How To Do Etsy SEO in 2024 (Write Better Titles for BEGINNERS)

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Dylan Jahraus
Do you need to get more traffic to your listings by writing better Etsy SEO for your products? In t...
Video Transcript:
what is SEO and how can it help you make more money in today's presentation I'm going to teach you how to make more money with what you already have and it's just by positioning it differently and getting it in front of profitable customers you can have an amazing incredible product that does extremely well when you sell it in person at popups or at farmers markets but then when you try to sell it on Etsy it never sells and maybe it doesn't even get seen so what is the reason and how do you fix this if
you're product is amazing and yet you have no traffic the reason is almost always that you have an SEO problem before we get started I want to introduce myself my name is Dylan Jaris and I'm an Etsy seller of over 7 years I've made over a million dollars in profit on the platform and I still have my shop and I also sell on Amazon and Shopify so my whole background is actually corporate e-commerce and I was working for big companies like zapo and Zulily and I take those corporate e-commerce principles and I apply them to
ETS and that is why we see very consistent reliable results and now I have a company of over 25 people where we have helped over 2,000 Etsy sellers scale their businesses and we do that using these same e-commerce principles we teach you how to do this with our course and one-on-one coaching all right now that you kind of see my background where I'm coming from I want to show you how to fix your SEO so that you can make more money so what is seo seo stands for search engine optimization basically it's how you get
found without paying for ads it's both a combination of words and the structure of those words so that means the order that they're in and where they are placed so words alone are not enough the structure of those words really matters so on Etsy there are so many places to put your SEO your titles your descriptions your images your videos your policies and more there are so many places to input your SEO but today I'm going to dive into one component and and it is a big component and that is your titles what on Earth
are you supposed to title your listings now one of the biggest problems with SEO in your titles is that most people use that space to describe the item itself and not the purpose so as the maker and creator of a listing we might often think to describe the item as we know it so we're thinking about the size the shape the materials but customers don't really care if it's you know 8 mm or 9 mm they might not care if it's French velvet or velvet they might not care if it's pine wood or maple wood
they might be simply looking for a gift for their wife or maybe some dangly earrings because it is so intuitive to describe the item with your SEO and not the purpose I'm going to use a few examples to illustrate how to properly use SEO in your titles so this example is a candle and as you can see it's titled candle dessert glasses cinnamon chocolate Candle jar with chocolate chips and Topping cinnamon roll scent okay so what's the problem here number one is that no one is going to be thinking that they want to buy a
cinnamon chocolate Candle jar with chocolate chips and Topping is that what someone is actually typing in to Etsy search maybe someone is just looking for a sweet smelling candle or a dessert themed candle or a gift for a candle lover does the person actually care if there are top things on it do they care that it's a glass jar or could it be metal do they care that it includes chocolate chips those are not necessarily priorities in what they're looking for those might not be at the Forefront of their minds so instead when thinking about
the purpose and utility of this candle I might call it something like this for the title sweet scented candle for friend candle dessert themed candle cinnamon roll scented candle gift for candle lover the reason for this is because these longtail keywords are overlapping to make as many possible different longtail keywords as you can fit in one title so this means it's going to show up in the widest variety of search results so what this does is it's going to show up when someone searches for sweet scented candle scented candle for friend candle dessert themed dessert
themed candle candle cinnamon roll cinnamon roll scented candle scented candle gift gift for candle lover okay and then what I would do is duplicate this listing change out the main listing photo and repackage and reposition it with new SEO so it's found under new search results so then I would call it something like this sweet scented candle food themed candle dessert candle cinnamon scented decorative candle for new homeowner gift Okay the reason for this is because it connects as many longtail keywords as possible through overlapping and you'll see it now would show up for sweet
scented candle candle food themed food themed candle themed candle dessert dessert candle cinnamon scented cinnamon scented decorative candle and candle for new homeowner as well as new homeowner gift the reason for this is that someone won't think they're looking for chocolate chips and toppings on a candle but they might know they're looking for a dessert themed candle or a candle that smells sweet so think about the customer and their priorities not your materials the customer cares about the outcome not necessarily all the different supplies that are put together to achieve that outcome all right let's
dive into another example this is a fun one and I see this mistake all the time this painting is titled plenty coming original oil painting Apple Orchard Tree landscape apple trees Harvest impressionist painting green brown art 30 by 24 cmers so another tip is that the most valuable real estate of the SEO in your title is the very beginning that matters the most so don't put something in here that would mean something to you and not the customer so for example no one is going to search plenty coming why would anyone type that in so
instead I might title it something like this tree landscape original oil painting apple orchard painting fall themed artwork Four B impressionist art Greenery wall hanging okay so with this you are capturing these longtail keywords tree landscape landscape original oil painting painting apple orchard apple orchard painting painting fall themed fall themed artwork artwork for bathroom bathroom impressionist art impressionist art Greenery and Greenery while hanging so you're getting in front of so many more longtail keywords then I would duplicate the listing repackage and reposition with new SEO and a new listing photo and I would title it
something like this landscape impressionist oil painting for office wall decor for Woodland Nursery wall art for nature lover Decor you might think what on Earth but watch this okay you're capturing the search results for landscape impressionist oil painting oil painting for office office wall decor wall decor for Woodland nursery nursery wall art wall art for nature lover and nature lover decor with this example you're getting in front of many different potential purposes and utilities for the product so you are getting in front of people who are looking for bathroom decor for people looking for office
Decor maybe even Nursery Decor right look look at what you have and think about all the different places or people that would be using this we're also including some more unique trending longtail keywords such as Woodland Nursery Decor Greenery while hanging right those are things that you know this painting someone might not look at it and think immediately yes this is what I had in mind for a Greenery wall hanging but a lot of people are searching that and this might fit the bill so we don't want to get hung up on intricate details that
really matter to us as the Creator or the artist but we want to think about okay what matters to the person what is the person's priority they're looking for like some kind of a woodsy looking painting for the wall in some location where it would make sense it doesn't matter that there's apples in those trees it doesn't matter if there's one tree or if there's five trees in the picture so just think about the solution you're providing and what that customer is prioritizing in that solution now now we're going to go through one more example
here and this is a very very common mistake I see with SEO you can see this listing is titled A Heart pink velvet and pink gross green ribbon ring earring box okay lot of problems first of all who is typing in a heart pink velvet what does that pertain to that's the most valuable real estate and it's being taken up by something that people probably aren't searching also it's not even a heart it's a square so questions right these are just questions next you know gross grain ribbon first of all who can spell gross grain
and who knows what that is do does the person care that ribbon is used to make this let alone do they care that it's gross grain ribbon used to make this another thing with this that you want to keep in mind with the reference to the heart so if people are actually searching for a heartshaped like ring box or gift box and this showed up they're not going to click into this because it's not at all all relevant what they're searching for so if someone's searching for a circle and you have a picture of a
square and you call it a circle that means the intent was a circle and you're using very irrelevant Search terms so the first few times that someone searches for this and you have a brand new listing with completely irrelevant SEO sure it might might show up but after a period of time where there is zero clicks into the listing because it is not at all relevant to those Search terms the algor them will see that you are not relevant to those Search terms and they will stop showing you you'll see a very low click-through rate
on this because it is not at all relevant to the Search terms and you'll see that your traffic slowly goes down over time your first day of traffic might actually be the highest day so instead I would call this listing something like hot pink ring box velvet ring box for wedding ring flatlay photo prop for day of wedding pink bride gift box for bridal shower okay so with this you might be thinking what the heck that looks like you're stuffing short tail keywords together no we are not keyword stuffing we are having as many longtail
keywords as possible and we're using overlap so that you show up in a wider variety of longtail keyword search results so then now you are captured in searches for hot pink ring box ring box velvet velvet ring box for wedding wedding ring flatlay photo prop that's a longtail keyword photo prop for day of wedding wedding pink bride gift bride gift box gift box for bridal shower so you can see you're showing up in so many different longtail keywords where this item would be relevant then I would duplicate the listing repackage and reposition with new SEO
and a new photo and I would call it something like this Square velvet gift box for wedding ring box for earring velvet jewelry box heirloom wedding gift for a Bride wedding day gift for wife okay you might have caught that earring right it said earring not earrings well you don't need to have plurals in your Etsy SEO they account for that and by taking off that s it might have allowed me to put in a full extra word so no plurals um so with this you are capturing the searches for square velvet gift box gift
box for wedding wedding ring box box for earring or earrings earring velvet jewelry box jewelry box heirloom heirloom wedding gift wedding gift for bride bride Wedding Day gift and gift for wife okay so you're showing up in so many additional longtail keywords so you see here with all of these examples we are really looking at the purpose the utility of the item who is it for what is the big picture idea or solution that this solves we are not focused on the materials the dimensions the internal name that we call it right like the name
of our painting we are looking at number one the problem we are solving and the solution that we are providing to the customers and number two what they would actually search to find that thing and we do this because it helps us get in front of the right customers who are actually searching for a solution so profitable customers who are not price sensitive customers usually come to Etsy looking for a solution you know they value their time more than money and they're looking to make a decision when they find what they're looking for so it
is very important that you show up in relevant search results and before we close this out I'm going to give you one bonus tip that I have not heard anyone else talking about when it comes to SEO and that is a little tip that I have in the structure so one thing that you will notice is that many of us as Etsy sellers intuitively describe an item with the descriptors first and the product or the noun second for example we might call our listing a light pink boho dress but when prospective customers are actually searching
they often times start with the noun and then type in the descriptors or the adjectives second so they start with the noun first in the descriptor second so for example they might type in dress light pink boho right so that is something to really keep in mind another example of this is if you're selling like social media templates maybe you would think to call a listing neutral minimalist social media template while the person searching is more likely to search social media template minimalist neutral so the descriptors are after the object and as business owners as
the creators of something you know that's not intuitive to us because we are thinking of what makes that item unique first but that is not always how people are searching often times these specifics are an afterthought so just keep that in mind when you are putting together your SEO so SEO can be intimidating because without it you are severely limiting the success of your business if you have terrible SEO it doesn't matter how good your product is but it can prevent you from even being found so if you want to be successful on Etsy or
in e-commerce in general whether that be on Amazon or Shopify you have to learn SEO and that is one of the best ways to stand out in a saturated platform you know if you are comp let's say we're comparing Apples to Apples right you there's shops that are very similar to you in what they offer and their price points and their photos SEO can be the difference between winning and losing it's not going to come down to price that matters because if you're not getting found you have no chance of winning if you need help
with your SEO feel free to reach out to me myself and my team of coaches have helped over 2,000 Etsy sellers scale their businesses and our specialty is using real e-commerce principles to help you scale your shop in a way that you get consistent reliable results feel free to connect with me over on Instagram at Dyan Jaris or check out our website it's Dyan make sure to also download our free daily actions checklist where we give you steps to take every day in your Etsy shop to increase your traffic your sales and your profit
all right we hope to connect with you soon
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