He Makes Millions by Destroying Your Attention Span

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Brett Malinowski
#tiktok #saas #ai Sponsors: Shopify - Sign up for a $1 per month trial period at https://www.shopif...
Video Transcript:
how much money do you make like over a million a month how old are you 21 years old that's crazy dude there's so many of this like so much of this happening right now young crack kids making so much money what do you do um I have a AI software business I also have an agency and I also have an info product this product store all right so I don't mean this in a negative way but do you feel like what you do is controversial no no uh uh where does that come from it can
be looked at that way but ultimately I don't think it's controversial at all I don't I don't think there's anything wrong with it I don't think there's any debate about it um I think anyone that's crying about it like you know what I'm saying yeah there's I agree I actually do have your opinion so what do you do specifically what did you really get your name for from because I know what you started with you've just had a little bit of success there then you made the next level up with another play and you've done
that all the way up through multiple different businesses yeah that's a good way to put it I started off with my agency so I really started well from the very beginning it all started from just being a video editor you know when I was younger just like [ __ ] every other kid 13 years old just wanted to be a YouTuber you know more than anything um and then obviously you start going through that process what do you need to learn you need to learn how to use a camera you need to learn how to
edit you need to learn I guess have to be charismatic and stuff like that so but one of those skills was editing and I really enjoyed the editing process so when I was younger when I was about 13 years old I started that's when I started to pick up how to use you know video editing softwares different editing tricks and techniques and skills and then yeah that all start when I was around 13 when I was like 14 15 I started realizing that hey like not just me as a YouTuber needs this like every YouTuber
needs this so I started going and finding clients cuz I realized hey these people pay me for this [ __ ] so I started off with like $20 edits 30 $40 edits just one time edits and then as time went on I started to realize yo like this could be a job like they will pay people will pay you full time for this stuff just video editing yeah just video editing and I enjoyed that process so I started going and looking for more clients I was doing $20 edits for like so long um and that's
when I started my agency at like 145 then I came across sneaker when I was like 17 18 years old and yeah we had that one summer that generational run I think we did over 14 billion views across all Platforms in one year um just with sneo and then off the back of that I started signing lots of different clients from my whole agency and that's when I first did like 10,000 20,000 a month so I have an interesting perspective here because obviously you're a video editor and that's like a very in demand skill there's
also millions of video editors and so you weren't just like taking sneo videos that he'd send you and just cutting it up for him like you actually added the creative elements and like understood the task it's like he's a streamer he needs as many views as possible and you kind of took that ownership of like I'm going to set the strategy and do the work so what was your when you first started working with him like what was the system that you used to get that 14 billion views yeah so it didn't actually initially start
with sneo the whole theory of it started when I realized like right these YouTubers they don't just need the job done of editing they want more views I was like how do I get paid more as an editor I was like like well if I can say to someone hey when I edit your videos you get more views right that essentially says when you pay me you get paid more you know so I was like right well that's what I'm looking for I'm looking to get paid more so I need to learn how to get
people views that's number one you could do an edit worse than the next guy but if it gets more views then the creator doesn't give a [ __ ] because he just got paid more you know so I was like right so my objective shouldn't be how do I edit the best video possible and have the best effects M should be how do I get the most amount of use for for a client so that's why I specialize my agency in um and then through that is learning a bunch of stuff like um what clippable
moments look like what your hooks look like understanding retention in its fullest you know um and all those types of things are necessary to get views right so you were like really analyzing like where were people leaving this video why were they getting bored here okay let's not use this next this time or let's not use this next time let's change this here let's use psychology in the hook and you really like kind of mastered that with sneo yeah so I had this one page we could probably find it right now it's called f no
it's it's 5n 34 k0 right and obviously it's sneo but with like letters and stuff like that and that's one of the pages I started just off the back of nothing so if you go to that page there's like 50 million views and only like four videos on there it's a great example of how like I started a page got 10 million views in like three or four videos and the best way to describe it is like there's a storytelling element in every single clip and if there isn't then there should be and that's why
videos get views you know now one of the videos on there I know for a fact there's like sneaker would do a lot of reaction based content so there would always be a prompt to begin with or a question to begin with and then the story that would follow through would always be like your question or your prompt you know then the anticipation until the answer from either the person in the clip that he was reacting to or his reaction to himself and then the reaction would be the ending like his type of reaction to
the answer so you have your three-part story there you have the beginning where the question or the prompt was given you have the answer from the person then you have his reaction to end it you know gotcha and I would just think in that mindset clip clip clip clip clip that's exactly how I do it and I'll just cycle through and my agency still does six figes a month you know so that's the same method we still use to this day to get viral clips for all my clients yeah it's like you like throughout your
journey you like step one I need to learn video editing so you acquired a skill then step two I need to learn how to maximize views so you learn like retention and storytelling so you acquired a new skill and then now that you have these sets of skills how do you make more money well I need to up the leverage until then you chose the next higher leverage business model took all of those skills but then had to learn one new skill at that business model and now you're all the way up into you have
20 skills you're at maximum leverage because you have a SAS business and you had to learn how to build a SAS design ass sass optimize ass sass so I would love to just go through in order your thought process cuz I think that's the number one thing that most people see on the internet right now is they see a 21-year-old kid that has made a million dollars in a month but then they think that since they're 25 they're behind but you started when you were 15 and so it's been like a long journey for you
and I would like to go through and kind of show people how those Journeys you didn't see this version of yourself 5 years ago but you always took that natural next step and learned the next skill and then made the next like what seemed probably like a logical decision to you cuz like it seems like there was one key unlock so when you you chose with sneo okay okay I need to get him the most amount of views to make as much money as possible and so this is where you were learning storytelling how you
described that in like a three-part story you said a question so like when he was on stream he would ask a question or you like presented a question he's reacting to a he's reacting to a video video in the video that'd be a question gotcha you know what do you mean could you give me an example of what a question would be like can you name three countries in Europe you know and then he would do that and then the no the person in the video would like so there' be an interviewer in the video
and the person person in the video would be like um Africa uh and then obviously like say some dumb [ __ ] and s's reaction to that answer you know is the ending of and that's the story you know gotcha so he'd give it so he'd be like the prompt of the question and he'd be like oh my God how does these people not know this and cuz he was interviewing people there was that as well the interviews the interviews i' use the same strategy like when he did his own interviews there's even like now
like I run clips for like love live serve I don't know if you know those guys they're my clients for my agency and they do a lot of public interview stuff we do loads of that as well um use that same formula for those guys uh even like deadrian Harding I don't if you know deadrian Harding he's like a like a jitty on Tope of YouTuber and um yeah we run his stuff like last month just on his Tik Tok we did 40 million views Jes you know like we um there's even even Jon's a
client of mine we do the same with jyon um but yeah we use that same formula still to this day it just works so it's question prompt answer basically well your question your prompt do the same thing it be Rea it will be like the answer and then reaction will typically be you know what I'm saying so that but that is specifically I'm sorry I'm getting so nitty-gritty here but that is so specifically when sneo would be on stream and then he would be talking to somebody else and that would be like the game they're
playing no so he'd be reacting to a video just on his computer okay so he okay okay so you would send him a video of someone of dumb people so I'd line up a bunch of videos for him send them all to him say look react to these get this out the way these are your Clips done for the Stream So you're setting the strategy on what he's recording yeah on what he would be streaming so I'd set up a bunch of reaction videos um and stuff like that but not to take credit away from
sneaker for sure he is very we we developed a word it's called clip conscious right clip conscious so if you're a clip conscious person right you can like sneo got so good at making Clips himself that what he would do is he would be doing an IRL stream and start asking those questions to anyone on the street just because he knows viral Clips going to off the back of it or like he would like in his free time be looking for content to react to that he knows would go viral because he's done it so
many times you know like it's about developing that clip conscious mindset of like is this going to go viral how's it going to go viral when's it going to go viral and then just filming it setting yourself up to clip yourself that's why right now like you hear like all of the I don't know if you're around on Tik Tok much but you hear all about clip farming like all the faase guys there's a whole meme of like oh no he's clip farming he's clip farming well yeah cuz all of these guys are going into
every stream with a clip conscious mindset cuz they know that that's where the virality comes from so streamers are going into like a 10-hour stream with the goal of literally just getting 30 second clips that go viral in short form yep uh cuz that's basically how they grow like that's what me and sneo were doing bro we spent like a whole year of just every stream how do we Max the clip how do we just start clip maxing right gotcha so that's what we was doing we was setting up videos for him to react to
just so we can clip Max all of them them like coming up with stream ideas just for Clips like that's what we was doing it's like how do we set up like a clip form for this next 7 hour stream that you're going to do you know were there like categories that you found like different types of clip farming like obviously reaction during that time it was the red post [ __ ] ah so you call a woman a [ __ ] like instantly you're getting a million views you know so it was it was
it was perfect it was it was a great that was a great time especially with like the Andrew Tate stuff and obviously you know what I'm saying SOI not good but like from a perspective at that point it's like yeah was we how what was we setting up with bro was just put the most misogynistic [ __ ] in front of him let him react to it bro we was printing like 10 million views a day just for fun like I have one month I have a screenshot of like one month from logged in on
sneo account we did 800,000 followers in 30 days on one account where like we only had like 17 posts we didn't even have loads of posts and we did like um over 150 million views it's damn Jack bro like does he get how does he get paid from that I mean at the time we wasn't the point was like you clip on Tik Tok um I mean they had the the creativ the creat awards on on Tik Tok but you wasn't getting paid a lot back then now now you get paid a lot but back
then you wasn't yeah but for the most part it was just sending traffic to his YouTube and then YouTube he would make like I think he made like quarter m in a month off YouTube before his whole thing got shut down but that's the whole point of of it like there's direct correlation with all of the views off YouTube and the views that started on YouTube as a result you know his stream count literally went from like when we first started doing like 600 viewers all the way up to like 40,000 at one point I'm
pretty sure last year like he had like 990,000 during the whole foozy era and stuff like that but yeah it's um yeah most of it just the whole objective is send traffic to the YouTube you know send traffic to the stream so go for Clips are there like formats that went like like reaction man on the street like yeah the reaction stuff always works well like reaction Clips go viral now you know stuff like that IRL public Clips like it's just essentially streaming is like a live just recording session MH of just hunting for clips
and then you're taking those like little sections that were work and then just trying to get as much eyeballs as possible on that so this is where kind of what your claim to fame has been is not only were you helping him get the strategy and get the clips but once you got a clip you like maximize the clip distribution so can you explain that thought process and what you do well you can drop a viral video on Instagram and it will most likely go viral on Tik Tok and then most likely go viral on
YouTube shorts and now all you've done is taken a video that got 3 million views on Tik Tok so now get 10 million views across all platforms you know um and then not only that like you could put the GTA game play you put the GTA gamepl at the bottom of the clip and then cycle the gam playay and add another 10 million views of Clips have already gone viral you know there's this one clip of me and sne I don't know if you seen it's like me at the top him and it's like 2020
no Virg or what is it no smoke no yeah I've seen that like five times I don't smoke I don't drink I well I've reposted on my Instagram like seven or eight times every time it does it gets 10 million views so like this one clip now that I made and posted on sneo channel right that got like 3 million views before he got banned I dropped on my Instagram it got 10 million and then dropped it eight more times on Instagram I got another 10 million every single time do you have to do you
delete it and then repost it or no on Instagram like there were a lot less strict on reposting so you can just drop the same video and exact same yeah but you can't do that on Tik Tok they stop that do you have to just change the edit on TI Tok they have like pixel matching identification Tech right so it's like if you drop the same video um even on like a new account if it's the same video it matches like the pixels great right this is the same video and then just shout it it
enti even if you GTA clip it um no your GTA clip is where like you can kind of beat the system a bit so that's what you pretty much figured out it's like you can make one viral clip and if it goes viral once it could probably go viral again yeah but not just again like one more time like 10 more times like 20 so you would just cycle through like these split screens with like Grand Theft Auto gameplay yeah I would just change the gamep playay change the subtitle font change the subtitle color and
then just post it again and I did this like so many times I remember working with um Jordan Welch right we had I posted a clip for him on Tik Tok on one of the fan pages I was running for him um at the the time he was a client of the agency and that clip in particular got like 18 million views he was interviewing Ryan Tran I took that video change the gameplay change sub tows change of font change the color of them and just cycled it and got like another 15 million views out
of it how many times how many videos did you post that video I posted it full time posted it full time and that's on the same account or do you have like five accounts no they're on different accounts I was running like five or six pages for them at the time and you just name them like Jordan Welch like side Jordan Welch yeah Jordan Welch videos Jordan Welch moments Jordan wel gotcha and this has kind of been your claim to fame like this kind of strategy where you're doing the split screen GTA your agency was
working with some of the biggest people and then you started making cont still is like I my I don't have to quit my like my agency hasn't lost clients like I don't I don't really lose a lot of clients cuz I actually get results you know right like I don't have to I mean it's kind of undisputable it's just like the best marketing engine right now well why would I shut it down it's making me money you know yeah like I built a system an operation where I don't have to be involved in the business
MH I get I spend like maybe an hour or a week probably less an hour by-weekly and all that hour is it's just my CEO running me down on keeping me updated with everything and stuff like that so you essentially just hired a COO you taught him how the system works and showed him like examples trained him and then what you just like Outsource like editors that you then train or like no we have employees that go through like they go through a vigorous training process right so we hire them out of my info community
we hire them out the community right and it's actually one of the reasons I started selling a course so that people would pay me to learn how to edit for me and then I could hide them for my agency gotcha you if you look at any big agency like a truly big agency they basically have like courses for new employees yeah like when if you one of my friends works at Gary Vee's media company and he literally just had like went through like two days of onboarding and orientation and it was just a two-day course
on how to run Facebook ads how to get set up in an ad how to onboard a client and it was literally a course so you made your course just to basically train employees but you charge they'll pay you to learn like I had an audience of people that knew me as the guy that blew up sneo did you do that intentionally how did you get that audience that happened just through like associating with sneo like I'd go on his streams occasionally or like he bring me up or mention me or like I'd post like
a real and a real went viral one time and I had like 20 30k followers and I was like damn like these guys know me for clipping I was like I'll just start a course that even if it makes me a couple thousand a month like that's that's nice people are paying me to learn how to work for me you know and that's it like obviously the coures teaching people how to make money on Tik Tok like if they end up deciding oh yeah I don't want to retain a job I'm just going to keep
clipping and making money then that's fine like just go on Do Your Own Thing go make your money I'm happy you enjoyed the course you know and there are a lot of guys like that a lot of people obviously as I scaled you can't hire everyone right you know there's a lot of people that just made money and they just happy with learning a new online business model you know that is so cool so you literally were at your agency you were getting a lot of results for sneo you're like naturally how do I make
more money so you want to work at or start an agency you start working with Jordan you start working with other big people now obviously you need to use leverage by hiring other people to edit and actually do the work for you and so then you made a course to train them but then you might as well just sell it to then train up your people that's what happened I made a course to teach people how to teach new um editors employees new employees how to like how to do this clipping [ __ ] how
do you get get results and then through that process I was like hold on I can just I'll just sell these videos you'll just sell the course the same you're giving your and then like the people that are in there can just um like the people yeah that have a lot of results and stuff like that I'll just hire you and that's what I did I just started hiring one of them you know God so you just figured out the system with sneo then you just recorded a course on exactly how to do it hired
employees trained them and then figured you might as well just make this public and then whoever actually goes through with it and is successful more employees from myly and what people don't understand as well like um I'm so good at this [ __ ] that I marketed my own course with my own organic strategy I only started running ads like this not this month but like as of recent other than that bro I've been like making organic cont my Instagram is at 700k followers like my Tik Tok keeps getting banned but I've had my Tik
Tok Pages at like half a m before and stuff like that I've collectively had over 1.3 million followers on Tik Tok like across my pages they just keep getting banned but um so can I ask one thing real quick one two things one how did you get how big was sneo in that time when you made that one video that you've recycled where you were like trying to like pitch yourself to him how big was he yeah oh he was he was nowhere like he wasn't even a streamer oh okay he was just a YouTuber
right and he went live one time just for the fun of it but I was a sneaker fan for years like if anyone knows about sneaker's old old videos like his old old videos where he would just um like speak his mind you know he'd live and talk his experiences they might be some of the best videos that ever exist on YouTube interesting no glaze so you were just a fan he had a little bit of a following and you really just like he had like he had a decent following like 600,000 subscribers or something
that on his main channel right so what was the circumstance that got you on that call so his second Channel he had a second Channel called shne where he would upload the stream clips and stream one right but like before that it was just a vlog Channel just a second Channel just throw [ __ ] up on there right and that channel had like 15 20K subs or some [ __ ] like that right and he went live on it one time just I don't know once in a blue moon like once every maybe twice
a year you just go live just for the fun of it and he went live and he was just asking going on omigle with the tax code just like talking to people that were on the stream and I was like yeah I'm going to I'm going to go stream snipe him so I Ted in sne and I cycle cycle Cy and I found him and because it was live on stream the whole thing was recorded and then after that like that is actually the call that sign me sneo as a client so you literally were
just a fan you saw him go live on Omegle so then you go on that app which is just matching random people then you got lucky enough to match with him and then on that you shot your shot and literally were like I'm a young hungry kid I want a clip for you yeah and I closed you know like I signed signed him as a client and then you know the rest is history so so that was like your big breakthrough moment but you took the shot I mean it work you saw the opportunity took
your shot he gave me a chance as well like he was the first client to pay me like $2,000 a month salary um cuz I told him like yo like give me the chance give me the shot I'll dedicate everything to it I'll blow you up I know how to do it I was like I promise you I know how to do it just listen to me we'll do it there's even like I got him into streaming like um there's text between us two where he's like um I was telling him like yo get on
the streaming stuff I'll just clip everything trust me like just do it just do it just do it and he did one stream and he he called me at the end of it and he was like yeah you know what I really liked I'm going to do it again through his whole streaming thing this is how it would work like he would stream I would go to sleep because the time zones right and he'd stream late then I'd wake up he'd finish stream at like 5:00 a.m. my time we'd get on a call and just
talk about it for like an hour and a half on how are we're going to make the next one better right then he goes to sleep because it's late his time then whilst I've just woken up and he's gone to sleep I'll make a [ __ ] ton of Clips tons and tons of Clips I'll make Clips I'll make YouTube thumbnails I'll do everything right so he stream go to sleep wake up to like eight videos on the Channel all titled all thumbnails done all edited right and then all the shorts already done as well
all the Tik Tok Clips already done and I was just giving him everything I had you know and um and then it worked that's true work I think bro for $2,000 a month that was like your first big break that was my first like $2,000 ever though how old were you say uh 18 18 so like 3 years ago four years ago yeah yeah nice dude what a come up yeah that was crazy so but that's everyone has that one moment where they like have to you you're like a nobody no one knows who you
are and you just see like that one opportunity and it seems like you took full advantage of it and so Props you for that and then obviously you put in absurd amount of work and you were solving the whole problem you were clipping strategizing titling thumbnailing uploading everything so it was like hands off from him well yeah at the end of the day it all comes out to how bad you want it m and the truth is that no one want no one wanted it as bad as I did and that's why I got it
and no one else did I mean these podcasts I swear you can watch them these podcasts and like literally go copy that person's business to the tea but yeah most people just don't yeah there not a lot of action take a lot of it stems from belief though like if you think about it there's a lot of there's like a very common saying like mind over matter but I don't believe in that like I believe more in like mind is matter so you think about matter as like your material like the world we live in
right like actual real [ __ ] right that's literally what matter is like your mind and your matter are the same so if you believe that like 100 Grand is a lot of money like it's forever going to be a stretch and if you believe it's not then it's not the hardest part about it though is obviously the fact that if you are someone has less than like 10 grand in your bank account it's really hard to think 100 Grand in a lot of money and it's really hard to then act out of a matter
of abundance when you don't have abundance but the difference is the ability to spot identify and believe in Opportunity so let's say for example um when when Clipper came up oh sorry when crayo came about right um my friend who had a SAS company was telling me yo I get like 10 million views a month and I get like and I make like 50 Grand a month and I like only 10 million are you [ __ ] serious you know now if if I'm someone hypothetically that has less than 10K in the bank right and
I hear that this guy's getting 10 million views and getting 50 Grand a month and I'm like yo I can get 100 million views the [ __ ] do you mean 10 million you know now obviously you go by correlation if I can get 100 million views and he's getting 50 grand for 10 million if I can get 100 million I can get 500,000 now for example 50 Grand doesn't even sound like a lot of money anymore even though I could be someone with less than 10K in the bank that's an example of the ability
to that's an example of like elevating your mindset so your mattera can then Elevate as well because mine and matter are the same thing yeah so not relative perspective but just the general truth of observed exal success the truth is that a lot of these spiritual [ __ ] when they make stuff like mind when they when they talk about stuff like mind over matter and and elevating your mind State and like yeah that's all well and good but like that doesn't make logical sense you know to like a lot of people you need to
break it down in this manner now the way that you make you elevate your mindset right by with logic is by doing stuff like that look at what other people are doing and try and once you develop a skill how can you utilize that in a way that's going to make you a lot of money even though like you don't know it you have to go and hunt the opportunity like I said for me I knew how to get views but I didn't have a lot of money in the bank you know so how did
I do it it's like a lot of these guys let's say someone like I said 10 million views equals 50k in sales for their software company like okay I can get 100 million I can make 500,000 Now 50 Grand doesn't seem like a lot of money even though I have less than 10K in the bank you know you've elevated your mindset to a belief of like 50k ain't a lot you know and and it's only a matter of time before your reality catches up with how you're thinking so it's like once you gain the perspective
you now have that new found belief as long as you give yourself permission to believe it that's it and belief is all you need but what I'm trying to what I'm trying to like get through with this message is that like you need to find a way to logic to make it make logical sense to you you know to make the make the delusion logical a lot of people that's I understand the point you're making a lot of people are like no you have to be delusional have to yeah but like if you're delusional and
you don't believe it you just sound stupid to yourself yes you know so if you just sit there in the mirror like I'm going to make 100 Grand next month I'm going to make 100 Grand you got no [ __ ] plan and no idea and 100 Grand so much money to you like you just sound like a like an idiot just saying stuff to yourself you know but what you need to do is is make it make logical self sense to you so that then you can act on it so you truly believe it
to your core like you feel internally like yes this is possible if he makes 100 million view gets 100 million views he'll make $500,000 so if I get 100 million views I'll make $500,000 how do I get 100 million views and you just tackle that problem yeah well for me like I already knew how to get 100 million views so I was like I can get 100 million views I hav't got 500k so how do I you know what I'm saying so now I need to set this whole thing up so I can get 100
million views and get 500k you know now 50k do seem like doesn't seem like a lot of money even though I'm someone that didn't have a lot of money in the bank at that time so you know it's possible so you know so you know that you need to change to make it possible for you like you need to seek some sort of new information new lesson new way of doing things so you have one piece but to get the next piece you just have to learn you need to make your delusion make sense before
you can act nice I like that that circles back to what I was saying earlier when people will see you and they'll be like oh he's just a Corell or whatever they're not giving themselves permission to believe in that that's actually something that they should learn that's real of course if you're not going to give like by not giving me a chance you don't even give yourself a chance right you know like and if you're not going to give yourself a chance then you're not going to make it that's why a lot of people are
like um what do you think about the people that buy your course and don't make money that's your fault cuz Okay you might think it's a scam but if I go and ask everyone that's made money and trust me there's a lot of those guys right like what are they going to say are they going to call it a scam as well no they spent $40 on this course every month and they made like $1,000 and now they've learned how to continuously make ,000 every month or like 10,000 or 5,000 whatever it is you know
like go and ask the winners and ask them if it's a scam like they're not going to give the same answer as you the difference is how he his mindset coming into this and your mindset coming into that's the only difference it's ego protection it's easier to say it's a scam or to say this this isn't real then it is just look in the mirror and be like I am not good enough I'm not putting in the work I'm lazy because if a 21-year-old is making a million dollars a month with freely available information and
you're 25 sitting on the couch what does it say about you that's really hard I'm be Hest like I'm not making a million of freely available information when you think about businesses growing their sales Beyond forecasts like Mattel sure you think about a product with demand a focused brand and influence driven marketing but often an overlooked secret is the businesses behind the business making selling and for buyers shopping simple for millions of businesses that business is Shopify nobody does selling better than Shopify home of the number one checkout on the planet and the Not So
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learned through the like stuff like 10K and 20K in a month like that is that's fre available information you know and that's what I'm selling I'm not teaching people how to make a million a month like don't buy my course thinking you're going to make the money I makes you're not you know what I'm saying that's one step up but like you're if you should definitely buy my course thinking you're going to be able to make um like 10,000 20,000 a month cuz that's what I'm teaching you know what I'm saying like I'm I'm I'm
not teaching you how to get as rich as I am you know what I'm saying that [ __ ] is actually hard but like you know what I'm saying to get to um like 10K 20K a month like that's not that hard and that's why I'm teaching but it to be fair it was hard for you when you first did it like when you first were working with sneo to make go from 2 to 20K it was a lot of work not hard from the perspective of like hard to imagine but the work itself took
a lot of time and you were willing and you were willing to pay the price uh yeah I was a lot more willing then but the difference is that there's um like opportunities are different nowm like the Tik Tok opportunity that I sell that didn't exist then like there wasn't like a real payout system whereas now there is like you can actually get $1,000 for a million views it's crazy you know like last month on one of my pages I got over 14 million views you know it literally made like 15 grand you know on
directly from the platform yeah directly from Tik Tok so like that type of stuff didn't exist back then if I got 14 million I'd have to send the traffic elsewhere but now you can just get the views on Tik Tok you know it's such a craziest opportunity that we and then I created opportunity as well with crayo like what's crazy as well with crayo is that like we have a tech stories feature now Tech stories is the best Niche right that I've been utilizing to make as much money as I can on on Tik Tok
Pages now to edit a video like that on like an actual video editing software it genuinely takes like an hour or two to make one or two of these videos right but with crayo like you actually can just use AI to have this whole thing made out in 5 minutes 10 minutes you know mhm we'll get to crayo but I want to go through this I want to go back into the linear path but I just want to make it very clear to anyone watching this he 100% makes a million dollars a month and no
matter what you're thinking on this other like we conspired to come up and lie to you guys on the internet that is not what's happening he 100% makes a million dollars a month I have no other way to really prove that to you other we've seen his accounts I could see his bank accounts he makes that much money like I know that for a fact we're at the W HQ as well like you can literally go on my you have back see his backend of his accounts he actually makes that much money total so like
there is zero debate and even if you don't believe me like I don't care don't believe me don't buy my course I don't give a [ __ ] you know like I don't need you to to buy it for me to make money like I'm going to cuz I know how to do it you know what I'm trying to say like don't buy it don't believe me I don't give a [ __ ] like you know what go to my Instagram go and block me you know what I'm saying I don't care like I don't
need you as a lead like I want to say like this is not some big sales pitch this is like genuinely you sharing your perspective in game with the world so thank you for coming on and being so open about it most people most millionaire entrepreneurs are like super guarded they won't come on here and actually like share what they're actually doing so really appreciate you being here but let's talk about the actual like I think this is what you're the best in the world at is once you implemented this you were doing it for
other people you were doing it for sneo you started your agency you figured out how to scale it across multiple editors and multiple clients kind of built a box around it then you made the course for your employees now you're trying to sell the course so now you've worked up that ladder over two years probably and now you're like all right I'm going to give this a go with my face and my content really going to scale the course now cuz now you saw some people bought the course and you're like all right let's apply
everything I've learned and do it myself your your content is perfect from unique camera angle that you use it's like branded now at this point your storytelling the way you position yourself with like your office when you were first starting out all of that is so smart and so I would love to just go into the details cuz I know that was intentional all the way down to your story in yeah man I first of all I appreciate the kind words yeah no problem problem but um for the most part yeah I started making these
videos in my bedroom like if you go on my Instagram um and you scroll to the bottom right you will see me in my bedroom my desk there my my wardrobe there my bed is right next to me like you can see me in my bedroom making these videos and um it all started from there like and even those videos have millions of views like Millions um and I've again it's just a case of like I did it for other people I know how to do it for myself so I did it for myself and
then obviously I have my software company where I've gone and done it for that as well you know there's no situation where even today like we was talking about doing some collaborations with what like again I've if I want to get a million active users for free for anything I'm just going to make videos like I've got no worry about traffic I'll just spawn it in so um but yeah making those videos that style there's ACH bu of other things that comes into stuff like when it comes to like selling a course right so for
example um you want to be direct about what you're selling you my whole mindset was kind of like people don't really care about me too much me too y yeah like I don't it's I'm I'm not important here this is what I offer you you know and that's what every video is about it's it's about being able to be direct without being harsh right that's why my videos are teaching people like how to make money on Tik Tok but um it's like disguises the day in the life it's now I want to go into this
cuz your first line is always how I made whatever $18,000 per month as a Tik Tok Clipper something like that like you're soed to the point and then you immediately tell a story of like first I got up and I got a cup of coffee and it's like POV and so tell me the thought process behind why you chose that style yeah so you have first of all I've always liked fish I like I've been a fan of cinematography for a long long while uh and film making and stuff like that just because like I
said when I was I wanted to be a YouTuber I've got familiar with cameras and I really enjoyed that process um so I've always been a fan of the fishey you know try all the land I really like fishey just some about is so sick to me so when I I just thought like this is my creative flare that I'm going to add to my videos so I added that flare um and then the storyline is is like I said it's told as a story and those type of things are very very important um like
we clarified earlier you know you want to have a storyline to your videos so first thing I got up the next thing I did I worked and the end of the day I got paid you know that's my story you know um and then through that you have the ability to be direct so you disguise your hook as like you know this is the day in the life this is this this is that and then this is what I actually do and then it's essentially not only being part of the story not only disguising it
as like a day in the life like a friendly video but it's also like a direct video telling people this is what I do this is how I do it and this is how you you can do it too yeah cuz you're literally like day in the life of a what how do you say day in the life of a 21-year-old Tik Tok Clipper yeah making and you kind of and then you show on the screen how much you're making like $188,000 anyone's like want to learn how to make money is instantly interested and then
you're subtly like showing you getting coffee and then then I got to sit in the sofa and work for 30 minutes and then you're showing how you clip but it's like so fast with cap cut back in the day you were like I just take a clip I add a GTA overlay and I upload that to Tik Tok my workday is done and it's like it's a little hyperbole but it also gets the point across and shows the whole process in a way it is exaggerated to an extent cuz I make it look a lot
quicker in the videos but the truth is like you can get everything done right so it's not like it's just like hyperbole for the sake of the story because you are telling a story and so it's better to simplify and emphasize the point than it is to talk about how you on four hours at calls I uploaded the video to YouTube I added the title I sit there for 5 minutes like that doesn't that's just not realistic and so You' simplify it so perfectly and then but you're the cool thing is you've done the same
thing as you've leveled up your lifestyle so now it's like day in the life of like a Tik Tok Clipper in a huge mansion and a gwag and [ __ ] so it's been like the same thing but as your lifestyle has updated it's like enhanced it so it's all compounded for you so that's really cool and then so just is there anything else that you have like is there like a framework for that that you've tried or is it always the same story like literally is it just like Day in the Life yeah the
framework is literally just just stories you know like just try and really map out your story and what does that look like um and I operate a little bit differently I do recommend a lot of people really like spend time on your storyline like think about what it's going to look like how you're going to present it and stuff like that for me personally like a lot of people are shocked when they see me film in real life just because like I don't have to try it's all in here now you know like I I
free ball every single every video and if you go on my Instagram like every video above 100K I get 1 million views like like it's nothing for fun and I have videos that have 20 million views like two or three of them you know like and I don't have to try like it just it just rolls you know do you voice over or are you actually talking as you're recording no no I'm voice over yeah yeah but voiceovers work best bro you have more freedom well not only that like think about it from a story
perspective again like you're narrating a story you are the narrator of this story that everyone's watching you know so like voice make the most sense for a story as well see if I had to like do your story it's like highlight like how much money you're making it's a Tik Tok Clipper then you kind of like start the day like normal to kind of make it seem like it's actually going through this like getting coffee going outside stretching you usually make like some sort of witty joke and then you're like all right time to get
down to work and then you go there and it's like getting exciting actually showing people the action of what you do and then it's like almost like you're kind of making people feel like there's no way it's that easy and then you go do some luxurious thing and then the very end call to action if you want to learn how to do it check the link in my bio basically yeah for sure do you use mini chat automations at all or is it just Link in BIO no I don't I don't use many chat I'm
not a fan of many chat I do have sets on my account like that but but no I don't I don't use many chat it's just replying to DMS you know replying to DMS so people DM you do you tell them to DM you uh I don't no I don't tell people in some videos I do sometimes I tell people to DM me or I'll drop on my story like DM me cuz I do open some mentorship mentorship slots every now and then and stuff like that when I do you know people they jump on
and I I let them know my story like DX and stuff is it usually just Link in the bio if they want to learn more essentially or yeah I got my link for my li get course my buyer you know can just go is it weird to talk about this like so openly like the strategy behind it no BR you got to think about it like there's so much money that exists in the world yeah a lot of people are like is this business model saturated like they all work they work all of them but
you're not good enough to make it work yet yeah every single business model works it's just like the difference between those that give up and those that don't but like yeah I mean you get the point already like um yeah every model works it doesn't doesn't matter too much I can tell everyone all my secrets like the odds are most of you won't even compete with me so I don't even have to worry about competi because most of you just won't do it uh those that of you that do compete with me like you're probably
never going to be as good as me anyway M um and then the rest of you like yeah I mean you also have to think about how much money already exists in the online space the Creator the Creator economy is already like a multi-billion dollar industry trillion dollar industry or some [ __ ] like that like there's so much money to be out there like Tik Tok are not lacking in sponsorships anytime soon so they're always going to be able to pay out at good rates and stuff like that like I'm never really worried about
anything in terms of revealing my Tik Tok strategies like take it all you like like you're just never going to be as good as me like you have you're so skilled like you've earned the skill over these years to the point where you're so good that you just know that no one else can touch you on that level so you're happy to share it it's like a competitive sport and attention is scarce and so like it's almost like people feel entitled to views it's like you just have to get good like there's no way around
it like get good and it will work it's only going to work that way LeBron James could actually just make like a video course on like how he trained to become who he is in B and stuff like that like you're never going to be able to shoot better than him like you know what I'm trying to say and you wouldn't call that a scam cuz it's like just the lesson from the guy who's the best in the world yeah like you can't you're just never going to touch these are all skills like the retention
hooks every storytelling these are all like individual skills you have to master and you mastered those with somebody else while you're getting paid to do that so then right when you had earned the right to sell a course you had the skills you applied it for yourself and it looks like an instant success essentially yeah now the next part obviously it's courses I I would argue that courses are actually very difficult to sell but the only reason people complain about or like I feel like it's very weird when people say oh he just sells a
course it's hard to make content that gets attention you got to build out entire funnel you got to think through an offer you got to do welcome sequences ads all of this like it's a lot of work to sell a course and to actually set one up and you have one of the most insane funnels and so I just had Daniel on and you guys teamed up which was a crazy good move from both of you but then you had the such the next obviously the next step in the ladder it's like you didn't jump
and make some stretch or try to come up with some billion dollar idea it's like all right what's next well now I sell a course now I make hundreds of thousands of dollars per month now I have all of these people who want to actually clip now well what's the next problem that people who want to clip have how do they make videos as fast as possible how do I make it easier for them to go viral and so you come up with an amazing idea called crayo and it's one of the first AI video
editors that does exactly what you do but automatically for people to just help them do it faster so I would love to hear your perspective I already talked to Daniel about it but I just want to hear how you're you thought about it coming together can someone please invent a crystal ball until then over 40,000 businesses have future proof their business with netw Suite by Oracle the number One Cloud Erp bringing accounting financial management inventory and HR into one fluid platform with one unified business management Suite there's one source of Truth giving you the visibility
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thank you for sponsoring today's episode yeah so we came up with the name crayo because it's like I can't remember it was like creative in Latin or Greek or something something like that and then it's not like a direct translation like direct translation we actually couldn't buy the do domain for so we took we named it crayo how it is but like yeah crayo is essentially the whole thing I wanted it to be is I wanted it to enable people that couldn't edit the ability to edit without having to like develop the skill you know
and obviously using AI prompts and stuff like that and we did a really good job like I said like those text stories the tech story Niche is my personal favorite Niche you know have you ever studied storytelling like how to make viral stories like how did you go about learning that skill other than doing it over and over I just doing it over and over just like being aware like I need to tell stories okay what's a story like set an expectation cuz like if you wanted me to script write a movie the story I
come up with is going to suck if you want me to come up with a fake story that isn't real right for a Tik Tok video I'm going to get 10 million views like I'm not actually good at storytelling I'm just good at knowing what goes viral and storytelling is my method that I use to do it you know is there like a vocabulary that you have like you said prompt like you prompt it and then it's like payoff or then it's like do you think about any of those words yeah so in terms of
like what like creating the story yeah like are there like functions of a story like there's all different pieces right like the yeah there are like you want to I mean it's simple bro like this is the start you create the problem resolve the problem and that's the story great you know it's like s is like literally the introduction introduce the setting the characters then have your problem have your resolution and that's your story great that's what movies are 100% storytelling Arc so you can visualize them very easy like they're in a good place then
something bad happens they now they want to go somewhere they think something's about to work out something bad happens again and then by the end they finally worked it through and they got the girl and they live happily Forever After exct you can see it very clearly if you study it yeah exactly that's that's how it is every time you know intr characters is saying problem solve it and that's that's the whole thing done so you just the only thing is like I learned what I know about storytelling just through trial and error like I've
made such a ridiculous amount of Tik toks like I don't even know um there's no point to study the theory just get in there yeah yeah just yeah just just brute work you know but the cool thing is with crayo you guys probably put in prompts of like the best way to tell a story that's op for sure so now skip all that also bro it's AI so it continuously optimizes you know like on its own like we don't even have to keep like it's AI it trains on its own you know like once it's
registered like okay this is a good video like it would just or this is a good story it would just continuously make new stories that are better than the last because that's what AI does it trains itself so that makes so much sense I'm curious from the shift from info to SAS that feels like a pretty there's like Polar Opposites in like how you build the business so what was like the newest like what was the hardest thing to learn when you were starting your SAS well it's the same demographic so you already the customers
my audience is already people that I just provided a good offer for a different avenue yeah you know I already had a good offer for my course but I provided a good offer again in a different avenue so it's different way for someone to pay me you know and what's even funnier is like a lot of people are like oh don't fall for this he owns crayo like yeah no [ __ ] like [ __ ] I've seen those don't fall for I know you own crayo yeah and I'm just like in the comments like
yeah yes you're right actually I I did make this but but go into that on your videos cuz it's Market it so well it's like you're present most people just want to make money when you're on they're on Instagram or Tik Tok like that's the problem that they're at and then so you're introducing them to a way of making money but then you subtly place your software tool as a piece of that puzzle to like achieve that outcome essentially well it does like you don't have to know how to edit well anymore right you can
just go and use crayo yes and just and you do that so well on your marketing I might just show an ad right here I watched the video the other day about a guy who makes 15K a month by just taking pop popular streamers clips and putting them in the shorts yeah that's me he's talking about my video so let me actually show you what I do today when I got into my office I pulled up my phone and check my statistics for last month one of my pages that I started recently has already made
over $125,000 I literally have like five of these pages and make up to $40,000 every single month so here is exactly how I make all of my Clips to make all of my money first thing I do when I go on my phone is open YouTube then I head to any particular streamer and screen record their content once I find a funny moment I take it into my video I crop it and then head to cray. once I'm on crayo I select my GTA gameplay and it puts the whole video together for me after I
made the video I go on Tik Tok and post it on one of my theme Pages just last month one of my theme Pages made me over $125,000 and I literally have upwards of 10 of these Pages now so if you want to learn from me and how I do I do you can join the free Discord of my bio so the way you do that is so so subtle but that's the genius behind it it's like same thing with like shop Shopify is Drop Shipping like people will sell courses on how to drop ship
and Shopify was always just a piece of that puzzle guys have nailed that too uh Daniel talked about Affiliates but I'm curious if you guys have ever like did you say you were hiring to grow crayo you teach them the style and then when he says Affiliates like we don't we do have an affiliate system uh obviously it's not like super super great affiliate system like the truth is we're just we're just hiring people like there's tons of people that copy the type of videos I make and sell courses so instead of getting mad at
those guys we just approached pretty much every single one of them and said hey we'll pay you like 2,000 a month to put crayo in your video instead of capcut I was like cap cut never going to pay you Adobe never going to pay you crayo are going to pay you and on top of that it's actually a good [ __ ] product so like that's it and every one of them says yes obviously like what's the alternative like say no and then don't get paid yeah you know like do they do you give them
minimums like they have to post like once a day or once a week or yeah like we have contracts of every single every single Creator gotcha so you're going for Quality play on the Affiliates and kind of massaging how they make and then we have bonuses like if you get 10 million views we'll pay you 5K instead of two you know like that so we do have incentives and obviously it's all incentives like we don't ask them to put a link anywhere in my videos all the so as of today like right now we have
one and a half million active active users on crayo that's insane and that's all come from my Instagram like my Instagram my Tik Tok that's it right now off the back of that right um like we didn't pay anyone for marketing we didn't pay for any ads we didn't do anything it's all just come off my organic videos and I've never put a link to crayo anywhere on my page I've never linked it it's all just people watch the video type in crayo on Google and then go on pay for a subscription and that's it
oh so the attribution is pretty they literally will to see it and then on their side and just go Google what is well a lot of people think they're smart and they're like oh this guy is just selling a course well he dropped the software I'm going to go and use the software instead of buying is course and I own it as well so like so that's just crazy it is actually pretty crazy just to even think about cuz I do the same thing like I can just make a video for like 300 bucks and
then like 100,000 people are going to see this just magically just from these algorithms that's a huge opportunity but now you're at the phase where you've made enough you proved it organically you really optimized the product and now you're tackling paid ads and I think just running paid ads to a course for a software business is like one of the most overlooked overlooked strategies that's absolutely printing right now for people yeah yeah doing very good well like you know we're we we do just we're starting to spend money on ads now and stuff like that
cuz like when you start making you know like a lot of money uh you know like 6 7 8 9 10 million a year like just something that comes at the end of the day the only difference between 10 million $20 million business is more distribution channels and then just cranking them up with ads right instead of like you you maximize the views you could get with Organic yeah it goes with all businesses it's just if you can build a profitable paid C traffic funnel and you can scale it correctly like you're always going to
be in for a lot of money yeah I see a lot of problems with creators who get good at organic they like get crippled by it because now it's like you have to post every single week it's all dependent on you and that's the leap you're supposed to take like use that as like that's literally free money in a sense then you use that to fund your ads and actually taking risk to scale yeah I agree I I have a great team without my team like I wouldn't made the money I make today that's for
sure like the team my team are insane um and stuff like that so did you actively seek them or how did you like my my two biggest people on my team is like my funnel Builder gets 10% of profit from the whole thing and my um sales manager does two right MH and I know them through a friend of a friend like I didn't even look for them they were just like hey like I like what you got going on you got good product and good product attracts good talent right you know so crayo we
have tons of people from our biggest competitors to try and work for us we have tons of good developers trying to come and work for us as well um obviously all all the good marketers trying to come work for us as well trying to help us grow it um and then with my info like I create a really really good offer and a really good product and I have a really good angle as well and I'm the biggest in this in in my space so like naturally like good funnel Builders come try and work for
me good sales sales managers come like these type of things were they're inevitable you know and I'm thankful for the fact that we all work together now because without them I wouldn't make the money I make it's that simple yeah you got all the advantages now now over time but everybody started with nothing no one's born with followers is there a if you had to restart completely first off what has motivated you I feel like a lot of people get comfortable at the course stage like what motivated you to go for this ass and I
know you have a even your next product is going to be insane yes and I know what you're working on I'm very excited but I don't think we should talk about that here so that's on the low but what's motivating you to keep going because crayo is probably 30 50 probably like 3050 million do business if you guys exit right now so what's like what motivates you to take these next steps up yeah we've already had eight figure offers and stuff like that but we just turn them all down cuz you got something good we
got a bigger Vision but um but yeah in terms of what motivated me like it's always been something I wanted to get into like I was looking for Dev for like two and a half years before I found the guy I currently work with um but for the most part it is just like um it's not it's like creating a new business without spreading yourself thin because it's not a whole another business in like a completely different direction like it's already in a space I'm already in like crayo is already in the clipping space my
digital product store my info is already in the clipping space like my agency is in the clipping space so like I'm consistently surrounded around this one thing ecosystem yeah this one whole ecosystem this niche of business right um so that I can start a new business but it's all in the same thing I'm not now spreading myself thin mhm you know they all tied together they all lck together so for example if I make a video for uh my info what do I have to do I have to post on my Instagram post on my
Tik Tok which can provide new customers and new leads for my uh for my agency cuz my personal brand grows it also provides new customers decreases my CPA my cpls for my info and then it also increases the amount of customers for crayo so now I don't have to market for three different businesses I market for one and it covers all three the message consist exactly so I'm not spreading myself thin but I'm able to diversify you know and you're building that team to really handle the bulk of that work anyways of course which is
you have this simple strategy that's all in line it's like what's the next best it's really just increasing LTV from every customer which is like the true only way to scale a business most people's businesses fails because they Overlook how to make more from each customer how to keep the customer for longer that's the biggest problem with core sellers is they want that one sale and then gone so I think you're playing this game completely correctly is there anything like I just find it I wonder if you're J are you Jin alpha or is that
even younger than you J you're J Z yeah I'm I'm pretty do you see like a polarization I'm curious I'm like six years older than you do you see like a polarization in your like age demographic where it's like people are either the worst human beings on the planet or just like Ultra successful like it's like people are becoming the extremes of everything I still live at home I still live my family and stuff like that so I don't like see Ultra successful people cuz I don't live in a big city you to school like
high school like a public high school like our people in that gener like I just feel like all the you're getting hit with such targeted algorithms and there's so much information available to you like the opportunity is there for people who want to use it right or you're going to get you're just go completely down the wrong path if you use it wrong like do you see that or am I just no I definitely understand what you're trying to say it's not um I think that because like I mean naturally you make more money you
surround yourself with people that make more money like that's always something that's going to happen no matter where you where you're from or who you are right but um in terms of like going down the other route um I don't know like I see that more than I don't because I live in a very very tiny City yeah you know like I'm I I don't really see a lot of rich people there anyway and and I'm being honest bro like I don't even I want to make new friends I don't want to meet new people
I don't want to I don't want to see new [ __ ] I just want to stay I want to stay at home with my friends from home kids are up with you know like I don't want to I don't want to I don't want to go outside I just want to chill I agree and the reason I asked is I'm curious how you developed this mindset so young like both you and Daniel are just like it's just so insane because most 20-year-old kids are like just so thinking about the completely wrong thing in college
partying thinking they're on the right path but you guys are like so like aggressively on the right path and take such big action so quickly I'm was curious how that even like became developed in you for me part of it is just because I'm religious I'm a Muslim right so like I've never drank I've never smoked I've never I don't M WR girl or anything like that um so my whole time bro I was just chilling playing FIFA and then one day like I got paid from like one of my clients from my agency again
I was like 17 made like £500 in a month and I spent it all on the day I got paid and I was like damn I need some more money so I was like instead of playing FIFA let me try and work a little bit harder and then it all spiraled on from there man then the addiction started they're making money yeah they're Mak people get addicted to other vices and yours was just the grind yeah well because I was religious like I don't have anything to do past 11:00 p.m. other than like sleep and
play FIFA so wow that's interesting so you're not toiling around like the social Judgment of like should I go to this party should I not just not even in yeah it's not even a possibility that my want just no as default like it got to a point like my friends don't even ask me because they know answer just me no so so you're just permanently on monk mode dude I mean if that's what you consider monk mode man like I'm saying yeah I know it's bad it's just what our society's come to especially in the
west yeah obviously I don't I don't think it's crazy to say that type of stuff but at the same time like for me bro that's just normal bro I'm in bed by 12:00 I'll wake up at 8:00 I'll hit gym have some eggs um get to work you know and then like I'm saying step outside bowling arcade whatever like that's fun you know is there anything sorry go ahead like where I live bro I have an office I'll just shout the boys yo come to office play some run some card games play some UFC mhm
play some FIFA and get some work done go home go to bed sleep you know what I'm saying I'm just living we should play FIFA after this but we should I'm down bro but I'm curious is there like anything that you like cuz you that's what I was asking like you're like making these next businesses you're making these next like what you have next is going to be nine figure multi- n figure business what's the point of that is there like a is it just obviously you love it's fun like obviously it's like running up
the scoreboard but is there like a bigger end is there like a specific thing you want to acquire like do you want to buy a sports team do you want to buy like Liverpool or something that's a good point um no so for me again it spirals back to religion right so the reason I want to make like nine figures is I've always said to myself like I want to make 100 Mil liquid and then I want to take 90 mil and donate it right um I want to build stuff like moss and um and
hospitals and all this sort of stuff and just trees Agriculture and then I want to um go and lay the bricks myself cuz I don't think that's charity enough to just give money I want to go and spend like a couple years like actually going helping people build these type of things that I've gone and paid for and one of the reasons for it is simply because in Islam we believe that when you die there's two ways of getting blessings right someone coming to your grave and praying for you and there's a second thing called
sakar now what this means is like if I build a hospital right every time someone goes to that hospital and gets recovered or every time someone gets a job and gets paid or every time something good happens in the hospital I get part of the blessing as well and and those type of buildings like moss for examples they can last for thousands thousands thousands of years you know everyone that comes to my grave to pray for me they're all going to die eventually I'll be forgotten you know but stuff like moss and trees um agriculture
like farming stuff like that and um hospitals and these type of things like they will last for way longer you know and worst case scenario religion isn't real and I left a positive mark on the world you know so it's like it instilled in you like a basic persp I mean that is the the best part of our religion is instills like a set of instructions that lead you to a good life essentially regardless whether it's real or not and what you just said and a net positive impact like I said like if I die
in religion ain't real like at least I left like a bunch of places of worship a bunch of hospitals you know a bunch of um like crops and trees and all stuff such a mature P perspective so many young kids are going to look at religion and be like Jaded by it and like try to prove it's wrong or something and then consume their whole life over if it's real or not and you're like case scenario is a really good thing and it's still a good thing for people exactly H you know there I was
um I met with someone recently um it's actually one of the first times meeting them and they told me they were like the way that you look at religious texture is a reflection of yourself you know so um if you look at it and you see a lot of pessimism and stuff like that it says more about you than it does about you know than it does about about the book itself so that's what I've taken from the Quran is there anything you feel you do differently than most people um yeah I feel like I
live different L to most people but again like a lot of that is is um is religion to to be fair though a lot of people like they forget that religion is a choice like I could wake up go Club tomorrow [ __ ] a load of [ __ ] like that's that's actually something I can do you know like oh you can't do it cuz hold on like I've made the choice to follow the religion which means I make the choice to follow the actions like I'm not bounded by anything I can yeah like
I said I can wake up and do a bunch of degenerate [ __ ] tomorrow I can go and waste all my money on a Lambo if I wanted to like I can go and do those things well like I just I just don't like I make that as a as a Natural Choice that's just a reflection of your personality trait or discipline like that's it's objectively those are all Temptations literally like and and you have the ability it's not like your parents are going to yell at you I mean they might judge you but
like it's not like they're going to like lock you in your basement or something like you're not truly going to get in trouble if you yeah exactly you could literally go do it but it's a inner discipline that you've how was that instilled in you I there's always just it just made logical sense to me like why would I smoke cigarettes bad for you why would I drink alcohol like it's going to poison my liver like it just never made sense to me so I just never end up doing it like I was like why
would I go to the club what's that end goal I like I've never I've never been to a club so you you just never did are your parents in a healthy happy relationship my parents got divorc when I was 11 interesting and you still just kids have like a weird rebellious age where they see everything's bad for them they try to do it specifically yeah that's I was thinking about that like how the [ __ ] did my dad do that bro cuz like I don't know what he did man but I need to take
notes for my kids bro so you're saying how your dad did that as in like how he like trained your mind basically yeah what the [ __ ] did he do to me bro like why didn't I cuz I didn't have any temptation to do any of it a lot of people struggle like it's like extremely hard for them to not go I think once you do it the more you do it the harder it is to not go yeah I've seen like having conversations with my friends like yo like think about this for a
second and they're just like really battling some inner demons to not go to the club and I'm like all right man like if that's that's for you I've never been tempted I never even considered it like I've never really had a rebellious stage of like did you ever try something that was perceived as bad or taboo when you were really young and then had a really negative experience with it so it like scared you to like you someone told you something was bad you did it had a really bad experience and now you're like I'm
never doing anything bad again I like the wor thing I ever did Growing Up I was genuinely thinking about what's the worst thing I've ever done in my life was like I spent like ,000 on my dad's card on FIFA points when I was like when I was like 11 or something like that but like obviously I've paid him back so much so much now like it just canceled out a millionfold so that was the worst thing you've ever done did you get in trouble for it of course I got in trouble like what happened
that's SM to sh me but like okay like hit you yeah that's discipline though but I I don't resent for him I get with my dad really well I love I love my dad I live with him I chose to live with my parents got divorced I chose to go and live with my dad but um but yeah I I love my dad um but yeah I don't um I think that's the worst thing I've ever done in my life like ever yeah but you learn the lesson Did You Know Not Like A Life Lesson
or anything I knew I was doing wrong in the moment I just wanted Gare Bale on my ultimate yeah backg in too yeah he was nasty both you and Daniel it's like you're both such you both think so clearly and so correctly that it's like how like how did you not get poisoned by one wrong idea cuz it seems like that's what happens people like when they're younger it's just the ability to freethink like you don't even have to be good at thinking you just have to be be able to think for yourself just reflect
yeah like the reason some of the red pill stuff is so [ __ ] like I was looking at obviously when I was editing all the clips I consumed tons of red pill content but like one of the most like idiotic things to come out of that whole scene is the whole concept that like these guys are like um no like you're supposed to have multiple women the whole concept of multiple women is like oh it's just a masculine urge so you're telling me I need to discipline myself in life right to like not go
to the club to not drink to not smoke to hit at the gym every single day but I can't discipline myself when it comes to women now it's innate and now I can't control it and now I have to go and [ __ ] a load of [ __ ] and now I have to have a mistress and now I have to have four wives like you get what I'm trying to say yeah like that didn't make sense to me yeah why did that why did quantity of women mean signal stat why do I have
to be disciplined in everything else apart from this one thing yeah why is collecting women's status well I no I actually understand why that say like that that makes sense to me but it's more of like why do I have to be disciplined in everything else to be a good man but like when it comes to women you don't have to be disciplined don't worry about it bro just [ __ ] all the [ __ ] you want like that didn't make sense to me at all it's like whoever it's like that was that one
person's Vice who had a lot of influence or something yeah and they just won the narrative and everybody starts copying each other yeah is there anybody that you've learned from like is there any like key people or books or whatever like you said you Red Bull that's why I'm asking yeah so there's a book um The Master Key System the Master Key System yeah that's a book um I think it's about by Chris hannel or something like that that's a really good book for like I said you know mindset elevation you're learning about your brain
about your subconscious and how to use that to elevate how you think so that you can elevate your your matter you know your minor matter or one so that's a really good book um and it's it's not super foundational but I think it's a good book for people that need to learn about their own mind it's a good book for them to start with nice um also there's a bunch of generic books you know know stuff like Atomic habits The Alchemist the power of subconscious mind like these type of books the power of your subconscious
mind is great yeah there but I think those are like foundational books like you should start there yeah yeah they're definitely these are four really good books to start with you know 100% power I've read that like this year and I'm like why did I not read this book first like it is such a fascinating perception it makes me it would make me way it's made me way more calmer in my journey like it's like I'm not actually in control of what's going on let's just set the direction and trust and that's been really peaceful
for me so then I guess the last question I don't like to drag these on I've we've gone through your whole business and you shared literally everything I don't think I've really missed anything so thank you for doing being so transparent open about it my perception of you before coming into this and after this conversation has changed a lot really a lot like the fact that you actually are like not partying not drinking not smoking you're really calm you're just like this seems like the thing to do it makes sense it's helping people I thought
you were going to I don't know for some reason that's just probably all the content that I've seen of you just whatever I don't know why but it has um if you had to restart again from scratch and you can't use Tik Tok or Instagram or YouTube you can't do social media specifically like with your face or anything what would you do to make $10,000 as fast as possible because I I know the only reason I say that CU I know the answer would be Tik Tok because that is the best way to make 10,000
like 100% the Tik Tok creativity program what you teach actually probably is what I would do to make $10,000 as fast as possible so quick plug there but if you had to challenge yourself and this whole vertical was erased from possibility 10K well or a million if you want to go for it but there's like a thought process that comes into mind right so it's like the reason that Tik Tok and all these other things are so good is because like your cost will be $0 right like you can if you create a digital product
your cost can be zero as long as you have a phone yeah yeah so damn to meet 10K all these other all these other things yo I'll probably just be shitcoin Gambling Man I'm not going to lie man really bro I'm not going to lie like yeah probably 100 bucks I just be yeah just [ __ ] it bro just go on salana look at the highest volume activity and just start [ __ ] it $10 here $10 just hope I a th000 somewhere horrible advice but I don't know what about Tik Tok man man
I'm useless now I actually don't know anything after that bro I don't know what I would do but think about it like all my businesses will just come off the back of short form content because I've mastered marketing that's it skill yeah so I've had the I've had the help of a developer to meet C I've had the develop of uh I've had the help of um of like my sales manager to construct my offer and stuff like that for my info um like that's but really bro my skills lie in like short form content
you take you take away social media from me bro [ __ ] it man I'm spinning that roulette wheel bro I don't know what the [ __ ] I'm doing you're going straight back to the bottom I'm putting it all on black that's funny that's but I do I guess that is a good point like your key in business to massive success my my Edge is social media and to be to be self-aware of that and just go all in on that one thing and then delegate the rest and don't try to be everything it's
actually a great lesson right there yeah my funnel Builder my sales manager they tell me like the reason we love working on your office so much is because you just leave me the [ __ ] alone cuz last thing they want is some guy who hasn't got the sales experience they do telling the sales manager how to close have you tried doing this it's like dude so annoying y okay I'm not going that's a great way to end it where can they find you on social media brother .02 on Instagram um it's probably the best
place right now yeah check out all his products we show stuff on screen but dude thank you so much for putting all this out there for free bro you're the man appreciate you for having me
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