DNA, Mitochondria, Detoxification, and Light Medicine with Dr. Ana Mihalcea

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Ben Pakulski - Muscle Intelligence
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thank you hey everybody welcome back to the muscle intelligence podcast I'm Eros pembrokowski thanks for being here ladies and gents today's guest is another Incredible One Dr Adam halcya joins me today she's a board-certified Internal Medicine physician she owns an Integrative Health Clinic in Oregon with a focus ultimately on anti-aging in the reverse of all disease she has an award-winning author of the book light medicine which is really my first dive into her world and her belief system she's actually become a world-renowned cancer doctor decided to stop using conventional medicine to pursue some alternative therapies
and approaches he's had incredible success I've had the pleasure of speaking with Dr Anna both on the podcast and all the podcast and she's just truly a light she's truly someone who wants to help and ultimately she's doing everything she can and she uses ultimately the patience desires as well as their goals and their current circumstance to make effective decisions integrating whatever Health modalities whenever biohacking modalities she seems to think fit and she taught we talk about things like how to incorporate light and sound healing we talk about why I have a mental detox may
be crucial as far as aging and inflammation we talk about tips on seeking specific functional medicine and naturopathic doctors we talk about the importance of prioritizing organic food clean water and natural environments you guys know this stuff's right up my alley how to take responsibility ultimately for your well-being for your spiritual well-being and how that could ultimately lead to positive change in your life so many of us are disconnected from our from our brain from our soul we end up living in our head rather than in our body today's podcast is brought to you by
our friends at natural Stacks two of my favorite products things I've actually used for it's got to be coming up on 10 years now you know for a long time when I first read the book um The Edge effect by Eric Braverman he speaks a lot about neurotransmitter dominance and if you're someone who has a hard time getting motivated or someone has a hard time calming down or someone has a hard time focusing these are the products that you're going to want to consider so natural Stacks two favorite products of mine are dopamine brain food
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in about 24 hours we are also launching our certification which is coming out in the fall for coaches alone but this one is for anyone who ultimately wants to optimize how you move you guys know I'm a huge advocate of physical capability if you're someone who wants to live long be strong and ultimately go the greatest amount of muscle in the shortest amount of time I promise you nothing short of a life changing experience that ultimately will allow you to build every muscle there's no much no more such thing as weak muscles or weak body
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can find that at muscleintelligence.com camps the dates there are September 22nd through the 24th this is again just outside of Toronto Ontario Canada at my friend's pure muscle and fitness ladies and gents enjoy the podcast with Dr Anna Maria mahalciak [Music] I think we both have a passion for you tell me I don't put words in your mouth but somewhere between health and healing is like this bridge or this this Gap that I'm trying to bridge it's like you know there's there's people out there who obviously need some time and attention to heal but for
me it's just really like implementing basic health practices and as you said in your book it's like you you've pursue the typical allopathic path so much and realize there's something missing right they really realize there's there's more than just uh the biology there's more than just the biochemistry right and that's really where I wanted to kind of kind of dive into from both sides right and I'd love to start with your story we're recording so you can just kind of go and I'd love to start with your story because it's so fascinating how you kind
of were sent down this path of wanting to cure cancer which is a very bold dream for such a young girl yeah so it's that a long time ago oh my God I just got illness pretty early in life you know and uh lost someone that I uh very much admired and then you know I had this amazing privilege my mother was a phenomenal doctor and I basically grew up in her office and you know from very early on because she didn't necessarily always have child care or anything like that I you know would go
out with her own house visit she would teach me how to you know bandage legs and things like that and and um so I was just kind of groomed in that mindset but then seeing so many people who were affected by cancer that definitely piqued my interest and my ambition to do something about that I always had this sense about my life that I was gonna do something that was gonna change medicine that was gonna really you know evolve healing and I didn't know what that would be like and so you know I went to
medical school but it had never satisfied my Hunger to to understand you know why do people get sick how does our mind affect who we are and what are we doing here because it's it's sort of you know the entire question of the spiritual journey who are we why are we here why are we suffering if if I was just born and this is my first time around you know why do I have certain propensities and so the Journey of understanding that has let me down many different Pathways and Roads and international travel and sort
of so I Endeavor to educate my mind in these different areas what basically happened was so during medical school I then started a PhD in pathology because I wanted to go into cancer research but then I also wanted to know more about healing and what had happened was I had visited my brother because in my teens and got a reading from a psychic and she knew so much about my life I was like how the heck did she know all of that and at some point you know and many different sort of opportunities to go
study and I had been in China I had studied acupuncture I'd been in South Africa and studied some healing work there and then I just met tens and children and I was contemplating of going to dharam Salah in India and uh but then I said you know what about that psychic and so I I found this lady and I asked I said you know can I come to America and study with you and so I did and that led me to other healers and a whole different you know World in which people were endeavoring to
heal themselves spiritually mentally emotionally they understood that certain traumas were affecting them so it was just a very you know broad education and as you know you know sometimes in life you just you move forward forward and here's a door and he moved through it and then you know your knowledge expands and you get to ask bigger questions so uh this is sort of you know the the early earlier background and finish my residency in Internal Medicine and then became a geriatrician and I was content with that because eventually I found Rob the School of
Enlightenment and I found an academy where I really was trained in mind mind and in disciplines of the mind and it took a long time you know and so I kind of you know I was doing my job and and my work in medicine but then all of my vacation time I spent you know at the school and a lot of people attack me these days because you know they say oh I'm part of you know Rundle School of Enlightenment it's like okay people we are in a spiritual war and Ronka has been warning about
what's been going on for 40 years you know and has prophesied you know who is slaving the Earth and and may He said 30 years ago I'll never take a government vaccine you know never take the Chip And he said you know viruses are created so that vaccines can be administered and so that completely you know you're saying this 30 years ago you're saying over 30 years ago and this was documented in in the prophecies and so so when people are telling me I'm a CIA agent because I belong to the school I'm just like
oh my God people don't go homework I don't want to assume that anyone knows anything about what Robin School of Enlightenment is or who ramta is yeah I know what it is because I read your book but prior to that I would have no idea and I think as soon as people start hearing you know these claims of prophecies and seeing the future the alarm Bells go off and they go hold on I'm in here hold on what's what's happening here so I'd love for you to to explain what that is and then why um
these why we should take that seriously the idea is basically you know we're Divine Spiritual Beings and that we uh everybody has abilities of knowing and of healing and you know this is one school that has allowed me to train in certain ways and understanding how to create reality and so this is I don't really care for people to take it seriously I explained in my book that the basis of a new model of medicine is really the integration of Science and spirit and how would we do that and in science the closest that it
takes us to a spiritual model it would be quantum physics that says you know observation on the corner field creates personal reality they they say hey the physicists say this is just you know part of of uh you know experiments and it doesn't apply to humans but there are some enlightened experiments a physicists who really say hey Consciousness is primary you know we live in a holographic universe and that that is what creates material reality so if you're talking about health and healing it would mean in a model of light medicine that incorporates this idea
of okay we Are Spiritual Beings what we think what we feel is actually creating reality well it creates reality in your own body and then what what type what kind of of signs could explain that so biophysics says you know we're a biophotonic light field and this can be either harmonious which means coherent light field or incoherent which is an inharmonious light field and literally it is the photonic light that is in charge of biochemical reactions so for example science knows that if your retina gets hit by one Photon that can set up a Cascade
of a hundred thousand chemical reactions so the idea is if you are for example depressed or anxious or resentful then that draws us an in-harmony in your body that seems pretty logical in for example molecular biology they looked at telomere length and that some telomeres are capping structures on the chromosomes and they're related to to aging so the shorter your telomeres the faster your your aging and you can also lengthen these telomeres meaning you have a age reversal process that you can use in the body if you're endeavoring to heal it and so again it's
been shown that these negative emotions actually shorten lifespan by reducing telomere length so it's just about that connection of understanding how do we get to a new medical Paradigm that doesn't look at humans as robots which is what you know now this whole transhumanist movement is trying to make us into but into something that we truly are which is you know that that the healing part is of our mind yes we need to support our body as well uh and and so how do you understand that and it is one way of understanding that you
know many people have different different viewpoints they they come from other spiritual transitions this just happened to have been mine and I tried to explain in my book how did I get to my conclusions yeah and you did a wonderful job your book is fantastic I recommend it to so many people I'd love for you to just explain for a second a little bit more about biophysics and I'll tell you I interview a lot of great people on this podcast and it's always people who are I think that the people who are at The Cutting
Edge the smartest people in medicine who are starting to realize that biophysics is the path to Healing right so you know it starts with Biology and then people are looking at biochemistry and then the people who are really at the tip of the spear are the ones who going you know what it's there's something beyond that and they're looking at biophysics which is why I was so interested to have you on to have you kind of explain in the way you did so eloquently in your book like what is biophysics what is light medicine and
how do we start ultimately implementing best practices of light medicine and biophysics so the idea of of again biophysics is saying that all things are made of this principle of light okay and that you know is that a theory or are we proven that well so if you think about subatomic particles and then if you if you even go further uh in the quantum field you have all potentials available to you right how does how does a potential manifest into material reality it is the observation and so so in biophysics it is looking at the
uh the mechanism of of biological function that is modulated by photonic light and it's not just that it's also phonon so photons are the subatomic particles of light and phonons are subatomic particles of sound and we are this harmony this can congrat of light and sound and in fact there is a researcher by the name of Dr Peter garaya who unfortunately is deceased but last year was nominated for the Nobel Prize of medicine for his linguistic Gene wave model well what did he say he said that our DNA is a light and sound hologram that
actually can be captured and heated experiments with this for example he looked at the the DNA of a one species of a frog and he captured this hologram of light and sound via laser and he transferred that hologram to another species of a frog that changed its development to the original genetic sequence that was transmitted he did this in humans and used it for healing and what he did was for example in a child who had treason me which is a Down syndrome so they were have a developing this child was developing with the abnormalities
neurological deficits and inability to uh to walk developmental delay and this child had a sibling who was healthy and so they had enough of a matter of the genetic sequence and so they they captured the light and sound DNA sequence of the quantum signature of the the sibling and played it to the child and the child started developing normal same thing happened in cystic fibrosis so the idea is that that the information of who we are is not just physical but it exists in subatomic Realms and it can be encoded in the spin state of
photonic light and so this is important in the sense of even what we're seeing now is that people always think you know in order to genetically modify something you have to splice and dice and do crispr Gene editing now we have optogenetics we have magnetobiology you can apply magnetic fields light field sound field and and uh and our DNA will modify and evolve and so I think that that this the the idea of my concepts of of light medicine where I said look if we look at us uh from a perspective where a coherent light
field and that all diseases we know in principles of Aging are related to mitochondrial dysfunction meaning the PowerHouse of the cells is decreasing and then you know there's an inflammatory process that happens and an entire Cascade of of gene expression that is related to senescence or aging well so what we can do is if we look at it from the slight perspective is we can increase the coherence and the amount of light in the system and that will actually down regulate disease producing genes and upregulate uh Health promoting genes so you can use for healing
light therapy in different frequencies like I described in my book The Blue Room with ultraviolet blue light and then other things like sound frequency we know about healing frequency 111 Hertz 432 Hertz all of these these frequencies can also be used for for healing and they have different genetic Expressions that they are addressing and so then we can use this in conjunction for example with supplements well now we look at supplements and what I said is what I looked at was that if all molecules are electron donors or they give off electricity and an electron
if it if it jumps orbitals it actually gives off photonic light you can say hey anything that gives off electricity is also a light donor and so what I looked at is at the spectral emission frequency of different molecules like curcumin like methyl and blue and saw okay if they are a very high electron donor they have tremendous capacity of healing not just from the molecular perspective because what I'm saying is that a lot of research is being dead and says hey curcumin is maybe affecting blood sugar or or it's affecting this other thing but
really then you have a thousand studies and it does all these different things but if you had an overarching Viewpoint that looks at it more it's like what is the capacity of this molecule to get give electricity or light to a biophotonic light system and if it is high for example like methyl and blue which is a direct electron donor then its healing capacity is also high and so then you increase the light you increase the electricity that increases oxygen delivery and you create health and so it's a complete system that that you can look
at every level of material reality be that on the sub Quantum be that on the atomic molecular protein structures until you get to gross gross physical matter so that's how I would I would explain it that's phenomenal so I think I think you did an incredible job of explaining that and I think the first thing that comes to mind for me is well how do we start to identify which foods which environmental influences or triggers are going to have the greatest influence on uh donating electrons do you get in the book do you have like
a reference guide or is there a way for us to test like how would we know because ultimately that sounds like I should be making decisions dietarily and love from a lifestyle perspective as far as treating things that are going to donate electrons so what is very interesting is there was research about this and they're like I'm not sure if it was in the 60s or 70s but there's a gentleman I don't recall his name right now but they looked at different foods and looked at their electron donor capacity and for example salary which we
know you know celery juice is huge you know green leafy uh vegetables like kale are very high electron donors one of the highest electron Doris is Vitamin C so in a watery solution it literally creates an electrical current and there's research from Austria for example that shows that all biomolecules in our body for example hormones are electron donors so let's say if we take the the molecule of testosterone right a lot of guys I experiencing low testosterone level because of environmental pollution high estrogen levels so in Austria this study looked at putting a progesterone molecule
in a solution of a ascorbic acid and it actually gave so much electrons to this progesterone which was a molecule from 80 year old woman that had started functioning like a 20 year old again and what I see in my office you know I I use a lot of you know the guidelines my line is pulling as you know you got to know about a couple Nobel prizes and he was a huge fan of ascorbic acid and called it the Panacea of healing how would that work well if you're an electron donor and you increase
light whatever uh you know that can heal a lot of things plus doing all of the specifics of immune modulation and helping with collagen for example so a balanced nutrition in the right dosages that is clean is very important and the way the the idea of detox comes into is also from a light perspective one of the ways that we are polluted is through Metals heavy metals like aluminum barium we're getting chemtrail sprays with that arsenic lead which deposits in the bones and its Half-Life is like 30 years so what are metals they have Optical
properties and they Scramble Light they cause incoherence in the biophotonic field and therefore accelerated aging inflammation all diseases really because they're also interfering with all of these enzymatic steps molecular steps Etc so part of it is also this detoxification whether it be through EDTA zeolide immigrophobic acid whatever you like to use ascorbic acid itself vitamin C is a chelator so it also binds to these metals and you're able to detoxify from them so these are some approaches so I like the nutritional approach to just look at very individually what nutrient is someone deficient in for
that you know I do blood work and I check the nitric oxide I check their vitamin C Level it took the oxidative stress and then addressed that specifically then I look at things like hormone do we need to optimize something there I use a lot of anti-aging peptides which I'm a huge fan of I am appalled by the FDA who has been suppressing the boom of these peptides and now had taken away the ability of a lot of Physicians for us to prescribe some of these things but if you think about that's really the future
we need to get away from Big Pharma and peptides are molecules that are specific to the body and that can give signals to basically tell the cell no okay we've nutritionally optimized you we've cleaned you up now H reverse yourself and there's things for example like epithelon that lengthens telomeres it repairs DNA it's one of the most profound antioxidants in the body it's a pineal gland peptide it regenerates hormones it can you know repair the cardiovascular system for example in studies it's been shown that it repairs the left ventricular function the diastolic pressure in it
so I've had enormous success and helping diabetics you know getting people off of blood pressure medications things like that so this is just one example but there are so many you know there's I mean I love sea link for example see link is a is a peptide that I think most of humanity needs to be on because it suppresses anxiety fear depression and aggression while enhancing neurogenesis and it also down regulates neuroinflammation so it's an awesome molecule to very quickly help people get out of their depressive Funk and move into a new part of their
brain where they can express a more excited future so I think that's really important brain optimization too not just the nasal sprays in it do you like yeah pretty much nasal spray other things I mean I love dihexa I was one of the first ones who used it in clinical practice you know a dioxide is a cream that's uh 10 million times more important than brain derived nerve growth factor so uh you know if you have somebody who's really into neurogenesis and optimizing their brain function and you want to just study new stuff and and
turn on your neurons things like that can be very useful plus they can be used for a brain fog cognitive dysfunction and Alzheimer's and things like that so I'm a geriatrician I've used those a lot very very successfully we use any mitochondrial peptides that you're excited about because it seems like there's this huge number and it's always kind of hard to discern which ones are most effective I'm super excited about mitochondrial peptides of course they have been taken you know off the market for doctors like me but you know there was a human in which
actually increases longevity and is able to affect mitochondrial function so whenever you you affect mitochondria there's been also an association with extreme longevity for example mod C was a peptide that was found in a certain culture Japanese culture who had extreme longevity but extremely healthy they were living like 110 and 20 years and they were still able to function and work didn't have cognitive decline so these kinds of peptides I mean I think that we should be using those for everyone you know why give toxic statins or you know other stuff that is that that
were that has more side effects than than benefit you know when we have so much to our disposal but again I think that that the the old system really needs to just dissolve hopefully people people's eyes are opening to to what's happening and and that the future is all about this kind of regenerative of medicine yeah and I in my opinion I don't think it ever will I think what's happening is because excuse me my opinion is we're getting this this Divergence right there's like a split of the more enlightened and the more kind of
spiritually aware and spiritually evolved one half of the population com becomes there's probably this also this other side of the population because this always seems to balance right my my experience or my opinion says you know this end of the population is becoming enlightened and spiritually evolved and this other one is going to stay in this dark you know whatever fear-driven mindset I hope it isn't the reality but that's what it seems like and so rough and I and I preach this to my audience instead of just focusing on like trying to change the world
like change yourself change the people around you support the people who are on the path and do your best to bring everyone else along but you can't get stuck and caught up in all the fear-based media being perpetuated and you know everywhere in the world because you're literally pulling your your energetic signature back back into that you know low level vibration and it's hard not to do right it's hard not to see all of the pain in the world in all of the what we'll say probably intentionally induced fear-mongering but you know you just have
to you have to be really I say if you're going to be obsessed about anything be obsessed about what goes into your body and what goes into your mind yeah yeah I think though Ben you know I'm at a place in my life I know a lot of people who just you know take your approach and they say Hey you know I'm just going to take care of my own mind and and and my own family but we are in a crisis situation I think in the world and in my mind you know we're the
ones who need to save ourselves and it and and the apathy that is occurring in much of the population is very dangerous because you know there's a very Progressive move against our freedoms you know who all of the things that you know the the that's happening the transhumanists are are Marching and uh I am concerned that there hasn't been enough involvement particularly in the spiritual Community because who better to be able to stand up and speak truth and to to have an effect than those who have a grounding in their spiritual being and who have
a different Viewpoint than what is now in mainstream you know people uh worshiping Satan and black goo and all of this stuff which is just degenerative so one of the reasons why I'm speaking of is not because you know I don't have anything better to do but because I have a a different perspective even than many allopathic Physicians even though that I was allopathically trained and I think that at this time there's a need for people to uh to come forward and to share that there are alternatives and to continue to fight for that and
stand up and say no to to this technocrat take enslavement that we're facing so I do think that our divine mind is uh goddess action you know what I think and that that if we're if we're warriors on this path of light with that isn't a um I'm just gonna you know meditate on nothing kind of thing and it's really right now and this time on planet Earth we are facing an extinction level threat to to the human species that is being actively modulated to become transhuman no longer human so anybody who has spiritual knowledge
I think it's important to also be proactive like I like you said you know if you start with yourself first because you cannot help or heal anybody if if you are not fulfilled but then you you let your light shine and you speak up I don't absolutely disagree I think the challenge that someone like myself experiences is like you know there's probably a lot of levels to what I'm what I'm trying to articulate here but it's when I I don't feel like I know the path right so like it feels like you're further along in
the understanding of the next level of like what does the path look like as far as like a way of living a way of being a way of influencing other people and there's probably a large number of people who kind of sit where I sit who are are very spiritually aware who have a spiritual practice but really don't know the the ins and outs right we don't know like the you know you studied under spiritual healers and and people who are passing on the messages and I don't do that right that's not my space so
how How would how would you suggest that someone like myself in the audience listening um engage because what I don't want to get into is a pissing match on social media with a bunch of people who have no opinions but the keyboard Warriors right I'm like I'm not going to engage in this kind of stuff so like I want to engage in high level intellectual conversations high level spiritual conversations without getting sucked into you know the the constant trolling that inevitably happens when you post something that's controversial to some people and it's only controversial because
they they're ignorant and I wouldn't I don't fault anybody I'm like you just don't know but it's still going to cause these these enormous amounts of ripples so how would you suggest we approach that so first of all you you are the path the fact that you for example having this conversation with me today and people are going to listen to this and they're going to be inspired that's your contribution to increasing the light in the world and so it's not about me doing or you doing something that isn't you you be you and you
teach whatever you know and just what we said at the beginning of of when we started it's like you know one door leads to the next because as you continue to explore and learn and have experiences your mind broadens to new Vistas in regards to the idea or the challenge of being attacked I'm being attacked all the time I mean and and it it's like you know the arrows just cut out keep going totally it I mean it's it's irrelevant as well so we are in in an event it's about why am I speaking right
the reason why I'm speaking is that right now we are in a mass casualty depopulation event Millions May die yep and so what I am endeavoring to do is have an impact on potentially those who are waking up and who uh and to contribute to some form of an ongoingness of the human species and there is nobody who's telling me what's the plan or where are we going it's like I research every day and the doors open and my knowledge base uh is is expanding and I Endeavor to share it with the world it's extremely
controversial the stuff I talk about I talk about nanotechnology and all this kind of stuff and and yet there are people who are grateful for my input and it's not about picking a fight uh you know with those who disagree but to stay in in my space of compassion and love for Humanity and say it's like look for example in in regards to detoxing from these shots we need to take other considerations uh that come for example look at metal detoxification or or nanotech detox and to be able to help people that's a place of
love you know and you can attack me all you want you cannot you know rock me of my center of of love and endeavoring to help and bring healing to people whether and and those who want it they can benefit from it those who don't want it go away that's fine so I I was a professional bodybuilder prior to what I do now if you knew that and I made obviously made my stage earning my living on stage in my underwear so as you can imagine there was a lot of there's a lot of trolls
and what I noticed was that often your greatest adversary becomes your greatest advocate if they're met with curiosity and a welcoming attitude so when someone comes to me and they're attacking me I'll never respond back I'll never I'll never be negative I'll never you know uh standing derogatory I'll just receive it and say you know what if you ever need any support let me know and I found so often that that would really just diffuse the situation and within a short amount of time many people would then come and go you know what he's not
such a bad person like I actually may want to support him I may want to work together with him and it often happened that people were just like trying to crush me would become great friends or great Advocates because they realized that okay I don't think I know everything I'm just trying to figure it out like everybody else where I always say we're all just Souls on a journey we've chosen to be here we're all here together and if I can support you on your journey consider it done and as soon as you put that
type of energy out at least in my experience so far it's been a great response yes and you know for everyone has their own uh priorities for me I'm extremely busy I'm in medical practice I'm trying to you know write my subject I you know I wrote a book while I was you know doing all these things and and now there's so much uh research to do and it's it's also depending on how much time do I have to put my mind on something what I want to put my mind on you know 10 negative
feedbacks or you know 30 000 people write my sub stack yesterday and you know so I I there's certain things that I just delete they just go straight to my junk box I don't even so I I'm sure that I don't subscriber here sub stack by the way and I sent it to so many people so anyone listening I highly suggest you get on Dr Anna's uh such that it's it's you know certainly a lot of controversial stuff but I love the fact that it's all backed and validated and uh again it just feels like
we're keeping on The Cutting Edge of what's going on super grateful for that so A few more questions you talk about tourism physics in your books I have no idea what that is if you could you could let us know what that is so torsion physics was there was an astrophysicist in Russia by the name of kosarev who he developed he looked at torsion as the density of time so any particle that spins it produces a torsion field and it turns out that a lot of phenomena that we think are abnormal or spiritual or whatnot
can be explained via torsion so unlike what Einstein said that you know the the speed of light is the limit that's not true torsion is instant and it allows information transfer throughout space and time it affects all forces in nature so the you know the strong and weak nuclear force gravity gravity even time itself so this is really where we get into a different type of a physics that's more related to The Ether as you would call call it or vacuum engineering where the the possibility really of manipulating potentials it's not even a manipulating matter
you're manipulating potentials and that that has a different set of physics so torsion physics in my mind has really explained a lot of the phenomena that I've experienced in my spiritual practice in it at the school of of the great mind you know for example you can explain things like sending and receiving or remote viewing an event that's five days into the future our mind is non-local and it in no time or in the now it is able to connect with information and download that and know all things and so this is really the the
type of physics that allows to explain these phenomenon you know we know about distance at a healing there are some healers who are on the other side of the world they focus on somebody then they get better you know they've been a lot of experiments around that as well and so um tuition physics is a way to explain that so we didn't exactly Define crew rampa is and what they do if you wouldn't mind doing that because I think that's it's super relevant to our conversation so ranta is a is a teacher who teaches at
rental School of Enlightenment is a senate master who is channeling through the Great American channel of Jay-Z Knight and a lot of people roll their eyes and all I have to say to that is this channel was studied by some of the greatest scientists and was hooked up to all kinds of machines that showed that ranta speaks while the brainwave activity is in deep Delta which basically means that the body is unconscious and the heart rate is Raising at 180 beats a minute for 12 hours on end which would put anybody in the cardiac arrest
situation the body temperature drops the Earth's magnetic field actually has changed so all of this was documented in very elaborate studies so anybody who has questions about it look at my book there's a very very significant scientific documentation regarding these findings and it allow house to understand that in in terms of ram that so he said to JD Knight the channel you know I came here to help you over the ditch and he's been teaching people their Divine beings he says that whatever he teaches is not the truth but that he's going to give us
information and give us disciplines of mind to experience that what he's saying is the truth and so it has worked for me this is why I wrote about it he specifically talked about light medicine and that that all things descend from light and that we are conglomerate of a diversified neighborhood of light whose Harmony is you and so from that basis of a teaching that I got to spend a few hours with ramta I developed my my ideas about and research about light medicine and this is how I describe it in the book would you
be open to sharing some of your current spiritual practices and like how you continue to evolve and connect I I use ramtas you know discipline so I create my day there's many different disciplines that people can learn at uh what's called a class 101 and and so you know in the book I talk about that he had many different initiations he taught us things like blindfolded archery hitting a target with uh you know a focus in mind from 156 feet away you know finding a card that is turned uh on on the other side with
my dream on that I'm in a field with a thousand people and I find my card because I'm focused on it I talked about how my life really changed through the discipline of the tank which is uh also discipline at the school which is blindfolded going through a labyrinth and moving to the center of that area so these are very applicable disciplines that Rama only rampa has taught and it's very important that there's a lot of knowledge out there you know of people who took the knowledge of rampa like Joe dispenza who was a teacher
at around the School of Enlightenment took everything and claimed that it was his mind so I'm not like this this is why I came out straight away it's like look I was trying to run to School of Enlightenment you know this is part of my spiritual practice this is why I understand so much about many things I've had near-death experiences I I was trained in a lot of different things including healing my own body and that was that's what gave me a different perspective I'm not advocating for around the school Enlightenment and rent that didn't
make me a doctor you know so it's it's just one part of who I am and I believe that that not being a deceiver but being exactly who you are and being transparent about everything that allows you to stand in the place of power it's like I got nothing to hide you can shoot at me all you want you know I I think that from that place I love who I am I love what I've learned and and this is how I'm able to to be off of service to the human species in the way
that I I feel I can be I love that that's wonderful so as far as like coming bring this bringing the conversation to a closing kind of coming full circle the the interplay between healing and health so if you were to give I think you kind of went through you know a bit of an order of priorities but if you were to give the audience some simple action items to start moving in the direction of Health healing their body from you know the level of biology the level of biochemistry level biophysics any specific things you
would advise us to take action on that are almost non-negotiable absolutely so first of all you know eat organic you know drink clean water be aware that bottled water is also contaminated our food supply is contaminated you know so uh be in a place that is uh that is conducive to your own healing out in nature you know get out of the Cities you know out of this whole Wi-Fi thing get away from your devices your devices are weapons you know 5G is a weapon and you can be programmed through your cell phone so obviously
we need to use certain things but to be aware of that and to to have as much connection with other people not just via electronics and Technology but having them loving them be social again then have a spiritual practice whatever that is for you personally your own business it's your own path but make sure that that you have something that grounds you that you're able to distress and then you know our food at this point is not nutritionally as valuable as it used to be so making sure that you're on a good nutritional Pro program
with good products that are clean that are not contaminated by metals and then you know from there if you can find functional medicine medicine doctors who are more open-minded or naturopathic doctors who don't want to push you know harmful drugs or vaccines on you that's a really good idea I do think that we need to come to a place of self-responsibility we cannot be victims and we cannot blame other people get away from stuff that you don't like you know if people are around you who are negative or enslaving get away from them start a
new life change we have to change and become more authentically our cells whatever that is don't try to be a copy of somebody else find out who you are and only when you are that can you be a lie to others thank you I think this podcast is becoming a great resource for people to sift through the noise because as you know when it comes to nutrition there's so much confusion when it comes to supplementation there's so much noise it's you know 90 marketing dollars and 10 useful information and helping people sift through that is
is really a big part of my mission is like how do we how do we get to the bottom of what's best for you right now based on your specific goals or your specific challenges and bring on Amazing experts like yourself is is a huge help to our audience so Dr Anna thank you so much thank you for the book um I give I gifted it to a number of people and I tell you I give yourself your substites people as well uh I believe in what you're doing I think it's wonderful and you know
what one of the things I'll say in closing is the real the thing that really drew me to you is is the fact that you do have a balance of both sides because I tend to be skeptical right I tend to be the guy who's like there's people on the spiritual side I'm like I totally believe spirituality's a big part of it but if people only focus on spirituality and they tend to neglect the physical body and you can't do that like it's not going to work so when I find people like yourself who are
Bridging the Gap between like hey you need to take care of the physical body to heal the body of this allopathic history and then now integrating the spirituality I think you are at the tip of the spear and certainly leading this chart so thank you very much for what you do thank you so much for having me all right kids that's a wrap hopefully this podcast was incredibly insightful incredibly valued if you listened all the way to the end then I would love it if you could share this podcast with at least one person you
know and love that ultimately wants to live their greatest life in a body of love maybe someone looking to heal maybe someone looking for some alternative healing methods maybe someone's looking to understand a different approach to typical allopathic care I know Dr malcy is still a not the telepathic physician she does believe in the benefits of typical medicine she just realizes that there's also things that can be integrated from outside of typical medicine so hopefully you don't enjoy the show this is not medical advice I do not necessarily Advocate the things that Dr Mahalia says
but I think it's always a really great conversation to dig into understanding what everyone's opinions are what everyone's approaches are so we can expand our knowledge expand our repertoire and ultimately be able to do everything we want ladies and gents thanks for being here leave us a review subscribe and I will see you on the next podcast have a great one thank you so much for tuning in to muscle intelligence if you enjoyed today's episode please be sure to share it with at least one person you know make sure you're subscribed so you never miss
an episode this podcast is for information purposes only statements and views on this podcast are not medical advice this podcast including the pickleski and the producers disclaimed responsibility for any possible adverse effects from the use of information contained here in opinions of guests are their own and this podcast does not endorse or accept responsibility for statements made by guests this podcast does not make any representations or warranties about Guest qualifications or credibility this podcast may contain paid endorsements or advertisements for products or Services individuals on this podcast may have a direct or indirect financial interest
and products or Services referred to here in if you think you have a medical problem consult a licensed physician
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