I've been teaching for a few years now one of the common mistake I see most of the time with my student that I've been training for a few years is they still struggling with the blocking in this video I'm going to go over the mechanic without wasting any more time let's jump into it the first one is how to use your blocking after a third shot drop okay imagine they serve the blet you you return that's mean you have to get to the net first when you get to the it you have to be ready
first if they going to drive the ball at you and second if they going to drop it so now the first one we're going to go over is the one when they drop the ball at you I'm going to explain you exactly how to do it the mechanic and everything let me show you introducing the red by robust pickle ball the red paddle brings you cutting edge gen 3 technology foam injected SPS core and a t700 carbon fiber face all at an unbeatable price this high performance paddle offers top tier Power Precision Spin and incredible
touch for just $145 go to robust pickleball.com use code Pirates to get 10% off your purchase play [Music] robust okay as you can see this is the first one as soon as you return the ball you have to use your momentum to get to the net okay when you get to the net you should be able first to with the ball okay so you have to make sure the ball is high enough because most of the time you have to take it out of the air okay now some of the ball they go high but
very short when you try to take it out of there you're not going to get it most of the time you're going to hit the edge of your paddle and you're going to hit the net or you're going to pop it up okay the second one even before you strike the ball you have to be prepare you have in your mind to know what you're going to do with the ball if you're going to counter the ball or you're going to drop it now when you have that clear now you can decide we're going to
go over the technique now very important the first thing I do okay my grip is loose okay my grip is three four because I cannot have any tension in my hand or in my body because the ball is coming and I want to block the ball drop up it very short so if I have any tension hold my paddle tight the ball going to pop up okay I don't want that this is why I need to be relaxed losing up my grip and head the ball next it's very important to let the ball drop now
if I try to take the ball in the air very high like let's say over the net is going to be very difficult for me to control that ball in that corner okay now if I let the ball drop and I get my paddle under the ball I don't have to do nothing with the right right angle I can guide the ball whether I want to drop it in the middle I want to drop it in front of me or I want to go down the line okay I go under the ball okay as you
can see my paddle with a slight angle to my right okay now when the ball hit my paddle I'm not going to push it I'm not going to do nothing the pace of the ball do the job for me now since I don't want the ball to go deep I want the ball to get to to drop very slow and short this is why I'm just going to be there waiting for the ball let the ball hit my paddle and drop over there now the next situation is when they drive their third so most of
the time when they drive the third at me what I do I block hard what I'm try to do that's happened a lot when people drive the ball and they start running forward this is where I block hard so if I can aim for your feet that would be perfect you drive the ball very hard at me all I have to do okay and block it fast but down because I'm trying to neutralize my opponent if I block that ball very slow and high it's just going to come and whip it at me I don't
want that this is why I'm trying to hit the ball very low and deep make it very hard for him to drive it again even if he try to drive drive it again that ball is going to be below his knee most of the time you can just let it go he's going to go out now how do you do that but this time you're not going to let the ball hit your paddle you need to actually hit the ball now the angle is very important and the way you hold your paddle it's very important
too this is why we're going to start with the first one as you remember the first block the block drop I losing up my grip by losing up my grip I lost the ball to drop in the kitchen but this time I don't want the ball to drop in the kitchen I want the ball to go even faster than the way they drive the ball at me but for that I'm not going to have a lose grip again okay my grip is going to be like when I'm driving the ball 8 or 9 okay and
timing is very important so the first thing I'm going to do to fix my timing I'm going to be watching the ball I'm going to watch the ball okay and obviously not running because when you're running and head the ball at the same time that increase your inconsistency okay you have to make sure when you're going to make contact with the ball you have to stop that way you can control it now the mechanic is since I come from Tes I use a little bit of my wrist but not the way you think when I
hit the ball okay I don't hit it with my wrist okay I don't move my wrist I just get my wrist and in a position to give me the right angle for the ball to go down which mean I use my body instead of my wrist when I'm making contact with the ball now what I mean by that so this is my initial position I'm ready as soon as I stop like this this is the way I am so when the ball is coming I want you to watch my hand now okay all I'm going
to do you see this is the way I'm going to move my wrist very important as soon as I break my wrist like this okay I'm not going to move it anymore I'm not going to do this okay very important remember the ball is coming fast at me and I'm going to hit it with my wrist I might not be able to control it this is why I H the ball with my body my whole body now as soon as I get the right angle okay all I do is go forward so as you can
see most of the time I use my shoulder okay and a little bit of my elbow to push the ball forward I don't do this okay this is what most of the people they do they just use their wrist and they lost control of the ball again okay I break my wrist get to the right angle and when the ball is coming I take like a small swim back okay and I go I follow through forward some people they just move and try to hit the ball you stay where you are okay you break your
wrist and you just follow through forward with it before you hit the ball remember you have to stop be in your ready position before you make contact with the ball okay next the first one if you want to drop it short anywhere you want in the CT you have to loen up your grip three four pressure grip okay so don't hit it don't push it let the ball hit your paddle okay and just guide it the next one when you playing especially bangers they drve the ball hard at you remember as soon as you get
to your initial position paddle up you get the right angle with your wrist okay you don't move your wrist like this anymore you keep your wrist locked and you use your shoulder and you push forward so if you put this in practice you're going to see how easy it's going to be for you like to block the ball and especially when you're playing against Banger you just going to destroy them okay I really hope you like the video and if you do don't forget to give us a like subscribe and I'll see you next time