our repay function actually did and now we're all repaid up if we go back to our dashboard and we hit refresh we'll see we just have a tiny bit of ethereum and no more borrowed assets awesome you've essentially learned everything that we need to go through for here this is a massive step forward in teaching you how to become quantitative defy wizards and build really
robust applications and really robust financial applications in the default world now something i want to point out even though this isn't a python course and we're teaching more about solidity and smart contracts it's still in your best interest to test these functions yes i know they're python functions but it's still going to be in your best interest to test them to make sure your application always works as you expect it to now i'm not going to go through this testing suite that i put here but it's a really simple testing suite to test some of
the different functions that we created it can be really helpful especially for something like get asset price where the math might be a little bit off and you want to make sure it's correctly again link in the description to seeing some of these tests this is actually going to be even easier than that lottery contract that we did since we're just testing python functions and again you can test these all with brownie test all right you are all doing fantastically now is another fantastic time to take a break go for a walk get some food
because our next session our next lesson we're going to be learning about nfts how to build them use them and deploy them look nfts are hot right now nfts also known as erc721s are a token standard that was created on the ethereum platform nft stands for non-fungible token and is a token standard similar to the erc20 again erc20s like link ave maker all those goodies that are found on the ethereum chain an nft or a non-fungible token is a token that is non-fungible this means that they are starkly unique from each other and one token
isn't interchangeable with any other token of its class a good way to think about it is one dollar is interchangeable with any other dollar one dollar is going to have the same value of another dollar those are fungible tokens that's like erc 20s one link is always going to be equivalent to one other link by contrast is going to be nfts those you nerds out there would know like a pokemon would be a good example of an nft your one pokemon is going to have different stats different move sets and isn't interchangeable with any other
pokemon or maybe a more relatable one is like a trading card a unique piece of art or the like so that's what these nfts are they are non-fungible non-interchangeable tokens that for the moment are best represented or thought about as digital pieces of art that are incorruptable and have a permanent history of who's owned them who's deployed them etc now like i said nfts are just a token standard so you can actually make them do much more than just be art you can give them stats you can make them battle you can do really unique
things with them you can do pretty much whatever you want with them but right now the easiest way to think about it and the most popular way to think about it is by calling them art it's odd or some type of collectible or just anything that's unique now they've been getting a ton of buzz recently because we've been seeing more and more of these being sold at insane prices like we saw axe infiniti sell nine plots of their land nine plots of their unique land for 1.5 million dollars we also saw the original creator of
the neon cat you know this cap sold for like 300 eth so like i said they're just tokens that are deployed on a smart contract platform and you can view them on different nft platforms like openc or wearable and these are the nft marketplaces that let people buy and sell them you obviously can do that without these marketplaces because it's a decentralized but they help and give a good user interface so that's the basic gist of it let's talk some more about the standards the erc721 standard or the nft standard this is the basis of
it all there is another standard that's semi-fungible tokens the 1155 we're not going to talk about that here but you can check it out the main differences between a 721 and an erc20 on erc20s they have a really simple mapping between an address and how much that address holds 721s have unique token ids each token id has a unique owner and in addition they have what's called a token uri which we'll talk about in a minute each token is unique each token id represents a unique asset so since these assets are unique and we want
to be able to visualize them and show what they actually look like we need to define those attributes of the object if it's a piece of r we need a way to define what that art looks like if it's some type of character in game we need a way to define that character's stats in the nft this is where metadata and token uris come in so if you know anything about ethereum you know that sometimes gas prices get pretty high especially when it comes to storing a lot of space it can get really really expensive
so one of your first questions might be well are they storing these images and and these are pieces on chain and the answer is sometimes back when they were coming up with nfts and artists were deploying stuff the eth devs and the artists were like yeah art let's do that art i'm just going to deploy this one megabyte image onto the ethereum chain and oh god it's so much a gas expensive how do i totally find it i don't know why it's not um it's not delivered and they realize that if they put all this
art on chain it's gonna be incredibly expensive so to get around this what they did is they put in the standard what's called the token uri this is a universally unique indicator of what that asset or what that token looks like and what the attributes of that token are and you can use something like a centralized api or ipfs to actually get that token uri typical token uri has to return something in this format like this it has the name the image location the description and then any attributes below now if you're like me your
first question would probably be we paul from a single source seems pretty centralized this is a current limitation of the end of the ecosystem there is often this talk of on-chain metadata versus off-chain metadata because it is so much easier and cheaper to store all your metadata off-chain a lot of people will use something like ipfs that is decentralized but does take a little bit of centrality to keep persisting but they can also use their own centralized api however obviously if that goes down then you lose your image you lose everything associated with your nft
because of this most nft marketplaces actually can't and won't read off on-chain attributes or on-chain metadata because they're so used to looking for the token uri obviously if you do off-chain metadata you can't do anything really cool or really interesting or have any games with your nfts for example if you wanted to create an on-chain pokemon game all your attributes would need to be on chain in order for your pokemon to interact with each other because if it was off chain then that becomes a lot harder to cryptographically prove so if you're new with nfts
and you're like wait this is kind of a lot of information i'll make it easy for you if you're looking to render an image of an nft add your image to ipfs add a metadata file pointing to that image file on ipfs and then grab that token uri and put it and set it as your nft the chain link dnd article does a great job of walking you through this and showing you how to do this so be sure to read that if you're looking to learn how to do that so all the code that
we're going to be working with is actually available for you in this nft mix brownie mix it's an official brownie mix and it allows us to deploy these three adorably cute dogs and there are two different types of contracts that we're going to be working with we're going to be first working with a simple collectible and then we're going to work with an advanced collect the simple collectible is going to be a very simple erc721 standard we're not going to really add any bells and whistles other than give it like a name and then our
advanced collectible is going to take advantage of some of those more advanced true scarcity features that we were talking about so protocols like avagochi and ethercards use chainlink vrf to get verifiably random numbers to create verifiably scarce nfts something that's important to keep in mind is that in the real world when companies create trading cards there's no way to prove how scarce or how valuable these trading cards actually are if we use a verifiable random number then whoever is deploying these nfts can't even control how rare these nfts really are so we get this verifiable
scarcity and this verifiable rarity which adds some value to the tokens if you want to just go ahead and work right from the brownie mix you can actually just run brownie bake nft mix and then cd into nft and all of our code is gonna be right in here we're gonna go through and deploy and develop everything from scratch because we're going to actually take some previous concepts that we've learned improve on them and we're going to learn a lot of nitty gritty interesting pieces about making this hybrid smart contract because these nfts really are
a perfect example of a hybrid smart contract they have some off-chain component interaction with a random number and restoring their metadata with ipfs and i'll explain ipfs a little bit more in depth as we go on here so let's go ahead and get to it i'm going to go ahead and make a new directory called nft demo i'm gonna cd into it code period and perfect i have a blank project here and you already know what the first step we're gonna do is is do brownie init to create our blank brownie repository now let's go
ahead and create our first contract we'll call this simple collectible dot soul since this is going to be it since this is going to be a simple collectible a simple nft that we're going to get started with now similar to the erc20 this erc 721 standard has a number of functions that we can actually work with we can go ahead and even look at the 721 the erc721 non-fungible token standard on the website and we can see a sample interface and some sample events and some functions and kind of everything that we've grown to
know and love and once again instead of us kind of recoding copy pasting all this from scratch we're going to be using we're going to be using open zeppelin's erc721 documentation for this now we're going to be working with version 3.x there is a version 4.x that has come out using version 3.x of their open zeppelin contracts is also i think a little bit easier to explain but again those who want to challenge yourself definitely try their 4.x version so let's go ahead and jump right into it first we'll do our srspdx license identifier mit
then we'll choose our solidity version we're going to use pragma solidity 0.6.6 but again most of this should work for 0.8 moving forward and then we're going to go ahead and look at the open zeppelin erc721 documentation and we're going to go ahead and grab this line right here import open zeppelin slash contracts token erc721 erc21.soul you can even see a sample erc721 that they give you and this is actually going to be similar to the erc721 that we're going to make so we're going to go ahead and paste that and of course since we're
doing this at opensupplement contracts we're going to need to create our brownie config and same as always the pen [Music] then sees it's going to be open zeppelin slash open zeppelin contracts and again like i said we're versing we're using version three so 3.4.0 again and then we'll do compiler sulk remappings and we'll say at open zeppelin equals this and great let's even try to just compile this right now browning compile and perfect it has been compiled now similarly to our erc 20 that we did with open zeppelin we're going to do the same startup
here so we're going to say contract simple collectible is erc erc721 and this is how we're going to inherit all of those functions in the erc721 token standard here and we can start adding r and we can start coding our simple erc 721 now for our erc 721 we're going to make it be a couple of these cute adorable dogs so it's going to be one of these three dogs for our simple collectible we're just going to go ahead and use the pug here so so you can use any image that you want for this
demo um however if you want to just follow along with us we can just download this dog and we'll call it pug create a new folder here called img and then i'm just going to add pug.png to this img folder so this is going to be the mft that we're going to deploy we're going to deploy this very simple pug for our smart contract so we're going to be deploying this pug this is the image that we're going to use for our nft it's going to be this adorable pug so let's go ahead and create
the rest of the contract for this pug so the first thing we're going to make is our constructor it's going to take no input parameters it's going to be a public constructor and then we're going to go ahead and use the erc721 constructor which if we look at the documentation we give it a name and then a symbol we're going to use the erc721 their parameters which is going to be a name which we're going to say is doggy and a symbol which we're going to say is dog and perfect that's all i really need
to do for the first part this nft contract is actually what's known as a factory contract there's a main contract and in it it has a list of all the nfts and the owners that are of this type of nft so in this example all the type of nft is just going to be this pug and it's just going to be this dog and we actually need a function to mint new nfts based off of this pug now we can absolutely have an nft factory contract that only creates one single nft but we're going to
use this factory implementation to create multiple nfts we're going to do it with a function called create collectable this will create a new nft and assign it to whoever called this function so anybody can come here and create a new puppy for themselves or in other words adopt a puppy so we're going to say function crate collectible public and we're going to say returns you went 256. you'll see why we need to do this in a minute now when we create this collectible all we're doing is we're assigning a new token id to a new
owner and if we look at the open zeppelin erc721 github we can see they have this safe mint function this is the function that they use to mint or create a new nft this function it's it takes a new address 2 which is going to be the new owner of the nft and a token id every nft in this factory contract has a unique token id we're going to have our token ids start from 0 and and just increment every time we have a new token minted this safe mint function calls this safement function which
calls this minting function so if you're looking at the code here this mint function is really the the function that calls and creates this nft you'll see actually that they just have two mappings that they update they update this owner's mapping which is just a mapping of token ids to the owners of the token ids and then they update this balances mapping which is a mapping of owner address to the token count so the number of tokens that an owner actually has and that's all that's happening when we call this mint or in our case
safement function the difference between safe mint and mint is safement checks to see if a token id has already been used or not and this way we don't actually override who owns tokens and who owns tokenids so we're going to use the safement function so first we need to think okay well we're going to need to a way to count these token ids so that every single person has a unique token id so let's create a global variable un256 public token counter and we'll initialize it tokencounter to zero of course this is the same as
initializing token counter to zero but let's just make it very explicit so when we create a new collectible we're going to say uwen256 new token id is going to be equal to this token counter and we're going to iterate this every time we mint a new token so for example we're going to iterate that in this create collectable here so new token id equals token counter we're going to call this safement function since we're inheriting it from open zeppelin's erc721 we need to give it this new nft and owner which is going to be message.sender
so whoever calls this function and then we need to give it a unique token id which is going to be this new token id now whenever we mint one we're going to want to increment this token counter so then we can say token counter equals token counter plus one and we can then return this new token id so we'll return the token id of the token that we just created and boom if you're looking for an incredibly minimalistic contract to deploy nfts this is all that you need so we can run brownie compile to make
sure we did everything right and project has been compiled we can see it in the build so great job obviously this might be a little dissatisfying to you after the breakdown that we just gave how do we view this token what does this token look like i thought we wanted this to be a doggy how do we know that this looks like a dog how do we get this image on the blockchain this is where metadata is going to come into play now if we look at the original erc 721 there is this part called
the metadata extension is optional for erc 721 smart contracts as we've talked about anytime you make a transaction on chain it costs some gas even very tiny amounts of data can cost more and more gas images are much bigger than these little bits of data here and they can cost a lot more gas so when this standard was being created the developers kept this in mind and knew that storing entire images and entire gifs and entire videos on chain was going to be incredibly costly so they added this piece about metadatas and token uris the
token uri is a distinct uniform resource identifier for a given asset this is an example of a uri and the metadata that we're going to be demoing today a uri is just a unique resource identifier so this can be something like https or ipfs or any url string that uniquely points to some metadata your metadata file is going to look like this it's going to have a title for the title of the nft can have a type and it can have all these different properties or stats or attributes for example we're going to have our
pug nft which is going to be defined like this it's going to have a name as pug description is going to be an adorable pug pup and it's going to have what's called the image uri which defines what the token actually looks like and if we copy paste this into another browser we get returned this it's this token uri with this metadata json object that's going to enable different nft platforms to actually render our nft so this is an example of what this pug is going to look like on different nft marketplaces like openc platforms
like openc understand that they need to show this image they need to use this name they need to use this description and have these traits so if we look back at this nft on openc we can see the name is pug we can see the description here if we go to levels we see its cuteness as 100 out of 100 now this of course leads us to a really interesting point if we're storing the image off chain then how is this image decentralized if we're storing this image off chain how can we guarantee this nft
is going to stay forever now this leads us into a little tidbit about storing data on blockchain as of current recording storing a lot of data on chain can get incredibly expensive the more data that you store the more transactions that you have to make to store that data on chain and the more gas that you're going to have to spend at the time of recording ethereum is about little less than 900 gigabytes in size if a ton of people were to put full videos or movies or massive images ethereum would grow exponentially out of
proportion and this would become unsustainable for the blockchain network as a whole so ethereum isn't great for actually storing a ton of data it can store a lot of data but it's a lot better for doing the logic and the smart contracts so there are a lot of different platforms that are actually working on this problem of storage these platforms allow people to store data in a decentralized way that isn't going to exponentially explode the size of ethereum or different smart contract platforms the decentralized storage methodology we're going to work with is going to be
ipfs or interplanetary file system and this is where we're actually going to store our image and this is actually where we're going to store our image so that nft marketplaces know what our nft looks like now here's what some protocols do some protocols just set up a server and set this token uri to instead be from a decentralized service like ipfs and use just maybe their own centralized server this is obviously a massive issue because if their server goes down or if they want to change the image or they want to change the stats all
they have to do is change it in their server and this is why a protocol like ipfs is going to be a lot easier quicker and more decentralized version of doing this the full solution is going to be using something with ipfs and filecoin but easy solutions to do that are still being built out so for now we're just going to use ipfs because it's free it's quick and it's easy and it can be expanded to combine with file coin to be even easier to work with now something else that i want to touch on
too when it comes to this metadata right now all these nft marketplaces only know how to pull attributes from this token uri now if we want to build really cool nfts that can interact with each other having some attributes or maybe some like like attack stats or attack moves like in pokemon for example or trading cards we can't just store these in this token uri because the blockchain doesn't know anything about this token uri so we actually need to store these attributes on chain i'm really hoping in the future a lot of these nft marketplaces
are going to get better at and pulling metadata from on chain but now right now any attribute that we give our nfts we actually have to reproduce in the token metadata and the token uri as well so we've just learned a lot about metadata ipfs token uris and everything like that let's update this simple nft to be able to render on openc and render on these nft platforms because right now if we were to deploy this nobody would know what this doggie looks like so let's give it a token uri so in this crate collectible
let's do string memory token uri and after we call this safemint function there's another function that we're importing called set token uri and we're going to set the token uri for the token id and we're going to give it this token uri this will allow our nft to actually have an image associated with it that we can actually see so let's go ahead and so let's go ahead and create a script that's going to deploy this nft factory contract and then create us a collectible so we're going to do new file we'll call it deploy
and create dot pi and let's jump into our script so we'll do def main first we need to start with an account and once again we can go ahead and create helpful scripts dot pi we can go ahead and copy paste this get account function in here if you want but of course since we added this config wallet from key we're going to go to our browning config we'll add wallets from key and we're going to grab our private key environment variable since we're using a private key again we're going to create a dot env
and we need our to export private key and we're also going to need to export our web3 infuro project id so we can just copy paste for my last project the private key web3 inferior project id and our etherscan token so that we can actually verify this on chain and we'll add a new file init dot pi so that older versions of python know that this is indeed a package so we'll go ahead and do from scripts dot helpful scripts import get account now all we have to do is import our simple collectible and run
simple collectible equals simple collectible dot deploy and if we look ours and if we look at our simple collectible we have no constructor parameters here so we can just do from account and now this will have our simple collectable deployed now we need to actually call this now we actually need to call this create collectable function and we're going to pass it a string which is going to be this token uri i'm going to go ahead and use this sample token uri that is included in our nft mix so if you're looking to get this
token uri look up nft mix patrick collins hopefully the github will show right up and we can just go right to the scripts in here it's in the simple collectible folder create collectable that's the bigfoot we're going to grab this and in our script we're going to do sample token uri equals this now when you paste this token uri in your browser if you can't see it you might have to add something like ipfs companion to your browser like this some browsers don't natively have it so so there is a link to ipfs companion for
this project in the github repo but now that we have a token uri we can call this create collectable function so we'll do transaction equals simple collectable dot create collectible and we'll pass in this sample token uri and then of course we'll do from account we'll do tx.weight we'll wait for one block and then if we've done this correctly we'll actually be able to see this nft on an nft marketplace like open c so let's do a quick print line here we'll do print awesome you can now you can view your nft at and we'll
do this in fstring and this is where we're going to put the openc url for this ring b so we're going to say open c url which is going to be equal to if we pop over to open c if we pop over to this open c pug here on the ring p test net we can go ahead and grab this first start of the string so it's going to be https assets and then this is the address of the contract so we can say openc url is going to be this slash and we'll
put this little brackets here slash and then another one of these and this is because the url for here assets it's the contract address and then the token id on the end here so this is what it's going to look like so in our print line awesome you can view your nft openc.format simplecollectable.address comma and we do simplecollectable dot token counter minus one for the most recently deployed one and then we'll run this now brownie run scripts deploy and create network rink b and awesome we get this print line here saying awesome you can
view your nft at https just keep in mind obviously for mainnet we can't use this but assets the address of the nft contract and then the token id as well so if we go ahead and click this and it looks like it's already actually been rendered here in openc we could even go ahead and hit refresh metadata just in case it doesn't show up right away but it looks like for us it did show up right away which is awesome some other kind of fun parts about openc is if we go to our
profile here we'll actually be able to see all the nfts that we own on this testnet i've actually deployed this this doggie twice here once to test and then once i actually do it great we've created our simple collectable of course no project is complete without some tests so let's create some tests since we're also going to be doing an advanced collectible i'm going to skip the integration test and i'm just going to write a really simple unit test so we'll create a new folder we'll call it unit and in here we'll do a new
file test simple collec so let's create our first test we'll do def test can create simple collectible we'll just make sure that we can actually create a simple collectible now we'll make sure that this is our unit tests so we'll do from scripts dot helpful scripts import local blockchain environments and then we'll do if network.showactive not in local blockchain environments pi test.skip so of course we need to do from brownie import network and then also import pi test now something that we could do here is actually in our test we could go ahead and even
test our scripts by importing uh deploy and create here and testing this we do something like return simple collectible and in our test then we could do from scripts dot deploy and create import deploy and create and then back in our deploy and create script we can modify this a little bit instead of main here we'll call this deploy and create and then we'll have our main function just call deploy and create and you'll see ronnie runs scripts deploying create to pi if we go ahead and run this again we can just run this on
the development network real quick instead of on ring p you'll see that this does also work obviously we won't actually be able to see our nft on openc because this is deployed to the brownie temporary ganache chain as opposed to a persistent wrinkly chain in our test here we could then just do we just run simple collectible equals deploy and create and then we'll do an assert here we'll assert simple collectible that owner of zero is going to be equal to get account and then we'll also import get account so we can run brownie test
make sure this works and perfect now this was all fun and dandy but there's a couple of things that we didn't go over and that we didn't do so let's create a quick for a couple of notes so number one we didn't upload an image to ipfs ourselves so we just used a token uri that was already existing right we didn't actually upload something to ipfs we didn't go over why is ipfs decentralized we didn't really talk too much about what ipfs is number three anyone can mint an nft here with any type of
stats right it's not going to be it's not verifiably scarce or random right this isn't that cool so we want to actually build an nft project that has all these pieces where we upload the image to ipfs ourselves we're going to talk a little bit more about why ipfs is decentralized and it's the preferred solution for storing nft metadata and we're going to make our nft more verifiably random and verifiably scarce like for things like ethercards and avagoji let's go ahead and do this project again but we'll integrate the chain link vrf to make this
nft verifiably scarce and verifiably random and then we'll also teach you guys how to upload to ipfs and work with ipfs ourselves so let's go ahead and do this so let's create a new file in our contracts and we'll call it advanced collectible dot sol and what we're going to do here is we're going to make again an nfc contract where the token uri can be one of three different dogs so if we look at this nft mix in the images section there's a pug a shibba in you and a saint bernard or one of
these three dogs we're gonna make it so that when you mint one of these nfts you're gonna get you're gonna get a random one of these three dogs now i'm not gonna go over stat generation and like creating battle battling nfts or really games out of these nfts if you guys wanna see a version of those contracts check out this dungeons and dragons nft there's a link in the github to see this and it actually creates characters that can do battle and have like stats and attributes like um like attack and different things you'd find
in dungeons and dragons this one's done actually with truffle as opposed to being done with brownie but all the contracts are going to be the same other than this migrations.soul so if you're looking to check this out you absolutely can it is a ton of fun and they have some really cool images as well so be sure to check that out if you're looking for more anyways here's what we're going to be looking to do we're going to make an nft contract where the token uri can be one of three different types of dogs and
it's going to be randomly selected so let's go ahead and do it so first again we're going to do this spx license identifier right at the top so we can go ahead and put that there and we're going to even use same solidity version and we're going to use open zipline again so we can literally just copy and paste that from our last project now we're going to create our contract advanced collectible we're going to say is erc 721 great and then since we're going to want to work with chain link vrf to get a
provably random nft we're also going to want to import at chain link contracts slash src v0.6 vrf con consumer base dot sol and of course that means we're going to go back to here and we're going to add smart contract kit slash chain link brownie contracts at 1.1.1 and then we're going to go ahead and add the remapping in we'll say at chain link equals boom awesome so we've imported the chain link bit our advanced collectible is erc 721 and it's going to be vrf consumer base so same as always let's go ahead and start
with the constructor we know from our lottery smart contract that we're actually going to want to parameterize a lot of these pieces for working with the vrf coordinator for working on different chains and different test nets so we're going to do address vrf coordinator we're going to do address link token bytes32 keyhash and we can always head back over to go to get a random number just in case we forget what some of the parameters are vrf coordinator link token keyhash and fee great you went 256 feet i will make this public as well
add a little curly bracket there and we can go ahead and start doing the rest of this of course we need to do the vrf consumer based constructor and the erc721 constructor so vrf consumer base is going to be this vrf coordinator and this link token and the erc 721 we could paramore ties these as well but we know it's going to be a dog so we'll do doggy and the symbol of dog which is the same as our simple collectible here we know we're also going to need to do this token counter bit so
we'll do you want 256 token counter and right in here we're going to do token counter equals zero of course we're going to need a key hash so let's make this unit 56 public token counter excuse me we're going to do a bytes32 public key hash and we're going to do a uint256 public fee and we'll set key hash equals key hash and fee equals fee great so this is a combination of a lot of the stuff we did in our lottery smart contract and some of the pieces that from our erc 721 we need
the key hash the fee vrf coordinator link token all for the vrf consumer base oops i should put a extra quote here and then we need dog doggy and a token counter for erc 721 so now we're going to create our function create collectable so we're going to do function create collectible and again we're going to do a string memory token uri but this time in our python scripts we're actually going to define where we're getting this token uri from and we're going to create it ourselves but we're going to make this public and it's
going to return a bytes32 remember way back in our lottery when we did this event requested lottery winner when we called the chainlink vrf we're going to do a similar thing here where we're going to make an event for whenever we request one of these new dogs and that is also what we're going to return we're going to return that request id here so since we're using the chainlink vrf here we can go ahead and call that request randomness function which again over the this is imported from the erc721 and then in that request
and receive model it's going to call back with our fulfill randomness function we're going to need to do a couple of different things here because we want the user who called create collectable to be the same user who gets assigned the token id so first we'll do bytes 32 request id equals request randomness and we're going to pass obviously the key hash and the fee this is going to create our randomness request to get a random breed for our dogs so let's go ahead and just define a little bit of the fulfill randomness function so
we can figure out how we're actually going to pick a random dog well the first thing that we're going to need is we're going to need some definition of what the different breeds that the dog can actually be and again similar to the lottery we're going to create a new type called breed using the enum so we're going to do enum breed and then we're going to give it three types pug which is going to be state 0 shiba inu which is going to be state 1 and say bernard which is going to be state
3. so our breed is going to be one of these three breeds here so then in our function [Music] fulfill randomness when we get that random number back we can use that random number to pick one of these three breeds so of course we need to have a byte32 request id and uint256 random number and we're going to make this internal override so that only the vrf coordinator can call this and what we're going to do now is we're going to select a breed based off of this random number so we're going to say breed
breed which we're saying this breed variable is of type breed it's going to be equal to breed generated from that random number mod 3. since we have one two three different breeds awesome so this is how we're going to get our random breed however we do need to assign this breed to its token id so now that we have a random breedback how do we actually go ahead and assign this well we're going to have to create a mapping to do this it'll look something like token id 2 breed we're going to have to get
our token id somehow and we're going to have to equal it to the breed so then our first question is okay well in order for us to assign this breed to the token id how do we actually get the token id well we're going to grab the token id by doing uin256 new token id equals token counter and then we'll just set the token id to breed using this new token id equal to the breed so we're going to want to make this token id to breed mapping up here so which we can do mapping
uint256 map2 breed and we'll call it tokenid to breed this way each token id is going to have a very specific breed based off of this mapping's results perfect okay what else do we need in this fulfillment we need to mint the nft and we need to set a token uri well when we minted it before we call this safement function however message.sender here is always going to be the vrf coordinator since the vrf coordinator is actually the one calling this fulfill randomness so we can't actually have this just be message.sender we need to figure
out how we can get the original caller of create collectable here how do we get the original message.sender of create collectable well the answer there is actually going to be in another mapping when we call create collectable we can create a mapping of request id to [Music] sender and this is going to take the request id as a key and then whoever sent it as the value so we're going to create this new mapping at the top and then actually let's make this other mapping public as well we'll do mapping bytes32 to address we'll call
this public request id to sender now in our fulfill function the same request id that requested the random breed is returned so what we can do is we can say address owner or sender is going to equal request id to sender of request id and then this address owner is who we're going to safemint the nft to and of course while we're matching up the functions we don't want to forget to always do token counter equals token counter plus one at the end awesome now we still need to set the token uri here so back
in our advanced collectable we're gonna have to do this set token uri at some point so let's actually think about this for a second we're only going to know breed of our dog once this random number is returned and we know the breed of the dog is going to be one of these three breeds it's going to be a bug a shiba inu or a saint bernard and let's actually for now let's even just go ahead and add those three images to our project here create a new folder we'll call it image and you can
put whatever images you want here i'm actually just going to download i'm actually just going to download the three images right from the nft mix boom and now i have my pug my shiba inu and my saint bernard in here so anyways it's going to be a pug shipping in you or a saint bernard here we're only going to know what the breed is once the random number is returned and the breed is actually going to govern if it's a pug ship in you or a saint bernard so we technically could actually just get rid
of the input parameters for crate collectible since there's going to be no token uri initially created what we could do is we could create a new set token uri function that sets the token uri based on the breed of the dog for the simplicity of this project we're actually just going to create our own set token uri function that we're going to update based off the breed of the dog a challenge for you after we finish this project is to make this even more decentralized and have the fulfill randomness function actually be the one to
decide what the token uri is but for now in our fulfill randomness function we're going to skip setting the token uri and we're actually going to call it in a separate function we're going to create our own function called set token uri and we're going to pass it a uin256 token id a string memory token uri and we're going to make this a public function once this fulfill randomness function is responded the breed of the dog is going to be set right this token id to breed is going to say hey this token id now
is associated with this breed which is going to be pug shiba inu or saint bernard all we want to do then is now that we have the on chain metadata we're just going to reciprocate that with the off chain metadata so we're going to need three token uris for those three dogs we're going to need one for pug ship inu and then obviously saint bernard however we want to make it so that only the owner of the token id can actually be the one to update the token uri so we can use a require function
for this we can say require and we're going to use an imported open zeppelin function called is approved or owner message sender token id and we're gonna do comma here erc 721 caller is not owner nor approved this is approved or own a function if we go into the erc 721 github for open zeppelin we can find this this function is approved or owner which checks the owner of the erc721 of that token id and it makes it so that only the owner or somebody approved to work with this token id can actually change the
token uri so then we're just going to call that function called set token uri of the token id and the token uri now we're actually manually going to be the ones to call this set token uri once the breed has been decided we could of course like i said use a mapping at the top that automatically routes it there but so that we can experiment a little bit more and learn a little bit more about ipfs we're gonna leave it a little bit more general like this and perfect this is pretty much the majority of
what we're going to need for our erc 721 contract obviously we still need to work with ipfs and getting our token uri but for the most part this is everything that we need now i do i am going to introduce a new best practice here whenever we update a mapping typically a good best practice is going to actually be to omit an event so let's create an event for each one of these mapping updates we'll call it event requested collectible and we'll do a bytes32 indexed request id and we'll also do a address requester this
requested collectible event is going to be omitted when we request id to sender because we're updating the mapping here this is also going to be really helpful when we run our tests so we can get this request id similar to what we did with the lottery so down here we're going to do omit requested collectible let's collect dibble here let's use an i instead of an a here collectible and we'll pass it this request id and then message.sender we also update a mapping down here with tokenid to breed so we're going to do a new
event we're going to call event breed assigned and we'll do uint256 indexed token id and then we'll do a breed breed and then when we assign the breed here we're going to omit breed assigned with new token id and breed so let's see if we did everything right let's do brownie compile looks like we have a quick error here did you mean fee or fee let's do a quick underscore there now let's try to compile much nicer all right great let's move on all right so now let's take a little look-see at our scripts here
so we have this deploy and create script which is going to work for our simple collectable so let's go ahead and actually give them both their own folder so we're going to do a new folder we'll call one simple collectible and we'll do another new folder called advanced collectible and we'll grab this original deploy and crate and we'll place it into this simple collectable folder here awesome now if we wanted to run this we would do brownie run scripts simple collectible deploy and create and we can go ahead and test this out on our local
ganache here and cool looks like it's working correctly great so now let's create our advanced collectable script and a lot of what we're going to do is going to be the same as this simple one deploy and create so i'm actually going to copy this we're going to create a new file called deploy and create dot pi we're going to paste everything in here but we are going to change a couple things up so let's do a little bit of refactoring first so this opencrl we're going to be accessing in a couple different scripts so
we're actually going to take this copy it get rid of it in our deploy and create here and we're going to move it to our helpful scripts and place it under here openc url equals this script right here and now what we do in our simple deploy and create is we're going to do from scripts.helpfulscript import openc url we're going to delete that here so now in this script this openc url is going to come from our helpful scripts which is what we want and we're going to do the same thing for our deploying create
for advanced okay great so i've now copied and pasted all the code from deploying create into this deploy and create for our advanced collectable so let's go ahead and modify this now so instead of from brownie import simple collectible we're going to import advanced collectible and we're going to do the same thing down here and i'm just going to go ahead and delete everything before this we're going to change this to advanced collectible and awesome okay this is going to be our starting point and we actually we can even get rid of this sample token
uri great so this is going to be our new starting point we've done a little bit of refactoring now openc url is going to be in the helpful scripts we're pulling in advanced collectible instead of simple collectable and the rest applies we're still using our get account to get the account and now we have this advanced collectible equals advancedcollectable.deploy of course our advanced collectable has a different constructor it's got a vrf coordinator a link token a key hash and a fee so we're going to have to add those as the parameters in here we want
to work with ringpi for this because the openc marketplace right now for test nets only works with rinkby so that's why we're going to work with ringby here so let's get started and just grab those ringpie addresses first so our advanced collectable needs a vrf coordinator and a link token so if we head over to the chainlink documentation we go to contract addresses for the vrf we can scroll down to rank b we'll grab the vrf coordinator here and same as before we'll jump into our browning config we'll do networks rinkaby and we'll do vrf
core did nator we're also going to need the link token here so we'll do link token we need the key hash key hash and we need the fee which is going to be 0.1 link which we can do fee as one one two three four five six seven eight nine ten one two three four five six seven which can be 0.1 you can of course just copy and paste brownie configs over to different projects because because these values are always going to be the same now on our advanced collectable deploy and create we can go
ahead and add those variables in here since we're going to be interacting with actual contracts that are on chain and we're going to want to be able to flip back and forth between the mock versions of them we're going to bring back that get contract function that we used before this is the function that's going to be smart enough to know if we need to deploy a mock or just grab from an actual contract i'm going to show a little fast forward of me rebuilding this function but feel free to copy and paste it from
our last project now something that we do need to talk about though is our deploy mocks function the syntax here is going to be basically exactly the same however we do need to deploy a couple of mocks so make sure you have these in your deploy marks function specifically we're going to need a mock link token and a mock vrf coordinator and again feel free to just grab these from our last projects and then of course be sure to add your contract to mock dictionary where the link token is mapped to the link token and
the vrf coordinator is mapped to the vrf coordinator if you guys look in the github repo there's a couple try catches there that just make it a little bit nicer for error handling but this is basically the entire script so now what we can do we can go back to our advanced collectable deploy and create import this get contract from our helpful scripts and we'll just replace this with get contract vrf coordinator get contract link token and then for key hash and fee since these don't really matter these can be whatever we want and these
aren't really contracts we can go back to our config we'll add the development network and we'll just add key hash and fee and again since it's just testing we can just go ahead and make them exactly the same as ring b done a lot of work now let's go ahead and run this on the development network again so we'll do brownie run scripts advanced deploy and create no network so it's going to default to development let's see what happens here and awesome so we can see we actually did a couple of things here so first
we deployed this mock link token then we deployed our mock vrf coordinator we finished that and then we deployed our advanced collectible all on a local network so let's go ahead and continue here once we deploy this code we're going to want to fund this contract with some link the reason we're going to want to fund it with some link of course is that we can call the random number i like to have my funding with link also in a function so we'll do fund with link and we'll give an address advancedcollectable.address and let's go
ahead and create this function in fastforward we're going to fast forward this as well but feel free to copy and paste your fund with link functions from past projects or if you want to slow this down and follow along feel free to do that too let's go back to our deploy and create we now have this fund with link that we're going to do right here and then all we have to do now is call our create collectable function here so we'll just do advanced collectible dot create collectible of course from account and we'll do
creating tx we'll wait one block confirmation and then we'll print your token has been created so we are definitely going to want to test this because we have a number of custom scripts here right so let's go ahead and just do a manual test so we'll do brownie run scripts advanced collectible deploy and create and we'll do it on a development network whoops we got to add ether here sorry about that in the web 3.2 way one ether so let's go ahead and run this script again and all right it looks like everything worked everything
was deployed new token has been created great this is fantastic now ideally before we do an integration test we would of course write some tests but i want to teach some things that are easier to demonstrate on an actual test net so we're going to go ahead and deploy this to an actual test dent before we write our tests so we're just going to run the script again and do dash dash network rank b and awesome a new token has been created so what we can do is we can grab the contract address once again
we'll paste it into the rank b ether scan and we can see everything in here we can see we've given it a little bit of link we can see our two function calls one is going to be the contract creation one is going to be create collectable our contract has already been auto verified actually because i verified this contract on rank b already and etherscan says ah this bytecode is the exact same of another contract that we've already verified and if we go to read contract and we go to token counter we'll see one token
has been created we've actually created our first token now what we can do in our advanced collectable scripts we can create a new script and just call it create collectable dot pi and in here we'll just create a collectable so well all we have to do is we'll do def main per usual we'll have to do from brownie import advanced collectible we'll import accounts from our helpful scripts we'll import fund with link in our main function we'll do account equals get account of course we need to import this as well for my helpful scripts then
we'll do advanced collectible equals advanced collectible minus one because we just want to get the most recently deployed we'll fund this contract with link so we'll do advanced collectible.address and we'll also choose an amount here we'll just do web3.2 way of 0.1 with ether that means we also have to do from web3 import web3 then we'll do transaction then we'll do creation transaction equals advanced collectible dot create collectible from account we'll do creation transaction dot wait we'll wait one block confirmation and then we'll print collectible created oops sorry i actually don't have to import account
here or accounts excuse me and sorry this actually needs to be amount equals excuse me now let's go ahead and run this and what we're going to do is we're going to fund our advanced collectible with link which is 0.1 link and then we're going to create a new nft awesome collectible created so if once again we take this address go back over to etherscan do a quick refresh here we go to our contract read contract we'll look at the token counter it may still be one so you might have to give it a second
for the chain link vrf to respond once the chain vrf responds we'll see 2 in here we can also check the token id to breed if we look at 0 with 1 we'll see the breed is 2. and if we look back at our contract the advanced collectible without soul we know that if the breed is two that means it's a saint bernard see the token id of one it has a breed of one so it got randomly assigned a shiva inu awesome so we have tokens and they're get randomly assigned breeds fantastic as you
can see we're doing kind of a lot of manual testing work here right so what we're probably going to want to do instead is you guessed it automate these tests now go ahead and want to deploy dance import that deploy script that we just wrote so we would do from scripts dot advanced collectible dot deploy and create import deploy and create and then all we have to do is call deploy and create in this function we'd probably want to then return the advanced collectible contract so we can make sure that we actually get what we
want here so we'll say advanced collectible equals deploy and create and that'll be our acting step beginning we'll do arrange then we'll do an assert of we'll just check to see that the token counter has been increased we'll do assert advanced collectible the token counter is equal to one all right great so this will return our advanced collectable however we know that since we're actually going to be working with a mock vref coordinator if we look at our advanced collectible we know that the bulk of the work actually comes in this fulfill randomness function and
we're going to have to tell our mock to actually return and call this function so in order to do that we should probably also return this creating transaction here so that we can get the request id remember how in our lottery we actually just directly called everything and we needed this request id to call this callback with randomness function in our test here we're actually using our scripts a little bit so we could either just go ahead and write out all the steps similar to what we did in the lottery or we could adjust our
scripts a little bit for simplicity here we're just going to go ahead and have this deploy and create function also return the creating transaction this way we can go ahead and get the request id so back in our test here that means we have to do deploy and create equals advanced collectible and creation transaction now that we have this creation transaction we can use it to get our events and again if we look back in our advanced collectible we can see here that we're omitting this requested collectible with request id so we can go and
do request id equals creation transaction dot events we'll add the name of our event here which is requested collectible and then we'll get that request id once we have this request id we can then go ahead and grab the vrf coordinator so from our scripts we'll grab this get contract and we've coded our get contract in a way that if the mock has already been deployed again if we go back to our helpful scripts if the contract has already been deployed then we're just going to go ahead and grab it so since here our mock
will have already been deployed so we don't have to redeploy it so we can just do get contract vrf core did nator dot call back with randomness and we'll use the request id we'll pick some number like 777 we'll give it to the address of our advanced collectible and remember we're going to be calling the callback with randomness this is what a real chain link node is actually going to call back and it just needs a request id a randomness number and a consumer contract so request id random number and then the consumer contract and
then of course we have to do a from account from get account and we'll import get account as well now we can move into our cert phase so first if this is correct then our token counter should be at least one so we can assert advanced collectible dot token counter is greater than zero or we could be a little bit more specific here equals equals one we also should technically be able to get the breed and figure out the breed of this first token of this first collectible let's go ahead and parameterize the 777 we'll
call it random number equals 777. we'll place that here and then what we can do is we can say certain collectible dot token id to breed of zero right in our fulfill randomness we're going to assign the token id to being the breed and the breed is going to be this random number mod 3. so on our test we can say the token id to breed of dog 0 is going to be equal to random number mod 3 and this is pretty much our full test so let's go ahead and run this we can do
that test with dash k whoops it looks like our simple test has actually got an error now we're getting this module not found no module named scripts.deploy.create this now since we actually changed it it's going to be scripts.simplecollectable.deploy and create so now if we rerun our test we'll see brownie isn't going to err out anymore so even though we skipped this test brownie still compiles it to make sure that everything makes sense but what we see here is fantastic our advanced collectible unit test has worked perfectly let's go ahead and make an integration test for
our advanced collectible here so now we'll have our test folder here and we'll have unit and we'll have integration our integration test is actually going to look really similar to our advanced collectable here so i'm just going to go ahead and copy everything new file test advanced collectible integration pi and we'll just paste everything in here now the only thing that we're going to have to change is that we're not going to be the ones to call back with randomness here so we can remove this part we also don't need the request id anymore since
the chain link node is going to be responding this means that the breed that we're going to get is actually going to be random so we can get rid of that assert as well all we need to do is wait for the transaction to get called back so we're going to import time and instead of us calling back with randomness we're just going to do time dot sleep then we'll wait 60 seconds test can create collectible we should also give this a different name integration now we should be able to test this on a ring
b chain and our token counter should indeed increase with the chain link node actually responding so now we can run brownie test dash k just that test dash dash network rink b oh whoops right now we're skipping this because we're saying only for local testing now since this is going to be our integration test we're going to do the opposite if network.showactive is in these local blockchain environments then we're going to skip it and say only for integration testing all right great so now we have a quick and dirty integration test that we can run
we're not going to run it for now because we're going to be working a lot with this rigby chain and we're going to be deploying a lot of different things and we don't want to wait so long so this is fantastic we have a way to deploy this we have a way to get these new collectible tokens and create them but if we were to take this address right now and try to view this token on something like openc we would get nothing back we wouldn't get any result right now our token doesn't have a
way to be viewed or be visible by everybody else these mt platforms don't know what they look like and again this is where that set token uri is going to come into play so we have to figure out a way to host an image and host all the metadata for our token uri and the way that we're going to do this is by using ipfs and this is a lot better than actually hosting this on our own server because anybody can then go ahead and host this image or this metadata themselves now there's further improvements
to this with something like filecoin where you actually pay to have your image hosted forever however ipfs can hook into filecoin in the future and is going to be a good enough solution for what we're looking to do here just keep in mind that what we do not want to do is run this on a centralized server when we spin up our ipfs node we will be the only node that actually runs and actually hosts our image however the image is open for anyone to pin to their nodes as well so it's much easier for
us to host our images in a decentralized manner what's bad obviously is if we just had the image stored on our own centralized server because if our server goes down then that url no longer exists if at least one node on the ipfs network is hosting this image it will be available for anybody to see so that's why it's going to be a much better solution than some centralized server as i mentioned decentralized storage is a topic that's getting better and better and we're looking forward to seeing more and more ways to interact with them
in any case we need to create an ipfs node that's going to host some data that looks like this or like what we saw with our simple collectable it needs to host metadata that will look like this we both have to host a metadata file and an image uri file which will host the actual image both of these need to be stored on ipfs so let's go ahead and create a new script called create metadata which will read off chain and create our metadata file so we'll start our scripts per usual with def main and
we'll get the most recently deployed advanced collectible using this -1 syntax of course we're going to do from browning import advanced collectible once we have this advanced collectible we can then loop through all of the tokens and actually figure out the metadata for each one of them so we'll do number of advanced collect bowls equals advanced collectible.tokencounter because we want this crate metadata to create the metadata for every single token that we've created do a quick print line here just saying print you have created number of collectibles collectibles we even run this really quick brownie
run scripts advanced create metadata network rank b since we've already run this on the ringpi chain we'll see you've created one collectible if i were to run our create collectable script again and then our create metadata script would of course get more but right now we only have one collectible now let's loop through all these collectables and create their metadata so we're going to create that that file it looks like this and it's going to have it's going to have the name which is going to be based off of the random breed that i got
it's going to have the description which is based off of again the random breed that i got it's going to have an image which will also be based on the random breed that it got and i just put some attributes in here but again these attributes so we're going to say for each token id in the range of number of advanced collectibles for each one of these advanced collectibles first we need to get the breed so we're going to say the breed the breed is going to be equal to advanced collectible dot token id to
breed of the token id now advanced collectible that token id to breed this is going to return an integer right because again our advanced collectible this enum breed is going to be 0 one or two so we actually want to create a quick mapping that represents that zero is pug one is shipped in u and two is saint bernard so i actually like to create this in a helpful script called def get breed and then it takes as an input it takes a breed number and it uses a switch statement so up top we'll say
breed mapping equals zero is going to be pug one is going to be shiba inu and two is going to be saint bernard so in this get breed function now we can just do return breed mapping of that breed number that we get so instead of doing advanced collectible the token id to breed we can now just do get breed and this will this will return the number and this will return the actual string so we can just do from scripts dot helpful scripts import get read now that we have the breed we can start
creating this metadata file now what we're going to want to do is we're going to want to have some type of format for our contract to always pull from so what i like to do here is i'll create a new folder called metadata and in this folder i'll have a new file called samplemetadata.pi and then i just have metadata template equals and i'll just have this this template that we're always going to use now in here we're going to need a name and then we're going to leave the name blank because we're going to want
to fix it later we're going to have a description which we're also going to leave blank for now we're going to have that image uri which will also leave blank and then we're going to have some attributes which should be blank for this dog because we don't actually have any on-chain attributes but i'm just going to go ahead and add some to show you what you could do if you wanted to give your dog some stats you know maybe maybe cuteness maybe maybe raw power maybe speed agility you know whatever you want to do so
we'll do trait type gonna be cuteness and then value is gonna be 100. this would basically say hey there's a trait type called cuteness and the value of that is a hundred so the cuteness of the dog is 100. so now once we have this sample metadata file we can import this into our script here so we'll say from metadata dot sample metadata import metadata template and another quick note you might have to put a underscore underscore init underscore underscore dot pi file in that metadata folder if you're working on older versions of python and
we start creating our new metadata file for this break for this dog we want to save each collectible under their network and with their token id so let's go ahead and create a new folder call it rink b and this is where we'll save all of the rink b metadata for all these collectables for all these token ids now before we actually save it though we should just check to make sure that the file doesn't already exist right because if the file already exists that means we've already created the metadata for that token and we
don't need to so we can just go ahead and get the metadata file name which is going to be equal to dot slash metadata slash network dot show active of course this means we need to import network from brownie slash the token id token id with a hyphen with the breed dot json just to make sure we're doing this right we can even just print this out do a quick manual test brownie run scripts advanced create metadata network rink b so this will be the name of the file so metadata rink b token id and
then the breed.json okay cool now we can actually check this to see if this already exists and we're going to use a python library called path so we're going to say from pathlib import path and we're going to say if that path this metadata file name dot exists if that path exists we'll do a quick print saying metadata file name already exists delete it to overwrite this way we won't accidentally overwrite metadata that we've already created and do extra work so if it exists we'll print that out great otherwise we can go ahead and print
print def creating metadata file metadata file name you can even run this real quick great you have one collectible creating metadata file perfect so let's go ahead and start creating this metadata file so we're have to give it a name description image uri and we're not gonna give it any attributes though so just name description and image uri so name is easy enough since this is a dictionary or a mapping in python we can actually just go ahead and start mapping so up above before this if we'll do collectible metadata it's going to be equal
to this template so this is going to be where all we sort all of our metadata and we'll say collectible metadata of name is just going to be the breed so if it's a pug the name will be pog if it's shipped in you name it will be shipped in you if it's st bernard name will be saint bernard and we'll give it collection metadata description is going to be equal to we're going to do an f string here and adorable breed pop now if we print out this collectible metadata we should see at least
the start of the metadata which we do great name saint bernard description and adorable saint bernard pup of course you'll have a different random breed but it should look something like this now we're going to need collectible metadata image uri this is where we're going to have to have our image already uploaded to ipfs so we can assign it to our metadata here so how are we going to do this well we're probably going to need some upload to ipfs function it's going to return our image uri and then we can just set that image
uri to the collectible metadata of image so let's go ahead and start doing that let's create our upload to ipfs function now in order to upload to ipfs we of course need to have the images ourselves i already have them downloaded here and again you can download them right from the github yourselves if you like to make this a little bit generic we'll have this upload to ipfs take a file path that way we can pass this imagery upload to ipfs we're going to give it some type of file path here we're going to have
to grab that image path so we'll grab that image file name by just doing breed dot lower because right now our breeds are all upper case so we're going to want to make a lower case then we're going to replace the underscores with hyphens dot png so we'll say plus dot png and then you know let's just go ahead and add the full path here so we'll say dot slash image slash plus 3. lower perfect so and then we'll even change this to image path and then we can pass this to our upload to ipfs
so this file path now is going to be the location of the object that we're going to upload to ipfs we're going to use this path library to actually grab that path to upload it to ipfs so we're going to say with path file path dot open rb as file path now this is a little bit of sophisticated python here what we're doing is we're taking this path here we're opening the file rb means we're going to open it in binary since these are images that's how we're going to actually open it and we're going
to upload the binary actually to ipfs and then as fat fp so we're saying this opened file is going to be named fp or file path we're going to do image binary equals and that's how we actually read the whole binary and now this whole image is stored as binary in this image binary here now here's where we're going to do the upload stuff now to get started here we're actually going to have to download the command line for ipfs download command line ipfs we'll come right to the docs here and again there's going
to be a link in that github and in here there are instructions to to download it for whatever system that you're working on right if you're working on windows if you're on linux if you're on mac these are the different ways to actually download this ipfs command line you'll know you've done it right if you can type ipfs version and you see something like ipfs version 0.9.0 it's important to note that we could also do the ipfs download desktop and we could download the desktop version of this and we'd see a user interface which looks
something like this we could upload our files manually and then manually go ahead and grab those files and place it into our scripts but we're engineers we want to do this programmatically in any case once we have this api downloaded we can actually follow the documentation here the http api reference for actually uploading our code we're going to be mainly working with this endpoint api v0 slash add as this is the endpoint that's actually going to add our file or directory to ipfs now what we're going to want to do is we're going to actually
upload our images to our own ipfs node we can run our own ips node by doing ipfs daemon and we'll see an output that looks something like this we can even see a web ui using this web ui url here this will look similar to what the ipfs desktop looks like but again we're going to work just mainly from this damien from our own ips note congratulations you're running your own ipf's node right now as you can see it's currently running on our own localhost right here http 127 0.0.1 at port 5001. so to actually
upload this we're we first need to get that ipfs url which is going to be equal to this url right here paste now we want to make an api call or a post request to this endpoint using this api v0 ad and these are all the different parameters that this ad can actually take in so that we can actually post it to ipfs for those of you familiar with curl and you want to test this out using a curl i've added a curl into this create metadata file as a comment so that you can actually
go ahead and test this if you want to use this now what we're going to want to do to keep working with our scripts is you should have like a little plus button somewhere on your vs code we're going to hit that plus button and now we're actually going to have two different shells one which is running our ipfs node and one which is running our bash or zch or whatever other shell that your os natively works with now that we have this ipfs url we're going to grab the endpoint which is going to be
again this right here dash api dash v0 add and we can make a post request to it so for us to do that we're going to say response equals requests dot post we're gonna do the ipfs url plus the endpoint and we're gonna say the files that we're gonna upload is gonna be equal to file image binary requests is a python package that we're going to import so we're going to say import requests now if we go back to the ipfs documentation we can scroll down to see what the response looks like it's going to
return a bytes a hash a name and a size now if we look at this sample token uri we can see the api call here ipfs stores all its data using a hash and if we're looking at this and if we're looking at the simple collectible this hash here is the hash that represents this pug.json file everything in ipfs gets hashed and every single piece of data has a unique hash which is why it's so fantastic if we were to change anything with this image this hash would be drastically different all we need to do
is get the hash that ipfs gives the image that we upload we go ahead and plug it into a template url like this one here so what we're going to do then is we're going to say ipfsh it's going to be equal to this response.json since we're just going to jsonify the response to make it look like this response here and we're going to grab that hash right since it's going to return this dictionary we just want the hash here then we're going to give it a file name by saying it's going to be that
file path dot split we're going to do some fancy python stuff here we're going to say -1 to 0 which basically all this line is doing is saying you know if we have dot slash image slash pug dot png we're going to remove we're going to split it up by these slashes into an array and we're going to grab the last part of the array so we're basically just changing this to this with this line right here then with this we can get the image uri which is going to be equal to an f string
again https ipfs slash ipfshash question mark file name equals file name and it's this format right here which will give us this so if i go ahead and even just copy paste this under as a comment to show you guys we see this part's exactly the same and then this is that hash here represented here and then we have question mark file name equals and then the file name so excuse me this is actually gonna be like zero hyphen pug zero hyphen pod and that's exactly what we need we need this image uri so
we'll do a quick print image image uri and then we'll go ahead and return the image uri now since we're actually going to be testing this with ipfs we can add a new integration test so we'll call this test ipfs upload.pi now you might want to write a test for this and we're not going to do one but i challenge you to later on maybe come back and and write your own test for this upload to ipfs for now we're actually just going to manually test it so we're going to go back up to our
script here and we're going to run image uri equals upload to ipfs image path and then we're going to get printed in image url since we're working with the saint bernard here we should get a saint bernard image uri so if i run brownie run scripts advance create metadata network rink b let's see what happens i need to add brackets here sorry about that now let's try it again awesome we were able to create this metadata file now if we go ahead and copy this and paste it perfect we see exactly what we're looking for
we see our saint bernard awesome job and this has been uploaded to our own ipfs node now i want to show you guys actually another service and another way we can actually upload these to ipfs some people don't want to run their own ipfs node because they're not actually going to be keeping it running the whole time anytime their node goes down this means that nobody will be able to see your image unless somebody else pins your image or or uses your image so what i also like to do is i like to upload it
to some other third-party service as well as uploading it to my own ipfs note so i like to create another script actually called deploy to pinata so let's go to scripts new file upload to pinata.pi so pinata pinata is an ipfs file management service and they actually will pin whatever files that we're working with as well so we'll have it pinned in our node and they will have it pinned as well so we can go ahead and register awesome this is what pinata looks like it's a way to upload and work with ipfs and they'll
give us some extra support and they have a free tier which is fantastic as well they have some wonderful documentation as well under this documentation section so let's go ahead and upload this to ipfs so that when our node goes down our images don't go down so we'll do pinata base url is going to be equal to https dash dash you can find all this in the documentation as well if we scroll down the documentation we're going to be using this pin file to ipfs endpoint here and you can see that entire endpoint right
here with the base and then the endpoint so we're going to copy that endpoint we're going to say endpoint equals pinning pin file to ipfs we're going to choose some file path and for us we're just going to do dot slash image slash pug.png of course if you want to upload some other image you can you know change this file path or you could even do some type of for loop to pin everything uh in the image section here again we're going to do file name we're going to use that same syntax before that's we're
doing file path dot split slash some fancy python stuff just to get this last part and we also need and we need to use some headers in this post request so it's a type post request we need to use some headers here so we're going to say headers equals copy this pinata api key which is going to be some api key and then we also have this pinata secret api key pinata secret api key which is going to be something else we can find these two api keys if we scroll all the way down we
hit api keys create a new api key i'm going to call this you can make this an admin key i'm just going to do limit max users limit max uses i'm going to set this to 200 because i'm going to make this a public key so i don't want people using this a million times please make sure you select at least one permission pin file to ipvs for those of you guys watching you can absolutely just grab all these if you want you can make this an admin you know do whatever you want to do
here since i'm only going to be using this pin file to ipfs that's all i'm going to do hit create key and here are our tokens here so our api key is going to be right here and we're going to copy that we're going to open back up that dot env and add this as one of our environment variables here so we're going to export pinata api key equal to that key there this api secret we're going to copy and we're going to export pinata api secret equals that key there and we actually don't need
this jwt but if you guys wanted to you could copy it as well so now that we have them in our dot env file these are now going to be environment variables that we can use and brownie's going to automatically put them into our environment so what we can do then is we can do os dot get env pinata api key and then of course we're going to import import os and then for our secret key we're going to do the same thing os dot get env pinata api secret this is how we get those
two headers for uploading to pinata then we're going to do a lot of the same code we did before we're going to say with path a file path dot open rb for the binary as fp of course since we're using path we're going to do from path lib import path we're going to do this same piece image binary equals response is going to be equal to requests which we have to import requests import requests dot post pin you have a base url plus that endpoint that we have and for files oops it's going to
be equal to file and we're going to upload a couple of things here though we're going to give it a file name we're going to do the image binary and that is getting really annoying when it keeps getting in the way file name image binary and then outside of these brackets here we're going to do comma headers equals equals headers and then we're just going to print response.json so to have this run in browning we're just going to do a def main function here a nice little trick we can do is we can select all
this text and just hit tab and it'll move it over one and perfect we can now run this inside of brownie so we can do brownie run scripts upload to pinata and perfect we get a little output that's going to look something like this it's going to give our ipfs hash the pin size the timestamp so now if we go back to pinata we go to pin manager do a little refresh here we now see our pug has actually been uploaded to pinata awesome work we're going to keep going using the ipfs daemon to actually
upload things but if you want you could totally swap out this upload to ipfs to use that script that we just created to upload it via pinata instead of our own ipfs node anyways this upload to ipfs is going to return this image uri so we can go ahead then and set the image uri it's going to be set on this collectible metadata image and then all we have to do is dump this collectible metadata into its own file and then upload that as well to ipfs we'll dump this to its own file by doing
with open metadata file name and we open it with a w which means that we're going to write as file json.dump collectable metadata to the file so we're going to import json to do this and what this is going to do is just going to dump this dictionary as json to this collectable metadata file then we can upload to ipfs also this metadata file name and this upload to ipfs should print out the image uri or in this case the metadata uri so let's go ahead and try this out so remember we do need our
ipfs daemon running let's go back to our scripts and we'll do brownie run scripts advanced create metadata network rank b and boom okay so here is our image uri which we click this will be able to see looks just like this and then here is our uploaded saint bernard metadata file which is fantastic so now we have both a metadata file and we have an image uri this is fantastic we've uploaded both of these to our ipfs and if we scroll over go to our metadata file in ring b we'll see we have this new
file in here because we've gone ahead and saved it in here it has everything that we need it has st bernard it has the description it has this image uri that we just created and it has some attributes that again we're basically ignoring now to make our lives a little bit easier and since i've already actually uploaded these to ipfs myself a couple times and since the hashes of these are going to be the exact same for all of us when we upload this we're going to go ahead and just quickly refactor this to make
it a little bit easier so we don't always have to have ipfs running so in our dot env i'm going to add a new environment variable called upload ipfs and we're going to set it equal to false so now down here i'm just going to say if os dot get env upload ipfs equals equals true anyway since we're going to do os here we're going to do import os and before this i'm going to do image uri equals none and we're going to say image uri equals image uri if image uri which again i know
this could be a little confusing but we're saying we're setting image uri to whatever image uri is if image uri isn't none else we're going to create a mapping called breed to image uri of the breed so again since i've already uploaded them i already know what all these image uris for these three dogs are going to be so up at the top we're just going to create a new mapping called breed to image uri equals i'm actually just going to go ahead and copy paste this whole thing now you can skip this you don't
have to refactor here and you can just always have your daemon running and always upload to ipfs it's a little bit quicker to not always have to do that again this brief image uri is in the github repo feel free to just copy paste it to use it you can even click the links to check it to check to see that those image uris are really there and this is what we'll use so back down here reach the image uri uri perfect and then we're also going to add if again os.get env upload ipfs equals
equals true then we're also going to upload to ipfs down here but this is to go and actually just show you how exactly we could upload all this stuff to ipfs since i've already done it we're going to make it a little bit easier on ourselves another thing that you might do is you might actually save all these urls to their own file to their own json object maybe inside of the metadata folder maybe under wrinkby or something and then you could go ahead and just pull directly from those files same thing with the metadata
once we upload to ipfs we're not actually going to save these urls anywhere you could absolutely 100 percent after you run this upload to ipfs script we go ahead and save it to a file and pull directly from there moving forward but awesome okay so we've done a lot of work here we have uploaded to ipfs our metadata and our image uris so we have everything that we need to actually just set the token uri finally for our advanced collectible we finally can call this set token uri function so let's go ahead and do this
last bit here this last set token uri function so let's go to scripts advanced scripts create a new file we'll call it set token uri uri dot pi and this is where we're gonna set the token uri so we'll do def main and in here we'll do a quick print print f working on network dot show active of course since we're using network from browning imports network to close that there and let's grab the most recent advanced collectible it's going to be equal to advanced collectible minus one since we're using advanced collectible contract let's import
that from brownie let's once again loop through all the tokens that have been deployed so we'll do number of collectibles equals advanced collectible dot token counter do a quick print you have print f excuse me number of collectibles token ids and let's loop through this list of collectibles again so we'll say for each token id in range number of collectibles first we'll get the breed saying breed equals advanced collectible token id to breed of the token id we actually have to call this getbreed function again which luckily we generalize so we can do from scripts.helpfulscripts
import get breed and now let's first before we actually set the token uri let's check to see if it already has a token uri set so we're going to say if not advanced collectible dot token uri of token id dot starts with https so what this line is doing i know it's a little bit long is we're grabbing advanced collectible.token uri of the token id so we're grabbing this token ids token uri and we're saying if it doesn't start with https that means we know that it hasn't been set so we can go ahead and
print setting token uri let's actually make this a print f of token id and then we can set the token uri so i'm actually going to generalize this out into its own function so let's go ahead and we'll do def set token uri and as inputs this is going to take the token id the nft contract which is going to be our advanced collectible contract and the token uri so the first thing that we're going to do we'll say account equals get account so we're going to grab this get account of course from our helpful
scripts because this set token uri is actually going to call that set token uri function we're going to say nft contract dot set token uri of the token [Music] and the token uri remember this is a function that we added to our advanced collectible right here set token uri it takes a token id and a token uri and this is going to be from of course account we just created so we're going to say transaction equals that we'll do transaction.wait wait one second for it or one block for it and then we'll print we'll do
printf awesome you can view your nft at we use that openc url dot format nft contract.address comma token id then i'm just going to add another print here saying please wait up to 20 minutes and hit refresh metadata and hit the refresh metadata button so now we have our set token uri function we can add the token id in here the advanced collectible contract and then we just have to add the token uri here so since we've already uploaded and since i've already actually uploaded all three what you could do and what i like to
do is just have a dictionary here so we don't always have to be pulling from something so i have a dog metadata dictionary it's going to be equal to and we're going to add those different dogs in here so saint bernard this this saint bernard url we're going to paste it here i've actually gone ahead like i said and uploaded this metadata for all three dogs so i'm just going to go ahead and copy paste all three in here again we're shortcutting a little bit here but what you could do is you could save all
these metadatas to their own file and you could just pull from that file instead of doing kind of this dog metadata dictionary so in any case though we're going to do dog metadata dictionary of breed right because dog metadata dictionary of saint bernard is going to be this which again has our image uri has everything about our dog and is perfect what we also might want to do is write some tests around our set token uri function of course but i'm just going to move on so in any case we've done a lot here i'm
actually going to even close down my ipfs node and we should be just about ready for everything so of course we'll run our brownie test we want to make sure that all our unit tests are working great which they look like they are working fantastically but we are ready to do a full end-to-end manual test here and you could 100 and i actually highly encourage you to 100 we're just gonna run these scripts in order and look to see if our stuff shows up on the openc nft marketplace so are you guys ready let's do
this so make sure of course your environment variables are set here make sure that your metamask for rink b has some eth and has some link and then we can go ahead and start running some of these scripts so we'll do brownie run scripts advanced collectible deploy and create network rink b integration test moment of truth and perfect a new token has been created awesome we can even go grab this address let's delete all these tabs that we have opened up and we'll go to we'll paste it in here and we can see contract
has been verified even though we didn't verify it because it matches some other source code we can see token counter is one and we can even go to tokenid to breed of zero see what breed it is so it's breed two and it looks like we're getting a saint bernard again which is incredibly adorable we can even go to events here and we can see the different events since this is verified we can even see the name of the events so we have our breed assigned event and we have our requested collectible event first is
an index topic of token id and then there's the un8 read and then we have the bytes32 request id and the address requester now let's run our create metadata script here so we'll do brownie run scripts advanced create metadata network rink beam we don't have to run create collectible since our deploying crate already does that so now if we run our create metadata i've actually already have i actually since this is the same bernard again i'm going to go ahead and get this already exists delete to overwrite so what i'm going to do is i'm
actually going to even create another one so that i get a new nft so i am actually going to run this crate collectible script so we're going to do brownie run scripts advanced collectible create collectible network rank b and what this is going to do all it's going to do is it's going to fund with some link which it's going to be a little bit overkill with the link but that's fine and then we're going to do advanced collectible.create collectable so we're just going to do two transactions here perfect collectible has now been created now
i'm going to wait a solid 30 seconds to have that chainlink vrf respond and i'm even going to go to the contract give it a quick refresh look at this token counter once the chain-link vrf responds this token counter will then be 2. now that i see a token counter of 2 here that means that it actually has responded so we can now run the create metadata script and we should have a new metadata file now you have two collectibles zero saint bernard already exists deleted to overwrite create a metadata file metadata ring b pug
so now if we look in metadata for rink b we have a saint bernard and we now have a pug awesome so we're going to set the token uri of both of these if i grab this contract and i go to testnets.openc open c i can paste this address in and i'll get this doggy and then this random hash here right and we see there are two token uris deployed again if they're not here you might have to refresh but they don't have the images right because we haven't set the token uri so we'll go
back look at the advanced collectible we've deployed and created we've created another collectible we've created their metadata now all we have to do is set the token uri so brownie run scripts advanced collectible set token uri network rink b and this script it's going to loop through all of them and actually going to set those token arrives so we have setting token uri of 0 so this transaction is doing exactly that and it's going to go ahead and say awesome here's your output and then it's going to say setting token uri of token id one
and that's that second transaction and it also gives us an output to that one as well so if we've done this correctly and we hit refresh metadata on this testnet and we do a little refresh here we can now see our saint bernard which is fantastic and then if we change this from 0 to 1 since i've deployed 2 and i refresh this one's metadata and then refresh the page we can now see the pug as well again just keep in mind sometimes the refreshing metadata does take some time and you might have to
wait up to 20 minutes but for all intents and purposes we have just deployed our nfts given them token uris that aren't around centralized servers we can now see them on an nft marketplace like openc you can let out a big sigh of relief because you just did something fantastic that not a lot of other engineers can do you should be incredibly proud of yourself at this point let's take a minute go back over to some of the new things that we've learned here when deploying your smart contracts on chain we all know that those
smart contracts are immutable or unchangeable but what if i told you that they were mutable well technically i wouldn't be correct however smart contracts actually can change all the time when people transfer tokens when people stake in a contract or really do any type of functionality those smart contracts have to update their balances and update their mappings and update their variables to reflect this the reason that they're immutable is that the logic itself never changes and will be on chain like that forever so technically yes once they are deployed they are immutable and this is
actually one of the major benefits of smart contracts in the first place that nobody can tamper with or screw with our smart contracts once we deploy them however this can be an issue if for example we want to upgrade our smart contractor protocol to do more things or we want to fix some glaring bug or issue that we have now even though we can't change the specific code that's been deployed to an address we can actually do a lot more than you think we're going to explain the different methodologies behind upgrading your smart contracts and
then we're going to show you how to do it now at first glance you might be thinking if you can upgrade your smart contracts then they're not really immutable then in a way you'd be right so when explaining kind of the different philosophies and patterns that we can use here we do need to keep in mind the philosophies and decentralization implications that each one of these patterns have as they do all have different advantages and disadvantages and yes some of the disadvantages here are going to affect decentrality so we need to keep that in mind
and this is why it's so important that before you go ahead and jump in and start deploying upgradable smart contracts you understand the trade-offs we're going to look at three different ways to upgrade your smart contracts the not really upgrading method the social aka my grading method and then the method that you're probably here for which is proxies so let's talk about the not really upgrading method or the parameterization method or whatever you want to call it this is the simplest way to think about upgrading your smart contracts and it really isn't upgrading our smart
contracts because we can't really change the logic of the smart contract whatever logic that we've written is there we also can't add new storage or state variables so this is really not really upgrading but it is something to think about upgrades is just parameterizing everything whatever logic that we've deployed is there and that's what we're interacting with this function means we just have a whole bunch of setter functions and we can update certain parameters like maybe we have a reward parameter that gives out a token at one percent every year or something like that maybe
we have a center function that says hey update that to two percent or update that to four percent it's just a setter function that changes some variable now the advantages here are obviously this is really simple to implement the disadvantage is that if you didn't think of some logic or some functionality the first time you deployed their smart contract that's too bad you're stuck with it you can't update the logic or really update anything uh with the parameterization aka not really method and the other thing you have to think about is who the admins are
who has access to these setter functions to these updating functions if it's a single person guess what you have a centralized smart contract now of course you can add a governance contract to be the admin contract of your protocol and that would be a decentralized way of doing this so just keep that in mind you can do this method just need a governance protocol to do so another example of this might be a contract registry and this is something actually that early versions of ave used before you call function you actually check some contract registry
that is updated as a parameter by somebody and you get routed to that contract and you do your call there again this really doesn't allow us to have the full functionality of upgrades here you can argue that this registry is a mix of one of the later versions but for all intents and purposes this doesn't really give us that flexibility that we want for our upgrades but some people might even think that upgrading your smart contract is ruining the decentrality and one of the things that makes smart contracts so potent is that they are immutable
and that this is one of the benefits that they have so there are some people who think that you shouldn't add any customization or any upgradability you should deploy your contract and then that's it trillabits has actually argued that if you deploy your contract knowing that it can't be changed later you take a little bit extra time making sure you get everything right and there are often less security vulnerabilities because you're just setting it for getting it and not looking at it again now if i were to deploy a smart contract and i wanted to
upgrade it with this philosophy in mind that hey we got to keep it immutable we could use the social yate method to actually upgrade to new versions the social yet method or the migration method is just when you deploy your new contract not connected to the old contract in any way and by social convention you tell everybody hey hey this new contract this new one that we just deployed yeah this is the real one now and it's just by convention of people migrating and over into using this new one that the upgrade is done hence
my slang name of social yi because you yeet the first one out of the way and move to the second one i think i'm funny this has the advantage of truly always saying hey this is our immutable smart contract and this is our new one this is really the truest definition of immutable because since you give it no way of being upgraded in place then if somebody calls that contract in 50 000 years in the future it'll respond exactly the same another huge disadvantage here is that you have to have a totally new contract address
so if you're an erc20 token for example you have to go convince all the exchanges to list your new contract address as the actual address keep in mind that when we do this we do have to move the state of the first one over to the second one so for example if you're an erc token moving to a new version of that erc token you do have to have a way to take all those mappings from the first contract and move it to the second one obviously there are ways to do this since everything is
on chain but if you have a million transfer calls i don't want to have to write the script that updates everyone's balance and figures out what everyone's balance is just so i can migrate to my new version of the contract so there is a ton of social convention work here to do trailer bits has actually written a fantastic blog on upgrading from a v1 to a v2 or etc with this yeet methodology and they give a lot of steps for moving your storage and your state variables over to the new contract so link in the
description if you want to read that now let's get to our big ticket item so in order to have a really robust upgrading mentality or philosophy we need to have some type of methodology or framework that can update our state keep our contract address and allow us to update any type of logic in our smart contracts in an easy way which leads us to our big ticket item the proxies proxies are the truest form of upgrades since a user can keep interacting with the protocols through these proxies and not even notice that anything changed or
even got updated now these are also the places where you can screw up the easiest proxies use a lot of low-level functionality and the main one being the delegate call functionality daily gate call is a low-level function where the code in the target contract is executed in the context of the calling contract and message.sender and message.value also don't change so you understand what delegate call means now right great and in english this means if i delegate call a function in contract b from contract a i will do contracts b's logic in contract a so if
contract b has a function that says hey store this value in a variable up top i'm going to store that variable in contract a this is the powerhouse and this combined with the fallback function allows us to delegate all calls through a proxy contract address to some other contract this means that i can have one proxy contract that will have the same address forever and i can just point and route people to the correct implementation contract that has the logic whenever i want to upgrade i just deploy a new implementation contract and point my proxy
to that new implementation now whenever a user calls a function on the proxy contract i'm going to delegate call it to the new contract i can just call an admin only function on my proxy contract let's call it upgrade or something and i make all the contract calls go to this new contract when we're talking about proxies there are four pieces of terminology that we want to keep in mind first is the implementation contract the implementation contract has all of our logic and all the pieces of our protocol whenever we upgrade we actually launch a
brand new implementation contract the proxy contract proxy points to which implementation is the correct one and routes everyone's calls to the correct implementation contract you can think the proxy contract sits on top of the implementations the user the user is going to be making contracting function calls through the proxy contract and then some type of admin the admin is the one who's going to decide when to upgrade and which contract to point to in this scenario the other cool thing about the proxy and delegate call is that all my storage variables are going to be
stored in the proxy contract and not in the implementation contract this way when i upgrade to a new logic contract all of my data will stay on the proxy contract so whenever i want to update my logic just point to a new implementation contract if i want to add a new storage variable or a new type of storage i just add it in my logic contract and the proxy contract will pick it up now using proxies has a couple of gotchas and we're going to talk about the gotchas and then we're going to talk about
the different proxy contract methodologies because yes there are many proxy contract methodologies as well and this is why trillabits doesn't really recommend using upgradable proxies for your smart contracts because they're fraught with a lot of these potential issues not to mention again you do still have some type of admin who's going to be upgrading your smart contracts now if this is a governance protocol then great you're decentralized but if this is a single group or entity then we have a problem the two biggest gotchas are storage clashes and function selector clashes now what does this
mean when we use delegate call remember we do the logic of contract b inside contract a so if contract b says we need to set value to 2 we go ahead and set value to 2. but these smart contracts are actually kind of dumb we actually set the value of whatever is in the same storage location on contract a as contract b so if our contract looks like this and we have two variables in contract a we're still going to set the first storage spot on contract a to the new value this is really important
to know because this means we can only append new storage variables in new implementation contracts and we can't reorder or change old ones this is called storage clashing and in the implementations we're going to talk about they all address this issue the next one is called function selector clashes when we tell our proxies to delegate call to one of these implementations it uses what's called a function selector to find a function the function selector is a four byte hash of the function name and the function signature don't worry about the function signature for now now
it's possible that a function in the implementation contract has the same function selector as an admin function in the proxy contract which may cause you to do accidentally a whole bunch of weird stuff for example in this sample code in front of you even though these functions are totally different they actually have the same function selector so yes we can run into an issue where some harmless function like get price has the same function selector as upgrade proxy or destroy proxy or something like that this leads to our first out of the three implementations of
the proxy contracts this is called the transparent proxy pattern and this is actually going to be the pattern that we're going to be demoing to you today in this methodology admins are only allowed to call it admin functions and they can't call any functions in the implementation contract and users can only call functions in the implementation contract and not any admin contracts this way you can't ever accidentally have one of the two swapping and having a function selector clash and you run into a big issue where you call a function you probably shouldn't have if
you're an admin you're calling admin functions if you're a user you're calling implementation functions so if you're an admin and you build some crazy awesome d5 protocol you better come up with a new wallet address because you can't participate the second type of proxy we're going to talk about is the universal upgradable proxy or the ups this version of upgradable contracts actually puts all the logic of upgrading in the implementation itself this way the solidity compiler will actually kick out and say hey we got two functions in here that have the same function selector this
is also advantageous because we have one less read that we have to do we no longer have to check in the proxy contract if someone is an admin or not this saves on gas of course and the proxy is also a little bit smaller because of this the issue is that if you deploy an implementation contract without any upgradeable functionality you're stuck and it's back to the yeet method with you and the last pattern or methodology that we're going to talk about is the diamond pattern which does a number of things but one of the
biggest things that it does it actually allows for multiple implementation contracts this addresses a couple different issues for example if your contract is so big and it doesn't fit into the one contract maximum size you can just have multiple contracts through this multi-implementation method it also allows you to make more granular upgrades like you don't have to always deploy and upgrade your entire smart contract you can just upgrade little pieces of it if you've chunked them out the disadvantages here really only seem like you have a lot more complicated code all the proxies mentioned here
have some type of ethereum improvement proposal and most of them are in the draft phase there isn't really a standard here for the proxy that the whole community has landed on and says yes this is great let's do it so for all these be sure to jump on the discussion and give your thoughts all right so now that we know a lot more about upgrades and how they actually work and some different methodologies behind them let's go ahead and learn how to actually implement some of these strategies and implement our contract so that we can
upgrade them now there is a brownie upgrades mix directly in the brownie mixes organization that if you want to use you absolutely can once again to do that it's just brownie bake upgrades mix and this will have all the code that we're going to teach you how to use right now but let's go ahead and build this up from scratch ourselves so we're going to go ahead and run brownie knit this of course we're going to create our new browning project here we're going to be using the open zeppelin proxy contracts to actually work with
this and run with this the methodology that we're going to be working with is the transparent upgradable proxy now they've been using the universal upgradable proxies a little bit more however the transparent upgradeable proxy is really fantastic and easy to understand so that's going to be the one that we're going to be working with here and these are the two contracts that we're going to be importing directly from open zeppelin so let's get to it we're going to create a really simple contract that we can easily tell if it's upgraded or not we're going to
be using the exact same ones that open zeppelin actually uses so let's create a new file and this is going to be called box.soul we're just going to have it store and retrieve some type of value so let's give the spdx license identifier of mit so let's pick our solidity version and for this we're actually going to use 0.8.0 oftentimes you're going to have to quickly pick up new versions of solidity anyways anyways we're going to do contract box and we're going to give it a uint256 private value we're going to do an event called
value changed i'm going to give it to you in 256 new value give it a function store uin256 new value and this is going to be a public function that anybody can call and all we're going to do is we're going to set value to be new value and we're going to omit this value changed event then we're going to have a function retrieve and this will be a public view and it's just going to return the ui 256 value return value and this is going to be our whole contract hopefully you can understand everything
that's going on in this contract i should spell license right shouldn't i now we're going to copy all of this code and create a new contract called box v2.sol we're going to paste it in and box version 2 is going to be exactly the same except we're going to add one more function called increment this is going to be a public function and we're going to set value equals value plus one and we're also going to omit a value changed event with that new value now this is going to be really easy for us to
check to see if a contract has been upgraded or not if we can call increment on the same address that we originally deployed box to then this means that the contract has been upgraded we shouldn't be able to call increment on this box contract but we should be able to call it on box v2 perfect so that's all we need to do to get started now to actually work with the proxies and the transparent proxy that we're going to be working with we do need to add them to our browning project so we're going to
create a new folder and we're going to call it transparent proxy and in here we're going to add those two contracts we're going to add one called proxyadmin.sol and all we're going to do is we're going to grab all the code from the opens up and proxy contract and paste it right in here since since this code is pulling directly from it it opens up one package we are going to have to fiddle with the imports a little bit to make a match so brownie can actually compile it and of course since we're going to
be working with another package we have to add this dependencies to our browning config so dependancies open zeppelin open zeppelin hyphen contracts and for this one we are going to actually use 4.1.0 then we have to do compiler soak remappings at open zeppelin is going to be equal to this dependency now while we're in here we might as well do our dot env so we can get our environment variables and we'll add our wallet in here while it's from key private key we can now just have this be at open zeppelin contracts access ownable.soul and
we don't need to change this at all because we're actually going to keep this transparent because this is the second contract that we're actually going to grab from open zeppelin so let's create a new file to be called transparent upgradableproxy.soul this exact text here and we're going to copy paste this whole thing from open zeppelin boom paste it in here awesome and then same thing here we just have to a little reverse engineer this at open zeppelin slash contracts slash proxy erc 1967 erc 1967 proxy and perfect that is exactly where we are so
great now if we've done this right we should be able to run a quick brownie compile oops i got to change this to box v2 now let's run a brownie compile and perfect looks like we have compiled we've got some stuff in build great everything's working correctly so okay so we have our box here our box v2 and we have our proxy contracts as well that we can use to upgrade this box to a new version we can even look if we go back to proxy of open zeppelin if we look at our proxy admin
here we see it has this function upgrade and call and this calls the upgrade to and call on the proxy contract if we look in the transparent proxy this upgrade to and call calls upgrade to and call which has been imported actually so we can actually even go back go back go to erc 1967 proxy upgrade look for that again and this is the function that it's actually going to call and it calls this upgrade to function which calls this set implementation function and all we're doing is we're doing storage slot dot get address slot
of this implementation slot that value is going to be this new implementation all it's doing is it's setting the implementation slot to being our the new address that we wanted to use and we can see now if we look in the proxy contract the way that it actually works is it has this fallback function where it's always going to delegate all of our calls to whatever the implementation contract is this delegate function if we look at him there's a little bit of low-level assembly here and he uses this low-level delegate call to send any function
call or any call to this contract to the implementation contract so this is exactly the function doing all that delegation all right so now that we've dug deep into the code let's actually script this out and turn this into a script so let's create a new file and we'll call it zero one deploy box dot soul and this is gonna be how we're actually gonna deploy the box so since this is a brand new script we're gonna do def main of course our account going to be equal to get account which we're going to do
from scripts dot helpful scripts import get account so let's go ahead create a new file help full scripts oops scripts.pi and again we're just going to paste in that getaccount function from our past helpful scripts all right our get account script again so we can just do account equals get account oh this should be sorry should be dot pi excuse me do a quick print deploying to we'll do network dot show active that means we got to do from brownie import network and then we'll do box equals box dot deploy from account little brackets here
of course since we're going to be deploying this contract we also have to import that from brownie and perfect this alone should just deploy the box contract right so this means we could do something like print box dot retrieve and it should be zero right so if we run brownie run scripts o1 deploy it will deploy that whoops we also got to add our env we don't have to put anything in here yet because we're not actually deploying to a real network but let's go ahead and run this i spelt retrieve wrong it's probably good
to spell things right let's try it again and great so we get 0 here perfect that's exactly what we'd expect it's cool however though if we run box dot increment this should error out right boom exactly it has no attribute increment so this is what's known as our implementation contract this box is implemented it's the implementation contract now we have to hook it up to a proxy so let's first give it a proxy admin and proxy admins are optional um and it's also recommended that if you do have a proxy admin you're and you're going
to use some type of default protocol sometimes it's great to have your proxy admin be something like a multi-sig gnosis safe which is really fantastic there's going to be a link in the github for learning how to actually spin one of those up let's go ahead and do a proxy admin because they're really helpful anyways we could optionally we could just set ourselves to be the proxy admin but let's set it to be this this contract so we'll do proxy admin equals proxyadmin.deploy and again this will be from account and since we're using this proxy
admin we're going to import that as well so if we look at the proxy admin we see a couple functions here we see like get proxy implementation which is just going to return the address of the implementation we have get proxy admin it's going to be us change proxy admin we have this upgrade which is just going to call that upgrade function on the proxy and then we have upgrade and call upgrading call changes the implementation to the new implementation and then calls that initializer function since we want these to be proxies you can see
here that we don't have a constructor this is intentional instead we could have some type of initializer function for example maybe we want to have this store be our constructor instead of having a constructor what we do is we call what's called our initializer function the instant we deploy this contract for the demo here we're just not going to have an initializer anyways so now we have this proxy admin we have the implementation contract we have the proxy admin let's now hook them up to the actual proxy first thing that we need to do actually
is we need to encode the initializer function if we wanted store to be our initializer function like i said we could do something like ini shi al lizer equals comma one and this would be our initializer combined with one what we then have to do is we'd have to encode this for our proxy if we look at our transparent upgradable proxy if we look at the constructor we have address logic address admin and data here the logic is that implementation right this is going to be the address of our box the admin is
going to be ourselves or in our case it's going to be that proxy admin contract and then data is going to be that initializer function if we go into the erc 721 proxy contract should go back to proxy erc 1967 upgrade and we look at this as one's constructor we can see that this data bit here once this is built with this constructor it's immediately going to call this upgrade to and call so it's going to call this this initializer if we go to upgrade to and call if we go back to this upgrade contract
we can see this upgrade to and call it's going to call this address dot function delegate call new implementation data and this is how it actually calls that initializer function we have to actually encode this into bytes so we have to say is the is the function a call and then one is going to be the first parameter right if this is what we'd want to do so we do box encoded initially function equals encode function data and this is where it gets a little bit tricky but i usually have this encode function data
once again in my helpful scripts so we'll do quick def encode function data and it's going to take an init which we're going to start off as none and then any number of arguments after that so again this could be like you know initializer equals and then the arguments could be you know one two three four five etc or whatever right for us we only have one variable that can be put into store but this is how you would do it and to do this brownie actually has a built-in function that can actually do
this we just return initializer dot and code input star args and that's all we'd have to do however there is a bit of an issue when the length of the args is zero so i've already hacked away at it for you guys so we're just gonna do if the length of the args is zero or we're not using an initializer then we're going to return s utils dot two bytes x string equals ox and we do have to import f util import at utils and of course we'd have to pip install it with pip install
ethertails so i know i kind of rushed through that but basically what we're doing like i said is we're encoding this into bytes so that our smart contracts actually know what function to call so we're just encoding it that's all we're doing and if it's blank or there's no initializer we're going to return an empty hex string and our smart contract will understand ah okay arguments are blank here perfect i've got a nice doc string in the upgrades mix that explains this even better i'm even just going to paste it in here for now if
you'd like to pause and read this a little bit more to kind of get the full depth of what this function is really doing feel free to do that this is a little bit lower level solidity and evm stuff that we're getting into here but it can be good to know anyways okay great so now that we have this we could go ahead and run box encoded initializer function equals encode function data which we would import from our helpful scripts and this is what we use when we call the constructor for our transparent upgradable proxy
i'm just going to have it be blank for now but feel free to fiddle around and try to actually use an initializer after we run through this demo so this box encoded initializer function is going to be blank we're saying hey don't use an initializer and that's totally fine if we were to add some stuff to here we would say hey use an initializer so now we can actually deploy this transparent upgradable proxy if we open this up with the constructor we can see what we need here so we're going to say proxy equals transparent
upgrade able proxy.deploy of course import this from brownie and what are those variables that we need okay we're gonna need the address the logic this is gonna be our implementation contract address so we just say box.address which is our because we've already deployed this which is great then we're going to need our admin which we could just say is us but we're going to use the proxy admin dot address and then last we need that function selector we need that encoded function call which for us is just blank but we still need that so box
encoded initializer function and then we have to add from account of course and i've also noticed that sometimes it's helpful to add some type of gas limit so i'll even add a gas limit of one one two three one two three that's six zeros there but sometimes you might be fine but uh with the proxies they they sometimes have a hard time figuring out the gas limit so i've just manually put it in here you can if you want to it might work fine without it and then great let's do a quick print function we'll
print f proxy deployed to proxy you can now upgrade to v2 now what we can do is on the proxy's address we can call functions so typically right if we wanted to call a function on this box contract we do box dot you know retrieve or however you spell it let's just do box store right you'd call it like this however we want to actually call these on the proxies right because box this box contracts address this box contract is always going to be the same address and can't change the proxy code can change
we want to always call these functions to the proxy and not to the box here right so the way we do that is we can do proxy box equals contract dot from abi we'll call it box on the proxy.address box.abi and of course we'll import this from brownie what we're doing here is we're assigning this proxy address the abi of the box contract and this is going to work because the proxy is going to delegate all of its calls to the box contract typically if you put an abi on top of an address that doesn't
have those functions that the api defines it would just error right but the proxy is actually going to delegate all those calls to the box so we could actually go ahead and try something like print proxybox dot retrieve hopefully that's about that right and even though we're using the proxy address here we are going to delegate the call to box so let's go ahead and run this so we'll do brownie run scripts deploy box it's going to deploy the box it's going to deploy the admin it's going to encode that initializer function which we've set
to nothing then it's going to deploy our transparent upgradable proxy and then it's going to call retrieve on the transparent upgradable proxy instead of our box so let's do this and perfect we did it right it's returning zero here that's awesome what we could also do is we could also do one and then we'll call retrieve we'll see what happens here whoops it's yelling at me because i got to do from account now let's go ahead and run it and perfect see so after we stored on the proxy box on this proxy we're able
to retrieve the value there so this is fantastic all right now that we've deployed it let's learn how to upgrade it we're going to change this to deploy and upgrade dot pi and we're just going to do everything in here so now that everything's deployed let's go ahead and now upgrade this so so now we can always point to this proxy box address and it's going to be the most recent upgrade it's always going to have the code that we want it to have so let's go ahead and upgrade from box that doesn't have that
increment to box v2 that does indeed have this increment function so let's try this out so first thing we need to do is we actually need to deploy that box v2 so we'll do box v2 equals box b2 dot deploy we'll save from account and we'll leave it like that of course we're going to have to import box v2 from brownie and right now actually let's even do proxy box increment if we call boxy proc proxy box that increments from account this should error right it shouldn't be able to call this increment function because that
doesn't exist oh and then we also change the name of the script sorry this is actually going to be deploy and upgrade and perfect we see it actually errors out here it says hey box object doesn't have this increment function you're crazy i don't know what you're talking about well good that's what we want to do so let's delete that line box v2 and we'll even do a quick little upgrade here now all we need to do is call an upgrade function now basically all we have to do is call this upgrade to function right
but depending on if we've added a proxy admin contract if we're using initializer function there might be a couple of of different ways to go about this so i like to just wrap everything up into its own upgrade function you'll see what i mean in just a second so what i like to do again we're going to pop into our helpful scripts and we're going to create a new one called upgrade now for parameters in here of course we're going to take some type of account so that we have something to account to deploy from
we're going to use the proxy which is again going to be that proxy contract which is going to be our proxy contract here we're going to need a new implementation address we're gonna need the proxy admin contract which could be none for us we're gonna have one but it could be none and then we're gonna have an initializer which also could be none and then we're going to have the args for the initializer which also could be known again this star is a special thing in python which says any number of arguments will just get
stored into this list called args and perfect this is going to be our function that's just going to take care of everything for us so first thing let's check to see if there is a proxy admin contract so we'll say if there is a proxy admin contract then we want to check to see if there is an initializer what we're going to do is we're first going to want to encode that function data of course so we'll say encoded function call equals and code function data with the initializer and those star args this is going
to be the encoded initializer function here then all we have to do and actually let's do start with a blank transaction equals none we'll say transaction equals proxy admin contract since we're using one of these proxy admin contracts since we've detected one dot upgrade and call since we also have an initializer we're going to pass the proxy.address new implementation address and the encoded function call and then of course from account so this upgrade and call if we look in that proxy admin there's this upgrading call function right on the proxy admin and it just calls
upgrade to and call of the proxy contract so hopefully don't don't let this bog you down a little bit that there's kind of a lot of mix and matching going on but this is what's going on i'm sorry this is encoded function call not encoded function data great now if they don't have an initializer well what do we do well we don't need to encode any function call here we need to say transaction equals that proxy admin contract dot upgrade so it has an upgrading call it also just has a regular old upgrade so we'll
just call upgrade and we'll give it the proxy.address the new implementation address and then from account now if it doesn't have a proxy admin contract this means that the admin is just going to be a regular old wallet well what do we do then well first check to see if it has an initializer still and if it does we need again to encode that function call we can just copy and paste that there and then once that's encoded we can just call directly off the proxy contract we're going to call exactly what the proxy admin
contract is calling which can be proxy.upgrade to and call we're going to give it the new implementation address the encoded function call and then from account and let's wrap this all up in a big else so if proxy admin contract do this stuff else do this stuff if initializer do that otherwise we can just do transaction equals proxy dot upgrade 2 and we just add that new implementation address from account and then we'll finally return transaction so i know that there's a lot here but we're really just making this upgrade function really general we could
always just know okay if we we we're going to use a proxy admin let's just do it like this okay no we're not going to use a proxy admin we're also not going to use an initializer great it would just look like this but this is essentially all that we have to do so now that we now that we have our upgrade function we can go ahead and use it here so we need to give it an account a proxy a new implementation address so we'll say account so we'll say upgrade transaction equals upgrade account
we need a proxy and a new implementation address we're going to give it the proxy and we're going to give it box v2.address for that new address we do have a proxy admin contract so we'll say proxy admin contract equals proxy admin and we don't have an initializer so we can leave that part blank of course we need to import this upgrade function from our helpful scripts and this is all that we need so now we can do print proxy has been upgraded and what we could do now is we can do proxy box equals
contract dot from abi we'll call it box v2 we'll give it the proxy.address box v2.abi and now we should be able to call proxybox.increment from account and then we can print proxy box dot re retrieve and this should now be one and what we'll actually see is that this will return two why does it return two well in our original proxy box we stored one so it started with one we then upgraded to this new contract and then let's actually just do a wait of course we upgraded to a new contract right here however the
storage of that contract stayed in the proxy so that one stayed in the proxy so even though we upgraded the contract there's still one stored at the location in storage so then when we call increment now and then we call retrieve it's gonna go from one to two so let's go ahead and run this brownie run scripts deploy an upgrade enter and boom that is exactly what we see output here this is an incredibly incredibly powerful and advanced feature and if you've gotten to this point you are on the border of being one of the
most powerful smart contract engineers on the planet huge congratulations for getting this far but we're not quite done we of course need to write some tests because that is what's going to make sure our project always stays in sync and always stays up to date so let's write a couple of tests here so let's create a new file we'll call test box proxy dot pi and for this we're really just going to test to see that our contracts work we're going to see that this box actually is going to work correctly so let's create a
new test def proxy delegates calls so we're going to make sure that we actually can delegate calls to our contract we're going to say account equals get account which means we have to do from scripts.helpfulscripts import get account then we're gonna do box equals box.deploy of course this is going to be from account since we're using box we're going to do from brownie import box we're going to do this proxy admin so we're going to say proxy admin equals proxyadmin.deploy of course from account let's import proxy admin from brownie all right so now we'll do
the box encoded initializer function or whatever we call to perform this is going to be that encode function data which my vs code actually automatically imported thanks vs code and again we're leaving it blank because we're not actually going to have a store there and then we're just going to go ahead and run that deployment so we're going to say proxy equals transparent upgrade proxy and we're going to grab this from brownie dot deploy say again the box.address proxyadmin.address box encoded initializer function i'm going to say from account and then we'll give this a gas
limit of two three one two three now we're gonna put the abi on top of this proxy so we're gonna say proxy box equals contract dot from abi we're gonna name it box this is going to be with the proxy.address [Music] and the box.api of course we're going to need to import contract from brownie and okay so now we can assert proxybox dot retrieve if i spot that right is equal to zero then we're going to do proxy box that's store we'll do one and this will be from account and then we're going to sir
again this proxybox.retrieve should now equal 1. so we're using this proxy contract we've slapped the abi on top of it and this should work so we're just testing to see that our proxy is working correctly so we can go ahead and test this then with rounding test and beautiful it passed now let's go ahead and create a new script for testing the upgrades create a new file called test box v2 upgrades dot pi and let's do it called def test proxy upgrades so account it's gonna be equal to get account hopefully at this point you're
getting pretty good at writing these these tests from scripts.helpfulscripts imports and of course we want to add this init dot pi just in case you forgot so now we're going to import get account perfect so we have our account here now as you can see we're doing a lot of this box equals box dot deploy deploy the proxy admin it would probably make sense in one of your scripts to just write a deploy three to write a function called like deploy all or something like that so again if you guys want to learn more if
you want to improve upon this i would highly recommend you go back and you make some of those improvements to to really modularize this up but for the time being let's just keep going so box.deploy from account and since we're doing this we're going to do from brownie import box say proxy admin equals proxyadmin.deploy this will also be from [Music] account comma proxy admin we're going to get those initializer functions so we'll say box encoded initializer function equals encode function data which we're going to grab from our helpful scripts as well and then we're going
to do the proxy again box equals transparent up gradable proxy that deploy we've got to import this from brownie as well oops not twice though deploy it's going to have the box that address proxy admin dot address box encoded initializer function from account gas limit one two three one two three all right so we have the proxy deployed we've already tested that this proxy works in this test box proxy so we're not going to go ahead and test that again what we're going to do instead now is now we're going to deploy box v2 and
we're going to update the proxy and make sure that everything still works so we're going to do box v2 equals box v2 dot deploy it's going to be from [Music] account of course now we're going to say proxy box equals contract.from api box v2 proxy.address v2.abi and we're going to grab both this and this from brownie and what we're going to try to do is slapping this abi onto this proxy address we're going to try to call a function only box v2 can call however we know that like what we tested before it actually should
revert so we can actually check for reverts by importing pi test and we can say with pi test dot raises and i know that this is a brownie exception i know what type of exception this is it's an exceptions dot virtual machine error you can figure out what type of error this is by just just running it and getting the error so this is actually from brownie this exceptions thing so we're going to actually also import exceptions from brownie we're going to say proxybox.increment from count and i saved and everything sorry got formatted here but
calling proxybox.increment should throw this exceptions.virtual machine error so this test will pass if this throws an error and that's how we test that so we want this to throw an error the first time we call it then we're going to upgrade and then we'll call it again and it'll actually work now we're going to call upgrade on account proxy box v2 proxyadmin contract equals proxy admin we're going to need to grab upgrade from our helpful scripts and now we should actually be able to call increment with our proxy box so first we'll do a quick
assert proxy box dot retrieve equals zero then we'll do proxy proxybox.increment from account and then we'll assert proxybox dot retrieve is one so we're deploying our box we're deploying our proxy and everything around it then we're deploying our v2 implementation we're trying to call increment which won't work we then upgrade our proxy to this new address and then we can go ahead and call increment and it should actually increment our box here so let's go ahead and run this test brownie run test excuse me ronnie test dash k grab this paste it in and we've
done it our tests are working correctly so we know that our box is working correctly awesome great job like i said this is an incredibly incredibly powerful feature to be able to do these upgrades with these there comes a lot of risk at least in the form of centralization risk if you're the only wallet that controls the proxy that means your application is centralized full stop so if you're going to deploy anything with proxies to mainnet absolutely absolutely be sure to get it audited beforehand now before we close this project up let's actually deploy this
to an actual test snap so that we can see everything that goes on when we call this deploy and upgrade let's go ahead and do it so let's pop into our emv file and let's paste the variables that we have in here we need the private key web three inferior project id the ether scan token awesome let's even let's even publish the source of all these contracts so that we can see them on etherscan so for box we'll do a little comma here we'll say publish source equals true i'm just going to copy this comma
to publish source equals true and paste it on all of my deployments over source equals true publish source equals true on the on the admin on the initial transparent upgradable proxy on the box v2 deployment and that's it i've got my ether scan token my web 3 and fira my private key my brownie config is indeed pulling from the private key my env has env let's check to see my wallet we have some rink being here perfect let's do this brownie run scripts deploy and upgrade network rink all right so it looks like a couple
of our contracts weren't able to actually verify there are a couple bugs being worked out with some of the verification so we're going to ignore the ones that weren't able to be verified here but let's go ahead grab these addresses pop them onto the rink etherscan and see what just happened this is our box implementation let's grab this address let's paste it into the rinkby testnet ether scan awesome this is exactly what we have contract has been verified this is exactly the code that we have here and we can see all we have is a
contract creation and this is exactly correct because when we call the store function on this it's actually going to get stored we never actually called any functions directly on this contract all we did was deploy it which makes perfect sense let's go check out this proxy admin now this second address the second counter that we deployed sadly this one didn't get verified however we can see we did indeed call this upgrade function at some point which makes a lot of sense if we look at our script proxy admin in our upgrade code since we did
have a proxy admin contract we did call that upgrade function perfect makes sense now let's go to this transparent upgradable proxy this is going to be the most interesting one out of all of our applications interestingly enough we look at this contract we can see store in increment both have been called on this contract not on the box because again this is the proxy that we're going to call all the functions on to make our contracts upgradable internal transactions are calls that another smart contract made to this transaction and if we look at a couple
of these we can see if we click more we had increment called from another contract which makes sense we had upgrade called from the proxy admin and then we also of course we had store called from another contract and if we verified this we would be able to see etherscan recognize this as a proxy contract as well hopefully when you work with this you'll be able to verify it as well but if not not a big deal you can always just manually do it later yourself so this was an incredibly powerful project that we just
did here and that we worked on and all right maybe take a nap maybe go for a walk get some food get a drink because we are on to our last coding project now i do want to say that this project is considered a bonus because we're going to be going very quickly over the front end pieces we're going to take all the building blocks that we've learned and build an amazing full stack application gear up get ready let's jump into this bonus project and then after we finish this up we're going to close everything
out with a final quick section about security the future and and thank you for joining this course so let's do this last one all right now we are moving on to our final project this is going to be the most advanced products and combine all the knowledge that we've learned so far into one project then we're additionally going to put a front end or a user interface onto this project when we build our own applications we're going to need a way for non-devs to actually interact with it in a meaningful way so now this isn't
a front end or react tutorial course although we will be explaining some of the choices that we've made and how to actually do them you should be able to follow along fine even if you don't have any front end experience here if you're looking for a full front end tutorial free code camp has some amazing videos that you can absolutely try out all right welcome back everybody and now we're going to be embarking on the most exciting the most end to end we're going to take everything that we've learned and wrap it all together in
this single last application here and we're also going to be learning about front end development we're going to be building a front end on top of our application on top of our contracts here now this isn't a front end tutorial however free code camp has some wonderful wonderful react tutorials we're going to be teaching you guys just enough so that you can go ahead jump in and build your own simple but also kind of nice looking front ends on top of whatever contracts that you have for those of you who want users to actually interact
with your applications and interact with your contracts building a usable front end is a really important piece so let's take a quick walkthrough of what this application is going to look like so here is our our front end here and what this application is going to allow users to do is it's going to allow users to stake or deposit their tokens into what's called our token farm contract once they have some token deposited that's when you can kind of go get creative with what you want those tokens to do you could use it as staking
in some governance you could use it to you could go ahead and invest it in something like ave or another d5 protocol to gain interest you could build a yield aggregator there's a ton a ton of different features that you can actually do once you have users stake their tokens and here's how they would do it on their ui side so we have this little button here which we go ahead and click connect on metamask is going to pop up and we're automatically going to sign in that's going to connect our meta mask to this
user interface now so if i look at my meta mask i'm on the coven test network we can see that i am indeed connected now what i can do is i can now stake some of my tokens into this contract we currently have three different types of tokens that this platform allows you to stake wrapped ether fiu which is mimicking die on the test network and our dap token this dap token is going to be the reward token that our platform gives users as an incentive for staking on our platform once we stake we can
actually then unstake and that's really it so we'll go ahead and stake maybe we'll stake 10 dap we'll hit stake metamask will pop up this is the approve function this first approved function that gets called we get a really nice little waiting bar here and once it's been approved we get a notification saying the transfer's unapproved we then go ahead and we'll confirm staking we'll get this little loading bar while it's being staked and we'll see that pop-up that says tokens staked successfully now if we go to the token farm contract we can see that
we have 10 of this dap token state we can also unstake it the other thing that we can do is as admins of this wallet we can actually issue a reward to our users based on how much they've staked so you see right now we have 95 dap token we have 10 dap tokens staked on the back end i'm going to run an issue token script it's going to send all users that have some stake a little bit of a dap token reward now you can see it's been updated and we have we've been given
a little bit of dap token that resembles the amount of dap token that we have staked the way that we figure out the value of all of our different tokens is using of course chaining price feeds we can then of course unstake everything and we see tokens unstaked successfully and that's it and this is what we're going to build now we aren't going to go over the unstaking portion of the front end application here right here's what it would look like if you were to go ahead and finish building out the front end yourself there
is a full repository with the entire front end with this unstaking piece but for simplicity we're just going to skip over this unstaking bit so let's go ahead and get started i'm going to go ahead and make a new directory called defy stake yield brownie and then i'm going to open this up in a new text editor now the first thing of course that we want to work with is going to be our contract so we're in here remember always start with brownie init or you can start with the chain link mix i'm just going
to go ahead and start with brownie unit and perfect here is our setup all right first thing we're going to do is we're going to make our app token dot sol this is going to be the token that we're going to give out to users who are staking on our platform this is our reward token you might have heard of yield farming or liquidity mining this is our token that allows users to actually engage and participate in that and this is just a regular old erc20 so you guys already know we've done this before and
for this one we're even going to use the latest and greatest in solidity remember i said that you're going to have to get really good at bouncing around between solidity versions so for this one we're going to do everything in 0.8 so let's go ahead and do that so we're going to do pragma solidity 0.8.0 and we're going to do this the exact same way we made our other erc20 token we're going to go ahead and use open zeppelin again we can even just copy paste the import from their documentation or we can just write
it out import at open zeppelin contracts slash token erc20 erc20.sol and you guessed it because we're using this at opens up on syntax we're gonna make a new file routing config.yaml we're gonna make some dependencies we'll do open zeppelin slash open [Music] zeppelin contracts this time we're going to actually use version 4 of these at 4.2.0 and again you can find out everything about this package by going to opens up when slash opens up on contracts on github and then compiler sulk remappings at open zeppelin equals this part right here paste it in okay great
then what we can do we can go back to our dap token and just do some basic erc20 bits here so do contract dap token is erc20 and we'll give it our constructor public erc20 we'll call it depth token and we'll give it a symbol of dep and we'll give it an initial supply as well so we'll call the mint function and we'll set the meshes.sender as the owner give it an initial supply of one million which will be one one two three one two three plus those eighteen zeros so one two three four five
six seven eight nine ten one two three four five six seven eight and now that we have our first contract we can try to compile it ronnie compile and looks like it worked great now we're gonna go on and to create our more interesting contract our token farm we can even take a quick second and figure out what we want this to be able to do well we want to be able to stake tokens tokens issue tokens this is going to be issuing those token rewards we're probably going to want to add allowed tokens to
add more tokens to be allowed to be staked on our contract and we're probably going to want some type of get f value function where we can actually get the value of the underlying stake tokens in the platform with that in mind let's move on so you know the drill pragma solidity carrots 0.8.0 and we're going to be here for a while so i'm going to close those out and this will be our contract token farm contract token farm oh and let's not forget our s pdx license identifier of mit well let's go ahead and
start with the staking of the tokens right because that's going to be the most important piece of our application so we're going to do function state tokens you'll probably want to stake an amount of token and they'll probably want to stake a certain address of the token so some amount of some token now there's a couple things we need to keep in mind here what tokens can they stake how much can they stake so these are our first two questions for our application we're just going to say you can stake any amount greater than zero
so we can even add that we'll do require amount is greater than zero and if it's not we'll just say amount must be more than zero since we're using version 8 we don't have to worry about anything to do with safe math which is awesome so we can just go ahead and do stuff like this we now we only want certain specific tokens to be staked on our platform so we could say require token is allowed or something to this effect so we might have to actually create a token is allowed function so let's go
ahead and create that function token is allowed it'll take some token address make it a public function and it'll return a boolean it'll return true if that token's allowed or false if it's not allowed so how do we know if a token is actually allowed we probably want some list or some mapping of these tokens and whether or not they're allowed after all we've learned you'll probably learn that there definitely are some trade-offs between lists and mappings here for simplicity's sake we're just going to stick with a list for now so we're going to create
an address array we'll make it public called allowed token and this will just be a list of all the different allowed tokens for our token is allowed function we'll just loop through this list and see if that token is in there so we'll do a for loop four uint256 allowed tokens index equals zero allowed tokens index is less than [Music] allowed tokens dot length allowed tokens index plus plus so we're going to loop through this list and we're just going to say if allowed tokens of allow token index equals equals this token then we're going
to return true otherwise if we get through this whole for loop and we don't find this token in here we're just going to return false now we have a way to check to see if allowed tokens are there let's actually write a function to add aloud tokens so we can do function add aloud tokens address token public function and we'll do allowed tokens and we'll just push it onto that array now adding allowed tokens is probably something we only want the admin wallet or the owner of this contract to do so we'll add only owner
as a modifier to this function and we'll make this token farm ownable is ownable and we'll import from open zeppelin here too import at open zeppelin contracts slash access ownable.soul let's do a quick compile great things are being compiled fantastically now that we have a little bit of functionality here now might be a good time to actually go ahead and start writing some tests if you want to since i know that we're going to change the constructor a little bit and we're going to change a little bit of how this is actually formatted i'm just
going to keep going but now might be a great time should i start writing some tests for my application you know we're going to do those tests later on anyways though all right great but in any case now that we have these two functions we can go ahead and actually start checking to see if the tokens that these stakers are going to stake is actually allowed so what we can do now is we're going to add this require statement in we can require token is allowed of token otherwise we'll just say token is currently not
allowed and perfect now we have two required statements that answer these questions what tokens can they stake and how much can they stake so now all we have to do is we just have to call the transfer from function on the erc20 remember erc20 remember erc20s have these two transfer type functions they have transfer and they also have transfer from transfer only works if it's being called from the wallet who owns the tokens if we don't own the token we have to do transfer from and they have to call approve first so we're going to
call the transfer from so we're going to call the transfer from function on the erc20 since our token farm contract isn't the one that owns the erc20 we also have to we also have to have the avi to actually call this transfer from function so we're going to need the ierc20 interface we could go ahead and pop it in here we could also make it near c20 contract we could also just grab it from openzep1 so we'll do import at open zeppelin contracts slash token slash erc20 ierc20.sol we're using the interface here because we don't
need the whole contract anyways let's now wrap ier c20 let's wrap this token address as an erc20 token so now we have the abi via this interface and the address and we'll call that transfer from from the message.sender and we'll send it to this token farm contract so from whoever calls stake tokens to this token farm contract and we'll send the amount and perfect now we just need to keep track of how much of these tokens they've actually sent us so we're going to want to create some type of mapping here and this mapping is
going to map token address to sticker address to the amount this way we can keep track of how much of each token each staker has staked so it's a mapping per token per staker per amount so we'll just call this mapping of that token address which is going to get mapped to another mapping of those user addresses which then gets mapped to a uni-256 so we're mapping the token address to the staker address to the amount we'll make this a public mapping we'll call it staking balance now that we have this mapping in our state
token function what we can do is we can say staking balance of this token from message.sender is now going to equal whatever balance that they had before plus the amount all right this is great now we have a way for users to stake different tokens that we've actually allowed them to stake on our platform awesome work so what do we want them to be able to do next we want them to unstate tokens we want to be able to issue some reward we want to be able to get the eth value based on that reward
typically you might want to do this unstake tokens bit first however i know that we're actually going to need some additional functionality in our state tokens function for us to actually issue tokens properly so let's just go ahead and do this issue tokens bit remember this issue tokens is a reward we're giving to the users who use our platform so we want to issue some tokens based off the value of the underlying tokens that they've given us so for example maybe they've deposited 100 eth and we want to do a ratio of one to one
for every one each we give one depth token that's pretty easy for us to figure out however let's say they have 50 each and 50 die staked and we want to give a reward of one dap one dapp token per one die well then we'd have to convert all of our eath into die so we know that conversion ratio for the dap token so that's the problem that we're going to work on now let's create this function called issue tokens and this is going to be a function only callable again by the owner or the
admin of this contract so how do we actually go ahead and issue tokens here well the first thought would be to loop through a list of all the stakers that we have but right now we don't have a list of stakers what do we have we have a mapping of stakers and we have a list of allowed tokens well we're probably going to need to have a list of stakers so we'll do an address array because again we can't loop through a mapping so we'll do an address array we'll make it public called stakers this
is just a list of all the different stakers on our platform now when somebody stakes a token we're going to have to update this list we want to make sure they're only added if they're not already on the list so in order for us to do this we should get an idea of how many unique tokens a user actually has so i'm going to create a function called update unique tokens staked with message.sender and the token and what this function is going to do it's going to get a good idea of how many unique tokens
a user has and if a user has one unique token we can add them to the list if they have more than one we know that they've already been added to the list so we don't need to add them there so let's create this function update unique token state we'll have it input an address user and an address token and we'll make this an internal function so that only this contract can call this function and what we'll say is if staking balance let's even do a little underscores here of token of user is less than
or equal to zero we're going to update some unique tokens staked mapping so we'll say unique token staked of the user it's going to equal the unique token staker of the user plus one and since we have this new mapping called unique token staked we'll make that as well so we'll do a mapping of an address to the un256 public called unique tokens state so this way we know how many different tokens each one of these addresses actually has staked now that we have a better idea of the unique tokens each one of these users
has staked what we can do is we can figure out whether or not we want to push them onto this stakers list if they're already on there we don't want to push them on there if they're not on there then we do want to push them on there so we can just do is say if unique token staked of message.sender it's equal to one if they have one unique token state if this is their first unique token we're going to add them to that stakers list so we'll say stakers.push message.sender and this is going to
be our completed sake tokens function here so we had to add this little extra functionality between the unique tokens to figure out how to actually issue some reward for them but now that we have this list and it's going to get updated here and it will also get updated when we unstake what we can do now is just loop through this list of stakers so we can say 4 unit 256 staker's index equals zero stakers index is less than stakers dot length stakers index plus plus and now we're going to issue some of these tokens
here so we're going to say the address recipient equals stickers stakers index so one at a time we're going to loop through grab these recipients and then we're going to send them a token reward based on their total value locked so we got to do a couple things here we have to send them a token reward we have to figure out how to actually send them this token and then we also have to get their total value locked so let's do this to send them a token reward this is going to be this dap token
that we created in the beginning this is going to be our dap token so right when we deploy this contract we need to know what a reward token is actually going to be so we can do right at the top and then i'm actually going to i'm actually just going to move this array up here so that they're all kind of nicely together what we need to do is we need to create a constructor right when we deploy this contract we need to know what is the address of the dap token what's the address of
the reward token that we're going to give out so we can say constructor it will be passed an address of the dap token address this will be a public function and we'll store this dap token as a global variable so we can say ierc20 since we're already importing it here public dap token what we can do now is set depth token equals ierc20 underscore dap token address so now we have this dap token with its associated address and what we can do now is call functions on it for example we can call dap token dot
transfer we can call transfer here because our token farm contract is going to be the contract that actually holds all these dap tokens and we're going to send this token to the recipient of course but how much are we going to send right how much this of this token are we going to send to them well we need some function to get the total value so we're going to say u and 256 use your total value equals some function right and we can go ahead and define that right now we'll call this function get user
total value right or get recipient total value or whatever you want to say so we'll pop recipient in here and let's go ahead and create this function so we'll call function get user total value address user and this is where we do a lot of looping right we're gonna we gotta find out how much each of these tokens actually has now what a lot of protocols do instead of actually them sending and them issuing the tokens is they actually just have some internal method that allows people to go and claim their tokens right you've probably
seen that before people claiming airdrops that's because it's a lot more gas efficient to have users claim the airdropped instead of the application actually issuing the tokens right it's going to be very gas expensive to do looping through all these addresses and checking all these addresses right we're going to do it though because we are a wonderful amazing protocol and we want to give our users the best experience but in any case this is going to be a public view function that will return a uin256 right because we want to return this total value to
our issue tokens function up here so how do we actually get started here well let's create a unit 256 total value and we'll set it off to start it to be zero here and let's even start it off with a quick require statement right we want to require that the unique token state of this user going to be greater than 0 right and if it's not we'll say they don't have any tokens state right so the value is going to be nothing now if this is true if they have some token staked we'll go ahead
and find it so we're going to loop through those allowed tokens up here the allowed tokens and we're going to find how much this user has for each one of these allowed tokens so we're going to say 4 uint 256 allowed tokens index equals zero allowed tokens index is less than allowed tokens dot length allowed tokens index plus plus and let's go ahead and we'll add the total value and now we'll say the total value is going to be equal to the total value plus however much value this person has in these tokens in this
single token so get user total value is the total value across all the different tokens we need a way to get the total value across one token so we're going to create a new function called get user single token value and we'll pass it our user and we'll also pass it the single token that we're on right now so we'll pass it allowed tokens allowed token index so we got to create a new function here function get user single token value this is going to take an address of a user and an address of a
token it's going to be a public function i'm just going to put this on a new line to make it a little easier to see it's going to be a view function and it's going to return a u in 256. we want to get the value of how much this person staked of this single token so for example if they've staked one each and the price of one eath is two thousand dollars we wanna make sure that this returns two thousand or if they have two hundred die stakes and the price of two hundred die
is two hundred dollars we want to make sure this returns 200 right so we're getting that conversion rate we're getting exactly how much value this person has staked in our application now we'll do a quick if we'll say if token staked of the user is less than or equal to zero then we'll just go ahead and return zero right we don't want to do a require here right as we did up here because we want this to actually keep going right if this is zero we don't want the transaction to actually revert okay we want
this to keep going so how do we actually get the value of a single token well we're going to need to get the staking balance right but we also need the price of that token so we're going to need to get the price of the token and then multiply that by the staking balance of the token of the user so once again we need to create another function we'll call this one get token value so in another function we're going to call get token value you could pass an address of a token we'll make this
a public view function that will return a uin256 and this of course is where we need some pricing information and this is where we're going to actually work with the chain link price feeds once again and hopefully this part is going to be a little bit more familiar for you so what we're going to need is a price feed address that's the first thing that we're going to need so we're going to actually have to map each token to their associated price feed addresses so we're going to need some mapping that does that right so
we're going to need some mapping that's going to map an address to an address it's going to be a public one and this is going to be token price feed mapping right it's going to map the token to their associated price feeds and with that that means we're going to have to have a function called set price feed contract where we actually set the price feed associated with a token so this will take an address of a token and an address of a price fee this will be a public and this will be only owner
we don't want anybody to be able to set what these price feeds should be we just want the owner to be able to do this so we'll do token price feed mapping of the token is going to equal the price fee and that's it so now we have a way to set the price feed contracts we have a way to map the tokens to their price feeds right and again go to we can go to price feeds ethereum price feeds we can find these different price feeds here and this is where we're going to
set those price feeds now back down in our get token value we can grab that price feed address now by saying address price feed address is going to equal that token price feed mapping of that token parameter and now that we have this we can use it on an aggregator v3 interface again we can always go back to the docs here we can grab this bit right here of course we're going to change it to 0.8 and for those who would rather i just wrote it out we're going to import at chain link slash contracts
slash src slash interfaces slash agreed gate or v3 interface dot sol and since we're doing this import we're gonna go to our browning config smart contract kit chain link brownie contracts and we're going to see what's the latest version of these now i'm going to point something out this package recently changed to mirror the mpm package versions so it does look like it went backwards in versions and there's even a little little update here but this is the the newest version even though it's a 0.2.1 it's literally just to match the mpm contract tags so
this is what we're going to use so we're going to at 0.2.1 and then in our remappings we'll also do at chain link equals this bit right here now that we've imported that we can now grab that aggregator v3 interface or that price feed and say aggregator v3 interface of price feed address and grab that price feed contract then once we have this price view contract we can call dot latest round data and again you can always check back to the documentation to see what that function actually looks like and this is going to return
it's going to return a whole bunch of stuff but we only care about the price so the first thing it returns is round id we don't care about that so we'll just put a comma we do care about the n256 price so we'll put that in there but we don't care about the rest of these so we'll just do comma comma comma because we only care about the price here we also care about the decimals we need to know how many decimals the price feed contract has that way we can match everything up to be
using the same units so we'll say u and 256 decimals equals price fee dot decimals and what we can do now is we can return both of these so this actually needs to return a un256 and another uint 256. put the decimals here and we do return we can return both of these so we'll do a uint 256 price we'll wrap that price into a u and 256 and then we also need to wrap the decimals in the u and 256 since decimals actually returns a u uint eight so we'll return the price and the
decimals all right now we're cooking now we can go ahead and start scrolling back up and adding all this stuff in so we can say you and 256 price you went 256 decimals equals this get token value that we just created right here and then we can just have this return staking balance of the token of the user times the price and do some interesting math here divided by those decimals 10 raised to decimals and i know there's a little bit of math here right and so you might be going wait wait what are we
doing here wrap that up like that just so that we're absolutely certain we're doing correct order of operations here so we're taking the amount of token that the user has staked right let's say for example 10 die and we're taking the price of that die maybe we have all of our contracts all of these tokens get converted back to the usd price so we have die usd actually better yet let's say we have 10 eth right our price feed contract is going to be eth usd let's say the price is is 100 100 dollars per
usd so this first bit is we're going to do that 10 eth times 100 so we're going to do 10 times 100 which is going to equal to 1 000. 1000 value the only thing is we also have to divide by the decimals so our staking balance is going to be in 18 decimals so it's going to be one two three four five six seven eight one two three four five six seven eight nine ten but let's say our fusd only has eight so one two three four five six seven eight so we need to
multiply these first and then divide by the decimals that way we can arrive at a price that actually makes sense is going to be a function that we're definitely definitely definitely going to need to test to make sure that we're doing everything right so that we're doing all the math correctly but okay now that we have this user single token value we go ahead and come back up to our user total value and we can literally finish this function by just calling return total value and then we can pull up to our issue tokens now
that we have the total value that this user has actually logged we can just transfer the amount of tokens that they have in total value so we can say dap token dot transfer this recipient we can transfer them the total value right we'll say however much they have in total valued staked on our platform we'll issue them as a reward and that is our issue tokens function we are making great progress all right so we have a way to stake done we have a way to issue done we have a way to get value or
just get value done we've added a way [Music] to add allowed tokens and all we have to do now is add some way to unstake the tokens so let's go ahead and create this function i'm going to make it right underneath the state token one we'll do function unstake tokens we'll do we'll pass it the token address we'll make this a public function so anybody can call this the first thing we're going to want to do is fetch the staking balance how much of this token does this user have so we'll see you in 256
balance equals staking balance of the token from message.sender and we're going to require the balance is greater than zero otherwise we'll say staking balance cannot be zero and then we're going to do a transfer so we'll do ierc ierc20 of the token dot transfer message.sender balance once we actually transfer the token we'll do staking balance of this token of message.sender we're going to update this balance to now be zero right because we're going to transfer the entire balance here and then we're going to update how many of those unique tokens that they have now a
quick note here later on we're going to learn about reentrancy attacks so at some point come back here and figure out hey is this vulnerable to re-entrance the attacks so we'll say unique token staked of message.sender it's going to equal unique token state message.sender minus 1. now the last thing that we could do is we probably should actually update our stakers array to remove this person if they no longer have anything staked this is a little bit sloppy but we're just going to skip doing that for the time being however if you want to go
back and add the functionality to remove the stakers from the stakers list as they unstag please go for it it's not a big deal if we don't actually do this because our issue tokens function is actually going to check to see how much they actually have staked and if they don't have anything staked then they're not going to get sent any tokens but all right that's basically all of the functionality here let's just try a quick sanity check with a brownie compile whoops i forgot to add v0.8 in here let's try again that little bit
this needs to be token and this needs to be user whoops and then it looks like i did the same thing down here this is actually staking balance let's try it again and perfect everything is at least compiling correctly just because it's compiling correctly though doesn't necessarily mean that we're doing everything correctly so this is fantastic typically now we'd want to go ahead and start doing our tests i'm actually going to go ahead and build one of our scripts first the reason i'm going to build one of the scripts first is because i'm going to
use my deploy script pretty regularly in my test i'm going to use it as part of my testing this way i can also test some of my scripts as well in addition to the contracts so let's go ahead and make our deploy script so let's create a new file in here we'll call it deploy.pi we'll also create an init.pi for those of you on older versions of python and let's go ahead and do this so we're going to have a main function in here and in our main function we're actually just going to call deploy
token farm and dap token and then we're going to have a function def deploy token farm and token right and i should be able to run running run scripts deploy.pi and great everything's compiling right and we're running our scripts here so first thing that we're going to want to do as always is get our account and i am going to copy a couple of those helpful scripts from our past projects so i'm actually going to pull up our nft demo that we did so i'm actually going to go to our chain link mix that we
did i'm going to grab our helpful scripts remember we can always jump onto the chain link mix here and we can just grab some of the scripts from here so we could go to scripts helpful scripts and just copy paste this whole thing or just grab it like i did right these are going to be those exact same scripts that we built previously so now we have our helpful scripts in here right we're going to have this contract to mock for running our tests we have get account so we can get our accounts easily we
have encode function data which we're not going to have to work with since we're not doing upgradable contracts but we have it here anyways we have upgrade which we're also not going to use but we have it here anyways we have get contract which returns mocks if they're not already deployed or it just returns whatever contract that we're looking for and then of course we have our deploy mox script here so now we can do from scripts dot helpful scripts import get account and perfect we can get our account like that no problem now and
now we're going to want to start deploying some contracts so we're going to deploy that dap token first so we'll do from brownie import dap token and we'll do dap token equals gap token dot deploy and this takes no parameters so we can just do from count then we're going to want to deploy our token farm so we could say tokenfarm equals tokenfarm.deploy and this takes one parameter which is the dap token address right because we need that address so we can give it out as a reward so we're going to say dab token dot
address we'll do a comma and then we'll say from account and we'll need to import this from brownie as well and while we're here we might as well add some publish source bits on here so we can say publish source equals config we'll grab this from the config networks network dot show active verify grab network from brownie grab config from brownie and in our config here let's do networks lad development we'll set the verify here to be false and then we're going to work with the coven chain so we'll say coven verify will also be
false actually kovan sorry covenant will be true and then we'll do a persistent ganache or verify for this will be false and i'm even just going to put this up here so that all these ganache chains are kind of with each other so we'll verify in coven but we won't on development or ganache now once we've deployed this token farm contract we need a couple things right we're going to need to send this some dap tokens right we're going to need to send pretty much all the dap tokens so that i can actually give those
tokens out as a reward so we're going to want to do a transaction it's going to equal to dap token dot transfer we'll send it to the token farm address and then we have to choose how much we're going to send and we'll send the total supply but we'll keep a little bit for ourselves so we can do some testing and so just in case so we'll also do minus kept balance some static kept balance which we can say at the top we'll say the kept balance is let's keep like 100 so this will be
equal to web 3.2 way 100 ether so we'll do from web 3 import web 3. so in our transfer we'll do dab token dot total supply minus the kept balance and then of course we're gonna have to do a from [Music] account so now we're sending our token farm basically 99.9 of the total supply of this dap token so that it has this token to actually give out as a reward we'll do a tx dot wait we'll wait for one block confirmation there now what do we want to do well if we look at our
token farm we know at our state tokens function we can only stake tokens that are allowed in each one of these tokens also is going to need to have some price feed associated with it right and our token price feed mapping so we're going to have to add those so what we're going to want to do is we're going to want to create a function called add allowed tokens and what this is going to do it's going to add the tokens that we want to allow and it's going to give them a price feed contract
associated with them so let's create this function we'll call it def add allowed tokens and this is going to take a couple things we're going to want to take that token farm because we're going to need to call the add aloud tokens function on it we're going to take a dictionary of allowed tokens and this is going to be the names this is going to be a dictionary of the different token addresses and their associated price feeds so we're just going to price everything in usd so so we can figure out the value of everything
in usd and then last of course we're going to need an account for now i'm just going to do pass here let's look at the different inputs that we're going to put into this so obviously we're going to do token farm but then we're going to need to make this dictionary of allowed tokens so we're going to need the address of the different tokens that we want to have now how do we get the addresses of the different tokens that we're going to use and what are the tokens that we're even going to use here
for simplicity we're just going to start with three tokens we're going to allow our platform to allow three different tokens to be state we'll use the dap token as one we use weth token or wrapped eth because that's pretty much a standard in most smart contract platforms and then we're also going to use an fau token which stands for faucet token and we're going to pretend that this fafsa token is dye or dai the reason we're going to use this faucet token is because there's this erc20 which allows us to get this fake faucet
token we can get unlimited amounts of this faucet token on different test nets we're going to pretend that this faucet token is going to be die right so fau token slash die so how do we actually get these addresses well dap token we know with token what we can do in our config so we can actually add those addresses here so for coven the weath token address is going to be this right here which again you can go check this out and you can find it on etherscan you can write your own if you want
we're just going to use this already deployed one on coven fau token which is gonna be this token here which i know is gonna be this address right here and if you want you can come here and grab your address paste it into this put an amount of 10 in here connect to metamask oh and even tells us the token address right here which we can just copy paste we can do mint free tokens confirm great says success if we don't already have it we can take this token address go to our meta mask
assets add token paste it in i've already got it we can see right now i have 5 fau once this confirms i'll have an additional 10 and now you can see 15 here this is going to be this fau token that we're going to use we have wes here and then we know what the depth token address is going to be for when we deploy it here now we could do again we could do the config you know networks etc and just always get it from our config or we could use our get contract method
that we grab from our helpful scripts which will deploy a mock weath token it doesn't exist in one of these and that's what we want because we're going to want to test this locally so we're going to want to deploy our own fake weath token so we'll say the weath token equals get contract with token and then the fau token is going to be get contract fau token and remember what we put in here our string that we put in here needs to match our string in our config now in order for this get contract
to work for weth token and the fau token we're actually going to have to modify our helpful scripts here so if we copied and pasted it directly from our chain link mix this is basically what we're going to have here we're importing all of our mocs which we can go ahead and copy paste these as well from the chain link mix our test our mock contracts here we have some forking implementations we have contracts to mock which tells us based off of the key what token or what contract we use to mock we have get
account which we use all the time in order for us to do this contract to mock correctly we're going to have to mock west and fau and actually we don't even need all these in here we don't even need this whole contract to mock in fact we can get rid of mock oracle we can get rid of vrf coordinator and we can even get rid of the link token for this we do need this sdusd price feed later on so i'm just going to leave it in here for now we definitely do need though fau
token which is going to be mocked to something and we need weth token which was going to be mocked to something else so what are these tokens going to be mocked to well they're each an erc20 mock but we want to give them kind of their own identity so what we're going to do is we're actually going to make a mock erc20 for both fau and for web so we're going to come in here we're going to do new file we'll call it mock die dot sol and this is going to mock that fau token
so it could be mock die it could be mock fau whatever we want it to be and we're just going to make this a basic erc20 so we'll do pragma solidity 0.8.0 we'll import at open zeppelin contracts token ear c20 your c20.sol obviously this is going to look very familiar this should spell pragma not whatever i just spelled this is going to look really similar to that dap token so now we can call contract mock die is erc20 and we'll do constructor public erc20 mock die will be the name of this and the symbol will
be die and perfect and that's all we need we'll copy this whole thing and then we'll do the same thing for mockweath.soul we'll paste this whole thing in here and we'll just change the name call this mock west crc20 mock weft and this will be what token right so now that we have those mocks in here we can change fau token to mock die and west token to mock weft we can import those from brownie and in fact we can get rid of the mock oracle here and the vrf coordinator instead we'll do mock die
and mock west now of course since we have diusd price feed and fusd price feed we're going to make sure we have these in our mocks here and then we're also gonna have to deploy these in our deploy mox script below so if we scroll down to deploy mocks we can see this is what it currently has which is pulling directly from the chain link mix so we just go ahead delete the vrf coordinator mark and the mach oracle and instead we'll deploy those that mock weath and that mock die so we'll do print deploying
mock die die token equals mock die dot deploy from account and then we'll do print f statement floyd to die token.address and then we'll do print deploying mock mock web and then we'll do [Music] left token equals mock west dot deploy we'll say from account and then we'll print this deployed be another printf with token.address now additionally we have our fusd price feed left over from the chain link mix we also need this die usd price feed so we can go ahead in here we'll add usd price feed and we'll set this as a mach
v3 aggregator we could do is we could parameritize this up so that the mock v3 aggregator takes maybe some different decimals a different initial value so that these could be different but for the sake of testing we're just going to leave them being the same here so great so we have the address of the wet token we have the addresses of the fau token and if those don't exist on the network we're working on we're going to deploy a mock so now that we have all these addresses we can do a dictionary of allowed tokens
is going to be equal to this dictionary that we make so we're just going to route each one of these contracts like the depth token to its equivalent price feed for the dap token we're just going to say that the dap is going to be equal to die we're going to say the fau token is also equal to die and our weath token of course is going to be equal to eth so we're going to want to get a usd price feed another di usd price feed and an f usd price feed so in our
config we can add i usd price feed and since we're going to be testing since we're going to be doing our integration test on coven here we'll come to the chain link docs we'll go to ethereum price feeds we're on coven and we'll scroll down to dye usd which is this address right here pop that in and then we'll also want the fusd price feed which we'll also go grab that from here on the coven network and we'll grab that from right here and we'll paste it in so now to complete this deck we can
do this get contract again and we'll deploy mock price feeds if they don't exist so now we can just do get contract die usd price feed fau token is also going to be usd price feed and then our weft token is going to be fusd price feed and awesome now we have our dictionary of allowed tokens that we can pass to our ad allowed tokens this will map the tokens and their addresses with their associated price feeds so we can get them all to equal the same value in our contracts so we can go ahead
and create this function called add allowed tokens we'll pass it this token farm we'll pass it the dictionary of allowed tokens and then of course we'll pass it the account now in our add allowed tokens function we're going to loop through all these different tokens and call the add allow tokens function on it so we're gonna do four each token in the dictionary of allowed tokens we're gonna do tokenfarm.add allowed tokens and we'll do the token.address and we'll do from account we'll say add tx equals that we'll do add tx dot weight 1 then we're
going to call this set price feed contract so we're actually going to set the price feed associated with that token so we'll do set tx equals token farm dot set price feed contract and we'll do token.address the dictionary of allowed tokens of that token that we're for looping and then of course from account and we'll do set text.wait one and then we'll just return the token farm but we probably don't have to return anything and great that deploy script looks pretty good and in fact we're going to end our deploy script here with returning token
farm and adapt token this way we can actually use this deploy script in our tests so i'm just going to do a quick little zoom out and we can see our wonderful deploy script right here and awesome it looks like we have just about everything here let's give this an initial test on a local ganache chain see if our mocks all work see if everything at least makes sense we can call our functions awesome it looks like we can call all of our functions and we can deploy our mocks and the mocking is working at
least somewhat correctly here this is great we'll zoom out a little bit here we've got our deploy scripts we've got our ad allowed token scripts we've got all of our mock contracts added under tests things are looking good now what do we want to do here well of course we want to run some tests we want to make sure our contract is actually going to do what we say it's going to do you guys ready let's jump into it so in our tests let's make a new folder called unit we'll add a new file we'll
call it test token farm dot pi let's do some tests now ideally we would also write some tests for our dap token however we're going to skip over those because we're basically just doing open zeppelin's implementation but in a full-scale production here you probably would want to write some tests on your tokens as well so let's get into this let's look at our token farm and see what we need to test remember ideally every piece of code in our smart contract here should be tested in some form or another so with that in mind let's
get started so one of the first functions that we see is set price feed contract so let's make a test for that so we'll do def test set price feed contract and we're literally gonna test just this one function so how do we test that well first let's make sure we're on a local network right because we only want to be doing this on our local network since this is one of our unit tests so in our arrange stage we're going to do if network dot show active is not in local blockchain environments then we're
going to run pi test.skip and say only for local testing of course we've got a number of pieces here that we need to import we're going to do from browning import network we're going to do from scripts.helpfulscripts import local blockchain environments and then we're going to import pi test all right so now we're going to get an account to make these transactions we'll say account equals get count and let's grab that for my helpful scripts as well so now we have an account we can use let's even grab a non-owner account so we'll say non-owner
equals get account and we'll do index equals one this will give us a different account rather than this account and we'll use this to check some only owner functions and then what we're going to do is we're going to get the token farm and the dap token based off of our deploy script so we're going to use this deploy token farm and dap token we're going to import that by saying from scripts.deploy import deploy token farm and dap token and we're just going to call this function in our test right here so we're going to
say token farm dap token equals deploy token farm and dap token awesome this is how we're going to do this a lot this arrange step for a lot of these tests here because this is how we're going to set them up we could even hypothetically turn this into a conf test or into a wrapper if we wanted to but we're just going to leave it in here like this for now now we can move on to our act phase so we're going to want to do token farm dot set price feed contract because remember this
is what we're testing right now and we're going to use a token and a price feed address so we use the dap token dot address we'll use get contract to actually get an fusd price feed address which we can also grab for my helpful scripts get contract an important note here if you try to set a contract as an address parameter like this ronnie will know okay that you're looking for an address instead of the actual contract in any case then we'll do from account save it and it re-shifts over here now this should work
perfectly so we're going to assert this we're going to move into our assert stage right if we check our price feed mapping this should now be updated so we can do assert token farm dot token price feed mapping and remember token price feed mapping is an address to an address so we'll say dap token dot address this should be equal to get contract of fusd price feed this should be updated with exactly what get contract of fuc price feed returns in fact we can even make this a little bit better copy this we'll say price
feed address equals get contract and then we'll pop this in here and we'll pop this here that way now we're just using this single variable for both all right that's our first test let's run it brownie test this will run the whole test suite and we're passing awesome now let's also do a test to make sure that non-owners can't call this function we want to make sure that somebody other than the owner who deployed this right because deploy token farm and dap token is going to be run by get account we want to make sure
that somebody else can't call this function so we'll do with pi test dot raises exceptions dot virtual machine error excuse me for that getting in the way and then we'll try to call this exact same function here right we can even just copy paste it but instead we'll call it from non-owner right and then we do also have to import exceptions from browning so this should also pass it's expecting this contract call to actually revert so let's try this perfect it passes right we can double check to make sure that this pi test.raises is working
because what if we did a count here right this now should fail because this isn't going to revert and that's exactly what happens perfect so we can leave this as non-owner and our first test is looking great let's even zoom out just a hairier we can sleep easy that this function is going to work as we intended isn't that a wonderful feeling yes it is great let's move on so let's look at our token farm what's the next function aha issue tokens all right great let's write some tests for issue tokens so what are we
going to do def test issue tokens so how are we actually going to do this well in order to test issuing tokens we actually need to stake some tokens first so for now i'm actually just going to do pass here and before we test issuing the staking tokens we need to write a test for staking those tokens right because in order to issue tokens you need to have some tokens state so let's write a test stake tokens first and then we'll write this test issue tokens so we'll do def test stake tokens now let's set
this up so we're going to copy this bit here because we are going to be working on a local network with this we'll do account equals get account and then we'll go ahead and deploy the token farm and the dap token so this initial bit is going to be exactly the same making sure we're on a local network getting the account deploying the token farm and the dap token so now let's move into the act phase let's go ahead and act let's go ahead and actually send some tokens to our token farm so first we
obviously need to call approve on the dap token contract so we'll do dap token dot approve to the token farm dot address and again you can see and again we can go to the open zeppelin docs to figure out what the parameters of this are but it's going to be an address and it's going to be some amount and then obviously from account now i put a couple question marks here because we're going to constantly be using an amount right we're going to be using an amount staked for a lot of our tests here so
what we're going to do is we're actually going to turn that into a fixture we're going to call it amount state and we're going to define this in our conf test folder so we're going to make our conf test file so in here we're going to do new file conf test dot pi and whoops it's in the wrong directory so we're going to go cd tests units i'm gonna do move confidence.pi down one directory and it should be in here now if that didn't work you should be able to drag and drop it uh into
test you just wanna pull it out of unit is what we're doing here right just want to get it so that's just in this test directory here in the case in our conf test.pi we're going to create our first fixture so we're going to do at pi test.fixture we'll do def amount staked and then we're just going to return web3 dot 2 way one ether now of course we need to import pi test here then we're going to need to import we're going to do from web3 import web3 and now it saves perfectly so now
we can use this amount staked fixture as basically a static variable right we could have done at the top we could do something like amount staked equals you know that exact same thing but we're going to get into the habit of working with these fixtures so we have our def test stake tokens and we're going to pass it this amount staked fixture pi test and brownie will grab all this stuff from the conf test folder and put it into here so now we can just use amount staked as a parameter in our test here so
once we approve we can then do token farm we now call our stake tokens function right here and it takes an amount and then a token address so of course we're going to do amount staked as the amount and then we'll do depth token address as the address and of course from account and perfect this is going to be our basic action of testing the staking functionality so we can go ahead and down here and move into our assert phase and we can just assert a number of things right and do a little bracket here
we're gonna do a couple of things here we're gonna assert the token farm that's staking balance of dap token that address of account dot address equals amount state so let's talk about this really quickly what is this actually doing so if we go to our token farm we know that we have this mapping called staking balance and this is a mapping of a mapping right so we need to actually pass two variables the first address and then the second address to get this amount this is how you do that syntactically with brownie you just pass
it as additional parameters in here so we pass the dap token address which is going to be the token address here and then the account address which is going to be the address here and perfect so we can even run this by doing brownie test dash k test stake tokens and great looks like that passed perfectly but we have a couple of other assertions to make right because if we look at our stake tokens function it does a lot of things so let's check all of these and make sure that they all are working correctly
so we'll also assert that the dot tokenfarm.unique token staked of account that address is going to be equal to one right this is going to be the first token so it should have a unique token state we should also assert that the token farm dot stakers at the zeroth index is going to be this account that we're using we update our unique token staked we update our staking balance and then we add stakers.push right so we're going to be the first address in this array now and then i'm going to do one other thing here
too i'm going to do return token farm and dap token the reason i'm doing this is because now we can actually use this test in some of our other tests now we're getting a little bit integration here we're kind of mixing and matching some stuff we could even probably put this whole thing in a function in our regular scripts directory but for simplicity's sake this is how we're going to architect it but great let's test the rest of those we'll just hit up ground to test k test stake tokens we'll hit enter and perfect this
is passing correctly as well awesome let's keep going now we're moving into this test issue tokens phase here and we're going to use our test stake tokens test here so the way that we're going to use this is we're going to grab this amount staked parameter place it in here and we're going to set this up exactly the same way we're going to set this up almost exactly the same way so we can even just copy these few lines here paste it we're going to do an arrange we're going to check to make sure we're
on a local network we're going to get our account but instead of doing deploy token farm and dap token we're going to do token farm comma dap token equals test stake tokens and we're going to pass it that amount state so this is why we're returning the token farm in the dap token in our test stake tokens that way we can use that function now in our test issue tokens and perfect now we can test issuing these tokens so to test issuing tokens to issue this reward we want to first take some inventory of the
current starting balances of our address we'll say starting balance equals depth token dot balance of account dot address and great this is how we're going to start off in our range phase now let's move to acting open our act phase and we'll just do tokenfarm.issue tokens we'll save from account and this is really the only thing that we're testing here so now we can move into the arrange stage and we'll do assert i'm going to do a little parentheses here because this is going to be a long thing and we're going to assert that the
dap token dot balance of the account dot address should equal the starting balance plus some new amount what's that new amount going to be well if we look at our issue tokens function if we're staking in our conf test if we're staking one ether right or one die right because we're staking the dap token we're just taking one our marks are going to be this fusd price feed right our mock v3 aggregator when we deploy it the initial value is going to be this 2000 right here and we're saying in our mock in our sample
here we're saying we are staking one depth token which is equal in price to one each so we should get 2 000 depth tokens in reward since we're saying since the price of eth is 2000 usd so there's a little bit of math here but the initial value is going to be 2000 right you can almost think of it like this with 18 decimals and our application pays us reward based off of the total usd value that we have locked so we actually can know that this is going to be that 2000 price so what
i'm even going to do is i and if this isn't already in the chain link mix shame on me i should add this in here because we're going to add a new variable called initial price feed value it's going to be equal to 2 000. one two three four five six seven eight nine ten one two three four five six seven eight that super big number and we're gonna take that and we're gonna set that here to our initial value is going to be now this initial price food value and what we can do in
our test is we can then import that from our helpful scripts and we can just assume that our starting balance is going to be now we are starting balance plus that initial price feed balance and if we've done our math correctly and if we've done our issue tokens and if we've done all of our get value correctly this should work we should have done our testing already on the things like get user total value right because get user total value is a subset of issue tokens but we're jumping the gun a little bit here and
we're going to test this later on anyways so with that being said let's run this test brownie test dash k test issue tokens and lovely so our math is correct awesome we are doing wonderfully with her tests here we've even gotten some of the harder ones out of the way early which isn't too bad either now as far as this video goes we're actually going to stop writing the test because we're literally just going to keep going down that solidity file and grabbing functions and adding tests to them we've got all the tests located in
the github repository associated with this lesson there is both a unit test file and an integration test file in the github repository if you want to just go ahead and check that feel free to do so we're going to move on to the next section to keep things moving forward but i highly highly recommend you trying to write all these tests yourself so good luck we're gonna have all right now we're going to umv private and our website make sure your integration projects work well make sure that you get started if you run your deployment
on copy paste network directly we're going to be testing everything works we'll save dots of course you're going to want to get out.env file you're going to want to add that to your browning config address privacy and add your web3 inferior project id and make sure you have plenty of test dent coven so that you can actually run these deploy scripts we can always find the latest faucets from the link token contracts page under our coven or rink b networks here we're also going to need our wallets section we'll do from key and this is
where we'll put the dollar sign private key now now that we've got the contract now that we've done all the contract work we're going to learn something totally new that we haven't covered yet we're going to learn to do some front end development now like i said this isn't a front end course and the focus isn't going to be on front end and i want to point out right away that this is considered a bonus section there are a ton of pieces in this section that we're not going to have the time to go over
thoroughly because we're not going to be going into what's going on on the front end side the editing is a little bit choppier and i highly recommend having the documentation having the github associated with this front end with you while you're going through this free code camp has an awesome video on doing front-end work and if you want to learn more about react and typescript and some of the technology that we're going to go over definitely check out those videos after this we're going to make this though so that you should be able to follow
along with everything that we're doing if you're not interested in front end feel free to go ahead and skip this part however understanding how these front end applications work is really helpful and it'll give you a massive massive incredible skill to actually build front ends for your smart contracts having a really solid user interface is really important in the web3 in the blockchain world if people can't use your contracts then what good is your application so with that being said let's jump on and let's build our front end and i know we said we didn't
like javascript we're gonna be working with typescript here which is a improved version of javascript and catches a ton of the different bugs and allows us to be much more explicit with how we're working with our front end we're also going to be working with react we're going to be working with create react app this is a front-end framework that allows us to quickly spin up a front end to build for our applications here we're also going to be working with this tool called used app it's a framework for rapid dap development and works great
with react here so let's get started building this front end the first thing that we're going to want to do to build a front end for our full stack application create react app boilerplate so you should have mpx installed if you run mpx-version it should show up this should be installed from when we installed npm if you don't have mpx installed you can run mpm install g npx additionally we're going to want to install yarn here to install yarn again you just run mpm install dash dash global or dash g yarn you'll know you have
yarn installed correctly if you can run yarn dash dash version you see a version of yarn and i have a link to install both npx and yarn in our github repo great once you have those we can actually create a folder with all of our boilerplate code in it we're going to run mpx create react app we're going to call it front end and this is going to create a new folder called frontend and we're going to do dash dash template type script because we're going to want to work like i said with typescript instead
of javascript for those of you who've never worked with typescript before and who have worked with javascript don't worry the syntax is nearly identical for those of you who have never worked with either don't worry we're going to walk through everything that we do and then we'll hit enter here what's going to happen is you'll see we're going to create this new react app in this new front end folder in our project here awesome now that we've downloaded our create react app we have this new folder called frontend and it's got a whole bunch of
stuff in it now typically what different applications will actually do is they'll have one repository for all their python and for all their contracts but they'll additionally have a different folder or different repository for their front-end application and their front-end work this is really good practice we're just going to bundle everything up into the same repo here just to get started and just to make it easier for us getting started here however what you will see across different projects is they'll have a totally separate repo for their front end so let's take some inventory on
what's actually going on inside this folder so the first folder you'll see is node modules these are basically the pip installs these are the different packages pulled in from javascript and typescript we can pretty much ignore this folder for the majority of what we're working with here next we have our public folder we're also not really going to go in here but it's got some nice little images it's got our basic index.html which has the html that we're going to be running with it has a couple logo images and it has a manifest the manifest
is something that we want to change this tells our browsers a little bit about what our app is and what our app actually does so this is something that we we would change but everything in here is pretty self-explanatory the short name of our application the long name of our application some icons start url this is something that if you want to fiddle with it later absolutely please go for it and then robots.txt we're not going to talk about this at all this helps web searchers and indexers learn a little bit more about your site
we can ignore this one as well so for the most part we're not really going to do anything in the public folder or the node modules folder our source folder however we are going to be spending a lot of time in it has our app.css which includes a whole bunch of formatting for html we have app.test.tsx this is going to be testing our front end yes you can even test your front end we're going to totally skip over testing the front end which yes i know we've spent a lot of time testing our contracts if
you want to learn more about testing your front ends there's some fantastic links in the github and in the description to go over this app.tsx which we are going to be spending some time in and it's one of our the main places for us to write some code index.css again a formatting and styling file anything that ends in css is some type of formatting and styling all these tsx are going to be type scripts index.tsx we're going to pretty much ignore we are going to change the logo and we can ignore all these last bits
here a package.json this file tells our project what dependencies it needs and node.js packages it actually needs to get started we have a readme which of course is a readme we have a typescript config which gives us some options on how to work with typescript we're going to ignore this and then we have our yarn.lock which is an auto-generated file we're not going to touch it at all because yarn is going to automatically create this if you're not if you're unfamiliar with yarn.lock and unfamiliar with a lot of this stuff don't worry too much about
it this isn't going to be a file you're really going to need to pay attention to but okay now that we've created the basic create react app we can actually go ahead and right now we can see what a front end will look like so we'll cd to the front end we'll run yarn just to make sure we have everything installed what yarn does is it actually installs all of our dependencies anything in this package.json yarn is going to go out and download these dependencies and store them into node modules and then yarn.lock is going
to tell us exactly what it downloaded once running yarn now it just checks to see it says ah it looks like you already have everything installed because when we run create react app it already goes ahead and downloads everything but now we can just run yarn start if you want to know where this is coming from if you go in your package.json and you look under scripts these are the four different scripts that we actually run running yard start runs this mpx react scripts start which will actually start our front end so we'll do yarn
start you'll see react script start you'll see it says starting the development server and after a little bit of time we'll get something that looks like this edit source slash app.tsx and save and reload and this is a super simple front end obviously this isn't at all what we're looking for but we've now started a front end which is fantastic it'll say compiled successfully it'll say you can now view frontend in the browser it'll tell you exactly where it's located on our local host on the network and it'll give you any outputs from the front
end down below so we're just going to stop the front end for now by hitting command c or control c and closing it down of course if we reload now on the front end it's going to be blank but great so we have a really basic setup for working with a front end awesome if we look at an application like you'll see they have like this really fun connect button that pops up and they've got some nice user interface tools for actually working with the blockchain we don't want to have to reinvent the wheel
and build all these custom tools for doing this so we're going to use this application called used app or this framework called used app which has a whole lot of these already built in to get started installing all we have to do is run this command right here yarn add use dap slash core so here in our front end we'll do yarn add at use dap slash core and this will go ahead and install all the used app pieces into our front end so we can actually work with used app and not reinvent the wheel
with working with wallets and working with ethereum and other smart contract applications awesome now we have that installed we can actually go ahead and start building our front end now what we're going to do is we're going to go to app.tsx folder and we're going to start in here we're going to start adjusting some bits in here so what we can do is we can do the yarn start and we'll get our a little react front end here now what we could do is we go ahead and do something like change anything in here right
see how this line says edit source that app source slash app and saved reload we could do we change this whole line being something just like hello we'll save it it'll recompile we can go back and now it just says hello right so this is how we can actually upload and update our front end we have these these wonderful return pieces here these return sections here which will return the html to actually render the front end and this is also our starting point for allowing our application to be web 3 compatible so if we go
to this use dap documentation right we go to our getting started section we have a little example here that shows kind of what what something should look like right but it's not exactly clear where we put all this code so they do have this wonderful step-by-step bit and this is probably the most helpful bit here it says the first thing you need to do is set up dap provider with optional config and wrap your whole app in it so we're going to use these depth provider tags right this is the open tag and this is
the closing tag we just wrap it around our app so we can see here this this whole thing right now is our app so we could take this whole thing delete it right and if we save right now we can go and see our friend is going to have nothing it's going to be blank this function app here that's getting exported export default app and this is getting rendered in this index.tsx we have this cool little app.html tag thing right but any case we want to wrap this whole thing with this tag here right so
we can even just copy this paste it in i can do dap provider and then my vs code even auto adds a second dap provider here we can delete this div class name equals app i'll just put put a little divider in here and just say hi and at the top we'll just import this dap provider thing like what is this weird tag we're going to import it so we'll do import depth provider from and use dap core now if we hit save we'll get this weird error saying hey property config is missing in our
dap provider and that's because this dat provider needs a config associated with it so we need to add this config bit into this dat provider so we're going to do config equals at this first bracket says we're going to type in typescript and the second bracket is saying we're an object here so in this config we're going to tell our application a couple of different things so we're going to tell it what supported chains there are what are the networks that our application can actually work with the default value for supported change in used app
is going to be mainnet reli coven wrinkby robsten and xdi since we're going to be testing only on coven and ring b we could just do chain id dot coven and chain id dot chain id is another term that we can pull right from our used app slash core right and now if we wanted some other chain id we could just go ahead and put it in here right like if we wanted to work with our ganache we could just do one three three seven if we wanted some other random chain we could just put
the other number in there right but chain id coven is going to be 42 and chain id that ring b is going to be what is it three yeah three or what or whatever it is and this is all we need to get started working with in a web 3 a blockchain compatible application so let's go back let's save and we'll refresh and now it just says hi how's it going so we're going to spend a lot of time in this source folder and since we're going to be here a lot let's let's do some
cleanup just to cut down on the amount of fat that we have with that create react app so app.css we're going to toss this app.test yes tests are great but we're going to toss it we're going to leave index.css we do need index.tsx we don't need this logo bit anymore because we're going to use our own logo we do need this we also need this and since we're not running tests anymore we don't need this but i'm going to leave it in here just in case you guys want to later on go back and add
some tests great so now we're looking a little bit lighter and in our app let's just remove amp.css let's remove logo.svb logo.svg goodbye now okay so we're going to create what's called a component we're going to create a header component now in react components are basically where you you put modular parts of your front end and we're going to create one of these components is going to be our header component to do this we're going to create a new folder called components and in here we're going to create a new file called header.ts and this
is where we're going to put our header stuff and we're looking to to make a little button up here right we're looking to make a little button in this header so what we're going to do is we're going to import some stuff so we're going to import use ethers at usdap core again if we look at the documentation real quick this use ethers thing has got some cool stuff it's got this activate browser wallet thing got this account thing it's got some it's got some cool stuff so what do those actually do we're going to
start by exporting a constant variable called header this is going to be a function and this is some really this is some really fancy typescript syntax what this is meaning is that we're saying header is a function and here's what the function is going to do we're going to use this use easter's thing to get a couple variables so we're going to say constant variable account activate browser wallet deactivate equals use ethers in order for us to actually use these though we need to figure out first if the user is connected so we're going to
create another constant variable we'll call it is connected and this is going to equal an account it's going to equal an account it's going to equal account does not equal on d find so we're saying if the account is undefined we're not connected if it's not undefined then great we're connected so we're literally just looking to see if there's an account here and whether or not we're connected we'll decide if we show a connect button or not so to do that we're going to return a div this is where we're going to return some html
stuff and we've got to check to see if we're connected so we'll do is connected i'm going to use this question mark which is known as a tertiary operator which means if this is true we're gonna do something and if it's false we're gonna do something else so we're saying okay if we are connected right what do we do if we're connected here well we're gonna create a button we'll have the color equal primary create this button here and then my vs code auto makes these closing tags we'd even leave this button blank if we
want or we're actually going to put some fancy stuff in here and then we'll put a little function in it we'll say on click equals deactivate this is this deactivate function pulled in from our use ethers thing i should spell it right though and we're going to call this button oops there's a little parenthesis next to this so this is what this is connect thing does so we're saying if if we are connected right do this now we're going to do a little colon here and this is going to represent what we're going to do
if we're not connected okay if we're not connected what we're going to show is a different button color can still be primary and we're going to do on click we're going to do a function activate browser wallet then we close up the button tag with another backslash button and we'll call this one though so if we are connected we're going to show a disconnect button and then if we're not connected we're going to show a connect button and that's it right just make sure all of your divs all your tags are matched up and we
can go ahead and save this and if we look at our ui you'll see nothing's changed right okay well why isn't anything changed well this component that we just made it's living inside of this components folder and we've exported this this header variable this header function right however it's actually not in our app here right so if we look at our index.tsx this is what's actually getting rendered so we're just rendering this app variable which is pulled in from you know dot slash app right this app.tsx so index.tsx is really our true ground zero this
is where everything really comes from this is kind of our entry point right this is our main function you kind of think of it that way that pulls from this app file that we have here you can see in here we don't have any reference to this header right we have our dat provider we have our div tag saying hi but we don't have the header in here so what we need to do is we need to import this component we just made into our app.tsx so we're going to do is we're going to import
header from dot slash components slash header and now we can take this header bit we can place it inside our header tags here we can just do header and we'll close the tag by adding it right here we'll save and we'll head back and now we can see a little connect button here which is great obviously it doesn't look great but we have the functionality here which is what we want if we hit the connect button our meta mask will actually pop up and say hey would you like to connect which account would you like
to connect i'm going to go ahead select my first one next connect it's connecting and now i'm actually going to be connected let's go to one of the supported networks like coven and now we can see here we have this on click equals disconnect if i click this now oops i need to actually sorry i need to put this inside the tag here so we just moved on click to be inside of this little button here now we can see it actually says disconnect and if i click it i get disconnected and if i connect
i get automatically connected right so if we look at our metamask we can see we're connected right here right that little little green thing we can also manually disconnect by going right into our metamasks click this connected thing here click the account and hit disconnect the account and you'll see our front end does indeed update awesome this is how we can take our meta masks and actually inject it into our front ends so we can actually use the front ends great job this is absolutely massive where we are so far now you might be saying
to yourself hey patrick this is cool uh but it doesn't look very good that's kind of a gross button in the top right corner can we can we style this up can we make this look a lot nicer and the answer is absolutely yes so there's a lot of different styling packages out there you can 100 write your own custom ones we're going to be using one called material ui it's a popular react framework for creating components and just doing a lot of styling and doing a lot of really nice work so we're going to
be adding this to our project as well so to add it we're just going to use this this line and i'm just going to go ahead and do it myself and come in here we're going to cancel this with control c we do yarn add at material hyphen ui core and this will give us access to some really nice libraries for styling all these buttons installing a lot of the things that we're going to be working with back in our header we can add this styling here so we're gonna do import button make styles from
app material hyphen ui core and we're gonna use their button and their make styles if we look in the documentation here you can find there but this is double narration kind of like what their default buttons look like and this looks pretty good looks a lot better than what we currently have we're also going to be taking advantage of their make styles bit here so make styles is a way to actually do styles for based off of different themes that you can actually use with materials ui we're not going to be working with css files
because we're going to be working with this make styles instead if you prefer css you can absolutely easily translate these to css files so we are going to add some used styles first of all using make styles so in here we're going to do const use styles equals make styles and this is where we put a theme in here we're just going to set it to be a default theme um there's some documentation if you want to go ahead and add your old themes though so this make styles function it's going to have a container
and in this container we're going to add some padding of theme.spacing for we're going to add display flex we're going to add justify content flex end and then we're going to add gap theme.spacing 1. so this is really just some typical css stuff now we're going to take this use styles constant that we just made and down here we're going to do const classes equals use styles so now we have this classes object that we can start working with we're going to take this classes object in our little is connected thing we're going to do
div class name equals a little javascript in here classes.container we're going to wrap this whole thing in this div right and this is going to style this whole button div here so now if we go ahead and do yarn start again because we shut it off if we come back here we're going to see it's going to look a little bit different now it's been moved over here we have this like fun little disconnect connect button where there's some padding and it looks a little bit nicer and we're going to change all of our buttons
to being kind of this built-in button from the materials ui so we're going to swap out all those buttons with this with our new button here if we go back we can see it's it looks even nicer now now that we've swapped it out with that with that new type of button right it's got a nice little clicky feel to it and then we can also do another line called variant equals contained for each of our buttons so right next to the color primary we'll do variant contained and then now we go back and we
have a really nice button now so awesome now we have like a really nice button let's create a component that will contain the meat of our application now though from materials ui we're going to use what's called containers right and these are nice little containers that are going to allow us to style and make these different sections well we can use we can import this container bit from this materials ui by doing import container from at material hyphen ui core in our app.tsx and what we'll do to our header we'll make a little container here
container give it a closing tag container and then maybe in here we'll put this little div high right so we'll remove that div we'll paste it in here and now we can see that it's been formatted a little bit right it's been pushed over from the side it still says hi we're going to want to do one more thing we're going to give it a max width of being md oops max width equals md and this max width now if we look in the docs again on materials ui these are the different sizes we have
large medium small extra large extra small and then false right these are the different options we can have for max with we're just going to do medium so if we save this now go to wrap we can see it's been pushed over a little bit more it's time to add our main pieces right we're going to need that top piece for staking and the bottom piece for unstaking so we're actually going to create a new component called main and this is going to be our main component so we're going to create a new file in
components called main.tsx so let's start by just showing some information about our wallet right showing what we have in our wallet associated with what we have in their smart contracts so we'll say export a constant variable called main and this will be a function here's that syntax for functions in typescript and javascript in order for us to show what amounts that we have in our current wallet we're going to need to know what chain that we're even on because the network that we're on is going to determine where the addresses are right because it's going
to be different if you're on coven or mainnet etc now this is where it gets a little bit interesting because obviously with brownie we know where these addresses are right and brownie keeps track of this for us right it does it in our builds folder in our deployments folder if we look there now if you actually deployed something to coven you'll see this 42 you'll see some stuff in here you'll see this map.json which has the most recent deployments of our tokens our tokens and our token farm if you actually deployed it to coven if
you haven't deployed it to coven i highly recommend you doing that now as well this way we can test our front ends against a real test net so in order to get these addresses we're going to have to ask brownie hey brownie what are these addresses where are these coming from so we're going to need to grab some information from this brownie config we're basically going to need to get all the information all the information that's in this brownie config right because this has has these addresses already and this is what we want however it's
really hard for node.js to work outside of this source folder so what we're going to want to do is we're going to want to send that brownie config to our front end the way we're going to do that is we're going to actually modify by adding a new function called def update front end now the only reason that this works is because we have both our contracts and our frontend in the same repository in the real world once you deploy your contracts those addresses are pretty much set so you can just copy paste them over
to your front end repository but for us we don't have set contracts yet so we need a way to update our front end so what we're going to do is we're going to send that brownie config over to the front end right that way our main can know where those addresses are we're also going to need to send so we need to send the brownie config to our source folder we're also going to send the build folder why because this will have access to the dap token address or any other mock addresses that we're using
we're going to open up our brownie config and we're going to paste and we're going to dump the config into that source folder now typescript doesn't work with the ammo so well it works with json really well so we're actually going to convert it from yaml to json and dump it to the front end so we're going to open up our brownie config we're going to say with open brownie config yaml we're going to open it in read format we're going to say as brownie config we're going to say config dictionary equals yaml dot load
brownie config loader equals yaml dot full loader so we're gonna have to import this yaml from the top we're gonna do import yaml and what this yaml is gonna do is it's going to allow us to load our yaml into a dictionary that's really it so you probably don't have it right now you're going to want to run pip install pi yaml to actually get it now we'll be able to have that now that we've got this in a dictionary we're going to want to send this to the front right we're going to want to
write this dictionary as a json object to our front end so we're going to say with open we're going to open that front end source folder and that's just where we're going to dump this file we're going to call it brownie config dot json we're going to open this new file in write mode we'll say it's as brownie config json what we're going to do is just do what's called a json dump we're just going to take this dictionary and dump it as json into this file so we're going to say json.dump config dick brownie
config json of course we're gonna have to import json and then at the end we'll even print front and updated so now we have this update front end script what we can do when we run our deploy token in-depth token we can just add this update front end bit now we don't want to always update the front end right we only want to do when we're working with the front end so in our deploy token farm in depth token we're going to set update front end equals false so by default this is false this way
when we run our tests the front end won't get updated right and down here we'll just say if update front end and we'll update the front end otherwise we won't and in our main function here we'll just say update frontend equals true now if we deploy this to coven or rink b we'll automatically update and send this browning config and then let's actually change this to front and update instead of update front end so that we don't have the same method name as our boolean here so we'll do front and update instead so now when
that we deploy we'll actually go ahead and update our front end here but we're not always going to redeploy so let's also create an up date front end dot pi script and this we'll just call that function that we just made so we'll do def main update front end and then we'll do from scripts dot deploy import update front end semicolon there great let's open up a new shell by hitting a little plus button here now we have two shells and we can just do brownie run scripts update front end doesn't matter the network and
what this is just going to do it's just going to run that copy script right it's going to run our our update front-end script which we made right here so if we did this right we should now have a brownie config.json in our end source directory so if we go in here we go into our source directory we can indeed see it's right in here do we need anything else well so that's going to give us those addresses right it's going to give us it's going to give us some of the addresses but it's not
going to give us everything what about dap token right the app token isn't going to be something in our brownie config last token and fau token sure they'll be in our config but dap token is going to be something that only is going to be deployed by us so we need to send that to the front end too we need to send basically our whole build folder so we're going to need to update this update frontend script to also send send the build folder i know that we're actually going to be copying a number of
different folders so i'm just going to go ahead and make a new function called copy folders to front end and in here so we're going to make this copy folders to front end function here we're going to do a couple of clever python things this is going to take a source and a destination so we want a source folder and then a destination folder so we're going to copy this build folder and move it to you know some folder in the front end first we're going to check that that destination exists and if it exists
we're gonna kill it we're gonna we're just gonna remove it so we're gonna say if os.path dot exists destination we're gonna do this shuttle dot rm tree dest and this is gonna kill everything so we need to import both of those we're going to import os we're going to import shuttle or shutil i actually have no idea how to pronounce that but we're going to remove that whole bit and we're just going to copy everything over from our build folder so we're going to do shuttle dot copy tree src dest so we're going to say
hey if that build folder exists in the front end just delete it and we're just going to copy everything over from the build folder and we're going to do this copy folders to frontend a few times the first thing of course like i said is going to be with this build folder so we're going to do this copy folders to frontend the source is going to be dot slash build so we're going to take this whole build thing and we're going to move it to dot slash front end src and we're gonna create a new
folder in here called chain info right and this is just gonna have all of the build information and all right cool so now we can run that brownie run scripts update frontend we'll go ahead and run that and great front end is now updated so if we look at our front end we're looking source we now have this chain info folder which is literally just the build folder which is awesome now we can actually start working with these pieces in our front end so let's figure out how to get the depth token address well to
get this dap token address we're going to need that map that we just got from chain info in our deployments but we're also going to need to know what chain that we're currently on like what we saw before we have this chain id from used app core which will tell us what chain id of the current network that we're on so we can go ahead and import that in here as well so we're going to do is we're going to import use ethers again from at use dap core what we're going to do here is
use ethers allows us to get the chain id that we're working on so we can say cons chain id equals use ethers now that we have the chain id we're going to have to map it to the name of the network right because our browning config has this network section but it's mapped by the name of the network not by the id so what we're actually going to do is we're going to create a helper config in our src so we're just going to create a new file helper config dot json and it's literally just
going to be a json object that maps numbers to their associated chain names so 42 for example is going to be kovan four is going to be rank b one three three seven gonna be dev or it could also be ganache right one is gonna be mainnet etc now that we have this helper config we can do import helper config from dot dot slash helpworkconfig.json and before we even get the dab token address we can do const network name is going to equal that helper config at the chain id now typescript is actually going to
get a little bit mad at us here so we need to add a little bit more to this line actually so we need to say okay only grab from this helper config if chain id exists right because there might be a chance that train chain id is nothing or it's something really weird so we're going to say chain id i'm going to use this tertiary tertiary operator again we're gonna say if this chain id exists then go ahead and use the helper config however if it doesn't exist just use dev i should spell chain id
right so it doesn't get really confused to me and whenever we return one of these components or try to use one of these components we're always going to have to return some type of html or div tag like this we head over to our app we add our little main bit here of course we're going to want to import this say import main from dot slash components slash main we save it we'll add our main tag syntax we're basically saying in it now depending on your setup you might actually run into this error here saying
element implicitly has an any type because expression blah blah blah you might be saying okay well what's going on here now to make our lives easier we're going to tone down typescripts strictness here so what we're going to do is in our typescript config.json we're actually going to add suppress implicit any index errors so we're basically suppressing when we get this type of error because it's not ever actually going to affect anything i should probably i should probably spell this correctly we'll save it now if we save this file here we're going to actually get
this saying everything's compiled everything looks good and if we refresh our front end we're gonna get back to exactly where we are before now what we can also do is we can also console.log these out we can also see in the console exactly what these are gonna look like so if we do console.log chain id and console.log network name we save and we go back we can go hit inspect go to the console and we'll see 42 and coven gets printed out in the console over here so that's 42 is the chain id and coven
is the is the network name so we know that we're doing this right okay great so we have our network name and we have a chain id we've got a way for us to update our front end with a new script let's finally get those different addresses that we need say the constant variable gap token address is going to equal something from that build folder or that chain info folder that we created inside here inside deployments we have this map.json and since i've already deployed this to coven we have dap token and token farm on
the cova network so we can then use that and say if if we are connected to a chain id and that's again that's what this question mark is doing saying if this chain id exists then look into that mapping else we're just going to use a zero address right so how do we actually get this mapping in here though so i'm going to say import network mapping from this is going to be in that chain info folder inside the deployments deployments and it's just going to be map.json so we're going to take this network mapping
object and we're going to say if the chain id exists then inside this network mapping json object we're going to cast that chain id as a string and then we're going to grab the name of the dab token which is going to be dap token and we're going to grab whatever address is at the top right so this is going to be a big list the more times we deploy the more times brown is going to keep track of it and there's going to be all these different addresses and we just want this one right
at the top right we want the most recent one here so we're just going to say at position zero otherwise if we're not on a chain id we're just going to use a zero address and ether's js actually has a really nice package to give us what's called constants so we're going to do constants dot address zero and we can import that from ethers so we'll do import cons dance from ethers if you don't already have ethers installed here we're going to do cd front end we're going to do yarn add ethers and now we
have the ethers package in here now we're not going to do the same thing for the weft token or the fau token because those tokens are defined in the brownie config as opposed to being defined in our map.json here so to get those ones we're going to say const with token address it's going to equal let's check first if the chain id exists and if it does we're going to grab it from the brownie config so to grab that we're going to do import brownie config from again now that we've imported it brownie config.json now
we can work with this brownie config inside of our front end so we'll say browning config of networks of that network name of the left token and if chain id oops chain id does not exist then once again we're gonna do constants dot address zero so we're just gonna leave it blank and then we're going to do the exact same thing for the fau slash the die token so we'll do const fau token address equals chain id question mark so if the chain id does exist it'll be the brownie config networks network name fau token
and if chain id doesn't exist it'll be constants dot address zero okay awesome and if we save it oops looks like i put in an extra comment there by accident i'm just gonna get rid of that and resave and then refresh here so i'm getting an issue uh because i'm on the rink beat chain right now and it's saying hey there's no there's nothing for rink there's no dap token for rink b you gotta be on coven so if i go back to coven here and i refresh now it works out fine right this might
still break for you if you're on coven and you haven't deployed anything to coven we can fix this in our config for the dap provider by changing the supported chains for this now typically a lot of the times you're going to want to test using a ganache chain or some type of local chain so that your front end testing can be a lot faster for this we're just going to do everything on coven but a nice little challenge for you would be to refactor this so that it also works with something like ganache and we're
going to not use ganache so i'm just going to go back to app.tsx we're going to remove ganache even we're going to even remove rink b for now we're just going to work with coven just to make it simple if i go to our react page now refresh i can connect awesome if i go to ring b it's not going to freak out because it says hey ring b is not even supported so i don't care what you're doing however covent is supported so we're connected and we're looking good and the thing is we really
don't want to couple our front end with our contracts right we really want to code the contracts independently and the front end independently anyways so let's get back into our main.tsx because we're going to be in here for a while but we've already done some great things we've gotten what network we're on what chain id we're on and we've gotten the different addresses for these different tokens so as you can probably see the place that we're actually going to put stuff on the front end is in this little return statement here right right now we're
just returning i'm main and we just see my main right here to do this we're actually going to make another component we're going to make a component called your wallet this component is going to be a part of this main component here it's a component inside of a component that is literally only going to address our wallet needs so in our little components tab here we're going to go ahead and create a new folder and we're going to call it your wallet and this is just going to have everything to do with our wallet in
here so let's get in here we'll create a new file because we're going to actually make a couple files and our first one is going to be your wallet.tsx this is going to be our component that is just going to deal with getting our wallet getting the token balances of the different tokens that we have since we know we're going to put this component in main and main is in our our home base our app.tsx you know that we're going to do an export const your wallet in here and we'll make this a function now
in order to actually show these tokens we do need to get some information from our other component we need to get some information on what the supported tokens even are so we're going to have our main actually pass a variable to our wallet here we're going to call it the supported tokens and this is going to be of type your wallet props and this is going to be a your wallet props here just to tell typescript what this is what this supported tokens is going to look like we're going to say interface your wallet props
it's going to look like this supported tokens and it's going to be an array of tokens and array of some token we're going to grab that token type from main as well so actually we're going to do import token from main and in our main we're going to pass this token and we're going to pass some supported tokens to our wallet so right underneath those three token addresses back in main we're going to do const supported tokens is going to be an array of token this token type so above here we do export type token
equals and we're going to say a token type is going to involve an image which is going to be a string an address which is also going to be a string and a name which will also be a string so we're creating a new type called token here in our main function we're creating this supported tokens object which is an array of tokens and this is excuse me and this is going to equal that array syntax so our first token is going to be have an image that we haven't defined yet the address is going
to be this dap token address and the name the name of course is going to be gap for dap token now we're going to need a couple images so at this point you should see where we're going with this we create this array of supported tokens first is our dap token and we need an image for this dap token so if you're following along you can just grab this image right off of the github and we're going to grab that dab token and we're going to pop it into src we're going to change this to
dap.png now we can import this by doing import dap from dot dot slash dap dot png now i can take this dap image and under image i'll put now let's do the other tokens so we'll do a comma we'll do image we'll be f oops f address will be weath token with token address name will be wef and again we can either oh and let's close this off and again we can either grab right from my github or pop it into my src here we'll change this to f dot png we'll scroll up and we'll
import this as well import f from dot dot slash at that png and boom that looks good one more comma image it's going to be fau or it's going to be our die token address is going to be fau token address name it's going to be fau or die this will be our die token we'll pop it into our src change the name to die dot png no import die from dot dot slash die dot png grab die and it looks like we're going to name it die actually instead and if your vs code starts
yelling at you about this can't find module it's really confused what we're going to do at the top here so we're just going to add a little comment backslash star eslint disable spaced comment star backslash dash dash dash ref errant types equals react scripts and we'll save and that issue will go away all right well now that we have our supported tokens token array we can actually pass this to that your wallet bit right so now we're going to go to this return bit we're going to remove that div on main and we're going to
actually start getting to some meat here so we're going to pass this to our your wallet component that we're going to import in just a second and we're going to send it our supported tokens let's say supported tokens equals supported tokens backslash like this and of course we're gonna have to import your wallet here so we'll scroll to the top we'll do import your wallet from dot slash your wallet we're actually going to make a new file in our your wallet folder called index.ts and we're just going to export your wallet from dot slash your
wallet save that i'm getting an issue [Music] saying you wallet it's not defined it's because this should be your wallet okay cool so we're getting another issue but i'm going to fix that in a second great so now we have some supported tokens we have a wallet here we're exporting our wallet with our index.ts and our your wallet folder now let's finish our your wallet implementation and this needs a little equal sign here whoops and we're going to get this little error basically because we don't have a return here so we could just do return
just to make it happy div hi and we'll even change this to i'm your wallet and we'll save and now everything's happy we'll go to our front end we'll do a quick refresh and now we see i'm your wallet so let's keep diving into your wallet here right because this is going to be where we're doing all of this stuff about what's in your wallet now we're going to use a couple of these components from the materials ui here to get started to start we're just going to use this box the box component it serves
just as a wrapper component for most of the css utility needs it's just a box right it's a box that we can put on our front end so we're going to come over in into our your wallet and we'll start working with this box we're going to put everything inside of this little this little box here i'm going to import this box import box from [Music] at material ui core we'll give this a little header h1 we'll say your wallet h1 get a little header your wallet on your wallet great now we'll get rid of
this little i'm your wallet and we'll create another box and in here we're going to add all of our functionality for what is in our wallet now we're going to use some tabs here from the materials ui to swap between the tokens right we're going to have one tab for fau token another tab for zap token and for wrapped ether we're going to use this this this tabs thing here so to work with tabs we're going to need to import some tab stuff so we're going to import tab context tab list and tab panel from
material ui lab so material ui material i slash lab these are some components that they're not quite ready to move to the core so we do have to add these as well so we'll go to our front end and our other shell and we'll do yarn add and material ui lab these are kind of their testy ones but they have some really nice features that we're going to use but let's get into this box and let's make our first tab context value equal to now in our box here the first tab that we're going to
have to use is going to be whatever token that we have selected to select tokens we're going to use what's called a state hook so we're going to create a state hook here inside of this we're going to do const selected token index set selected token index equals use state number zero so use state we're going to grab from react it looks like i've already imported here import react comma brackets use state from react and what this is going to do it's going to create one variable select the token index this is going to be
whatever token that we're on and then set selected token index is going to update this selected token index this u state state components thing is a way of saving state between renders of components so in our little box here we're going to start with a tab context we'll start basically with our own tab and the value is going to be equal to whatever token we currently have selected dot to string and we're gonna have to make a list of these tokens in our tab context we're gonna have to add some way to change between the
tabs right when we change between the tabs we want a different token to be selected and we're going to make a tab list that's going to change whenever we click the different tab so we're going to add we're going to add some functionality to this but for now we're just going to give it an aria label call this our stake form tabs and based off the supported tokens in a mapping of token to index we're going to call a function in here where we return a tab which will have a label equal to the
the value would be equal to the index dot string or excuse me dot 2 string and the key is going to be equal to the index tab is something that is just from the material ui core so we're going to import tab from that material ui core i should probably spell supported tokens correctly supported tokens now if we look at our ui we can now see we've got a couple different buttons here which great we have dap west and die right these are the different supported tokens that we're mapping here now of course if we
click the different buttons nothing actually happens so we do need to to handle a change we do need to code some functionality to handle a change whenever we do something different so in our tab list we're going to add on change on change equals handle change i'm going to code a little functionality at the top to actually handle a change so we'll say const handle change equal to an event a react dot change event we'll do a new value it's gonna be a string and this is a function so we're gonna do this little function
syntax again and all we're going to do is we're going to use our little state hook here so we're going to do set selected token index and we're going to parse the int of the new value that we get so what's happening here we've added this new functionality where whenever we change one of those tabs we're going to change this the selected token right this selected token number is going to be different and what we do is we map the indexes to a token right so each one of these tokens is going to represent a
certain number so now when we save let me go check out our front end you can now see that we do indeed swap between tabs here which is really nice all right let's keep going so that's cool we have a way to swap between the different tokens visually here but we need a big stake button right the reason that we need to swap between the tokens is because we need a way to stake between them so when we're on one of these tabs we're going to add a stake form here we're going to add a
big button that allows us to stake so we're going to do some typescript we're going to do supported i'm going to map that token and index again function use that and then here we're going to return a different tab panel the value in here is going to be the index dot to string key is gonna be the index we'll make a little div in here and we're gonna need to put two pieces in here we're gonna need to be putting our wallet balance in here and then also a big stake button right of course
we're looking at right now it's just going to say our wallet balance and a big stake button but how do we actually do this how do we actually get our wallet balance and one of these big stake buttons well we're probably going to need some type of component to get our actual wallet balance that we're going to stick in here so yup you already know we're going to go in here into our your wallet component we're going to create a new file and this is where we're going to define that wallet balance component and we're
going to import our wallet balance into our wallet here so that we can actually see the balance of our wallet right in the front end and right and this is where we're going to actually be reading off chain finally after a lot of typescript and react setup since we're going to be importing this into our your wallet component here of course we're going to start with export const wallet balance we're going to make this a function so we'll do this really weird function syntax and we're probably going to want to pass this the token right
the token that we want to get the balance of so we're even going to set that up like this a token in here and we'll define what this looks like uh with the interface called wallet balance props so we'll say export interface wallet balance props and this will be a token right this will be that same token type that we defined before so we're gonna have to import that so we'll say import token from [Music] main all right great that's our initial setup here we'll grab from the token that we passed to this we'll pass
we'll get the image address and the name from that token address and name we'll grab the account right because we're going to need the account with along with the token so we'll say const account equals use ethers and of course we're gonna have to import account from excuse me imports not account use ethers from at use dap slash core we're gonna need the account we're gonna need the address and use dab core has a nice little hook called use token balance that we're going to use you look check it out in the documentation provides a
way to fetch the balance of erc20 tokens specified by a token address it makes our lives a lot easier so we'll just import that as well use token balance and all we have to do really is do const token balance equals use token balance of the address of the token and our count here we can even do a quick console.log token balance see if we're doing it correctly and we take this wallet balance and import it into our wallet here we should be able to see something so we'll import it into our wallet now let's
go into the top we'll do import wallet balance from dot slash wallet balance and down inside our very large return function here we'll add this new tab or this new uh component we'll say wallet balance we still remember we need to send it the token so we'll send it tokens at the index of the selected token index i should spell supported tokens right i should spell wallet balance right capital b we do need to do a return so that it's actually a jsx component we'll do a div we'll just have to say i'm the wallet
balance if we go to our front end we do a quick refresh we do indeed see this little print line here uh this is javascript's big number so if we really want to see this token balance we'll do dot to string and we have to put this question mark here to tell typescript hey turn it to a string if it's not undefined and now if we save we go to our front end we do a refresh since we are connected to coven here we can see we get an amount printed out here and if we
switch tabs you'll see the different amounts being printed here which is fantastic cool so let's remove this little console.log we want to show this token balance obviously in our ui right we don't want to have people to have to go to the console.log right to actually see it we want it to represent we want to show up where it says i'm the wallet balance so what we're gonna do first we should probably format it right because this is in units of way so we're gonna do const formatted token balance this will be a number which
will equal to token balance if token balance does exist again we're using this tertiary operator we're going to parse float format units balance 18 otherwise we're just going to use zero format units is a nice little import that we're going to grab from the ethers project so we'll do import format units from at ether's project slash units and of course yarn add at ethers project and of course we're going to do a yarn add on this here we'll do yarn add at ether's project units and now this formatted token balance is going to be this
token balance that we just got but formatted formatted much nicer in our little div here what we could just do so we could just add this formatted token balance we'll save and we'll look at the front end now and aha we now see we have 100 dapp zero weft and 15 die right these numbers might be a little bit different depending on how much you actually got but this is perfect this is exactly what we're looking for so let's close out the console and let's let's flesh this out a little bit let's make this look
a little bit nicer here so instead of just returning a little div like this let's actually make a new component called balance message and we'll use this instead create a new component called balance message and it'll format up the way we actually show these formatted tokens and here we'll pass we'll pass it a couple variables we'll pass this component an amount we'll pass it a label we'll say the label is going to be your unstaked name balance right we're grabbing name from the token and we'll pass it a token image src which is going to
be that image so we're going to pass it a label or excuse me not img it's going to be image we're going to pass it a label token image and an amount right and this component is just going to make us have this balance look a little bit nicer so in our our your wallet section i'm going to do a new file called balance message.tsx oops not tsx tsx and we can kind of rip through this pretty quickly so per usual we're going to export const balance message is gonna equal a function where it's gonna
take those parameters a label and a mount and a token image src and this will be an interface of balance message props this will be a function of course so we'll do this weird function syntax of course we need to tell typescript what this looks like so we'll say interface balance message props what are those inputs we'll say the label is going to be a string the amount it's going to be a number and the token image src is going to be a string and in here we're going to use and in here we're going
to once again do that use styles bit for materials ui because we want to style this up a little bit so we're going to import make styles from [Music] at material slash ui core we'll do a const use styles it's going to equal make styles theme which we're going to skip doing a theme but let's make some styles for the different pieces let's give it balance message be surrounded mainly by a container which will have a couple of styles in here we'll say the display it's going to be an inline grid the grid template columns
are going to be auto auto auto again you can check out all these parameters in the documentation there's going to be a gap which will be theme dot spacing one again we're skipping theme but this will just be a way to add some spacing and then align items in the center we'll also give token image its own styling we give it a width of 32px 32 pixels and then the amount just do we go to font weight of 700. so we'll make that a a little thick so now that we have our use styles we
have our styling here we can go into our export below we'll do const classes equals use styles and we're going to return we're going to return a div class name is going to be equal to that main container classes.container we'll do another div just for that label that we're looking for we'll do another div for class name equals classes dot amount so have that that nice font weight and then here we'll just have the amount and then we'll grab that image of the token class name is going to equal to classes dot token image we'll
grab the source of that image is just going to be that token image src that we get passed and we'll give it an alt called token logo and we'll close that tab out great so we're going to want to do is in our wallet balance here it's balance message that we just created we'll do import balance message from dot dot com mints slash your wallet capital w and actually i know we're going to use this balance message a little bit later so i'm actually going to grab it and drag it into components move it into
components and move it out of your wallet because i know that we're actually going to use it a little bit later so that means in our wallet balance we're just going to pull it right from components slash balance message and whoops we actually need to make this look like this close it out here remove this part like this boom right like that and now let's try out the front end okay we're looking a little bit nicer right we have a really thick number here explaining how much of the token we have we have the images
popping up this looks starting to look great let's add this stake button right so that when they see this they can actually stake and interact with our contract here so to do this we do need to create another component called our stake form so in your wallet we're going to create a new file called stake form dot ts x and this is where we're going to add a little button and an amount for the users to actually stake on our contract so you already know we're going to start with export const state form equals and
we're going to have our wallet pass the token just like we passed the token to wallet balance so we'll say token and we'll have this be stake form props which is an interface we're going to define in a second this is a function so we'll do this fun function syntax here and then stake form props as you know is just going to be a token so do inter export interface stake form [Music] props this is just going to be a token of type token which again we're going to import token from maine great and that
is our starting point for this so we're going to create a stake form with a big button that says stake and the user can actually choose how much they want to stake on our smart contract so we're going to do some similar stuff as we did before we're going to grab some variables we're going to say the address is going to be that token address that we get from the pass token we're also going to get a name of the token from that token we're going to get our account from use ethers again so we
can import that we'll say from or oops import use ethers from at use dap slash core we're going to want to grab the token balance so we'll do const token balance once again we can grab that with the use token balance with the token address and the account so we're going to use use token balance this will also grab from used app slash core we're going to want to format this token balance so we'll do const format it token balance it's going to be a number again this is going to be the exact same as
we did before say token balance do parse float format units token balance 18 or zero in format units once again we're going to import that import format units from at ether's project slash units perfect importing here we've gotten some some starter boilerplate let's just go ahead and grab those buttons right because those are really the things that we're going to care about here let's just return some stuff here so something can show up on our front end right so let's do return i'll start returning something here and whenever we return something it's all gonna be
in one tag right so i'm gonna i know i'm gonna be doing a whole bunch of different tags so i'm just gonna go ahead and make an open and close tag here and this is where i'm going to put all my stuff now we know we're going to want to have a big stake button right so let's go ahead and just do let's get a let's get a button tag in here and of course since we're going to have a button we're going to pull this in from that materials eye material ui right so we'll
do import button from material ui core just so we can get get started with something here and then back in our your wallet.tsx let's add this button in here inside of our tab panel right below our wallet balance we'll add this stake form thing we'll open and close of course we've got to import it so we'll say import stake form from dot slash stake form and we need to pass this that token object so back in our your wallet we're gonna say okay token equals supported tokens of that selected token index selected token index and
let's not have this let's just do a little backslash here to close that out let's be sure to close this bracket here we'll give this button some stuff right we'll do color equals primary say size equals large then we'll give it some text called stake double exclamation point or however many you want to put in there and now if we look at the front we got this big stake button nice okay we're looking a little bit better currently doesn't do anything but we have a stake button great now we can start adding some implementation right
we can have it do some stuff now when we hit this stake button what do we want it to do we want to do two things we want to approve whatever token that we have and then we want it to stake that amount we also need to have some type of form here we need to know how much we want to stake right so we're going to need some little input box that we can add a certain amount in well we can do that too with a little input box from materials ui so there's another
package we're going to grab which is called input from materials ui core and then we're going to use this little input box before the button so we're gonna do input little slash here now if we save refresh the front end awesome now we can do some typing in here we can click this stake button now to do this though we're gonna need to keep track of how much amount is in here right we're going to need to keep track of how much amount's in here so we're going to inspect on the front end and we're
going to go to console and see if we can follow along with how much is in here or what amount is in here and to do this we're going to make another one of those state hooks and we're going to track that amount in there so we're going to say const amount set amount for one of these stakeholders equals use state which is going to be a number or a string or an array number or string zero and we're going to import this use state here from react so we're going to do import import react
use state from react and now we have this state hook that we can use to keep track of the amount that's going to be put in there with our input tag here we're going to say on change whenever this changes we're going to have to have some handle function right we're going to call it handle input change and this is going to handle the input change so we're going to create that function we're going to do const handle input change equals and we're going to use some event stuff in here we're going to say this
is going to take an event a react dot change event of html input element this is going to be a function that's going to set amount it's going to say const new amount equals whenever we change that value in that field if if it's equal to nothing then we're just going to say okay we're going to do nothing otherwise we're going to cast it as a number we're going to cast whatever is in there as a number and then we're going to do set amount to this new amount what we could do is
we can even do a console.log new amount and now and we can start using it right so if i go back here and do one two three right you can see it's console.logging every time i change something in here so now we have a way to actually get that amount with this input now we're going to need to weigh to send that amount as part of our stake right so we're going to first have to call that approve function with this amount and then we're going to have to call from our token farm then we're
going to have to call the stake method so how do we get it to call this approve function here well to do these we're actually going to make some new state hooks that we're going to use in our staking form here we're going to make state hooks for approving and for staking and even for unstaking so back in our folder here we're going to create a new folder called hooks and this is where we're going to add some different hooks first hook that we're going to make is going to be called use use stake tokens
dot type script and this is something that we're going to import into our our stake form here so we can actually stake some tokens and the way we want to do it too is that once we hit stake once we hit our stake button it kicks off the approve and then and actually right afterwards it kicks off ascend it kicks off a stake token we want to run these two functions sequentially and we're going to make this use stake token hook clever enough to do it in that order so let's do it hooks are basically
just like components except for they're more functionality wise so since we know we're just like components we're going to do export const use stake tokens and this is going to be a function just like our other components and as input we're going to take a token address that's going to be a string and inside of this we're going to have some intelligent scripts to know if it's already been approved if it's not already been approved and what we need to do right we know we're going to need some approved thing and we know we're going
to need some stake tokens thing so let's let's at least try to approach this approved thing first before we get too creative right how do we approve this transaction to get an approve we're going to need a couple things we're going to need the address as you guys know we're probably going to need the abi we're probably going to need the chain id so we know which chain it's on so let's go ahead and let's grab those so we'll do const chain id equals use ethers and since we're using use ethers here we're going to
import this so we'll do import use ethers from at use dep slash core we're also going to want the abi of the token farm so we'll do const abi equals well where do we get this api from ha that's right we've imported it in our little chain info piece and should be right in here we could should be able to do import token farm from down to directory it'll be in chain info slash contracts slash tokenfarm.json and now we can say avi is going to be equal to this this token farm right because in token
farm we have an abi key so we can just abstract that away and just pull out the api perfect we're going to need the token address of course we're also going to need our token farm address and we can find that the exact same way we found it before with const token farm address it's going to be equal to depending on if the chain id exists once again we're going to want to use that network mapping so we can even go back to main.tsx let's see how we did it here for the depth token address
you can copy this as like a frame of reference we'll say if this chain id exists we'll pull right from that network mapping right we'll pull right from the network mapping so we got to import that too which we can grab from import network mapping from chain info chain info slash deployments slash map.json so once again we're going to say if that chain id exists in the network mapping we're going to use that string chain id so we'll do string chain id of the token farm at position 0 right because we obviously want the most
recent one otherwise again we'll do constants dot address zero and since we're going to do that of course we're gonna have to do import constants from [Music] ethers and this hooks folder should be in source so let's just make sure that we have hooks in source here now we're going to want to interact with this token farm address contract right we're going to want to run that proof function first we want to create like an interface so we can do const token farm interface we'll say this equals new utils.interface with the abi this utils we
can again grab from the ethers project or excuse me from uh from ethers so we'll do comma utils now we can create a token form interface here and now that we have interface we'll create a contract so we'll do const token farm contract equals new contract and this will be a combination of this token farm interface and the token farm address actually it's address first and contract is something we can grab from import contract from at ether's project slash contracts all right you're probably starting to follow along and figure out okay cool i have a
token farm contract now that we have a contract we can actually call some functions which we totally can but right we need to call the approve first so let's get the token contract before we even work with the stake token right so to work with the token we're going to want to do the same thing so we'll do const erc20 interface equals new utils dot interface interface and this will be from ear c20 abi which we should probably make first so we'll do const erc20 avi equals we'll do it the same way we did up
here except for instead of token farm we'll do something else we'll do look in our contracts here we'll do mock erc20 instead and then we'll just call this erc20 or yeah we'll just call this erc20 but we'll grab it from our mock erc20 dot json so now that we have the crc20 we do const erc20 api equals erc20.avi and we can just pop this api to create our interface we'll now do const erc20 contract equals new contract of the token address comma the erc20 interface boom okay now we have both of these contracts we have
the erc20 contract we have the token farm contract now we should be able to go ahead and call some functions right now to actually send one of these we're going to use this thing called use contract function it's a hook in use dap that returns an object with two variables a state and a send this state bit is used to represent the status of the transaction and that's how we're actually going to automatically kick off the stake after we approve to send a transaction we have to actually have to we actually have to use this
send function here so we're going to use this use contract function to get to get a state and ascend so that's what we're going to first need to do so we're going to const send and then we're going to call this approve erc 20 send and state because this is what it's returning it's returning send an estate i'm going to say state is going to be approved erc20 state equals use contract function we pass the token contract the erc20 contract comma the name of the function which is going to be approve then we do a
comma and then we'll do a little object here we'll call this transaction name and this will just be approve erc20 transfer then of course i have to import this from used app this use contract function now oddly enough oops i got rid of the closing tag here but great so now in a weird way we actually have these two new pieces here we have this send function this approve vrc20 send and this approve erc20 state this is going to be the status of our transaction and this is going to be the actual function that we
use and if we want to call this approve function what we can do is now we can return calling this proof function so we'll do const approve we'll have this be a function we'll say it'll take a string amount as an input parameter and we'll just have it return this approve erc20 send and we'll give it the token farm contract address as a first input parameter excuse me token farm address and we'll use this input amount as the second parameter and then we'll just have this this use stake tokens return this approve function and then
also this state here so it's going to return approve and it's going to return state we could also just have it return this if we wanted but we're going to wrap it just all up in this approved thing here we also probably want to return this state right so we're going to turn this into hook as well so we're gonna do const state set state equals oops use state and we'll have this be the approved or the approved erc 20 state as the input and of course since we're using use state we're going to grab
this from react as well we also want to return the state so we'll return this approve erc20 state here so now we have a way to actually do all this so in our stake form what we're going to have is we're going to create const that's going to grab those two variables so we'll do const approve and approve erc20 state is going to be equal to use stake tokens with that token address pulled down from the token as the input parameter and this is our new hook so we're going to import use stake tokens from
dot dot slash dot dot slash hooks now that we have these two functions we have the approve function and then we have the state of that function now we can add a handle submit functionality for our button here so now we can say okay on click when we click this button we're gonna do a handle stake submit right because this is that our big well it's not gonna show up now because i broke everything but this is our big button right this is our this is our stake button so we're going to create this function
called handle stake submit let's go ahead and do const handle stake submit this will be a function and what it's going to do is we'll get this amount here so we'll do const amount which we're going to actually have to convert it from string to way so we'll call it amount as way we'll do equals utils.parse ether we'll grab parse ether we'll grab utils again from ethers utils from ethers and we'll do the amount dot 2 string so we're going to grab this amount this statehook amount here we'll turn it into a string and then
what we can do is we can return this approve function with this amount as way okay oh and then we're getting a fail to compile so in our hooks section we're just gonna do an index.typescript and we're gonna export this use stake so we'll do export use stake tokens from dot slash use stake tokens close that we'll restart the server and then i should import this from the right place and i should import this from the right place as well and let's get rid of the brackets here whoops sorry and let's do this as a
dot to string oops because you can't do a big number now let's save it'll recompile we'll pop into our front end here we'll do a refresh our stuff is up that's cool our stuff is getting logged out now if we hit stake we should call the approve function here metamask pops up we do get allow localhost to spend your dap this is amazing we're gonna reject this for now though because or don't want to bother testing it so amazing job getting this far we're hitting a button metamask is popping up and we're doing it we're
actually sending a transaction this is incredibly exciting great work so far let's keep going uh the approve function is working perfectly it's working as intended or we're just we're kind of assuming it's working as intended but that's great this is perfect so now we've got to go one step further we need to have this call stake after it's been approved this is where we're going to do a little something called use effect we can import in here just to use effect comma what use effect does it allows us to do something if some variable has
changed so the way that we're going to do that is we're going to say okay use effect and it takes one of these functions as an input and then we'll do a little comma here and similar to those state hooks we'll do an array of different things we want to track and if anything in this array changes we'll kick off this use effect and we'll do something in here so one of these things that we definitely want to track is this approved erc20 state if approved erc20 state if this transaction comes back successful then we
want to do some stuff so we'll say we'll track this this state and we'll go ahead and say if approve erc20 state dot status equals success then we're going to go ahead and do like a stake function and to do a state function we're going to follow this exact same methodology that we did for the approve so first we're going to use this use contract function thing so we'll do const send is going to be stake send and then state will be stake state this is going to be equal to again we're going to use
use contract function this is going to be on our token farm contract this is going to be our stake tokens function and this will be trans action name it's just going to be stake tokens and that's it so let's make this look a little bit more readable here lovely so we have our little used contract bit here and now this stake send we can just call this right in this approve erc20 dot state does status we need to do stake send and if we look back in our token farm if we do stake tokens we
have an amount and a token address so that's what we're going to have to put in here we have to put some amount and then token address will just be token address where do we actually get this amount from well when we originally called this approved function this is when we should actually do it and you might be asking hey how come we wrapped this approve your c20 into a function here but we're not going to do that here i'll tell you why in just a second so what we're going to have is we're going
to have a state hook for how much we want to actually stake so we'll do const amount to stake and set amount to stake it's going to be equal to use state and we're going to start with zero we're just going to get this defaulted right to zero and what we're going to do actually is once we call this approve function the first time we're going to set amount to stake to be this amount and what we should do instead of calling this approve is we should call this approve and stake since it's this function
that's going to kick off yes it's going to kick off our approve erc20 but it's also going to change the amount that we're going to stake and later on once the transaction succeeds it will also then kick off our steak send or our staking function so we're going to change this to a proven stake that means below we have to actually return a proven stake and not just approve and for stake send the amount is going to be this amount to stake which we got from our original proven stake and then we just have to
change this to approve and stake and we'll change this from improve to approve and stake and realistically that's all we really need to do here so if we save we go back to our front end let's go to one of these that i actually have some of i'll type in one for in here i'll hit the stake button and what should happen is approve will come up i'll confirm and once this actually confirms then i'll be able to another transaction should pop up telling us to actually stake and that's exactly what happens here so we've
approved now we can stake we'll even watch metamask really really quick here i'm doing this on coven right i just called this state tokens function for those of you doing this on ganache will be a lot quicker but perfect that was fantastic our balance even got deducted by one now we have one of these tokens actually staked and this is fantastic however there's obviously a couple issues here right what was happening during that that whole section right there is there was no indication for us of what was really going on got no notifications we're totally
left in the dark here additionally this page still looks disgusting so we want to clean this up we want to make this look a lot nicer so how can we actually do this so for switching between these we want to actually just change our use effect here so we do want to check let's approve erc20 state but we also want to see if we switch the token address we want to just check to see if approve vrc20 is done if we switch our token address and we also want to just check to see this if
amount to stake actually changes so if we do amount to stake we want to check kind of during all these these three if any of these three changes we'll just do a quick check hey is the prove vrc20 done if yes great then we'll we'll stake some tokens so this is great but we're going to want to get some notifications that these transactions are going through these transactions are pending and these transactions finish so why do we actually add those pieces to this well used app has this thing called use notifications this notifications bit will
help us actually get notified on whether or not our transactions are completing so to use these notifications we're going to do a couple of different things in here first all the way back in our app.tsx we're actually going to change our config here we're going to add some notifications in here to check periodically if our things are done and there's a couple of different parameters there's a x variation period and then we'll set it to be 1000 this is in milliseconds so we'll set it to be a thousand which is just one second and we'll
do a check interval also of one thousand so basically we're saying hey every second check the blockchain on our transactions that we send please thank you and now that we have this notifications bit identified in our staking form we can add this bit so from used up decor we'll do comma use notifications and now we can actually start using some of these notifications so right here at the top we'll do const notifications equals use notifications we can actually start working with some of these notifications now we're going to want to see if anything in any
of these notifications actually change and if these notifications change we're going to want to do something so since we're going to want to check to see if this if notification changes those who have been following along with what i've been explaining for use effect you know that means we're going to want to use a use effect we're going to say use effect it's going to be this function and if we don't have it imported let's go ahead and import this from react let's use effect we're going to be looking to see if these notifications change
we're going to be looking to see if our transaction has completed so in our little watching array here we're going to say let's watch the notifications here let's make sure if any of those notifications changes if anything in our meta mask changes we're going to want to do something right so we're going to say if there are any notifications that are approved erc20 or transaction succeeded we want to show hey you know good job it's been approved so to do this we're going to say if notifications dot filter all right this is going to be
a function based off the notification on this notification we're going to say notification.type it's going to be transaction dot succeeded succeed and that notification dot transaction name then this is why we need to give them names before in our use state it's going to be approve erc20 transfer dot length is greater than zero then we're going to do some stuff our transaction succeed so we're saying if in these notifications we're going to filter on a notification if the type is transaction succeeded and the name is approved erc20 transfer then we're going to do some stuff
and for now we're just going to do console.log approved we can also then do the same thing for if notifications dot filter author on the notification notification dot type if that notification to type is going to be again that transaction succeed and notification dot transaction name equals stake tokens capital t stake tokens there are more than one dot length is greater than zero then we'll do console.log tokens staked okay so we've got some notifications put in we're gonna do a little console logging let's see if our use effect stuff is actually gonna work so let's
go to our front end we'll do a quick refresh we'll go to where we have some tokens i'm gonna type one in here i'm gonna hit stake i'm gonna hit confirm and we're gonna wait a little bit and if this confirms correctly then we're gonna see a little console.log printout that says approved and we do indeed and that's perfect metamask pops up again for our stake tokens we hit approve there as well and we should see a little console.log out here for state token staked and we do perfect so now we have a way to
actually track some of these notifications and track what actually happens on the blockchain console.logging stuff is great but we want to actually see it in our ui here what we're going to want to do is show a little waiting thing here while we're waiting for it to be approved and then she'll pop up when it actually does get approved we can add a little constant called is mining which will be based off of whether or not the transactions are approved so we'll do const is mining and this will be equal to the state of these
transactions so this should actually instead be approved erc20 there should be approve and stake erc20 state now we'll say oops now we'll say is mining will be equal to approve and stake erc20 state dot status equals equals equals mining should probably have it look like this then back in our use stake instead of approve your c20 i'm going to change this to approve and stake your c20 state and then we're also going to return prove and stake erc20 stake let's make this make a little bit more sense here get that little red line to go
away and now what we can do with this is mining thing is we can add this to our button now we have this is mining thing it's gonna be based off of whether or not approve and stake are done so we can scroll down to our button and we can add a little disabled flag so we'll say disabled equals it'll be equal to dependent on whether or not it's done we'll just add is mining and if this is true then disabled will be true and if this isn't mining then this will be false we can
also add this to be kind of like a little loading thing so instead of just saying stake all the time we'll do a tertiary operator we'll say if it is mining then we'll do like a little loading thing material ui has this thing called circular progress that we can use it's like a little loading thing so we can do if it is mining we'll do a circular progress we'll say the size is 26 or whatever we want it to be we'll close the tag out and if it's not mining again we'll do this stake with
a bunch of exclamation marks here so now if we save that go to our front end it looks like i need to fix something can't find name approve your c20 state that's because we changed it this is now a proven stake er20 state so let's change it to that now let's save go back to the front end and okay cool let's go to one of these that we have some stuff with we have a little dial we'll do one here we'll hit stake and if we did this right this should show a little loading thing
while the transaction is going through so we're gonna hit approve and perfect we do see a little loading thing and it should stay like this until the transaction finishes this is a good way to indicate to the user that we've actually approved now i'll hit confirm for staking so we didn't actually see the loading thing go back up again so this probably means that we didn't actually reload this is mining correctly and the reason we don't see the little spinny thing is because this a proven stake erc20 state is really only tracking the approve right
we have our cost a proven stake which does all this good stuff here but our staking part this stake state we actually never use right and we need to pass this back to our our stake form so it can actually know you know what's going on so what we can do is we can add a new state hook we'll do const we'll just call this one state and then we'll do set state it's going to be equal to use state and this will be that approve in stake ear c20 state we'll start it off there
and this will represent kind of the overall state right for this will be the true proven stake ear c20 state what we're going to do now is we're going to have to track those both of those states we're going to track both the proving and the staking so we're going to do use effect and we're going to track both of those with our little our little wonderful use effect stuff so we're going to track them with by doing of course proven stake erc20 state and then stake state so if either one of these change now
we're going to want to change this overall state function and that is going to get pushed back to our our stake form here so what we're going to say is we're going to say if proven stake erc20 state dot status equals equals equals success then we're going to set state to be the stake state otherwise we're going to set this overall state we're going to do set state to be this approve and stake bit or just or really just kind of approve here now we're going to pass this just kind of overall state variable here
to our front end like this excuse me to our stake form and in our stake form we're just going to say we're just going to map this state variable to the proven stake erc20 state we'll save here that should work perfectly great now if we go back to our front end we'll go to die or whatever we'll do one we'll hit stake metamask will pop up we'll confirm we do indeed get this little loading thing which is perfect once it's done once it's approved we'll confirm again and we get loading again and this is perfect
this is exactly what we want because now the user has a good idea ah okay i need to wait right the transaction is going through the transaction is being built and once it's done it's all set so this is fantastic we now have basically all the functionality for staking right we have a proof we have it doing some waiting we have it actually staking let's clean this up a little bit right let's make this look a little bit nicer so first we're gonna go to index.css we're gonna we're gonna add some bits in here for
a body we're just going to do background color we're going to set this to set a background color to [Music] hsl we'll do 227 comma 61 percent 26 there's a whole bunch of tools the background color doesn't really matter but we'll save we'll refresh our front end and we'll get a nice little uh background color here which is cool but let's actually be even more creative than just this let's do a nice little linear gradient in here we'll just get rid of this actually we'll do background do lin ear gradient we'll do 135 right here
do hsl 227 61 percent comma 13 percent then we'll do hsl 227 61 26 we'll do one more we'll do hsl again this will be 227 61 39 for some colors in here semicolon there let's look at our front and k we're getting somewhere we got some cool double gradients going on in here we'll go to our main section here and we'll do that use styles bits again so right in our looks like we don't have any material ui in here so we'll do a little import make styles from at material dash ui dash core
and right at the top we'll do const use styles equals make styles some theme which we're ignoring nice little function thing here let's then for our titles in here we'll do a little make the color be theme dot palette dot common dot white which again we're ignoring theme but if we did everything we would do like that we'll do text align center do some padding [Music] theme.spacing4 and then our main of course we'll just add this in here const classes equals use styles and then we'll just put like a little little section in here do
an h2 or class name it's going to be equal to classes.title and we'll just call this dap token app we'll go back to the front end we got like a nice little deck token dap token app nice white right at the top that looks good we'll go to our your wallet component we'll add some styles in here looks like we don't have any styles in here so we'll do the same thing we'll grab make styles in here do a little const use styles equals make styles a theme that we're going to ignore some fun little
function syntax stuff here we'll say tab content give this some styling we'll say all the tab content stuff we'll have display of flex flex direct sean will be column [Music] align items in the center and then we'll do a gap for this which will be theme.spacing04 give our boxes some stuff so we'll say box we'll say background color is going to be white we'll say border radius it's going to be 25 px to give it some roundness here then we'll also do a header which we'll just do color of white we're going to grab tab
content scroll down this is going to be inside this little tab panel bit here this div it's gonna have class name equals classes dot tab content oops we gotta add classes in here right before the return so do const classes equals that use styles we'll say this box well it's not we're not going to do the overarching box this could actually just be this if we wanted to we'll just say it's this first box so this will be class name equals classes dot box and then our h1 is going to be class name equals classes.header
let's save it and let's take a look whoa this is already starting to look a lot better now as you guys can kind of see the functionality is really the important part behind the application and doing a lot of this use style stuff is what's really going to make it look a lot prettier right so if you're like hey how do i do this pretty stuff now i know i didn't really explain what any of this pretty prettiness was doing there's a ton of tutorials on doing css that's basically what this is that you guys
can learn a little bit more to make your stuff look pretty now it looks like for the most part we have everything that we need to stay i know we have the spinning wheel which is great but let's also add a little bit of an alert at the bottom to say hey your transaction has gone through successfully so what we're going to do is we're going to pop back over to our stake form we're going to wrap our input and our button into their own little div here right and that is going to put a
little bit of space actually between our little component here and some other stuff which is kind of nice but what we're going to do is the reason that we're doing this is so that we can add some alerts this section down here is where we're going to add some alerting to do that we're going to use what's called a snack bar and alerts from material ui you can look at both of these in the documentation provides a brief message about app processes and something like this like we're just going to say hey you did it
transactions has come through so what we're going to do is we're going to import snack bar from material ui so we're going to do comma snack bar we're also going to import alerting like a little alert box import alert from at material ui lab slash alert and what this is going to do is it's also going to make these alerts basically down below our button and our input we're going to do a little little snack bar in here snack bar and we're going to say this is going to open when we want to show that
the erc20 is done which we're not exactly sure how to do that quite yet we'll have it auto hide auto hide duration it's gonna be equal to about five seconds or five thousand milliseconds and then on close we're also going to do some stuff inside this little snack bar yes i know we haven't filled this out yet actually let's just do this for now having blanks for now inside the snack bar we're going to have some alerts where we say on close we're also going to do some stuff severity is going to be success and
this alert is what's going to have our text in here so we'll say erc 20 token transfer approved now approve the second transaction and we're going to have two of these little snack bars one is gonna be for the erc20 and one is going to be for staking token so we're going to call this one token staked or excuse me tokens staked now we need to define when these open and also when they close and what to do when they close so this erc20 thing should pop up when erc20 has been approved so we're going
to want to create some variable that's going to track whether or not it's actually been approved so we'll create another state hook here we'll do const show erc20 approval success comma set show erc20 approval success this is going to be equal to use state and we're going to start with false right we don't want to show this thing right away and then we're going to want to do the same thing for staking tokens so we'll do const show stake token success and then set stake token success and this will be also used and we will
start this out with false and what we're going to do is right now we're doing this console.login here right and this is cute but we want to actually turn this into changing show erc20 approval success right so when this actually goes through when notification says hey it's been approved we want to say okay great show that approval status so instead of doing console.log here we're going to say set show your c 20 approval success to true and then we're also going to set show stake token success tokens success to false i hopefully i'm spelling this
right set show stake token success and let's make sure that's spelled right great and then we're going to do the same thing but the opposite for staking token so get rid of console.log we'll do set show erc 20 approval success to false and set show stake erc20 to true now we'll say the erc21 is going to open and now we can also have this notifications thing track these two if these ever change we'll also run through this so we'll grab both of these in here so this use effect will now track these as well and
we'll say show erc20 approval status will open up the erc20 alert and then the show state token success will open up the state tokens alert and then for both of these we'll add a new function called handle close snack which will just close it out and turn those variables that we just made to false so we'll do const handle close snack this will be a function and we'll just say set show erc20 approval status to false and then set show stake token i'm just going to copy paste it this one also to false awesome now
if we go back we refresh our front ends here looks like i forgot to do an on close ah okay yep we'll do handle on closed snack here for the alerts as well and there are no tags there there are no brackets there so i've got to change that but now if we go to our front end we'll do a quick refresh we see everything in here looking great let's add one in here we'll hit stake this will pop up we'll confirm we'll get the little progress bar which is exactly what we want and you
see here now we get this little pop-up it says erc20 token transfer approved now approve the second transaction this should uh go away after a few seconds or not let's just approve this second one oh looks like it now went away so maybe it was a little bit longer than five seconds and now we can see the token stake popped up perfect so we have some pop-ups we have a little bit of ways to show the user how to do everything now you'll notice this doesn't look exactly like what we see in the github repo
right and this github repo looks a little bit different it's got this little slidey bar it's got this second token farm contract for unstaking however a lot of what we're going to keep doing is just going to be a lot of more front-end stuff and at this point you pretty much should have everything that you need to build the rest of the contract so what we're going to do is we're going to have the rest of this be a challenge if you want if you would like to complete it you can absolutely add this second
tokenfarb contract with this unstake all weth bit or unstay golf fau dap etc we're going to have two versions of this front end in here we're going to have kind of this more cleaned up version and then we're going to have a little bit more raw version this one's the the more raw version all the code is going to be there so if you want to say i don't really want to code and follow this along you can just copy paste the code or you can say you know what i'm going to do this unstaking
part all myself and that will be awesome also fantastic you should be incredibly proud of yourself because at the end of the day at this point you have a way to stake tokens into a smart contract and build a front end which is absolutely massive absolutely fantastic you should be patting yourself in the back excellent job excellent job let's go ahead and wrap this course up welcome back friends how do you feel good smarter empowered ready to take on the world excellent well you absolutely 100 should be and you deserve a massive round of applause
because you have just done something fantastic you have started your journey and equipped yourself with the tools to become an incredibly powerful intelligent smart contract engineer in the space now i would be remiss if i didn't comment on security and audits when it comes to doing your smart contracts as you know all these smart contracts are available on chain for anybody to see and anybody to work with this means that having a security mindset is incredibly incredibly important and i highly recommend if you're going to go maintenance if you're going to take your application onto
a real network where it's going to be securing a lot of people's money and a lot of people's assets you absolutely need to get an audit there is no excuse for not getting an audit and having an application that's securing a lot of people's money getting an audit is essentially just having somebody else peer review your code looking for any vulnerabilities that could be exploited an audit can be the difference between your protocol skyrocketing into the future and doing fantastically successfully or dwindling getting hacked and everyone losing faith in your abilities audits are essential we've
got some helpful links in the github repository associated with this course to learn more about audits who to get them from and some helpful tips on setting your smart contracts up to make auditors lives easier while we're talking about security it's also helpful to know some of the most common attacks in this space we've got another wonderful link in the github repository that will show you some of these attacks and how to get around them and what they actually look like two of them that are big enough that i think i need to mention here
are going to be oracle attacks and re-entrancy attacks these are the two attacks that i see happen most often unfortunately right now in the state of d5 protocols get hacked for millions of dollars literally almost every day and it is a travesty to the space that this is happening most of the time these attacks are preventable so understanding some of these security tips doing your due diligence and getting an audit is going to make both you as a smart contract developer and as adapt developer and as a protocol better but also the entire space is
going to be more safe secure and easier for newcomers to get into thankfully you can sleep a lot easier on those oracle manipulation attacks because you've learned some best practices for working with oracle's you've learned how to work with a chain-link decentralized oracle network to get your data and do your external computation using a chain-link decentralized oracle network or a dawn will solve these oracle manipulation attacks so that you don't have to deal with people manipulating a centralized oracle because you are going to be using a decentralized one reentrancy attacks are a little bit trickier
to detect but whenever you call an external smart contract a smart contract outside your project you especially should think hm does somebody in that smart contract have access to changing some variables that i don't want them to change again we have some wonderful examples in that github repository associated with this course to teach you more about that additionally i highly recommend everybody check out both ethernet and damn vulnerable defy these are two games that show you some of the exploits and some of the low-level solidity things you can do that you might want to look
out for when you're writing your smart contracts all right so now that we've got the security piece out of the way once again huge congratulations for getting this far you now have the tools to build a better world to build these smart contract applications and to empower yourself and your community with these blockchain applications now the first question you might be asking is patrick this is great but where do i go now what do i do i have all these tools i want to go use them absolutely my first bit of advice here is going
to say you can always learn more and there's always going to be more places to learn and grow and even though this course gave you a full setup of everything that you're going to need to get going and get off the races and start building it's good to know where else you can learn more and where else you can grow some amazing places are going to be crypto zombies dapp university ivan on tech chain shop eat the blocks patrick collins my youtube channel austin griffith's youtube channel nader's youtube channel the website chain link blogs
and really any other material you can get your hands on while you're learning you should 100 be growing with the community this is something that i've been pushing from the start blockchain and smart contract world is different from these corporate worlds we are a decentralized open source group open source open source ecosystem where we flourish if the people around us flourish so growing and connecting with the community is a absolute must and is eight and it's a way to really accelerate all the momentum that you're getting after taking this course twitter the reddit brownie discord
the ethereum discord the chain link discord there are all these discords in all these communities that you can jump in you can grow ask questions chat spread ideas then once you're in these communities then you can start really coding and tinkering more hackathons are some of the best places to put your stuff to the test and also really learn and build and grow in the blockchain space there are hackathons happening all the time and these are places where you can show up you can learn from some of the sponsors you can build really cool things
and you can win prizes as well we've seen some projects win a hackathon go on to raise millions in seed funding and become a billion dollar protocol some have gotten advisors from top investors like mark cuban and these products do wildly successful but at the same time we also see a huge uptick in a huge number of the newcomers in this space people have never written a smart contract never written any of the code come in try learn grow and come out an incredibly powerful engineer with more networking and with more people around them who
they know they can lean on and talk to in this community so whether or not you want to win a hackbond doesn't really matter hackathons are a great place to sharpen your coding skills get better meet some people maybe win some prizes and a lot of these decentralized products do look at the hackathon winners looking for some talent to pick up for their teams a lot of the engineers that i work with right now i work with them because they got picked up from a hackathon so hackathons are great places to go eat global eath
india eath global eth india and the chain like hackathon are some of the best hackathons in the business so be sure to check those out all these decentralized protocols have a ton of work that people can be doing to help grow their protocol in some way and they all have community grant projects where people can come in propose some grant propose something to the community and that person builds it out so if you have an idea on how to improve one of these decentralized applications you can go ahead propose what you want to improve and
if you get approved you could be awarded a grant to work on that as well you can become a smart contract consultant here you can start offering your services to people who are looking for really strong solidity and smart contract developers you can start reaching out to some of these projects now that you have these skills you can start reaching out to other people saying hey i've got a great idea of something i want to build and i'm looking to take it to the next level and that's the most important piece of advice i have
for you here just build just have a good time and build things that you enjoy building you'll learn the most the fastest by building tinkering and trying new things and this is also one of the best ways to meet people in the industry everybody that i work with in my life in this space i work with them because i was building something and we became close because we were working on the same things i feel incredibly lucky to have met and interact with so many fantastic people in this space and i hope that one day
i'll get to meet and interact with you too so good luck to you all and let's rebuild this world let's make a world where there's more economic opportunity there's more equality and let's rebuild some of this institutional trust while having an absolute blast in this wild west that is cryptocurrency smart contracts and blockchain like i said i hope to meet you all one day and just do me a favor and make today an amazing day take care everybody
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Blockchain Full Course - 4 Hours | Blockchain Tutorial |Blockchain Technology Explained |Simplilearn
Blockchain Full Course - 4 Hours | Blockch...
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