THE most valuable funnel training you'll ever watch (20,000 hours experience)

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Ravi Abuvala
💰 How We Can Book You 5-10 Qualified Sales Calls/Day Using A Self-Sustaining Funnel:
Video Transcript:
I've created over 2,000 funnels across 48 different Industries and today I will show you the exact funnel you need to go from0 to over $10 million a year I'm going to start with a basic funnel and then slowly add on to it until I show you the entire snapshot of the sales funnel that has generated us over $25 million in sales now the really nice thing about this funnel is that it starts out very simple and very basic just like you're building the foundation of let's say a skyscraper and then slowly over time as you
reach higher and higher Revenue levels you're going to need to add additional traffic sources additional sales Pages etc etc so we're going to start with the foundation here and this is something that we call the terminal point so let's say you're at zero or anywhere between zero and roughly $110,000 a month the first page you're always going to want to create is going to be a calendar page now I know if you're watching this and a lot of my audience is already way past this just stick with me until the end because you'll be surprised
at how much of this stuff you guys are missing so a calendar page is very simple you can use any software out there but essentially this is going to be what you're sending out to people when you're having that first initial conversation and you're trying to say hey let's work together I think we want to work together etc etc so it's going to have your available times um it's going to have a little calendar embedded widget right here with different dates etc etc now this is called the terminal point because no matter how big how
large how complex our funnel gets we are always going to send all traffic eventually to this page here this is essentially the last step someone takes before they get on a call with our team so whether they're coming from an Instagram DM they're coming from Facebook ads a low ticket funnel your YouTube videos all this stuff I'm going to talk about a little bit later it's all essentially going to end up on this calendar page here so we want to make sure we build it very simple you just want a simple headline up top that
talks about the the desired the the transformation that you're going to give them for us it's we'll build you and custom done for you Marketing System in the next 7 Days that's booking you 5 plus sales calls a day so I'll put that at the top of that so that they know when they're booking the call that's what they're expecting on that call then what we're going to do and this is a part that I see a lot of people miss out on even the most advanced people out there is that we're going to have
what's commonly known as a thank you page right and this is uh also a very simple page but very important to the sales process because there's something known as framing on a sales call and it's essentially that the prospects coming in and they already understand a little bit about what you offer and that they're coming in to potentially buy your product and service the problem with just having a calendar page and not having a thank you page is that you could send the link out to somebody they book a call even if they read the
headline and they might still not really know what you do what you offer you know how you're different from your competitors etc etc so then when you get on the sales call with these people you're having to explain so much stuff in a 30 minute or 60-minute sales call so it's way better if you can get them to understand this before they get on the sales call so when they get on the sales sales call they're more serious rather than curious right um and so on here typically you're going to say something like you know
your call is booked and then you're going to have one video right here now a lot of people put hundreds of videos on their thank you page I can tell you beyond a shadow of a doubt I have software on here it's actually called hot jar on our thank you page we've had uh probably at this point over 100,000 people visit this page and the average time when you have like dozens of different videos on there uh that we saw of someone staying on that page was than 3 seconds when we removed all of it
and just put one uh video on there the average time was 7 minutes okay so what happens is people land on this thank you page after they book the call and they immediately just scroll the page or see what's on the page and if there's so much information that they have to choose what to watch or what to do they just hop off the page immediately right they get overwhelmed it's the same reason why a lot of people have like before the sales call they have these emails and text and don't forget this and say
this and do this and watch this and they get overwhelmed and they have really high no-show rates okay so you want to keep it very simple so they just booked a call to speak with you and then you say great all you have to do is watch this one video before we get on the call right and that one video we call it the overview video but it's essentially going to be walking through like hey you just booked a call to speak with us and um and we're super excited to talk but before you get
on the call you need to know how our system works and what makes us different and then you kind of go through it's almost like a mini video sales letter which I'll talk about in the future but it's very simple okay don't worry too much about having a high production and insanely good you're just trying to get them to watch something for 10 to 15 minutes and that 10 to 15 minutes can have huge impacts on your sales cycle length how much people trust you when they get on the sales call how much they know
already how much cash you're going to pay up front etc etc right so very simple video on the thank you page now let me uh actually make this move this around a little I'm going to make this a little bit smaller hopefully you guys can still see this uh after someone visits the thank you page then obviously they're going to have the sales call and then obviously they are going to close now I'm going to go uh more in depth going left here on the funnel about how we drive more people to the calar etc
etc uh I can make another video on like what happens after people book a sales call why I don't believe in two call closes etc etc you guys just let me know down below if you want me to do that but that's the simple sales process so this right here calendar uh with a headline and a little booking widget a thank you video uh a thank you page with a thank you video on it that's it 10 to 15 minutes explain your video then getting on the call and closing them that can easily take you
to $100,000 a year okay so if you're watching this video and you have way like you got multiple different pages and funnels and things I'm telling you right now it's probably too complex okay because very likely if you're selling some kind of high ticket product or service let's say it's $3,000 um a month or $3,000 for the total ticket price you just need three of those roughly in order a month in order to make $10,000 a month so most people like to complicate things and confuse things but you just want to keep it this simple
the other reason why I like this Simplicity here is because very early on what happens is you think you know your market and you think you know you should be selling but in reality it's absolutely not what you should be selling so a lot of people end up building all these funnel pages over here and ads and all this stuff and they're trying to drive and to book a call but the problem is you haven't even gotten enough sales calls yet to even know what you're selling if is that what people want is that the
real is that their like painful uh is that the problem that they actually have is that what they really desire how are they wording it all of these things and so you're just guessing or you're copying somebody else so my huge huge recommendation is you start with this and you're doing this from 0 to $10,000 and you're just doing anything you can to drive people to this calendar so this could be uh you're sending direct messages DMS to this calendar uh you could be posting on your Facebook and Instagram page saying hey go to this
link here you could be sending cold emails uh you could be even running ads all of this stuff is going your YouTube videos all of these things are going to be directly going to this calendar page here very simple very easy to do um like I said before I won't go too in depth on it but there's definitely should be uh some kind of email and text sequence here um that you send to people before they actually show up to the call now once again for us uh the majority of the time this email and
Tech sequence is just driving back and trying to get them to watch that thank you page video also what we do is we also try to uh start a conversation with the salesp person that're getting on a call with we've noticed that if we can get them to respond back first of all the show up rate skyrockets uh we actually did the the analysis and if somebody responds back to the first message we send them after they book a call it is is a 98% show up rate out of tens of thousands of sales calls
okay so we always try to get them just to respond back and we also notice that those that respond back also are more likely to close and pay higher cash up front so we're sending them open-ended questions we're having a conversation we're reviewing their application etc etc um and so these are all the things that we're doing in order to increase show up rate and increase close rate but we're keeping it as simple as humanly possible so I'm not asking them 50 questions I'm not sending them 20 different videos it's all essentially the same video
that we're sending them to and asking one question in the email sequence okay so that is uh that that's the basic funnel now I will talk about here I can do a whole different video about it on the calendar over time what's going to happen is like in the very beginning you want to have as little friction as possible meaning you want to make it as easily as humanly possible for someone to book a call to speak with you because you don't even know what your qualifier should be and what your qualifier shouldn't be but
if you're doing this correctly and you're actually spending the majority of your time trying to send as many people to that terminal point that calendar page as possible you're eventually going to start getting on calls where you're like wow I just wasted 60 minutes of my time this person's not qualified they're they're uh there's no way they're going to work with me they're not even my dream client and you'll start to as you start closing deals you'll start to realize who your dream client is and so what we want to do is start adding in
calendar questions so there's always the typical ones which is name email phone number right these are the really basic ones and then over time as you get a better understanding you're going to add in um some additional Choice uh questions here now the things that I love to do is adding in multiple choices so multiple choice number one multiple choice number two what a lot of people I see do is they make people create a full essay before they get on the sales call with them so they're like oh I only want and if you
let your sales team run this part then you will you will be Wonder there it's going to be this dichotomy where they're like I want more sales calls I want more sales calls but they only want the people to book the sales call to be uh 10 out of 10 on their ready to buy scale right so you need to understand that there's nothing wrong with what they're saying but that's what they're incentivized to do right to try to get as many calls as possible and try to have all those calls close and so you
as a marketing person or you as a CEO needs to understand that okay there's like it's it's not a black and white thing it's more of a sliding scale so we want to figure out okay what is the amount of friction that we can get enough information to know if this person's qualified and worth our time but not so much information that our conversion rate of people that are landing on this calendar page here is so low so for me that typically is two multiple choice questions where we're asking stuff like you know how much
monthly Revenue are you doing or um you know what's your age or do you have Inc this much money to invest in into the your health or something along those lines just very simple straight to the point questions I'm not a lot of people also try to hide the the intent so they're like trying to see if they can afford the services or they're trying to see you know they're asking the question making it confusing um for example for us we only work with coaches Consultants agencies and service providers so the first question after naming
a phone number is are you a coach consultant agency or or service provider yes or no and it says if no leave the page immediately so I'm just not wasting anyone's time that way okay so make sure you're um you're adding in these mult these multiple choice questions as you start to scale and drive more traffic so that you can uh better protect your time or your salesperson's time every once in a while you can add a short answer question now I'm not the biggest fan of short answer questions because anytime you have to have
somebody think too hard it is really good to get really qualified people who give longer form answers but the problem with that is that um they they have to think and when people have to think they want to hop off right A lot of people are booking this call while they're driving while they're on the toilet while they're walking their dog and so it's like oh now I got to type this whole thing out instead what we've noticed Works a little bit better is we let them book and then in between the booking and the
sales call then we try to do the additional qualification through these kind of communications that we're sending out to them just to make sure that they we're not we're not wasting anyone's time both our time and their time okay so like I said this will get you to0 to about $10,000 uh a month now and I'm going to talk about traffic at the very end I promise you I'm going to talk about traffic don't worry about it this is more about sales funnels okay so let's talk about let's say you're at $10,000 a month now
you're you're sending this link out to everybody you're running ads to it whatever else it is and you're starting to notice that like 50% of the people that come on the call even though you have this thank you page video right here they's still like a little bit like yeah I I kind of understand what you do but like you know I don't fully understand it and they're more Curious than serious and they don't have a lot of intent and uh they're not that qualified right so what's the next page that you need to create
well the next page that you need to create is going to be the infamous video sales letter once again people will tell you that video sales letters are dead whatever else it is but there there's it's just fundamental sales and marketing psychology there's just no way that this will ever be quote unquote dead same people that say email's dead and it still generates us millions of dollars a year right so the thing you understand is that most of these Pages most of the things I'm telling you here they are just basic human psychology that have
trans ated into sales Pages or funnel pages okay so there's just anybody that's telling you that sales funnels or or whatever else it is it's impossible because human psychology is not t so just as a as a quick little caveat to that now the like I said the next page is going to be the video sales letters let me write that out here video sales letter I'm sorry that my handwriting is not the best okay so video sales letter now I do have a separate YouTube video uh I think it's called I built uh like
2200 sales or landing pages something like that uh that I go insane depth on a video sales letter what's included inside of it I break down our video sales letter all of that stuff so I would recommend watching that video uh after you're done watching this video so I'm not going to go too in uh in depth on it here but the video sales letter page is going to be saying stuff similar to the calendar page but you're going to be doing a little bit more selling right so at this point $10,000 a month you
can start to be a little bit more choosy with who you're getting on the calendar with and if anything let's say you haven't hired a salesperson yet which you shouldn't be at $110,000 a month you need to be more more choosy and you need to add a little bit more friction uh with who you get on the calendar with because you only have let's say 8 hours a day to take sales calls and that's that's pretty generous because if you think about it um you probably need to also do fulfillment and you need to have
a life and you need to do other stuff so let's say it's 6 hours a day to take sales calls if you're doing it by yourself and let's say you have like an 80% show up rate so now you're down to maybe five or four people that show up to the sales call and if you're dealing with this basic funnel just the calendar to the thank you page then you have all these maybe unqualified people that are getting the call that don't really know a whole lot about you yet and so really out of let's
say four people that get on the call one of them really is like eager and in has a lot of intent and that's why you see a really low close rate in the very beginning when you're doing this and that's okay that is okay because you don't know enough information to to take down the next stage but after you reach $10,000 a month you should be looking at creating something like a video sales letter and the video sales letter can be a few different things um the most basic version is going to be a headline
at the top uh we actually like to break it down between a preh headline a headline and a sub headline so the preh headline is always something calling out the audience so for us it's like um attention coaches consultant agencies and online service providers right so then it's like as soon as they land on that page that's the first thing they see if if they're not that person they hop off the page the next thing they're going to see is the headline this is a big transformational promise so uh learn how we will build you
a done for you end to end custom Marketing System the next 7 Days that's booking you five plus sales calls a day right so that's our big promise and then the sub headline beneath that is kind of like immediately what are they what are they thinking as soon as I make that claim oh I probably got to spend all this money on ads I probably got to shoot all this content and so then that sub headline below it is doing the without so but without these things here that you're afraid of that you don't want
right and so you're saying it's essentially like even if they just read that little script right there it's it's actually really similar to what should be on your calendar page it's really pre-f framing them correctly to to go on a book a call to speak with you so attention this person here we can do this thing for you here without this thing that you don't like that's the headline up top and then you have the video as part of the video sales letter and that is the kind of a longer version of how you're expanding
upon that pre-head line headline in sub headline I'll do a separate video uh if you guys want me to as well to break down our entire uh video sales letter formula I've written over a thousand video sales letters at this point that's what we do for our clients we write their video sales letter for them uh and made it tens of millions of dollars in sales for our own company so I have a good idea of what works and what doesn't work I've also studied some of the the best ones out there uh but this
is typically going to be anywhere between a 5 and let's say a 20 to 30 minute video and you're just doing a little bit more uh pre-selling you're doing a little bit more intent building you're doing a little bit more pain building because what you really want to do and I I guess I'll just take a an aside here if you guys will let me really quick is you really want to uh create this gap for people right and this Gap is essentially going to be where they're currently at pain to where they want to
be desire and you want your product or service to be shown as a solution that is literally the most basic version of what a great video sales that do it will identify and really agitate this pain it'll show them what can be the desire and then it shows you that your service or solution is the only way they can get there right your unique mechanism the way that you would do it so for a great example here let's say that I could run a video sales letter for uh men looking to get in shape I
could like start the video sales letter by being like are you tired of not being able to see your toes are you tired of uh you know people staring at you as you go out are you tired of being single and lonely and depressed right so I know it's like aggressive but that's what it you're really trying to agitate that pain also what you want to do is you want to turn away people that are uh that are not experiencing that pain because if they're not experiencing that pain then they're not going to be uh
if someone's not experiencing enough pain they're not going to be able to close in the sales call they have to feel the pain to closing the sales call when you get on that call and you say yeah it's $3,000 it's $5,000 it's $10,000 and they go oh oh like yeah let me think about it let me think about it there's not enough pain there is not enough pain I'll give you a great example um I moved in here to my new house uh actually our dream house here in Miami Beach uh just uh last week
and it's a very long story but essentially I had to do two days of moving um and the the second day so I had to pay these movers twice and they gave me when I was uh when I moved it the first day they're like hey we have to come back tomorrow and then when he came back the second day he was like look there's two things we can do here we can just drop everything off right here or um or I can unload unpack and everything for you here's the different prices now I knew
that like okay I could technically unpack everything myself and so that's why he gave me that option there but I already was like standing in the room looking at all these boxes everywhere and I was like yeah there's no way I'm going to do this um this uh this cheap way of alternative of just unpacking myself and so I said you know what I'll just pay you this extra amount of money which is significantly higher than the original amount uh because I was in such pain I was already exhausted from the first day of moving
I was leaving the next day to go to Colombia uh and we had just moved this house and what do I want to do I just want to relax right so I was in this agitated pain State and the movers were able to kind of somewhat take advantage of it I'm not saying they did anything wrong but I'm saying that they were like look you already aren't happy right here what if I just took care of this whole thing for you and um and so I was like yeah let me pay you and and I
paid that amount so the video sales letter you're essentially doing one of two things you're either identifying the pain that somebody already has or you're creating the pain and I'm not if you think this stuff is unethical whatever else it is then hop off this video but this is just what marketing is so you almost have to create problems in that person's life for them to be able like they might not even know like oh yeah I guess I guess I am really kind of lonely or single or I guess I really haven't had a
girlfriend in a lot of years so and so so you're creating that pain um that they didn't even think they had in the first place so that's the pain and then after that you say you're transitioning to the desire and then you're saying yeah okay so you can't see your toes blah blah blah but what if you could uh but what if you could uh lose the uh I don't know 20 lbs the next 60 days what if you could walk into a bar and people were staring at you because of how good you looked
what if you had girls that were hitting you up on a daily basis in the DMS because they couldn't wait to be with you uh what if you could be like an alpha male and and other guys would be like hitting you in the DMS as well being like Hey how do what's your workout routine right all these things which by the way you identified from this process here it would be impossible to write this video sales letter uh if you didn't already have the pain points and desires that people were telling you on the
sales call and when you had this original 0 to 10K uh like growth spert uh when you did 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 calls you're using that to paint that desirable picture and then you and uh and then you kind of position your solution your unique mechanism as a way to get there well uh you know you've probably tried all these different things in the past well this is different this is uh you know the P90X and and this is how it's going to work for you and that's essentially what a video sales
seter is so um I know that was a little bit of an aside but that you're you're you're painting them and you're uh positioning yourself as the solution to the pain that they have to get to the desire that they want to get or you can even create that pain and desire that they don't even know that they have yet right and so the benefit of that having this video sales under page is that you're doing this before they book the sales call so you have more time more exposure more opportunity to create pain and
urgency and really see your uh Your solution as a solution they need and so I always say a really great video sales letter is when they get on this call is when they're saying I want inser insert your solution right here you know I want um the P90X I want uh the selfing funnel I want whatever else is your unique mechanism you're saying that uh here in the video sales letter and when they're saying it on the call that's when you know you're going to have a close 10 times out of 10 you're going to
have a close Okay because there are they've consumed the content they've bought in and the sales call is a hundred times easier okay but if there's a correct order of operations you can't even begin to don't even short cut it don't even think you can begin to create a video sales letter and the sales copy and all that stuff until you have done this work here and the other important thing to note here is that um if you do don't take ry's advice and if you do go try to create a video sales letter and
you're like okay well what's the harm in that well the harm in that is that if you start driving traffic to this video sales letter well what happens is if you're not hitting the correct paying points if you don't structure the video sales letter correctly if you haven't done your research and you know what you're doing then you could actually create a huge wall in between somebody that wants to speak with you and somebody that's going to end up speaking with you so they could have all this interest and curiosity from your organic content from
your paid ads whatever else it is but then they land on that page and immediately there's a disconnect they're like oh wait this is not really what I I thought it was going to be and this is like no I don't yeah I don't want this and and so they're hopping off the page and so there's just this huge wall That's repelling people from getting over into booking call to speak with you which is why we don't even take that risk and we at the very beginning send people straight to the calendar page and then
uh once we actually validate it then we move move backwards to the video sales letter page okay so went from 0 to 10K a month at the calendar the video sales letter in full transparency can take you from Zer to a million dollars a month uh I've seen that multiple times happen before uh in more in reality what'll typically happen is it'll take you around to like let's say $300,000 a month uh is like a really good number that this will take you to uh but that still puts you in the top 4% of businesses
in the United States so you're still going to be really cranking out money here and a lot of people are like oh I've tried video sales letters they haven't worked once again it's you're just you're structuring the video sales around it is human psychology it's impossible for it not to work right so marketing and advertising always works you just have to make the unit Economics work out and I guess I might end this video by kind of walking through some of the numbers if you were to eventually run paid ads and what the kpis for
this whole thing should look like right so uh I'm going to try to keep this uh on the lower end just so I can kind of show you guys everything that's out there but that's the video sales that are pitch okay so uh this is uh like I said let's say from 10K a month to $200 to $300,000 a month you can have this really optimized now uh I will say once you start uh scaling let's say past uh $80,000 a month or $100,000 a month you can add in appointment Setters now if you don't
know what appointment Setters are uh it's essentially like outbound people that pick up the phone and they call your leads that don't book the call and they say hey I saw you didn't book a call or hey you didn't show up for the call let's get you back on the calendar and so a really great appointment setting team it can 6X the conversion of a sales funnel what a lot of people do though big mistake they make is that they rely on the appointment setting team to make a sales funnel work never do that never
never never I can't tell you how many clients come to me and actually just a client the other day he's doing about $250,000 a month but his take home is less than $40,000 a month and the reason why is because 90% of his sales come from appointment headers and so when you have that you have almost no self- bookings so nobody's going through your funnel and booking on their own which means that you're getting a lot of people that are coming on and you're having every single time you close a deal you have to have
human beings there so it's like okay we got to lead now the appointment CER has to call them then they get on the call and then the problem with human beings is they're unreliable they get sick you fire them they quit and so now your revenue is like a a roller coaster right and in addition to that now you have to add on a 5% uh Revenue which is you know let's say you're running out a 50% margin that's 10% of profit you're giving out just to the appointment center not the salesperson not your sales
team lead not anybody else literally just to the appointment center okay so that's why you don't want to be 90% relying on appointment centers 10% it really should be more like I mean let's say 50/50 or 6040 going either way okay that's a really good appointment setting team in my experience okay and if you're at like uh 8010 or 8020 the opposite way meaning 20% appointment set is 80% uh from or uh from self-booking then you might want to uh actually try to work on your appointments set as more because that's a huge opportunity for
you to get more um more uh book bookings on the calendar so that brings it up the next point which is okay well how do they get leads in the first place well you're going to want an opt-in page okay so the optin page once again we're not adding uh from 0 to 10K and we're maybe not even adding from 10 to 50 or 10 to 80k because you don't want to be hiring a full appointment setting team uh before you have the basics down for all the reasons I just said there but once you
do have an appointment setting te well now it starts to make sense to start to capture people's information you can also start to build an email list and stuff like I'll talk about here in a little bit so we'll put a headline up here it's actually going to be the exact same headline if you go through my sales funnels it's the exact same headline from the optin page the video sales page to the calendar page um that's called congruency and um and I talked about that in a bunch of my other videos so optin uh
page here now it's really funny because I see a lot of people when I look at optin Pages even my clients that come to me and they have like huge amount of information on the optin page it's almost like their optin page is a video sales thater that should never be the case it should be head preh headline headline sub headline maybe an image a gif or something like that and a button uh that has a popup to give you your name Emil phone number okay anything more than that you can split test it for
sure but I always see the more I add on the optin page the lower the conversion rate is uh to go to the video sales ER and once again what happens is you could just be repelling people away from getting the next step in your funnel that's why we're always building this from end to the to from the backwards to forwards from a Clos deal to a calendar to a video sales that are okay this this is working now let's add the optin in here because now what happens is we start to get name email
phone number right so I'll put this here name email phone right and uh and then we can start having the appointment Setters try to outbound dial them and try to set them on the calendar so I'll put appointment Setters try to outbound out them and and like I said that could be a huge lift at 20% 50% uh 60% lift on the number of bookings that you're getting by adding the opt-in page uh so that that's really beneficial also the other big thing is that you can start doing uh email sequences right so you're going
to put emails here emails here emails here emails here and even text blast which we do as well and this is going to take people from the optin page and it's going to send them right to the calendar page now you can also send them to the video sales letter but this is we're getting a little bit nuanced and more advanced but I know I have a lot of advanced people that watch me uh a lot of our emails we actually don't send them to the video sales letter page only because if you really think
about it um they already visited the video so once they opt in they're immediately redirected to the video sales letter page and so if they didn't book a call and that's why you're emailing them to try to get them to book a call then there was something on the video salesletter page that didn't resonate with them and so the nice thing about doing like a daily emails to your list or a newsletter is that you can hit on different pain points um that maybe wasn't covered in your video sales letter or was covered later on
your video sales they didn't get to it and so you can uh hit them on on a on a point where like yes okay this is what I need so it's almost like every email is a little mini video sales letter if you if you think about or a mini sales letter and and I can't tell you how much uh for us emails account for one quarter of our deals every single month uh EMA doing this thing I'm telling you right now we send five emails a week and when we send those out people book
a call they get on the call they close right and so some people have been on the email list for 3 months 6 months 9 months 12 months and so I don't want to send them to the same video sales page over and over I'm just trying to get them to book a call to speak with us cuz as soon as we get on the call we can take it from there okay so we're going to be sending them emails uh you can even do email automation uh these are all this whole thing we build
out for our clients uh you can do email automation where it's like we call it a new subscriber sequence as soon as they opt in we have a five email uh email automation that over the next 3 days that warms them up it lets them know who you are what makes you different your background story um and some of the content we send them to different platforms and channels like maybe if you're a YouTube or your Instagram or your LinkedIn so that they can like start to follow you there and that organic R nurturing gets
the more bought into you and So eventually becomes like a little bit of a spiderweb and they and they book a call to speak with you right so email is another big point of this so between email and appointment CS you could double your business without having to change anything just by adding the opt-in page but remember we're not adding adding the optin page until it's time right so let's say we're at 50 to 80k a month uh we add in the email and the appointment centers and now we're easily at $200,000 a month I
say easily I know it's not easy to get $200,000 a month but you get the idea okay so this is a this funnel can 100% get you to a million dollar a month at least $500,000 a month I'm going to keep everything everything on the low end so I can keep on I know you guys are like feing for the more complex stuff even though I'm telling you that this can get you a million dollars a month everyone else is here is like oh I've tried the video sales letter let me do this other crazy
new thing over here that I've never tried before okay so this is where we're at on on the funnel so far so let me hopefully you guys can still see this I'm going to make this even smaller as I keep on kind of jiving over here okay so the next step from here let's say we're at $200,000 a month to $300,000 a month what do we do well you have a few options at this point okay I think in my opinion the most basic uh way uh to do this is to uh start to create
um additional entry points so we've learned at this point that we have appointment setting team that's converting we have emails that are converting as well uh our video sales that are is definitely convincing people to uh to book a call and speak with us and so like we know that those things are working the problem is that everybody's seen this um this opt-in page already we've sent everybody to it everybody in their mother in my Mar in the market our warm email list every everybody else has seen it so what are other options well the
other options is you you create new entry points so a new entry point a great example of that would be a lead magnet okay so a lead magnet let me put it over here um we'll put a lead magnet right here lead magnet a lead magnet is very obvious I'm not going to go too deep into a lead magnet it's the exact same thing as an optin page except for in an optin page what they're getting access to is the video sales letter that training on the next page a case study a lead magnet is
where you are going to give them something that's uh you're going to send an email to them that's not what's on the next page so a great example of that would be um you know if you look at any of my YouTube videos I have hundreds of lead mots there and it's like hey if you want our best converting Facebook ads if you want uh the the Google Doc that I talk about in this video whatever else you could make a lead magnet of literally anything just to get somebody's name you phone number it's an
exchange of value so it's the same way it's it's the same way someone would make a purchase from you if they believe that what you have is valuable enough so here's a credit card they need to know that whatever you have is valuable enough for the lead magnet so here's my contact information people protect their contact information as much as they would protect their credit card okay so you want to make sure that whatever you're offering is um is very valuable the other quick little side note about lead magnets is that uh you will just
like the world in the mirror you will get what you put out there so if you put out this is a really great example uh we used to have a bunch of content around like how to start from zero how to start a business etc etc and in full transparency uh while we definitely can help those people that's not who we want booking in our calendar because we help people that mostly already have an established business and so for us um uh for us I don't want to be creating videos all the time I used
to create videos on like here's the best business ideas to start and how to start from zero and then I would do these lead magnets and then of course all the people that I would get from that video would be um people that are starting from zero not my ideal client so if you want a really great example of the other version of this is we have a product called showup Secrets it's how we doubled our show up rate uh for from uh 40% to 80% in 30 days and it's like a full little course
that we have for people and so I put that out there and the only people that are having show up rate issues are people that already are decently having a business like if you don't aren't making any money then you don't have show up rate issues okay so that's a great example of a good lead magnet so a lead magnet is a new optin it's a new entry point for people to come and here's a little secret sauce for you right so there's two things that happen first of all or actually there's three things that
happen hopefully this is like I told you this is going to get more and more confusing as we um as we go through this so the lead M does a few things uh the first thing it's going to do is it's going to capture people's information that maybe they wouldn't have captured from your original opted page for whatever reason so it's a really great way to get people that you wouldn't have gotten before uh second of all uh the lead magnet gets the name email phone number so you can start sending emails to them and
we already know the emails eventually send people to the calendar that gets them on the call with you the third thing that'll happen is we uh get the name phone number we give them to our appointment centers and they start the conversation and we know that eventually gets people to the calar so that's why we're building things one by one by one by one by one right uh now the other thing that I love to do and a huge mistake that I see other people make is uh when people get uh offer a lead magnet
in a funnel they say okay you want this lead magnet and then they give the information they say here's the lead magnet here you go and that is called closing the loop and you never want to close a loop in a sales funnel because when you close a loop it's done it's a fenito it's there the fat lady has sung they're going to hop off they're going to go back to whatever else they're doing you want to keep them in your funel for as long as possible you want to keep them consuming your content learning
from you so that they can eventually book a call and and buy your stuff and so what we do is in our funnels we'll have them opt in the lead magnet and then we take them to the video sales letter page we already know the video sales that are converts and it is a little bit of a of a context switch because they're like oh I want this free Facebook course oh wait what are you saying right here that I can work with you so it definitely is a little bit of a context with there's
no doubt about it and that's why we put a little bit of a headline at the top of the um at the top of the page and it says wait right uh we're about to send your resource over to you but first check out the special offer we have for people that get this leag magnet and then they go down and they look at the video sales that are and so it's a it's a it's a perfect transition because just like the preh headline it's the first thing they see before they go down to the
rest of the page and um and it gets them to watch potentially the video sales letter and we say wait we're going to send it to you so I'm not giving it to them on the thing page we're going to send it to them separately and uh and so it it keeps the loop open for them to cons continue consuming their content and I already know that people that V visit the video salesletter page eventually book a call to speak with myself or my team so I'm just sending more people to the video salesletter page
which eventually sends more people to the calendar page which is that terminal point I talked about previously which get gets people to buy our products and services okay so that's the basic breakdown of a lead magnet um and this is really really good and and if you think about it as well like every YouTube video is a lead magnet for me like even if I don't say hey here's a sleep magnet below I can um I can the the video itself is like capturing people's attention or whatever and then in the video I can say
hey if you want us to build this entire system for you uh done for you end to endend custom uh in the next 7 days go down below and book a call to speak with us right so so if you want us to build this entire system for you custom done for you end to end in the next seven days go down below and book to speak with this so this is this is kind of a lead magnet in of itself I'm saying hey here's how to build a sales funnel and so that's attracting the
right people that want to build sales funnels and then I'm saying we can do it for you better faster cheaper and then come down below and do it right so that's a just go a little bit more advanced okay so that's a new entry point so this is how you start to really increase the velocity of sales that you're getting uh and also diversify your traffic sources and like I said I'm going to I'm going to end this on traffic sources because this is all the stuff um this is a video on sales funnels not
on traffic sources but this allows you to start to collect name phone numbers from people that you wouldn't otherwise because let let let me drive this final point on lead magson I'll move forward if I was driving every single person I ever met uh to this opt-in page right here from whatever traffic Source it is well like I said told I told you previously eventually a lot of people are going to see it and they're going to not want to opt in they didn't make them opt in the first time but uh second of all
um there's going to be like hey here's this video on sales funnels and uh and then oh if you want to work with us go down below and book a call to speak with us now the issue with that the problem with that is that that's that's only going to be 2% of you or 3% of you that's watching this video so I am I'm giving all this value like however long this video ends up being 45 minutes an hour or something like that of my time and I only get 2% of you so what
if instead I captured more of that value by saying hey if you want to get our entire snapshot of our whole uh sales funnel so you can just copy and paste it in your business go down below and you can get that uh just by getting your name you phone number well now probably the opposite 98% of you are going to want to get that thing and so now I'm capturing way more leads and then I can use my emails my video sales letters and my appointments letters to eventually convert you into a qualified book
call on our calendar right or or or speaking with our sales team so because there's way more cohesiveness and congruency between the uh what what the thing that's attracting them in the first place a video on sales funnels and what I'm giving them a snapshot of the best sales funnel we've ever had there's going to be way more take rate on that than if I just said hey if you want to work with me go down below so that's the benefit of it but once again in the very beginning even at $100,000 a month just
drive them all to the opt-in page makes things way easier but you know we have an email list in the hundreds of thousands because we have uh hundreds of lead magnets out there on different YouTube videos on Instagram on different places and so every day that brings in all these leads whether I'm running paid ads or not okay so uh that's lead magnets let's say that that that doubles your business again we're at $400,000 at this point you could be well over a million a month but I'm just keeping it simple so let's say you're
at $400,000 a month you got a really robust um sales phun going on right here we're capturing people's information we have appointment sets we have emails we're running at a really high profit margin um and and after $400,000 a month like even after $200,000 a month what's eventually going to happen is and this is exactly what happened to me with one of my portfolio companies uh your the the main driver of a lot of this stuff is going to be ads okay so it's it's really hard in my opinion to get to uh $400,000 $500,000
a month without paid ads in some form or the other now it's definitely not impossible we generate hundreds of thousands dollars a month organically so um I don't know if it's exactly $500,000 a month but it's definitely a lot organically so there's no doubt that it can be done but you have to keep in mind I've had a YouTube channel for four years now I have 11 videos up there I'm probably in the top let's say just to be not an [ __ ] top 10% of creators making money from their YouTube channel with a
business so like I know what I'm doing with this um but if you just want to kind of shortcut the process then paid ads is definitely going to be one of the best ways you do it and so let's go back here and let's say ads uh what's going to be happening is you're going to be running ads mostly to that optin page so hey do you want this free training that I cover this this case study blah blah blah it has the same headline that's on the optin that's on the video sales that's on
the calendar that's on the thank you that's on the call that's on the close and we're just getting name ual phone number certain percentage of people are booking certain percentage of people are going through email certain percentage of people going through uh the appointment centers and um and we're really starting to uh we're we're have a predictable system where we're putting $1 in we're getting $3 out $4 out $5 out within 30 days okay uh that's how most people are going to scale now what happens is that as you really start hitting scale so let
me give you an example one of my port portfolio companies uh we were I think around $450 $500,000 a month uh what was happening was that we had a uh 3x cash return on investment within 30 days which is really good at that at that scale there's no doubt about it so we were putting in like over $100,000 a month in ad spend and we are getting back out like the 300 to 400,000 range in the next 30 days but the problem is that when you are putting in um that amount of AD spend what
happens is there is this little bit of a gap right so let's say uh we put the ad spend in here and we get paid here well this Gap right here uh this could be anywhere from 7 days to 30 days to 45 days to 60 days the problem is that Gap every single day you have you know $3,000 $3,000 $3,000 3333 all leaving your bank account every day whether you close deals or not so you have to trust you have to have the data the tracking the system to know okay even though this week
I spent whatever $40,000 in ads I know that within four weeks I'm going to see back $120,000 but nonetheless you just spent $40,000 and what if because you're still relying on sales people you're still relying on human beings that make mistakes people quit they're underperforming what if they underperform well you all you you need is like two or three down months and all of a sudden you're kind of all the wealth that you just created is starting to be eroded away and so what you do what I can talk about here in a second is
you kind of take some of the chips off the table you you try to liquidate your ad spin way faster so that way you're able to um to at least have some kind of buffer between what you're paying and what you're getting back and you increase uh it's called a cash cycle so one uh one uh indicator of how successful a business is is how quickly they can turn over Capital so if every month I'm spending $100,000 and making $400,000 back within 30 days that's actually really great to be honest with you um that's you
know compare that to the S&P 500 but as you get to eventually your chart in a scale like we were and you want to do 200 or $300,000 a month well now you're talking about like let's say uh 20 grand a day eventually when you get to $600,000 a month in ad spend which we've been there before and so that's you know I don't care how Diamond hands you are that's kind of scary and so you're laying all that capital and you're waiting for it to come back in 30 days well what if you could
take back and you spend 20 grand in a day but you make back 15 grand or you even just make back 10 grand well now you're starting to protect your margin so even if the sales te underperforms even if something doesn't work now you're starting to um to keep it so that okay even if all this stuff exploded at least I'm only losing 50% of this income versus 100% of this income okay and so that's where low ticket products come into play now I have a different video uh called how to uh make millions of
dollars from low ticket products where I I break down an entire low ticket funnel and in that video I said the exact same thing that I'm saying here which is that don't even think about getting into the low ticket World until you are past at least $100,000 a month I can't tell you how many people especially since with this uh school games craz or whatever they think that they're going to make uh $500,000 a month or a million dollar a month from the loga product it's I've never seen it done unless you're in this in
the SAS world or if you're one of the top three companies like mine Valley or masterclass which masterclass has never been profitable so like do you want to be a non-profitable company but there's a few companies that have done it like mind valy and maybe one or two others um but uh but the point being that um that you can use low ticket products but way when you're when you're starting to spend a lot of money so I'm not going to break down the a full video on low ticket funs cuz like I said I
have another one on it already but what would happen is essentially instead of running the ads to uh let me erase all this instead of running the ads to the video sales letter page what happens is you start to run the ad ad to low ticket funnel so we put the ads here uh we go here and we go to a long form sales page video sales letter it's actually very similar to the video sales out page buom boom boom image image image you get the idea and we then send them to a checkout page
um let me see video I'll just put yeah video sales well I'll put sales page check out page right there's an order form here pay okay so now we're starting to sell stuff for let's say anywhere from $1 to uh $97 up front okay on that sales page and now we're starting to liquidate some of this cash and so now it becomes a little bit easier to scale with some of the ads when we're doing also uh I have a video inside of my membership site scale in school where I actually break down that Port
that portfolio company I had um with over $400,000 in ad spend on a call funnel which which is this funnel here and I compared it to $400,000 in ad spend on a low ticket funnel which is this funnel here uh the low ticket funnel beat out the call funnel in literally every single metric in uh in the showup rate for the sales calls in the uh close rate for the sales calls in the cash per close and the return on investment for the cash and return on investment for the revenue and the delinquency rate all
that stuff so that just to summarize that all having spent $800,000 just for that one split test uh just to summarize that for you the low ticket if you can get people that buy stuff from you it will produce better people 10 times out of 10 than a call funnel will the only problem is that it is a unbelievable unbelievable amount of work to get a uh low ticket funnel up and running unbelievable you wouldn't even there's no way you could understand how much work is involved because people think oh I just like B the
sales page I'm making sales but the problem is you don't understand is now you're starting to get purchasers and when you get purchasers people are expecting a lot so now maybe you're offering onboarding calls maybe you're offering uh uh this access to the digital product what if they don't get access to the product what if they want refunds what if people start charging you back and all of a sudden for us we were getting thousands of purchases a month and so like that was now we had to hire more support agents and more people to
handle that stuff so a lot of people don't think too far in the in the future really on anything but definitely on low ticket funnels and so I'm here to debunk a lot of that myths now if you're at 300400 $500,000 a month be my guest I I've been there I've seen the cash s in my bank account this can definitely work uh and I'm going to go into the rest of this but you can have um otos which is called onetime offers Doos so it's like hey get this one thing here for $297 uh
and then right here you could say okay well how about this thing for $47 and you're just trying to get them to um uh to spend as much money in the funnel what's known as average order value uh when they come in so that you can liquidate as much ad spend so let's say you're selling something just to kind of drive this low ticket product home for you let's say you're selling something on the front end for 30 $7 uh but but a certain percentage of people will buy the Oto and the dto doto and
so if you sell something for $300 here and 10% of people take it that would be an extra $30 uh and then let's say you're selling something for $47 here and 10% people take it that would be an extra $5 um and so you end up you sell something on the front end for $37 but you get uh 3767 uh 8 9 10 11 12 uh $72 in uh in the total average order value and so it might cost you uh let's say uh $110 uh in order to get someone to buy something for $37
you're making back $72 of that and so you're only out whatever that Delta is there $ 40ish instead of being out a full um $110 okay and so that's how it makes it way easier to to kind of scale you're getting that cash back okay so you have this full sales funnel uh the the real big benefit of this is that when they go to the checkout page uh if they enter their information whether they buy or not um let me uh well I'll keep that up there well no let me erase that whether they
buy or not you're going to get their contact information so uh you're going to send them to uh from the checkout page you're going to get your name email phone number so what do we do they get the emails that are coming from you what do we also do they go to the appointment centers as well so that's why that email and appointment set um sequence and having that system in there is really really great to capitalize and that's why we're building on each other one by one um okay now uh the other uh thing
that happens is once they go through the full sales uh funnel uh there's a bunch of really advanced stuff like having implementation calls and onboarding calls and I'm not going to cover low ticket products in this video but eventually what is going to happen is you're going to want all roads to lead either to your video sales letter uh well let's let's actually just put um digital product I'll just put product so inside the product you're going to want the roads to eventually lead back to your video sales letterer or back to your calendar page
okay that is that is how a loga product works is uh if you get them in and they're buying it they're consuming it you don't want to just make the whatever I talked about earlier the $76 that they you made from them you want them to eventually buy your higher ticket products and services and so inside of there in the videos in the sidebar in the welcome email in the links below the videos in the PDF wherever else it is sprinkle through and hyperlinks you're sending them to the video SES or in the calendar page
because you want them to eventually book a call to speak with you and that's why just like the lead magnet you want your videos uh your low ticket product to to be like one small portion or something that like is part of what you offer a full service for right so I you know some could even argue that I could make this video uh a product for $10 I bet you if people knew it was inside of this they'd probably pay $10 for it well I guess that's a assumption I would hope they would pay
$10 for it and so I could say hey uh um I'm going to put this in low tickle products and then um uh in this video I've already made multiple calls to action book a call to speak with us and so that way eventually the right people are going to go down and book a call to speak with us same thing because there I have had free stuff that I just turned into a low ticket product because your free stuff should be so valuable that people would pay for it so if it really is then
people will pay for it and you can put it inside the low ticket product okay so same thing you're eventually driving people to either the video sales or to the calendar page which is why we created those low ticket products to begin with okay uh now I'm going to get into traffic here uh but before I do there's there's definitely additional variations you can to have here but the low ticket products uh you know I've had clients of mine that are doing 67 million a month from a loow TIA product okay so it'll take you
to the freaking Moon um but it's definitely complex and I already covered all that so like this is this is easily I just got you from0 to $70 million a year with this right here anything outside of this I think is unnecessary now there are a bunch of other different funnels inside of here and I'm just going to talk about them and cover them really quickly so there is the webinar funnel uh I am actually not opposed to the webinar funnel if anything webinar funnel is like literally the exact same thing as a video sales
letter funnel it's just a little bit longer so once again people are trying to show you oh don't do video sales letters do webinars it's all the same thing it's human psychology the webinar just like forces somebody to watch it on that video there and so you could run the math and see if you actually get higher conversion rates using that or not uh We've noticed that we don't but you uh you can see how that works the reason I don't like the webinar funnel is um it kind of like a webinar is typically two
hours long to three hours long I've done webinars I've made hundreds of thousands of dollars from like live webinars I've done um and I've done an inperson live event where I made over $1.4 million in 60 minutes so like I can build them out but it's just it's super Advanced you have to get it right and in a in a I don't think people realize like there are hundreds of slides that would go into a 2-hour webinar and so if if you're just starting out you just don't have the skill to be able to go
to straight to a webinar the other one is going to be a DM funnel right A lot of people uh DM ads or short form ads whatever else it is where you're saying hey if you want this thing DM me this word and I can get on a call speak with you I you could that also definitely work works the problem in my opinion with that is that you end up uh relying way too much on appointment Setters uh that that usually almost always breaks at like uh I can't tell you how many clients come
to us at $200,000 a month $100,000 a month with 12 appointment cters trying to manage their DMS and it's too confusing they don't have a CM etc etc so it gets a little confusing and people that book a call they they're not really pre-sold they're not really warmed up and um yeah so a DM ads definitely work we've done it before you can make a lot of money from it there's no doubt about it but it's it's not the most scalable version of um of ads in my opinion and there's a dozens of different variations
that people will tell you that are inside of here but this pretty much covers I I think the the vast majority of it now let's end this with um with some some traffic right the the main thing you guys um love other than like new shiny objects is traffic so let me um let me actually do a little bit of changing here uh let's go into traffic so at this point it doesn't really matter and the reason why we cover traffic last is because if you do everything up until here correct L like I've told
you it doesn't matter what traffic Source you get people always tell me is Facebook ads better than YouTube ads should I do organic should I do paid it doesn't matter it's all it's a fugazi it's a fuzi it doesn't you can it all works perfectly fine the problem is not the traffic the problem is the funnel the the sales the simple selling system you're using to acquire clients but at this point let's let's just break down some traffic sources okay so uh we'll start with the one we're on right now let's say YouTube okay so
YouTube organic guess what in this video I could send people to actually I do have a low ticket product scaling school I could send people to our low ticket products I could also say hey do you want to uh get access to this whole snapshot go to this lead magnet below I could also say hey do you want us to do this entire thing for you go down to the our video sales letter below that right so YouTube works perfectly fine for that the other thing would be Instagram right another great traffic Source Instagram um
I don't really know how to put Instagram as a thing here maybe I'll draw a camera so Instagram is exact same thing I could put a link in my bio that goes to the uh uh low ticket product I can put a link in my bio that goes to a lead Ma I can put a link in my bio that goes to an optin page in my in my stories I could do a combination of all three of these things it doesn't really matter and then same thing with ads whether it's on YouTube or it's
on um uh or it's on whatever other platform there is um I guess Facebook or LinkedIn everywhere else uh you can do the exact same thing you can run it to the the uh Lo to a product you can run it to a lead magnet you can run it to an optin page it doesn't matter at all uh and then there's of course all the other social I think another really great one is LinkedIn I'll put that here right I don't know maybe I'll draw a professional here I don't know why this stick figure is
professional more than other stick figures but he is just Che my word for it uh and so you have LinkedIn as well and Linkedin exact same thing optin page lead magnets uh sales page here it's all it's all the same okay so that's why it I it doesn't matter it doesn't matter now uh maybe in a future video I will cover traffic sources more in depth because like I kind of I talked about with the lead magnet what you say in in this top of funnel traffic does matter but that's why you're actually moving backwards
uh to forwards because you're saying in this um in this uh videos in the ads or in the YouTube videos you're saying what you know attracts the people that is going to watch the video sales at or book call and close Okay so in your ad you're actually doing your ad can also be a little mini video sales letter where you're creating that pain or you're identifying that pain you're painting that desire and you're bridging that Gap in between uh with your solution Okay so so uh a really great example of an ad would be
one that calls out people and their pain point so a great example would be like uh if we're going back to that uh like the men who want to get in shape it's like uh attention professional men uh over the ages of 25 um if you're tired of not being able to see your toes and um uh or or picture this you walk into a bar and everybody once again uh is staring at you not because you look good but because you're overweight you're shirts too tight you can't touch your toes and there's that beautiful
girl at the bar you want to talk to and you don't even have the uh the guts to because you know she's going to turn you down as soon as you see her right if you did an ad that said that and then you said well guess what we have this new simple system where you can do all this stuff without all these things you don't want uh click down below to learn more you can send them direct all the people that are going to see that hit that pan they're going to go to the
optin page give you the information watch the video go the P or you could say hey I have this sixpack uh abs thing that you can get for only $7 and you can go up here and you can get it there right so the it's the exact same thing the ad or the YouTube video or Instagram or LinkedIn almost always it should be really edging into pain points what a lot of people do is they try to go straight to an ad that's like buy from me buy from me I'm the best I guarantee you
results but the problem with that is that there's more of a percentage of the market that is problem aware meaning they know they have a problem then is product aware meaning they know what your your product is so if you assume everybody knows what your product is you're only going to be getting like the bottom 1% of the market but if you go to everybody that has the problem that you're solving you identify them that way then this entire thing becomes like a level of awareness where you take them from problem aware uh to solution
aware to product aware to then buying your stuff okay be sure to check out those additional videos on my channel like the video salesletter one where I break down our entire uh video sales letter page why I have different copy at different places and also the low ticket one and if you just want us to build this totally custom totally done for you like we've done it for over 2,000 businesses make sure to go down below and book a call to speak with me one of my team members see you guys in the next video
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The Man That Makes Millionaires: How To Tu...
The Diary Of A CEO
10 Steps That’ll Turn You Into A Sales Machine
10 Steps That’ll Turn You Into A Sales Mac...
Simon Squibb
13 Landing Page Tricks To Get More Leads Instantly
13 Landing Page Tricks To Get More Leads I...
Ravi Abuvala
How I would make $10k a month if I had to start over again
How I would make $10k a month if I had to ...
Ravi Abuvala
Why Your Content Isn't Making Sales
Why Your Content Isn't Making Sales
Ravi Abuvala
How I Went from $500 to Half a Billion in 5 Years
How I Went from $500 to Half a Billion in ...
Davie Fogarty
4 Years Of Marketing Lessons In 112 Minutes
4 Years Of Marketing Lessons In 112 Minutes
Ravi Abuvala
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